Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javolution.util.FastList; import javolution.util.FastMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import com.l2jfree.Config; import com.l2jfree.L2DatabaseFactory; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.Announcements; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.GameServer; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.LoginServerThread; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.Shutdown; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.Shutdown.DisableType; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.cache.HtmCache; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.cache.WarehouseCacheManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.communitybbs.Manager.ForumsBBSManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.communitybbs.Manager.RegionBBSManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.communitybbs.Manager.RegionBBSManager.PlayerStateOnCommunity; import; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.CharNameTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.ClanTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.FishTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.GmListTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.HennaTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.HeroSkillTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.NobleSkillTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.PetDataTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.RecipeTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.RecordTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.datatables.SkillTreeTable; import; import; import; import; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.appearance.PlayerAppearance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.base.ClassId; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.base.ClassLevel; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.base.Experience; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.base.Race; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.base.SubClass; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.effects.PlayerEffects; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2AirShipInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2BoatInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2ClassMasterInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2CubicInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2DoorInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2FestivalMonsterInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2FortSiegeGuardInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2GuardInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2MonsterInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2NpcInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2PetInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2SiegeGuardInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2StaticObjectInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2SummonInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.instance.L2TamedBeastInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.itemcontainer.Inventory; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.itemcontainer.ItemContainer; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.itemcontainer.PetInventory; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.itemcontainer.PlayerFreight; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.itemcontainer.PlayerInventory; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.itemcontainer.PlayerWarehouse; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.knownlist.CreatureKnownList; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.knownlist.PlayerKnownList; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.reference.ClearableReference; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.reference.ImmutableReference; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.shot.CreatureShots; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.shot.PlayerShots; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.skills.PlayerSkills; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.stat.CreatureStat; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.stat.PlayerStat; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.status.CreatureStatus; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.status.PlayerStatus; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.templates.L2PlayerTemplate; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.view.ICreatureView; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.gameobjects.view.PlayerView; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.geodata.GeoData; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.ItemHandler; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.SkillHandler; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.admincommands.AdminEditChar; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.skills.TakeCastle; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.skills.TakeFort; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.CastleManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.DimensionalRiftManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.DuelManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.FactionManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.FortManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.FortSiegeManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.FourSepulchersManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.GameTimeManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.ItemsAutoDestroyManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.MapRegionManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.PartyRoomManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.QuestManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.RecommendationManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.SiegeManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.ZoneManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.grandbosses.AntharasManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.grandbosses.BaiumManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.grandbosses.BaylorManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.grandbosses.FrintezzaManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.grandbosses.SailrenManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.grandbosses.ValakasManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.grandbosses.VanHalterManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.lastimperialtomb.LastImperialTombManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.instancemanager.leaderboards.ArenaManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.BlockList; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.CursedWeapon; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.Elementals; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.FishData; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2Fishing; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2FriendList; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2Macro; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2Marker; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2PetData; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2Request; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2ShortCut; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2Transformation; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.Location; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.MacroList; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.ShortCuts; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.TradeList; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.clan.L2Clan; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.clan.L2ClanMember; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.clan.L2SiegeClan; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.Castle; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.Duel; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.Fort; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.FortSiege; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.GrandBossState; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.Instance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.Siege; import; import; import; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.faction.FactionMember; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.L2ItemInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.manufacture.L2ManufactureList; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.recipe.L2RecipeList; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.templates.L2Armor; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.templates.L2ArmorType; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.templates.L2EtcItemType; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.templates.L2Henna; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.templates.L2Item; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.templates.L2Weapon; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.items.templates.L2WeaponType; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.mapregion.TeleportWhereType; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad; import; import; import; import; import; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.restriction.AvailableRestriction; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.restriction.ObjectRestrictions; import; import; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.sevensigns.SevenSigns; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.sevensigns.SevenSignsFestival; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.Env; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.Formulas; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill.SkillTargetType; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.SkillUsageRequest; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.Stats; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.conditions.ConditionGameTime; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.conditions.ConditionPlayerHp; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.effects.L2Effect; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.funcs.Func; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.l2skills.L2SkillSummon; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.learn.L2CertificationSkillsLearn; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.learn.L2SkillLearn; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.learn.L2TransformSkillLearn; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.templates.L2EffectType; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.skills.templates.L2SkillType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.taskmanager.AbstractIterativePeriodicTaskManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.taskmanager.AttackStanceTaskManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.taskmanager.LeakTaskManager; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.taskmanager.MovementController; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.taskmanager.PacketBroadcaster.BroadcastMode; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.taskmanager.SQLQueue; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.util.Broadcast; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.util.FloodProtector; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.util.Util; import com.l2jfree.lang.L2Math; import com.l2jfree.lang.L2System; import com.l2jfree.lang.Replaceable; import; import com.l2jfree.sql.SQLQuery; import; import; import; import com.l2jfree.util.ArrayBunch; import com.l2jfree.util.L2Arrays; import com.l2jfree.util.L2Collections; import com.l2jfree.util.LazyFastList; import com.l2jfree.util.LazyFastMap; /** * This class represents all player characters in the world. * There is always a client-thread connected to this (except if a player-store is activated upon logout).<BR><BR> * * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/04/11 10:06:09 $ */ public final class L2Player extends L2Playable { @SuppressWarnings("hiding") public static final L2Player[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new L2Player[0]; // Character Skill Reuse SQL String Definitions: private static final String RESTORE_SKILL_REUSES = "SELECT skillId,reuseDelay,expiration FROM character_skill_reuses WHERE charId=?"; private static final String ADD_SKILL_REUSE = "INSERT INTO character_skill_reuses (charId,skillId,reuseDelay,expiration) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; private static final String DELETE_SKILL_REUSES = "DELETE FROM character_skill_reuses WHERE charId=?"; // Character Character SQL String Definitions: private static final String UPDATE_CHARACTER = "UPDATE characters SET level=?,maxHp=?,curHp=?,maxCp=?,curCp=?,maxMp=?,curMp=?,face=?,hairStyle=?,hairColor=?,sex=?,heading=?,x=?,y=?,z=?,exp=?,expBeforeDeath=?,sp=?,karma=?,fame=?,pvpkills=?,pkkills=?,clanid=?,race=?,classid=?,deletetime=?,title=?,accesslevel=?,online=?,isin7sdungeon=?,clan_privs=?,wantspeace=?,base_class=?,onlinetime=?,in_jail=?,jail_timer=?,newbie=?,nobless=?,pledge_rank=?,subpledge=?,lvl_joined_academy=?,apprentice=?,sponsor=?,varka_ketra_ally=?,clan_join_expiry_time=?,clan_create_expiry_time=?,banchat_timer=?,char_name=?,death_penalty_level=?,vitality_points=?,bookmarkslot=? WHERE charId=?"; private static final String RESTORE_CHARACTER = "SELECT account_name, charId, char_name, level, maxHp, curHp, maxCp, curCp, maxMp, curMp, face, hairStyle, hairColor, sex, heading, x, y, z, exp, expBeforeDeath, sp, karma, fame, pvpkills, pkkills, clanid, race, classid, deletetime, cancraft, title, accesslevel, online, char_slot, lastAccess, clan_privs, wantspeace, base_class, onlinetime, isin7sdungeon, in_jail, jail_timer, banchat_timer, newbie, nobless, pledge_rank, subpledge, lvl_joined_academy, apprentice, sponsor, varka_ketra_ally, clan_join_expiry_time,clan_create_expiry_time,charViP,death_penalty_level,vitality_points,bookmarkslot FROM characters WHERE charId=?"; // Character Subclass SQL String Definitions: private static final String RESTORE_CHAR_SUBCLASSES = "SELECT class_id,exp,sp,level,class_index FROM character_subclasses WHERE charId=? ORDER BY class_index ASC"; private static final String ADD_CHAR_SUBCLASS = "INSERT INTO character_subclasses (charId,class_id,exp,sp,level,class_index) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"; private static final String UPDATE_CHAR_SUBCLASS = "UPDATE character_subclasses SET exp=?,sp=?,level=?,class_id=? WHERE charId=? AND class_index =?"; private static final String DELETE_CHAR_SUBCLASS = "DELETE FROM character_subclasses WHERE charId=? AND class_index=?"; // Character Henna SQL String Definitions: private static final String RESTORE_CHAR_HENNAS = "SELECT slot,symbol_id FROM character_hennas WHERE charId=? AND class_index=?"; private static final String ADD_CHAR_HENNA = "INSERT INTO character_hennas (charId,symbol_id,slot,class_index) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; private static final String DELETE_CHAR_HENNA = "DELETE FROM character_hennas WHERE charId=? AND slot=? AND class_index=?"; private static final String DELETE_CHAR_HENNAS = "DELETE FROM character_hennas WHERE charId=? AND class_index=?"; // Character Shortcut SQL String Definitions: private static final String DELETE_CHAR_SHORTCUTS = "DELETE FROM character_shortcuts WHERE charId=? AND class_index=?"; // Character Transformation SQL String Definitions: private static final String SELECT_CHAR_TRANSFORM = "SELECT transform_id FROM characters WHERE charId=?"; private static final String UPDATE_CHAR_TRANSFORM = "UPDATE characters SET transform_id=? WHERE charId=?"; // Character Teleport Bookmark: private static final String INSERT_TP_BOOKMARK = "INSERT INTO character_tpbookmark (charId,Id,x,y,z,icon,tag,name) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; private static final String UPDATE_TP_BOOKMARK = "UPDATE character_tpbookmark SET icon=?,tag=?,name=? where charId=? AND Id=?"; private static final String RESTORE_TP_BOOKMARK = "SELECT Id,x,y,z,icon,tag,name FROM character_tpbookmark WHERE charId=?"; private static final String DELETE_TP_BOOKMARK = "DELETE FROM character_tpbookmark WHERE charId=? AND Id=?"; // Subclass certification public static final String STORE_CHAR_CERTIFICATION = "INSERT INTO character_subclass_certification (charId,class_index,certif_level) VALUES (?,?,?)"; public static final String UPDATE_CHAR_CERTIFICATION = "UPDATE character_subclass_certification SET certif_level=? WHERE charId=? AND class_index=?"; private static final String DELETE_CHAR_CERTIFICATION = "DELETE FROM character_subclass_certification WHERE charId=?"; private static final String GET_CHAR_CERTIFICATION = "SELECT certif_level FROM character_subclass_certification WHERE charId=? AND class_index=?"; // Creation day private static final String GET_CREATION_DATE = "SELECT lastClaim,birthDate FROM character_birthdays WHERE charId=?"; private static final String CLAIM_CREATION_DAY = "UPDATE character_birthdays SET lastClaim=? WHERE charId=?"; // Name / Title Colors private static final String RESTORE_COLORS = "SELECT name_color, title_color FROM character_name_title_colors WHERE char_id=?"; private static final String UPDATE_COLORS = "REPLACE INTO character_name_title_colors VALUES(?,?,?)"; public static final int REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 15; public static final int STORE_PRIVATE_NONE = 0; public static final int STORE_PRIVATE_SELL = 1; public static final int STORE_PRIVATE_BUY = 3; public static final int STORE_PRIVATE_MANUFACTURE = 5; public static final int STORE_PRIVATE_PACKAGE_SELL = 8; /** The table containing all minimum level needed for each Expertise (None, D, C, B, A, S, S80, S84)*/ private static final int[] EXPERTISE_LEVELS = { SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getExpertiseLevel(0), // NONE SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getExpertiseLevel(1), // D SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getExpertiseLevel(2), // C SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getExpertiseLevel(3), // B SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getExpertiseLevel(4), // A SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getExpertiseLevel(5), // S SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getExpertiseLevel(6), // S80 SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getExpertiseLevel(7) //S84 }; private static final int[] COMMON_CRAFT_LEVELS = { 5, 20, 28, 36, 43, 49, 55, 62 }; public class AIAccessor extends L2Creature.AIAccessor { protected AIAccessor() { } public L2Player getPlayer() { return L2Player.this; } public void doPickupItem(L2Object object) { L2Player.this.doPickupItem(object); } public void doInteract(L2Creature target) { L2Player.this.doInteract(target); } @Override public void doAttack(L2Creature target) { super.doAttack(target); // Cancel the recent fake-death protection instantly if the player attacks or casts spells setRecentFakeDeath(false); } @Override public void doCast(L2Skill skill) { super.doCast(skill); // Cancel the recent fake-death protection instantly if the player attacks or casts spells setRecentFakeDeath(false); if (skill == null) return; if (!skill.isOffensive()) return; switch (skill.getTargetType()) { case TARGET_GROUND: return; default: { for (L2CubicInstance cubic : getCubics().values()) if (cubic.getId() != L2CubicInstance.LIFE_CUBIC) cubic.doAction(); } break; } } } private L2Client _client; private final PlayerAppearance _appearance; /** Sitting down and Standing up fix */ private long _lastSitStandRequest = 0; /** The Identifier of the L2Player */ private int _charId = 0x00030b7a; /** The Experience of the L2Player before the last Death Penalty */ private long _expBeforeDeath; /** The Karma of the L2Player (if higher than 0, the name of the L2Player appears in red) */ private int _karma; /** The number of player killed during a PvP (the player killed was PvP Flagged) */ private int _pvpKills; /** The PK counter of the L2Player (= Number of non PvP Flagged player killed) */ private int _pkKills; /** The Siege state of the L2Player */ private byte _siegeState = SIEGE_STATE_NOT_INVOLVED; private boolean _isInSiege = false; private int _lastCompassZone; // The last compass zone update send to the client private boolean _isIn7sDungeon = false; public int _bookmarkslot = 0; // The Teleport Bookmark Slot public final List<TeleportBookmark> tpbookmark = new LazyFastList<TeleportBookmark>(); private int _subPledgeType = 0; /** L2Player's pledge rank*/ private int _pledgeRank; /** Level at which the player joined the clan as an accedemy member*/ private int _lvlJoinedAcademy = 0; /** The random number of the L2Player */ //private static final Random _rnd = new Random(); private int _curWeightPenalty = 0; private long _deleteTimer; private PlayerInventory _inventory; private PlayerWarehouse _warehouse; private PlayerFreight _freight; private List<PlayerFreight> _depositedFreight; private final PlayerSkills _pcSkills = new PlayerSkills(this); /** True if the L2Player is sitting */ private boolean _waitTypeSitting; /** True if the L2Player is using the relax skill */ private boolean _relax; /** AirShip */ private L2AirShipInstance _airShip; private Point3D _inAirShipPosition; public ScheduledFuture<?> _taskforfish; /** Last NPC Id talked on a quest */ private int _questNpcObject = 0; /** Bitmask used to keep track of one-time/newbie quest rewards */ private int _newbie; /** The table containing all Quests began by the L2Player */ private final Map<String, QuestState> _quests = new LazyFastMap<String, QuestState>(); /** The list containing all shortCuts of this L2Player */ private ShortCuts _shortCuts; /** The list containing all macroses of this L2Player */ private MacroList _macroses; private TradeList _activeTradeList; private ItemContainer _activeWarehouse; private L2ManufactureList _createList; private TradeList _sellList; private TradeList _buyList; private L2Player[] _snoopers = L2Player.EMPTY_ARRAY; // List of GMs snooping this player private L2Player[] _snoopedPlayers = L2Player.EMPTY_ARRAY; // List of players being snooped by this GM /** The Private Store type of the L2Player (STORE_PRIVATE_NONE=0, STORE_PRIVATE_SELL=1, sellmanage=2, STORE_PRIVATE_BUY=3, buymanage=4, STORE_PRIVATE_MANUFACTURE=5) */ private int _privatestore; private ClassId _skillLearningClassId; // Hennas private final L2Henna[] _henna = new L2Henna[3]; private int _hennaSTR; private int _hennaINT; private int _hennaDEX; private int _hennaMEN; private int _hennaWIT; private int _hennaCON; private boolean _isRidingStrider = false; private boolean _isRidingRedStrider = false; private boolean _isRidingHorse = false; private boolean _isFlyingMounted = false; /** The L2Summon of the L2Player */ private L2Summon _summon = null; /** The L2Decoy of the L2Player */ private L2Decoy _decoy = null; /** The L2Trap of the L2Player */ private L2Trap _trap = null; /** The L2Agathion of the L2Player */ private int _agathionId = 0; // Apparently, a L2Player CAN have both a summon AND a tamed beast at the same time!! private L2TamedBeastInstance _tamedBeast = null; // Client radar private L2Marker _radar; // These values are only stored temporarily private boolean _lookingForParty; private boolean _partyMatchingAllLevels; private int _partyMatchingRegion; private L2PartyRoom _partyRoom; private L2Party _party; // Clan related attributes /** The Clan Identifier of the L2Player */ private int _clanId; /** The Clan object of the L2Player */ private L2Clan _clan; /** Apprentice and Sponsor IDs */ private int _apprentice = 0; private int _sponsor = 0; private long _clanJoinExpiryTime; private long _clanCreateExpiryTime; private long _onlineTime; private long _onlineBeginTime; // GM Stuff private boolean _isGm; private int _accessLevel; private boolean _messageRefusal = false; // Message refusal mode private boolean _dietMode = false; // Ignore weight penalty private boolean _tradeRefusal = false; // Trade refusal private boolean _exchangeRefusal = false; // Exchange refusal // This is needed to find the inviting player for Party response // There can only be one active party request at once private L2Player _activeRequester; private long _requestExpireTime = 0; private L2Request _request; private L2ItemInstance _arrowItem; private L2ItemInstance _boltItem; // Used for protection after teleport private long _protectEndTime = 0; // Protects a char from agro mobs when getting up from fake death private long _recentFakeDeathEndTime = 0; /** The fists L2Weapon of the L2Player (used when no weapon is equipped) */ private L2Weapon _fistsWeaponItem; private long _uptime; private final String _accountName; private Map<Integer, String> _chars; /** The table containing all L2RecipeList of the L2Player */ private final Map<Integer, L2RecipeList> _dwarvenRecipeBook = new LazyFastMap<Integer, L2RecipeList>(); private final Map<Integer, L2RecipeList> _commonRecipeBook = new LazyFastMap<Integer, L2RecipeList>(); private int _mountType; private int _mountNpcId; private int _mountLevel; /** The current higher Expertise of the L2Player (None=0, D=1, C=2, B=3, A=4, S=5, S80=6, S84=7)*/ private int _expertiseIndex; // Index in EXPERTISE_LEVELS private int _weaponGradePenalty; private int _armorPenalty; private boolean _isEnchanting = false; private L2ItemInstance _activeEnchantItem = null; private L2ItemInstance _activeEnchantSupportItem = null; private L2ItemInstance _activeEnchantAttrItem = null; private long _activeEnchantTimestamp = 0; public static final byte ONLINE_STATE_LOADED = 0; public static final byte ONLINE_STATE_ONLINE = 1; public static final byte ONLINE_STATE_DELETED = 2; private byte _isOnline = ONLINE_STATE_LOADED; protected boolean _inventoryDisabled = false; protected Map<Integer, L2CubicInstance> _cubics = new LazyFastMap<Integer, L2CubicInstance>().setShared(); /** The L2NpcInstance corresponding to the last Folk wich one the player talked. */ private L2Npc _lastFolkNpc = null; private int _clanPrivileges = 0; /** L2Player's pledge class (knight, Baron, etc.)*/ private int _pledgeClass = 0; /** Location before entering Observer Mode */ private int _obsX; private int _obsY; private int _obsZ; private boolean _observerMode = false; /** TvT Instanced Engine parameters */ public int _originalNameColorTvTi, _originalKarmaTvTi, _countTvTiKills = 0, _countTvTITeamKills = 0; public boolean _inEventTvTi = false, _isSitForcedTvTi = false, _joiningTvTi = false; public int _telemode = 0; /** new loto ticket **/ private final int _loto[] = new int[5]; /** new race ticket **/ private final int _race[] = new int[2]; private BlockList _blockList; private L2FriendList _friendList; private boolean _fishing = false; private int _fishx = 0; private int _fishy = 0; private int _fishz = 0; private final List<Integer> _transformAllowedSkills = new LazyFastList<Integer>(); private int _team = 0; private int _wantsPeace = 0; // Death Penalty Buff Level private int _deathPenaltyBuffLevel = 0; // Self resurrect during siege private boolean _charmOfCourage = false; private boolean _hero = false; private boolean _noble = false; private boolean _inOlympiadMode = false; private boolean _olympiadStart = false; private int _olympiadGameId = -1; private int _olympiadSide = -1; private int _olympiadOpponentId = 0; public int olyBuff = 0; /** Duel */ private int _duelState = Duel.DUELSTATE_NODUEL; private boolean _isInDuel = false; private int _duelId = 0; private int _noDuelReason = 0; /** ally with ketra or varka related vars*/ private int _alliedVarkaKetra = 0; /** * IMO we don't need it, as we have FIFO packet execution. */ private final ReentrantLock _subclassLock = new ReentrantLock(); /** The list of sub-classes this character has. */ private Map<Integer, SubClass> _subClasses; protected int _baseClass; protected int _activeClass; protected int _classIndex = 0; /** data for mounted pets */ private int _controlItemId; private L2PetData _data; private int _curFeed; protected Future<?> _mountFeedTask; private ScheduledFuture<?> _dismountTask; private long _lastAccess; private int _boatId; private ScheduledFuture<?> _taskRentPet; private ScheduledFuture<?> _taskWater; private L2BoatInstance _boat; private Point3D _inBoatPosition; /** Bypass validations */ private List<String> _validBypass; private List<String> _validBypass2; private Forum _forumMail; private Forum _forumMemo; private L2Fishing _fishCombat; /** The number of evaluation points obtained by this player */ private int _evalPoints; /** The number of evaluations this player can give */ private int _evaluations; /** List of players this player already evaluated */ private final List<Integer> _evaluated = new LazyFastList<Integer>(); private boolean _inCrystallize; private boolean _inCraftMode; /** Store object used to summon the strider you are mounting **/ private int _mountObjectID = 0; /** character VIP **/ private boolean _charViP = false; private boolean _inJail = false; private long _jailTimer = 0; private boolean _maried = false; private int _partnerId = 0; private int _coupleId = 0; private boolean _maryrequest = false; private boolean _maryaccepted = false; private int _clientRevision = 0; private FactionMember _faction; /* Flag to disable equipment/skills while wearing formal wear **/ private boolean _IsWearingFormalWear = false; private L2Transformation _transformation; private int _transformationId = 0; private L2StaticObjectInstance _throne; // Absorbed Souls private int _souls = 0; private ScheduledFuture<?> _soulTask = null; private int _lastSoulConsume = 0; // Force charges private int _charges = 0; private ScheduledFuture<?> _chargeTask = null; public int _fame = 0; // The Fame of this L2Player private ScheduledFuture<?> _fameTask; /** Vitality recovery task */ private ScheduledFuture<?> _vitalityTask; private ScheduledFuture<?> _teleportWatchdog; // Id of the afro hair cut private int _afroId = 0; // Creation day private int _lastClaim; private Calendar _createdOn; private long _lastTargetChange; private int _lastTargetId; private boolean _illegalWaiting; private long _nextJumpTime; private class VitalityTask implements Runnable { private L2Player _player = null; public VitalityTask(L2Player player) { _player = player; } @Override public void run() { if (_player == null) return; if (!_player.isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PEACE)) return; if (_player.getVitalityPoints() >= PlayerStat.MAX_VITALITY_POINTS) return; _player.updateVitalityPoints(Config.RATE_RECOVERY_VITALITY_PEACE_ZONE, false, false); _player.sendPacket(new ExVitalityPointInfo(getVitalityPoints())); } } @Override public final boolean isAllSkillsDisabled() { return super.isAllSkillsDisabled() || isTryingToSitOrStandup(); } @Override public final boolean isAttackingDisabled() { return super.isAttackingDisabled() || isTryingToSitOrStandup(); } @Override public boolean isInProtectedAction() { return super.isInProtectedAction() || isTryingToSitOrStandup(); } /** * Create a new L2Player and add it in the characters table of the database.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Create a new L2Player with an account name </li> * <li>Set the name, the Hair Style, the Hair Color and the Face type of the L2Player</li> * <li>Add the player in the characters table of the database</li><BR><BR> * * @param objectId Identifier of the object to initialized * @param template The L2PlayerTemplate to apply to the L2Player * @param accountName The name of the L2Player * @param name The name of the L2Player * @param hairStyle The hair style Identifier of the L2Player * @param hairColor The hair color Identifier of the L2Player * @param face The face type Identifier of the L2Player * * @return The L2Player added to the database or null * */ public static L2Player create(int objectId, L2PlayerTemplate template, String accountName, String name, byte hairStyle, byte hairColor, byte face, boolean sex) { // Create a new L2Player with an account name PlayerAppearance app = new PlayerAppearance(face, hairColor, hairStyle, sex); L2Player player = new L2Player(objectId, template, accountName, app); // Set the name of the L2Player player.setName(name); // Set the base class ID to that of the actual class ID. player.setBaseClass(player.getClassId()); // Kept for backwards compabitility. player.setNewbie(1); // Add the player in the characters table of the database boolean ok = player.createDb(); if (!ok) return null; return player; } public String getAccountName() { if (getClient() == null) return _accountName; return getClient().getAccountName(); } public int getRelation(L2Player target) { int result = 0; if (getClan() != null) result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_CLAN_MEMBER; if (isClanLeader()) result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_LEADER; L2Party party = getParty(); if (party != null && party == target.getParty()) { result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_HAS_PARTY; switch (party.getPartyMembers().indexOf(this)) { case 0: result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTYLEADER; // 0x10 break; case 1: result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY4; // 0x8 break; case 2: result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY3 + RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY2 + RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY1; // 0x7 break; case 3: result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY3 + RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY2; // 0x6 break; case 4: result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY3 + RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY1; // 0x5 break; case 5: result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY3; // 0x4 break; case 6: result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY2 + RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY1; // 0x3 break; case 7: result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY2; // 0x2 break; case 8: result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_PARTY1; // 0x1 break; } } if (getSiegeState() != SIEGE_STATE_NOT_INVOLVED) { result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_INSIEGE; if (getSiegeState() != target.getSiegeState()) result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_ENEMY; else result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_ALLY; if (getSiegeState() == SIEGE_STATE_ATTACKER) result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_ATTACKER; } if (getClan() != null && target.getClan() != null) { if (target.getSubPledgeType() != L2Clan.SUBUNIT_ACADEMY && getSubPledgeType() != L2Clan.SUBUNIT_ACADEMY && target.getClan().isAtWarWith(getClan().getClanId())) { result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_1SIDED_WAR; if (getClan().isAtWarWith(target.getClan().getClanId())) result |= RelationChanged.RELATION_MUTUAL_WAR; } } return result; } public Map<Integer, String> getAccountChars() { if (_chars == null) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); // Retrieve the name and ID of the other characters assigned to this account. PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT charId, char_name FROM characters WHERE account_name=? AND charId<>?"); statement.setString(1, getAccountName()); statement.setInt(2, getObjectId()); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { if (_chars == null) _chars = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); _chars.put(rset.getInt("charId"), rset.getString("char_name")); } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.warn("", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } if (_chars == null) _chars = L2Collections.emptyMap(); } return _chars; } private void initPlayerStatusUpdateValues() { _cpUpdateInterval = getMaxCp() / 352.0; _cpUpdateIncCheck = getMaxCp(); _cpUpdateDecCheck = getMaxCp() - _cpUpdateInterval; _mpUpdateInterval = getMaxMp() / 352.0; _mpUpdateIncCheck = getMaxMp(); _mpUpdateDecCheck = getMaxMp() - _mpUpdateInterval; } /** * Constructor of L2Player (use L2Creature constructor).