Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) LinkedIn Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD-2 Clause license. * See LICENSE in the project root for license information. */ package com.linkedin.flashback; import; import com.linkedin.flashback.matchrules.DummyMatchRule; import com.linkedin.flashback.matchrules.MatchRule; import com.linkedin.flashback.scene.DummyScene; import com.linkedin.flashback.scene.Scene; import com.linkedin.flashback.serializable.RecordedHttpExchange; import com.linkedin.flashback.serializable.RecordedHttpRequest; import com.linkedin.flashback.serializable.RecordedHttpResponse; import com.linkedin.flashback.serialization.SceneWriter; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * Provide functionality to read, write and lookup RecordedHttpExchange to scene. * Also, it allows client to change scene at running time. * * @author shfeng * @author dvinegra */ public class SceneAccessLayer { static final String THE_SCENE_IS_NOT_READABLE = "the scene is not readable"; static final String SCENE_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_BE_NULL = "scene is not allowed to be null"; static final String MATCHRULE_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_BE_NULL = "matchrule is not allowed to be null"; static final String SCENEWRITER_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_BE_NULL = "scenewriter is not allowed to be null"; static final String NO_MATCHING_RECORDING_FOUND = "no matching recording found"; static final String FAILED_TO_WRITE_SCENE_TO_THE_FILE = "Failed to write scene to the file"; private SceneWriter _sceneWriter; private Scene _scene; private MatchRule _matchRule; private int _sequencePosition = 0; private boolean _dirty = false; public SceneAccessLayer(Scene scene, SceneWriter sceneWriter, MatchRule matchRule) { if (scene == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(SCENE_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_BE_NULL); } if (sceneWriter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(SCENEWRITER_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_BE_NULL); } if (matchRule == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(MATCHRULE_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_BE_NULL); } _sceneWriter = sceneWriter; _matchRule = matchRule; _scene = scene; } public SceneAccessLayer(Scene scene, MatchRule matchRule) { this(scene, new SceneWriter(), matchRule); } public SceneAccessLayer() { this(new DummyScene(), new SceneWriter(), new DummyMatchRule()); } public String getSceneName() { return _scene.getName(); } /** * set match rule * */ public void setMatchRule(MatchRule matchRule) { if (matchRule == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(MATCHRULE_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_BE_NULL); } _matchRule = matchRule; } /** * set scene if client need use switch scenes at run time. * * */ public void setScene(Scene scene) { if (scene == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(SCENE_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_BE_NULL); } flush(); _scene = scene; _sequencePosition = 0; } public boolean canPlayback() { return _scene.isReadable(); } /** * Check if incoming http request matches any HttpExchange from the scene * @param request incoming request from client * @return true if found matched request, otherwise return false * * */ public boolean hasMatchRequest(RecordedHttpRequest request) { return findMatchRequest(request) >= 0; } /** * Given incoming http request, find matched response from the scene and return response from the scene * @param request http request from client * @return matched http response from the scene * * */ public RecordedHttpResponse playback(RecordedHttpRequest request) { if (!_scene.isReadable()) { throw new IllegalStateException(THE_SCENE_IS_NOT_READABLE); } int position = findMatchRequest(request); if (position < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(NO_MATCHING_RECORDING_FOUND); } if (_scene.isSequential()) { _sequencePosition++; } List<RecordedHttpExchange> recordedHttpExchangeList = _scene.getRecordedHttpExchangeList(); return recordedHttpExchangeList.get(position).getRecordedHttpResponse(); } /** * Record request and response to the scene. Updates will be performed in-memory and will be written to disk * when flush() is called, or when the Scene is changed. * @param recordedHttpRequest http request from client * @param recordedHttpResponse http response from upstream service * * */ public void record(RecordedHttpRequest recordedHttpRequest, RecordedHttpResponse recordedHttpResponse) { List<RecordedHttpExchange> recordedHttpExchangeList = _scene.getRecordedHttpExchangeList(); RecordedHttpExchange recordedHttpExchange = new RecordedHttpExchange(recordedHttpRequest, recordedHttpResponse, new Date()); if (!_scene.isSequential()) { int position = findMatchRequest(recordedHttpRequest); if (position >= 0) { recordedHttpExchangeList.set(position, recordedHttpExchange); } else { recordedHttpExchangeList.add(recordedHttpExchange); } } else { recordedHttpExchangeList.add(recordedHttpExchange); } _dirty = true; } /** * Serialize the scene to disk, if it has been updated */ public void flush() { if (_dirty) { try { _sceneWriter.writeScene(_scene); _dirty = false; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(FAILED_TO_WRITE_SCENE_TO_THE_FILE, e); } } } /** * produces a string description for the match failure reason for a particular request * @param request incoming request that we are trying to match * @return a String describing the match failure reasons for the request */ public String getMatchFailureDescription(RecordedHttpRequest request) { List<String> failureDescriptionList = new ArrayList<>(); List<RecordedHttpExchange> exchangeList = _scene.getRecordedHttpExchangeList(); if (_scene.isSequential()) { if (_sequencePosition < exchangeList.size()) { failureDescriptionList.add(_matchRule.getMatchFailureDescriptionForRequests(request, exchangeList.get(_sequencePosition).getRecordedHttpRequest())); } else { failureDescriptionList.add("No more recorded requests in sequential scene"); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < exchangeList.size(); i++) { RecordedHttpExchange exchange = exchangeList.get(i); failureDescriptionList.add(String.format("Recorded Request %d:%n%s", i + 1, _matchRule .getMatchFailureDescriptionForRequests(request, exchange.getRecordedHttpRequest()))); } } return new StringBuilder().append("Could not find matching request in scene " + _scene.getName() + "%n") .append(String.join("%n", failureDescriptionList)).toString(); } /** * find matched request from scene * @param request incoming request that we'd like match in existing scene * @return position of list of HttpExchanges from the scene. return -1 if no match found * * */ private int findMatchRequest(final RecordedHttpRequest request) { if (_scene.isSequential()) { List<RecordedHttpExchange> exchangeList = _scene.getRecordedHttpExchangeList(); // In sequential playback mode, only test the request at the current sequence index if (_sequencePosition < exchangeList.size() && _matchRule.test(request, exchangeList.get(_sequencePosition).getRecordedHttpRequest())) { return _sequencePosition; } return -1; } else { return Iterables.indexOf(_scene.getRecordedHttpExchangeList(), input -> _matchRule.test(request, input.getRecordedHttpRequest())); } } }