Java tutorial
/** * @filename */ package com.maogousoft.wuliu.controller; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import com.jfinal.core.JFinal; import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Db; import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Page; import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.Record; import com.jfinal.upload.UploadFile; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.common.BaseController; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.common.domain.MiniData; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.common.utils.CookieUtil; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.common.utils.ExcelUtil; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.common.utils.JSONUtils; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.common.utils.MD5Util; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.common.utils.TimeUtil; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.common.utils.WuliuStringUtils; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.domain.Area; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.domain.Business; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.domain.Dict; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.domain.Driver; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.domain.GoldResult; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.domain.Msg; import com.maogousoft.wuliu.domain.User; /** * @description ?? * @author shevliu * @email Jul 28, 2012 5:00:46 PM */ public class DriverController extends BaseController { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); /** * * @description * @author shevliu * @email * Mar 17, 2013 4:50:58 PM */ public void pendingAuditList() { render("pendingAuditList.ftl"); } /** * * @description ? * @author shevliu * @email * Mar 17, 2013 4:51:19 PM */ public void validList() { render("validList.ftl"); } /** * * @description ? * @author shevliu * @email * Mar 17, 2013 6:14:41 PM */ public void invalidList() { render("invalidList.ftl"); } /** * * @description ? * @author shevliu * @email * Mar 17, 2013 5:01:12 PM */ public void queryPendingAuditList() { query(Driver.STATUS_PENDING_AUDIT); } /** * * @description ? * @author shevliu * @email * Mar 17, 2013 5:01:12 PM */ public void queryInvalidList() { query(Driver.STATUS_INVALID); } /** * * @description ?? * @author shevliu * @email * Mar 17, 2013 5:01:12 PM */ public void queryValidList() { try { query(Driver.STATUS_VALID); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * * @description * @author shevliu * @email * Mar 15, 2013 11:56:59 PM */ private void query(int status) { StringBuffer from = new StringBuffer(); from.append("from logistics_driver a left join logistics_dict b on a.car_type = where a.status = " + status); from.append(createAnd( "||a.id_card:id_card|a.plate_number:plate_number|a.car_type:car_type|a.recommender:recommender")); from.append(createOrder()); Page<Record> page = Db.paginate(getPageIndex(), getPageSize(), "select a.* , as car_type_name ", from.toString()); Dict.fillDictToRecords(page.getList()); for (Record r : page.getList()) { String mainRoute = ""; mainRoute += r.getStr("start_province_str") == null ? "" : r.getStr("start_province_str"); mainRoute += r.getStr("start_city_str") == null ? "" : r.getStr("start_city_str"); mainRoute += "--"; mainRoute += r.getStr("end_province_str") == null ? "" : r.getStr("end_province_str"); mainRoute += r.getStr("end_city_str") == null ? "" : r.getStr("end_city_str"); r.set("main_route", mainRoute); } renderText(JSONUtils.toPagedGridJSONStringUsingRecord(page)); } /** * * @description ???? * @author shevliu * @email * 20131013 ?12:15:33 */ public void queryByRecommenderPage() { render("driver_recommender.ftl"); } /** * * @description ???? * @author shevliu * @email * 20131013 ?12:14:51 */ public void queryByRecommender() { StringBuffer from = new StringBuffer(); from.append("from logistics_driver a left join logistics_dict b on a.car_type = where a.status = " + Driver.STATUS_VALID + " and a.recommender='" + getUserPhone() + "' order by desc"); Page<Record> page = Db.paginate(getPageIndex(), getPageSize(), "select a.