Java tutorial
/** * $Id: 1977 2011-03-14 09:52:03Z imustafa $ */ package com.lm.lic.manager.controller; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.validation.BindException; import org.springframework.validation.Errors; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import com.lm.lic.manager.form.PGWithdrawLicForm; import com.lm.lic.manager.form.WithdrawLicForm; import com.lm.lic.manager.hibernate.Product; import com.lm.lic.manager.hibernate.RequestForLicense; import com.lm.lic.manager.service.LicenseBlockService; import com.lm.lic.manager.service.LicenseService; import com.lm.lic.manager.service.RequestForLicenseService; import com.lm.lic.manager.util.GenUtil; /** * @author Ibrahim Mustafa */ public class WithdrawLicController extends BaseLicenseManagerFormController { /** * */ private static final String WITHDRAW_LIC = "WITHDRAW_LIC - "; public static final String CLASS_VERSION = "$Id: 1977 2011-03-14 09:52:03Z imustafa $"; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WithdrawLicController.class); private LicenseService licenseService; private LicenseBlockService licenseBlockService; private RequestForLicenseService requestForLicenseService; private LicenseAvailabilityAdvisor licenseAvailabilityAdvisor; WithdrawLicHandler bbwlHandler; WithdrawLicHandler hgwlHandler; WithdrawLicHandler mhwlHandler; WithdrawLicHandler pgwlHandler; WithdrawLicHandler ypwlHandler; WithdrawLicHandler isvmanwlHandler; WithdrawLicHandler isvdynwlHandler; /** * Floating License Product Instance Withdraw License Handler */ WithdrawLicHandler isvflpimanwlHandler; WithdrawLicHandler isvflpidynwlHandler; public WithdrawLicController() { super(); setSupportedMethods(new String[] { METHOD_GET, METHOD_POST }); } @Override protected Map<String, Object> referenceData(HttpServletRequest request, Object command, Errors errors) throws Exception { WithdrawLicForm wlc = (WithdrawLicForm) command; Map<String, Object> refData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Product product = null; String prodName = wlc.getProduct(); String prodVer = wlc.getVersion(); String licKey = wlc.getLicKey(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(licKey)) { if (wlc.getQty() == null || wlc.getQty() < 1) wlc.setQty(1); } String isvProductId = wlc.getProductId(); String productKey = wlc.getProductKey(); String isvId = GenUtil.findLoggedinIsv(request, loginService); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(prodName) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(prodVer)) { product = productService.findProductByNameAndVersion(isvId, prodName, prodVer); if (product == null) product = productService.findProductByName(isvId, prodName); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(isvProductId)) { product = productService.findProductByIsvProdId(isvId, isvProductId); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(productKey)) { product = productService.findProductByProductKey(isvId, productKey); } if (product == null && StringUtils.isNumeric(wlc.getProdId())) product = productService.findProdById(isvId, wlc.getProdId()); if (product != null) { wlc.setProductKey(product.getProductKey()); wlc.setParamProductID(product.getIsvProductId()); } RequestForLicense requestForLicense = (RequestForLicense) request.getAttribute("requestForLicense"); wlc.setRequestForLicense(requestForLicense); wlc.setIsvId(isvId); String prodId = EMPTY; Boolean enabled = false; if (product != null) { popDefaultValues(wlc, product); prodId += product.getId(); enabled = product.getEnabled(); wlc.setProdDefKey(product.getProductDefKey()); wlc.setIsvKey(product.getIsv().getIsvKey()); wlc.setProductKey(product.getProductKey()); wlc.setProdInstKey(product.getProductKey()); } refData.put("isvId", isvId); refData.put("prodId", prodId); refData.put("product", product); refData.put("enabled", enabled); return refData; } private void popDefaultValues(WithdrawLicForm wlc, Product product) { wlc.setProdId(product.getId() + EMPTY); wlc.setProductId(product.getIsvProductId()); wlc.setProduct(product.getName()); wlc.setVersion(product.getVersion()); if (wlc instanceof PGWithdrawLicForm) ((PGWithdrawLicForm) wlc).setProductID(product.getIsvProductId()); } /** * */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) throws Exception { WithdrawLicForm wlf = (WithdrawLicForm) command; String isvId = GenUtil.findLoggedinIsv(request, loginService); wlf.setIsvId(isvId);"Start Handling of License Withdrawal Request"); debugWithdrawLicForm(wlf); ModelAndView modelAndView = null; LicWithdrawerIdentifier lwi = (LicWithdrawerIdentifier) request.getAttribute("licWithdrawerIdentifier"); if (lwi != null) { if (lwi.isBlackBerry()) modelAndView = bbwlHandler.handleWithdrawal(request, response, wlf); else if (lwi.isHandAnGo()) modelAndView = hgwlHandler.handleWithdrawal(request, response, wlf); else if (lwi.isMobiHand()) modelAndView = mhwlHandler.handleWithdrawal(request, response, wlf); else if (lwi.isPocketGear()) modelAndView = pgwlHandler.handleWithdrawal(request, response, wlf); else if (lwi.isYoupark()) modelAndView = ypwlHandler.handleWithdrawal(request, response, wlf); else if (lwi.isIsvManual()) modelAndView = isvmanwlHandler.handleWithdrawal(request, response, wlf); else if (lwi.isIsvDynamic()) modelAndView = isvdynwlHandler.handleWithdrawal(request, response, wlf); else if (lwi.isIsvManFlpi()) modelAndView = isvflpimanwlHandler.handleWithdrawal(request, response, wlf); else if (lwi.isIsvDynFlpi()) modelAndView = isvflpidynwlHandler.handleWithdrawal(request, response, wlf); } if (modelAndView != null) { modelAndView.addObject("command", wlf); // This is usually the case when withdrawing a license manually String successView = getSuccessView(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(successView) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(isvId)) modelAndView.setViewName(successView); } return modelAndView; } /** * @param wlf */ private void debugWithdrawLicForm(WithdrawLicForm wlf) { + "Withdraw For Customer: " + wlf.isWithdrwingForCustomer()); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override protected ModelAndView onCancel(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command) { // WithdrawLicForm form = (WithdrawLicForm) command; // String cancelView = getCancelView() + form.getProdId(); ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(getCancelView()); return modelAndView; } /** * @return the licenseService */ @Override public LicenseService getLicenseService() { return this.licenseService; } /** * @param licenseService * the licenseService to set */ @Override public void setLicenseService(LicenseService licenseService) { this.licenseService = licenseService; } /** * @return the licenseBlockService */ public LicenseBlockService getLicenseBlockService() { return this.licenseBlockService; } /** * @param licenseBlockService * the licenseBlockService to set */ public void setLicenseBlockService(LicenseBlockService licenseBlockService) { this.licenseBlockService = licenseBlockService; } /** * @return the licenseAvailabilityAdvisor */ public LicenseAvailabilityAdvisor getLicenseAvailabilityAdvisor() { return this.licenseAvailabilityAdvisor; } /** * @param licenseAvailabilityAdvisor * the licenseAvailabilityAdvisor to set */ public void setLicenseAvailabilityAdvisor(LicenseAvailabilityAdvisor licenseAvailabilityAdvisor) { this.licenseAvailabilityAdvisor = licenseAvailabilityAdvisor; } /** * @return the requestForLicenseService */ @Override public RequestForLicenseService getRequestForLicenseService() { return this.requestForLicenseService; } /** * @param requestForLicenseService * the requestForLicenseService to set */ @Override public void setRequestForLicenseService(RequestForLicenseService requestForLicenseService) { this.requestForLicenseService = requestForLicenseService; } /** * @return the bbwlHandler */ public WithdrawLicHandler getBbwlHandler() { return bbwlHandler; } /** * @param bbwlHandler * the bbwlHandler to set */ public void setBbwlHandler(WithdrawLicHandler bbwlHandler) { this.bbwlHandler = bbwlHandler; } /** * @return the hgwlHandler */ public WithdrawLicHandler getHgwlHandler() { return hgwlHandler; } /** * @param hgwlHandler * the hgwlHandler to set */ public void setHgwlHandler(WithdrawLicHandler hgwlHandler) { this.hgwlHandler = hgwlHandler; } /** * @return the mhwlHandler */ public WithdrawLicHandler getMhwlHandler() { return mhwlHandler; } /** * @param mhwlHandler * the mhwlHandler to set */ public void setMhwlHandler(WithdrawLicHandler mhwlHandler) { this.mhwlHandler = mhwlHandler; } /** * @return the pgwlHandler */ public WithdrawLicHandler getPgwlHandler() { return pgwlHandler; } /** * @param pgwlHandler * the pgwlHandler to set */ public void setPgwlHandler(WithdrawLicHandler pgwlHandler) { this.pgwlHandler = pgwlHandler; } /** * @return the ypwlHandler */ public WithdrawLicHandler getYpwlHandler() { return ypwlHandler; } /** * @param ypwlHandler * the ypwlHandler to set */ public void setYpwlHandler(WithdrawLicHandler ypwlHandler) { this.ypwlHandler = ypwlHandler; } /** * @return the isvmanwlHandler */ public WithdrawLicHandler getIsvmanwlHandler() { return isvmanwlHandler; } /** * @param isvmanwlHandler * the isvmanwlHandler to set */ public void setIsvmanwlHandler(WithdrawLicHandler isvmanwlHandler) { this.isvmanwlHandler = isvmanwlHandler; } /** * @return the isvdynwlHandler */ public WithdrawLicHandler getIsvdynwlHandler() { return isvdynwlHandler; } /** * @param isvdynwlHandler * the isvdynwlHandler to set */ public void setIsvdynwlHandler(WithdrawLicHandler isvdynwlHandler) { this.isvdynwlHandler = isvdynwlHandler; } /** * @return the isvflpimanwlHandler */ public WithdrawLicHandler getIsvflpimanwlHandler() { return isvflpimanwlHandler; } /** * @param isvflpimanwlHandler the isvflpimanwlHandler to set */ public void setIsvflpimanwlHandler(WithdrawLicHandler isvflpimanwlHandler) { this.isvflpimanwlHandler = isvflpimanwlHandler; } /** * @return the isvflpidynwlHandler */ public WithdrawLicHandler getIsvflpidynwlHandler() { return isvflpidynwlHandler; } /** * @param isvflpidynwlHandler the isvflpidynwlHandler to set */ public void setIsvflpidynwlHandler(WithdrawLicHandler isvflpidynwlHandler) { this.isvflpidynwlHandler = isvflpidynwlHandler; } }