Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 LinkedIn Corp. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.linkedin.pinot.routing; import; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.EqualityUtils; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.helix.HelixHelper; import com.linkedin.pinot.routing.builder.LargeClusterRoutingTableBuilder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.helix.AccessOption; import org.apache.helix.HelixDataAccessor; import org.apache.helix.HelixManager; import org.apache.helix.PropertyKey; import org.apache.helix.ZNRecord; import org.apache.helix.model.ExternalView; import org.apache.helix.model.InstanceConfig; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.config.TableNameBuilder; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.metrics.BrokerMeter; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.metrics.BrokerMetrics; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.metrics.BrokerTimer; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.response.ServerInstance; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.CommonConstants; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.NetUtil; import com.linkedin.pinot.routing.builder.BalancedRandomRoutingTableBuilder; import com.linkedin.pinot.routing.builder.KafkaHighLevelConsumerBasedRoutingTableBuilder; import com.linkedin.pinot.routing.builder.KafkaLowLevelConsumerRoutingTableBuilder; import com.linkedin.pinot.routing.builder.RoutingTableBuilder; import com.linkedin.pinot.transport.common.SegmentIdSet; /* * TODO * Would be better to not have the external view based routing not aware of the fact that there are HLC and LLC * implementations. A better way to do it would be to have a RoutingTable implementation that merges the output * of an offline routing table and a realtime routing table, with the realtime routing table being aware of the * fact that there is both an hlc and llc one. */ public class HelixExternalViewBasedRouting implements RoutingTable { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelixExternalViewBasedRouting.class); private final RoutingTableBuilder _largeClusterRoutingTableBuilder; private RoutingTableBuilder _smallClusterRoutingTableBuilder; private final RoutingTableBuilder _realtimeHLCRoutingTableBuilder; private final RoutingTableBuilder _realtimeLLCRoutingTableBuilder; private static int MIN_SERVER_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER = 30; private static int MIN_REPLICA_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER = 4; /* * _brokerRoutingTable has entries for offline as well as realtime tables. For the * realtime tables it has entries consisting of high-level kafka consumer segments only. * * _llcBrokerRoutingTable has entries for realtime tables only, and has entries for low-level * kafka consumer segments only. */ private final Map<String, List<ServerToSegmentSetMap>> _brokerRoutingTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<ServerToSegmentSetMap>>(); private final Map<String, List<ServerToSegmentSetMap>> _llcBrokerRoutingTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<ServerToSegmentSetMap>>(); private final Map<String, Integer> _lastKnownExternalViewVersionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<String, Map<String, InstanceConfig>> _lastKnownInstanceConfigsForTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<String, InstanceConfig> _lastKnownInstanceConfigs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<String, Set<String>> _tablesForInstance = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Random _random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); private final HelixExternalViewBasedTimeBoundaryService _timeBoundaryService; private final RoutingTableSelector _routingTableSelector; private final HelixManager _helixManager; private static final int INVALID_EXTERNAL_VIEW_VERSION = Integer.MIN_VALUE; private BrokerMetrics _brokerMetrics; /** * Changes the small cluster routing builder, only used by tests. */ void setSmallClusterRoutingTableBuilder(RoutingTableBuilder routingTableBuilder) { _smallClusterRoutingTableBuilder = routingTableBuilder; } public HelixExternalViewBasedRouting(ZkHelixPropertyStore<ZNRecord> propertyStore, RoutingTableSelector routingTableSelector, HelixManager helixManager, Configuration configuration) { _timeBoundaryService = new HelixExternalViewBasedTimeBoundaryService(propertyStore); _largeClusterRoutingTableBuilder = new LargeClusterRoutingTableBuilder(); _smallClusterRoutingTableBuilder = new BalancedRandomRoutingTableBuilder(); _realtimeHLCRoutingTableBuilder = new KafkaHighLevelConsumerBasedRoutingTableBuilder(); _realtimeLLCRoutingTableBuilder = new KafkaLowLevelConsumerRoutingTableBuilder(); if (configuration.containsKey("minServerCountForLargeCluster")) { final String minServerCountForLargeCluster = configuration.getString("minServerCountForLargeCluster"); try { MIN_SERVER_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER = Integer.parseInt(minServerCountForLargeCluster);"Using large cluster min server count of {}", MIN_SERVER_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn( "Could not get the large cluster min server count from configuration value {}, keeping default value {}", minServerCountForLargeCluster, MIN_SERVER_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER, e); } } else {"Using default value for large cluster min server count of {}", MIN_SERVER_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER); } if (configuration.containsKey("minReplicaCountForLargeCluster")) { final String minReplicaCountForLargeCluster = configuration.getString("minReplicaCountForLargeCluster"); try { MIN_REPLICA_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER = Integer.parseInt(minReplicaCountForLargeCluster);"Using large cluster min replica count of {}", MIN_REPLICA_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn( "Could not get the large cluster min replica count from configuration value {}, keeping default value {}", minReplicaCountForLargeCluster, MIN_REPLICA_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER, e); } } else {"Using default value for large cluster min replica count of {}", MIN_REPLICA_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER); } _largeClusterRoutingTableBuilder.init(configuration); _smallClusterRoutingTableBuilder.init(configuration); _realtimeHLCRoutingTableBuilder.init(configuration); _realtimeLLCRoutingTableBuilder.init(configuration); _routingTableSelector = routingTableSelector; _helixManager = helixManager; } @Override public Map<ServerInstance, SegmentIdSet> findServers(RoutingTableLookupRequest request) { String tableName = request.getTableName(); List<ServerToSegmentSetMap> serverToSegmentSetMaps; boolean forceLLC = false; boolean forceHLC = false; for (String routingOption : request.getRoutingOptions()) { if (routingOption.equalsIgnoreCase("FORCE_HLC")) { forceHLC = true; } if (routingOption.equalsIgnoreCase("FORCE_LLC")) { forceLLC = true; } } if (forceHLC && forceLLC) { throw new RuntimeException("Trying to force routing to both HLC and LLC at the same time"); } if (CommonConstants.Helix.TableType.REALTIME .equals(TableNameBuilder.getTableTypeFromTableName(tableName))) { if (_brokerRoutingTable.containsKey(tableName) && _brokerRoutingTable.get(tableName).size() != 0) { if (_llcBrokerRoutingTable.containsKey(tableName) && _llcBrokerRoutingTable.get(tableName).size() != 0) { // Has both high and low-level segments. Follow what the routing table selector says. if (!forceHLC && (_routingTableSelector.shouldUseLLCRouting(tableName) || forceLLC)) { serverToSegmentSetMaps = routeToLLC(tableName); } else { serverToSegmentSetMaps = routeToHLC(tableName); } } else { // Has only hi-level consumer segments. if (forceLLC) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to route to LLC, table has only HLC segments"); } serverToSegmentSetMaps = routeToHLC(tableName); } } else { // May have only low-level consumer segments if (forceHLC) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to route to HLC, table has only LLC segments"); } serverToSegmentSetMaps = routeToLLC(tableName); } } else { // Offline table, use the conventional routing table serverToSegmentSetMaps = _brokerRoutingTable.get(tableName); } // This map can be potentially empty, for example for realtime table with no segments. if (serverToSegmentSetMaps == null || serverToSegmentSetMaps.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } return serverToSegmentSetMaps.get(_random.nextInt(serverToSegmentSetMaps.size())).getRouting(); } @Override public boolean routingTableExists(String tableName) { return (_brokerRoutingTable.containsKey(tableName) && !_brokerRoutingTable.get(tableName).isEmpty()) || (_llcBrokerRoutingTable.containsKey(tableName) && !