Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.l2jfree.gameserver.util; /** * @author luisantonioa */ import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.python.core.Py; import org.python.core.PyModule; import org.python.core.PySystemState; import org.python.core.imp; import org.python.util.InteractiveConsole; import com.l2jfree.Config; import com.l2jfree.L2AutoInitialization; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Creature; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Object; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.L2Player; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.position.ObjectPosition; import com.l2jfree.lang.L2Math; import com.l2jfree.lang.L2Thread; import; import com.l2jfree.util.ValueSortMap; /** * General Utility functions related to Gameserver */ public final class Util { // some sys info utils public static int getAvailableProcessors() { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); return rt.availableProcessors(); } public static String getOSName() { return System.getProperty(""); } public static String getOSVersion() { return System.getProperty("os.version"); } public static String getOSArch() { return System.getProperty("os.arch"); } public static String[] getMemUsage() { return L2Thread.getMemoryUsageStatistics(); } public static void JythonShell() { InteractiveConsole interp = null; try { String interpClass = PySystemState.registry.getProperty("python.console", "org.python.util.InteractiveConsole"); interp = (InteractiveConsole) Class.forName(interpClass).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { interp = new InteractiveConsole(); } PyModule mod = imp.addModule("__main__"); interp.setLocals(mod.__dict__); try { interp.interact(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Py.printException(e); } interp.cleanup(); } public static void handleIllegalPlayerAction(L2Player actor, String message) { handleIllegalPlayerAction(actor, message, Config.DEFAULT_PUNISH); } public static void handleIllegalPlayerAction(L2Player actor, String message, int punishment) { actor.setIllegalWaiting(true); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new IllegalPlayerAction(actor, message, punishment), 5000); } public static String getRelativePath(File base, File file) { return file.toURI().getPath().substring(base.toURI().getPath().length()); } /** Return degree value of object 2 to the horizontal line with object 1 being the origin */ public final static double calculateAngleFrom(L2Object obj1, L2Object obj2) { final ObjectPosition pos1 = obj1.getPosition(); final ObjectPosition pos2 = obj2.getPosition(); return calculateAngleFrom(pos1.getX(), pos1.getY(), pos2.getX(), pos2.getY()); } /** Return degree value of object 2 to the horizontal line with object 1 being the origin */ public final static double calculateAngleFrom(int obj1X, int obj1Y, int obj2X, int obj2Y) { double angleTarget = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(obj2Y - obj1Y, obj2X - obj1X)); return getValidDegree(angleTarget); } public final static double convertHeadingToDegree(int clientHeading) { double degree = clientHeading / 182.044444444; return getValidDegree(degree); } public final static int convertDegreeToClientHeading(double degree) { return (int) getValidHeading(degree * 182.044444444); } public final static int calculateHeadingFrom(L2Object obj1, L2Object obj2) { final ObjectPosition pos1 = obj1.getPosition(); final ObjectPosition pos2 = obj2.getPosition(); return calculateHeadingFrom(pos1.getX(), pos1.getY(), pos2.getX(), pos2.getY()); } public final static int calculateHeadingFrom(int obj1X, int obj1Y, int obj2X, int obj2Y) { double angleTarget = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(obj2Y - obj1Y, obj2X - obj1X)); return (int) getValidHeading(angleTarget * 182.044444444); } public final static int calculateHeadingFrom(double dx, double dy) { double angleTarget = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(dy, dx)); return (int) getValidHeading(angleTarget * 182.044444444); } /** * @param heading (n * 65536 + k) * @return k [0, 65536[ */ public static double getValidHeading(double heading) { while (heading < 0.) heading += 65536.; while (heading >= 65536.) heading -= 65536.; return heading; } /** * @param degree (n * 360 + k) * @return k [0, 360[ */ public static double getValidDegree(double degree) { while (degree < 0.) degree += 360.; while (degree >= 360.) degree -= 360.; return degree; } /** * @return angle difference [0, 180] */ public static double getAngleDifference(L2Object obj, L2Object src) { double diff = Util.calculateAngleFrom(src, obj) - Util.convertHeadingToDegree(src.getHeading()); while (diff > +180) diff -= 360; while (diff < -180) diff += 360; return Math.abs(diff); } public static boolean isInAngle(L2Object obj, L2Object src, double degree) { return Util.getAngleDifference(obj, src) <= degree; } public static enum Direction { FRONT, SIDE, BACK; public static Direction getDirection(L2Object obj, L2Object src) { double angleDifference = Util.getAngleDifference(obj, src); if (angleDifference <= 60) return FRONT; if (angleDifference <= 120) return SIDE; return BACK; } } public final static double calculateDistance(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2, boolean includeZAxis) { if (includeZAxis) return L2Math.calculateDistance(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2); else return L2Math.calculateDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2); } public final static double calculateDistance(L2Object obj1, L2Object obj2, boolean includeZAxis) { if (obj1 == null || obj2 == null) return Double.MAX_VALUE; final ObjectPosition pos1 = obj1.getPosition(); final ObjectPosition pos2 = obj2.getPosition(); return calculateDistance(pos1.getX(), pos1.getY(), pos1.getZ(), pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), pos2.getZ(), includeZAxis); } /** * Capitalizes the first letter of a string, and returns the result.<BR> * (Based on ucfirst() function of PHP) * * @param String str * @return String containing the modified string. */ public static String capitalizeFirst(String str) { str = str.trim(); if (str.length() > 0 && Character.isLetter(str.charAt(0))) return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1); return str; } /** * Capitalizes the first letter of every "word" in a string.