Java tutorial
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package com.linkbubble.ui; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Handler; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.WindowManager; import com.linkbubble.Config; import com.linkbubble.Constant; import com.linkbubble.MainApplication; import com.linkbubble.MainController; import com.linkbubble.R; import com.linkbubble.Settings; import com.linkbubble.physics.Draggable; import com.linkbubble.physics.DraggableHelper; import com.linkbubble.util.CrashTracking; import com.linkbubble.util.VerticalGestureListener; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; public class BubbleFlowDraggable extends BubbleFlowView implements Draggable { private DraggableHelper mDraggableHelper; private EventHandler mEventHandler; private int mBubbleFlowWidth; private int mBubbleFlowHeight; private TabView mCurrentTab; public BubbleDraggable mBubbleDraggable; private HashSet<OpenUrlSettings> mUrlsToOpen; private ReentrantReadWriteLock mUrlsToOpenLock; private Point mTempSize = new Point(); private boolean mDestroyed = true; public TabView mDelayDeletedItem = null; private MainController.CurrentTabChangedEvent mCurrentTabChangedEvent = new MainController.CurrentTabChangedEvent(); private MainController.CurrentTabResumeEvent mCurrentTabResumeEvent = new MainController.CurrentTabResumeEvent(); private MainController.CurrentTabPauseEvent mCurrentTabPauseEvent = new MainController.CurrentTabPauseEvent(); public interface EventHandler { public void onMotionEvent_Touch(BubbleFlowDraggable sender, DraggableHelper.TouchEvent event); public void onMotionEvent_Move(BubbleFlowDraggable sender, DraggableHelper.MoveEvent event); public void onMotionEvent_Release(BubbleFlowDraggable sender, DraggableHelper.ReleaseEvent event); } public static class OpenUrlSettings { OpenUrlSettings(String url, long urlLoadStartTime, boolean setAsCurrentTab, boolean hasShownAppPicker, boolean performEmptyClick, boolean openedFromItself) { mUrl = url; mUrlLoadStartTime = urlLoadStartTime; mSetAsCurrentTab = setAsCurrentTab; mHasShownAppPicker = hasShownAppPicker; mPerformEmptyClick = performEmptyClick; mOpenedFromItself = openedFromItself; } String mUrl; long mUrlLoadStartTime; boolean mSetAsCurrentTab; boolean mHasShownAppPicker; boolean mPerformEmptyClick; boolean mOpenedFromItself; } public BubbleFlowDraggable(Context context) { this(context, null); } public BubbleFlowDraggable(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public BubbleFlowDraggable(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); } public boolean isDragging() { return false; } public void configure(EventHandler eventHandler, boolean addRootWindow) { mUrlsToOpen = new HashSet<OpenUrlSettings>(); mUrlsToOpenLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); mBubbleFlowWidth = Config.mScreenWidth; mBubbleFlowHeight = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_pager_height); configure(mBubbleFlowWidth, getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_pager_item_width), getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_pager_item_height)); setBubbleFlowViewListener(new BubbleFlowView.Listener() { @Override public void onCenterItemClicked(BubbleFlowView sender, View view) { try { MainController.get().switchToBubbleView(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { CrashTracking.logHandledException(exc); } } @Override public void onCenterItemLongClicked(BubbleFlowView sender, View view) { if (view instanceof TabView) { MainController mainController = MainController.get(); if (mainController.getActiveTabCount() != 0) { mainController.startDraggingFromContentView(); } } } @Override public void onCenterItemSwiped(VerticalGestureListener.GestureDirection gestureDirection) { // TODO: Implement me } @Override public void onCenterItemChanged(BubbleFlowView sender, View view) { setCurrentTab((TabView) view, true); } }); WindowManager.LayoutParams windowManagerParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(); windowManagerParams.gravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT; windowManagerParams.x = 0; windowManagerParams.y = 0; windowManagerParams.height = mBubbleFlowHeight; windowManagerParams.width = mBubbleFlowWidth; windowManagerParams.type = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT; windowManagerParams.flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED; windowManagerParams.format = PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT; windowManagerParams.setTitle("LinkBubble: BubbleFlowView"); mDraggableHelper = new DraggableHelper(this, windowManagerParams, false, new DraggableHelper.OnTouchActionEventListener() { @Override public void onActionDown(DraggableHelper.TouchEvent event) { if (mEventHandler != null) { mEventHandler.onMotionEvent_Touch(BubbleFlowDraggable.this, event); } } @Override public void onActionMove(DraggableHelper.MoveEvent event) { if (mEventHandler != null) { mEventHandler.onMotionEvent_Move(BubbleFlowDraggable.this, event); } } @Override public void onActionUp(DraggableHelper.ReleaseEvent event, boolean startDelay) { if (mEventHandler != null) { mEventHandler.onMotionEvent_Release(BubbleFlowDraggable.this, event); } } }); mEventHandler = eventHandler; if (mDraggableHelper.isAlive() && addRootWindow) { MainController.addRootWindow(this, windowManagerParams); setExactPos(0, 0); } mDestroyed = false; StartActivity(); } public void StartActivity() { new StartBubblesEvent(getContext()).execute(); } class StartBubblesEvent extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Long> { Context mContext; StartBubblesEvent(Context context) { super(); mContext = context; } protected Long doInBackground(Void... params) { synchronized (MainApplication.mActivitySharedLock) { if (MainApplication.mActivityIsUp || mDestroyed) { return null; } Intent intent1 = new Intent(mContext, BubbleFlowActivity.class); intent1.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); mContext.startActivity(intent1); try { MainApplication.mActivitySharedLock.wait(); if (mDestroyed) { return null; } MainApplication.mActivityIsUp = true; try { mUrlsToOpenLock.writeLock().lock(); for (OpenUrlSettings urlToOpen : mUrlsToOpen) { Intent intent = new Intent(BubbleFlowActivity.ACTIVITY_INTENT_NAME); intent.putExtra("command", BubbleFlowActivity.OPEN_URL); intent.putExtra("url", urlToOpen.mUrl); intent.putExtra("urlStartTime", urlToOpen.mUrlLoadStartTime); intent.putExtra("hasShownAppPicker", urlToOpen.mHasShownAppPicker); intent.putExtra("performEmptyClick", urlToOpen.mPerformEmptyClick); intent.putExtra("setAsCurrentTab", urlToOpen.mSetAsCurrentTab); intent.putExtra("openedFromItself", urlToOpen.mOpenedFromItself); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(mContext).sendBroadcast(intent); } mUrlsToOpen.clear(); } finally { mUrlsToOpenLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } catch (InterruptedException exc) { } } return null; } } private void passUrlToActivity(OpenUrlSettings urlToOpen) { Intent intent = new Intent(BubbleFlowActivity.ACTIVITY_INTENT_NAME); intent.putExtra("command", BubbleFlowActivity.OPEN_URL); intent.putExtra("url", urlToOpen.mUrl); intent.putExtra("urlStartTime", urlToOpen.mUrlLoadStartTime); intent.putExtra("hasShownAppPicker", urlToOpen.mHasShownAppPicker); intent.putExtra("performEmptyClick", urlToOpen.mPerformEmptyClick); intent.putExtra("setAsCurrentTab", urlToOpen.mSetAsCurrentTab); intent.putExtra("openedFromItself", urlToOpen.mOpenedFromItself); LocalBroadcastManager bm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getContext()); bm.sendBroadcast(intent); } public void setTabAsActive(TabView tabView) { Intent intent = new Intent(BubbleFlowActivity.ACTIVITY_INTENT_NAME); intent.putExtra("command", BubbleFlowActivity.SET_TAB_AS_ACTIVE); intent.putExtra("url", tabView.getUrl().toString()); intent.putExtra("index", getIndexOfView(tabView)); LocalBroadcastManager bm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getContext()); bm.sendBroadcast(intent); } @Override public void collapse(long time, AnimationEventListener animationEventListener) { if (null != mCurrentTab && null != mCurrentTab.mContentView) { mCurrentTab.mContentView.collapse(); } super.collapse(time, animationEventListener); } @Override void configure(int width, int itemWidth, int itemHeight) { mBubbleFlowWidth = Config.mScreenWidth; super.configure(width, itemWidth, itemHeight); if (mDraggableHelper != null && mDraggableHelper.getWindowManagerParams() != null) { WindowManager.LayoutParams windowManagerParams = mDraggableHelper.getWindowManagerParams(); windowManagerParams.width = width; windowManagerParams.x = 0; windowManagerParams.y = 0; windowManagerParams.gravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT; setExactPos(0, 0); } } public void destroy() { Intent intent = new Intent(BubbleFlowActivity.ACTIVITY_INTENT_NAME); intent.putExtra("command", BubbleFlowActivity.DESTROY_ACTIVITY); LocalBroadcastManager bm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getContext()); bm.sendBroadcast(intent); mDestroyed = true; synchronized (MainApplication.mActivitySharedLock) { MainApplication.mActivitySharedLock.notify(); } mDraggableHelper.destroy(); } public void nextTab() { int tabCount = getActiveTabCount(); TabView currentTab = getCurrentTab(); if (currentTab != null) { int tabIndex = getIndexOfView(currentTab); int nextTabIndex = tabIndex + 1; if (nextTabIndex < tabCount) { setCenterIndex(nextTabIndex); } } } public void previousTab() { int tabCount = getActiveTabCount(); TabView currentTab = getCurrentTab(); if (currentTab != null) { int tabIndex = getIndexOfView(currentTab); int nextTabIndex = tabIndex - 1; if (nextTabIndex >= 0) { setCenterIndex(nextTabIndex); } } } // The number of items currently actively managed by the BubbleFlowView. // Note: it's possible for getActiveTabCount() to equal 0, but getVisibleTabCount() to be > 0. public int getActiveTabCount() { return mViews.size(); } public boolean isUrlActive(String urlAsString) { for (View v : mViews) { TabView tabView = (TabView) v; if (tabView.getUrl().toString().equals(urlAsString)) { return true; } } return false; } // The number of items being drawn on the BubbleFlowView. // Note: It's possible for getVisibleTabCount() to be greater than getActiveTabCount() in the event an item is animating off. // Eg, when Back is pressed to dismiss the last Bubble. // This function does NOT return the number of items currently fitting on the current width of the screen. public int getVisibleTabCount() { return mContent.getChildCount(); } @Override public boolean expand(long time, final AnimationEventListener animationEventListener) { CrashTracking.log("BubbleFlowDraggable.expand(): time:" + time); if (isExpanded() == false && mCurrentTab != null) { // Ensure the centerIndex matches the current bubble. This should only *NOT* be the case when // restoring with N Bubbles from a previous session and the user clicks to expand the BubbleFlowView. int currentTabIndex = getIndexOfView(mCurrentTab); int centerIndex = getCenterIndex(); if (centerIndex > -1 && currentTabIndex != centerIndex && isAnimatingToCenterIndex() == false) { setCenterIndex(currentTabIndex, false); } } if (mViews.size() > 0) { Intent intent = new Intent(BubbleFlowActivity.ACTIVITY_INTENT_NAME); intent.putExtra("command", BubbleFlowActivity.EXPAND); LocalBroadcastManager bm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getContext()); bm.sendBroadcast(intent); } if (super.expand(time, animationEventListener)) { int centerIndex = getCenterIndex(); if (centerIndex > -1) { setCurrentTab((TabView) mViews.get(centerIndex), true); } return true; } return false; } public TabView getCurrentTab() { return mCurrentTab; } public void setCurrentTabAsActive() { if (null != mCurrentTab) { setCurrentTab(mCurrentTab, true); } } public void setCurrentTab(TabView tab, boolean sendIntentToActivity) { mCurrentTabResumeEvent.mTab = tab; MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), mCurrentTabResumeEvent); if (mCurrentTab == tab) { if (null != mCurrentTab) { ContentView contentView = mCurrentTab.getContentView(); if (null != contentView) { contentView.setTabAsActive(); setTabAsActive(tab); } } return; } if (mCurrentTab != null) { mCurrentTab.setImitator(null); } mCurrentTabPauseEvent.mTab = mCurrentTab; MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), mCurrentTabPauseEvent); mCurrentTab = tab; mCurrentTabChangedEvent.mTab = tab; MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), mCurrentTabChangedEvent); if (mCurrentTab != null) { mCurrentTab.setImitator(mBubbleDraggable); ContentView contentView = mCurrentTab.getContentView(); if (null != contentView) { contentView.setTabAsActive(); if (sendIntentToActivity) { setTabAsActive(tab); } } } } public void setBubbleDraggable(BubbleDraggable bubbleDraggable) { mBubbleDraggable = bubbleDraggable; } @Override public DraggableHelper getDraggableHelper() { return mDraggableHelper; } @Override public void update(float