_llcBrokerRoutingTable.get(tableName).isEmpty()); } private List<ServerToSegmentSetMap> routeToLLC(String tableName) { if (_brokerMetrics != null) { _brokerMetrics.addMeteredTableValue(tableName, BrokerMeter.LLC_QUERY_COUNT, 1); } return _llcBrokerRoutingTable.get(tableName); } private List<ServerToSegmentSetMap> routeToHLC(String tableName) { if (_brokerMetrics != null) { _brokerMetrics.addMeteredTableValue(tableName, BrokerMeter.HLC_QUERY_COUNT, 1); } return _brokerRoutingTable.get(tableName); } public void setBrokerMetrics(BrokerMetrics brokerMetrics) { _brokerMetrics = brokerMetrics; } @Override public void start() {"Starting HelixExternalViewBasedRouting!"); } @Override public void shutdown() {"Shutting down HelixExternalViewBasedRouting!"); } public void markDataResourceOnline(String tableName, ExternalView externalView, List<InstanceConfig> instanceConfigList) { if (externalView == null) { // It is possible for us to get a request to serve a table for which there is no external view. In this case, just // keep a bogus last seen external view version to force a rebuild the next time we see an external view. _lastKnownExternalViewVersionMap.put(tableName, INVALID_EXTERNAL_VIEW_VERSION); return; } // Build the routing table buildRoutingTable(tableName, externalView, instanceConfigList); } private boolean isRoutingTableRebuildRequired(String tableName, ExternalView externalView, List<InstanceConfig> instanceConfigs) { // In unit tests, always rebuild the routing table if (_helixManager == null) { return true; } // Do we know about this table? if (!_lastKnownExternalViewVersionMap.containsKey(tableName)) {"Routing table for table {} requires rebuild due to it being newly added", tableName); return true; } // Check if the znode version changed int externalViewRecordVersion = externalView.getRecord().getVersion(); int lastKnownExternalViewVersion = _lastKnownExternalViewVersionMap.get(tableName); if (externalViewRecordVersion != lastKnownExternalViewVersion || lastKnownExternalViewVersion == INVALID_EXTERNAL_VIEW_VERSION) { "Routing table for table {} requires rebuild due to external view change (current version {}, last known version {})", tableName, externalViewRecordVersion, lastKnownExternalViewVersion); return true; } // Check if there are relevant instance config changes Map<String, InstanceConfig> lastKnownInstanceConfigs = _lastKnownInstanceConfigsForTable.get(tableName); if (lastKnownInstanceConfigs == null || lastKnownInstanceConfigs.isEmpty()) {"Routing table for table {} requires rebuild due to empty/null previous instance configs", tableName); return true; } // Gather relevant incoming instance configs Map<String, InstanceConfig> currentRelevantInstanceConfigs = new HashMap<>(); for (InstanceConfig incomingInstanceConfig : instanceConfigs) { String instanceName = incomingInstanceConfig.getInstanceName(); if (lastKnownInstanceConfigs.containsKey(instanceName)) { currentRelevantInstanceConfigs.put(instanceName, incomingInstanceConfig); } } // Did some instances lose their configuration? if (lastKnownInstanceConfigs.size() != currentRelevantInstanceConfigs.size()) { "Routing table for table {} requires rebuild due to having a different number of instance configs (known instance config count {}, current instance config count {})", tableName, lastKnownInstanceConfigs.size(), currentRelevantInstanceConfigs.size()); return true; } // Did some instance change state? for (String instanceName : lastKnownInstanceConfigs.keySet()) { InstanceConfig previousInstanceConfig = lastKnownInstanceConfigs.get(instanceName); InstanceConfig currentInstanceConfig = currentRelevantInstanceConfigs.get(instanceName); // If it's the same znode, don't bother comparing the contents of the instance configs if (previousInstanceConfig.getRecord().getVersion() == currentInstanceConfig.getRecord().getVersion()) { continue; } // Check if the instance got enabled/disabled or started/stopped shutting down since the last update boolean wasEnabled = previousInstanceConfig.getInstanceEnabled(); boolean isEnabled = currentInstanceConfig.getInstanceEnabled(); String wasShuttingDown = previousInstanceConfig.getRecord() .getSimpleField(CommonConstants.Helix.IS_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS); String isShuttingDown = currentInstanceConfig.getRecord() .getSimpleField(CommonConstants.Helix.IS_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS); boolean instancesChanged = !EqualityUtils.isEqual(wasEnabled, isEnabled) || !EqualityUtils.isEqual(wasShuttingDown, isShuttingDown); if (instancesChanged) { "Routing table for table {} requires