* , as car_type_name ", from.toString()); Dict.fillDictToRecords(page.getList()); for (Record r : page.getList()) { String mainRoute = ""; mainRoute += r.getStr("start_province_str") == null ? "" : r.getStr("start_province_str"); mainRoute += r.getStr("start_city_str") == null ? "" : r.getStr("start_city_str"); mainRoute += "--"; mainRoute += r.getStr("end_province_str") == null ? "" : r.getStr("end_province_str"); mainRoute += r.getStr("end_city_str") == null ? "" : r.getStr("end_city_str"); r.set("main_route", mainRoute); } renderText(JSONUtils.toPagedGridJSONStringUsingRecord(page)); } /** * * @description ? * @author shevliu * @email * Mar 17, 2013 5:08:24 PM * @param status */ private void changeStatus(int status) { int id = getParaToInt(); Db.update("update logistics_driver set status = ? where id = ? ", status, id); } /** * * @description * @author shevliu * @email * Mar 17, 2013 5:08:32 PM */ public void delete() { changeStatus(Driver.STATUS_DELETED); } /** * * @description * @author shevliu * @email * Mar 17, 2013 5:09:28 PM */ public void pass() { int id = getParaToInt(); Driver driver = Driver.dao.findById(id); String recommender = driver.getStr("recommender"); if (StringUtils.hasText(recommender)) { //??5?? double recommenderUserAward = 5; User recommenderUser = User.dao.findFirst("select * from logistics_user where phone = ?", recommender); System.out.println("------->" + recommenderUser); if (recommenderUser != null) { GoldResult gr = recommenderUser.adjustGold(recommenderUserAward); Business.dao.addUserBusiness(recommenderUser.getInt("id"), Business.BUSINESS_TYPE_AWARD, recommenderUserAward, gr.getBeforeGold(), gr.getAfterGold()); Msg.dao.addUserMsg(Msg.TYPE_BUSINIESS, "???", "???" + driver.getStr("name") + "???" + recommenderUserAward, recommenderUser.getInt("id")); } double recommenderDriverAward = 5; Driver recommenderDriver = Driver.dao.findFirst("select * from logistics_driver where phone = ?", recommender); if (recommenderDriver != null) { GoldResult gr = recommenderDriver.adjustGold(recommenderDriverAward); Business.dao.addDriverBusiness(recommenderDriver.getInt("id"), Business.BUSINESS_TYPE_AWARD, recommenderDriverAward, gr.getBeforeGold(), gr.getAfterGold()); Msg.dao.addDriverMsg(Msg.TYPE_BUSINIESS, "???", "???" + driver.getStr("name") + "???" + recommenderDriverAward, recommenderDriver.getInt("id")); } } changeStatus(Driver.STATUS_VALID); } /** * * @description ? * @author shevliu * @email * Mar 17, 2013 5:09:36 PM */ public void reject() { changeStatus(Driver.STATUS_INVALID); } /** * */ public void add() { render("driver_add.ftl"); } public void save() { try { MiniData data = getMiniData(); Record record = data.getRecord(); String password = MD5Util.MD5(record.getStr("password")); record.set("password", password); record.set("regist_time", new Date()); record.set("score1", 5);//? record.set("score2", 5);//? record.set("score3", 5);//? record.set("score", 5);//? record.set("gold", 0);//??0 record.set("total_deal", 0);//??0 record.set("status", Driver.STATUS_VALID);//0 ,1-, record.set("modified", new Date());// String sql = "select count(1) as count_num from logistics_user where phone = ?"; String sqlDriver = "select count(1) as count_num from logistics_driver where phone = ?"; long count = User.dao.findFirst(sql, record.getStr("phone")).getLong("count_num") + Driver.dao.findFirst(sqlDriver, record.getStr("phone")).getLong("count_num"); if (count > 0) { renderJson(JSONUtils.toMsgJSONString("????", false)); return; } else {"logistics_driver", record); // Record globalUser = new Record(); globalUser.set("uid", "d" + record.getLong("id")); globalUser.set("password", password); globalUser.set("user_type", 1);//0-,1-? globalUser.set("data_id", record.getLong("id")); globalUser.set("create_time", new