Java tutorial
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package com.linkbubble.ui; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import android.view.WindowManager; import com.linkbubble.Config; import com.linkbubble.Constant; import com.linkbubble.MainApplication; import com.linkbubble.MainController; import com.linkbubble.R; import com.linkbubble.Settings; import com.linkbubble.physics.Circle; import com.linkbubble.physics.Draggable; import com.linkbubble.physics.DraggableHelper; import com.linkbubble.util.CrashTracking; import com.linkbubble.util.Util; import; public class BubbleDraggable extends BubbleView implements Draggable { private static final String TAG = "BubbleDraggable"; private DraggableHelper mDraggableHelper; private OnUpdateListener mOnUpdateListener; public BadgeView mBadgeView; private CanvasView mCanvasView; private BubbleFlowDraggable mBubbleFlowDraggable; private Util.Point mTractorBeamIntersectionPoint = new Util.Point(); private MainController.BeginBubbleDragEvent mBeginBubbleDragEvent = new MainController.BeginBubbleDragEvent(); private MainController.DraggableBubbleMovedEvent mDraggableBubbleMovedEvent = new MainController.DraggableBubbleMovedEvent(); private MainController.EndBubbleDragEvent mEndBubbleDragEvent = new MainController.EndBubbleDragEvent(); private MainController.BeginCollapseTransitionEvent mBeginCollapseTransitionEvent = new MainController.BeginCollapseTransitionEvent(); private MainController.EndCollapseTransitionEvent mEndCollapseTransitionEvent = new MainController.EndCollapseTransitionEvent(); // Physics state public enum Mode { BubbleView, ContentView } private BubbleTargetView mCurrentSnapTarget; private boolean mHasMoved; private boolean mTouchDown; private int mTouchInitialX; private int mTouchInitialY; private boolean mAnimActive; private Mode mMode; private float mTimeOnSnapTarget; private Circle mCircle; public BubbleDraggable(Context context) { this(context, null); } public BubbleDraggable(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public BubbleDraggable(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); } public boolean isDragging() { return mTouchDown; } public Mode getCurrentMode() { return mMode; } private void onAnimComplete() { try { // Sometimes there are two calls to animation, we will handle that later Util.Assert(mAnimActive, "mAnimActive=" + mAnimActive); } catch (AssertionError exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } mAnimActive = false; } private void doSnap() { int xp = (int) (0.5f + mDraggableHelper.getXPos() + Config.mBubbleWidth * 0.5f); int yp = mDraggableHelper.getYPos(); if (xp < Config.mScreenCenterX) { xp = Config.mBubbleSnapLeftX; } else { xp = Config.mBubbleSnapRightX; } animate().alpha(Constant.BUBBLE_MODE_ALPHA).setDuration(Constant.BUBBLE_ANIM_TIME); mBadgeView.animate().alpha(Constant.BUBBLE_MODE_ALPHA).setDuration(Constant.BUBBLE_ANIM_TIME); setTargetPos(xp, yp, 0.5f, DraggableHelper.AnimationType.MediumOvershoot, false, new DraggableHelper.AnimationEventListener() { @Override public void onAnimationComplete() { onAnimComplete(); Settings.get().setBubbleRestingPoint(mDraggableHelper.getXPos(), mDraggableHelper.getYPos()); } @Override public void onCancel() { onAnimComplete(); } }); } public void switchToBubbleView() { doAnimateToBubbleView(0); } public void switchToExpandedView(MainController controller) { doAnimateToContentView(controller, false); } private void doSnapAction(Constant.BubbleAction action) { MainController mainController = MainController.get(); float snapTime = mTimeOnSnapTarget - Config.ANIMATE_TO_SNAP_TIME; if (action == Constant.BubbleAction.Close && snapTime >= Config.CLOSE_ALL_BUBBLES_DELAY) { mainController.closeAllBubbles(); mMode = Mode.BubbleView; } else { if (mainController.closeCurrentTab(action, false)) { if (mMode == Mode.ContentView && action == Constant.BubbleAction.Close) { doAnimateToContentView(mainController, false); } else { doAnimateToBubbleView(0); } } else { mMode = Mode.BubbleView; } } } private void doFlick(float vx, float vy) { DraggableHelper.AnimationType animType = DraggableHelper.AnimationType.Linear; BubbleTargetView.enableTractor(); mCurrentSnapTarget = null; int initialX = mDraggableHelper.getXPos(); int initialY = mDraggableHelper.getYPos(); int targetX, targetY; if (Math.abs(vx) < 0.1f) { targetX = initialX; if (vy > 0.0f) { targetY = Config.mBubbleMaxY; } else { targetY = Config.mBubbleMinY; } } else { if (vx > 0.0f) { targetX = Config.mBubbleSnapRightX; } else { targetX = Config.mBubbleSnapLeftX; } float m = vy / vx; targetY = (int) (m * (targetX - initialX) + initialY); if (targetY < Config.mBubbleMinY) { targetY = Config.mBubbleMinY; targetX = (int) (initialX + (targetY - initialY) / m); } else if (targetY > Config.mBubbleMaxY) { targetY = Config.mBubbleMaxY; targetX = (int) (initialX + (targetY - initialY) / m); } else { animType = DraggableHelper.AnimationType.MediumOvershoot; } } float flickDistance = Util.distance(initialX, initialY, targetX, targetY); float flickVelocity = (float) Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy); float flickAnimPeriod = flickDistance / flickVelocity; flickAnimPeriod = Util.clamp(0.05f, flickAnimPeriod, 0.5f); // Check for tractor beam intercept // Get center line of flick float x0 = initialX + Config.mBubbleWidth * 0.5f; float y0 = initialY + Config.mBubbleHeight * 0.5f; float x1 = targetX + Config.mBubbleWidth * 0.5f; float y1 = targetY + Config.mBubbleHeight * 0.5f; // Get the closest (if any) snap target that will be able to grab the bubble. final BubbleTargetView tv = mCanvasView.getSnapTarget(x0, y0, x1, y1, mTractorBeamIntersectionPoint); if (tv != null) { float intBubbleX = mTractorBeamIntersectionPoint.x - Config.mBubbleWidth * 0.5f; float intBubbleY = mTractorBeamIntersectionPoint.y - Config.mBubbleHeight * 0.5f; float intersectionDistance = Util.distance(initialX, initialY, intBubbleX, intBubbleY); float intFraction = 0.0f; if (flickDistance > 0.0001f) { intFraction = intersectionDistance / flickDistance; } try { Util.Assert(intFraction >= 0.0f && intFraction <= 1.05f, "intFraction:" + intFraction + ", flickDistance:" + flickDistance); float intTime = flickAnimPeriod * intFraction; animType = DraggableHelper.AnimationType.Linear; flickAnimPeriod = intTime; targetX = (int) intBubbleX; targetY = (int) intBubbleY; tv.setTargetCenter(mTractorBeamIntersectionPoint.x, mTractorBeamIntersectionPoint.y); } catch (AssertionError exc) { if (animType != DraggableHelper.AnimationType.Linear) { flickAnimPeriod += 0.15f; } } } else { if (animType != DraggableHelper.AnimationType.Linear) { flickAnimPeriod += 0.15f; } } // #431 - Ensure there is always >0 time to animate the flick. flickAnimPeriod = Math.max(0.01f, flickAnimPeriod); animate().alpha(Constant.BUBBLE_MODE_ALPHA).setDuration(Constant.BUBBLE_ANIM_TIME); mBadgeView.animate().alpha(Constant.BUBBLE_MODE_ALPHA).setDuration(Constant.BUBBLE_ANIM_TIME); setTargetPos(targetX, targetY, flickAnimPeriod, animType, false, new DraggableHelper.AnimationEventListener() { @Override public void