<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Call the L2Creature constructor to create an empty _skills slot and copy basic Calculator set to this L2Player </li> * <li>Set the name of the L2Player</li><BR><BR> * * <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : This method SET the level of the L2Player to 1</B></FONT><BR><BR> * * @param objectId Identifier of the object to initialized * @param template The L2PlayerTemplate to apply to the L2Player * @param accountName The name of the account including this L2Player * */ private L2Player(int objectId, L2PlayerTemplate template, String accountName, PlayerAppearance app) { super(objectId, template); getKnownList(); // Init knownlist getStat(); // Init stats getStatus(); // Init status super.initCreatureStatusUpdateValues(); initPlayerStatusUpdateValues(); _accountName = accountName; app.setOwner(this); _appearance = app; // Create an AI getAI(); // Retrieve from the database all items of this L2Player and add them to _inventory getInventory().restore(); if (!Config.WAREHOUSE_CACHE) getWarehouse(); getFreight(); startVitalityTask(); } @Override protected CreatureKnownList initKnownList() { return new PlayerKnownList(this); } @Override public final PlayerKnownList getKnownList() { return (PlayerKnownList) _knownList; } @Override protected ICreatureView initView() { return new PlayerView(this); } @Override public PlayerView getView() { return (PlayerView) _view; } @Override protected CreatureStat initStat() { return new PlayerStat(this); } @Override public final PlayerStat getStat() { return (PlayerStat) _stat; } @Override protected CreatureStatus initStatus() { return new PlayerStatus(this); } @Override public final PlayerStatus getStatus() { return (PlayerStatus) _status; } @Override protected PlayerEffects initEffects() { return new PlayerEffects(this); } @Override public PlayerEffects getEffects() { return (PlayerEffects) _effects; } public final PlayerAppearance getAppearance() { return _appearance; } @Override public void setTitle(String value) { if (Config.FACTION_ENABLED) { if (FactionManager.getInstance().getFactionTitles().contains(value.toLowerCase()) && !value.isEmpty()) { sendMessage("Title protected by Faction System"); return; } } if (value.length() > 16) value = value.substring(0, 15); super.setTitle(value); } /** * Return the base L2PlayerTemplate link to the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public final L2PlayerTemplate getBaseTemplate() { return CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_baseClass); } /** Return the L2PlayerTemplate link to the L2Player. */ @Override public final L2PlayerTemplate getTemplate() { return (L2PlayerTemplate) super.getTemplate(); } public void setTemplate(ClassId newclass) { super.setTemplate(CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getTemplate(newclass)); } @Override protected L2CreatureAI initAI() { return new L2PlayerAI(new L2Player.AIAccessor()); } /** Return the Level of the L2Player. */ @Override public final int getLevel() { return getStat().getLevel(); } /** * Return the _newbie rewards state of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getNewbie() { return _newbie; } /** * Set the _newbie rewards state of the L2Player.<BR><BR> * * @param newbieRewards The Identifier of the _newbie state<BR><BR> * */ public void setNewbie(int newbieRewards) { _newbie = newbieRewards; } public void setBaseClass(int baseClass) { _baseClass = baseClass; } public void setBaseClass(ClassId classId) { _baseClass = classId.ordinal(); } public boolean isInStoreMode() { return (getPrivateStoreType() > 0); } public boolean isInCraftMode() { return _inCraftMode; } public void isInCraftMode(boolean b) { _inCraftMode = b; } /** * Return a table containing all Common L2Recipe of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public L2RecipeList[] getCommonRecipeBook() { return _commonRecipeBook.values().toArray(new L2RecipeList[_commonRecipeBook.values().size()]); } /** * Return a table containing all Dwarf L2Recipe of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public L2RecipeList[] getDwarvenRecipeBook() { return _dwarvenRecipeBook.values().toArray(new L2RecipeList[_dwarvenRecipeBook.values().size()]); } /** * Add a new L2Recipe to the table _commonrecipebook containing all L2Recipe of the L2Player <BR><BR> * * @param recipe The L2RecipeList to add to the _recipebook * @param saveToDb true to save infos into the DB */ public void registerCommonRecipeList(L2RecipeList recipe, boolean saveToDb) { _commonRecipeBook.put(recipe.getId(), recipe); if (saveToDb) insertNewRecipeData(recipe.getId(), false); } /** * Add a new L2Recipe to the table _recipebook containing all L2Recipe of the L2Player <BR><BR> * * @param recipe The L2Recipe to add to the _recipebook * @param saveToDb true to save infos into the DB */ public void registerDwarvenRecipeList(L2RecipeList recipe, boolean saveToDb) { _dwarvenRecipeBook.put(recipe.getId(), recipe); if (saveToDb) insertNewRecipeData(recipe.getId(), true); } /** * @param recipeId The Identifier of the L2Recipe to check in the player's recipe books * * @return * <b>TRUE</b> if player has the recipe on Common or Dwarven Recipe book else returns <b>FALSE</b> */ public boolean hasRecipeList(int recipeId) { if (_dwarvenRecipeBook.containsKey(recipeId)) return true; else return _commonRecipeBook.containsKey(recipeId); } /** * Tries to remove a L2Recipe from the table _DwarvenRecipeBook or from table _CommonRecipeBook, those table contain all L2Recipe of the L2Player <BR><BR> * * @param recipeId The Identifier of the L2Recipe to remove from the _recipebook * */ public void unregisterRecipeList(int recipeId) { if (_dwarvenRecipeBook.remove(recipeId) != null) deleteRecipeData(recipeId, true); else if (_commonRecipeBook.remove(recipeId) != null) deleteRecipeData(recipeId, false); else _log.warn("Attempted to remove unknown RecipeList: " + recipeId); L2ShortCut[] allShortCuts = getAllShortCuts(); for (L2ShortCut sc : allShortCuts) { if (sc != null && sc.getId() == recipeId && sc.getType() == L2ShortCut.TYPE_RECIPE) deleteShortCut(sc.getSlot(), sc.getPage()); } } private void insertNewRecipeData(int recipeId, boolean isDwarf) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO character_recipebook (charId, id, classIndex, type) values(?,?,?,?)"); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, recipeId); statement.setInt(3, isDwarf ? _classIndex : 0); statement.setInt(4, isDwarf ? 1 : 0); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("SQL exception while inserting recipe: " + recipeId + " from character " + getObjectId(), e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } private void deleteRecipeData(int recipeId, boolean isDwarf) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM character_recipebook WHERE charId=? AND id=? AND classIndex=?"); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, recipeId); statement.setInt(3, isDwarf ? _classIndex : 0); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("SQL exception while deleting recipe: " + recipeId + " from character " + getObjectId(), e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } /** * Returns the Id for the last talked quest NPC.<BR><BR> */ public int getLastQuestNpcObject() { return _questNpcObject; } public void setLastQuestNpcObject(int npcId) { _questNpcObject = npcId; } /** * Return the QuestState object corresponding to the quest name.<BR><BR> * * @param quest The name of the quest * */ public QuestState getQuestState(String quest) { return _quests.get(quest); } /** * Add a QuestState to the table _quest containing all quests began by the L2Player.<BR><BR> * * @param qs The QuestState to add to _quest * */ public void setQuestState(QuestState qs) { _quests.put(qs.getQuestName(), qs); } /** * Remove a QuestState from the table _quest containing all quests began by the L2Player.<BR><BR> * * @param quest The name of the quest * */ public void delQuestState(String quest) { _quests.remove(quest); } private QuestState[] addToQuestStateArray(QuestState[] questStateArray, QuestState state) { int len = questStateArray.length; QuestState[] tmp = new QuestState[len + 1]; System.arraycopy(questStateArray, 0, tmp, 0, len); tmp[len] = state; return tmp; } /** * Return a table containing all Quest in progress from the table _quests.<BR><BR> */ public Quest[] getAllActiveQuests() { ArrayBunch<Quest> quests = new ArrayBunch<Quest>(); for (QuestState qs : _quests.values()) { if (qs == null) continue; int questId = qs.getQuest().getQuestIntId(); if ((questId > 19999) || (questId < 1)) continue; if (!qs.isStarted() && !Config.DEVELOPER) continue; quests.add(qs.getQuest()); } return quests.moveToArray(new Quest[quests.size()]); } /** * Return a table containing all QuestState to modify after a L2Attackable killing.<BR><BR> * * @param npc The Identifier of the L2Attackable attacked * */ public QuestState[] getQuestsForAttacks(L2NpcInstance npc) { // Create a QuestState table that will contain all QuestState to modify QuestState[] states = null; // Go through the QuestState of the L2Player quests for (Quest quest : npc.getTemplate().getEventQuests(Quest.QuestEventType.ON_ATTACK)) { // Check if the Identifier of the L2Attackable attck is needed for the current quest if (getQuestState(quest.getName()) != null) { // Copy the current L2Player QuestState in the QuestState table if (states == null) states = new QuestState[] { getQuestState(quest.getName()) }; else states = addToQuestStateArray(states, getQuestState(quest.getName())); } } // Return a table containing all QuestState to modify return states; } /** * Return a table containing all QuestState to modify after a L2Attackable killing.<BR><BR> * * @param npc The Identifier of the L2Attackable killed * */ public QuestState[] getQuestsForKills(L2NpcInstance npc) { // Create a QuestState table that will contain all QuestState to modify QuestState[] states = null; // Go through the QuestState of the L2Player quests for (Quest quest : npc.getTemplate().getEventQuests(Quest.QuestEventType.ON_KILL)) { // Check if the Identifier of the L2Attackable killed is needed for the current quest if (getQuestState(quest.getName()) != null) { // Copy the current L2Player QuestState in the QuestState table if (states == null) states = new QuestState[] { getQuestState(quest.getName()) }; else states = addToQuestStateArray(states, getQuestState(quest.getName())); } } // Return a table containing all QuestState to modify return states; } /** * Return a table containing all QuestState from the table _quests in which the L2Player must talk to the NPC.<BR><BR> * * @param npcId The Identifier of the NPC * */ public QuestState[] getQuestsForTalk(int npcId) { // Create a QuestState table that will contain all QuestState to modify QuestState[] states = null; // Go through the QuestState of the L2Player quests Quest[] quests = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcId).getEventQuests(Quest.QuestEventType.ON_TALK); if (quests != null) { for (Quest quest : quests) { // Copy the current L2Player QuestState in the QuestState table if (quest != null) { // Copy the current L2Player QuestState in the QuestState table if (getQuestState(quest.getName()) != null) { if (states == null) states = new QuestState[] { getQuestState(quest.getName()) }; else states = addToQuestStateArray(states, getQuestState(quest.getName())); } } } } // Return a table containing all QuestState to modify return states; } public QuestState processQuestEvent(String quest, String event) { QuestState retval = null; if (event == null) event = ""; QuestState qs = getQuestState(quest); if (qs == null && event.isEmpty()) return retval; if (qs == null) { Quest q = QuestManager.getInstance().getQuest(quest); if (q == null) return retval; qs = q.newQuestState(this); } if (qs != null) { if (getLastQuestNpcObject() > 0) { L2Object object = getKnownList().getKnownObject(getLastQuestNpcObject()); if (object instanceof L2Npc && isInsideRadius(object, L2Npc.INTERACTION_DISTANCE, false, false)) { L2Npc npc = (L2Npc) object; QuestState[] states = getQuestsForTalk(npc.getNpcId()); if (states != null) { for (QuestState state : states) { if ((state.getQuest().getQuestIntId() == qs.getQuest().getQuestIntId()))// && !qs.isCompleted()) { if (qs.getQuest().notifyEvent(event, npc, this)) showQuestWindow(quest, State.getStateName(qs.getState())); retval = qs; } } sendPacket(new QuestList(this)); } } } } return retval; } /** * FIXME: move this from L2Player, there is no reason to have this here * @param questId * @param stateId */ private void showQuestWindow(String questId, String stateId) { String path = "data/scripts/quests/" + questId + "/" + stateId + ".htm"; String content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(path); if (content != null) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug( "Showing quest window for quest " + questId + " state " + stateId + " html path: " + path); NpcHtmlMessage npcReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); npcReply.setHtml(content); sendPacket(npcReply); } sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); } /** List of all QuestState instance that needs to be notified of this L2Player's or its pet's death */ private final List<QuestState> _NotifyQuestOfDeathList = new LazyFastList<QuestState>(); /** * Add QuestState instance that is to be notified of L2Player's death.<BR> * <BR> * * @param qs The QuestState that subscribe to this event */ public void addNotifyQuestOfDeath(QuestState qs) { if (qs == null || _NotifyQuestOfDeathList.contains(qs)) return; _NotifyQuestOfDeathList.add(qs); } /** * Remove QuestState instance that is to be notified of L2Player's death.<BR> * <BR> * * @param qs The QuestState that subscribe to this event */ public void removeNotifyQuestOfDeath(QuestState qs) { if (qs == null || !_NotifyQuestOfDeathList.contains(qs)) return; _NotifyQuestOfDeathList.remove(qs); } /** * Return a list of QuestStates which registered for notify of death of this L2Player.<BR> * <BR> */ public final List<QuestState> getNotifyQuestOfDeath() { return _NotifyQuestOfDeathList; } private ShortCuts getShortCuts() { if (_shortCuts == null) _shortCuts = new ShortCuts(this); return _shortCuts; } /** * Return a table containing all L2ShortCut of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public L2ShortCut[] getAllShortCuts() { return getShortCuts().getAllShortCuts(); } /** * Add a L2shortCut to the L2Player shortCuts<BR><BR> */ public void registerShortCut(L2ShortCut shortcut) { getShortCuts().registerShortCut(shortcut); } /** * Delete the L2ShortCut corresponding to the position (page-slot) from the L2Player shortCuts.<BR><BR> */ public void deleteShortCut(int slot, int page) { getShortCuts().deleteShortCut(slot, page); } /** * Add a L2Macro to the L2Player macroses<BR><BR> */ public void registerMacro(L2Macro macro) { getMacroses().registerMacro(macro); } /** * Delete the L2Macro corresponding to the Identifier from the L2Player macroses.<BR><BR> */ public void deleteMacro(int id) { getMacroses().deleteMacro(id); } /** * Return all L2Macro of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public MacroList getMacroses() { if (_macroses == null) _macroses = new MacroList(this); return _macroses; } /** * Set the siege state of the L2Player.<BR><BR> * 1 = attacker, 2 = defender, 0 = not involved */ public void setSiegeState(byte siegeState) { _siegeState = siegeState; broadcastRelationChanged(); } /** * Get the siege state of the L2Player.<BR><BR> * 1 = attacker, 2 = defender, 0 = not involved */ public byte getSiegeState() { return _siegeState; } public static final byte SIEGE_STATE_NOT_INVOLVED = 0; public static final byte SIEGE_STATE_ATTACKER = 1; public static final byte SIEGE_STATE_DEFENDER = 2; @Override public boolean revalidateZone(boolean force) { if (!super.revalidateZone(force)) return false; if (Config.ALLOW_WATER) checkWaterState(); if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_SIEGE)) { setLastCompassZone(ExSetCompassZoneCode.SIEGE_WAR); } else if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP)) { setLastCompassZone(ExSetCompassZoneCode.PVP); } else if (isIn7sDungeon()) { setLastCompassZone(ExSetCompassZoneCode.SEVEN_SIGNS); } else if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PEACE)) { setLastCompassZone(ExSetCompassZoneCode.PEACEFUL); } else { if (_lastCompassZone == ExSetCompassZoneCode.SIEGE_WAR.getZoneCode()) updatePvPStatus(); setLastCompassZone(ExSetCompassZoneCode.GENERAL); } return true; } private void setLastCompassZone(ExSetCompassZoneCode packet) { if (_lastCompassZone == packet.getZoneCode()) return; _lastCompassZone = packet.getZoneCode(); sendPacket(packet); } /** * Return True if the L2Player can Craft Dwarven Recipes.<BR><BR> */ public boolean hasDwarvenCraft() { return getSkillLevel(L2Skill.SKILL_CREATE_DWARVEN) >= 1; } public int getDwarvenCraft() { return getSkillLevel(L2Skill.SKILL_CREATE_DWARVEN); } /** * Return True if the L2Player can Craft Dwarven Recipes.<BR><BR> */ public boolean hasCommonCraft() { return getSkillLevel(L2Skill.SKILL_CREATE_COMMON) >= 1; } public int getCommonCraft() { return getSkillLevel(L2Skill.SKILL_CREATE_COMMON); } /** * Return the PK counter of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getPkKills() { return _pkKills; } /** * Set the PK counter of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setPkKills(int pkKills) { _pkKills = pkKills; } /** * Return the _deleteTimer of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public long getDeleteTimer() { return _deleteTimer; } /** * Set the _deleteTimer of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setDeleteTimer(long deleteTimer) { _deleteTimer = deleteTimer; } /** * Return the current weight of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ @Override public int getCurrentLoad() { return getInventory().getTotalWeight(); } /** @return the number of evaluation points obtained by player. */ public int getEvalPoints() { return _evalPoints; } /** * Set the number of evaluation points obtained by player. * @param value Evaluation point count */ public void setEvalPoints(int value) { _evalPoints = value; } /** @return the number of evaluations this player can give away. */ public int getEvaluations() { return _evaluations; } /** * Set the number of available evaluations. * @param value New available evaluation count */ public void setEvaluationCount(int value) { _evaluations = value; } /** * Add a player that has been evaluated by this player. * @param charId evaluated player's ID */ public void addEvalRestriction(int charId) { _evaluated.add(charId); } /** Removes all session evaluation restrictions for this player. */ public void cleanEvalRestrictions() { _evaluated.clear(); } /** * @param target Player being evaluated * @return whether this player hasn't evaluated the given player */ public boolean canEvaluate(L2Player target) { return !_evaluated.contains(target.getObjectId()); } /** * Set the exp of the L2Player before a death * @param exp */ public void setExpBeforeDeath(long exp) { _expBeforeDeath = exp; } public long getExpBeforeDeath() { return _expBeforeDeath; } /** * Return the Karma of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getKarma() { return _karma; } /** * Set the Karma of the L2Player and send a Server->Client packet StatusUpdate (broadcast).<BR><BR> */ public void setKarma(int karma) { if (karma < 0) karma = 0; if (_karma == 0 && karma > 0) { for (L2Object object : getKnownList().getKnownObjects().values()) { if (!(object instanceof L2GuardInstance)) continue; if (((L2GuardInstance) object).getAI().getIntention() == CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE) ((L2GuardInstance) object).getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE, null); } } else if (_karma > 0 && karma == 0) { // Send a Server->Client StatusUpdate packet with Karma and PvP Flag to the L2Player and all L2Player to inform (broadcast) setKarmaFlag(0); } _karma = karma; broadcastKarma(); RegionBBSManager.changeCommunityBoard(this, PlayerStateOnCommunity.KARMA_OWNER); } /** * Return the max weight that the L2Player can load.<BR><BR> */ @Override public int getMaxLoad() { return (int) (calcStat(Stats.MAX_LOAD, 69000, this, null) * Config.ALT_WEIGHT_LIMIT); } public int getWeaponPenalty() { return _weaponGradePenalty; } private void setWeaponPenalty(int level) { _weaponGradePenalty = level; } public int getArmorPenalty() { return _armorPenalty; } private void setArmorPenalty(int level) { _armorPenalty = level; } public boolean getExpertisePenalty() { return getWeaponPenalty() > 0 || getArmorPenalty() > 0; } @Override public int getWeightPenalty() { return _curWeightPenalty; } @Override public void setWeightPenalty(int value) { _curWeightPenalty = value; } public void refreshExpertisePenalty() { if (!Config.ALT_GRADE_PENALTY) return; int wpnPenalty = 0; int armorPenalty = 0; boolean sendUpdate = false; for (L2ItemInstance item : getInventory().getItems()) { if (!item.isEquipped() || item.getItem() == null || item.getItem().getCrystalType() <= getExpertiseIndex()) continue; if (item.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_WEAPON) wpnPenalty = (item.getItem().getCrystalType() - getExpertiseIndex()); else armorPenalty++; } L2Skill skill = getKnownSkill(9009); int skillLevel = skill == null ? 0 : skill.getLevel(); if (wpnPenalty > 4) wpnPenalty = 4; if (getWeaponPenalty() != wpnPenalty || skillLevel != wpnPenalty) { setWeaponPenalty(wpnPenalty); if (wpnPenalty > 0) super.addSkill(9009, wpnPenalty); else super.removeSkill(skill); sendUpdate = true; } skill = getKnownSkill(9010); skillLevel = skill == null ? 0 : skill.getLevel(); if (armorPenalty > 5) armorPenalty = 5; if (getArmorPenalty() != armorPenalty || skillLevel != armorPenalty) { setArmorPenalty(armorPenalty); if (armorPenalty > 0) super.addSkill(9010, armorPenalty); else super.removeSkill(skill); sendUpdate = true; } if (sendUpdate) sendEtcStatusUpdate(); } /** * Return the the PvP Kills of the L2Player (Number of player killed during a PvP).<BR><BR> */ public int getPvpKills() { return _pvpKills; } /** * Set the the PvP Kills of the L2Player (Number of player killed during a PvP).<BR><BR> */ public void setPvpKills(int pvpKills) { _pvpKills = pvpKills; } /** * Return the ClassId object of the L2Player contained in L2PlayerTemplate.<BR><BR> */ public ClassId getClassId() { return getTemplate().getClassId(); } public void academyCheck(int Id) { if ((getSubPledgeType() == -1 || getLvlJoinedAcademy() != 0) && _clan != null && ClassId.values()[Id].getLevel() == ClassLevel.Third) { if (getLvlJoinedAcademy() <= 16) _clan.setReputationScore(_clan.getReputationScore() + Config.JOIN_ACADEMY_MAX_REP_SCORE, true); else if (getLvlJoinedAcademy() >= 39) _clan.setReputationScore(_clan.getReputationScore() + Config.JOIN_ACADEMY_MIN_REP_SCORE, true); else _clan.setReputationScore(_clan.getReputationScore() + (Config.JOIN_ACADEMY_MAX_REP_SCORE - (getLvlJoinedAcademy() - 16) * 20), true); setLvlJoinedAcademy(0); // Oust pledge member from the academy, cuz he has finished his 2nd class transfer SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CLAN_MEMBER_S1_EXPELLED); msg.addString(getName()); _clan.broadcastToOnlineMembers(msg); _clan.broadcastToOnlineMembers(new PledgeShowMemberListDelete(getName())); _clan.removeClanMember(getObjectId(), 0); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ACADEMY_MEMBERSHIP_TERMINATED); // Receive graduation gift getInventory().addItem("Gift", 8181, 1, this, null); // Give academy circlet } } /** * Set the template of the L2Player.<BR><BR> * * @param Id The Identifier of the L2PlayerTemplate to set to the L2Player * */ public void setClassId(int Id) { if (!_subclassLock.tryLock()) return; try { academyCheck(Id); if (isSubClassActive()) { getSubClasses().get(_classIndex).setClassId(Id); } setClassTemplate(Id); setTarget(this); // Animation: Production - Clan / Transfer MagicSkillUse msu = new MagicSkillUse(this, this, 5103, 1, 1196, 0); broadcastPacket(msu); // Update class icon in party and clan broadcastClassIcon(); rewardSkills(); } finally { _subclassLock.unlock(); } } public void useEquippableItem(L2ItemInstance item, boolean abortAttack) { // Equip or unEquip L2ItemInstance[] items = null; final boolean isEquiped = item.isEquipped(); final int oldInvLimit = getInventoryLimit(); SystemMessage sm = null; L2ItemInstance old = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LRHAND); if (old == null) old = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); int bodyPart = item.getItem().getBodyPart(); if (isEquiped) { if (item.getEnchantLevel() > 0) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EQUIPMENT_S1_S2_REMOVED); sm.addNumber(item.getEnchantLevel()); sm.addItemName(item); } else { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DISARMED); sm.addItemName(item); } sendPacket(sm); switch (bodyPart) { case L2Item.SLOT_L_EAR: case L2Item.SLOT_LR_EAR: case L2Item.SLOT_L_FINGER: case L2Item.SLOT_LR_FINGER: getInventory().setPaperdollItem(item.getLocationSlot(), null); sendPacket(new ItemList(this, false)); } // We can't unequip talisman by body slot if (bodyPart == L2Item.SLOT_DECO) items = getInventory().unEquipItemInSlotAndRecord(item.getLocationSlot()); else items = getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(bodyPart); } else { L2ItemInstance tempItem = getInventory().getPaperdollItemByL2ItemId(bodyPart); // Check if the item replaces a wear-item if (tempItem != null && tempItem.isWear()) { // Don't allow an item to replace a wear-item return; } else if (bodyPart == L2Item.SLOT_LR_HAND) { // This may not remove left OR right hand equipment tempItem = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); if (tempItem != null && tempItem.isWear()) return; tempItem = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); if (tempItem != null && tempItem.isWear()) return; } else if (bodyPart == L2Item.SLOT_FULL_ARMOR) { // This may not remove chest or leggings tempItem = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST); if (tempItem != null && tempItem.isWear()) return; tempItem = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS); if (tempItem != null && tempItem.isWear()) return; } if (item.getEnchantLevel() > 0) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_S2_EQUIPPED); sm.addNumber(item.getEnchantLevel()); sm.addItemName(item); } else { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_EQUIPPED); sm.addItemName(item); } sendPacket(sm); if ((bodyPart & L2Item.SLOT_HEAD) > 0 || (bodyPart & L2Item.SLOT_NECK) > 0 || (bodyPart & L2Item.SLOT_L_EAR) > 0 || (bodyPart & L2Item.SLOT_R_EAR) > 0 || (bodyPart & L2Item.SLOT_L_FINGER) > 0 || (bodyPart & L2Item.SLOT_R_FINGER) > 0 || (bodyPart & L2Item.SLOT_R_BRACELET) > 0 || (bodyPart & L2Item.SLOT_L_BRACELET) > 0 || (bodyPart & L2Item.SLOT_DECO) > 0) { // must be sent explicitly before IU sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); } items = getInventory().equipItemAndRecord(item); // Consume mana - will start a task if required; returns if item is not a shadow item item.decreaseMana(false); } refreshExpertisePenalty(); InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate(); iu.addEquipItems(items); sendPacket(iu); // must be sent explicitly after IU sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); // send 3rd time, just like retail broadcastUserInfo(); if (abortAttack) abortAttack(); if (getInventoryLimit() != oldInvLimit) sendPacket(new ExStorageMaxCount(this)); } /** Return the Experience of the L2Player. */ public long getExp() { return getStat().getExp(); } public void setActiveEnchantItem(L2ItemInstance scroll) { // If we dont have a Enchant Item, we are not enchanting. if (scroll == null) { setActiveEnchantSupportItem(null); setActiveEnchantTimestamp(0); setIsEnchanting(false); } _activeEnchantItem = scroll; } public L2ItemInstance getActiveEnchantItem() { return _activeEnchantItem; } public void setActiveEnchantSupportItem(L2ItemInstance item) { _activeEnchantSupportItem = item; } public L2ItemInstance getActiveEnchantSupportItem() { return _activeEnchantSupportItem; } public long getActiveEnchantTimestamp() { return _activeEnchantTimestamp; } public void setActiveEnchantTimestamp(long val) { _activeEnchantTimestamp = val; } public void setActiveEnchantAttrItem(L2ItemInstance stone) { _activeEnchantAttrItem = stone; } public L2ItemInstance getActiveEnchantAttrItem() { return _activeEnchantAttrItem; } public void setIsEnchanting(boolean val) { _isEnchanting = val; } public boolean isEnchanting() { return _isEnchanting; } /** * Set the fists weapon of the L2Player (used when no weapon is equipped).<BR><BR> * * @param weaponItem The fists L2Weapon to set to the L2Player * */ public void setFistsWeaponItem(L2Weapon weaponItem) { _fistsWeaponItem = weaponItem; } /** * Return the fists weapon of the L2Player (used when no weapon is equipped).<BR><BR> */ public L2Weapon getFistsWeaponItem() { return _fistsWeaponItem; } /** * Return the fists weapon of the L2Player Class (used when no weapon is equipped).<BR><BR> */ public L2Weapon findFistsWeaponItem(int classId) { L2Weapon weaponItem = null; if ((classId >= 0x00) && (classId <= 0x09)) { // Human fighter fists L2Item temp = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(246); weaponItem = (L2Weapon) temp; } else if ((classId >= 0x0a) && (classId <= 0x11)) { // Human mage fists L2Item temp = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(251); weaponItem = (L2Weapon) temp; } else if ((classId >= 0x12) && (classId <= 0x18)) { // Elven fighter fists L2Item temp = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(244); weaponItem = (L2Weapon) temp; } else if ((classId >= 0x19) && (classId <= 0x1e)) { // Elven mage fists L2Item temp = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(249); weaponItem = (L2Weapon) temp; } else if ((classId >= 0x1f) && (classId <= 0x25)) { // Dark elven fighter fists L2Item temp = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(245); weaponItem = (L2Weapon) temp; } else if ((classId >= 0x26) && (classId <= 0x2b)) { // Dark elven mage fists L2Item temp = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(250); weaponItem = (L2Weapon) temp; } else if ((classId >= 0x2c) && (classId <= 0x30)) { // Orc fighter fists L2Item temp = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(248); weaponItem = (L2Weapon) temp; } else if ((classId >= 0x31) && (classId <= 0x34)) { // Orc mage fists L2Item temp = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(252); weaponItem = (L2Weapon) temp; } else if ((classId >= 0x35) && (classId <= 0x39)) { // Dwarven fists L2Item temp = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(247); weaponItem = (L2Weapon) temp; } return weaponItem; } /** * Give Expertise skill of this level and remove beginner Lucky skill.