Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 LinkedIn Corp. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.linkedin.pinot.controller.api.resources; import; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.config.TableConfig; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.config.TableNameBuilder; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.metadata.ZKMetadataProvider; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.metadata.segment.OfflineSegmentZKMetadata; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.metadata.segment.SegmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifier; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.metrics.ControllerMeter; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.metrics.ControllerMetrics; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.segment.SegmentMetadata; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.segment.fetcher.SegmentFetcher; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.segment.fetcher.SegmentFetcherFactory; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.CommonConstants; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.FileUploadDownloadClient; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.StringUtil; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.TarGzCompressionUtils; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.helix.HelixHelper; import com.linkedin.pinot.common.utils.time.TimeUtils; import com.linkedin.pinot.controller.ControllerConf; import com.linkedin.pinot.controller.api.access.AccessControl; import com.linkedin.pinot.controller.api.access.AccessControlFactory; import com.linkedin.pinot.controller.helix.core.PinotHelixResourceManager; import com.linkedin.pinot.controller.helix.core.PinotHelixSegmentOnlineOfflineStateModelGenerator; import com.linkedin.pinot.controller.util.TableSizeReader; import com.linkedin.pinot.controller.validation.StorageQuotaChecker; import com.linkedin.pinot.core.segment.index.SegmentMetadataImpl; import io.swagger.annotations.Api; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnectionManager; import; import; import org.apache.helix.ZNRecord; import org.apache.helix.model.IdealState; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.Request; import; import; import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ManagedAsync; import org.joda.time.Interval; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONTokener; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @Api(tags = Constants.SEGMENT_TAG) @Path("/") public class PinotSegmentUploadRestletResource { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PinotSegmentUploadRestletResource.class); @Inject PinotHelixResourceManager _pinotHelixResourceManager; @Inject ControllerConf _controllerConf; @Inject ControllerMetrics _controllerMetrics; @Inject HttpConnectionManager _connectionManager; @Inject Executor _executor; @Inject AccessControlFactory _accessControlFactory; @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/segments") @Deprecated public String listAllSegmentNames() throws Exception { FileUploadPathProvider provider = new FileUploadPathProvider(_controllerConf); final JSONArray ret = new JSONArray(); for (final File file : provider.getBaseDataDir().listFiles()) { final String fileName = file.getName(); if (fileName.equalsIgnoreCase("fileUploadTemp") || fileName.equalsIgnoreCase("schemasTemp")) { continue; } final String url = _controllerConf.generateVipUrl() + "/segments/" + fileName; ret.put(url); } return ret.toString(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/segments/{tableName}") @ApiOperation(value = "Lists names of all segments of a table", notes = "Lists names of all segment names of a table") public String listAllSegmentNames( @ApiParam(value = "Name of the table", required = true) @PathParam("tableName") String tableName, @ApiParam(value = "realtime|offline") @QueryParam("type") String tableTypeStr) throws Exception { JSONArray ret = new JSONArray(); CommonConstants.Helix.TableType tableType = Constants.validateTableType(tableTypeStr); if (tableTypeStr == null) { ret.put(formatSegments(tableName, CommonConstants.Helix.TableType.OFFLINE)); ret.put(formatSegments(tableName, CommonConstants.Helix.TableType.REALTIME)); } else { ret.put(formatSegments(tableName, tableType)); } return ret.toString(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) @Path("/segments/{tableName}/{segmentName}") @ApiOperation(value = "Download a segment", notes = "Download a segment") public Response downloadSegment( @ApiParam(value = "Name of the table", required = true) @PathParam("tableName") String tableName, @ApiParam(value = "Name of the segment", required = true) @PathParam("segmentName") @Encoded String segmentName, @Context HttpHeaders httpHeaders) { // Validate data access boolean hasDataAccess; try { AccessControl accessControl = _accessControlFactory.create(); hasDataAccess = accessControl.hasDataAccess(httpHeaders, tableName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Caught exception while validating access to table: " + tableName, Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e); } if (!hasDataAccess) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "No data access to table: " + tableName, Response.Status.FORBIDDEN); } FileUploadPathProvider provider; try { provider = new FileUploadPathProvider(_controllerConf); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, e.getMessage(), Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e); } try { segmentName = URLDecoder.decode(segmentName, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { String errStr = "Could not decode segment name '" + segmentName + "'"; throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, errStr, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } final File dataFile = new File(provider.getBaseDataDir(), StringUtil.join("/", tableName, segmentName)); if (!dataFile.exists()) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Segment " + segmentName + " or table " + tableName + " not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND); } Response.ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok(dataFile); builder.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=" + dataFile.getName()); builder.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, dataFile.length()); return; } @DELETE @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/segments/{tableName}/{segmentName}") @ApiOperation(value = "Deletes a segment", notes = "Deletes a segment") public SuccessResponse deleteOneSegment( @ApiParam(value = "Name of the table", required = true) @PathParam("tableName") String tableName, @ApiParam(value = "Name of the segment", required = true) @PathParam("segmentName") @Encoded String segmentName, @ApiParam(value = "realtime|offline", required = true) @QueryParam("type") String tableTypeStr) { CommonConstants.Helix.TableType tableType = Constants.validateTableType(tableTypeStr); if (tableType == null) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Table type must not be null", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } try { segmentName = URLDecoder.decode(segmentName, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { String errStr = "Could not decode segment name '" + segmentName + "'"; throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, errStr, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } PinotSegmentRestletResource.toggleStateInternal(tableName, StateType.DROP, tableType, segmentName, _pinotHelixResourceManager); return new SuccessResponse("Segment deleted"); } @DELETE @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/segments/{tableName}") @ApiOperation(value = "Deletes all segments of a table", notes = "Deletes all segments of a table") public SuccessResponse deleteAllSegments( @ApiParam(value = "Name of the table", required = true) @PathParam("tableName") String tableName, @ApiParam(value = "realtime|offline", required = true) @QueryParam("type") String tableTypeStr) { CommonConstants.Helix.TableType tableType = Constants.validateTableType(tableTypeStr); if (tableType == null) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Table type must not be null", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } PinotSegmentRestletResource.toggleStateInternal(tableName, StateType.DROP, tableType, null, _pinotHelixResourceManager); return new SuccessResponse("All segments of table " + TableNameBuilder.forType(tableType).tableNameWithType(tableName) + " deleted"); } @POST @ManagedAsync @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) @Path("/segments") @ApiOperation(value = "Upload a segment", notes = "Upload a segment as binary") public void uploadSegmentAsMultiPart(FormDataMultiPart multiPart, @ApiParam(value = "Whether to enable parallel push protection") @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam(FileUploadDownloadClient.QueryParameters.ENABLE_PARALLEL_PUSH_PROTECTION) boolean