onAnimationComplete() { BubbleTargetView.disableTractor(); onAnimComplete(); MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), mEndBubbleDragEvent); if (tv == null) { int x = mDraggableHelper.getXPos(); if (x != Config.mBubbleSnapLeftX && x != Config.mBubbleSnapRightX) { doSnap(); } } else { Constant.BubbleAction action = tv.getAction(); doSnapAction(action); } } @Override public void onCancel() { onAnimComplete(); } }); } public void snapToBubbleView() { mMode = Mode.BubbleView; mDraggableHelper.cancelAnimation(); MainController.get().collapseBubbleFlow(0); Point bubbleRestingPoint = Settings.get().getBubbleRestingPoint(); setTargetPos(bubbleRestingPoint.x, bubbleRestingPoint.y, 0, DraggableHelper.AnimationType.Linear, false, null); MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), mEndCollapseTransitionEvent); } private void doAnimateToBubbleView(int animTimeMs) { if (mAnimActive) { if (mMode == Mode.BubbleView) { return; } else { mDraggableHelper.cancelAnimation(); } } mTouchDown = false; mMode = Mode.BubbleView; if (MainController.get().getActiveTabCount() == 0) { return; } if (animTimeMs == 0) { animTimeMs = Constant.BUBBLE_ANIM_TIME; } animate().alpha(Constant.BUBBLE_MODE_ALPHA).setDuration(animTimeMs); float bubblePeriod = (float) animTimeMs / 1000.f; float contentPeriod = bubblePeriod * 0.666667f; // 0.66667 is the normalized t value when f = 1.0f for overshoot interpolator of 0.5 tension MainController mainController = MainController.get(); setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); TabView currentTab = mBubbleFlowDraggable.getCurrentTab(); if (currentTab != null) { // ensure imitator image is up to date, fixes #228 mFavicon.clearImage(); currentTab.setImitator(this); } Point bubbleRestingPoint = Settings.get().getBubbleRestingPoint(); setTargetPos(bubbleRestingPoint.x, bubbleRestingPoint.y, bubblePeriod, DraggableHelper.AnimationType.SmallOvershoot, false, new DraggableHelper.AnimationEventListener() { @Override public void onAnimationComplete() { MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), mEndCollapseTransitionEvent); onAnimComplete(); } @Override public void onCancel() { onAnimComplete(); } }); mBadgeView.animate().alpha(Constant.BUBBLE_MODE_ALPHA).setDuration(animTimeMs); mainController.endAppPolling(); mainController.collapseBubbleFlow((long) (contentPeriod * 1000)); mBeginCollapseTransitionEvent.mPeriod = contentPeriod; MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), mBeginCollapseTransitionEvent); } public void doAnimateToContentView(MainController controller, boolean startDelay) { Intent intentActivity = new Intent(getContext(), BubbleFlowActivity.class); intentActivity.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); getContext().startActivity(intentActivity); doAnimateToContentView(true, startDelay, controller); } private void doAnimateToContentView(boolean saveBubbleRestingPoint, boolean startDelay, MainController controller) { CrashTracking.log("doAnimateToContentView()"); if (mAnimActive) { if (mMode == Mode.ContentView) { CrashTracking.log("doAnimateToContentView() mMode == Mode.ContentView, early exit"); return; } else { CrashTracking.log("doAnimateToContentView() cancelAnimation()"); mDraggableHelper.cancelAnimation(); } } if (mMode != Mode.ContentView && saveBubbleRestingPoint) { Settings.get().setBubbleRestingPoint(mDraggableHelper.getXPos(), mDraggableHelper.getYPos()); } mTouchDown = false; mMode = Mode.ContentView; final float bubblePeriod = (float) Constant.BUBBLE_ANIM_TIME / 1000.f; final float contentPeriod = bubblePeriod * 0.666667f; // 0.66667 is the normalized t value when f = 