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Get the Level of the L2Player </li> * <li>If L2Player Level is 5, remove beginner Lucky skill </li> * <li>Add the Expertise skill corresponding to its Expertise level</li> * <li>Update the overloaded status of the L2Player</li><BR><BR> * * <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : This method DOESN'T give other free skills (SP needed = 0)</B></FONT><BR><BR> * */ public void rewardSkills() { // Get the Level of the L2Player int lvl = getLevel(); // Remove beginner Lucky skill if (lvl > 9) { L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(194, 1); skill = removeSkill(skill); if (_log.isDebugEnabled() && skill != null) _log.debug("removed skill 'Lucky' from " + getName()); } // Calculate the current higher Expertise of the L2Player for (int i = 0; i < EXPERTISE_LEVELS.length; i++) { if (lvl >= EXPERTISE_LEVELS[i]) setExpertiseIndex(i); } // Add the Expertise skill corresponding to its Expertise level if (getExpertiseIndex() > 0) { L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(239, getExpertiseIndex()); addSkill(skill); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("awarded " + getName() + " with new expertise."); } else { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("No skills awarded at lvl: " + lvl); } // Active skill dwarven craft if (getSkillLevel(1321) < 1 && getRace() == Race.Dwarf) { L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1321, 1); addSkill(skill); } // Active skill common craft if (getSkillLevel(1322) < 1) { L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1322, 1); addSkill(skill); } for (int i = 0; i < COMMON_CRAFT_LEVELS.length; i++) { if (lvl >= COMMON_CRAFT_LEVELS[i] && getSkillLevel(1320) < (i + 1)) { L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1320, (i + 1)); addSkill(skill); } } // Auto-Learn skills if activated if (Config.ALT_AUTO_LEARN_SKILLS && !isCursedWeaponEquipped()) sendMessage("You have learned " + SkillTreeTable.getInstance().giveAvailableSkills(this) + "."); if (isGM() && !hasSkill(7029)) { addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(7029, 4)); } } /** Set the Experience value of the L2Player. */ public void setExp(long exp) { getStat().setExp(exp); } /** * Regive all skills which aren't saved to database, like Noble, Hero, Clan Skills<BR><BR> * */ public void regiveTemporarySkills() { // Do not call this on enterworld or char load // Add noble skills if noble if (isNoble()) setNoble(true); // Add Hero skills if hero if (isHero()) setHero(true); if (getClan() != null) { setPledgeClass(L2ClanMember.getCurrentPledgeClass(this)); getClan().addSkillEffects(this, false); PledgeSkillList psl = new PledgeSkillList(getClan()); sendPacket(psl); if (getClan().getLevel() >= Config.SIEGE_CLAN_MIN_LEVEL && isClanLeader()) SiegeManager.getInstance().addSiegeSkills(this); enableResidentialSkills(true); } // Reload passive skills from armors / jewels / weapons getInventory().reloadEquippedItems(); // Add Death Penalty Buff Level restoreDeathPenaltyBuffLevel(); } public void enableResidentialSkills(boolean enable) { if (getClan() == null) return; if (enable) { if (getClan().getHasCastle() > 0) CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleByOwner(getClan()).giveResidentialSkills(this); if (getClan().getHasFort() > 0) FortManager.getInstance().getFortByOwner(getClan()).giveResidentialSkills(this); } else { if (getClan().getHasCastle() > 0) CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleByOwner(getClan()).removeResidentialSkills(this); if (getClan().getHasFort() > 0) FortManager.getInstance().getFortByOwner(getClan()).removeResidentialSkills(this); } } /** * Return the Race object of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public Race getRace() { if (!isSubClassActive()) return getTemplate().getRace(); L2PlayerTemplate charTemp = CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_baseClass); return charTemp.getRace(); } public L2Marker getRadar() { if (_radar == null) _radar = new L2Marker(this); return _radar; } /** Return the SP amount of the L2Player. */ public int getSp() { return getStat().getSp(); } /** Set the SP amount of the L2Player. */ public void setSp(int sp) { getStat().setSp(sp); } /** * Return true if this L2Player is a clan leader in * ownership of the passed castle */ public boolean isCastleLord(int castleId) { L2Clan clan = getClan(); // Player has clan and is the clan leader, check the castle info if ((clan != null) && (clan.getLeader().getPlayerInstance() == this)) { // If the clan has a castle and it is actually the queried castle, return true Castle castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleByOwner(clan); if ((castle != null) && (castle == CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleById(castleId))) return true; } return false; } /** * Return the Clan Identifier of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getClanId() { return _clanId; } /** * Return the Clan Crest Identifier of the L2Player or 0.<BR><BR> */ public int getClanCrestId() { if (_clan != null && _clan.hasCrest()) { return _clan.getCrestId(); } return 0; } /** * @return The Clan CrestLarge Identifier or 0 */ public int getClanCrestLargeId() { if (_clan != null && _clan.hasCrestLarge()) { return _clan.getCrestLargeId(); } return 0; } public long getClanJoinExpiryTime() { return _clanJoinExpiryTime; } public void setClanJoinExpiryTime(long time) { _clanJoinExpiryTime = time; } public long getClanCreateExpiryTime() { return _clanCreateExpiryTime; } public void setClanCreateExpiryTime(long time) { _clanCreateExpiryTime = time; } public void setOnlineTime(long time) { _onlineTime = time; _onlineBeginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Return the PlayerInventory Inventory of the L2Player contained in _inventory.<BR><BR> */ @Override public PlayerInventory getInventory() { if (_inventory == null) _inventory = new PlayerInventory(this); return _inventory; } /** * Delete a ShortCut of the L2Player shortCuts.<BR><BR> */ public void removeItemFromShortCut(int objectId) { getShortCuts().deleteShortCutByObjectId(objectId); } /** * Return True if the L2Player is sitting.<BR><BR> */ public boolean isSitting() { return _waitTypeSitting; } public void sitDown() { sitDown(true); } /** * Sit down the L2Player, set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_REST and send a Server->Client ChangeWaitType packet (broadcast)<BR><BR> */ public void sitDown(boolean force) { if ((isCastingNow() || isCastingSimultaneouslyNow()) && !_relax) { sendMessage("Cannot sit while casting"); return; } if (!(_waitTypeSitting || super.isAttackingDisabled() || isOutOfControl() || isImmobilized() || (!force && isTryingToSitOrStandup()))) { breakAttack(); _waitTypeSitting = true; getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_REST); broadcastPacket(new ChangeWaitType(this, ChangeWaitType.WT_SITTING)); _lastSitStandRequest = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } public void standUp() { standUp(true); } /** * Stand up the L2Player, set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_IDLE and send a Server->Client ChangeWaitType packet (broadcast)<BR><BR> */ public void standUp(boolean force) { if (!GlobalRestrictions.canStandUp(this)) return; if (_waitTypeSitting && !isInStoreMode() && !isAlikeDead() && (!isTryingToSitOrStandup() || force)) { if (_relax) { setRelax(false); stopEffects(L2EffectType.RELAXING); } _waitTypeSitting = false; getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); broadcastPacket(new ChangeWaitType(this, ChangeWaitType.WT_STANDING)); _lastSitStandRequest = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } /** * Set the value of the _relax value. Must be True if using skill Relax and False if not. */ public void setRelax(boolean val) { _relax = val; } /** * Return the PlayerWarehouse object of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public PlayerWarehouse getWarehouse() { if (_warehouse == null) { _warehouse = new PlayerWarehouse(this); _warehouse.restore(); } if (Config.WAREHOUSE_CACHE) WarehouseCacheManager.getInstance().add(this); return _warehouse; } /** * Free memory used by Warehouse */ public void clearWarehouse() { if (_warehouse != null) _warehouse.deleteMe(); _warehouse = null; } /** * Return the PcFreight object of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public PlayerFreight getFreight() { if (_freight == null) { _freight = new PlayerFreight(this); _freight.restore(); } return _freight; } /** * Free memory used by Freight */ public void clearFreight() { if (_freight != null) _freight.deleteMe(); _freight = null; } /** * Return deposited PcFreight object for the objectId * or create new if not exist */ public PlayerFreight getDepositedFreight(int objectId) { if (_depositedFreight == null) _depositedFreight = new FastList<PlayerFreight>(); else { for (PlayerFreight freight : _depositedFreight) { if (freight != null && freight.getOwnerId() == objectId) return freight; } } PlayerFreight freight = new PlayerFreight(null); freight.doQuickRestore(objectId); _depositedFreight.add(freight); return freight; } /** * Clear memory used by deposited freight */ public void clearDepositedFreight() { if (_depositedFreight == null) return; for (PlayerFreight freight : _depositedFreight) { if (freight != null) { try { freight.deleteMe(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("clearDepositedFreight()", e); } } } _depositedFreight.clear(); _depositedFreight = null; } /** * Return the Identifier of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getCharId() { return _charId; } /** * Set the Identifier of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setCharId(int charId) { _charId = charId; } /** * Return the Adena amount of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public long getAdena() { return getInventory().getAdena(); } /** * Return the Ancient Adena amount of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public long getAncientAdena() { return getInventory().getAncientAdena(); } /** * Add adena to Inventory of the L2Player and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param count : long Quantity of adena to be added * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action */ public void addAdena(String process, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { if (count > 0) { getInventory().addAdena(process, count, this, reference); if (sendMessage) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S1_ADENA); sm.addItemNumber(count); sendPacket(sm); } // Send update packet getInventory().updateInventory(getInventory().getAdenaInstance()); } } /** * Reduce adena in Inventory of the L2Player and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param count : long Quantity of adena to be reduced * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action * @return boolean informing if the action was successfull */ public boolean reduceAdena(String process, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { if (count > getAdena()) { if (sendMessage) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_NOT_ENOUGH_ADENA); return false; } if (count > 0) { L2ItemInstance adenaItem = getInventory().getAdenaInstance(); getInventory().reduceAdena(process, count, this, reference); // Send update packet getInventory().updateInventory(adenaItem); if (sendMessage) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_ADENA_DISAPPEARED); sm.addItemNumber(count); sendPacket(sm); } } return true; } /** * Add ancient adena to Inventory of the L2Player and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param count : long Quantity of ancient adena to be added * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action */ public void addAncientAdena(String process, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { if (sendMessage) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S); sm.addItemName(PlayerInventory.ANCIENT_ADENA_ID); sm.addItemNumber(count); sendPacket(sm); } if (count > 0) { getInventory().addAncientAdena(process, count, this, reference); getInventory().updateInventory(getInventory().getAncientAdenaInstance()); } } /** * Reduce ancient adena in Inventory of the L2Player and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param count : long Quantity of ancient adena to be reduced * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action * @return boolean informing if the action was successfull */ public boolean reduceAncientAdena(String process, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { if (count > getAncientAdena()) { if (sendMessage) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_NOT_ENOUGH_ADENA); return false; } if (count > 0) { getInventory().reduceAncientAdena(process, count, this, reference); getInventory().updateInventory(getInventory().getAncientAdenaInstance()); if (sendMessage) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S2_S1_DISAPPEARED); sm.addItemName(PlayerInventory.ANCIENT_ADENA_ID); sm.addItemNumber(count); sendPacket(sm); } } return true; } /** * Adds item to inventory and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param item : L2ItemInstance to be added * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action */ public L2ItemInstance addItem(String process, L2ItemInstance item, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage, boolean UpdateIL) { if (item.getCount() > 0) { // Sends message to client if requested if (sendMessage) { if (item.getCount() > 1) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_PICKED_UP_S1_S2); sm.addItemName(item); sm.addItemNumber(item.getCount()); sendPacket(sm); } else if (item.getEnchantLevel() > 0) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_PICKED_UP_A_S1_S2); sm.addNumber(item.getEnchantLevel()); sm.addItemName(item); sendPacket(sm); } else { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_PICKED_UP_S1); sm.addItemName(item); sendPacket(sm); } } // Add the item to inventory L2ItemInstance newitem = getInventory().addItem(process, item, this, reference); // Do treatments after adding this item processAddItem(UpdateIL, newitem); return newitem; } return null; } /** * Adds item to Inventory and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param itemId : int Item Identifier of the item to be added * @param count : long Quantity of items to be added * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action */ public L2ItemInstance addItem(String process, int itemId, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage, boolean UpdateIL) { if (count > 0) { // Add the item to inventory L2ItemInstance newItem = getInventory().addItem(process, itemId, count, this, reference); // Sends message to client if requested if (sendMessage) { sendMessageForNewItem(newItem, count, process); } processAddItem(UpdateIL, newItem); return newItem; } return null; } /** * @param UpdateIL * @param newitem */ private void processAddItem(boolean UpdateIL, L2ItemInstance newitem) { // If over capacity, drop the item if (!isGM() && !getInventory().validateCapacity(0) && newitem.isDropable()) { dropItem("InvDrop", newitem, null, true); } // Cursed Weapon else if (CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().isCursed(newitem.getItemId())) { if (!CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().activate(this, newitem)) dropItem("CwDrop", newitem, null, true); } // Combat Flag else if (FortSiegeManager.getInstance().isCombat(newitem.getItemId())) { if (FortSiegeManager.getInstance().activateCombatFlag(this, newitem)) { Fort fort = FortManager.getInstance().getFort(this); if (fort != null) fort.getSiege().announceToPlayer(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_ACQUIRED_THE_FLAG), getName()); } //else // FIXME: i'm not sure about this // dropItem("CombatFlagDrop", newitem, null, true); } // Auto use herbs - autoloot else if (newitem.getItemType() == L2EtcItemType.HERB) { ItemHandler.getInstance().useItem(newitem.getItemId(), this, newitem); } // Update current load as well if (UpdateIL) { StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(getObjectId()); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_LOAD, getCurrentLoad()); sendPacket(su); } // Send inventory update packet if (!Config.FORCE_INVENTORY_UPDATE) { InventoryUpdate playerIU = new InventoryUpdate(); playerIU.addItem(newitem); sendPacket(playerIU); } else sendPacket(new ItemList(this, false)); } /** * @param item : L2ItemInstance Item Identifier of the item to be added * @param count : long Quantity of items to be added * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action */ private void sendMessageForNewItem(L2ItemInstance item, long count, String process) { if (count > 1) { if (process.equalsIgnoreCase("sweep") || process.equalsIgnoreCase("Quest")) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S); sm.addItemName(item); sm.addItemNumber(count); sendPacket(sm); } else { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_PICKED_UP_S1_S2); sm.addItemName(item); sm.addItemNumber(count); sendPacket(sm); } } else { if (process.equalsIgnoreCase("sweep") || process.equalsIgnoreCase("Quest")) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S1); sm.addItemName(item); sendPacket(sm); } else { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_PICKED_UP_S1); sm.addItemName(item); sendPacket(sm); } } } public void addItem(String process, L2ItemInstance item, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { addItem(process, item, reference, sendMessage, true); } public void addItem(String process, int itemId, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { addItem(process, itemId, count, reference, sendMessage, true); } /** * Destroy item from inventory and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param item : L2ItemInstance to be destroyed * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action * @return boolean informing if the action was successfull */ public boolean destroyItem(String process, L2ItemInstance item, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { return this.destroyItem(process, item, item.getCount(), reference, sendMessage); } /** * Destroy item from inventory and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param item : L2ItemInstance to be destroyed * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action * @return boolean informing if the action was successfull */ public boolean destroyItem(String process, L2ItemInstance item, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { item = getInventory().destroyItem(process, item, count, this, reference); if (item == null) { if (sendMessage) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS); } return false; } // Send inventory update packet if (!Config.FORCE_INVENTORY_UPDATE) { InventoryUpdate playerIU = new InventoryUpdate(); playerIU.addItem(item); sendPacket(playerIU); } else { sendPacket(new ItemList(this, false)); } // Update current load as well StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(getObjectId()); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_LOAD, getCurrentLoad()); sendPacket(su); // Sends message to client if requested if (sendMessage) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S2_S1_DISAPPEARED); sm.addItemName(item); sm.addItemNumber(count); sendPacket(sm); } return true; } /** * Destroys item from inventory and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param objectId : int Item Instance identifier of the item to be destroyed * @param count : long Quantity of items to be destroyed * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action * @return boolean informing if the action was successfull */ @Override public boolean destroyItem(String process, int objectId, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { L2ItemInstance item = getInventory().getItemByObjectId(objectId); if (item == null) { if (sendMessage) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS); return false; } return destroyItem(process, item, count, reference, sendMessage); } /** * Destroys shots from inventory without logging and only occasional saving to database. * Sends a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param objectId : int Item Instance identifier of the item to be destroyed * @param count : long Quantity of items to be destroyed * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action * @return boolean informing if the action was successfull */ public boolean destroyItemWithoutTrace(String process, int objectId, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { L2ItemInstance item = getInventory().getItemByObjectId(objectId); if (item == null || item.getCount() < count) { if (sendMessage) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS); return false; } return destroyItem(null, item, count, reference, sendMessage); } /** * Destroy item from inventory by using its <B>itemId</B> and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param itemId : int Item identifier of the item to be destroyed * @param count : long Quantity of items to be destroyed * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action * @return boolean informing if the action was successfull */ @Override public boolean destroyItemByItemId(String process, int itemId, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { L2ItemInstance item = getInventory().getItemByItemId(itemId); if (item == null || item.getCount() < count || getInventory().destroyItemByItemId(process, itemId, count, this, reference) == null) { if (sendMessage) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS); return false; } // Send inventory update packet getInventory().updateInventory(item); // Sends message to client if requested if (sendMessage) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S2_S1_DISAPPEARED); sm.addItemName(item); sm.addItemNumber(count); sendPacket(sm); } return true; } /** * Destroy all weared items from inventory and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action * @return boolean informing if the action was successfull */ public void destroyWearedItems(String process, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { // Go through all Items of the inventory for (L2ItemInstance item : getInventory().getItems()) { // Check if the item is a Try On item in order to remove it if (item.isWear()) { if (item.isEquipped()) getInventory().unEquipItemInSlotAndRecord(item.getLocationSlot()); if (getInventory().destroyItem(process, item, this, reference) == null) { _log.warn("Player " + getName() + " can't destroy weared item: " + item.getName() + "[ " + item.getObjectId() + " ]"); continue; } // Send an Unequipped Message in system window of the player for each Item SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DISARMED); sm.addItemName(item); sendPacket(sm); } } // Send the ItemList Server->Client Packet to the player in order to refresh its Inventory ItemList il = new ItemList(getInventory().getItems(), true); sendPacket(il); // Send a Server->Client packet UserInfo to this L2Player and CharInfo to all L2Player in its _knownPlayers broadcastUserInfo(); // Sends message to client if requested sendMessage("Trying-on mode has ended."); } /** * Transfers item to another ItemContainer and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param objectId : int Item Identifier of the item to be transfered * @param count : long Quantity of items to be transfered * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @return L2ItemInstance corresponding to the new item or the updated item in inventory */ public L2ItemInstance transferItem(String process, int objectId, long count, Inventory target, L2Object reference) { L2ItemInstance oldItem = checkItemManipulation(objectId, count, "transfer"); if (oldItem == null) return null; L2ItemInstance newItem = getInventory().transferItem(process, objectId, count, target, this, reference); if (newItem == null) return null; // Send inventory update packet if (!Config.FORCE_INVENTORY_UPDATE) { InventoryUpdate playerIU = new InventoryUpdate(); if (oldItem.getCount() > 0 && oldItem != newItem) playerIU.addModifiedItem(oldItem); else playerIU.addRemovedItem(oldItem); sendPacket(playerIU); } else sendPacket(new ItemList(this, false)); // Update current load as well StatusUpdate playerSU = new StatusUpdate(getObjectId()); playerSU.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_LOAD, getCurrentLoad()); sendPacket(playerSU); // Send target update packet if (target instanceof PlayerInventory) { L2Player targetPlayer = ((PlayerInventory) target).getOwner(); if (!Config.FORCE_INVENTORY_UPDATE) { InventoryUpdate playerIU = new InventoryUpdate(); if (newItem.getCount() > count) playerIU.addModifiedItem(newItem); else playerIU.addNewItem(newItem); targetPlayer.sendPacket(playerIU); } else targetPlayer.sendPacket(new ItemList(targetPlayer, false)); // Update current load as well playerSU = new StatusUpdate(targetPlayer.getObjectId()); playerSU.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_LOAD, targetPlayer.getCurrentLoad()); targetPlayer.sendPacket(playerSU); } else if (target instanceof PetInventory) { PetInventoryUpdate petIU = new PetInventoryUpdate(); if (newItem.getCount() > count) petIU.addModifiedItem(newItem); else petIU.addNewItem(newItem); ((PetInventory) target).getOwner().getOwner().sendPacket(petIU); } return newItem; } /** * Drop item from inventory and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param item : L2ItemInstance to be dropped * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action * @return boolean informing if the action was successfull */ public boolean dropItem(String process, L2ItemInstance item, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { item = getInventory().dropItem(process, item, this, reference); if (item == null) { if (sendMessage) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS); return false; } item.dropMe(this, getX() + Rnd.get(50) - 25, getY() + Rnd.get(50) - 25, getZ() + 20); if (Config.DESTROY_DROPPED_PLAYER_ITEM) { ItemsAutoDestroyManager.tryAddItem(item); if (!item.isEquipable() || (item.isEquipable() && Config.DESTROY_EQUIPABLE_PLAYER_ITEM)) item.setProtected(false); else item.setProtected(true); } else item.setProtected(true); // Send inventory update packet getInventory().updateInventory(item); // Sends message to client if requested if (sendMessage) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_DROPPED_S1); sm.addItemName(item); sendPacket(sm); } return true; } /** * Drop item from inventory by using its <B>objectID</B> and send a Server->Client InventoryUpdate packet to the L2Player. * @param process : String Identifier of process triggering this action * @param objectId : int Item Instance identifier of the item to be dropped * @param count : long Quantity of items to be dropped * @param x : int coordinate for drop X * @param y : int coordinate for drop Y * @param z : int coordinate for drop Z * @param reference : L2Object Object referencing current action like NPC selling item or previous item in transformation * @param sendMessage : boolean Specifies whether to send message to Client about this action * @return L2ItemInstance corresponding to the new item or the updated item in inventory */ public L2ItemInstance dropItem(String process, int objectId, long count, int x, int y, int z, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) { L2ItemInstance olditem = getInventory().getItemByObjectId(objectId); L2ItemInstance item = getInventory().dropItem(process, objectId, count, this, reference); if (item == null) { if (sendMessage) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS); return null; } item.dropMe(this, x, y, z); // Destroy item droped from inventory by player when DESTROY_PLAYER_INVENTORY_DROP is set to true if (Config.DESTROY_PLAYER_INVENTORY_DROP) { ItemsAutoDestroyManager.tryAddItem(item); item.setProtected(false); } // Avoids it from beeing removed by the auto item destroyer else item.setDropTime(0); // Send inventory update packet getInventory().updateInventory(olditem); // Sends message to client if requested if (sendMessage) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_DROPPED_S1); sm.addItemName(item); sendPacket(sm); } return item; } public L2ItemInstance checkItemManipulation(int objectId, long count, String action) { L2ItemInstance item = getInventory().getItemByObjectId(objectId); if (item == null) { _log.debug(getObjectId() + ": player tried to " + action + " item he is not owner of"); return null; } if (count < 0 || (count > 1 && !item.isStackable())) { _log.debug(getObjectId() + ": player tried to " + action + " item with invalid count: " + count); return null; } if (count > item.getCount()) { _log.debug(getObjectId() + ": player tried to " + action + " more items than he owns"); return null; } // Pet is summoned and not the item that summoned the pet AND not the buggle from strider you're mounting if (getPet() != null && getPet().getControlItemId() == objectId || getMountObjectID() == objectId) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug(getObjectId() + ": player tried to " + action + " item controling pet"); return null; } if (getActiveEnchantItem() != null && getActiveEnchantItem().getObjectId() == objectId) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug(getObjectId() + ":player tried to " + action + " an enchant scroll he was using"); return null; } if (item.isWear()) { // Cannot drop/trade wear-items return null; } // We cannot put a Weapon with Augmention in WH while casting (Possible Exploit) if (item.isAugmented() && (isCastingNow() || isCastingSimultaneouslyNow())) return null; return item; } /** * Set _protectEndTime according settings. */ public void setProtection(boolean protect) { int proTime = AutomatedTvT.isPlaying(this) ? Config.AUTO_TVT_SPAWN_PROTECT : Config.PLAYER_SPAWN_PROTECTION; if (protect && (proTime == 0 || isInOlympiadMode())) return; if (_log.isDebugEnabled() && (protect || _protectEndTime > 0)) _log.debug(getName() + ": Protection " + (protect ? "ON " + (GameTimeManager.getGameTicks() + proTime * GameTimeManager.TICKS_PER_SECOND) : "OFF") + " (currently " + GameTimeManager.getGameTicks() + ")"); _protectEndTime = protect ? GameTimeManager.getGameTicks() + proTime * GameTimeManager.TICKS_PER_SECOND : 0; } public long getProtection() { return _protectEndTime; } /** * Set protection from agro mobs when getting up from fake death, according settings. */ public void setRecentFakeDeath(boolean protect) { _recentFakeDeathEndTime = protect ? GameTimeManager.getGameTicks() + Config.PLAYER_FAKEDEATH_UP_PROTECTION * GameTimeManager.TICKS_PER_SECOND : 0; } public boolean isRecentFakeDeath() { return _recentFakeDeathEndTime > GameTimeManager.getGameTicks(); } /** * Get the client owner of this char.<BR><BR> */ public L2Client getClient() { return _client; } /** * Set the active connection with the client.<BR><BR> */ public void setClient(L2Client client) { _client = client; } public Point3D getCurrentSkillWorldPosition() { SkillUsageRequest currentSkill = getCurrentSkill(); return currentSkill == null ? null : currentSkill.getSkillWorldPosition(); } public boolean canBeTargetedByAtSiege(L2Player player) { Siege siege = SiegeManager.getInstance().getSiege(this); if (siege != null && siege.getIsInProgress()) { L2Clan selfClan = getClan(); L2Clan oppClan = player.getClan(); if (selfClan != null && oppClan != null) { boolean self = false; for (L2SiegeClan clan : siege.getAttackerClans()) { L2Clan cl = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(clan.getClanId()); if (cl == selfClan || cl.getAllyId() == getAllyId()) { self = true; break; } } for (L2SiegeClan clan : siege.getDefenderClans()) { L2Clan cl = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(clan.getClanId()); if (cl == selfClan || cl.getAllyId() == getAllyId()) { self = true; break; } } boolean opp = false; for (L2SiegeClan clan : siege.getAttackerClans()) { L2Clan cl = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(clan.getClanId()); if (cl == oppClan || cl.getAllyId() == player.getAllyId()) { opp = true; break; } } for (L2SiegeClan clan : siege.getDefenderClans()) { L2Clan cl = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(clan.getClanId()); if (cl == oppClan || cl.getAllyId() == player.getAllyId()) { opp = true; break; } } return self && opp; } return false; } return true; } /** * Manage actions when a player click on this L2Player.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions on first click on the L2Player (Select it)</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Set the target of the player</li> * <li>Send a Server->Client packet MyTargetSelected to the player (display the select window)</li><BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions on second click on the L2Player (Follow it/Attack it/Intercat with it)</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Send a Server->Client packet MyTargetSelected to the player (display the select window)</li> * <li>If this L2Player has a Private Store, notify the player AI with AI_INTENTION_INTERACT</li> * <li>If this L2Player is autoAttackable, notify the player AI with AI_INTENTION_ATTACK</li><BR><BR> * <li>If this L2Player is NOT autoAttackable, notify the player AI with AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW</li><BR><BR> * * <B><U> Example of use </U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li> Client packet : Action, AttackRequest</li><BR><BR> * * @param player The player that start an action on this L2Player * */ @Override public void onAction(L2Player player) { if (player == null) return; // Restrict interactions during restart/shutdown if (Shutdown.isActionDisabled(DisableType.PC_ITERACTION)) { sendMessage("Player interaction disabled during restart/shutdown."); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } if (!GlobalRestrictions.canTarget(player, this, true)) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } // Check if the L2Player is confused if (player.isOutOfControl()) { // Send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the player player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); } // Aggression target lock effect if (!player.canChangeLockedTarget(this)) return; // Check if the player already target this L2Player if (player.getTarget() != this) { // Set the target of the player player.setTarget(this); } else { if (player != this) player.sendPacket(new ValidateLocation(this)); // Check if this L2Player has a Private Store if (getPrivateStoreType() != 0) { player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_INTERACT, this); } else { // Check if this L2Player is autoAttackable if (isAutoAttackable(player)) { // Player with lvl < 21 can't attack a cursed weapon holder // And a cursed weapon holder can't attack players with lvl < 21 if ((isCursedWeaponEquipped() && player.getLevel() < 21) || (player.isCursedWeaponEquipped() && getLevel() < 21)) { player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); } else { if (GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(player, this)) { player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, this); player.onActionRequest(); } } } else { // This Action Failed packet avoids player getting stuck when clicking three or more times player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); if (GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(player, this)) player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_FOLLOW, this); } } } } @Override public void onActionShift(L2Player gm) { gm.