Java tutorial
/* ******************************************************************************* * Android U2F USB BridgE * (c) 2016 Ledger * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ********************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.IBinder; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Base64; @SuppressLint("NewApi") public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private static final String TAG = "LedgerU2FBridge"; private static final String ACTION_GOOGLE = ""; private static final String ACTION_LEDGER = ""; private static final String TAG_REQUEST = "request"; private static final String TAG_RESULT_DATA = "resultData"; private static final String TAG_JSON_TYPE = "type"; private static final String TAG_JSON_APPID = "appId"; private static final String TAG_JSON_CHALLENGE = "challenge"; private static final String TAG_JSON_REGISTERED_KEYS = "registeredKeys"; private static final String TAG_JSON_REGISTER_REQUESTS = "registerRequests"; private static final String TAG_JSON_KEYHANDLE = "keyHandle"; private static final String TAG_JSON_VERSION = "version"; private static final String TAG_JSON_REQUESTID = "requestId"; private static final String TAG_JSON_RESPONSEDATA = "responseData"; private static final String TAG_JSON_CLIENTDATA = "clientData"; private static final String TAG_JSON_SIGNATUREDATA = "signatureData"; private static final String TAG_JSON_REGISTRATIONDATA = "registrationData"; private static final String TAG_JSON_TYP = "typ"; private static final String TAG_JSON_ORIGIN = "origin"; private static final String TAG_JSON_CID_PUBKEY = "cid_pubkey"; private static final String SIGN_REQUEST_TYPE = "u2f_sign_request"; private static final String SIGN_RESPONSE_TYPE = "u2f_sign_response"; private static final String SIGN_RESPONSE_TYP = ""; private static final String REGISTER_REQUEST_TYPE = "u2f_register_request"; private static final String REGISTER_RESPONSE_TYPE = "u2f_register_response"; private static final String REGISTER_RESPONSE_TYP = ""; private static final String CID_UNAVAILABLE = "unavailable"; private static final String VERSION_U2F_V2 = "U2F_V2"; private static final int SW_OK = 0x9000; private static final int SW_USER_PRESENCE_REQUIRED = 0x6985; private class U2FContext { public U2FContext(String appId, byte[] challenge, Vector<byte[]> keyHandles, int requestId, boolean sign) { this.appId = appId; this.challenge = challenge; this.keyHandles = keyHandles; this.requestId = requestId; this.sign = sign; } public String getAppId() { return appId; } public byte[] getChallenge() { return challenge; } public Vector<byte[]> getKeyHandles() { return keyHandles; } public void setChosenKeyHandle(byte[] chosenKeyHandle) { this.chosenKeyHandle = chosenKeyHandle; } public byte[] getChosenKeyHandle() { return chosenKeyHandle; } public int getRequestId() { return requestId; } public boolean isSign() { return sign; } private String appId; private byte[] challenge; private Vector<byte[]> keyHandles; private byte[] chosenKeyHandle; private int requestId; private boolean sign; } private class U2FAuthRunner extends Thread implements U2FTransportFactoryCallback { //private static final int PAUSE = 50; private static final int PAUSE = 300; private static final int FIDO_CLA = 0x00; private static final int FIDO_INS_AUTH = 0x02; private static final int FIDO_INS_REGISTER = 0x01; private static final int FIDO_P1_SIGN = 0x03; private U2FContext context; private U2FTransportAndroid transportBuilder; private boolean stopped; public U2FAuthRunner(U2FContext context) { this.context = context; transportBuilder = new U2FTransportAndroid(MainActivity.this); } public void markStopped() { stopped = true; transportBuilder.markStopped(); } private boolean isResponseOK(byte[] response) { if ((response == null) || (response.length < 2)) { return false; } int sw = ((response[response.length - 2] & 0xff) << 8) | (response[response.length - 1] & 0xff); return sw == SW_OK; } private boolean isResponseBusy(byte[] response) { if ((response == null) || (response.length < 2)) { return false; } int sw = ((response[response.length - 2] & 0xff) << 8) | (response[response.length - 1] & 0xff); return sw == SW_USER_PRESENCE_REQUIRED; } private byte[] processSign(U2FTransportAndroidHID transport) throws Exception { byte[] response = null; choiceLoop: for (byte[] keyHandle : context.getKeyHandles()) { if (stopped) { break; } for (;;) { if (stopped) { break; } ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int