enableParallelPushProtection, @Context HttpHeaders headers, @Context Request request, @Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { try { asyncResponse .resume(uploadSegmentInternal(multiPart, null, enableParallelPushProtection, headers, request)); } catch (Throwable t) { asyncResponse.resume(t); } } @POST @ManagedAsync @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/segments") @ApiOperation(value = "Upload a segment", notes = "Upload a segment as json") // TODO Does it even work if the segment is sent as a JSON body? Need to compare with the other API public void uploadSegmentAsJson(String segmentJsonStr, // If segment is present as json body @ApiParam(value = "Whether to enable parallel push protection") @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam(FileUploadDownloadClient.QueryParameters.ENABLE_PARALLEL_PUSH_PROTECTION) boolean enableParallelPushProtection, @Context HttpHeaders headers, @Context Request request, @Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { try { asyncResponse.resume( uploadSegmentInternal(null, segmentJsonStr, enableParallelPushProtection, headers, request)); } catch (Throwable t) { asyncResponse.resume(t); } } private SuccessResponse uploadSegmentInternal(FormDataMultiPart multiPart, String segmentJsonStr, boolean enableParallelPushProtection, HttpHeaders headers, Request request) { File tempTarredSegmentFile = null; File tempSegmentDir = null; if (headers != null) { // TODO: Add these headers into open source hadoop jobs"HTTP Header {} is {}", CommonConstants.Controller.SEGMENT_NAME_HTTP_HEADER, headers.getRequestHeader(CommonConstants.Controller.SEGMENT_NAME_HTTP_HEADER));"HTTP Header {} is {}", CommonConstants.Controller.TABLE_NAME_HTTP_HEADER, headers.getRequestHeader(CommonConstants.Controller.TABLE_NAME_HTTP_HEADER)); } try { FileUploadPathProvider provider = new FileUploadPathProvider(_controllerConf); String tempSegmentName = "tmp-" + System.nanoTime(); tempTarredSegmentFile = new File(provider.getFileUploadTmpDir(), tempSegmentName); tempSegmentDir = new File(provider.getTmpUntarredPath(), tempSegmentName); // Get upload type String uploadTypeStr = headers.getHeaderString(FileUploadDownloadClient.CustomHeaders.UPLOAD_TYPE); FileUploadDownloadClient.FileUploadType uploadType; if (uploadTypeStr != null) { uploadType = FileUploadDownloadClient.FileUploadType.valueOf(uploadTypeStr); } else { uploadType = FileUploadDownloadClient.FileUploadType.getDefaultUploadType(); } String downloadURI = null; switch (uploadType) { case JSON: case URI: // Get download URI try { downloadURI = getDownloadUri(uploadType, headers, segmentJsonStr); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Failed to get download URI", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, e); } // Get segment fetcher based on the download URI SegmentFetcher segmentFetcher; try { segmentFetcher = SegmentFetcherFactory.getInstance().getSegmentFetcherBasedOnURI(downloadURI); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Caught exception while parsing download URI: " + downloadURI, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, e); } if (segmentFetcher == null) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Failed to get segment fetcher for download URI: " + downloadURI, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } // Download segment tar file to local segmentFetcher.fetchSegmentToLocal(downloadURI, tempTarredSegmentFile); break; case TAR: try { Map<String, List<FormDataBodyPart>> map = multiPart.getFields(); if (!validateMultiPart(map, null)) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Invalid multi-part form", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } FormDataBodyPart bodyPart = map.values().iterator().next().get(0); try (InputStream inputStream = bodyPart.getValueAs(InputStream.class); OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempTarredSegmentFile)) { IOUtils.copyLarge(inputStream, outputStream); } } finally { multiPart.cleanup(); } break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported upload type: " + uploadType); } // While there is TarGzCompressionUtils.unTarOneFile, we use unTar here to unpack all files // in the segment in order to ensure the segment is not corrupted TarGzCompressionUtils.unTar(tempTarredSegmentFile, tempSegmentDir); File[] files = tempSegmentDir.listFiles(); Preconditions.checkState(files != null && files.length == 