Date());"logistics_global_user", globalUser); renderJson(JSONUtils.toMsgJSONString("?", true)); } renderJson(JSONUtils.toMsgJSONString("??", true)); } catch (Exception re) { re.printStackTrace(); renderJson(JSONUtils.toMsgJSONString("???", false)); } } public void exportExcel() throws IOException { StringBuffer from = new StringBuffer(); from.append("from logistics_driver where status = 1 "); from.append(createOrder()); Page<Record> page = Db.paginate(getPageIndex(), 100000, "select * ", from.toString()); List<Record> list = page.getList(); Dict.fillDictToRecords(page.getList()); String headers = "?|?|??|??|?|??|||?|??||?|??|?|??|?"; String attributes = "id|phone|name|recommender|plate_number|id_card|car_type_str|car_length|car_weight|gold|regist_time|car_phone|start_province_str|start_city_str|end_province_str|end_city_str"; Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(0); List<String> headerList = WuliuStringUtils.parseVertical(headers); for (int j = 0; j < headerList.size(); j++) { String attr = headerList.get(j); Cell cell = headerRow.createCell(j); cell.setCellValue(attr); } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Record record = list.get(i); Row row = sheet.createRow(i + 1); List<String> attrList = WuliuStringUtils.parseVertical(attributes); for (int j = 0; j < attrList.size(); j++) { String attr = attrList.get(j); Cell cell = row.createCell(j); Object value = getValue(record, attr); cell.setCellValue(value + ""); } } HttpServletResponse resp = getResponse(); String filename = TimeUtil.format(new Date(), "'?'yyyyMMdd_HHmmss'.xls'"); resp.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + new String(filename.getBytes("GBK"), "ISO-8859-1")); ServletOutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream(); wb.write(out); out.close(); renderNull(); } /** * * @description ? * @author shevliu * @email * 201386 ?11:47:19 * @throws IOException */ public void exportPendingAudit() throws IOException { StringBuffer from = new StringBuffer(); from.append("from logistics_driver where status = 0 "); from.append(createOrder()); Page<Record> page = Db.paginate(getPageIndex(), 100000, "select * ", from.toString()); List<Record> list = page.getList(); Dict.fillDictToRecords(page.getList()); String headers = "?|?|??|??|?|??|||?|??||?|??|?|??|?"; String attributes = "id|phone|name|recommender|plate_number|id_card|car_type_str|car_length|car_weight|gold|regist_time|car_phone|start_province_str|start_city_str|end_province_str|end_city_str"; Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(0); List<String> headerList = WuliuStringUtils.parseVertical(headers); for (int j = 0; j < headerList.size(); j++) { String attr = headerList.get(j); Cell cell = headerRow.createCell(j); cell.setCellValue(attr); } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Record record = list.get(i); Row row = sheet.createRow(i + 1); List<String> attrList = WuliuStringUtils.parseVertical(attributes); for (int j = 0; j < attrList.size(); j++) { String attr = attrList.get(j); Cell cell = row.createCell(j); Object value = getValue(record, attr); cell.setCellValue(value + ""); } } HttpServletResponse resp = getResponse(); String filename = TimeUtil.format(new Date(), "'?'yyyyMMdd_HHmmss'.xls'"); resp.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + new String(filename.getBytes("GBK"), "ISO-8859-1")); ServletOutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream(); wb.write(out); out.close(); renderNull(); } private Object getValue(Record record, String attr) { Object value = record.get(attr, ""); return value; } public void edit() { int driver_id = getParaToInt(); Record driver = Db.findById("logistics_driver", driver_id); setAttr("driver", driver); render("driver_edit.ftl"); } public void update() { try { MiniData data = getMiniData(); Record record = data.getRecord(); Db.update("logistics_driver", record); renderJson(JSONUtils.toMsgJSONString("??", true)); } catch (Exception