rebuild due to at least one instance changing state (instance {} enabled: {} -> {}; shutting down {} -> {})", tableName, instanceName, wasEnabled, isEnabled, wasShuttingDown, isShuttingDown); return true; } else { // Update the instance config in our last known instance config, since it hasn't changed _lastKnownInstanceConfigs.put(instanceName, currentInstanceConfig); for (String tableForInstance : _tablesForInstance.get(instanceName)) { _lastKnownInstanceConfigsForTable.get(tableForInstance).put(instanceName, currentInstanceConfig); } } } // No relevant changes, no need to update the routing table"Routing table for table {} does not require a rebuild", tableName); return false; } private void buildRoutingTable(String tableName, ExternalView externalView, List<InstanceConfig> instanceConfigs) { // Save the current version number of the external view to avoid unnecessary routing table updates int externalViewRecordVersion = externalView.getRecord().getVersion(); _lastKnownExternalViewVersionMap.put(tableName, externalViewRecordVersion); RoutingTableBuilder routingTableBuilder; CommonConstants.Helix.TableType tableType = TableNameBuilder.getTableTypeFromTableName(tableName); // Pick the appropriate routing table builder based on the table type if (CommonConstants.Helix.TableType.REALTIME.equals(tableType)) { routingTableBuilder = _realtimeHLCRoutingTableBuilder; } else { if (isLargeCluster(externalView)) { routingTableBuilder = _largeClusterRoutingTableBuilder; } else { routingTableBuilder = _smallClusterRoutingTableBuilder; } }"Trying to compute routing table for table {} using {}", tableName, routingTableBuilder); long startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Map<String, InstanceConfig> relevantInstanceConfigs = new HashMap<>(); // Build a list of routing tables List<ServerToSegmentSetMap> serverToSegmentSetMap = routingTableBuilder .computeRoutingTableFromExternalView(tableName, externalView, instanceConfigs); // Keep track of the instance configs that are used in that routing table updateInstanceConfigsMapFromExternalView(relevantInstanceConfigs, instanceConfigs, externalView); _brokerRoutingTable.put(tableName, serverToSegmentSetMap); // If this is a realtime table, also build a LLC routing table if (CommonConstants.Helix.TableType.REALTIME.equals(tableType)) { _routingTableSelector.registerTable(tableName); try { // Build the routing table List<ServerToSegmentSetMap> llcserverToSegmentSetMap = _realtimeLLCRoutingTableBuilder .computeRoutingTableFromExternalView(tableName, externalView, instanceConfigs); // Keep track of the instance configs that are used in that routing table updateInstanceConfigsMapFromExternalView(relevantInstanceConfigs, instanceConfigs, externalView); _llcBrokerRoutingTable.put(tableName, llcserverToSegmentSetMap); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to compute LLC routing table for {}. Ignoring", tableName, e); } } // Save the instance configs used so that we can avoid unnecessary routing table updates later _lastKnownInstanceConfigsForTable.put(tableName, relevantInstanceConfigs); for (InstanceConfig instanceConfig : relevantInstanceConfigs.values()) { _lastKnownInstanceConfigs.put(instanceConfig.getInstanceName(), instanceConfig); } // Ensure this table is registered with all relevant instances for (String instanceName : relevantInstanceConfigs.keySet()) { Set<String> tablesForCurrentInstance = _tablesForInstance.get(instanceName); // Ensure there is a table set for this instance if (tablesForCurrentInstance == null) { synchronized (_tablesForInstance) { if (!_tablesForInstance.containsKey(instanceName)) { tablesForCurrentInstance = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); _tablesForInstance.put(instanceName, tablesForCurrentInstance); } else { // Another thread has created a table set for this instance, use it tablesForCurrentInstance = _tablesForInstance.get(instanceName); } } } // Add the table to the set of tables for this instance tablesForCurrentInstance.add(tableName); } } catch (Exception e) { _brokerMetrics.addMeteredTableValue(tableName, BrokerMeter.ROUTING_TABLE_REBUILD_FAILURES, 1L); LOGGER.error("Failed to compute/update the routing table", e); // Mark the routing table as needing a rebuild _lastKnownExternalViewVersionMap.put(tableName, INVALID_EXTERNAL_VIEW_VERSION); } try { // We need to compute the time boundary only in two situations: // 1) We're adding/updating an offline table and there's a realtime table that