<BR> * (Based on ucwords() function of PHP) * * @param String str * @return String containing the modified string. */ public static String capitalizeWords(String str) { char[] charArray = str.toCharArray(); String result = ""; // Capitalize the first letter in the given string! charArray[0] = Character.toUpperCase(charArray[0]); for (int i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++) { if (Character.isWhitespace(charArray[i])) charArray[i + 1] = Character.toUpperCase(charArray[i + 1]); result += Character.toString(charArray[i]); } return result; } public static String reverseColor(String color) { char[] ch1 = color.toCharArray(); char[] ch2 = new char[6]; ch2[0] = ch1[4]; ch2[1] = ch1[5]; ch2[2] = ch1[2]; ch2[3] = ch1[3]; ch2[4] = ch1[0]; ch2[5] = ch1[1]; return new String(ch2); } /** * Checks if object is within range, adding collisionRadius */ public static boolean checkIfInRange(int range, L2Object obj1, L2Object obj2, boolean includeZAxis) { if (!L2Object.isSameInstance(obj1, obj2)) return false; if (range == -1) return true; // not limited if (obj1 instanceof L2Creature) range += ((L2Creature) obj1).getTemplate().getCollisionRadius(); if (obj2 instanceof L2Creature) range += ((L2Creature) obj2).getTemplate().getCollisionRadius(); final ObjectPosition pos1 = obj1.getPosition(); final ObjectPosition pos2 = obj2.getPosition(); if (includeZAxis) return L2Math.isDistanceLessThan(pos1.getX(), pos1.getY(), pos1.getZ(), pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), pos2.getZ(), range); else return L2Math.isDistanceLessThan(pos1.getX(), pos1.getY(), pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), range); } /* * Checks if object is within short (sqrt(int.max_value)) radius, * not using collisionRadius. Faster calculation than checkIfInRange * if distance is short and collisionRadius isn't needed. * Not for long distance checks (potential teleports, far away castles etc) */ public static boolean checkIfInShortRadius(int radius, L2Object obj1, L2Object obj2, boolean includeZAxis) { if (!L2Object.isSameInstance(obj1, obj2)) return false; if (radius == -1) return true; // not limited final ObjectPosition pos1 = obj1.getPosition(); final ObjectPosition pos2 = obj2.getPosition(); if (includeZAxis) return L2Math.isDistanceLessThan(pos1.getX(), pos1.getY(), pos1.getZ(), pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), pos2.getZ(), radius); else return L2Math.isDistanceLessThan(pos1.getX(), pos1.getY(), pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), radius); } /** * Returns a delimited string for an given array of string elements.<BR> * (Based on implode() in PHP) * * @param String[] strArray * @param String strDelim * @return String implodedString */ public static String implodeString(String[] strArray, String strDelim) { String result = ""; for (String strValue : strArray) result += strValue + strDelim; return result; } /** * Returns a delimited string for an given collection of string elements.<BR> * (Based on implode() in PHP) * * @param Collection<String> strCollection * @param String strDelim * @return String implodedString */ public static String implodeString(Collection<String> strCollection, String strDelim) { return implodeString(strCollection.toArray(new String[strCollection.size()]), strDelim); } /** * Returns the rounded value of val to specified number of digits after the decimal point.<BR> * (Based on round() in PHP) * * @param float val * @param int numPlaces * @return float roundedVal */ public static float roundTo(float val, int numPlaces) { if (numPlaces <= 1) return Math.round(val); float exponent = L2Math.pow(10, numPlaces); return (Math.round(val * exponent) / exponent); } public static File[] getDatapackFiles(String dirname, String extention) { File dir = new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT, "data/" + dirname); if (!dir.exists()) return null; CustomFileNameFilter filter = new CustomFileNameFilter(extention); return dir.listFiles(filter); } public static boolean isAlphaNumeric(String text) { if (text == null) return false; boolean result = true; char[] chars = text.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(chars[i])) { result = false; break; } } return result; } public static int reverseRGBChanels(int rgbColor) { return (Integer.reverseBytes(rgbColor) >> 8) & 0xFFFFFF; } /** * Returns a number formatted with "," delimiter * * @param value * @return String formatted number */ public static String formatNumber(long value) { return NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH).format(value); } /** * @param s */ public static void printSection(String s) { s = "={ " + s + " }"; while (s.length() < 160) s = "-" + s; L2AutoInitialization.out.println(s); } public static Map<Integer, Integer> sortMap(Map<Integer, Integer> map, boolean asc) { ValueSortMap vsm = new ValueSortMap(); return vsm.sortThis(map, asc); } public static int[] toIntArray(String string) { return toIntArray(string, ","); } public static float[] toFloatArray(String string) { return toFloatArray(string, ","); } public static boolean[] toBooleanArray(String string) { return toBooleanArray(string, ","); } public static int[] toIntArray(String string, String delimiter) { String[] strings = StringUtils.split(string, delimiter); int[] ints = new int[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { ints[i] = Integer.parseInt(strings[i]); } return ints; } public static float[] toFloatArray(String string, String delimiter) { String[] strings = StringUtils.split(string, delimiter); float[] floats = new float[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { floats[i] = Float.parseFloat(strings[i]); } return floats; } public static boolean[] toBooleanArray(String string, String delimiter) { String[] strings = StringUtils.split(string, delimiter); boolean[] bools = new boolean[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { bools[i] = Boolean.parseBoolean(strings[i]); } return bools; } /** * Return amount of adena formatted with "," delimiter * * @param amount * @return String formatted adena amount */ public static String formatAdena(long amount) { return formatNumber(amount); } }