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); if (gm.isGM()) { if (this != gm.getTarget()) { gm.setTarget(this); } else { AdminEditChar.gatherCharacterInfo(gm, this, "charinfo.htm"); } } } @Override public boolean isInFunEvent() { final AbstractFunEventPlayerInfo info = _playerInfoForEvents; return (info != null ? info.isInFunEvent() : false) || _inEventTvTi; } /** * Returns true if cp update should be done, false if not * @return boolean */ private boolean needCpUpdate(int barPixels) { double currentCp = getStatus().getCurrentCp(); if (currentCp <= 1.0 || getMaxCp() < barPixels) return true; if (currentCp <= _cpUpdateDecCheck || currentCp >= _cpUpdateIncCheck) { if (currentCp == getMaxCp()) { _cpUpdateIncCheck = currentCp + 1; _cpUpdateDecCheck = currentCp - _cpUpdateInterval; } else { double doubleMulti = currentCp / _cpUpdateInterval; int intMulti = (int) doubleMulti; _cpUpdateDecCheck = _cpUpdateInterval * (doubleMulti < intMulti ? intMulti-- : intMulti); _cpUpdateIncCheck = _cpUpdateDecCheck + _cpUpdateInterval; } return true; } return false; } /** * Returns true if mp update should be done, false if not * @return boolean */ private boolean needMpUpdate(int barPixels) { double currentMp = getStatus().getCurrentMp(); if (currentMp <= 1.0 || getMaxMp() < barPixels) return true; if (currentMp <= _mpUpdateDecCheck || currentMp >= _mpUpdateIncCheck) { if (currentMp == getMaxMp()) { _mpUpdateIncCheck = currentMp + 1; _mpUpdateDecCheck = currentMp - _mpUpdateInterval; } else { double doubleMulti = currentMp / _mpUpdateInterval; int intMulti = (int) doubleMulti; _mpUpdateDecCheck = _mpUpdateInterval * (doubleMulti < intMulti ? intMulti-- : intMulti); _mpUpdateIncCheck = _mpUpdateDecCheck + _mpUpdateInterval; } return true; } return false; } /** * Send packet StatusUpdate with current HP,MP and CP to the L2Player and only current HP, MP and Level to all other L2Player of the Party.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Send the Server->Client packet StatusUpdate with current HP, MP and CP to this L2Player </li><BR> * <li>Send the Server->Client packet PartySmallWindowUpdate with current HP, MP and Level to all other L2Player of the Party </li><BR><BR> * * <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : This method DOESN'T SEND current HP and MP to all L2Player of the _statusListener</B></FONT><BR><BR> * */ @Override public final void broadcastStatusUpdateImpl() { StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(getObjectId()); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_HP, (int) getStatus().getCurrentHp()); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_MP, (int) getStatus().getCurrentMp()); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_CP, (int) getStatus().getCurrentCp()); sendPacket(su); final boolean needCpUpdate = needCpUpdate(352); final boolean needHpUpdate = needHpUpdate(352); if (isInParty() && (needCpUpdate || needHpUpdate || needMpUpdate(352))) getParty().broadcastToPartyMembers(this, new PartySmallWindowUpdate(this)); if (isInOlympiadMode() && isOlympiadStart() && (needCpUpdate || needHpUpdate)) { Collection<L2Player> players = getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values(); if (!players.isEmpty()) { ExOlympiadUserInfo olyInfo = new ExOlympiadUserInfo(this, 2); for (L2Player player : players) if (player != null && player.isInOlympiadMode() && player.getOlympiadGameId() == _olympiadGameId) player.sendPacket(olyInfo); } players = Olympiad.getInstance().getSpectators(_olympiadGameId); if (players != null && !players.isEmpty()) { ExOlympiadUserInfo olyInfo = new ExOlympiadUserInfo(this, getOlympiadSide()); for (L2Player spectator : players) if (spectator != null) spectator.sendPacket(olyInfo); } } if (isInDuel() && (needCpUpdate || needHpUpdate)) DuelManager.getInstance().broadcastToOppositTeam(this, new ExDuelUpdateUserInfo(this)); } @Override public void updateEffectIconsImpl() { final EffectInfoPacketList list = new EffectInfoPacketList(this); sendPacket(new MagicEffectIcons(list)); if (isInParty()) getParty().broadcastToPartyMembers(this, new PartySpelled(list)); } /** * Send a Server->Client packet UserInfo to this L2Player and CharInfo to all L2Player in its _knownPlayers.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Concept</U> :</B><BR><BR> * Others L2Player in the detection area of the L2Player are identified in <B>_knownPlayers</B>. * In order to inform other players of this L2Player state modifications, server just need to go through _knownPlayers to send Server->Client Packet<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Send a Server->Client packet UserInfo to this L2Player (Public and Private Data)</li> * <li>Send a Server->Client packet CharInfo to all L2Player in _knownPlayers of the L2Player (Public data only)</li><BR><BR> * * <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : DON'T SEND UserInfo packet to other players instead of CharInfo packet. * Indeed, UserInfo packet contains PRIVATE DATA as MaxHP, STR, DEX...</B></FONT><BR><BR> * */ public final void broadcastUserInfo() { broadcastFullInfo(); } public final void broadcastTitleInfo() { // Send a Server->Client packet UserInfo to this L2Player sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); // Send a Server->Client packet NicknameChanged to all L2Player in _KnownPlayers of the L2Player if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("players to notify:" + getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().size() + " packet: [S] cc NicknameChanged"); Broadcast.toKnownPlayers(this, new NicknameChanged(this)); } /** * Return the Alliance Identifier of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getAllyId() { return (_clan == null) ? 0 : _clan.getAllyId(); } public int getAllyCrestId() { if (getClanId() == 0) { return 0; } if (getClan().getAllyId() == 0) { return 0; } return getClan().getAllyCrestId(); } public void queryGameGuard() { getClient().setGameGuardOk(false); sendPacket(GameGuardQuery.STATIC_PACKET); if (Config.GAMEGUARD_ENFORCE) { ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new GameGuardCheck(), 30 * 1000); } } class GameGuardCheck implements Runnable { /** * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ @Override public void run() { L2Client client = getClient(); if (client != null && !client.isAuthedGG() && isOnline() == 1) { //GmListTable.broadcastMessageToGMs("Client "+client+" failed to reply GameGuard query and is being kicked!");"Client " + client + " failed to reply GameGuard query and is being kicked!"); new Disconnection(client, L2Player.this).defaultSequence(false); } } } /** * Send a Server->Client packet to the L2Player.<BR> * <BR> */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void sendPacket(L2ServerPacket packet) { final L2Client client = _client; if (client != null) client.sendPacket(packet); } /** * Sends a SystemMessage without any parameter added. No instancing at all! */ @Override public void sendPacket(SystemMessageId sm) { sendPacket(sm.getSystemMessage()); } @Override public void sendPacket(StaticPacket packet) { sendPacket((L2ServerPacket) packet); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void sendMessage(String message) { sendPacket(SystemMessage.sendString(message)); } /** * Manage Interact Task with another L2Player.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>If the private store is a STORE_PRIVATE_SELL, send a Server->Client PrivateBuyListSell packet to the L2Player</li> * <li>If the private store is a STORE_PRIVATE_BUY, send a Server->Client PrivateBuyListBuy packet to the L2Player</li> * <li>If the private store is a STORE_PRIVATE_MANUFACTURE, send a Server->Client RecipeShopSellList packet to the L2Player</li><BR><BR> * * @param target The L2Creature targeted * */ public void doInteract(L2Creature target) { if (target instanceof L2Player) { L2Player temp = (L2Player) target; sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); if (temp.getPrivateStoreType() == STORE_PRIVATE_SELL || temp.getPrivateStoreType() == STORE_PRIVATE_PACKAGE_SELL) sendPacket(new PrivateStoreListSell(this, temp)); else if (temp.getPrivateStoreType() == STORE_PRIVATE_BUY) sendPacket(new PrivateStoreListBuy(this, temp)); else if (temp.getPrivateStoreType() == STORE_PRIVATE_MANUFACTURE) sendPacket(new RecipeShopSellList(this, temp)); } else { // _interactTarget=null should never happen but one never knows ^^; if (target != null) target.onAction(this); } } /** * Manage AutoLoot Task.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Send a System Message to the L2Player : YOU_PICKED_UP_S1_ADENA or YOU_PICKED_UP_S1_S2</li> * <li>Add the Item to the L2Player inventory</li> * <li>Send a Server->Client packet InventoryUpdate to this L2Player with NewItem (use a new slot) or ModifiedItem (increase amount)</li> * <li>Send a Server->Client packet StatusUpdate to this L2Player with current weight</li><BR><BR> * * <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : If a Party is in progress, distribute Items between party members</B></FONT><BR><BR> * * @param target The L2ItemInstance dropped * */ public void doAutoLoot(L2Attackable target, L2Attackable.RewardItem item) { if (!tryAutoLoot(target, item.getItemId())) target.dropItem(this, item); else if (isInParty()) getParty().distributeItem(this, item, false, target); else if (item.getItemId() == PlayerInventory.ADENA_ID) addAdena("Loot", item.getCount(), target, true); else addItem("Loot", item.getItemId(), item.getCount(), target, true, false); } private boolean tryAutoLoot(L2Attackable target, int itemId) { if (target.isFlying()) return true; if (ItemTable.isAdenaLikeItem(itemId)) return Config.ALT_AUTO_LOOT_ADENA; if (ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(itemId).getItemType() == L2EtcItemType.HERB) return Config.ALT_AUTO_LOOT_HERBS; if (target.isRaid()) return Config.ALT_AUTO_LOOT_RAID; return Config.ALT_AUTO_LOOT; } /** * Manage Pickup Task.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Send a Server->Client packet StopMove to this L2Player </li> * <li>Remove the L2ItemInstance from the world and send server->client GetItem packets </li> * <li>Send a System Message to the L2Player : YOU_PICKED_UP_S1_ADENA or YOU_PICKED_UP_S1_S2</li> * <li>Add the Item to the L2Player inventory</li> * <li>Send a Server->Client packet InventoryUpdate to this L2Player with NewItem (use a new slot) or ModifiedItem (increase amount)</li> * <li>Send a Server->Client packet StatusUpdate to this L2Player with current weight</li><BR><BR> * * <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B> <U>Caution</U> : If a Party is in progress, distribute Items between party members</B></FONT><BR><BR> * * @param object The L2ItemInstance to pick up * */ protected void doPickupItem(L2Object object) { if (isAlikeDead() || isFakeDeath()) return; // Set the AI Intention to AI_INTENTION_IDLE getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); // Check if the L2Object to pick up is a L2ItemInstance if (!(object instanceof L2ItemInstance)) { // Dont try to pickup anything that is not an item :) _log.warn("trying to pickup wrong target." + getTarget()); return; } L2ItemInstance target = (L2ItemInstance) object; // Send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed to this L2Player sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); // Send a Server->Client packet StopMove to this L2Player StopMove sm = new StopMove(getObjectId(), getX(), getY(), getZ(), getHeading()); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("pickup pos: " + target.getX() + " " + target.getY() + " " + target.getZ()); sendPacket(sm); synchronized (target) { // Check if the target to pick up is visible if (!target.isVisible()) { // Send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed to this L2Player sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } if (((isInParty() && getParty().getLootDistribution() == L2Party.ITEM_LOOTER) || !isInParty()) && !getInventory().validateCapacity(target)) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.SLOTS_FULL); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } if (isInvul() && !isGM()) { SystemMessage smsg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.FAILED_TO_PICKUP_S1); smsg.addItemName(target); sendPacket(smsg); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } if (getActiveTradeList() != null) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANNOT_PICKUP_OR_USE_ITEM_WHILE_TRADING); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } if (target.getOwnerId() != 0 && target.getOwnerId() != getObjectId() && !isInLooterParty(target.getOwnerId())) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); if (target.getItemId() == PlayerInventory.ADENA_ID) { SystemMessage smsg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.FAILED_TO_PICKUP_S1_ADENA); smsg.addItemNumber(target.getCount()); sendPacket(smsg); } else if (target.getCount() > 1) { SystemMessage smsg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.FAILED_TO_PICKUP_S2_S1_S); smsg.addItemName(target); smsg.addItemNumber(target.getCount()); sendPacket(smsg); } else { SystemMessage smsg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.FAILED_TO_PICKUP_S1); smsg.addItemName(target); sendPacket(smsg); } return; } // Cursed Weapons if (CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().isCursed(target.getItemId()) && isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { ItemTable.getInstance().destroyItem("Pickup CW", target, this, null); CursedWeapon cw = CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().getCursedWeapon(getCursedWeaponEquippedId()); cw.increaseKills(cw.getStageKills()); return; } // You can pickup only 1 combat flag if (FortSiegeManager.getInstance().isCombat(target.getItemId())) { if (!FortSiegeManager.getInstance().checkIfCanPickup(this)) return; } if (target.getItemLootShedule() != null && (target.getOwnerId() == getObjectId() || isInLooterParty(target.getOwnerId()))) target.resetOwnerTimer(); // Remove the L2ItemInstance from the world and send server->client GetItem packets target.pickupMe(this); } // Auto use herbs - pick up if (target.getItemType() == L2EtcItemType.HERB) { ItemHandler.getInstance().useItem(target.getItemId(), this, target); } // Cursed Weapons are not distributed else if (CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().isCursed(target.getItemId())) { addItem("Pickup", target, null, true); } else if (FortSiegeManager.getInstance().isCombat(target.getItemId())) { addItem("Pickup", target, null, true); } else { // If item is instance of L2ArmorType or L2WeaponType broadcast an "Attention" system message if (target.getItemType() instanceof L2ArmorType || target.getItemType() instanceof L2WeaponType) { if (target.getEnchantLevel() > 0) { SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ANNOUNCEMENT_C1_PICKED_UP_S2_S3); msg.addPcName(this); msg.addNumber(target.getEnchantLevel()); msg.addItemName(target); broadcastPacket(msg, 1400); } else { SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ANNOUNCEMENT_C1_PICKED_UP_S2); msg.addPcName(this); msg.addItemName(target); broadcastPacket(msg, 1400); } } // Check if a Party is in progress if (isInParty()) getParty().distributeItem(this, target); // Target is adena else if (target.getItemId() == PlayerInventory.ADENA_ID && getInventory().getAdenaInstance() != null) { addAdena("Pickup", target.getCount(), null, true); ItemTable.getInstance().destroyItem("Pickup", target, this, null); } // Target is regular item else addItem("Pickup", target, null, true); } } /** * Set a target.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Remove the L2Player from the _statusListener of the old target if it was a L2Creature </li> * <li>Add the L2Player to the _statusListener of the new target if it's a L2Creature </li> * <li>Target the new L2Object (add the target to the L2Player _target, _knownObject and L2Player to _KnownObject of the L2Object)</li><BR><BR> * * @param newTarget The L2Object to target * */ @Override public void setTarget(L2Object newTarget) { if (newTarget != null) { if (this != newTarget && newTarget instanceof L2Creature) sendPacket(new ValidateLocation((L2Creature) newTarget)); if (!isGM()) { if (newTarget instanceof L2FestivalMonsterInstance && !isFestivalParticipant()) return; if (isInParty() && getParty().isInDimensionalRift()) { byte riftType = getParty().getDimensionalRift().getType(); byte riftRoom = getParty().getDimensionalRift().getCurrentRoom(); if (!DimensionalRiftManager.getInstance().getRoom(riftType, riftRoom).checkIfInZone(newTarget)) return; } } if (!(newTarget instanceof L2Player) || !isInParty() || getParty() != ((L2Player) newTarget).getParty()) { if (!newTarget.isVisible()) return; if (Math.abs(newTarget.getZ() - getZ()) > 500) return; } } super.setTarget(newTarget); } @Override protected void refreshTarget(L2Object newTarget) { final L2Object oldTarget = getTarget(); if (oldTarget instanceof L2Creature) ((L2Creature) oldTarget).getStatus().removeStatusListener(this); if (newTarget instanceof L2Creature) ((L2Creature) newTarget).getStatus().addStatusListener(this); if (newTarget != null) { broadcastPacket(new TargetSelected(this, newTarget)); sendPacket(new MyTargetSelected(this, newTarget)); } else if (oldTarget != null) { broadcastPacket(new TargetUnselected(this)); } super.refreshTarget(newTarget); saveLastTarget(oldTarget != null ? oldTarget.getObjectId() : 0); } /** * Return the active weapon instance (always equipped in the right hand).<BR><BR> */ @Override public L2ItemInstance getActiveWeaponInstance() { return getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); } /** * Return the active weapon item (always equipped in the right hand).<BR><BR> */ @Override public L2Weapon getActiveWeaponItem() { L2ItemInstance weapon = getActiveWeaponInstance(); if (weapon == null) return getFistsWeaponItem(); return (L2Weapon) weapon.getItem(); } public L2ItemInstance getChestArmorInstance() { return getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST); } public L2ItemInstance getLegsArmorInstance() { return getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS); } public L2Armor getActiveChestArmorItem() { L2ItemInstance armor = getChestArmorInstance(); if (armor == null) return null; return (L2Armor) armor.getItem(); } public L2Armor getActiveLegsArmorItem() { L2ItemInstance legs = getLegsArmorInstance(); if (legs == null) return null; return (L2Armor) legs.getItem(); } public boolean isWearingHeavyArmor() { if ((getChestArmorInstance() != null) && getLegsArmorInstance() != null) { L2ItemInstance legs = getLegsArmorInstance(); L2ItemInstance armor = getChestArmorInstance(); if (legs.getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY && (armor.getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY)) return true; } if (getChestArmorInstance() != null) { L2ItemInstance armor = getChestArmorInstance(); if (getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST).getItem() .getBodyPart() == L2Item.SLOT_FULL_ARMOR && armor.getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) return true; } return false; } public boolean isWearingLightArmor() { if ((getChestArmorInstance() != null) && getLegsArmorInstance() != null) { L2ItemInstance legs = getLegsArmorInstance(); L2ItemInstance armor = getChestArmorInstance(); if (legs.getItemType() == L2ArmorType.LIGHT && (armor.getItemType() == L2ArmorType.LIGHT)) return true; } if (getChestArmorInstance() != null) { L2ItemInstance armor = getChestArmorInstance(); if (getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST).getItem() .getBodyPart() == L2Item.SLOT_FULL_ARMOR && armor.getItemType() == L2ArmorType.LIGHT) return true; } return false; } public boolean isWearingMagicArmor() { if ((getChestArmorInstance() != null) && getLegsArmorInstance() != null) { L2ItemInstance legs = getLegsArmorInstance(); L2ItemInstance armor = getChestArmorInstance(); if (legs.getItemType() == L2ArmorType.MAGIC && (armor.getItemType() == L2ArmorType.MAGIC)) return true; } if (getChestArmorInstance() != null) { L2ItemInstance armor = getChestArmorInstance(); if (getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST).getItem() .getBodyPart() == L2Item.SLOT_FULL_ARMOR && armor.getItemType() == L2ArmorType.MAGIC) return true; } return false; } public boolean isWearingFormalWear() { return _IsWearingFormalWear; } public void setIsWearingFormalWear(boolean value) { _IsWearingFormalWear = value; } /** * Return the secondary weapon instance (always equipped in the left hand).<BR><BR> */ @Override public L2ItemInstance getSecondaryWeaponInstance() { return getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); } /** * Return the secondary weapon item (always equipped in the left hand) or the fists weapon.<BR><BR> */ @Override public L2Weapon getSecondaryWeaponItem() { L2ItemInstance weapon = getSecondaryWeaponInstance(); if (weapon == null) return getFistsWeaponItem(); L2Item item = weapon.getItem(); if (item instanceof L2Weapon) return (L2Weapon) item; return null; } /** * Kill the L2Creature, Apply Death Penalty, Manage gain/loss Karma and Item Drop.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Reduce the Experience of the L2Player in function of the calculated Death Penalty </li> * <li>If necessary, unsummon the Pet of the killed L2Player </li> * <li>Manage Karma gain for attacker and Karma loss for the killed L2Player </li> * <li>If the killed L2Player has Karma, manage Drop Item</li> * <li>Kill the L2Player </li><BR><BR> * * * @param killer The L2Creature who attacks * */ @Override public boolean doDie(L2Creature killer) { // is the dying in duel? if so, change his duel state to dead if (isInDuel()) // pets can die as usual { disableAllSkills(); getStatus().setCurrentHp(1); getStatus().stopHpMpRegeneration(); killer.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE); killer.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); // let the DuelManager know of his defeat DuelManager.getInstance().onPlayerDefeat(this); return false; } if (isInOlympiadMode()) { getStatus().stopHpMpRegeneration(); setIsDead(true); setIsPendingRevive(true); if (getPet() != null) getPet().getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE, null); return false; } /* Since L2Creature.doDie() calls stopAllEffects(), which includes * setting charm of curage and other blessings as false, this stores value * before calling superclass method */ boolean charmOfCourage = getCharmOfCourage(); // Kill the L2Player if (!super.doDie(killer)) return false; if (isMounted()) stopFeed(); synchronized (this) { if (isFakeDeath()) stopFakeDeath(true); } // Clear resurrect xp calculation setExpBeforeDeath(0); // Issues drop of Cursed Weapon. if (isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().drop(_cursedWeaponEquippedId, killer); } else if (isCombatFlagEquipped()) { FortSiegeManager.getInstance().dropCombatFlag(this); } Castle castle = null; if (getClan() != null) { castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleByOwner(getClan()); if (castle != null) castle.destroyClanGate(); } if (killer != null) { L2Player pk = killer.getActingPlayer(); boolean bothWayClanWarKill = false; boolean clanWarKill = false; boolean playerKill = false; if (GlobalRestrictions.playerKilled(killer, this)) { } else if (pk != null) { if (pk.getClan() != null && getClan() != null && !isAcademyMember() && !pk.isAcademyMember()) { if ((_clan.isAtWarWith(pk.getClanId()) && pk.getClan().isAtWarWith(getClanId())) || (isInSiege() && pk.isInSiege())) { bothWayClanWarKill = true; clanWarKill = true; } else if (_clan.isAtWarWith(pk.getClanId())) clanWarKill = true; } playerKill = true; } boolean srcInPvP = isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) && !isInSiege(); if (killer instanceof L2Player && srcInPvP && Config.ARENA_ENABLED) { ArenaManager.getInstance().onKill(killer.getObjectId(), killer.getName()); ArenaManager.getInstance().onDeath(getObjectId(), getName()); } if (bothWayClanWarKill && pk != null) { // When your reputation score is 0 or below, the other clan cannot acquire any reputation points if (getClan().getReputationScore() > 0) pk.getClan().setReputationScore( pk.getClan().getReputationScore() + Config.REPUTATION_SCORE_PER_KILL, true); // When the opposing sides reputation score is 0 or below, your clans reputation score does not decrease if (pk.getClan().getReputationScore() > 0) _clan.setReputationScore(_clan.getReputationScore() - Config.REPUTATION_SCORE_PER_KILL, true); } if (!srcInPvP) { if (pk == null || !pk.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { onDieDropItem(killer); // Check if any item should be dropped if (!srcInPvP) { if (Config.ALT_GAME_DELEVEL) { // Reduce the Experience of the L2Player in function of the calculated Death Penalty // NOTE: deathPenalty +- Exp will update karma // Penalty is lower if the player is at war with the pk (war has to be declared) if (getSkillLevel(L2Skill.SKILL_LUCKY) < 0 || getStat().getLevel() > 9) deathPenalty(clanWarKill, playerKill, charmOfCourage, killer instanceof L2SiegeGuard); } else { if (!(isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) && !isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP)) || pk == null) onDieUpdateKarma(); // Update karma if delevel is not allowed } } } if (pk != null) { if (Config.ALT_ANNOUNCE_PK) { String announcetext = ""; // Build announce text if (getPvpFlag() == 0) announcetext = pk.getName() + " has slaughtered " + getName(); else announcetext = pk.getName() + " has defeated " + getName(); // Announce to player if (Config.ALT_ANNOUNCE_PK_NORMAL_MESSAGE) Announcements.getInstance().announceToPlayers(announcetext); else Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(announcetext); } } } else if (pk != null && Config.ALT_ANNOUNCE_PK) { if (Config.ALT_ANNOUNCE_PK_NORMAL_MESSAGE) Announcements.getInstance().announceToPlayers(pk.getName() + " has defeated " + getName()); else Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(pk.getName() + " has defeated " + getName()); } } // Force Charges clearCharges(); // Empty charges //updatePvPFlag(0); // Clear the pvp flag // Pet shouldn't get unsummoned after masters death. // Unsummon the Pet //if (getPet() != null) getPet().unSummon(this); // Unsummon Cubics if (!_cubics.isEmpty()) { for (L2CubicInstance cubic : _cubics.values()) { cubic.stopAction(); cubic.cancelDisappear(); } _cubics.clear(); } if (_fusionSkill != null) abortCast(); for (L2Creature character : getKnownList().getKnownCharacters()) if (character.getFusionSkill() != null && character.getFusionSkill().getTarget() == this) character.abortCast(); if (isInParty() && getParty().isInDimensionalRift()) { getParty().getDimensionalRift().memberDead(this); } // Calculate death penalty buff calculateDeathPenaltyBuffLevel(killer); // [L2J_JP ADD SANDMAN] // When the player has been annihilated, the player is banished from the Four Sepulcher. if (FourSepulchersManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this) && (getZ() >= -7250 && getZ() <= -6841)) FourSepulchersManager.getInstance().checkAnnihilated(this); // When the player has been annihilated, the player is banished from the lair. else if (SailrenManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) SailrenManager.getInstance().checkAnnihilated(); else if (AntharasManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) AntharasManager.getInstance().checkAnnihilated(); else if (ValakasManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) ValakasManager.getInstance().checkAnnihilated(); else if (BaiumManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) BaiumManager.getInstance().checkAnnihilated(); else if (BaylorManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) BaylorManager.getInstance().checkAnnihilated(); else if (FrintezzaManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) FrintezzaManager.getInstance().checkAnnihilated(); else if (LastImperialTombManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) LastImperialTombManager.getInstance().checkAnnihilated(); QuestState qs = getQuestState("255_Tutorial"); if (qs != null) qs.getQuest().notifyEvent("CE30", null, this); return true; } /** UnEnquip on skills with disarm effect **/ public void onDisarm(L2Player target) { target.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(14); } private void onDieDropItem(L2Creature killer) { if (killer == null) return; L2Player pk = killer.getActingPlayer(); if (pk != null && getKarma() <= 0 && pk.getClan() != null && getClan() != null && (pk.getClan().isAtWarWith(getClanId()) //|| this.getClan().isAtWarWith(((L2Player)killer).getClanId()) )) return; if ((!isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) || pk == null) && (!isGM() || Config.KARMA_DROP_GM)) { boolean isKarmaDrop = false; boolean isKillerNpc = (killer instanceof L2Npc); int pkLimit = Config.KARMA_PK_LIMIT; int dropEquip = 0; int dropEquipWeapon = 0; int dropItem = 0; int dropLimit = 0; int dropPercent = 0; if (getKarma() > 0 && getPkKills() >= pkLimit) { isKarmaDrop = true; dropPercent = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP; dropEquip = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP; dropEquipWeapon = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_EQUIP_WEAPON; dropItem = Config.KARMA_RATE_DROP_ITEM; dropLimit = Config.KARMA_DROP_LIMIT; } else if (isKillerNpc && getLevel() > 4 && !isFestivalParticipant()) { dropPercent = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP; dropEquip = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_EQUIP; dropEquipWeapon = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_EQUIP_WEAPON; dropItem = Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_ITEM; dropLimit = Config.PLAYER_DROP_LIMIT; } if (dropPercent > 0 && Rnd.get(100) < dropPercent) { int dropCount = 0; int itemDropPercent = 0; for (L2ItemInstance itemDrop : getInventory().getItems()) { // Don't drop if (!itemDrop.isDropable() || itemDrop.getItemId() == PlayerInventory.ADENA_ID // Dont drop Shadow Items || itemDrop.isShadowItem() // Dont drop Time Limited Items || itemDrop.isTimeLimitedItem() // Quest Items || itemDrop.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_QUEST // Control Item of active pet || getPet() != null && getPet().getControlItemId() == itemDrop.getItemId() // Item listed in the non droppable item list || Arrays.binarySearch(Config.KARMA_LIST_NONDROPPABLE_ITEMS, itemDrop.getItemId()) >= 0 // Item listed in the non droppable pet item list || Arrays.binarySearch(Config.KARMA_LIST_NONDROPPABLE_PET_ITEMS, itemDrop.getItemId()) >= 0) continue; if (itemDrop.isEquipped()) // Set proper chance according to Item type of equipped Item itemDropPercent = itemDrop.getItem().getType2() == L2Item.TYPE2_WEAPON ? dropEquipWeapon : dropEquip; else itemDropPercent = dropItem; // Item in inventory // NOTE: Each time an item is dropped, the chance of another item being dropped gets lesser (dropCount * 2) if (Rnd.get(100) < itemDropPercent) { if (itemDrop.isEquipped()) { getInventory().unEquipItemInSlotAndRecord(itemDrop.getLocationSlot()); // must be sent explicitly to avoid visible garbage sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); } dropItem("DieDrop", itemDrop, killer, true); if (isKarmaDrop) + " has karma and dropped " + itemDrop); else + " dropped " + itemDrop); if (++dropCount >= dropLimit) break; } } } // Player can drop adena against other player if (Config.ALT_PLAYER_CAN_DROP_ADENA && !isKillerNpc && Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_ADENA > 0 && 100 >= Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_ADENA && !(killer instanceof L2Player && ((L2Player) killer).isGM())) { L2ItemInstance itemDrop = getInventory().getAdenaInstance(); long iCount = getInventory().getAdena(); // Adena count depends on config iCount = iCount * Config.PLAYER_RATE_DROP_ADENA / 100; // Drop only adena this time if (itemDrop != null && itemDrop.getItemId() == PlayerInventory.ADENA_ID) // Adena { dropItem("DieDrop", itemDrop.getObjectId(), iCount, getPosition().getX() + Rnd.get(50) - 25, getPosition().getY() + Rnd.get(50) - 25, getPosition().getZ() + 20, killer, true); } } } } private void onDieUpdateKarma() { // Karma lose for server that does not allow delevel if (getKarma() > 0) { // This formula seems to work relatively well: // baseKarma * thisLVL * (thisLVL/100) // Calculate the new Karma of the attacker : newKarma = baseKarma*pkCountMulti*lvlDiffMulti double karmaLost = Config.KARMA_LOST_BASE; karmaLost *= getLevel(); // Multiply by char lvl karmaLost *= (getLevel() / 100.0); // Divide by 0.charLVL karmaLost = Math.round(karmaLost); if (karmaLost < 0) karmaLost = 1; // Decrease Karma of the L2Player and Send it a Server->Client StatusUpdate packet with Karma and PvP Flag if necessary setKarma(getKarma() - (int) karmaLost); } } public void onKillUpdatePvPKarma(L2Creature target) { if (target == null) return; if (!(target instanceof L2Playable)) return; L2Player targetPlayer = target.getActingPlayer(); if (targetPlayer == null) return; // Target player is null if (targetPlayer == this) return; // Target player is self if (isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().increaseKills(_cursedWeaponEquippedId); // Custom message for time left // CursedWeapon cw = CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().getCursedWeapon(_cursedWeaponEquippedId); // SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.THERE_IS_S1_HOUR_AND_S2_MINUTE_LEFT_OF_THE_FIXED_USAGE_TIME); // int timeLeftInHours = (int)(((cw.getTimeLeft()/60000)/60)); // msg.addItemName(_cursedWeaponEquippedId); // msg.addNumber(timeLeftInHours); // sendPacket(msg); return; } // If in duel and you kill (only can kill l2summon), do nothing if (isInDuel() && targetPlayer.isInDuel()) return; // If in Arena, do nothing if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP)) return; // Check if it's pvp if ((checkIfPvP(target) && // Can pvp and targetPlayer.getPvpFlag() != 0 // Target player has pvp flag set ) || // or (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) && // Player is inside pvp zone and targetPlayer.isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) // Target player is inside pvp zone )) { if (target instanceof L2Player) increasePvpKills(); // Give faction pvp points if (Config.FACTION_ENABLED && targetPlayer.getSide() != getSide() && targetPlayer.getSide() != 0 && getSide() != 0 && Config.FACTION_KILL_REWARD) increaseFactionKillPoints(targetPlayer.getLevel(), false); } else // Target player doesn't have pvp flag set { // Check factions if (Config.FACTION_ENABLED && targetPlayer.getSide() != getSide() && targetPlayer.getSide() != 0 && getSide() != 0 && Config.FACTION_KILL_REWARD) { // Give faction pk points increaseFactionKillPoints(targetPlayer.getLevel(), true); // No karma return; } // Check about wars boolean clanWarKill = (targetPlayer.getClan() != null && getClan() != null && !isAcademyMember() && !