we're serving // 2) We're adding a new realtime table and there's already an offline table, in which case we need to update the // time boundary for the existing offline table String tableForTimeBoundaryUpdate = null; ExternalView externalViewForTimeBoundaryUpdate = null; if (tableType == CommonConstants.Helix.TableType.OFFLINE) { // Does a realtime table exist? String realtimeTableName = TableNameBuilder.REALTIME_TABLE_NAME_BUILDER .forTable(TableNameBuilder.extractRawTableName(tableName)); if (_brokerRoutingTable.containsKey(realtimeTableName)) { tableForTimeBoundaryUpdate = tableName; externalViewForTimeBoundaryUpdate = externalView; } } if (tableType == CommonConstants.Helix.TableType.REALTIME) { // Does an offline table exist? String offlineTableName = TableNameBuilder.OFFLINE_TABLE_NAME_BUILDER .forTable(TableNameBuilder.extractRawTableName(tableName)); if (_brokerRoutingTable.containsKey(offlineTableName)) { // Is there no time boundary? if (_timeBoundaryService.getTimeBoundaryInfoFor(offlineTableName) == null) { tableForTimeBoundaryUpdate = offlineTableName; externalViewForTimeBoundaryUpdate = fetchExternalView(offlineTableName); } } } if (tableForTimeBoundaryUpdate != null) { updateTimeBoundary(tableForTimeBoundaryUpdate, externalViewForTimeBoundaryUpdate); } else {"No need to update time boundary for table {}", tableName); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to update the TimeBoundaryService", e); } long updateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis; if (_brokerMetrics != null) { _brokerMetrics.addTimedValue(BrokerTimer.ROUTING_TABLE_UPDATE_TIME, updateTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }"Routing table update for table {} completed in {} ms", tableName, updateTime); } private boolean isLargeCluster(ExternalView externalView) { // Check if the number of replicas is sufficient to treat it as a large cluster final String helixReplicaCount = externalView.getRecord().getSimpleField("REPLICAS"); final int replicaCount; try { replicaCount = Integer.parseInt(helixReplicaCount); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to parse the replica count ({}) from external view of table {}", helixReplicaCount, externalView.getResourceName()); return false; } if (replicaCount < MIN_REPLICA_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER) { return false; } // Check if the server count is high enough to count as a large cluster final Set<String> instanceSet = new HashSet<>(); for (String partition : externalView.getPartitionSet()) { instanceSet.addAll(externalView.getStateMap(partition).keySet()); } return MIN_SERVER_COUNT_FOR_LARGE_CLUSTER <= instanceSet.size(); } protected void updateTimeBoundary(String tableName, ExternalView externalView) {"Trying to compute time boundary service for table {}", tableName); long timeBoundaryUpdateStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); _timeBoundaryService.updateTimeBoundaryService(externalView); long timeBoundaryUpdateEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();"Computed the time boundary for table {} in {} ms", tableName, (timeBoundaryUpdateEnd - timeBoundaryUpdateStart)); } protected ExternalView fetchExternalView(String table) { return HelixHelper.getExternalViewForResource(_helixManager.getClusterManagmentTool(), _helixManager.getClusterName(), table); } private void updateInstanceConfigsMapFromExternalView(Map<String, InstanceConfig> relevantInstanceConfigs, List<InstanceConfig> instanceConfigs, ExternalView externalView) { Set<String> relevantInstanceNames = new HashSet<>(); // Gather all the instance names contained in the external view for (String partitionName : externalView.getPartitionSet()) { relevantInstanceNames.addAll(externalView.getStateMap(partitionName).keySet()); } // Update the relevant instance config map with the instance configs given for (InstanceConfig instanceConfig : instanceConfigs) { if (relevantInstanceNames.contains(instanceConfig.getInstanceName())) { relevantInstanceConfigs.put(instanceConfig.getInstanceName(), instanceConfig); } } } public void markDataResourceOffline(String tableName) {"Trying to remove data table from broker for {}", tableName); _brokerRoutingTable.remove(tableName); _lastKnownExternalViewVersionMap.remove(tableName); _lastKnownInstanceConfigsForTable.remove(tableName); _timeBoundaryService.remove(tableName); // Remove table from all instances synchronized (_tablesForInstance) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> iterator = _tablesForInstance.