msgLength = 32 + 32 + 1 + keyHandle.length; bos.write(FIDO_CLA); bos.write(FIDO_INS_AUTH); bos.write(FIDO_P1_SIGN); bos.write(0x00); // p2 bos.write(0x00); // extended length bos.write(msgLength >> 8); bos.write(msgLength & 0xff); MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); bos.write(digest.digest(MainActivity.this.createClientData(context).getBytes("UTF-8"))); bos.write(digest.digest(context.getAppId().getBytes("UTF-8"))); bos.write(keyHandle.length); bos.write(keyHandle); bos.write(0x00); bos.write(0x00); byte[] authApdu = bos.toByteArray(); response =; if (isResponseOK(response)) { context.setChosenKeyHandle(keyHandle); break choiceLoop; } if (!isResponseBusy(response)) { break; } else { response = null; Thread.sleep(PAUSE); } } } return response; } private byte[] processRegister(U2FTransportAndroidHID transport) throws Exception { byte[] response = null; for (;;) { if (stopped) { break; } ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int msgLength = 32 + 32; bos.write(FIDO_CLA); bos.write(FIDO_INS_REGISTER); bos.write(0x00); // p1 bos.write(0x00); // p2 bos.write(0x00); // extended length bos.write(msgLength >> 8); bos.write(msgLength & 0xff); MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); bos.write(digest.digest(MainActivity.this.createClientData(context).getBytes("UTF-8"))); bos.write(digest.digest(context.getAppId().getBytes("UTF-8"))); bos.write(0x00); bos.write(0x00); byte[] authApdu = bos.toByteArray(); response =; if (isResponseOK(response)) { break; } if (isResponseBusy(response)) { response = null; Thread.sleep(200); } else { response = null; break; } } return response; } public void onConnected(boolean success) { byte[] response = null; if (success) { U2FTransportAndroidHID transport = transportBuilder.getTransport(); try { transport.setDebug(true); transport.init(); if (context.isSign()) { response = processSign(transport); } else { response = processRegister(transport); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); response = null; } try { transport.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } else { } final byte[] sentResponse = (isResponseOK(response) ? response : null); MainActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { MainActivity.this.postResponse(sentResponse); } }); } public void run() { while (!transportBuilder.isPluggedIn() && !stopped) { try { Thread.sleep(PAUSE); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } if (stopped) { return; } transportBuilder.connect(MainActivity.this, this); } } private Button mCancelButton; private U2FContext mU2FContext; private U2FAuthRunner mAuthThread; private U2FContext parseU2FContext(String data) { try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(data); String requestType = json.getString(TAG_JSON_TYPE); if (requestType.equals(SIGN_REQUEST_TYPE)) { return parseU2FContextSign(json); } else if (requestType.equals(REGISTER_REQUEST_TYPE)) { return parseU2FContextRegister(json); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid request type"); return null; } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error decoding request"); return null; } } private U2FContext parseU2FContextSign(JSONObject json) { try { String appId = json.getString(TAG_JSON_APPID); byte[] challenge = Base64.decode(json.getString(TAG_JSON_CHALLENGE), Base64.URL_SAFE); int requestId = json.getInt(TAG_JSON_REQUESTID); JSONArray array = json.getJSONArray(TAG_JSON_REGISTERED_KEYS); Vector<byte[]> keyHandles = new Vector<byte[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject keyHandleItem = array.getJSONObject(i); if (!keyHandleItem.getString(TAG_JSON_VERSION).equals(VERSION_U2F_V2)) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid handle version"); return null; } byte[] keyHandle = Base64.decode(keyHandleItem.getString(TAG_JSON_KEYHANDLE), Base64.URL_SAFE); keyHandles.add(keyHandle); } return new U2FContext(appId, challenge, keyHandles, requestId, true); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error decoding request"); return null; } } private U2FContext parseU2FContextRegister(JSONObject json) { try { byte[] challenge = null; String appId = json.getString(TAG_JSON_APPID); int requestId = json.getInt(TAG_JSON_REQUESTID); JSONArray array = json.getJSONArray(TAG_JSON_REGISTER_REQUESTS); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { // TODO : only handle USB transport if several are present JSONObject registerItem = array.getJSONObject(i); if (!registerItem.getString(TAG_JSON_VERSION).equals(VERSION_U2F_V2)) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid register version"); return null; } challenge = Base64.decode(registerItem.getString(TAG_JSON_CHALLENGE), Base64.URL_SAFE); } return new U2FContext(appId, challenge, null, requestId, false); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error decoding request"); return null; } } private String createU2FResponse(U2FContext context, byte[] data) { if (context.isSign()) { return createU2FResponseSign(context, data); } else { return createU2FResponseRegister(context, data); } } private String createClientData(U2FContext context) { try { JSONObject clientData = new JSONObject(); clientData.put(TAG_JSON_TYP, (context.isSign() ? SIGN_RESPONSE_TYP : REGISTER_RESPONSE_TYP)); clientData.put(TAG_JSON_CHALLENGE, Base64.encodeToString(context.getChallenge(), Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64.NO_WRAP | Base64.NO_PADDING)); clientData.put(TAG_JSON_ORIGIN, context.getAppId()); clientData.put(TAG_JSON_CID_PUBKEY, CID_UNAVAILABLE); return clientData.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error encoding client data"); return null; } } private String createU2FResponseSign(U2FContext context, byte[] signature) { try { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put(TAG_JSON_TYPE, SIGN_RESPONSE_TYPE); response.put(TAG_JSON_REQUESTID, context.getRequestId()); JSONObject responseData = new JSONObject(); responseData.put(TAG_JSON_KEYHANDLE, Base64.encodeToString(context.getChosenKeyHandle(), Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64.NO_WRAP | Base64.NO_PADDING)); responseData.put(TAG_JSON_SIGNATUREDATA, Base64.encodeToString(signature, 0, signature.length - 2, Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64.NO_WRAP | Base64.NO_PADDING)); String clientData = createClientData(context); responseData.put(TAG_JSON_CLIENTDATA, Base64.encodeToString(clientData.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64.NO_WRAP | Base64.NO_PADDING)); response.put(TAG_JSON_RESPONSEDATA, responseData); return response.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error encoding request"); return null; } } private String createU2FResponseRegister(U2FContext context, byte[] registerResponse) { try { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put(TAG_JSON_TYPE, REGISTER_RESPONSE_TYPE); response.put(TAG_JSON_REQUESTID, context.getRequestId()); JSONObject responseData = new JSONObject(); responseData.put(TAG_JSON_REGISTRATIONDATA, Base64.encodeToString(registerResponse, 0, registerResponse.length - 2, Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64.NO_WRAP | Base64.NO_PADDING)); responseData.put(TAG_JSON_VERSION, VERSION_U2F_V2); String clientData = createClientData(context); responseData.put(TAG_JSON_CLIENTDATA, Base64.encodeToString(clientData.getBytes("UTF-8"), Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64.NO_WRAP | Base64.NO_PADDING)); response.put(TAG_JSON_RESPONSEDATA, responseData); return response.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error encoding request"); return null; } } public void postResponse(byte[] responseData) { if (responseData == null) { finish(); return; } String response = createU2FResponse(mU2FContext, responseData); if (response == null) { finish(); return; } Intent intent = getIntent(); intent.putExtra(TAG_RESULT_DATA, response); setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, intent); finish(); } @Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); if (mAuthThread != null) { mAuthThread.markStopped(); } } @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(toolbar); mCancelButton = (Button) findViewById(; mCancelButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (mAuthThread != null) { mAuthThread.markStopped(); } finish(); } }); TypefaceHelper.applyFonts((ViewGroup) getWindow().getDecorView()); Intent intent = getIntent(); if (!intent.getAction().equals(ACTION_GOOGLE) && !intent.getAction().equals(ACTION_LEDGER)) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, R.string.unsupported_intent, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); finish(); return; } String request = intent.getStringExtra(TAG_REQUEST); if (request == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Request missing"); finish(); return; } mU2FContext = parseU2FContext(request); if (mU2FContext == null) { finish(); return; } if (mAuthThread != null) { mAuthThread.markStopped(); } mAuthThread = new U2FAuthRunner(mU2FContext); mAuthThread.start(); } }