(targetPlayer.isAcademyMember()) && _clan.isAtWarWith(targetPlayer.getClanId()) && targetPlayer.getClan().isAtWarWith(_clan.getClanId())); if (clanWarKill) { // 'Both way war' -> 'PvP Kill' if (target instanceof L2Player) increasePvpKills(); return; } // 'No war' or 'One way war' -> 'Normal PK' if (targetPlayer.getKarma() > 0) // Target player has karma { if (Config.KARMA_AWARD_PK_KILL) { if (target instanceof L2Player) increasePvpKills(); } } else if (targetPlayer.getPvpFlag() == 0) // Target player doesn't have karma { increasePkKillsAndKarma(targetPlayer.getLevel(), target instanceof L2Player); // Unequip adventurer items if (getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(7) >= 7816 && getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(7) <= 7831) { L2ItemInstance invItem = getInventory().getItemByItemId(getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(7)); if (invItem.isEquipped()) { L2ItemInstance[] unequiped = getInventory() .unEquipItemInSlotAndRecord(invItem.getLocationSlot()); InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate(); for (L2ItemInstance itm : unequiped) iu.addModifiedItem(itm); sendPacket(iu); } refreshExpertisePenalty(); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANT_EQUIP_WITH_PK_POINTS); } } } } /** * Increase the faction points depending on level * PK Kills give half the points of a PVP Kill */ public void increaseFactionKillPoints(int level, boolean pk) { int points; points = (level / getLevel()) * (Config.FACTION_KILL_RATE / 100); if (pk) points /= 2; _faction.addFactionPoints(points); sendMessage("You earned " + String.valueOf(points) + " Facion Points"); } /** * Increase the pvp kills count and send the info to the player * */ private void increasePvpKills() { // Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1); // Send a Server->Client UserInfo packet to attacker with its Karma and PK Counter sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); } /** * Increase pk count, karma and send the info to the player * * @param targLVL : level of the killed player * @param increasePk : true if PK counter should be increased too */ private void increasePkKillsAndKarma(int targLVL, boolean increasePk) { int baseKarma = (int) (Config.KARMA_MIN_KARMA * Config.KARMA_RATE); int newKarma = baseKarma; int karmaLimit = (int) (Config.KARMA_MAX_KARMA * Config.KARMA_RATE); int pkLVL = getLevel(); int pkPKCount = getPkKills(); int lvlDiffMulti = 0; int pkCountMulti = 0; // Check if the attacker has a PK counter greater than 0 if (pkPKCount > 0) pkCountMulti = pkPKCount / 2; else pkCountMulti = 1; if (pkCountMulti < 1) pkCountMulti = 1; // Calculate the level difference Multiplier between attacker and killed L2Player if (pkLVL > targLVL) lvlDiffMulti = pkLVL / targLVL; else lvlDiffMulti = 1; if (lvlDiffMulti < 1) lvlDiffMulti = 1; // Calculate the new Karma of the attacker : newKarma = baseKarma*pkCountMulti*lvlDiffMulti newKarma = (int) (newKarma * pkCountMulti * lvlDiffMulti * Config.KARMA_RATE); // Make sure newKarma is less than karmaLimit and higher than baseKarma if (newKarma < baseKarma) newKarma = baseKarma; if (newKarma > karmaLimit) newKarma = karmaLimit; // Fix to prevent overflow (=> karma has a max value of 2 147 483 647) if (getKarma() > (Integer.MAX_VALUE - newKarma)) newKarma = Integer.MAX_VALUE - getKarma(); // Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter if (increasePk) setPkKills(getPkKills() + 1); setKarma(getKarma() + newKarma); // Send a Server->Client UserInfo packet to attacker with its Karma and PK Counter sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); } public int calculateKarmaLost(long exp) { // KARMA LOSS // When a Player Killer gets killed by another player or a L2MonsterInstance, it loses a certain amount of Karma based on their level. // this (with defaults) results in a level 1 losing about ~2 karma per death, and a lvl 70 loses about 11760 karma per death... // You lose karma as long as you were not in a pvp zone and you did not kill urself. // NOTE: exp for death (if delevel is allowed) is based on the players level long expGained = Math.abs(exp); expGained /= Config.KARMA_XP_DIVIDER; int karmaLost = 0; if (expGained > Integer.MAX_VALUE) karmaLost = Integer.MAX_VALUE; else karmaLost = (int) expGained; if (karmaLost < Config.KARMA_LOST_BASE) karmaLost = Config.KARMA_LOST_BASE; if (karmaLost > getKarma()) karmaLost = getKarma(); return karmaLost; } private static final class PvPFlagManager extends AbstractIterativePeriodicTaskManager<L2Player> { private static final PvPFlagManager _instance = new PvPFlagManager(); private static PvPFlagManager getInstance() { return _instance; } private PvPFlagManager() { super(1000); } @Override protected void callTask(L2Player task) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > task.getPvpFlagLasts()) { task.stopPvPFlag(); } else if (System.currentTimeMillis() > (task.getPvpFlagLasts() - 20000)) { task.updatePvPFlag(2); } else { task.updatePvPFlag(1); } } @Override protected String getCalledMethodName() { return "updatePvPFlag()"; } } /** The PvP Flag state of the L2Player (0=White, 1=Purple) */ private byte _pvpFlag; private long _pvpFlagLasts; /** * Set the PvP Flag of the L2Player.<BR> * <BR> */ private void setPvpFlag(int pvpFlag) { _pvpFlag = (byte) pvpFlag; } public byte getPvpFlag() { return _pvpFlag; } public void updatePvPFlag(int value) { if (getPvpFlag() == value) return; setPvpFlag((byte) value); if (getPvpFlag() == 0) PvPFlagManager.getInstance().stopTask(this); else PvPFlagManager.getInstance().startTask(this); sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); broadcastRelationChanged(); } private void setPvpFlagLasts(long time) { _pvpFlagLasts = time; } private long getPvpFlagLasts() { return _pvpFlagLasts; } private void startPvPFlag() { updatePvPFlag(1); } private void stopPvPFlag() { updatePvPFlag(0); } public void updatePvPStatus() { if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP)) return; setPvpFlagLasts(System.currentTimeMillis() + Config.PVP_NORMAL_TIME); if (getPvpFlag() == 0) startPvPFlag(); } public void updatePvPStatus(L2Creature target) { L2Player player_target = target.getActingPlayer(); if (player_target == null) return; if ((isInDuel() && player_target.getDuelId() == getDuelId())) return; if ((!isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) || !player_target.isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP)) && player_target.getKarma() == 0) { if (checkIfPvP(player_target)) setPvpFlagLasts(System.currentTimeMillis() + Config.PVP_PVP_TIME); else setPvpFlagLasts(System.currentTimeMillis() + Config.PVP_NORMAL_TIME); if (getPvpFlag() == 0) startPvPFlag(); } } /** * Restore the specified % of experience this L2Player has * lost and sends a Server->Client StatusUpdate packet.<BR><BR> */ public void restoreExp(double restorePercent) { if (getExpBeforeDeath() > 0) { // Restore the specified % of lost experience. getStat().addExp((int) Math.round((getExpBeforeDeath() - getExp()) * restorePercent / 100)); setExpBeforeDeath(0); } } /** * Reduce the Experience (and level if necessary) of the L2Player in function of the calculated Death Penalty.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Calculate the Experience loss </li> * <li>Set the value of _expBeforeDeath </li> * <li>Set the new Experience value of the L2Player and Decrease its level if necessary </li> * <li>Send a Server->Client StatusUpdate packet with its new Experience </li><BR><BR> * */ public void deathPenalty(boolean atwar, boolean killed_by_pc, boolean charmOfCourage, boolean killed_by_siege_npc) { if (charmOfCourage && isInSiege()) return; if ((killed_by_pc || killed_by_siege_npc) && ((isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) && !isInSiege()) || isInSiege())) return; // FIXME: Need Correct Penalty // Get the level of the L2Player final int lvl = getLevel(); byte level = (byte) getLevel(); int clan_luck = getSkillLevel(L2Skill.SKILL_CLAN_LUCK); double clan_luck_modificator = 1.0; if (!killed_by_pc) { switch (clan_luck) { case 3: clan_luck_modificator = 0.8; break; case 2: clan_luck_modificator = 0.8; break; case 1: clan_luck_modificator = 0.88; break; default: clan_luck_modificator = 1.0; break; } } else { switch (clan_luck) { case 3: clan_luck_modificator = 0.5; break; case 2: clan_luck_modificator = 0.5; break; case 1: clan_luck_modificator = 0.5; break; default: clan_luck_modificator = 1.0; break; } } // The death steal you some Exp double percentLost = Config.PLAYER_XP_PERCENT_LOST[getLevel()] * clan_luck_modificator; switch (level) { case 78: percentLost = (1.5 * clan_luck_modificator); break; case 77: percentLost = (2.0 * clan_luck_modificator); break; case 76: percentLost = (2.5 * clan_luck_modificator); break; default: if (level < 40) percentLost = (7.0 * clan_luck_modificator); else if (level >= 40 && level <= 75) percentLost = (4.0 * clan_luck_modificator); break; } if (getKarma() > 0) percentLost *= Config.RATE_KARMA_EXP_LOST; if (isFestivalParticipant() || atwar) percentLost /= 4.0; // Calculate the Experience loss final long lostExp; if (lvl < Experience.MAX_LEVEL) lostExp = Math .round((getStat().getExpForLevel(lvl + 1) - getStat().getExpForLevel(lvl)) * percentLost / 100); else lostExp = Math.round((getStat().getExpForLevel(Experience.MAX_LEVEL) - getStat().getExpForLevel(Experience.MAX_LEVEL - 1)) * percentLost / 100); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug(getName() + " died and lost " + lostExp + " experience."); // Get the Experience before applying penalty setExpBeforeDeath(getExp()); // Set the new Experience value of the L2Player getStat().addExp(-lostExp); } public void deathPenalty(boolean atwar, boolean killed_by_pc, boolean killed_by_siege_npc) { deathPenalty(atwar, killed_by_pc, getCharmOfCourage(), killed_by_siege_npc); } public boolean isLookingForParty() { return _lookingForParty; } public boolean getPartyMatchingLevelRestriction() { return !_partyMatchingAllLevels; } public int getPartyMatchingRegion() { return _partyMatchingRegion; } public void setLookingForParty(boolean matching) { _lookingForParty = matching; } public void setPartyMatchingLevelRestriction(boolean off) { _partyMatchingAllLevels = off; } public void setPartyMatchingRegion(int region) { _partyMatchingRegion = region; } public L2PartyRoom getPartyRoom() { return _partyRoom; } /** * Set the _partyRoom object of the L2Player (without joining it). * @param room new party room */ public void setPartyRoom(L2PartyRoom room) { _partyRoom = room; } /** * Stop the HP/MP/CP Regeneration task.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Set the RegenActive flag to False </li> * <li>Stop the HP/MP/CP Regeneration task </li><BR><BR> * */ public void stopAllTimers() { getStatus().stopHpMpRegeneration(); stopWarnUserTakeBreak(); stopAutoSaveTask(); stopWaterTask(); stopFeed(); clearPetData(); storePetFood(_mountNpcId); stopSoulTask(); stopChargeTask(); stopFameTask(); stopVitalityTask(); stopPvPFlag(); stopJailTask(true); } /** * Return the L2Summon of the L2Player or null.<BR><BR> */ @Override public L2Summon getPet() { return _summon; } /** * Return the L2Decoy of the L2Player or null.<BR><BR> */ public L2Decoy getDecoy() { return _decoy; } /** * Return the L2Trap of the L2Player or null.<BR><BR> */ public L2Trap getTrap() { return _trap; } /** * Set the L2Summon of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setPet(L2Summon summon) { _summon = summon; // update attack element value display if ((_summon == null || _summon instanceof L2SummonInstance) && getClassId().isSummoner() && getAttackElement() != Elementals.NONE) sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); } /** * Set the L2Decoy of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setDecoy(L2Decoy decoy) { _decoy = decoy; } /** * Set the L2Trap of this L2Player<BR><BR> * @param trap */ public void setTrap(L2Trap trap) { _trap = trap; } /** * Return the L2Summon of the L2Player or null.<BR><BR> */ public L2TamedBeastInstance getTrainedBeast() { return _tamedBeast; } /** * Set the L2Summon of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setTrainedBeast(L2TamedBeastInstance tamedBeast) { _tamedBeast = tamedBeast; } /** * Return the L2Player requester of a transaction (ex : FriendInvite, JoinAlly, JoinParty...).<BR><BR> */ public L2Request getRequest() { if (_request == null) _request = new L2Request(this); return _request; } /** * Set the L2Player requester of a transaction (ex : FriendInvite, JoinAlly, JoinParty...).<BR><BR> */ public synchronized void setActiveRequester(L2Player requester) { _activeRequester = requester; } /** * Return true if last request is expired. * @return */ public boolean isRequestExpired() { return !(_requestExpireTime > GameTimeManager.getGameTicks()); } /** * Return the L2Player requester of a transaction (ex : FriendInvite, JoinAlly, JoinParty...).<BR><BR> */ public L2Player getActiveRequester() { return _activeRequester; } /** * Return True if a transaction is in progress.<BR><BR> */ public boolean isProcessingRequest() { return _activeRequester != null || _requestExpireTime > GameTimeManager.getGameTicks(); } /** * Return True if a transaction is in progress.<BR><BR> */ public boolean isProcessingTransaction() { return _activeRequester != null || _activeTradeList != null || _requestExpireTime > GameTimeManager.getGameTicks(); } /** * Select the Warehouse to be used in next activity.<BR><BR> */ public void onTransactionRequest(L2Player partner) { _requestExpireTime = GameTimeManager.getGameTicks() + REQUEST_TIMEOUT * GameTimeManager.TICKS_PER_SECOND; partner.setActiveRequester(this); } /** * Select the Warehouse to be used in next activity.<BR><BR> */ public void onTransactionResponse() { _requestExpireTime = 0; } /** * Select the Warehouse to be used in next activity.<BR><BR> */ public void setActiveWarehouse(ItemContainer warehouse) { _activeWarehouse = warehouse; } /** * Return active Warehouse.<BR><BR> */ public ItemContainer getActiveWarehouse() { return _activeWarehouse; } /** * Select the TradeList to be used in next activity.<BR><BR> */ public void setActiveTradeList(TradeList tradeList) { _activeTradeList = tradeList; } /** * Return active TradeList.<BR><BR> */ public TradeList getActiveTradeList() { return _activeTradeList; } public void onTradeStart(L2Player partner) { _activeTradeList = new TradeList(this); _activeTradeList.setPartner(partner); SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.BEGIN_TRADE_WITH_C1); msg.addPcName(partner); sendPacket(msg); sendPacket(new TradeStart(this)); } public void onTradeConfirm(L2Player partner) { SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_CONFIRMED_TRADE); msg.addPcName(partner); sendPacket(msg); sendPacket(TradeOtherDone.STATIC_PACKET); } public void onTradeCancel(L2Player partner) { if (_activeTradeList == null) return; _activeTradeList.lock(); _activeTradeList = null; sendPacket(TradeDone.CANCELLED); SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_CANCELED_TRADE); msg.addPcName(partner); sendPacket(msg); } public void onTradeFinish(boolean successfull) { _activeTradeList = null; sendPacket(TradeDone.COMPLETED); if (successfull) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.TRADE_SUCCESSFUL); } public void startTrade(L2Player partner) { onTradeStart(partner); partner.onTradeStart(this); } public void cancelActiveTrade() { if (_activeTradeList == null) return; L2Player partner = _activeTradeList.getPartner(); if (partner != null) partner.onTradeCancel(this); onTradeCancel(this); } /** * Return the _createList object of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public L2ManufactureList getCreateList() { return _createList; } /** * Set the _createList object of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setCreateList(L2ManufactureList x) { _createList = x; } /** * Return the _buyList object of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public TradeList getSellList() { if (_sellList == null) _sellList = new TradeList(this); return _sellList; } /** * Return the _buyList object of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public TradeList getBuyList() { if (_buyList == null) _buyList = new TradeList(this); return _buyList; } /** * Set the Private Store type of the L2Player.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Values </U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>0 : STORE_PRIVATE_NONE</li> * <li>1 : STORE_PRIVATE_SELL</li> * <li>2 : sellmanage</li><BR> * <li>3 : STORE_PRIVATE_BUY</li><BR> * <li>4 : buymanage</li><BR> * <li>5 : STORE_PRIVATE_MANUFACTURE</li><BR> * */ public void setPrivateStoreType(int type) { _privatestore = type; } /** * Return the Private Store type of the L2Player.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Values </U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>0 : STORE_PRIVATE_NONE</li> * <li>1 : STORE_PRIVATE_SELL</li> * <li>2 : sellmanage</li><BR> * <li>3 : STORE_PRIVATE_BUY</li><BR> * <li>4 : buymanage</li><BR> * <li>5 : STORE_PRIVATE_MANUFACTURE</li><BR> * */ public int getPrivateStoreType() { return _privatestore; } /** * Set the _skillLearningClassId object of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setSkillLearningClassId(ClassId classId) { _skillLearningClassId = classId; } /** * Return the _skillLearningClassId object of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public ClassId getSkillLearningClassId() { return _skillLearningClassId; } /** * Set the _clan object, _clanId, _clanLeader Flag and title of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setClan(L2Clan clan) { _clan = clan; setTitle(""); if (clan == null) { _clanId = 0; _clanPrivileges = 0; _subPledgeType = 0; _pledgeRank = 0; _lvlJoinedAcademy = 0; _apprentice = 0; _sponsor = 0; return; } if (!clan.isMember(getObjectId())) { // Char has been kicked from clan setClan(null); return; } _clanId = clan.getClanId(); } /** * Return the _clan object of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public L2Clan getClan() { return _clan; } /** * Return True if the L2Player is the leader of its clan.<BR><BR> */ public boolean isClanLeader() { return (getClan() != null) && getObjectId() == getClan().getLeaderId(); } /** * Disarm the player's weapon and shield.<BR><BR> */ public boolean disarmWeapons(boolean shield) { // Don't allow disarming a cursed weapon if (isCursedWeaponEquipped()) return false; // Unequip the weapon L2ItemInstance wpn = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); if (wpn == null) wpn = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); if (wpn != null) { if (wpn.isWear()) return false; L2ItemInstance[] unequipped = getInventory() .unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(wpn.getItem().getBodyPart()); InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate(); for (L2ItemInstance element : unequipped) iu.addModifiedItem(element); sendPacket(iu); abortAttack(); refreshExpertisePenalty(); // This can be 0 if the user pressed the right mousebutton twice very fast if (unequipped.length > 0) { SystemMessage sm = null; if (unequipped[0].getEnchantLevel() > 0) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EQUIPMENT_S1_S2_REMOVED); sm.addNumber(unequipped[0].getEnchantLevel()); sm.addItemName(unequipped[0]); } else { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DISARMED); sm.addItemName(unequipped[0]); } sendPacket(sm); } broadcastFullInfoImpl(); } if (!shield) return true; // Unequip the shield L2ItemInstance sld = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); if (sld != null) { if (sld.isWear()) return false; L2ItemInstance[] unequipped = getInventory() .unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(sld.getItem().getBodyPart()); InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate(); for (L2ItemInstance element : unequipped) iu.addModifiedItem(element); sendPacket(iu); abortAttack(); refreshExpertisePenalty(); // This can be 0 if the user pressed the right mousebutton twice very fast if (unequipped.length > 0) { SystemMessage sm = null; if (unequipped[0].getEnchantLevel() > 0) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EQUIPMENT_S1_S2_REMOVED); sm.addNumber(unequipped[0].getEnchantLevel()); sm.addItemName(unequipped[0]); } else { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DISARMED); sm.addItemName(unequipped[0]); } sendPacket(sm); } broadcastFullInfoImpl(); } return true; } /** * Reduce the number of arrows/bolts owned by the L2Player and send it Server->Client Packet InventoryUpdate or ItemList (to unequip if the last arrow was consummed).<BR><BR> */ @Override protected void reduceArrowCount(boolean bolts) { L2ItemInstance arrows = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); if (arrows == null) { getInventory().unEquipItemInSlot(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); if (bolts) _boltItem = null; else _arrowItem = null; sendPacket(new ItemList(this, false)); return; } // Adjust item quantity if (arrows.getCount() > 1) { synchronized (arrows) { arrows.changeCountWithoutTrace(-1, this, null); arrows.setLastChange(L2ItemInstance.MODIFIED); // Could do also without saving, but let's save approx 1 of 10 if (GameTimeManager.getGameTicks() % 10 == 0) arrows.updateDatabase(); getInventory().refreshWeight(); } } else { // Destroy entire item and save to database getInventory().destroyItem("Consume", arrows, this, null); getInventory().unEquipItemInSlot(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); if (bolts) _boltItem = null; else _arrowItem = null; if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("removed arrows count"); sendPacket(new ItemList(this, false)); return; } if (!Config.FORCE_INVENTORY_UPDATE) { InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate(); iu.addModifiedItem(arrows); sendPacket(iu); } else sendPacket(new ItemList(this, false)); } /** * Equip arrows needed in left hand and send a Server->Client packet ItemList to the L2Player then return True.<BR><BR> */ @Override protected boolean checkAndEquipArrows() { // Check if nothing is equipped in left hand if (getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND) == null) { // Get the L2ItemInstance of the arrows needed for this bow _arrowItem = getInventory().findArrowForBow(getActiveWeaponItem()); if (_arrowItem != null) { // Equip arrows needed in left hand getInventory().setPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND, _arrowItem); // Send inventory update packet getInventory().updateInventory(_arrowItem); } } else { // Get the L2ItemInstance of arrows equipped in left hand _arrowItem = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); } return _arrowItem != null; } /** * Equip bolts needed in left hand and send a Server->Client packet ItemList to the L2Player then return True.<BR><BR> */ @Override protected boolean checkAndEquipBolts() { // Check if nothing is equipped in left hand if (getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND) == null) { // Get the L2ItemInstance of the arrows needed for this bow _boltItem = getInventory().findBoltForCrossBow(getActiveWeaponItem()); if (_boltItem != null) { // Equip arrows needed in left hand getInventory().setPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND, _boltItem); // Send a Server->Client packet ItemList to this L2Player to update left hand equipement ItemList il = new ItemList(this, false); sendPacket(il); } } else { // Get the L2ItemInstance of arrows equipped in left hand _boltItem = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); } return _boltItem != null; } public boolean mount(L2Summon pet) { // TODO: all checks from usercommandhandler mount and requestactionuse should be handled in ONE place, and this is not L2Player // so this is temporary if (!isInsideRadius(pet, 80, true, false)) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.TOO_FAR_AWAY_FROM_FENRIR_TO_MOUNT); return false; } else if (!GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(this, pet)) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANT_SEE_TARGET); return false; } if (!disarmWeapons(true)) return false; if (isTransformed()) return false; for (L2Effect e : getAllEffects()) { if (e != null && e.getSkill().isToggle()) e.exit(); } Ride mount = new Ride(this, true, pet.getTemplate().getNpcId()); setMount(pet.getNpcId(), pet.getLevel(), mount.getMountType()); setMountObjectID(pet.getControlItemId()); clearPetData(); startFeed(pet.getNpcId()); broadcastPacket(mount); // Notify self and others about speed change broadcastUserInfo(); pet.unSummon(this); return true; } public boolean remount(L2Player player) { Ride dismount = new Ride(this, false, 0); Ride mount = new Ride(this, true, getMountNpcId()); player.sendPacket(dismount); player.sendPacket(mount); return true; } public boolean mount(int npcId, int controlItemObjId, boolean useFood) { if (!disarmWeapons(true)) return false; if (isTransformed()) return false; for (L2Effect e : getAllEffects()) { if (e != null && e.getSkill().isToggle()) e.exit(); } Ride mount = new Ride(this, true, npcId); if (setMount(npcId, getLevel(), mount.getMountType())) { clearPetData(); setMountObjectID(controlItemObjId); broadcastPacket(mount); // Notify self and others about speed change broadcastFullInfoImpl(); if (useFood) startFeed(npcId); return true; } return false; } public boolean mountPlayer(L2Summon pet) { if (pet != null && pet.isMountable() && !isMounted() && !isBetrayed() && !pet.isOutOfControl()) { if (pet.getNpcId() == 16030 && pet.getLevel() < Config.GREAT_WOLF_MOUNT_LEVEL) { sendMessage("Your Wolf needs minimum level " + Config.GREAT_WOLF_MOUNT_LEVEL); return false; } else if (isInEvent(CTFPlayerInfo.class) && as(CTFPlayerInfo.class)._haveFlagCTF) { // You cannot mount a steed while holding a flag. sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_CANNOT_MOUNT_A_STEED_WHILE_HOLDING_A_FLAG); return false; } else if (isParalyzed()) { // You cannot mount a steed while petrified. sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_CANNOT_MOUNT_A_STEED_WHILE_PETRIFIED); return false; } else if (isDead()) { //A strider cannot be ridden when dead sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.STRIDER_CANT_BE_RIDDEN_WHILE_DEAD); return false; } else if (pet.isDead()) { //A dead strider cannot be ridden. sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.DEAD_STRIDER_CANT_BE_RIDDEN); return false; } else if (pet.isInCombat() || pet.isRooted() || pet.isParalyzed()) { //A strider in battle cannot be ridden sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.STRIDER_IN_BATLLE_CANT_BE_RIDDEN); return false; } else if (isInCombat()) { //A strider cannot be ridden while in battle sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.STRIDER_CANT_BE_RIDDEN_WHILE_IN_BATTLE); return false; } else if (isSitting() || isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_WATER)) { //A strider can be ridden only when standing sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.STRIDER_CAN_BE_RIDDEN_ONLY_WHILE_STANDING); return false; } else if (isFishing()) { //You can't mount, dismount, break and drop items while fishing sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANNOT_DO_WHILE_FISHING_2); return false; } else if (isInDuel()) { // You cannot mount a steed while in a duel. sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_CANNOT_MOUNT_A_STEED_WHILE_IN_A_DUEL); return false; } else if (isTransformed() || isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { // no message needed, player while transformed doesn't have mount action sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } else if (getInventory().getItemByItemId(9819) != null) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_CANNOT_MOUNT_A_STEED_WHILE_HOLDING_A_FLAG); // TODO: confirm this message return false; } else if (isCastingNow()) { // You cannot mount a steed while skill casting. sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_CANNOT_MOUNT_A_STEED_WHILE_SKILL_CASTING); return false; } else if (pet.isHungry()) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.HUNGRY_STRIDER_NOT_MOUNT); return false; } else if (!Util.checkIfInRange(200, this, pet, true)) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.TOO_FAR_AWAY_FROM_FENRIR_TO_MOUNT); return false; } else if (!pet.isDead() && !isMounted()) { mount(pet); } } else if (isRentedPet()) { stopRentPet(); } else if (isMounted()) { if (getMountType() == 2 && isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_NOWYVERN)) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NO_DISMOUNT_HERE); return false; } else if (isHungry()) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.HUNGRY_STRIDER_NOT_MOUNT); return false; } else if (ObjectRestrictions.getInstance().checkRestriction(this, AvailableRestriction.PlayerUnmount)) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); sendMessage("You cannot dismount due to a restriction."); return false; } else dismount(); } return true; } public boolean dismount() { boolean wasFlying = isFlying(); sendPacket(new SetupGauge(3, 0, 0)); int petId = _mountNpcId; if (setMount(0, 0, 0)) { stopFeed(); clearPetData(); if (wasFlying) removeSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4289, 1)); Ride dismount = new Ride(this, false, 0); broadcastPacket(dismount); setMountObjectID(0); storePetFood(petId); // Notify self and others about speed change broadcastUserInfo(); return true; } return false; } /** * Return True if the L2Player use a dual weapon.<BR><BR> */ @Override public boolean isUsingDualWeapon() { L2Weapon weaponItem = getActiveWeaponItem(); if (weaponItem == null) return false; if (weaponItem.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.DUAL) { return true; } else if (weaponItem.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.DUAL_DAGGER) { return true; } else if (weaponItem.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.DUALFIST) { return true; } else if (weaponItem.getItemId() == 248) // Orc fighter fists { return true; } else return weaponItem.getItemId() == 252; } public void setUptime(long time) { _uptime = time; } public long getUptime() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - _uptime; } public long getOnlineTime() { long totalOnlineTime = _onlineTime; if (_onlineBeginTime > 0) totalOnlineTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - _onlineBeginTime) / 1000; return totalOnlineTime; } /** * Return True if the L2Player is invulnerable.<BR><BR> */ @Override public boolean isInvul() { return super.isInvul() || _protectEndTime > GameTimeManager.getGameTicks(); } /** * Return True if the L2Player has a Party in progress.<BR><BR> */ @Override public boolean isInParty() { return _party != null; } /** * Set the _party object of the L2Player (without joining it).<BR><BR> */ public void setParty(L2Party party) { _party = party; } /** * Set the _party object of the L2Player AND join it.<BR><BR> */ public void joinParty(L2Party party) { if (party != null) { // First set the party otherwise this wouldn't be considered // as in a party into the L2Creature.updateEffectIcons() call. setParty(party); if (!party.addPartyMember(this)) setParty(null); } } /** * Manage the Leave Party task of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void leaveParty() { if (isInParty()) { _party.removePartyMember(this, false); _party = null; } } /** * Return the _party object of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ @Override public L2Party getParty() { return _party; } /** * Set the _isGm Flag of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setIsGM(boolean status) { _isGm = status; } /** * Return True if the L2Player is a GM.<BR><BR> */ public boolean isGM() { return _isGm; } /** * Set the _accessLevel of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setAccessLevel(int level) { _accessLevel = level; if (_accessLevel >= Config.GM_MIN) setIsGM(true); } public void setAccountAccesslevel(int level) { LoginServerThread.getInstance().sendAccessLevel(getAccountName(), level); } /** * Return the _accessLevel of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getAccessLevel() { return _accessLevel; } @Override public double getLevelMod() { return (89 + getLevel()) / 100.0; } /** * Send a Server->Client StatusUpdate packet with Karma and PvP Flag to the L2Player and all L2Player to inform (broadcast).<BR><BR> * @param flag */ public void setKarmaFlag(int flag) { sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); broadcastRelationChanged(); } /** * Send a Server->Client StatusUpdate packet with Karma to the L2Player and all L2Player to inform (broadcast).<BR><BR> */ public void broadcastKarma() { StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(getObjectId()); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.KARMA, getKarma()); sendPacket(su); broadcastRelationChanged(); } /** * Set the online Flag to True or False and update the characters table of the database with online status and lastAccess (called when login and logout).<BR><BR> */ public void setOnlineStatus(boolean isOnline) { final byte value = isOnline ? ONLINE_STATE_ONLINE : ONLINE_STATE_DELETED; if (_isOnline != value) { _isOnline = value; // Update the characters table of the database with online status and lastAccess (called when login and logout) updateOnlineStatusInDb(); } } public void setIsIn7sDungeon(boolean isIn7sDungeon) { _isIn7sDungeon = isIn7sDungeon; } /** * Update the characters table of the database with online status and lastAccess of this L2Player (called when * login and logout).<BR> * <BR> */ private void updateOnlineStatusInDb() { RecordTable.getInstance().update(); SQLQueue.getInstance().add(new SQLQuery() { @Override public void execute(Connection con) { try { PreparedStatement statement = con .prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET online=?, lastAccess=? WHERE charId=?"); statement.setInt(1, isOnline()); statement.setLong(2, System.currentTimeMillis()); statement.setInt(3, getObjectId()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Failed updating character online status.", e); } } }); } /** * Create a new player in the characters table of the database.<BR><BR> */ private boolean createDb() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO characters " + "(account_name,charId,char_name,level,maxHp,curHp,maxCp,curCp,maxMp,curMp," + "face,hairStyle,hairColor,sex,exp,sp,karma,fame,pvpkills,pkkills,clanid,race," + "classid,deletetime,cancraft,title,accesslevel,online,isin7sdungeon,clan_privs," + "wantspeace,base_class,newbie,nobless,pledge_rank) " + "values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); statement.setString(1, _accountName); statement.setInt(2, getObjectId()); statement.setString(3, getName()); statement.setInt(4, getLevel()); statement.setInt(5, getMaxHp()); statement.setDouble(6, getStatus().getCurrentHp()); statement.setInt(7, getMaxCp()); statement.setDouble(8, getStatus().getCurrentCp()); statement.setInt(9, getMaxMp()); statement.setDouble(10, getStatus().getCurrentMp()); statement.setInt(11, getAppearance().getFace()); statement.setInt(12, getAppearance().getHairStyle()); statement.setInt(13, getAppearance().getHairColor()); statement.setInt(14, getAppearance().getSex() ? 