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry =; entry.getValue().remove(tableName); if (entry.getValue().isEmpty()) { _lastKnownInstanceConfigs.remove(entry.getKey()); iterator.remove(); } } } } public void processExternalViewChange() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Get list of tables that we're serving List<String> tablesServed = new ArrayList<>(_lastKnownExternalViewVersionMap.keySet()); if (tablesServed.isEmpty()) { return; } // Build list of external views to fetch HelixDataAccessor helixDataAccessor = _helixManager.getHelixDataAccessor(); PropertyKey.Builder propertyKeyBuilder = helixDataAccessor.keyBuilder(); List<String> externalViewPaths = new ArrayList<>(tablesServed.size()); for (String tableName : tablesServed) { PropertyKey propertyKey = propertyKeyBuilder.externalView(tableName); externalViewPaths.add(propertyKey.getPath()); } // Get znode stats for all tables that we're serving long statStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Stat[] externalViewStats = helixDataAccessor.getBaseDataAccessor().getStats(externalViewPaths, AccessOption.PERSISTENT); long statEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Make a list of external views that changed List<String> tablesThatChanged = new ArrayList<>(); long evCheckStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < externalViewStats.length; i++) { Stat externalViewStat = externalViewStats[i]; if (externalViewStat != null) { String currentTableName = tablesServed.get(i); int currentExternalViewVersion = externalViewStat.getVersion(); int lastKnownExternalViewVersion = _lastKnownExternalViewVersionMap.get(currentTableName); if (lastKnownExternalViewVersion != currentExternalViewVersion) { tablesThatChanged.add(currentTableName); } } } long evCheckEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Fetch the instance configs and update the routing tables for the tables that changed long icFetchTime = 0; long rebuildStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!tablesThatChanged.isEmpty()) { // Fetch instance configs long icFetchStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<InstanceConfig> instanceConfigs = helixDataAccessor .getChildValues(propertyKeyBuilder.instanceConfigs()); long icFetchEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); icFetchTime = icFetchEnd - icFetchStart; for (String tableThatChanged : tablesThatChanged) { // We ignore the external views given by Helix on external view change and fetch the latest version as our // version of Helix (0.6.5) does not batch external view change messages. ExternalView externalView = helixDataAccessor .getProperty(propertyKeyBuilder.externalView(tableThatChanged)); buildRoutingTable(tableThatChanged, externalView, instanceConfigs); } } long rebuildEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); "Processed external view change in {} ms (stat {} ms, EV check {} ms, IC fetch {} ms, rebuild {} ms), routing tables rebuilt for tables {}, {} / {} routing tables rebuilt", (endTime - startTime), (statEndTime - statStartTime), (evCheckEndTime - evCheckStartTime), icFetchTime, (rebuildEndTime - rebuildStartTime), tablesThatChanged, tablesThatChanged.size(), tablesServed.size()); } public void processInstanceConfigChange() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Get stats for all relevant instance configs HelixDataAccessor helixDataAccessor = _helixManager.getHelixDataAccessor(); PropertyKey.Builder propertyKeyBuilder = helixDataAccessor.keyBuilder(); List<String> instancesUsed = new ArrayList<>(_tablesForInstance.keySet()); List<String> instancePaths = new ArrayList<>(instancesUsed.size()); for (String instanceName : instancesUsed) { PropertyKey propertyKey = propertyKeyBuilder.instanceConfig(instanceName); instancePaths.add(propertyKey.getPath()); } if (instancePaths.isEmpty()) { return; } long statFetchStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, Stat> instanceConfigStatMap = new HashMap<>(); Stat[] instanceConfigStats = helixDataAccessor.getBaseDataAccessor().getStats(instancePaths, AccessOption.PERSISTENT); long statFetchEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Make a list of instance configs that changed long icConfigCheckStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<String> instancesThatChanged = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < instanceConfigStats.length; i++) { Stat instanceConfigStat = instanceConfigStats[i]; if (instanceConfigStat != null) { String instanceName = instancesUsed.get(i); int currentInstanceConfigVersion = instanceConfigStat.getVersion(); int lastKnownInstanceConfigVersion = _lastKnownInstanceConfigs.get(instanceName).getRecord() .getVersion(); if (currentInstanceConfigVersion != lastKnownInstanceConfigVersion) { instancesThatChanged.add(instanceName); } instanceConfigStatMap.put(instanceName, instanceConfigStat); } } // Make a list of all tables affected by the instance config changes Set<String> affectedTables = new HashSet<>(); for (String instanceName : instancesThatChanged) { affectedTables.addAll(_tablesForInstance.get(instanceName)); } long icConfigCheckEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Update the routing tables long icFetchTime = 0; long evFetchTime = 0; long rebuildCheckTime = 0; long buildTime = 0; int routingTablesRebuiltCount = 0; if (!affectedTables.isEmpty()) { long icFetchStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<InstanceConfig> instanceConfigs = helixDataAccessor .getChildValues(propertyKeyBuilder.instanceConfigs()); // Helix does not set the version field, we need to set it explicitly for (InstanceConfig instanceConfig : instanceConfigs) { Stat stat = instanceConfigStatMap.get(instanceConfig.getInstanceName()); if (stat != null) { instanceConfig.getRecord().setVersion(stat.getVersion()); } } long icFetchEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); icFetchTime = icFetchEnd - icFetchStart; for (String tableName : affectedTables) { long evFetchStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); ExternalView externalView = helixDataAccessor .getProperty(propertyKeyBuilder.externalView(tableName)); long evFetchEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); evFetchTime += evFetchEnd - evFetchStart; long rebuildCheckStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); final boolean routingTableRebuildRequired = isRoutingTableRebuildRequired(tableName, externalView, instanceConfigs); long rebuildCheckEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); rebuildCheckTime += rebuildCheckEnd - rebuildCheckStart; if (routingTableRebuildRequired) { long rebuildStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); buildRoutingTable(tableName, externalView, instanceConfigs); long rebuildEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); buildTime += rebuildEnd - rebuildStart; routingTablesRebuiltCount++; } } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); "Processed instance config change in {} ms (stat {} ms, IC check {} ms, IC fetch {} ms, EV fetch {} ms, rebuild check {} ms, rebuild {} ms), {} / {} routing tables rebuilt", (endTime - startTime), (statFetchEnd - statFetchStart), (icConfigCheckEnd - icConfigCheckStart), icFetchTime, evFetchTime, rebuildCheckTime, buildTime, routingTablesRebuiltCount, _lastKnownExternalViewVersionMap.size()); } public TimeBoundaryService getTimeBoundaryService() { return _timeBoundaryService; } @Override public String dumpSnapshot(String tableName) throws Exception { JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); JSONArray routingTableSnapshot = new JSONArray(); for (String currentTable : _brokerRoutingTable.keySet()) { if (tableName == null || currentTable.startsWith(tableName)) { JSONObject tableEntry = new JSONObject(); tableEntry.put("tableName", currentTable); JSONArray entries = new JSONArray(); List<ServerToSegmentSetMap> routableTable = _brokerRoutingTable.get(currentTable); for (ServerToSegmentSetMap serverToInstaceMap : routableTable) { entries.put(new JSONObject(serverToInstaceMap.toString())); } tableEntry.put("routingTableEntries", entries); routingTableSnapshot.put(tableEntry); } } ret.put("routingTableSnapshot", routingTableSnapshot); routingTableSnapshot = new JSONArray(); for (String currentTable : _llcBrokerRoutingTable.keySet()) { if (tableName == null || currentTable.startsWith(tableName)) { JSONObject tableEntry = new JSONObject(); tableEntry.put("tableName", currentTable); JSONArray entries = new JSONArray(); List<ServerToSegmentSetMap> routableTable = _llcBrokerRoutingTable.get(currentTable); for (ServerToSegmentSetMap serverToInstaceMap : routableTable) { entries.put(new JSONObject(serverToInstaceMap.toString())); } tableEntry.put("routingTableEntries", entries); routingTableSnapshot.put(tableEntry); } } ret.put("llcRoutingTableSnapshot", routingTableSnapshot); ret.put("host", NetUtil.getHostnameOrAddress()); return ret.toString(2); } }