1); File indexDir = files[0]; SegmentMetadata segmentMetadata = new SegmentMetadataImpl(indexDir); String segmentName = segmentMetadata.getName(); String offlineTableName = TableNameBuilder.OFFLINE.tableNameWithType(segmentMetadata.getTableName()); String clientAddress = InetAddress.getByName(request.getRemoteAddr()).getHostName();"Processing upload request for segment: {} of table: {} from client: {}", segmentName, offlineTableName, clientAddress); uploadSegment(indexDir, segmentMetadata, tempTarredSegmentFile, downloadURI, provider, enableParallelPushProtection, headers); return new SuccessResponse( "Successfully uploaded segment: " + segmentName + " of table: " + offlineTableName); } catch (WebApplicationException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _controllerMetrics.addMeteredGlobalValue(ControllerMeter.CONTROLLER_SEGMENT_UPLOAD_ERROR, 1L); throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Caught internal server exception while uploading segment", Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e); } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempTarredSegmentFile); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tempSegmentDir); } } /** * Helper method to upload segment with the following steps: * <ul> * <li>Check storage quota</li> * <li>Check segment start/end time</li> * <li>For new segment (non-refresh), directly add the segment</li> * <li> * For REFRESH case * <ul> * <li>Check IF-MATCH CRC if existing</li> * <li>Lock the segment if parallel push protection enabled</li> * <li>Update the custom map in segment ZK metadata</li> * <li>Update the segment ZK metadata (this will also unlock the segment)</li> * </ul> * </li> * </ul> */ private void uploadSegment(File indexDir, SegmentMetadata segmentMetadata, File tempTarredSegmentFile, String downloadUrl, FileUploadPathProvider provider, boolean enableParallelPushProtection, HttpHeaders headers) throws IOException, JSONException { String rawTableName = segmentMetadata.getTableName(); String offlineTableName = TableNameBuilder.OFFLINE.tableNameWithType(rawTableName); String segmentName = segmentMetadata.getName(); TableConfig offlineTableConfig = ZKMetadataProvider .getOfflineTableConfig(_pinotHelixResourceManager.getPropertyStore(), offlineTableName); if (offlineTableConfig == null) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Failed to find table config for table: " + offlineTableName, Response.Status.NOT_FOUND); } // Check quota StorageQuotaChecker.QuotaCheckerResponse quotaResponse = checkStorageQuota(indexDir, segmentMetadata, offlineTableConfig); if (!quotaResponse.isSegmentWithinQuota) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Quota check failed for segment: " + segmentName + " of table: " + offlineTableName + ", reason: " + quotaResponse.reason, Response.Status.FORBIDDEN); } // Check time range if (!isSegmentTimeValid(segmentMetadata)) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Invalid segment start/end time for segment: " + segmentName + " of table: " + offlineTableName, Response.Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE); } ZNRecord znRecord = _pinotHelixResourceManager.getSegmentMetadataZnRecord(offlineTableName, segmentName); // Brand new segment, not refresh, directly add the segment if (znRecord == null) { if (downloadUrl == null) { downloadUrl = moveSegmentToPermanentDirectory(provider, rawTableName, segmentName, tempTarredSegmentFile); } _pinotHelixResourceManager.addNewSegment(segmentMetadata, downloadUrl); return; } // Segment already exists, refresh if necessary OfflineSegmentZKMetadata existingSegmentZKMetadata = new OfflineSegmentZKMetadata(znRecord); long existingCrc = existingSegmentZKMetadata.getCrc(); // Check if CRC match when IF-MATCH header is set String expectedCrcStr = headers.getHeaderString(HttpHeaders.IF_MATCH); if (expectedCrcStr != null) { long expectedCrc; try { expectedCrc = Long.parseLong(expectedCrcStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Caught exception for segment: " + segmentName + " of table: " + offlineTableName + " while parsing IF-MATCH CRC: \"" + expectedCrcStr + "\"", Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED); } if (expectedCrc != existingCrc) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "For segment: " + segmentName + " of table: " + offlineTableName + ", expected CRC: " + expectedCrc + " does not match existing CRC: " + existingCrc, Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED); } } // Check