1.0f for overshoot interpolator of 0.5 tension final MainController mainController = controller; setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mainController.beginAppPolling(); mainController.expandBubbleFlow((long) (contentPeriod * 1000), true); animate().alpha(1.0f).setDuration(Constant.BUBBLE_ANIM_TIME); mBadgeView.animate().alpha(1.0f).setDuration(Constant.BUBBLE_ANIM_TIME); int xp = (int) Config.getContentViewX(0, 1); int yp = Config.mContentViewBubbleY; setTargetPos(xp, yp, bubblePeriod, DraggableHelper.AnimationType.SmallOvershoot, startDelay, new DraggableHelper.AnimationEventListener() { @Override public void onAnimationComplete() { onAnimComplete(); int activeCount = mainController.getActiveTabCount(); if (activeCount == 0) { // Ensure we don't enter state where there are no tabs to display. Fix #448 MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), new MainController.EndCollapseTransitionEvent()); //MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), new ExpandedActivity.MinimizeExpandedActivityEvent()); CrashTracking .log("doAnimateToContentView(): onAnimationComplete(): getActiveTabCount()==0"); } } @Override public void onCancel() { onAnimComplete(); mainController.endAppPolling(); mainController.collapseBubbleFlow((long) (contentPeriod * 1000)); } }); } public void configure(int x0, int y0, int targetX, int targetY, int targetTime, CanvasView cv) { try { super.configure(""); // the URL is not actually used... } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //setBackgroundColor(0xff00ff00); mMode = Mode.BubbleView; mAnimActive = false; mHasMoved = false; mCanvasView = cv; mBadgeView = (BadgeView) findViewById(; mBadgeView.hide(); mBadgeView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mCircle = new Circle(0, 0, 1); int bubbleSize = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bubble_size); WindowManager.LayoutParams windowManagerParams = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(); windowManagerParams.gravity = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT; windowManagerParams.x = x0; windowManagerParams.y = y0; windowManagerParams.height = bubbleSize; windowManagerParams.width = bubbleSize; windowManagerParams.type = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT; windowManagerParams.flags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED; windowManagerParams.format = PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT; windowManagerParams.setTitle("LinkBubble: BubbleDraggable"); final MainController controller = MainController.get(); mDraggableHelper = new DraggableHelper(this, windowManagerParams, true, new DraggableHelper.OnTouchActionEventListener() { @Override public void onActionDown(DraggableHelper.TouchEvent e) { if (!mAnimActive) { mCurrentSnapTarget = null; mHasMoved = false; mTouchDown = true; mTouchInitialX = e.posX; mTouchInitialY = e.posY; animate().alpha(1.0f).setDuration(Constant.BUBBLE_ANIM_TIME); mBadgeView.animate().alpha(1.0f).setDuration(Constant.BUBBLE_ANIM_TIME); MainController mainController = MainController.get(); if (mainController != null) { mainController.scheduleUpdate(); } MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), mBeginBubbleDragEvent); CrashTracking.log("BubbleDraggable.configure(): onActionDown() - start drag"); } } @Override public void onActionMove(DraggableHelper.MoveEvent e) { Log.d(TAG, "!!!!!Moving"); if (mTouchDown) { setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); int targetX = targetX = (int) (e.rawX - Config.mBubbleWidth * 0.5); int targetY = (int) (e.rawY - Config.mBubbleHeight); targetX = Util.clamp(Config.mBubbleSnapLeftX, targetX, Config.mBubbleSnapRightX); targetY = Util.clamp(Config.mBubbleMinY, targetY, Config.mBubbleMaxY); float d = (float) Math.sqrt((e.dx * e.dx) + (e.dy * e.dy)); if (d >= Config.dpToPx(10.0f)) { mHasMoved = true; } if (!mAnimActive) { // c = null, t = null wasn't snapping, no snap -> move // c = 1, t = null was snapping, no snap -> anim out // c = null, t = 1 wasn't snapping, is snap -> anim in // c = 1, t = 1 was snapping, is snapping -> NO move mCircle.Update(targetX + Config.mBubbleWidth * 0.5f, targetY + Config.mBubbleHeight * 0.5f, Config.mBubbleWidth * 0.5f); BubbleTargetView tv = mCanvasView.getSnapTarget(mCircle, 1.0f); if (mCurrentSnapTarget == null) { if (tv == null) { setTargetPos(targetX, targetY, 0.0f, DraggableHelper.AnimationType.DistanceProportion, false, null); } else { tv.beginSnapping(); mCurrentSnapTarget = tv; mTimeOnSnapTarget = 0.0f; Circle dc = tv.GetDefaultCircle(); int xt = (int) (0.5f + dc.mX - Config.mBubbleWidth * 0.5f); int yt = (int) (0.5f + dc.mY - Config.mBubbleHeight * 0.5f); setTargetPos(xt, yt, Config.ANIMATE_TO_SNAP_TIME, DraggableHelper.AnimationType.Linear, false, new DraggableHelper.AnimationEventListener() { @Override public void onAnimationComplete() { onAnimComplete(); } @Override public void onCancel() { onAnimComplete(); } }); } } else { if (tv == null) { setTargetPos(targetX, targetY, 0.05f, DraggableHelper.AnimationType.Linear, false, new DraggableHelper.AnimationEventListener() { @Override public void onAnimationComplete() { mCurrentSnapTarget.endSnapping(); mCurrentSnapTarget.endLongHovering(); mCurrentSnapTarget = null; mTimeOnSnapTarget = 0.f; onAnimComplete(); } @Override public void onCancel() { onAnimComplete(); } }); } } } } } @Override public void onActionUp(DraggableHelper.ReleaseEvent e, boolean startDelay) { if (mTouchDown) { CrashTracking.log("BubbleDraggable.configure(): onActionUp() - end drag"); mDraggableHelper.cancelAnimation(); if (mHasMoved) { if (mCurrentSnapTarget == null) { float v = (float) Math.sqrt(e.vx * e.vx + e.vy * e.vy); float threshold = Config.dpToPx(900.0f); if (v > threshold) { doFlick(e.vx, e.vy); CrashTracking.log("BubbleDraggable.configure(): onActionUp() - doFlick()"); } else { boolean doBubbleView = mMode == Mode.BubbleView || e.posX < Config.mScreenWidth * 0.2f || e.posX > Config.mScreenWidth * 0.8f || e.posY > Config.mScreenHeight * 0.5f; if (doBubbleView) { mMode = Mode.BubbleView; } MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), mEndBubbleDragEvent); if (doBubbleView) { CrashTracking .log("BubbleDraggable.configure(): onActionUp() - doSnap()"); doSnap(); } else { CrashTracking.log( "BubbleDraggable.configure(): onActionUp() - doAnimateToContentView() [mHasMoved==true]"); doAnimateToContentView(controller, startDelay); } } } else { MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), mEndBubbleDragEvent); CrashTracking.log("BubbleDraggable.configure(): onActionUp() - doSnapAction()"); doSnapAction(mCurrentSnapTarget.getAction()); } } else { MainApplication.postEvent(getContext(), mEndBubbleDragEvent); if (mMode == Mode.BubbleView) { CrashTracking.log( "BubbleDraggable.configure(): onActionUp() - doAnimateToContentView() [mMode == Mode.BubbleView]"); doAnimateToContentView(controller, startDelay); } else { if (mMode == Mode.ContentView && mBubbleFlowDraggable.isExpanded() == false) { CrashTracking.log( "BubbleDraggable.configure(): onActionUp() - doAnimateToContentView() [mMode == Mode.ContentView]"); doAnimateToContentView(controller, startDelay); } else { CrashTracking.log( "BubbleDraggable.configure(): onActionUp() - doAnimateToBubbleView()"); doAnimateToBubbleView(0); } } } mTouchDown = false; } } }); if (mDraggableHelper.isAlive()) { MainController.addRootWindow(this, windowManagerParams); slideOnScreen(x0, y0, targetX, targetY, targetTime); } } public void slideOnScreen(int x0, int y0, int targetX, int targetY, int targetTime) { setExactPos(x0, y0); if (targetX != x0 || targetY != y0) { setTargetPos(targetX, targetY, (float) targetTime / 1000.f, DraggableHelper.AnimationType.LargeOvershoot, false, null); } CrashTracking.log("BubbleDraggable.slideOnScreen()"); } public void setBubbleFlowDraggable(BubbleFlowDraggable bubbleFlowDraggable) { mBubbleFlowDraggable = bubbleFlowDraggable; } public void destroy() { //setOnTouchListener(null); setOnUpdateListener(null); // prevent memory leak mDraggableHelper.destroy(); } public void setOnUpdateListener(OnUpdateListener onUpdateListener) { mOnUpdateListener = onUpdateListener; } @Override public DraggableHelper getDraggableHelper() { return mDraggableHelper; } @Override public void update(float dt) { if (mTouchDown) { if (mCurrentSnapTarget != null) { mTimeOnSnapTarget += dt; float snapTime = mTimeOnSnapTarget - Config.ANIMATE_TO_SNAP_TIME; if (mCurrentSnapTarget.isLongHovering() == false && snapTime >= Config.CLOSE_ALL_BUBBLES_DELAY) { mCurrentSnapTarget.beginLongHovering(); } if (!mAnimActive) { Circle dc = mCurrentSnapTarget.GetDefaultCircle(); int xt = (int) (0.5f + dc.mX - Config.mBubbleWidth * 0.5f); int yt = (int) (0.5f + dc.mY - Config.mBubbleHeight * 0.5f); mDraggableHelper.setTargetPos(xt, yt, 0.02f, DraggableHelper.AnimationType.Linear, null); } } MainController.get().scheduleUpdate(); } mDraggableHelper.update(dt); int x = mDraggableHelper.getXPos(); int y = mDraggableHelper.getYPos(); mDraggableBubbleMovedEvent.mX = x; mDraggableBubbleMovedEvent.mY = y; if (mOnUpdateListener != null) { mOnUpdateListener.onUpdate(BubbleDraggable.this, 0); } } @Override public void onOrientationChanged() { if (mMode == Mode.BubbleView) { doAnimateToBubbleView(1); } else { switchToExpandedView(MainController.get()); } } public void setExactPos(int x, int y) { mDraggableHelper.setExactPos(x, y); } public void setTargetPos(int xp, int yp, float t, DraggableHelper.AnimationType type, boolean startDelay, DraggableHelper.AnimationEventListener listener) { try { Util.Assert(!mAnimActive, "mAnimActive:" + mAnimActive); } catch (AssertionError e) { mDraggableHelper.cancelAnimation(); e.printStackTrace(); } //Util.Assert(t > 0.0f, "t:" + t); // Don't think this happens anymore - just to catch if it does happen and investigate why. mAnimActive = listener != null; if (!startDelay) { mDraggableHelper.setTargetPos(xp, yp, t, type, listener); } else { new SetTargetPosWithDelay(xp, yp, t, type, listener).execute(); } } class SetTargetPosWithDelay extends AsyncTask<Void, Integer, Long> { int mxp; int myp; float mt; DraggableHelper.AnimationType mtype; DraggableHelper.AnimationEventListener mlistener; public SetTargetPosWithDelay(int xp, int yp, float t, DraggableHelper.AnimationType type, DraggableHelper.AnimationEventListener listener) { mxp = xp; myp = yp; mt = t; mtype = type; mlistener = listener; } protected Long doInBackground(Void... params) { try { Thread.sleep(Constant.BUBBLE_ANIMATION_EXPAND_DELAY); } catch (InterruptedException exc) { } publishProgress(0); return null; } protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer... progress) { mDraggableHelper.setTargetPos(mxp, myp, mt, mtype, mlistener); } } }