dt) { mDraggableHelper.update(dt); } public void syncWithBubble(Draggable draggable) { WindowManager.LayoutParams draggableParams = draggable.getDraggableHelper().getWindowManagerParams(); int xOffset = (draggableParams.width - mBubbleFlowWidth) / 2; int yOffset = (draggableParams.height - mBubbleFlowHeight) / 2; mDraggableHelper.setExactPos(draggableParams.x + xOffset, draggableParams.y + yOffset); } @Override public void onOrientationChanged() { clearTargetPos(); WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); wm.getDefaultDisplay().getSize(mTempSize); configure(mTempSize.x, mItemWidth, mItemHeight); updatePositions(); updateScales(getScrollX()); setExactPos(0, 0); if (null != mCurrentTab) { mCurrentTab.getContentView().onOrientationChanged(); } } public void clearTargetPos() { mDraggableHelper.clearTargetPos(); } public void setExactPos(int x, int y) { mDraggableHelper.setExactPos(x, y); } public void createTabView(ContentView view, BubbleFlowDraggable.OpenUrlSettings openUrlSettings, MainController controller) { TabView tabView; try { LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()); tabView = (TabView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.view_tab, null); tabView.mContentView = view; tabView.configure(openUrlSettings.mUrl, openUrlSettings.mUrlLoadStartTime, openUrlSettings.mHasShownAppPicker, openUrlSettings.mPerformEmptyClick, false, controller); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // TODO: Inform the user somehow? return; } add(tabView, mBubbleDraggable.getCurrentMode() == BubbleDraggable.Mode.ContentView); mBubbleDraggable.mBadgeView.setCount(getActiveTabCount()); if (openUrlSettings.mSetAsCurrentTab) { setCurrentTab(tabView, false); } controller.afterTabLoaded(tabView, openUrlSettings.mUrlLoadStartTime, openUrlSettings.mHasShownAppPicker, openUrlSettings.mOpenedFromItself); } public void openUrlInTab(String url, long urlLoadStartTime, boolean setAsCurrentTab, boolean hasShownAppPicker, boolean performEmptyClick, boolean openedFromItself) { try { mUrlsToOpenLock.writeLock().lock(); OpenUrlSettings openUrlSettings = new OpenUrlSettings(url, urlLoadStartTime, setAsCurrentTab, hasShownAppPicker, performEmptyClick, openedFromItself); if (!MainApplication.mActivityIsUp) { mUrlsToOpen.add(openUrlSettings); } else { passUrlToActivity(openUrlSettings); } } finally { mUrlsToOpenLock.writeLock().unlock(); } if (!MainApplication.mActivityIsUp) { StartActivity(); } } public void restoreTabInActivity(String url) { Intent intent = new Intent(BubbleFlowActivity.ACTIVITY_INTENT_NAME); intent.putExtra("command", BubbleFlowActivity.RESTORE_TAB); intent.putExtra("url", url); LocalBroadcastManager bm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getContext()); bm.sendBroadcast(intent); } public void restoreTab(TabView tabView) { restoreTabInActivity(tabView.getUrl().toString()); add(tabView, mBubbleDraggable.getCurrentMode() == BubbleDraggable.Mode.ContentView); mBubbleDraggable.mBadgeView.setCount(getActiveTabCount()); saveCurrentTabs(); if (getActiveTabCount() == 1) { setCurrentTab(tabView, true); } tabView.mWasRestored = true; } @Override protected void remove(final int index, boolean animateOff, boolean removeFromList, final OnRemovedListener onRemovedListener) { if (index < 0 || index >= mViews.size()) { return; } TabView tab = (TabView) mViews.get(index); OnRemovedListener internalOnRemoveListener = new OnRemovedListener() { @Override public void onRemoved(View view) { if (onRemovedListener != null) { onRemovedListener.onRemoved(view); } if (getActiveTabCount() == 0 && getVisibleTabCount() == 0) { MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), new MainController.EndAnimateFinalTabAwayEvent()); } } }; super.remove(index, animateOff, removeFromList, internalOnRemoveListener); if (animateOff && mSlideOffAnimationPlaying) { // Kick off an update so as to ensure BubbleFlowView.update() is always called when animating items off screen (see #189) MainController.get().scheduleUpdate(); if (getActiveTabCount() == 0 && getVisibleTabCount() > 0) { // Bit of a hack, but we need to ensure CanvasView has a valid mContentView, so use the one currently being killed. // This is perfectly safe, because the view doesn't get destroyed until it has animated off screen. MainController.BeginAnimateFinalTabAwayEvent event = new