1 : 0); statement.setLong(15, getExp()); statement.setInt(16, getSp()); statement.setInt(17, getKarma()); statement.setInt(18, getFame()); statement.setInt(19, getPvpKills()); statement.setInt(20, getPkKills()); statement.setInt(21, getClanId()); statement.setInt(22, getRace().ordinal()); statement.setInt(23, getClassId().getId()); statement.setLong(24, getDeleteTimer()); statement.setInt(25, hasDwarvenCraft() ? 1 : 0); statement.setString(26, getTitle()); statement.setInt(27, getAccessLevel()); statement.setInt(28, isOnline()); statement.setInt(29, isIn7sDungeon() ? 1 : 0); statement.setInt(30, getClanPrivileges()); statement.setInt(31, getWantsPeace()); statement.setInt(32, getBaseClass()); statement.setInt(33, getNewbie()); statement.setInt(34, isNoble() ? 1 : 0); statement.setLong(35, 0); statement.executeUpdate(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not insert char data: ", e); return false; } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } return true; } public static void disconnectIfOnline(int objectId) { L2Player onlinePlayer = L2World.getInstance().findPlayer(objectId); if (onlinePlayer == null) onlinePlayer = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(CharNameTable.getInstance().getByObjectId(objectId)); if (onlinePlayer == null) return; if (!onlinePlayer.isInOfflineMode()) _log.warn("Avoiding duplicate character! Disconnecting online character (" + onlinePlayer.getName() + ")"); new Disconnection(onlinePlayer).defaultSequence(true); } public static void disconnectIfOnline(String accountName) { for (int objectId : CharNameTable.getInstance().getObjectIdsForAccount(accountName)) disconnectIfOnline(objectId); } /** * Retrieve a L2Player from the characters table of the database and add it in _allObjects of the L2world.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Retrieve the L2Player from the characters table of the database </li> * <li>Add the L2Player object in _allObjects </li> * <li>Set the x,y,z position of the L2Player and make it invisible</li> * <li>Update the overloaded status of the L2Player</li><BR><BR> * * @param objectId Identifier of the object to initialized * * @return The L2Player loaded from the database * */ public static L2Player load(int objectId) { disconnectIfOnline(objectId); L2Player player = null; Connection con = null; try { // Retrieve the L2Player from the characters table of the database con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(RESTORE_CHARACTER); statement.setInt(1, objectId); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); double currentHp = 1, currentMp = 1, currentCp = 1; if ( { final int activeClassId = rset.getInt("classid"); final boolean female = rset.getInt("sex") != 0; final L2PlayerTemplate template = CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getTemplate(activeClassId); PlayerAppearance app = new PlayerAppearance(rset.getByte("face"), rset.getByte("hairColor"), rset.getByte("hairStyle"), female); player = new L2Player(objectId, template, rset.getString("account_name"), app); player.setName(rset.getString("char_name")); player._lastAccess = rset.getLong("lastAccess"); player.getStat().setExp(rset.getLong("exp")); player.setExpBeforeDeath(rset.getLong("expBeforeDeath")); player.getStat().setLevel(rset.getByte("level")); player.getStat().setSp(rset.getInt("sp")); player.setWantsPeace(rset.getInt("wantspeace")); player.setHeading(rset.getInt("heading")); player.setKarma(rset.getInt("karma")); player.setFame(rset.getInt("fame")); player.setPvpKills(rset.getInt("pvpkills")); player.setPkKills(rset.getInt("pkkills")); player.setClanJoinExpiryTime(rset.getLong("clan_join_expiry_time")); if (player.getClanJoinExpiryTime() < System.currentTimeMillis()) { player.setClanJoinExpiryTime(0); } player.setClanCreateExpiryTime(rset.getLong("clan_create_expiry_time")); if (player.getClanCreateExpiryTime() < System.currentTimeMillis()) { player.setClanCreateExpiryTime(0); } int clanId = rset.getInt("clanid"); if (clanId > 0) { player.setClan(ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(clanId)); } player.setDeleteTimer(rset.getLong("deletetime")); player.setOnlineTime(rset.getLong("onlinetime")); player.setNewbie(rset.getInt("newbie")); player.setNoble(rset.getInt("nobless") == 1); player.setTitle(rset.getString("title")); player.setAccessLevel(rset.getInt("accesslevel")); player.setFistsWeaponItem(player.findFistsWeaponItem(activeClassId)); player.setUptime(System.currentTimeMillis()); // Only 1 line needed for each and their values only have to be set once as long as you don't die before it's set. currentHp = rset.getDouble("curHp"); currentMp = rset.getDouble("curMp"); currentCp = rset.getDouble("curCp"); player._classIndex = 0; try { player.setBaseClass(rset.getInt("base_class")); } catch (Exception e) { player.setBaseClass(activeClassId); } // Restore Subclass Data (cannot be done earlier in function) if (restoreSubClassData(player)) { if (activeClassId != player.getBaseClass()) { for (SubClass subClass : player.getSubClasses().values()) if (subClass.getClassId() == activeClassId) player._classIndex = subClass.getClassIndex(); } } if (player.getClassIndex() == 0 && activeClassId != player.getBaseClass()) { // Subclass in use but doesn't exist in DB - // a possible restart-while-modifysubclass cheat has been attempted. // Switching to use base class player.setClassId(player.getBaseClass()); _log.warn("Player " + player.getName() + " reverted to base class. Possibly has tried a relogin exploit while subclassing."); } else player._activeClass = activeClassId; player.setIsIn7sDungeon(rset.getInt("isin7sdungeon") == 1); player.setInJail(rset.getInt("in_jail") == 1); player.setJailTimer(rset.getLong("jail_timer")); player.setBanChatTimer(rset.getLong("banchat_timer")); if (player.isInJail()) player.setJailTimer(rset.getLong("jail_timer")); else player.setJailTimer(0); CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().onEnter(player); player.setNoble(rset.getBoolean("nobless")); player.setCharViP((rset.getInt("charViP") == 1)); player.setSubPledgeType(rset.getInt("subpledge")); player.setPledgeRank(rset.getInt("pledge_rank")); player.setApprentice(rset.getInt("apprentice")); player.setSponsor(rset.getInt("sponsor")); if (player.getClan() != null) { if (player.getClan().getLeaderId() != player.getObjectId()) { if (player.getPledgeRank() == 0) { player.setPledgeRank(5); } player.setClanPrivileges(player.getClan().getRankPrivs(player.getPledgeRank())); } else { player.setClanPrivileges(L2Clan.CP_ALL); player.setPledgeRank(1); } } else { player.setClanPrivileges(L2Clan.CP_NOTHING); } player.setLvlJoinedAcademy(rset.getInt("lvl_joined_academy")); player.setAllianceWithVarkaKetra(rset.getInt("varka_ketra_ally")); player.setDeathPenaltyBuffLevel(rset.getInt("death_penalty_level")); player.setVitalityPoints(rset.getInt("vitality_points"), true); // Add the L2Player object in _allObjects // L2World.getInstance().storeObject(player); // Set the x,y,z position of the L2Player and make it invisible player.getPosition().setXYZInvisible(rset.getInt("x"), rset.getInt("y"), rset.getInt("z")); // Set Teleport Bookmark Slot player.setBookMarkSlot(rset.getInt("BookmarkSlot")); } rset.close(); statement.close(); if (player == null) return null; // Retrieve from the database all secondary data of this L2Player // and reward expertise/lucky skills if necessary. player.restoreCharData(); player.rewardSkills(); // Buff and status icons player.getEffects().restoreEffects(); player.restoreSkillReuses(); player.stopEffects(L2EffectType.HEAL_OVER_TIME); player.stopEffects(L2EffectType.COMBAT_POINT_HEAL_OVER_TIME); // Restore current Cp, HP and MP values player.getStatus().setCurrentCp(currentCp); player.getStatus().setCurrentHp(currentHp); player.getStatus().setCurrentMp(currentMp); if (currentHp < 0.5) { player.setIsDead(true); player.getStatus().stopHpMpRegeneration(); } // Restore pet if exists in the world player.setPet(L2World.getInstance().getPet(player.getObjectId())); if (player.getPet() != null) player.getPet().setOwner(player); // refresh overloaded already done when loading inventory // Update the expertise status of the L2Player player.refreshExpertisePenalty(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Failed loading character.", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } return player; } /** * @return */ public Forum getMail() { if (_forumMail == null) { setMail(ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByName("MailRoot").getChildByName(getName())); if (_forumMail == null) { ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().createNewForum(getName(), ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByName("MailRoot"), Forum.MAIL, Forum.OWNERONLY, getObjectId()); setMail(ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByName("MailRoot").getChildByName(getName())); } } return _forumMail; } /** * @param forum */ public void setMail(Forum forum) { _forumMail = forum; } /** * @return */ public Forum getMemo() { if (_forumMemo == null) { setMemo(ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByName("MemoRoot").getChildByName(_accountName)); if (_forumMemo == null) { ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().createNewForum(_accountName, ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByName("MemoRoot"), Forum.MEMO, Forum.OWNERONLY, getObjectId()); setMemo(ForumsBBSManager.getInstance().getForumByName("MemoRoot").getChildByName(_accountName)); } } return _forumMemo; } /** * @param forum */ public void setMemo(Forum forum) { _forumMemo = forum; } /** * Restores sub-class data for the L2Player, used to check the current * class index for the character. */ private static boolean restoreSubClassData(L2Player player) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(RESTORE_CHAR_SUBCLASSES); statement.setInt(1, player.getObjectId()); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { SubClass subClass = new SubClass(); subClass.setClassId(rset.getInt("class_id")); subClass.setLevel(rset.getByte("level")); subClass.setExp(rset.getLong("exp")); subClass.setSp(rset.getInt("sp")); subClass.setClassIndex(rset.getInt("class_index")); // Enforce the correct indexing of _subClasses against their class indexes. player.getSubClasses().put(subClass.getClassIndex(), subClass); } statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not restore classes for " + player.getName() + ": ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } return true; } /** * Restores secondary data for the L2Player, based on the current class index. */ private void restoreCharData() { // Retrieve from the database all skills of this L2Player and add them to _skills. restoreSkills(); // Retrieve from the database all macroses of this L2Player and add them to macroses. getMacroses().restore(); // Retrieve from the database all shortCuts of this L2Player and add them to shortCuts. getShortCuts().restore(); // Retrieve from the database all henna of this L2Player and add them to _henna. restoreHenna(); // Retrieve from the database all teleport bookmark of this L2Player and add them to _tpbookmark. restoreTeleportBookmark(); // Retrieve from the database all recom data of this L2Player and add to _recomChars. RecommendationManager.getInstance().onJoin(this); // Retrieve from the database the recipe book of this L2Player. restoreRecipeBook(true); restoreCreationDate(); restoreNameTitleColors(); } /** * Restore recipe book data for this L2Player. */ private void restoreRecipeBook(boolean loadCommon) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); String sql = loadCommon ? "SELECT id, type, classIndex FROM character_recipebook WHERE charId=?" : "SELECT id FROM character_recipebook WHERE charId=? AND classIndex=? AND type = 1"; PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(sql); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); if (!loadCommon) statement.setInt(2, _classIndex); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); _dwarvenRecipeBook.clear(); L2RecipeList recipe; while ( { recipe = RecipeTable.getInstance().getRecipeList(rset.getInt("id")); if (loadCommon) { if (rset.getInt(2) == 1) { if (rset.getInt(3) == _classIndex) registerDwarvenRecipeList(recipe, false); } else registerCommonRecipeList(recipe, false); } else registerDwarvenRecipeList(recipe, false); } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not restore recipe book data:", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } /** player coords from client */ private int _clientX; private int _clientY; private int _clientZ; private int _clientHeading; @Override public int getClientX() { return _clientX; } @Override public int getClientY() { return _clientY; } @Override public int getClientZ() { return _clientZ; } @Override public int getClientHeading() { return _clientHeading; } public void setClientX(int val) { _clientX = val; } public void setClientY(int val) { _clientY = val; } public void setClientZ(int val) { _clientZ = val; } public void setClientHeading(int val) { _clientHeading = val; } /** * Update L2Player stats in the characters table of the database.<BR><BR> */ private long _lastStore; public void store() { store(false, true); } public void store(boolean storeActiveEffects) { store(false, storeActiveEffects); } public synchronized void store(boolean items, boolean storeActiveEffects) { _lastStore = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (getOnlineState() == ONLINE_STATE_DELETED) return; // Update client coords, if these look like true // if (isInsideRadius(getClientX(), getClientY(), 1000, true)) // getPosition().setXYZ(getClientX(), getClientY(), getClientZ()); storeCharBase(); storeCharSub(); storePet(); getEffects().storeEffects(storeActiveEffects); storeSkillReuses(); transformInsertInfo(); storeNameTitleColors(); if (Config.UPDATE_ITEMS_ON_CHAR_STORE || items) getInventory().updateDatabase(); } private void storeCharBase() { Connection con = null; try { // Get the exp, level, and sp of base class to store in base table int currentClassIndex = getClassIndex(); _classIndex = 0; long exp = getStat().getExp(); int level = getStat().getLevel(); int sp = getStat().getSp(); _classIndex = currentClassIndex; con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); // Update base class PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_CHARACTER); statement.setInt(1, level); statement.setInt(2, getMaxHp()); statement.setDouble(3, getStatus().getCurrentHp()); statement.setInt(4, getMaxCp()); statement.setDouble(5, getStatus().getCurrentCp()); statement.setInt(6, getMaxMp()); statement.setDouble(7, getStatus().getCurrentMp()); statement.setInt(8, getAppearance().getFace()); statement.setInt(9, getAppearance().getHairStyle()); statement.setInt(10, getAppearance().getHairColor()); statement.setInt(11, getAppearance().getSex() ? 1 : 0); statement.setInt(12, getHeading()); statement.setInt(13, _observerMode ? _obsX : getX()); statement.setInt(14, _observerMode ? _obsY : getY()); statement.setInt(15, _observerMode ? _obsZ : getZ()); statement.setLong(16, exp); statement.setLong(17, getExpBeforeDeath()); statement.setInt(18, sp); statement.setInt(19, getKarma()); statement.setInt(20, getFame()); statement.setInt(21, getPvpKills()); statement.setInt(22, getPkKills()); statement.setInt(23, getClanId()); statement.setInt(24, getRace().ordinal()); statement.setInt(25, getClassId().getId()); statement.setLong(26, getDeleteTimer()); statement.setString(27, getTitle()); statement.setInt(28, getAccessLevel()); statement.setInt(29, isOnline()); statement.setInt(30, isIn7sDungeon() ? 1 : 0); statement.setInt(31, getClanPrivileges()); statement.setInt(32, getWantsPeace()); statement.setInt(33, getBaseClass()); statement.setLong(34, getOnlineTime()); statement.setInt(35, isInJail() ? 1 : 0); statement.setLong(36, getJailTimer()); statement.setInt(37, getNewbie()); statement.setInt(38, isNoble() ? 1 : 0); statement.setLong(39, getPledgeRank()); statement.setInt(40, getSubPledgeType()); statement.setInt(41, getLvlJoinedAcademy()); statement.setLong(42, getApprentice()); statement.setLong(43, getSponsor()); statement.setInt(44, getAllianceWithVarkaKetra()); statement.setLong(45, getClanJoinExpiryTime()); statement.setLong(46, getClanCreateExpiryTime()); statement.setLong(47, getBanChatTimer()); statement.setString(48, getName()); statement.setLong(49, getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel()); statement.setInt(50, getVitalityPoints()); statement.setInt(51, getBookMarkSlot()); statement.setInt(52, getObjectId()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not store char base data: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } private void storeCharSub() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_CHAR_SUBCLASS); if (getTotalSubClasses() > 0) { for (SubClass subClass : getSubClasses().values()) { statement.setLong(1, subClass.getExp()); statement.setInt(2, subClass.getSp()); statement.setInt(3, subClass.getLevel()); statement.setInt(4, subClass.getClassId()); statement.setInt(5, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(6, subClass.getClassIndex()); statement.execute(); } } statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not store sub class data for " + getName() + ": ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } private void storeSkillReuses() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_SKILL_REUSES); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); statement = con.prepareStatement(ADD_SKILL_REUSE); for (TimeStamp t : getReuseTimeStamps().values()) { if (t.getRemaining() > 10000) // store only over 10s { statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, t.getSkillId()); statement.setInt(3, t.getReuseDelay()); statement.setLong(4, t.getExpiration()); statement.execute(); } } statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } private void storePet() { L2Summon pet = getPet(); if (pet != null); } /** * Return True if the L2Player is on line.<BR><BR> */ public int isOnline() { return (getOnlineState() == ONLINE_STATE_ONLINE) ? 1 : 0; } public byte getOnlineState() { return _isOnline; } public boolean isIn7sDungeon() { return _isIn7sDungeon; } /** * Add a skill to the L2Player _skills and its Func objects to the calculator set of the L2Player and save update in the character_skills table of the database.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Concept</U> :</B><BR><BR> * All skills own by a L2Player are identified in <B>_skills</B><BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Replace oldSkill by newSkill or Add the newSkill </li> * <li>If an old skill has been replaced, remove all its Func objects of L2Creature calculator set</li> * <li>Add Func objects of newSkill to the calculator set of the L2Creature </li><BR><BR> * * @param newSkill The L2Skill to add to the L2Creature * * @return The L2Skill replaced or null if just added a new L2Skill * */ public L2Skill addSkill(L2Skill newSkill, boolean save) { // Add a skill to the L2Player _skills and its Func objects to the calculator set of the L2Player final L2Skill oldSkill = addSkill(newSkill); // Add or update a L2Player skill in the character_skills table of the database if (save) _pcSkills.storeSkill(newSkill, getClassIndex()); return oldSkill; } @Override protected void skillChanged(L2Skill removed, L2Skill added) { super.skillChanged(removed, added); if (!L2System.equals(removed, added)) sendSkillList(); } public L2Skill removeSkill(L2Skill skill, boolean store) { return store ? removeSkill(skill) : super.removeSkill(skill); } /** * Remove a skill from the L2Creature and its Func objects from calculator set of the L2Creature and save update in the character_skills table of the database.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Concept</U> :</B><BR><BR> * All skills own by a L2Creature are identified in <B>_skills</B><BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Remove the skill from the L2Creature _skills </li> * <li>Remove all its Func objects from the L2Creature calculator set</li><BR><BR> * * <B><U> Overridden in </U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li> L2Player : Save update in the character_skills table of the database</li><BR><BR> * * @param skill The L2Skill to remove from the L2Creature * * @return The L2Skill removed * */ @Override public L2Skill removeSkill(L2Skill skill) { if (skill == null) return null; // Remove a skill from the L2Creature and its Func objects from calculator set of the L2Creature L2Skill oldSkill = super.removeSkill(skill); _pcSkills.deleteSkill(skill); if (transformId() > 0 || isCursedWeaponEquipped()) return oldSkill; for (L2ShortCut sc : getAllShortCuts()) { if (sc != null && sc.getId() == skill.getId() && sc.getType() == L2ShortCut.TYPE_SKILL && !skill.isItemSkill()) { deleteShortCut(sc.getSlot(), sc.getPage()); } } return oldSkill; } /** * check player skills and remove unlegit ones (excludes hero, noblesse and cursed weapon skills) */ public void checkAllowedSkills() { if (isGM() || !Config.CHECK_SKILLS_ON_ENTER || Config.ALT_GAME_SKILL_LEARN) return; Set<Integer> skillTreeUIDs = SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getAllowedSkillUIDs(getClassId()); skill_loop: for (L2Skill skill : getAllSkills()) { int skillid = skill.getId(); if (isStoredSkill(skill, skillTreeUIDs)) continue; if (isTemporarySkill(skill)) continue; // Exclude Skills from AllowedSkills in if (Config.ALLOWED_SKILLS_LIST.contains(skillid)) continue skill_loop; // Exclude VIP character if (isCharViP() && Config.CHAR_VIP_SKIP_SKILLS_CHECK) continue skill_loop; // Remove skill from ingame, but not from the database to avoid accidentally removal of skills // if something failed loading and do a lil log message removeSkill(skill, false); sendMessage("Skill " + skill.getName() + " removed and GM informed!"); _log.fatal("Cheater?! " + skill + " removed from " + getName() + " (" + getAccountName() + ")"); } } public boolean isStoredSkill(L2Skill skill) { return isStoredSkill(skill, SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getAllowedSkillUIDs(getClassId())); } private boolean isStoredSkill(L2Skill skill, Set<Integer> skillTreeUIDs) { int skillid = skill.getId(); // Loop through all skills in players skilltree if (skillTreeUIDs.contains(SkillTable.getSkillUID(skillid, SkillTable.getInstance().getNormalLevel(skill)))) return true; // skills learned by L2SkillType.LEARN_SKILL if (SkillTable.getInstance().isLearnedSkill(skill)) return true; // Exclude fishing skills and common skills + dwarfen craft if (skillid >= 1312 && skillid <= 1322) return true; if (skillid >= 1368 && skillid <= 1373) return true; if (L2CertificationSkillsLearn.isCertificationSkill(skillid)) return true; if (L2TransformSkillLearn.isTransformSkill(skillid)) return true; if (L2SkillLearn.isSpecialSkill(skillid)) return true; return false; } public boolean isTemporarySkill(L2Skill skill) { int skillid = skill.getId(); if (getTransformation() != null && containsAllowedTransformSkill(skillid)) return true; // Exclude noble skills if (isNoble() && NobleSkillTable.isNobleSkill(skillid)) return true; // Exclude hero skills if (isHero() && HeroSkillTable.isHeroSkill(skillid)) return true; // Exclude cursed weapon skills if (isCursedWeaponEquipped() && skillid == CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance() .getCursedWeapon(_cursedWeaponEquippedId).getSkillId()) return true; // Exclude clan skills if (getClan() != null && (skillid >= 370 && skillid <= 391)) return true; // Exclude residential skills if (getClan() != null && (getClan().getHasCastle() > 0 || getClan().getHasFort() > 0)) if (590 <= skillid && skillid <= 610) return true; // Exclude seal of ruler / build siege hq if (getClan() != null && getClan().getLeaderId() == getObjectId() && (skillid == 246 || skillid == 247)) return true; // Exclude sa / enchant bonus / penality etc. skills if (skillid >= 3000 && skillid < 7000) return true; // Exclude Armor Set skills if (skillid >= 8100 && skillid < 8400) return true; return false; } /** * Retrieve from the database all skills of this L2Player and add them to _skills.<BR><BR> */ private void restoreSkills() { _pcSkills.restoreSkills(); // Restore clan skills if (_clan != null) _clan.addSkillEffects(this, false); } private void restoreSkillReuses() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(RESTORE_SKILL_REUSES); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { final int skillId = rset.getInt("skillId"); final int reuseDelay = rset.getInt("reuseDelay"); final long expiration = rset.getLong("expiration"); final int remaining = L2Math.limit(0, expiration - System.currentTimeMillis(), Integer.MAX_VALUE); disableSkill(skillId, reuseDelay, remaining); } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } /** * Retrieve from the database all Henna of this L2Player, add them to _henna and calculate stats of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ private void restoreHenna() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(RESTORE_CHAR_HENNAS); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, getClassIndex()); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) _henna[i] = null; while ( { int slot = rset.getInt("slot"); if (slot < 1 || slot > 3) continue; _henna[slot - 1] = HennaTable.getInstance().getTemplate(rset.getInt("symbol_id")); } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Failed restoing character hennas.", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } // Calculate Henna modifiers of this L2Player recalcHennaStats(); } /** * Return the number of Henna empty slot of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getHennaEmptySlots() { int totalSlots; if (getClassId().level() == 1) totalSlots = 2; else totalSlots = 3; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (_henna[i] != null) totalSlots--; if (totalSlots <= 0) return 0; return totalSlots; } /** * Remove a Henna of the L2Player, save update in the character_hennas table of the database and send Server->Client HennaInfo/UserInfo packet to this L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public boolean removeHenna(int slot) { if (slot < 1 || slot > 3) return false; slot--; if (_henna[slot] == null) return false; L2Henna henna = _henna[slot]; _henna[slot] = null; Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_CHAR_HENNA); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, slot + 1); statement.setInt(3, getClassIndex()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Failed removing character henna.", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } // Calculate Henna modifiers of this L2Player recalcHennaStats(); // Send Server->Client HennaInfo packet to this L2Player sendPacket(new HennaInfo(this)); // Send Server->Client UserInfo packet to this L2Player sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); // Add the recovered dyes to the player's inventory and notify them. L2ItemInstance dye = getInventory().addItem("Henna", henna.getItemId(), henna.getAmount() / 2, this, null); getInventory().updateInventory(dye); reduceAdena("Henna", henna.getPrice() / 5, this, false); SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S); sm.addItemName(henna.getItemId()); sm.addItemNumber(henna.getAmount() / 2); sendPacket(sm); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.SYMBOL_DELETED); return true; } /** * Add a Henna to the L2Player, save update in the character_hennas table of the database and send Server->Client HennaInfo/UserInfo packet to this L2Player.<BR><BR> * <B>Does not do <U>any</U> validation!</B> */ public void addHenna(L2Henna henna) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (_henna[i] == null) { _henna[i] = henna; // Calculate Henna modifiers of this L2Player recalcHennaStats(); Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(ADD_CHAR_HENNA); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, henna.getSymbolId()); statement.setInt(3, i + 1); statement.setInt(4, getClassIndex()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Failed saving character henna.", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } // Send Server->Client HennaInfo packet to this L2Player sendPacket(new HennaInfo(this)); // Send Server->Client UserInfo packet to this L2Player sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); return; } } } /** * Calculate Henna modifiers of this L2Player.<BR><BR> */ private void recalcHennaStats() { _hennaINT = 0; _hennaSTR = 0; _hennaCON = 0; _hennaMEN = 0; _hennaWIT = 0; _hennaDEX = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (_henna[i] == null) continue; _hennaINT += _henna[i].getStatINT(); _hennaSTR += _henna[i].getStatSTR(); _hennaMEN += _henna[i].getStatMEM(); _hennaCON += _henna[i].getStatCON(); _hennaWIT += _henna[i].getStatWIT(); _hennaDEX += _henna[i].getStatDEX(); } if (_hennaINT > 5) _hennaINT = 5; if (_hennaSTR > 5) _hennaSTR = 5; if (_hennaMEN > 5) _hennaMEN = 5; if (_hennaCON > 5) _hennaCON = 5; if (_hennaWIT > 5) _hennaWIT = 5; if (_hennaDEX > 5) _hennaDEX = 5; } /** * Return the Henna of this L2Player corresponding to the selected slot.<BR><BR> */ public L2Henna getHenna(int slot) { if (slot < 1 || slot > 3) return null; return _henna[slot - 1]; } /** * Return the INT Henna modifier of this L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getHennaStatINT() { return _hennaINT; } /** * Return the STR Henna modifier of this L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getHennaStatSTR() { return _hennaSTR; } /** * Return the CON Henna modifier of this L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getHennaStatCON() { return _hennaCON; } /** * Return the MEN Henna modifier of this L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getHennaStatMEN() { return _hennaMEN; } /** * Return the WIT Henna modifier of this L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getHennaStatWIT() { return _hennaWIT; } /** * Return the DEX Henna modifier of this L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public int getHennaStatDEX() { return _hennaDEX; } /** * Return True if the L2Player is autoAttackable.<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>Check if the attacker isn't the L2Player Pet </li> * <li>Check if the attacker is L2MonsterInstance</li> * <li>If the attacker is a L2Player, check if it is not in the same party </li> * <li>Check if the L2Player has Karma </li> * <li>If the attacker is a L2Player, check if it is not in the same siege clan (Attacker, Defender) </li><BR><BR> * */ @Override public boolean isAutoAttackable(L2Creature attacker) { // Check if the attacker isn't the L2Player Pet if (attacker == this || attacker == getPet()) return false; // Check if the attacker is a L2MonsterInstance if (attacker instanceof L2MonsterInstance) return true; switch (GlobalRestrictions.getCombatState(L2Object.getActingPlayer(attacker), this)) { case ENEMY: return true; case FRIEND: return false; } // Check if the attacker is not in the same party if (getParty() != null && getParty().getPartyMembers().contains(attacker)) return false; if (isCursedWeaponEquipped()) return true; // Check if the attacker is in olympia and olympia start if (attacker instanceof L2Player && ((L2Player) attacker).isInOlympiadMode()) { return isInOlympiadMode() && isOlympiadStart() && ((L2Player) attacker).getOlympiadGameId() == getOlympiadGameId(); } // Check if the attacker is not in the same clan if (getClan() != null && attacker != null && getClan().isMember(attacker.getObjectId())) return false; if (attacker instanceof L2Playable && isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PEACE)) return false; // Check if the L2Player has Karma if (getKarma() > 0 || getPvpFlag() > 0) return true; // Check if the attacker is a L2Playable if (attacker instanceof L2Playable) { // Is AutoAttackable if both playables are in the same duel and the duel is still going on if (getDuelState() == Duel.DUELSTATE_DUELLING && getDuelId() == attacker.getActingPlayer().getDuelId()) return true; } // Check if the attacker is a L2Player if (attacker instanceof L2Player) { // Check if the L2Player is in an arena or a siege area if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) && attacker.isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP)) return true; // Check if the L2Player holds a cursed weapon if (((L2Player) attacker).isCursedWeaponEquipped()) return true; if (getClan() != null) { Siege siege = SiegeManager.getInstance().getSiege(getX(), getY(), getZ()); if (siege != null) { // Check if a siege is in progress and if attacker and the L2Player aren't in the Defender clan if (siege.checkIsDefender(((L2Player) attacker).getClan()) && siege.checkIsDefender(getClan())) return false; // Check if a siege is in progress and if attacker and the L2Player aren't in the Attacker clan if (siege.checkIsAttacker(((L2Player) attacker).getClan()) && siege.checkIsAttacker(getClan())) return false; } // Check if clan is at war if (getClan() != null && ((L2Player) attacker).getClan() != null && (getClan().isAtWarWith(((L2Player) attacker).getClanId()) && ((L2Player) attacker).getClan().isAtWarWith(getClanId()) && getWantsPeace() == 0 && ((L2Player) attacker).getWantsPeace() == 0 && !isAcademyMember())) return true; } } else if (attacker instanceof L2SiegeGuardInstance) { if (getClan() != null) { Siege siege = SiegeManager.getInstance().getSiege(this); return (siege != null && siege.checkIsAttacker(getClan())); } } else if (attacker instanceof L2FortSiegeGuardInstance) { if (getClan() != null) { FortSiege siege = FortSiegeManager.getInstance().getSiege(this); return (siege != null && siege.checkIsAttacker(getClan())); } } return false; } /** * Checks if the client was allowed to call that skill at all, or not. */ public boolean canUseMagic(L2Skill skill) { if (skill == null || skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.NOTDONE) return false; // players mounted on pets cannot use any toggle skills if (skill.isToggle() && isMounted()) return false; // Check if the skill is active if (skill.isPassive()) return false; if (isTransformationDisabledSkill(skill) && !skill.isPotion()) return false; // Failfast as in retail if (isSkillDisabled(skill.getId())) { sendReuseMessage(skill); return false; } return true; } private boolean isTransformationDisabledSkill(L2Skill skill) { if (_transformation != null && !containsAllowedTransformSkill(skill.getId()) && !skill.allowOnTransform()) return true; return false; } @Override public void doCast(L2Skill skill) { if (!canUseMagic(skill)) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } super.doCast(skill); } @Override public void doSimultaneousCast(L2Skill skill) { if (!canUseMagic(skill)) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } super.doSimultaneousCast(skill); } public void sendReuseMessage(L2Skill skill) { SystemMessage sm = null; TimeStamp timeStamp = getReuseTimeStamps().get(skill.getId()); int remainingTime = (timeStamp == null ? 