segment upload start time when parallel push protection enabled if (enableParallelPushProtection) { // When segment upload start time is larger than 0, that means another upload is in progress long segmentUploadStartTime = existingSegmentZKMetadata.getSegmentUploadStartTime(); if (segmentUploadStartTime > 0) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - segmentUploadStartTime > _controllerConf .getSegmentUploadTimeoutInMillis()) { // Last segment upload does not finish properly, replace the segment LOGGER.error("Segment: {} of table: {} was not properly uploaded, replacing it", segmentName, offlineTableName); _controllerMetrics.addMeteredGlobalValue(ControllerMeter.NUMBER_SEGMENT_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED, 1L); } else { // Another segment upload is in progress throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Another segment upload is in progress for segment: " + segmentName + " of table: " + offlineTableName + ", retry later", Response.Status.CONFLICT); } } // Lock the segment by setting the upload start time in ZK existingSegmentZKMetadata.setSegmentUploadStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (!_pinotHelixResourceManager.updateZkMetadata(existingSegmentZKMetadata, znRecord.getVersion())) { throw new ControllerApplicationException(LOGGER, "Failed to lock the segment: " + segmentName + " of table: " + offlineTableName + ", retry later", Response.Status.CONFLICT); } } // Reset segment upload start time to unlock the segment later // NOTE: reset this value even if parallel push protection is not enabled so that segment can recover in case // previous segment upload did not finish properly and the parallel push protection is turned off existingSegmentZKMetadata.setSegmentUploadStartTime(-1); try { // Modify the custom map in segment ZK metadata String segmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifierStr = headers.getHeaderString( FileUploadDownloadClient.CustomHeaders.SEGMENT_ZK_METADATA_CUSTOM_MAP_MODIFIER); SegmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifier segmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifier; if (segmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifierStr != null) { segmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifier = new SegmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifier( segmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifierStr); } else { // By default, use REPLACE modify mode segmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifier = new SegmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifier( SegmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifier.ModifyMode.REPLACE, null); } existingSegmentZKMetadata.setCustomMap( segmentZKMetadataCustomMapModifier.modifyMap(existingSegmentZKMetadata.getCustomMap())); // Update ZK metadata and refresh the segment if necessary long newCrc = Long.valueOf(segmentMetadata.getCrc()); if (newCrc == existingCrc) { // New segment is the same as the existing one, only update ZK metadata without refresh the segment if (!_pinotHelixResourceManager.updateZkMetadata(existingSegmentZKMetadata)) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to update ZK metadata for segment: " + segmentName + " of table: " + offlineTableName); } } else { // New segment is different with the existing one, update ZK metadata and refresh the segment if (downloadUrl == null) { downloadUrl = moveSegmentToPermanentDirectory(provider, rawTableName, segmentName, tempTarredSegmentFile); } _pinotHelixResourceManager.refreshSegment(segmentMetadata, existingSegmentZKMetadata, downloadUrl); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!_pinotHelixResourceManager.updateZkMetadata(existingSegmentZKMetadata)) { LOGGER.error("Failed to update ZK metadata for segment: {} of table: {}", segmentName, offlineTableName); } throw e; } } private String moveSegmentToPermanentDirectory(FileUploadPathProvider provider, String tableName, String segmentName, File tempTarredSegmentFile) throws IOException { // Move tarred segment file to data directory when there is no external download URL File tarredSegmentFile = new File(new File(provider.getBaseDataDir(), tableName), segmentName); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tarredSegmentFile); FileUtils.moveFile(tempTarredSegmentFile, tarredSegmentFile); return ControllerConf.constructDownloadUrl(tableName, segmentName, provider.getVip()); } private String