MainController.BeginAnimateFinalTabAwayEvent(); event.mTab = tab; MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), event); } } } private OnRemovedListener mOnTabRemovedListener = new OnRemovedListener() { @Override public void onRemoved(View view) { // Tabs are now destroyed after a time so the Undo close tab functionality works. //((TabView)view).destroy(); ((TabView) view).getContentView().onRemoved(); } }; public TabView getTabByNotification(int notificationId) { if (mViews != null) { for (View view : mViews) { TabView tabView = ((TabView) view); if (tabView.getContentView().getArticleNotificationId() == notificationId) { return tabView; } } } return null; } public void setCurrentTabByNotification(int notificationId, boolean contentViewShowing) { TabView tabView = getTabByNotification(notificationId); if (tabView != null) { int currentTabIndex = getIndexOfView(tabView); if (currentTabIndex > -1) { int centerIndex = getCenterIndex(); Log.d("blerg", "centerIndex:" + centerIndex + ", currentTabIndex:" + currentTabIndex); if (contentViewShowing) { if (centerIndex != currentTabIndex) { setCenterIndex(currentTabIndex, true); } } else { if (centerIndex > -1 && currentTabIndex != centerIndex && isAnimatingToCenterIndex() == false) { setCenterIndex(currentTabIndex, false); } } setCurrentTab(tabView, true); } } } public void preCloseTabInActivity(TabView tab) { Intent intent = new Intent(BubbleFlowActivity.ACTIVITY_INTENT_NAME); intent.putExtra("command", BubbleFlowActivity.PRE_CLOSE_VIEW); intent.putExtra("url", tab.getUrl().toString()); LocalBroadcastManager bm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getContext()); bm.sendBroadcast(intent); } public void closeTabInActivity(String url) { Intent intent = new Intent(BubbleFlowActivity.ACTIVITY_INTENT_NAME); intent.putExtra("command", BubbleFlowActivity.CLOSE_VIEW); intent.putExtra("url", url); LocalBroadcastManager bm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getContext()); bm.sendBroadcast(intent); } private void closeTab(TabView tab, boolean animateRemove, boolean removeFromList, boolean closeAllBubbels) { int index = mViews.indexOf(tab); if (index == -1) { return; } String url = tab.getUrl().toString(); if (removeFromList == true && url.equals(Constant.WELCOME_MESSAGE_URL)) { Settings.get().setWelcomeMessageDisplayed(true); } remove(index, animateRemove, removeFromList, mOnTabRemovedListener); mDelayDeletedItem = tab; preCloseTabInActivity(tab); // Don't do this if we're animating the final tab off, as the setCurrentTab() call messes with the // CanvasView.mContentView, which has already been forcible set above in remove() via BeginAnimateFinalTabAwayEvent. boolean animatingFinalTabOff = getActiveTabCount() == 0 && getVisibleTabCount() > 0 && mSlideOffAnimationPlaying; if (mCurrentTab == tab && animatingFinalTabOff == false) { TabView newCurrentTab = null; int viewsCount = mViews.size(); if (viewsCount > 0) { if (viewsCount == 1) { newCurrentTab = (TabView) mViews.get(0); } else if (index < viewsCount) { newCurrentTab = (TabView) mViews.get(index); } else { if (index > 0) { newCurrentTab = (TabView) mViews.get(index - 1); } else { newCurrentTab = (TabView) mViews.get(0); } } } if (!closeAllBubbels) { setCurrentTab(newCurrentTab, true); } } } private void postClosedTab(boolean removeFromCurrentTabs) { if (removeFromCurrentTabs) { saveCurrentTabs(); } } public void closeTab(TabView tabView, boolean animateRemove, Constant.BubbleAction action, long totalTrackedLoadTime) { if (tabView != null) { String url = tabView.getUrl().toString(); closeTab(tabView, animateRemove, true, false); postClosedTab(true); if (action != Constant.BubbleAction.None) { MainApplication.handleBubbleAction(getContext(), action, url, totalTrackedLoadTime); } } } public void closeAllBubbles(boolean removeFromCurrentTabs) { int closeCount = 0; for (View view : mViews) { closeTab(((TabView) view), false, false, true); ((TabView) view).destroy(); closeCount++; } CrashTracking.log("closeAllbubbles(): closeCount:" + closeCount); mViews.clear(); postClosedTab(removeFromCurrentTabs); } public void updateIncognitoMode(boolean incognito) { for (View view : mViews) { ((TabView) view).updateIncognitoMode(incognito); } } public void saveCurrentTabs() { Settings.get().saveCurrentTabs(mViews); CrashTracking.log("saveCurrentTabs()"); } }