0 : timeStamp.getRemaining() / 1000); int hours = remainingTime / 3600; int minutes = (remainingTime % 3600) / 60; int seconds = (remainingTime % 60); if (hours > 0) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S2_HOURS_S3_MINUTES_S4_SECONDS_REMAINING_FOR_REUSE_S1); sm.addSkillName(skill); sm.addNumber(hours); sm.addNumber(minutes); sm.addNumber(seconds); } else if (minutes > 0) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S2_MINUTES_S3_SECONDS_REMAINING_FOR_REUSE_S1); sm.addSkillName(skill); sm.addNumber(minutes); sm.addNumber(seconds); } else if (seconds > 0) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S2_SECONDS_REMAINING_FOR_REUSE_S1); sm.addSkillName(skill); sm.addNumber(seconds); } else { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_PREPARED_FOR_REUSE); sm.addSkillName(skill); } sendPacket(sm); } @Override protected boolean checkUseMagicConditions(L2Skill skill, boolean forceUse) { L2SkillType sklType = skill.getSkillType(); //************************************* Check Player State ******************************************* // Abnormal effects(ex : Stun, Sleep...) are checked in L2Creature useMagic() if (!SkillHandler.getInstance().checkConditions(this, skill)) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } if (isOutOfControl()) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } // Check if the player is dead if (isDead()) { abortCast(); // Send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2Player sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } if (isFishing() && (sklType != L2SkillType.PUMPING && sklType != L2SkillType.REELING && sklType != L2SkillType.FISHING)) { // Only fishing skills are available sendPacket(SystemMessageId.ONLY_FISHING_SKILLS_NOW); return false; } if (inObserverMode()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.OBSERVERS_CANNOT_PARTICIPATE); abortCast(); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } // Check if the caster is sitting if (isSitting() && !skill.isPotion()) { // Send a System Message to the caster sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANT_MOVE_SITTING); // Send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2Player sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } // Check if the skill type is TOGGLE if (skill.isToggle()) { // Get effects of the skill L2Effect effect = getFirstEffect(skill); if (effect != null) { effect.exit(); // Send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2Player sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } } // Check if the player uses "Fake Death" skill // Note: do not check this before TOGGLE reset if (isFakeDeath()) { // Send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2Player sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } // Check if it's ok to summon // Siege Golem (13), Wild Hog Cannon (299), Swoop Cannon (448) switch (skill.getId()) { case 13: case 299: case 448: if ((!SiegeManager.getInstance().checkIfOkToSummon(this, false) && !FortSiegeManager.getInstance().checkIfOkToSummon(this, false)) || SevenSigns.getInstance().checkSummonConditions(this)) { return false; } } //************************************* Check Target ******************************************* // Create and set a L2Object containing the target of the skill SkillTargetType sklTargetType = skill.getTargetType(); Point3D worldPosition = getCurrentSkillWorldPosition(); if (sklTargetType == SkillTargetType.TARGET_GROUND && worldPosition == null) {"WorldPosition is null for skill: " + skill.getName() + ", player: " + getName() + "."); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } final L2Creature target = skill.getFirstOfTargetList(this); // Check the validity of the target if (target == null) { //sendPacket(SystemMessageId.TARGET_CANT_FOUND); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } // Skills can be used on walls and doors only during siege if (target instanceof L2DoorInstance) { L2DoorInstance door = (L2DoorInstance) target; boolean isCastleDoor = (door.getCastle() != null && door.getCastle().getSiege().getIsInProgress()); boolean isFortDoor = (door.getFort() != null && door.getFort().getSiege().getIsInProgress() && !door.isCommanderDoor()); if (!isCastleDoor && !isFortDoor && (door.isUnlockable() && skill.getSkillType() != L2SkillType.UNLOCK)) return false; } // Are the target and the player in the same duel? if (isInDuel()) { if (!(target instanceof L2Playable && target.getActingPlayer().getDuelId() == getDuelId())) { sendMessage("You cannot do this while duelling."); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } } //************************************* Check skill availability ******************************************* // Check if this skill is enabled (ex : reuse time) if (isSkillDisabled(skill.getId())) { sendReuseMessage(skill); return false; } //************************************* Check Consumables ******************************************* if (skill.getTransformId() > 0) { if (getPet() != null) getPet().unSummon(this); // Unsummon pets if (getEffects().hasEffect(L2EffectType.TRANSFORMATION) || getPet() != null || isMounted() || isFlying()) { sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_CANNOT_BE_USED).addSkillName(skill)); return false; } } //************************************* Check Consumables ******************************************* // Check if spell consumes a Soul // Most kamael skills have only optional soul consumption to empower skills! if (getSouls() < skill.getSoulConsumeCount()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.THERE_IS_NOT_ENOUGH_SOUL); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } // Check if spell consumes charges if (_charges < skill.getNeededCharges()) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_CANNOT_BE_USED); sm.addSkillName(skill); sendPacket(sm); return false; } // Check if spell adds charges if (!skill.isOffensive() && skill.getGiveCharges() > 0 && _charges >= skill.getMaxCharges()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.FORCE_MAXLEVEL_REACHED); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } //************************************* Check Casting Conditions ******************************************* // Check if all casting conditions are completed if (!skill.checkCondition(this, target)) { // Send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2Player sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } //************************************* Check Skill Type ******************************************* // Check if this is offensive magic skill if (skill.isOffensive()) { if (L2Creature.isInsidePeaceZone(this, target)) { // If L2Creature or target is in a peace zone, send a system message TARGET_IN_PEACEZONE a Server->Client packet ActionFailed sendPacket(SystemMessageId.TARGET_IN_PEACEZONE); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } if (isInOlympiadMode() && !isOlympiadStart()) { // If the L2Player is in Olympia and the match isn't already start, send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } // Check if the target is attackable if (!target.isAttackable() && (getAccessLevel() < Config.GM_PEACEATTACK)) { // If target is not attackable, send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } // Check if a Forced ATTACK is in progress on non-attackable target if (!target.isAutoAttackable(this) && !forceUse) { switch (sklTargetType) { case TARGET_AURA: case TARGET_FRONT_AURA: case TARGET_BEHIND_AURA: case TARGET_SERVITOR_AURA: case TARGET_CLAN: case TARGET_PARTY_CLAN: case TARGET_ALLY: case TARGET_PARTY: case TARGET_SELF: case TARGET_GROUND: // Everything okay break; default: // Send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2Player sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } } } // Check if the skill is defensive if (skill.isPositive() && target instanceof L2MonsterInstance && !forceUse) { switch (sklTargetType) { case TARGET_PET: case TARGET_SUMMON: case TARGET_AURA: case TARGET_FRONT_AURA: case TARGET_BEHIND_AURA: case TARGET_SERVITOR_AURA: case TARGET_CLAN: case TARGET_PARTY_CLAN: case TARGET_SELF: case TARGET_PARTY: case TARGET_ALLY: case TARGET_CORPSE_MOB: case TARGET_AREA_CORPSE_MOB: case TARGET_GROUND: // Everything okay break; default: switch (sklType) { case BEAST_FEED: case DELUXE_KEY_UNLOCK: case UNLOCK: case MAKE_KILLABLE: // Everything okay break; default: // send the action failed so that the skill doens't go off. sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } } } if (!SkillHandler.getInstance().checkConditions(this, skill, L2Object.getActingCharacter(target))) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } // Check if this is a Pvp skill and target isn't a non-flagged/non-karma player switch (sklTargetType) { case TARGET_PARTY: case TARGET_ALLY: // For such skills, checkPvpSkill() is called from L2Skill.getTargetList() case TARGET_CLAN: // For such skills, checkPvpSkill() is called from L2Skill.getTargetList() case TARGET_PARTY_CLAN:// For such skills, checkPvpSkill() is called from L2Skill.getTargetList() case TARGET_AURA: case TARGET_FRONT_AURA: case TARGET_BEHIND_AURA: case TARGET_SERVITOR_AURA: case TARGET_GROUND: case TARGET_SELF: break; default: if (!checkPvpSkill(target, skill) && (getAccessLevel() < Config.GM_PEACEATTACK)) { // Send a System Message to the L2Player sendPacket(SystemMessageId.TARGET_IS_INCORRECT); // Send a Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2Player sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } } if ((sklTargetType == SkillTargetType.TARGET_HOLY && (!TakeCastle.checkIfOkToCastSealOfRule(this))) || (sklTargetType == SkillTargetType.TARGET_FLAGPOLE && !TakeFort.checkIfOkToCastFlagDisplay(this, false, skill, getTarget()))) { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); abortCast(); return false; } // GeoData Los Check here if (skill.getCastRange() > 0) { if (sklTargetType == SkillTargetType.TARGET_GROUND) { if (!GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(this, worldPosition)) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANT_SEE_TARGET); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } } else if (!GeoData.getInstance().canSeeTarget(this, target)) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANT_SEE_TARGET); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return false; } } // Finally, after passing all conditions return true; } public boolean isInLooterParty(int LooterId) { L2Player looter = (L2Player) L2World.getInstance().findObject(LooterId); // If L2Player is in a CommandChannel if (isInParty() && getParty().isInCommandChannel() && looter != null) return getParty().getCommandChannel().getMembers().contains(looter); if (isInParty() && looter != null) return getParty().getPartyMembers().contains(looter); return false; } /** * Check if the requested casting is a Pc->Pc skill cast and if it's a valid pvp condition * @param obj L2Object instance containing the target * @param skill L2Skill instance with the skill being casted * @return False if the skill is a pvpSkill and target is not a valid pvp target */ public boolean checkPvpSkill(L2Object obj, L2Skill skill) { return checkPvpSkill(obj, skill, false); } /** * Check if the requested casting is a Pc->Pc skill cast and if it's a valid pvp condition * @param obj L2Object instance containing the target * @param skill L2Skill instance with the skill being casted * @param srcIsSummon is L2Summon - caster? * @return False if the skill is a pvpSkill and target is not a valid pvp target */ public boolean checkPvpSkill(L2Object obj, L2Skill skill, boolean srcIsSummon) { if (obj instanceof L2Creature) if (GlobalRestrictions.isProtected(this, (L2Creature) obj, skill, false)) return false; // Check for PC->PC Pvp status if (obj != this && // Target is not self and obj instanceof L2Player && // Target is L2Player and !(isInDuel() && ((L2Player) obj).getDuelId() == getDuelId()) && // Self is not in a duel and attacking opponent !isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) && // Pc is not in PvP zone !((L2Player) obj).isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) // Target is not in PvP zone ) { L2Player target = (L2Player) obj; if (skill.isPvpSkill()) // Pvp skill { if (getClan() != null && target.getClan() != null) { if (getClan().isAtWarWith(target.getClan().getClanId()) && target.getClan().isAtWarWith(getClan().getClanId())) return true; // In clan war player can attack whites even with sleep etc. } if (target.getPvpFlag() == 0 && // Target's pvp flag is not set and target.getKarma() == 0 // Target has no karma ) return false; } else if ((getCurrentSkill() != null && !getCurrentSkill().isCtrlPressed() && skill.isOffensive() && !srcIsSummon) || (getCurrentPetSkill() != null && !getCurrentPetSkill().isCtrlPressed() && skill.isOffensive() && srcIsSummon)) { if (getClan() != null && target.getClan() != null) { if (getClan().isAtWarWith(target.getClan().getClanId()) && target.getClan().isAtWarWith(getClan().getClanId())) return true; // In clan war player can attack whites even without ctrl } if (target.getPvpFlag() == 0 && // Target's pvp flag is not set and target.getKarma() == 0 // Target has no karma ) return false; } } return true; } /** * Return True if the L2Player is a Mage.<BR><BR> */ public boolean isMageClass() { return getClassId().isMage(); } public boolean isMounted() { return _mountType > 0; } public boolean checkCanLand() { // Check if char is in a no landing zone if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_NOWYVERN)) return false; // If this is a castle that is currently being sieged, and the rider is NOT a castle owner // he cannot land. // Castle owner is the leader of the clan that owns the castle where the pc is return !(SiegeManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this) && !(getClan() != null && CastleManager.getInstance().getCastle(this) == CastleManager.getInstance() .getCastleByOwner(getClan()) && this == getClan().getLeader().getPlayerInstance())); } /** * Set the type of Pet mounted (0 : none, 1 : Stridder, 2 : Wyvern) and send a Server->Client packet InventoryUpdate to the L2Player.<BR><BR> * @return false if the change of mount type false */ public boolean setMount(int npcId, int npcLevel, int mountType) { switch (mountType) { case 0: setIsRidingStrider(false); setIsRidingRedStrider(false); setIsRidingHorse(false); setIsFlying(false); isFalling(false, 0); // Initialize the fall just incase dismount was made while in-air break; // Dismounted case 1: if (npcId >= 12526 && npcId <= 12528) { setIsRidingStrider(true); } else if (npcId >= 16038 && npcId <= 16040) { setIsRidingRedStrider(true); } if (isNoble()) { L2Skill striderAssaultSkill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(325, 1); addSkill(striderAssaultSkill); // Not saved to DB } break; case 2: setIsFlying(true); break; // Flying Wyvern case 4: setIsRidingHorse(true); break; } _mountType = mountType; _mountNpcId = npcId; _mountLevel = npcLevel; return true; } /** * @return the type of Pet mounted (0 : none, 1 : Strider, 2 : Wyvern, 3: Wolf). */ public int getMountType() { return _mountType; } /** * Disable the Inventory and create a new task to enable it after 1.5s.<BR><BR> */ public void tempInventoryDisable() { _inventoryDisabled = true; ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new InventoryEnable(), 1500); } /** * Return True if the Inventory is disabled.<BR><BR> */ public boolean isInventoryDisabled() { return _inventoryDisabled; } class InventoryEnable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { _inventoryDisabled = false; } } public Map<Integer, L2CubicInstance> getCubics() { return _cubics; } /** * Add a L2CubicInstance to the L2Player _cubics.<BR><BR> */ public void addCubic(int id, int level, double matk, int activationtime, int activationchance, int totalLifeTime) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled())"L2Player(" + getName() + "): addCubic(" + id + "|" + level + "|" + matk + ")"); L2CubicInstance cubic = new L2CubicInstance(this, id, level, (int) matk, activationtime, activationchance, totalLifeTime); _cubics.put(id, cubic); } public void addCubic(L2SkillSummon skill) { addCubic(skill.getNpcId(), skill.getLevel(), skill.getPower(), skill.getActivationTime(), skill.getActivationChance(), skill.getTotalLifeTime()); } /** * Remove a L2CubicInstance from the L2Player _cubics.<BR><BR> */ public void delCubic(int id) { _cubics.remove(id); } /** * Return the L2CubicInstance corresponding to the Identifier of the L2Player _cubics.<BR><BR> */ public L2CubicInstance getCubic(int id) { return _cubics.get(id); } @Override public String toString() { return "player " + getName(); } /** * Return the modifier corresponding to the Enchant Effect of the Active Weapon (Min : 127).<BR><BR> */ public int getEnchantEffect() { L2ItemInstance wpn = getActiveWeaponInstance(); if (wpn == null) return 0; return Math.min(127, wpn.getEnchantLevel()); } /** * Set the _lastFolkNpc of the L2Player corresponding to the last Folk wich one the player talked.<BR><BR> */ public void setLastFolkNPC(L2Npc folkNpc) { _lastFolkNpc = folkNpc; } /** * Return the _lastFolkNpc of the L2Player corresponding to the last Folk wich one the player talked.<BR><BR> */ public L2Npc getLastFolkNPC() { return _lastFolkNpc; } /** * Return True if L2Player is a participant in the Festival of Darkness.<BR><BR> */ public boolean isFestivalParticipant() { return SevenSignsFestival.getInstance().isParticipant(this); } private ScheduledFuture<?> _taskWarnUserTakeBreak; class WarnUserTakeBreak implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.PLAYING_FOR_LONG_TIME); } } class RentPetTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { stopRentPet(); } } class WaterTask implements Runnable { @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void run() { double reduceHp = getMaxHp() / 100.0; if (reduceHp < 1) reduceHp = 1; reduceCurrentHp(reduceHp, L2Player.this, false); // Reduced hp, because not rest SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.DROWN_DAMAGE_S1); sm.addNumber((int) reduceHp); sendPacket(sm); } } class LookingForFishTask implements Runnable { boolean _isNoob, _isUpperGrade; int _fishType, _fishGutsCheck, _gutsCheckTime; long _endTaskTime; protected LookingForFishTask(int fishWaitTime, int fishGutsCheck, int fishType, boolean isNoob, boolean isUpperGrade) { _fishGutsCheck = fishGutsCheck; _endTaskTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + fishWaitTime + 10000; _fishType = fishType; _isNoob = isNoob; _isUpperGrade = isUpperGrade; } @Override public void run() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= _endTaskTime) { endFishing(false); return; } if (!GameTimeManager.getInstance().isNowNight() && _lure.isNightLure()) return; int check = Rnd.get(1000); if (_fishGutsCheck > check) { stopLookingForFishTask(); startFishCombat(_isNoob, _isUpperGrade); } } } public int getClanPrivileges() { return _clanPrivileges; } public void setClanPrivileges(int n) { _clanPrivileges = n; } public int getBookMarkSlot() { return _bookmarkslot; } public void setBookMarkSlot(int slot) { _bookmarkslot = slot; sendPacket(new ExGetBookMarkInfoPacket(this)); } public void enterObserverMode(int x, int y, int z) { _obsX = getX(); _obsY = getY(); _obsZ = getZ(); setTarget(null); stopMove(null); startParalyze(); setIsInvul(true); getAppearance().setInvisible(); sendPacket(GMHide.ENABLE); sendPacket(new ObservationMode(x, y, z)); getPosition().setXYZ(x, y, z); _observerMode = true; updateInvisibilityStatus(); } public void enterOlympiadObserverMode(Location loc, int id, boolean storeCoords) { if (getPet() != null) getPet().unSummon(this); if (!getCubics().isEmpty()) { for (L2CubicInstance cubic : getCubics().values()) { cubic.stopAction(); cubic.cancelDisappear(); } getCubics().clear(); } if (getParty() != null) getParty().removePartyMember(this); _olympiadGameId = id; if (isSitting()) standUp(); if (storeCoords) { _obsX = getX(); _obsY = getY(); _obsZ = getZ(); } setTarget(null); setIsInvul(true); getAppearance().setInvisible(); teleToLocation(loc, false); sendPacket(GMHide.ENABLE); sendPacket(ExOlympiadMode.SPECTATE); _observerMode = true; updateInvisibilityStatus(); } // [L2J_JP ADD SANDMAN] public void enterMovieMode() { setTarget(null); stopMove(null); setIsInvul(true); setIsImmobilized(true); sendPacket(CameraMode.FIRST_PERSON); } public void leaveMovieMode() { if (!isGM()) setIsInvul(false); setIsImmobilized(false); sendPacket(CameraMode.THIRD_PERSON); } /** * yaw:North=90, south=270, east=0, west=180<BR> * pitch > 0:looks up,pitch < 0:looks down<BR> * time:faster that small value is.<BR> */ public void specialCamera(L2Object target, int dist, int yaw, int pitch, int time, int duration) { sendPacket(new SpecialCamera(target.getObjectId(), dist, yaw, pitch, time, duration)); } // L2JJP END public void leaveObserverMode() { setTarget(null); getPosition().setXYZ(_obsX, _obsY, _obsZ); sendPacket(GMHide.DISABLE); stopParalyze(false); if (!isGM()) { getAppearance().setVisible(); setIsInvul(false); } if (getAI() != null) getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); teleToLocation(_obsX, _obsY, _obsZ); sendPacket(new ObservationReturn(this)); _observerMode = false; broadcastUserInfo(); } public void leaveOlympiadObserverMode() { setTarget(null); sendPacket(ExOlympiadMode.RETURN); teleToLocation(_obsX, _obsY, _obsZ); sendPacket(GMHide.DISABLE); if (!isGM()) { getAppearance().setVisible(); setIsInvul(false); } if (getAI() != null) { getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); } Olympiad.removeSpectator(_olympiadGameId, this); _olympiadGameId = -1; _observerMode = false; broadcastUserInfo(); } public void updateNameTitleColor() { int nameColor = getAppearance().getNameColor(); int titleColor = getAppearance().getTitleColor(); if (isClanLeader() && Config.CLAN_LEADER_COLOR_ENABLED && getClan().getLevel() >= Config.CLAN_LEADER_COLOR_CLAN_LEVEL) { if (Config.CLAN_LEADER_COLORED == nameColor = Config.CLAN_LEADER_COLOR; else titleColor = Config.CLAN_LEADER_COLOR; } if (Config.CHAR_VIP_COLOR_ENABLED) { if (isCharViP()) nameColor = Config.CHAR_VIP_COLOR; } if (Config.ALLOW_OFFLINE_TRADE_COLOR_NAME) { if (isInOfflineMode()) nameColor = Config.OFFLINE_TRADE_COLOR_NAME; } if (isGM()) { if (Config.GM_NAME_COLOR_ENABLED) { if (getAccessLevel() >= 100) nameColor = Config.ADMIN_NAME_COLOR; else if (getAccessLevel() >= 75) nameColor = Config.GM_NAME_COLOR; } if (Config.GM_TITLE_COLOR_ENABLED) { if (getAccessLevel() >= 100) titleColor = Config.ADMIN_TITLE_COLOR; else if (getAccessLevel() >= 75) titleColor = Config.GM_TITLE_COLOR; } } getAppearance().setTitleColor(titleColor); getAppearance().setNameColor(nameColor); broadcastUserInfo(); } public void setOlympiadSide(int i) { _olympiadSide = i; } public int getOlympiadSide() { return _olympiadSide; } public void setOlympiadGameId(int id) { _olympiadGameId = id; } public int getOlympiadGameId() { return _olympiadGameId; } public int getObsX() { return _obsX; } public int getObsY() { return _obsY; } public int getObsZ() { return _obsZ; } public boolean inObserverMode() { return _observerMode; } public int getTeleMode() { return _telemode; } public void setTeleMode(int mode) { _telemode = mode; } public void setLoto(int i, int val) { _loto[i] = val; } public int getLoto(int i) { return _loto[i]; } public void setRace(int i, int val) { _race[i] = val; } public int getRace(int i) { return _race[i]; } @Deprecated private void setBanChatTimer(long timer) { } @Deprecated private long getBanChatTimer() { return 0; } public boolean isChatBanned() { return ObjectRestrictions.getInstance().checkRestriction(this, AvailableRestriction.PlayerChat); } public boolean getMessageRefusal() { return _messageRefusal; } public void setMessageRefusal(boolean mode) { _messageRefusal = mode; sendEtcStatusUpdate(); } public void setDietMode(boolean mode) { _dietMode = mode; } public boolean getDietMode() { return _dietMode; } public void setTradeRefusal(boolean mode) { _tradeRefusal = mode; } public boolean getTradeRefusal() { return _tradeRefusal; } public void setExchangeRefusal(boolean mode) { _exchangeRefusal = mode; } public boolean getExchangeRefusal() { return _exchangeRefusal; } public BlockList getBlockList() { if (_blockList == null) _blockList = new BlockList(this); return _blockList; } public L2FriendList getFriendList() { if (_friendList == null) _friendList = new L2FriendList(this); return _friendList; } public void setHero(boolean hero) { if (hero && _baseClass == _activeClass) for (L2Skill s : HeroSkillTable.getHeroSkills()) addSkill(s, false); // Dont Save Hero skills to Sql else for (L2Skill s : HeroSkillTable.getHeroSkills()) super.removeSkill(s); // Just Remove skills without deleting from Sql _hero = hero; } public void setIsInOlympiadMode(boolean b) { _inOlympiadMode = b; } public void setIsOlympiadStart(boolean b) { _olympiadStart = b; } public boolean isOlympiadStart() { return _olympiadStart; } public boolean isHero() { return _hero; } public boolean isInOlympiadMode() { return _inOlympiadMode; } public void setNoble(boolean val) { if (val) for (L2Skill s : NobleSkillTable.getNobleSkills()) addSkill(s, false); // Dont Save Noble skills to Sql else for (L2Skill s : NobleSkillTable.getNobleSkills()) super.removeSkill(s); // Just Remove skills without deleting from Sql _noble = val; } public boolean isInDuel() { return _isInDuel; } public int getDuelId() { return _duelId; } public void setDuelState(int mode) { _duelState = mode; } public int getDuelState() { return _duelState; } /** * Sets up the duel state using a non 0 duelId. * @param duelId 0=not in a duel */ public void setIsInDuel(int duelId) { if (duelId > 0) { _isInDuel = true; _duelState = Duel.DUELSTATE_DUELLING; _duelId = duelId; } else { if (_duelState == Duel.DUELSTATE_DEAD) { enableAllSkills(); getStatus().startHpMpRegeneration(); } _isInDuel = false; _duelState = Duel.DUELSTATE_NODUEL; _duelId = 0; } } /** * This returns a SystemMessage stating why * the player is not available for duelling. * @return S1_CANNOT_DUEL... message */ public SystemMessage getNoDuelReason() { // This is somewhat hacky - but that case should never happen anyway... if (_noDuelReason == 0) _noDuelReason = SystemMessageId.THERE_IS_NO_OPPONENT_TO_RECEIVE_YOUR_CHALLENGE_FOR_A_DUEL.getId(); SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.getSystemMessageId(_noDuelReason)); sm.addPcName(this); _noDuelReason = 0; return sm; } /** * Checks if this player might join / start a duel. * To get the reason use getNoDuelReason() after calling this function. * @return true if the player might join/start a duel. */ public boolean canDuel() { if (isInCombat() || isInJail()) { _noDuelReason = SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_DUEL_BECAUSE_C1_IS_CURRENTLY_ENGAGED_IN_BATTLE.getId(); return false; } if (isDead() || isAlikeDead() || (getStatus().getCurrentHp() < getStat().getMaxHp() / 2 || getStatus().getCurrentMp() < getStat().getMaxMp() / 2)) { _noDuelReason = SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_DUEL_BECAUSE_C1_HP_OR_MP_IS_BELOW_50_PERCENT.getId(); return false; } if (isInDuel()) { _noDuelReason = SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_DUEL_BECAUSE_C1_IS_ALREADY_ENGAGED_IN_A_DUEL.getId(); return false; } if (isInOlympiadMode()) { _noDuelReason = SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_DUEL_BECAUSE_C1_IS_PARTICIPATING_IN_THE_OLYMPIAD.getId(); return false; } if (isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { _noDuelReason = SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_DUEL_BECAUSE_C1_IS_IN_A_CHAOTIC_STATE.getId(); return false; } if (getPrivateStoreType() != STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) { _noDuelReason = SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_DUEL_C1_IS_IN_A_PRIVATE_STORE_OR_MANUFACTURE.getId(); return false; } if (isMounted() || isInBoat()) { _noDuelReason = SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_DUEL_BECAUSE_C1_IS_CURRENTLY_RIDING_A_BOAT_WYVERN_OR_STRIDER .getId(); return false; } if (isFishing()) { _noDuelReason = SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_DUEL_BECAUSE_C1_IS_CURRENTLY_FISHING.getId(); return false; } if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PVP) || isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_PEACE) || SiegeManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { _noDuelReason = SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_DUEL_BECAUSE_C1_IS_IN_A_DUEL_PROHIBITED_AREA.getId(); return false; } if (GlobalRestrictions.isRestricted(this, DuelRestriction.class)) { _noDuelReason = SystemMessageId.C1_CANNOT_DUEL_BECAUSE_C1_IS_CURRENTLY_ENGAGED_IN_BATTLE.getId(); // TODO return false; } return true; } public boolean isNoble() { /**_noble = false; if (isSubClassActive()) { if (getTotalSubClasses() > 1) { _noble = true; return _noble; } if (getLevel() >= 75) { _noble = true; return _noble; } } else { if (getSubClasses() == null) return _noble; if (getLevel() >= 76 && getClassId().getId() >= 88) { for (SubClass sub : getSubClasses().values()) { if (sub.getLevel() >= 75) { _noble = true; return _noble; } } } }*/ return _noble; } public int getSubLevel() { if (isSubClassActive()) { int lvl = getLevel(); return lvl; } return 0; } // Baron, Wise Man etc, calculated on EnterWorld and when rank is changing public void setPledgeClass(int classId) { _pledgeClass = classId; } public int getPledgeClass() { return _pledgeClass; } public void setSubPledgeType(int typeId) { _subPledgeType = typeId; } public int getSubPledgeType() { return _subPledgeType; } public int getPledgeRank() { return _pledgeRank; } public void setPledgeRank(int rank) { _pledgeRank = rank; } public int getApprentice() { return _apprentice; } public void setApprentice(int apprentice_id) { _apprentice = apprentice_id; } public int getSponsor() { return _sponsor; } public void setSponsor(int sponsor_id) { _sponsor = sponsor_id; } public void setLvlJoinedAcademy(int lvl) { _lvlJoinedAcademy = lvl; } public int getLvlJoinedAcademy() { return _lvlJoinedAcademy; } public boolean isAcademyMember() { return _lvlJoinedAcademy > 0; } public void setTeam(int team) { _team = team; if (getPet() != null) getPet().broadcastStatusUpdate(); } public int getTeam() { return _team; } public void setWantsPeace(int wantsPeace) { _wantsPeace = wantsPeace; } public int getWantsPeace() { return _wantsPeace; } public boolean isFishing() { return _fishing; } public void setFishing(boolean fishing) { _fishing = fishing; } public void setAllianceWithVarkaKetra(int sideAndLvlOfAlliance) { // [-5,-1] varka, 0 neutral, [1,5] ketra _alliedVarkaKetra = sideAndLvlOfAlliance; } public int getAllianceWithVarkaKetra() { return _alliedVarkaKetra; } public boolean isAlliedWithVarka() { return (_alliedVarkaKetra < 0); } public boolean isAlliedWithKetra() { return (_alliedVarkaKetra > 0); } public final Comparator<L2Skill> SKILL_LIST_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<L2Skill>() { @Override public int compare(L2Skill s1, L2Skill s2) { int o1 = getOrder(s1); int o2 = getOrder(s2); if (o1 != o2) return (o1 < o2) ? -1 : 1; int so1 = getSubOrder(s1); int so2 = getSubOrder(s2); if (so1 != so2) return (so1 < so2) ? -1 : 1; return s1.getId().compareTo(s2.getId()); } private int getOrder(L2Skill s) { if (s.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.NOTDONE) return 10; if (isTransformationDisabledSkill(s)) return 9; // TODO: add other ordering conditions, if there is any other useful :) return 0; } private int getSubOrder(L2Skill s) { if (s.isPositive()) return 1; else if (s.isNeutral()) return 0; else // s.isOffensive() return -1; } }; public L2Skill[] getSortedAllSkills(boolean isGM) { L2Skill[] array = getAllSkills(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { L2Skill s = array[i]; if (s == null) continue; if (!isGM) { if (!s.canSendToClient()) { array[i] = null; continue; } // Hide skills when transformed if they are not passive if (isTransformationDisabledSkill(s)) { array[i] = null; continue; } } if (s.