getDownloadUri(FileUploadDownloadClient.FileUploadType uploadType, HttpHeaders headers, String segmentJsonStr) throws Exception { switch (uploadType) { case URI: return headers.getHeaderString(FileUploadDownloadClient.CustomHeaders.DOWNLOAD_URI); case JSON: // Get segmentJsonStr JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(segmentJsonStr); JSONObject segmentJson = new JSONObject(tokener); // Download segment from the given Uri return segmentJson.getString(CommonConstants.Segment.Offline.DOWNLOAD_URL); default: break; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not support getDownloadUri method for upload type - " + uploadType); } private org.json.JSONObject formatSegments(String tableName, CommonConstants.Helix.TableType tableType) throws Exception { org.json.JSONObject obj = new org.json.JSONObject(); obj.put(tableType.toString(), getSegments(tableName, tableType.toString())); return obj; } private JSONArray getSegments(String tableName, String tableType) { final JSONArray ret = new JSONArray(); String realtimeTableName = TableNameBuilder.REALTIME.tableNameWithType(tableName); String offlineTableName = TableNameBuilder.OFFLINE.tableNameWithType(tableName); String tableNameWithType; if (CommonConstants.Helix.TableType.valueOf(tableType).toString().equals("REALTIME")) { tableNameWithType = realtimeTableName; } else { tableNameWithType = offlineTableName; } List<String> segmentList = _pinotHelixResourceManager.getSegmentsFor(tableNameWithType); IdealState idealState = HelixHelper.getTableIdealState(_pinotHelixResourceManager.getHelixZkManager(), tableNameWithType); for (String segmentName : segmentList) { Map<String, String> map = idealState.getInstanceStateMap(segmentName); if (map == null) { continue; } if (!map.containsValue(PinotHelixSegmentOnlineOfflineStateModelGenerator.OFFLINE_STATE)) { ret.put(segmentName); } } return ret; } // Validate that there is one file that is in the input. public static boolean validateMultiPart(Map<String, List<FormDataBodyPart>> map, String segmentName) { boolean isGood = true; if (map.size() != 1) { LOGGER.warn("Incorrect number of multi-part elements: {} (segmentName {}). Picking one", map.size(), segmentName); isGood = false; } List<FormDataBodyPart> bodyParts = map.get(map.keySet().iterator().next()); if (bodyParts.size() != 1) { LOGGER.warn( "Incorrect number of elements in list in first part: {} (segmentName {}). Picking first one", bodyParts.size(), segmentName); isGood = false; } return isGood; } /** * check if the segment represented by segmentFile is within the storage quota * @param segmentFile untarred segment. This should not be null. * segmentFile must exist on disk and must be a directory * @param metadata segment metadata. This should not be null. * @param offlineTableConfig offline table configuration. This should not be null. */ private StorageQuotaChecker.QuotaCheckerResponse checkStorageQuota(@Nonnull File segmentFile, @Nonnull SegmentMetadata metadata, @Nonnull TableConfig offlineTableConfig) { TableSizeReader tableSizeReader = new TableSizeReader(_executor, _connectionManager, _pinotHelixResourceManager); StorageQuotaChecker quotaChecker = new StorageQuotaChecker(offlineTableConfig, tableSizeReader, _controllerMetrics); String offlineTableName = TableNameBuilder.OFFLINE.tableNameWithType(metadata.getTableName()); return quotaChecker.isSegmentStorageWithinQuota(segmentFile, offlineTableName, metadata.getName(), _controllerConf.getServerAdminRequestTimeoutSeconds() * 1000); } /** * Returns true if: * - Segment does not have a start/end time, OR * - The start/end time are in a valid range (Jan 01 1971 - Jan 01, 2071) * @param metadata Segment metadata * @return */ private boolean isSegmentTimeValid(SegmentMetadata metadata) { Interval interval = metadata.getTimeInterval(); if (interval == null) { return true; } long startMillis = interval.getStartMillis(); long endMillis = interval.getEndMillis(); if (!TimeUtils.timeValueInValidRange(startMillis) || !TimeUtils.timeValueInValidRange(endMillis)) { Date minDate = new Date(TimeUtils.getValidMinTimeMillis()); Date maxDate = new Date(TimeUtils.getValidMaxTimeMillis()); LOGGER.error( "Invalid start time '{}ms' or end time '{}ms' for segment {}, must be between '{}' and '{}' (timecolumn {}, timeunit {})", interval.getStartMillis(), interval.getEndMillis(), metadata.getName(), minDate, maxDate, metadata.getTimeColumn(), metadata.getTimeUnit().toString()); return false; } return true; } }