re) { re.printStackTrace(); renderJson(JSONUtils.toMsgJSONString("???", false)); } } /** * ?? */ public void batchDriver() { render("uploadDriverFile.ftl"); } /** * ? */ public void uploadDriverFile() { String savePath ="/") + "driver_upload"; UploadFile upFile = getFile("file", savePath); String path = savePath.replace('\\', '/'); CookieUtil.addCookie(getResponse(), "filePath", path + "/" + upFile.getFileName()); render("uploadDriverFile.ftl"); } public void batchImportDriver() { String path = CookieUtil.getCookie(getRequest(), "filePath"); CookieUtil.clearCookie(getRequest(), getResponse(), "filePath"); String message = batchSaveDriver(path); renderJson(message); } public String batchSaveDriver(String filePath) { //?excel? List<String[]> field = new ExcelUtil().readXls(filePath); if (field.size() > 0) { Driver driver; Area area; for (int i = 0; i < field.size(); i++) { driver = new Driver(); String[] str = field.get(i); long count = 0; //??id initDriverArea(driver, "end_province", str[3]); if (str[4] != null && !"".equals(str[4].trim())) { initDriverArea(driver, "end_city", str[4]); } initDriverArea(driver, "end_province2", str[14]); if (str[15] != null && !"".equals(str[15].trim())) { initDriverArea(driver, "end_city2", str[15]); } initDriverArea(driver, "end_province3", str[18]); if (str[19] != null && !"".equals(str[19].trim())) { initDriverArea(driver, "end_city3", str[19]); } initDriverArea(driver, "start_province", str[5]); if (str[6] != null && !"".equals(str[6].trim())) { area = Area.getAreaByName(str[6]); initDriverArea(driver, "start_city", str[6]); } initDriverArea(driver, "start_province2", str[12]); if (str[13] != null && !"".equals(str[13].trim())) { initDriverArea(driver, "start_city2", str[13]); } initDriverArea(driver, "start_province3", str[16]); if (str[17] != null && !"".equals(str[17].trim())) { initDriverArea(driver, "start_city3", str[17]); } String sql; //?????? if ((str[2] != null && !"".equals(str[2])) || (str[20] != null && !"".equals(str[20]))) { sql = "select count(1) as count_num from logistics_driver where phone in (?,?) or owner_phone in (?,?)"; count += Db.findFirst(sql, str[2], str[20], str[2], str[20]).getLong("count_num"); if (count > 0) { //JSONUtils.toMsgJSONString("??????erro in "+(i+1)+"", false); continue; } } //???? if (str[10] != null && !"".equals(str[10].trim())) { sql = "select count(1) as count_num from logistics_driver where id_card = ?"; count += Db.findFirst(sql, str[10]).getLong("count_num"); if (count > 0) { //JSONUtils.toMsgJSONString("????erro in "+(i+1)+"", false); continue; } } //????? if (str[0] != null && !"".equals(str[0].trim())) { sql = "select count(1) as count_num from logistics_driver where plate_number = ?"; count += Db.findFirst(sql, str[0]).getLong("count_num"); if (count > 0) { //JSONUtils.toMsgJSONString("????erro in "+(i+1)+"", false); continue; } } if (str[7] != null && !"".equals(str[7].trim())) { sql = "select id from logistics_dict where name=? and dict_type = 'car_type'"; Record r = Db.findFirst(sql, str[7]); long carTypeId = r != null ? r.getNumber("id").longValue() : 0; driver.set("car_type", carTypeId); } if (str[8] != null && !"".equals(str[8].trim())) { String length = str[8]; if (str[8].indexOf("") != -1) { length = str[8].replace("", ""); } driver.set("car_length", length); } if (str[9] != null && !"".equals(str[9].trim())) { String weight = str[9]; if (str[9].indexOf("?") != -1) { weight = str[9].replace("?", ""); } driver.set("car_weight", weight); } driver.set("plate_number", str[0]).set("name", str[1]).set("password", MD5Util.MD5("666666")) .set("phone", str[2]).set("id_card", str[10]).set("license", str[11]) .set("owner_phone", str[20]);; } } return JSONUtils.toMsgJSONString("???", true); } //id public void initDriverArea(Driver driver, String where, String areaName) { Area area; if (areaName != null && !"".equals(areaName.trim())) { area = Area.getAreaByName(areaName); long id = area != null ? area.getNumber("id").longValue() : 0; driver.set(where, id); } } }