Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Simple Explorer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package com.lovejoy777sarootool.rootool.preview; import; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.provider.MediaStore; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.lovejoy777sarootool.rootool.R; import com.lovejoy777sarootool.rootool.settings.Settings; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; public class IconPreview { private static ConcurrentMap<String, Bitmap> cache; private static DrawableLruCache<String> mMimeTypeIconCache; private static ExecutorService pool = null; private static Map<ImageView, String> imageViews = Collections .synchronizedMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<ImageView, String>()); private static PackageManager pm; private static int mWidth; private static Context mContext; private static Resources mResources; public IconPreview(Activity activity) { mContext = activity; mWidth = (int) mContext.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.item_height); cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Bitmap>(); pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5); mResources = activity.getResources(); pm = mContext.getPackageManager(); if (mMimeTypeIconCache == null) { mMimeTypeIconCache = new DrawableLruCache<String>(); } } public static void getFileIcon(File file, final ImageView icon) { if (Settings.showThumbnail() & isvalidMimeType(file)) { icon.setTag(file.getAbsolutePath()); loadBitmap(file, icon); } else { loadFromRes(file, icon); } } private static boolean isvalidMimeType(File file) { boolean isImage = MimeTypes.isPicture(file); boolean isVideo = MimeTypes.isVideo(file); boolean isApk = file.getName().endsWith(".apk"); return isImage || isVideo || isApk; } private static void loadFromRes(final File file, final ImageView icon) { Drawable mimeIcon = null; if (file != null && file.isDirectory()) { String[] files = file.list(); if (file.canRead() && files != null && files.length > 0) mimeIcon = mResources.getDrawable(R.drawable.type_folder); else mimeIcon = mResources.getDrawable(R.drawable.type_folder_empty); } else if (file != null && file.isFile()) { final String fileExt = FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName()); mimeIcon = mMimeTypeIconCache.get(fileExt); if (mimeIcon == null) { final int mimeIconId = MimeTypes.getIconForExt(fileExt); if (mimeIconId != 0) { mimeIcon = mResources.getDrawable(mimeIconId); mMimeTypeIconCache.put(fileExt, mimeIcon); } } } if (mimeIcon != null) { icon.setImageDrawable(mimeIcon); } else { // default icon icon.setImageResource(R.drawable.type_unknown); } } private static Bitmap getBitmapFromCache(String url) { if (cache.containsKey(url)) { return cache.get(url); } return null; } private static void queueJob(final File uri, final ImageView imageView) { /* Create handler in UI thread. */ final Handler handler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { String tag = imageViews.get(imageView); if (tag != null && tag.equals(uri.getAbsolutePath())) { if (msg.obj != null) { imageView.setImageBitmap((Bitmap) msg.obj); } else { imageView.setImageBitmap(null); } } } }; pool.submit(new Runnable() { public void run() { final Bitmap bmp = getPreview(uri); Message message = Message.obtain(); message.obj = bmp; handler.sendMessage(message); } }); } private static void loadBitmap(final File file, final ImageView imageView) { imageViews.put(imageView, file.getAbsolutePath()); Bitmap bitmap = getBitmapFromCache(file.getAbsolutePath()); // check in UI thread, so no concurrency issues if (bitmap != null) { // Item loaded from cache imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap); } else { // here you can set a placeholder imageView.setImageBitmap(null); queueJob(file, imageView); } } private static Bitmap getPreview(File file) { final boolean isImage = MimeTypes.isPicture(file); final boolean isVideo = MimeTypes.isVideo(file); final boolean isApk = file.getName().endsWith(".apk"); Bitmap mBitmap = null; String path = file.getAbsolutePath(); if (isImage) { BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options(); o.inJustDecodeBounds = true; BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path, o); o.inJustDecodeBounds = false; if (o.outWidth != -1 && o.outHeight != -1) { final int originalSize = (o.outHeight > o.outWidth) ? o.outWidth : o.outHeight; o.inSampleSize = originalSize / mWidth; } mBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path, o); cache.put(path, mBitmap); return mBitmap; } else if (isVideo) { mBitmap = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(path, MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MICRO_KIND); cache.put(path, mBitmap); return mBitmap; } else if (isApk) { final PackageInfo packageInfo = pm.getPackageArchiveInfo(path, PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES); if (packageInfo != null) { final ApplicationInfo appInfo = packageInfo.applicationInfo; if (appInfo != null) { appInfo.sourceDir = path; appInfo.publicSourceDir = path; final Drawable icon = appInfo.loadIcon(pm); if (icon != null) { mBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) icon).getBitmap(); } } } else { // load apk icon from /res/drawable/.. mBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mContext.getResources(), R.drawable.type_apk); } cache.put(path, mBitmap); return mBitmap; } return null; } }