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.NOTDONE) { switch (Config.SEND_NOTDONE_SKILLS) { case 1: { array[i] = null; continue; } case 2: { if (!isGM) { array[i] = null; continue; } } } } } array = L2Arrays.compact(array); Arrays.sort(array, SKILL_LIST_COMPARATOR); return array; } public void sendSkillList() { addPacketBroadcastMask(BroadcastMode.SEND_SKILL_LIST); } public void sendSkillListImpl() { sendPacket(new SkillList(this)); } public void setTransformAllowedSkills(int[] ids) { _transformAllowedSkills.clear(); for (int id : ids) addTransformAllowedSkill(id); } public void addTransformAllowedSkill(int[] ids) { for (int id : ids) addTransformAllowedSkill(id); } public void addTransformAllowedSkill(int id) { _transformAllowedSkills.add(id); } public boolean containsAllowedTransformSkill(int id) { return _transformAllowedSkills.contains(id); } /** Section for mounted pets */ class FeedTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { if (!isMounted()) { stopFeed(); return; } if (getCurrentFeed() > getFeedConsume()) { // eat setCurrentFeed(getCurrentFeed() - getFeedConsume()); } else { // go back to pet control item, or simply said, unsummon it setCurrentFeed(0); stopFeed(); dismount(); sendPacket(SystemMessageId.OUT_OF_FEED_MOUNT_CANCELED); } int[] foodIds = PetDataTable.getFoodItemId(getMountNpcId()); if (foodIds[0] == 0) return; L2ItemInstance food = null; food = getInventory().getItemByItemId(foodIds[0]); // use better strider food if exists if (PetDataTable.isStrider(getMountNpcId())) { if (getInventory().getItemByItemId(foodIds[1]) != null) food = getInventory().getItemByItemId(foodIds[1]); } if (food != null && isHungry()) { if (ItemHandler.getInstance().useItem(food.getItemId(), L2Player.this, food)) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.PET_TOOK_S1_BECAUSE_HE_WAS_HUNGRY); sm.addItemName(food.getItemId()); sendPacket(sm); } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("Mounted Pet [NpcId: " + getMountNpcId() + "] a feed task error has occurred", e); } } } protected synchronized void startFeed(int npcId) { _canFeed = npcId > 0; if (!isMounted()) return; if (getPet() != null) { setCurrentFeed(((L2PetInstance) getPet()).getCurrentFed()); _controlItemId = getPet().getControlItemId(); sendPacket(new SetupGauge(3, getCurrentFeed() * 10000 / getFeedConsume(), getMaxFeed() * 10000 / getFeedConsume())); if (!isDead()) { _mountFeedTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new FeedTask(), 10000, 10000); } } else if (_canFeed) { setCurrentFeed(getMaxFeed()); SetupGauge sg = new SetupGauge(3, getCurrentFeed() * 10000 / getFeedConsume(), getMaxFeed() * 10000 / getFeedConsume()); sendPacket(sg); if (!isDead()) { _mountFeedTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new FeedTask(), 10000, 10000); } } } protected synchronized void stopFeed() { if (_mountFeedTask != null) { _mountFeedTask.cancel(false); _mountFeedTask = null; if (_log.isDebugEnabled())"Pet [#" + _mountNpcId + "] feed task stop"); } } protected final void clearPetData() { _data = null; } protected final L2PetData getPetData(int npcId) { if (_data == null && getPet() != null) { _data = PetDataTable.getInstance().getPetData(getPet().getNpcId(), getPet().getLevel()); } else if (_data == null && npcId > 0) { _data = PetDataTable.getInstance().getPetData(npcId, getLevel()); } return _data; } public int getCurrentFeed() { return _curFeed; } protected int getFeedConsume() { // if pet is attacking if (isAttackingNow()) return getPetData(_mountNpcId).getPetFeedBattle(); else return getPetData(_mountNpcId).getPetFeedNormal(); } public void setCurrentFeed(int num) { _curFeed = num > getMaxFeed() ? getMaxFeed() : num; SetupGauge sg = new SetupGauge(3, getCurrentFeed() * 10000 / getFeedConsume(), getMaxFeed() * 10000 / getFeedConsume()); sendPacket(sg); } protected int getMaxFeed() { return getPetData(_mountNpcId).getPetMaxFeed(); } protected boolean isHungry() { return _canFeed ? (getCurrentFeed() < (0.55 * getPetData(getMountNpcId()).getPetMaxFeed())) : false; } public class dismount implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { dismount(); } } public void enteredNoWyvernZone() { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.AREA_CANNOT_BE_ENTERED_WHILE_MOUNTED_WYVERN); _dismountTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new L2Player.dismount(), 5000); } public void exitedNoWyvernZone() { if (_dismountTask != null) { _dismountTask.cancel(false); _dismountTask = null; } } public void storePetFood(int petId) { if (_controlItemId != 0 && petId != 0) { String req = "UPDATE pets SET fed=? WHERE item_obj_id = ?"; Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(req); statement.setInt(1, getCurrentFeed()); statement.setInt(2, _controlItemId); statement.executeUpdate(); statement.close(); _controlItemId = 0; } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("Failed to store Pet [NpcId: " + petId + "] data", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } } /** End of section for mounted pets */ /** * 1. Add the specified class ID as a subclass (up to the maximum number of <b>three</b>) * for this character.<BR> * 2. This method no longer changes the active _classIndex of the player. This is only * done by the calling of setActiveClass() method as that should be the only way to do so. * * @param classId * @param classIndex * @return subclassAdded */ public boolean addSubClass(int classId, int classIndex) { if (!_subclassLock.tryLock()) return false; try { if (getTotalSubClasses() == Config.ALT_MAX_SUBCLASS || classIndex == 0) return false; if (getSubClasses().containsKey(classIndex)) return false; // Note: Never change _classIndex in any method other than setActiveClass(). SubClass newClass = new SubClass(); newClass.setClassId(classId); newClass.setClassIndex(classIndex); Connection con = null; try { // Store the basic info about this new sub-class. con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(ADD_CHAR_SUBCLASS); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, newClass.getClassId()); statement.setLong(3, newClass.getExp()); statement.setInt(4, newClass.getSp()); statement.setInt(5, newClass.getLevel()); statement.setInt(6, newClass.getClassIndex()); // <-- Added statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Could not add character sub class for " + getName() + ": ", e); return false; } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } // Commit after database INSERT incase exception is thrown. getSubClasses().put(newClass.getClassIndex(), newClass); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) getName() + " added class ID " + classId + " as a sub class at index " + classIndex + "."); ClassId subTemplate = ClassId.values()[classId]; Iterable<L2SkillLearn> skillTree = SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getAllowedSkills(subTemplate); if (skillTree == null) return true; final Map<Integer, L2Skill> skills = new FastMap<Integer, L2Skill>(); for (L2SkillLearn skillInfo : skillTree) { if (skillInfo.getMinLevel() <= 40) { final L2Skill prevSkill = skills.get(skillInfo.getId()); final L2Skill newSkill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillInfo.getId(), skillInfo.getLevel()); if (prevSkill != null && prevSkill.getLevel() >= newSkill.getLevel()) continue; skills.put(newSkill.getId(), newSkill); } } for (L2Skill skill : skills.values()) _pcSkills.storeSkill(skill, classIndex); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) + " was given " + getAllSkills().length + " skills for their new sub class."); return true; } finally { _subclassLock.unlock(); } } /** * 1. Completely erase all existance of the subClass linked to the classIndex.<BR> * 2. Send over the newClassId to addSubClass()to create a new instance on this classIndex.<BR> * 3. Upon Exception, revert the player to their BaseClass to avoid further problems.<BR> * * @param classIndex * @param newClassId * @return subclassAdded */ public boolean modifySubClass(int classIndex, int newClassId) { if (!_subclassLock.tryLock()) return false; try { int oldClassId = getSubClasses().get(classIndex).getClassId(); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) + " has requested to modify sub class index " + classIndex + " from class ID " + oldClassId + " to " + newClassId + "."); Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); // Remove all henna info stored for this sub-class. PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_CHAR_HENNAS); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, classIndex); statement.execute(); statement.close(); // Remove all shortcuts info stored for this sub-class. statement = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_CHAR_SHORTCUTS); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, classIndex); statement.execute(); statement.close(); // Remove all effects info stored for this sub-class. getEffects().deleteEffects(con, classIndex); // Remove all skill info stored for this sub-class. _pcSkills.deleteSkills(con, classIndex); // Remove all basic info stored about this sub-class. statement = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_CHAR_SUBCLASS); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, classIndex); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Could not modify sub class for " + getName() + " to class index " + classIndex + ": ", e); // This must be done in order to maintain data consistency. getSubClasses().remove(classIndex); return false; } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } getSubClasses().remove(classIndex); } finally { _subclassLock.unlock(); } return addSubClass(newClassId, classIndex); } public boolean isSubClassActive() { return _classIndex > 0; } public Map<Integer, SubClass> getSubClasses() { if (_subClasses == null) _subClasses = new LazyFastMap<Integer, SubClass>(); return _subClasses; } public int getTotalSubClasses() { return getSubClasses().size(); } public int getBaseClass() { return _baseClass; } public int getActiveClass() { return _activeClass; } public int getClassIndex() { return _classIndex; } private void setClassTemplate(int classId) { _activeClass = classId; L2PlayerTemplate t = CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getTemplate(classId); if (t == null) { _log.fatal("Missing template for classId: " + classId); throw new Error(); } // Set the template of the L2Player setTemplate(t); L2PartyRoom room = getPartyRoom(); if (room != null) room.broadcastPacket(new ExManagePartyRoomMember(ExManagePartyRoomMember.MODIFIED, this)); } /** * Changes the character's class based on the given class index. * <BR><BR> * An index of zero specifies the character's original (base) class, * while indexes 1-3 specifies the character's sub-classes respectively. * <br><br> * <font color="00FF00"/>WARNING: Use only on subclass change</font> * * @param classIndex */ public boolean setActiveClass(int classIndex) { if (!_subclassLock.tryLock()) return false; try { // Cannot switch or change subclasses while transformed if (_transformation != null) return false; // Remove active item skills before saving char to database // because next time when choosing this class, weared items can be different for (L2ItemInstance temp : getInventory().getAugmentedItems()) if (temp != null && temp.isEquipped()) temp.getAugmentation().removeBonus(this); // Remove class circlets (can't equip circlets while being in subclass) L2ItemInstance circlet = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HAIRALL); if (circlet != null) { if (((circlet.getItemId() >= 9397 && circlet.getItemId() <= 9408) || circlet.getItemId() == 10169) && circlet.isEquipped()) { L2ItemInstance[] unequipped = getInventory() .unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(circlet.getItem().getBodyPart()); InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate(); for (L2ItemInstance element : unequipped) iu.addModifiedItem(element); sendPacket(iu); } } // Delete a force buff upon class change. if (_fusionSkill != null) abortCast(); // Stop casting for any player that may be casting a force buff on this L2Player. for (L2Creature character : getKnownList().getKnownCharacters()) { if (character.getFusionSkill() != null && character.getFusionSkill().getTarget() == this) character.abortCast(); } /* * 1. Call store() before modifying _classIndex to avoid skill effects rollover. * 2. Register the correct _classId against applied 'classIndex'. */ store(Config.STORE_EFFECTS_ON_SUBCLASS_CHANGE); // clear charges clearCharges(); if (classIndex == 0) { setClassTemplate(getBaseClass()); } else { try { setClassTemplate(getSubClasses().get(classIndex).getClassId()); } catch (Exception e) {"Could not switch " + getName() + "'s sub class to class index " + classIndex + ": ", e); return false; } } _classIndex = classIndex; if (isInParty()) { if (Config.MAX_PARTY_LEVEL_DIFFERENCE > 0) { for (L2Player p : getParty().getPartyMembers()) { if (Math.abs(p.getLevel() - getLevel()) > Config.MAX_PARTY_LEVEL_DIFFERENCE) { getParty().removePartyMember(this); sendMessage( "You have been removed from your party, because the level difference is too big."); break; } } } else getParty().recalculatePartyLevel(); } /* * Update the character's change in class status. * * 1. Remove any active cubics from the player. * 2. Renovate the characters table in the database with the new class info, storing also buff/effect data. * 3. Remove all existing skills. * 4. Restore all the learned skills for the current class from the database. * 5. Restore effect/buff data for the new class. * 6. Restore henna data for the class, applying the new stat modifiers while removing existing ones. * 7. Reset HP/MP/CP stats and send Server->Client character status packet to reflect changes. * 8. Restore shortcut data related to this class. * 9. Resend a class change animation effect to broadcast to all nearby players. * 10.Unsummon any active servitor from the player. */ if (getPet() instanceof L2SummonInstance) getPet().unSummon(this); if (!getCubics().isEmpty()) { for (L2CubicInstance cubic : getCubics().values()) { cubic.stopAction(); cubic.cancelDisappear(); } getCubics().clear(); } abortCast(); for (L2Skill oldSkill : getAllSkills()) super.removeSkill(oldSkill); stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(); restoreRecipeBook(false); // Restore any Death Penalty Buff restoreDeathPenaltyBuffLevel(); restoreSkills(); regiveTemporarySkills(); rewardSkills(); getEffects().restoreEffects(); updateEffectIcons(); // If player has quest "422: Repent Your Sins", remove it QuestState st = getQuestState("422_RepentYourSins"); if (st != null) { st.exitQuest(true); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) _henna[i] = null; restoreHenna(); sendPacket(new HennaInfo(this)); checkItemRestriction(); if (getCurrentHp() > getMaxHp()) getStatus().setCurrentHp(getMaxHp()); if (getCurrentMp() > getMaxMp()) getStatus().setCurrentMp(getMaxMp()); if (getCurrentCp() > getMaxCp()) getStatus().setCurrentCp(getMaxCp()); getInventory().restoreEquipedItemsPassiveSkill(); getInventory().restoreArmorSetPassiveSkill(); refreshOverloaded(); refreshExpertisePenalty(); broadcastUserInfo(); // Clear resurrect xp calculation setExpBeforeDeath(0); //getMacroses().restore(); //getMacroses().sendUpdate(); getShortCuts().restore(); sendPacket(new ShortCutInit(this)); broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(getObjectId(), SocialAction.LEVEL_UP)); sendSkillCoolTime(); sendPacket(new ExStorageMaxCount(this)); broadcastClassIcon(); return true; } finally { _subclassLock.unlock(); } } public boolean isLocked() { return _subclassLock.isLocked(); } public void broadcastClassIcon() { // Update class icon in party and clan if (isInParty()) getParty().broadcastToPartyMembers(new PartySmallWindowUpdate(this)); if (getClan() != null) getClan().broadcastToOnlineMembers(new PledgeShowMemberListUpdate(this)); } public void stopWarnUserTakeBreak() { if (_taskWarnUserTakeBreak != null) { _taskWarnUserTakeBreak.cancel(false); _taskWarnUserTakeBreak = null; } } public void startWarnUserTakeBreak() { if (_taskWarnUserTakeBreak == null) _taskWarnUserTakeBreak = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance() .scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new WarnUserTakeBreak(), 7200000, 7200000); } public void stopRentPet() { if (_taskRentPet != null) { // If the rent of a wyvern expires while over a flying zone, tp to down before unmounting if (getMountType() == 2 && !checkCanLand()) teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); if (dismount()) // This should always be true now, since we teleported already { _taskRentPet.cancel(true); _taskRentPet = null; } } } public void startRentPet(int seconds) { if (_taskRentPet == null) _taskRentPet = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new RentPetTask(), seconds * 1000L, seconds * 1000); } public boolean isRentedPet() { return _taskRentPet != null; } public void stopWaterTask() { if (_taskWater != null) { _taskWater.cancel(false); _taskWater = null; sendPacket(new SetupGauge(SetupGauge.CYAN, 0)); // Added to sync fall when swimming stops: // (e.g. catacombs players swim down and then they fell when they got out of the water). isFalling(false, 0); } broadcastUserInfo(); } public void startWaterTask() { // Temp fix here if (isMounted()) dismount(); if (isTransformed() && !isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { untransform(); } // TODO: update to only send speed status when that packet is known else broadcastUserInfo(); if (!isDead() && _taskWater == null) { int timeinwater = (int) calcStat(Stats.BREATH, 60000, this, null); sendPacket(new SetupGauge(2, timeinwater)); _taskWater = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleEffectAtFixedRate(new WaterTask(), timeinwater, 1000); } } public boolean isInWater() { return _taskWater != null; } public void onPlayerEnter() { startWarnUserTakeBreak(); startAutoSaveTask(); if (SevenSigns.getInstance().isSealValidationPeriod() || SevenSigns.getInstance().isCompResultsPeriod()) { if (!isGM() && isIn7sDungeon() && Config.ALT_STRICT_SEVENSIGNS && SevenSigns.getInstance() .getPlayerCabal(this) != SevenSigns.getInstance().getCabalHighestScore()) { teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); setIsIn7sDungeon(false); sendPacket(SystemMessage.sendString( "You have been teleported to the nearest town due to the beginning of the Seal Validation period.")); } } else { if (!isGM() && isIn7sDungeon() && Config.ALT_STRICT_SEVENSIGNS && SevenSigns.getInstance().getPlayerCabal(this) == SevenSigns.CABAL_NULL) { teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); setIsIn7sDungeon(false); sendPacket(SystemMessage.sendString( "You have been teleported to the nearest town because you have not signed for any cabal.")); } } // Jail task updateJailState(); if (_isInvul) // isInvul() is always true on login if login protection is activated... sendPacket(SystemMessage.sendString("Entering world in Invulnerable mode.")); if (getAppearance().isInvisible()) sendPacket(SystemMessage.sendString("Entering world in Invisible mode.")); if (getMessageRefusal()) sendPacket(SystemMessage.sendString("Entering world in Message Refusal mode.")); revalidateZone(true); // [L2J_JP ADD SANDMAN] Check of a restart prohibition area. if (!isGM()) { // Four-Sepulcher,It is less than 5 minutes. if (FourSepulchersManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this) && (System.currentTimeMillis() - getLastAccess() >= 300000)) { int driftX = Rnd.get(-80, 80); int driftY = Rnd.get(-80, 80); teleToLocation(178293 + driftX, -84607 + driftY, -7216); } // It is less than a time limit from player restarting. // TODO write code for restart fight against bosses. // Lair of bosses,It is less than 30 minutes from server starting. // It is only for Antharas and Valakas that I know it now. // Thanks a lot Serafiel of L2J_JP. // 10 minutes // Antharas else if (AntharasManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { // Lair of bosses,It is less than 30 minutes from server starting. // Player can restart inside lair, but Antharas do not respawn. if (System.currentTimeMillis() - GameServer.getStartedTime().getTimeInMillis() <= Config.ALT_TIMELIMITOFINVADE) { if (getQuestState("antharas") != null) getQuestState("antharas").exitQuest(true); } else if (System.currentTimeMillis() - getLastAccess() >= 600000) { if (getQuestState("antharas") != null) getQuestState("antharas").exitQuest(true); teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); } } // Baium else if (BaiumManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - getLastAccess() >= 600000) { if (getQuestState("baium") != null) getQuestState("baium").exitQuest(true); teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); } else { // Player can restart inside lair, but can not awake Baium. if (getQuestState("baium") != null) getQuestState("baium").exitQuest(true); } } // 10 minutes // Last Imperial Tomb (includes Frintezza's room) else if (LastImperialTombManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { // Lair of bosses,It is less than 30 minutes from server starting. // Player can restart inside lair, but Antharas do not respawn. if (System.currentTimeMillis() - GameServer.getStartedTime().getTimeInMillis() <= Config.ALT_TIMELIMITOFINVADE) { if (getQuestState("lastimperialtomb") != null) getQuestState("lastimperialtomb").exitQuest(true); } else if (System.currentTimeMillis() - getLastAccess() >= 600000) { if (getQuestState("lastimperialtomb") != null) getQuestState("lastimperialtomb").exitQuest(true); teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); } } // 10 minutes // Not sure if Imperial tomb includes Frintezza's room // So just incase lets clear that room from intruders till all FrintezzaManager will work like retail else if (FrintezzaManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - getLastAccess() >= 600000 && !FrintezzaManager.getInstance().getState().equals(GrandBossState.StateEnum.ALIVE)) teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); } // Lilith /*else if (LilithManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - getLastAccess() >= 600000) teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); } // Anakim else if (AnakimManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - getLastAccess() >= 600000) teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); } // Zaken else if (ZakenManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - getLastAccess() >= 600000) teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); }*/ // High Priestess van Halter else if (VanHalterManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - getLastAccess() >= 600000) teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); else VanHalterManager.getInstance().intruderDetection(this); } // 30 minutes // Valakas else if (ValakasManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { // Lair of bosses,It is less than 30 minutes from server starting. // Player can restart inside lair, and begin fight against Valakas 30min later. if (System.currentTimeMillis() - GameServer.getStartedTime().getTimeInMillis() <= Config.ALT_TIMELIMITOFINVADE && ValakasManager.getInstance().getState() == GrandBossState.StateEnum.ALIVE) { } else { if (getQuestState("valakas") != null) getQuestState("valakas").exitQuest(true); teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); } } // Baylor else if (BaylorManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { if (getQuestState("baylor") != null) getQuestState("baylor").exitQuest(true); teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); } // Sailren else if (SailrenManager.getInstance().checkIfInZone(this)) { if (getQuestState("sailren") != null) getQuestState("sailren").exitQuest(true); teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); } } } public void checkWaterState() { if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_WATER)) { startWaterTask(); } else { stopWaterTask(); } } public long getLastAccess() { return _lastAccess; } public int getBoatId() { return _boatId; } public void setBoatId(int boatId) { _boatId = boatId; } @Override public void doRevive() { super.doRevive(); stopEffects(L2EffectType.CHARMOFCOURAGE); updateEffectIcons(); _reviveRequested = false; if (isMounted()) startFeed(_mountNpcId); if (isInParty() && getParty().isInDimensionalRift()) { if (!DimensionalRiftManager.getInstance().checkIfInPeaceZone(getX(), getY(), getZ())) getParty().getDimensionalRift().memberRessurected(this); } GlobalRestrictions.playerRevived(this); } @Override public void doRevive(double revivePower) { // Restore the player's lost experience, // depending on the % return of the skill used (based on its power). restoreExp(revivePower); doRevive(); } public void reviveRequest(L2Player reviver, L2Skill skill) { if (_reviveRequested || _revivePetRequested) { reviver.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.RES_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_PROPOSED); // Resurrection is already been proposed. return; } if (isDead()) { _reviveRequested = true; final double revivePower; if (isPhoenixBlessed()) revivePower = 100; else if (skill != null) revivePower = Formulas.calculateSkillResurrectRestorePercent(skill, reviver); else revivePower = 0; int restoreExp = (int) Math.round((getExpBeforeDeath() - getExp()) * revivePower / 100); if (getCharmOfCourage()) { ConfirmDlg dlg = new ConfirmDlg(SystemMessageId.RESURRECT_USING_CHARM_OF_COURAGE); dlg.addTime(60000); dlg.addAnswerHandler(new AnswerHandler() { @Override public void handle(boolean answer) { reviveAnswer(answer, revivePower); } }); sendPacket(dlg); return; } ConfirmDlg dlg = new ConfirmDlg(SystemMessageId.RESSURECTION_REQUEST_BY_C1_FOR_S2_XP); dlg.addPcName(reviver); dlg.addString(String.valueOf(restoreExp)); dlg.addAnswerHandler(new AnswerHandler() { @Override public void handle(boolean answer) { reviveAnswer(answer, revivePower); } }); sendPacket(dlg); } } public void revivePetRequest(L2Player reviver, L2Skill skill) { if (_reviveRequested || _revivePetRequested) { reviver.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.RES_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_PROPOSED); // Resurrection is already been proposed. return; } if (getPet().isDead() && getPet() instanceof L2PetInstance) { _revivePetRequested = true; final double revivePower; if (skill != null) revivePower = Formulas.calculateSkillResurrectRestorePercent(skill, reviver); else revivePower = 0; int restoreExp = (int) Math .round((((L2PetInstance) getPet()).getExpBeforeDeath() - getPet().getStat().getExp()) * revivePower / 100); ConfirmDlg dlg = new ConfirmDlg(SystemMessageId.RESSURECTION_REQUEST_BY_C1_FOR_S2_XP); dlg.addAnswerHandler(new AnswerHandler() { @Override public void handle(boolean answer) { reviveAnswer(answer, revivePower); } }); sendPacket(dlg.addPcName(reviver).addString("" + restoreExp)); } } public void reviveAnswer(boolean answer, double revivePower) { if (!(_reviveRequested && isDead() || _revivePetRequested && getPet() != null && getPet().isDead())) return; // If character refuses a PhoenixBless autoress, cancel all buffs he had if (!answer && isPhoenixBlessed() && isDead() && _reviveRequested) { stopPhoenixBlessing(true); stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(); } if (answer) { if (_reviveRequested) { if (revivePower != 0) doRevive(revivePower); else doRevive(); } else if (_revivePetRequested && getPet() != null) { if (revivePower != 0) getPet().doRevive(revivePower); else getPet().doRevive(); } } _reviveRequested = false; _revivePetRequested = false; } public boolean isReviveRequested() { return _reviveRequested; } public boolean isPetReviveRequested() { return _revivePetRequested; } public void removeReviving() { _reviveRequested = false; } public void removePetReviving() { _revivePetRequested = false; } public void onActionRequest() { setProtection(false); } /** * @param expertiseIndex The expertiseIndex to set. */ public void setExpertiseIndex(int expertiseIndex) { _expertiseIndex = expertiseIndex; } /** * @return Returns the expertiseIndex. */ public int getExpertiseIndex() { return _expertiseIndex; } @Override public boolean onTeleported() { if (!super.onTeleported()) return false; getKnownList().updateKnownObjects(); setProtection(true); // Trained beast is after teleport lost if (getTrainedBeast() != null) { getTrainedBeast().decayMe(); setTrainedBeast(null); } // Modify the position of the pet if necessary L2Summon pet = getPet(); if (pet != null) { pet.setFollowStatus(false); getPet().teleToLocation(getPosition().getX(), getPosition().getY(), getPosition().getZ(), false); ((L2SummonAI) getPet().getAI()).setStartFollowController(true); pet.setFollowStatus(true); getPet().broadcastFullInfoImpl(0); } sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); return true; } @Override public void setIsTeleporting(boolean teleport) { super.setIsTeleporting(teleport); if (teleport) { if (Config.TELEPORT_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT > 0 && _teleportWatchdog == null) _teleportWatchdog = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new TeleportWatchdog(), Config.TELEPORT_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT * 1000); } else if (_teleportWatchdog != null) { _teleportWatchdog.cancel(false); _teleportWatchdog = null; } } private class TeleportWatchdog implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { if (!isTeleporting() || getOnlineState() == L2Player.ONLINE_STATE_DELETED) return; if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("Player " + getName() + " teleport timeout expired"); onTeleported(); } } public void teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType teleportWhere) { teleToLocation(MapRegionManager.getInstance().getTeleToLocation(this, teleportWhere), true); } @Override public void addExpAndSp(long addToExp, int addToSp) { getStat().addExpAndSp(addToExp, addToSp, false); } public void addExpAndSp(long addToExp, int addToSp, boolean useVitality) { getStat().addExpAndSp(addToExp, addToSp, useVitality); } public void removeExpAndSp(long removeExp, int removeSp) { getStat().removeExpAndSp(removeExp, removeSp); } public void removeExpAndSp(long removeExp, int removeSp, boolean sendMessage) { getStat().removeExpAndSp(removeExp, removeSp, sendMessage); } /** * Function is used in the PLAYER, calls snoop for all GMs listening to this player speak. * * @param channel - msg channel of the snooped player * @param name - name of snooped player * @param text - the msg the snooped player sent/received */ public void broadcastSnoop(SystemChatChannelId channel, String name, String text) { if (_snoopers.length == 0) return; final Snoop sn = new Snoop(this, channel, name, text); for (L2Player snooper : _snoopers) snooper.sendPacket(sn); } /** * Adds a spy ^^ GM to the player listener. * * @param pci - GM char that listens to the conversation */ public void addSnooper(L2Player snooper) { if (!ArrayUtils.contains(_snoopers, snooper)) _snoopers = ArrayUtils.add(_snoopers, snooper); } public void removeSnooper(L2Player snooper) { _snoopers = ArrayUtils.removeElement(_snoopers, snooper); } public void removeSnooped(L2Player snooped) { _snoopedPlayers = ArrayUtils.removeElement(_snoopedPlayers, snooped); } /** * Adds a player to the GM queue for being listened. * @param pci - player we listen to */ public void addSnooped(L2Player snooped) { if (!ArrayUtils.contains(_snoopedPlayers, snooped)) { _snoopedPlayers = ArrayUtils.add(_snoopedPlayers, snooped); sendPacket(new Snoop(snooped, SystemChatChannelId.Chat_Normal, "", "*** Starting snooping of player " + snooped.getName() + " ***")); } } public synchronized void buildBypassCache(final Replaceable replaceable) { if (_validBypass != null) _validBypass.clear(); if (_validBypass2 != null) _validBypass2.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < replaceable.length(); i++) { int start = replaceable.indexOf("bypass -h", i); int finish = replaceable.indexOf("\"", start); if (start < 0 || finish < 0) break; start += 10; i = start; int finish2 = replaceable.indexOf("$", start); if (0 < finish2 && finish2 < finish) { if (_validBypass2 == null) _validBypass2 = new ArrayList<String>(); _validBypass2.add(replaceable.substring(start, finish2).trim()); } else { if (_validBypass == null) _validBypass = new ArrayList<String>(); _validBypass.add(replaceable.substring(start, finish).trim()); } } } public synchronized void validateBypass(String cmd) throws InvalidPacketException { if (_validBypass != null) for (String bp : _validBypass) if (bp != null && cmd.equals(bp)) return; if (_validBypass2 != null) for (String bp : _validBypass2) if (bp != null && cmd.startsWith(bp)) return; throw new InvalidPacketException("[" + this + "] sent invalid bypass '" + cmd + "'!"); } /** * Performs following tests:<br> * <li> Inventory contains item * <li> Item owner id == this.owner id * <li> It isnt pet control item while mounting pet or pet summoned * <li> It isnt active enchant item * <li> It isnt cursed weapon/item * <li> It isnt wear item * <br> * * @param objectId item object id * @param action just for logging * @return */ public boolean validateItemManipulation(int objectId, String action) { L2ItemInstance item = getInventory().getItemByObjectId(objectId); if (item == null || item.getOwnerId() != getObjectId()) { _log.debug(getObjectId() + ": player tried to " + action + " item he is not owner of"); return false; } // Pet is summoned and not the item that summoned the pet AND not the buggle from strider you're mounting if (getPet() != null && getPet().getControlItemId() == objectId || getMountObjectID() == objectId) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug(getObjectId() + ": player tried to " + action + " item controling pet"); return false; } if (getActiveEnchantItem() != null && getActiveEnchantItem().getObjectId() == objectId) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug(getObjectId() + ":player tried to " + action + " an enchant scroll he was using"); return false; } if (CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().isCursed(item.getItemId())) { // Cannot trade a cursed weapon return false; } return !item.isWear(); } /** * @return Returns the inBoat. */ public boolean isInBoat() { return getBoat() != null; } /** * @return */ public L2BoatInstance getBoat() { return _boat; } /** * @param boat */ public void setBoat(L2BoatInstance boat) { _boat = boat; } /** * @return Returns the inAirShip. */ public boolean isInAirShip() { return getAirShip() != null; } /** * @return */ public L2AirShipInstance getAirShip() { return _airShip; } /** * @param airShip */ public void setAirShip(L2AirShipInstance airShip) { _airShip = airShip; } public void setInCrystallize(boolean inCrystallize) { _inCrystallize = inCrystallize; } public boolean isInCrystallize() { return _inCrystallize; } /** * @return */ public Point3D getInBoatPosition() { return _inBoatPosition; } public void setInBoatPosition(Point3D pt) { _inBoatPosition = pt; } /** * @return */ public Point3D getInAirShipPosition() { return _inAirShipPosition; } public void setInAirShipPosition(Point3D pt) { _inAirShipPosition = pt; } /** * Manage the delete task of a L2Player (Leave Party, Unsummon pet, Save its inventory in the database, Remove it from the world...).<BR><BR> * * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR><BR> * <li>If the L2Player is in observer mode, set its position to its position before entering in observer mode </li> * <li>Set the online Flag to True or False and update the characters table of the database with online status and lastAccess </li> * <li>Stop the HP/MP/CP Regeneration task </li> * <li>Cancel Crafting, Attak or Cast </li> * <li>Remove the L2Player from the world </li> * <li>Stop Party and Unsummon Pet </li> * <li>Update database with items in its inventory and remove them from the world </li> * <li>Remove all L2Object from _knownObjects and _knownPlayer of the L2Creature then cancel Attak or Cast and notify AI </li> * <li>Close the connection with the client </li><BR><BR> * */ public void deleteMe() { final HashSet<L2Zone> before = getZonesPlayerIn(); if (getOnlineState() == ONLINE_STATE_DELETED) return; // Pause restrictions ObjectRestrictions.getInstance().pauseTasks(getObjectId()); abortCast(); abortAttack(); try { if (isFlying()) removeSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4289, 1)); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } try { L2ItemInstance flag = getInventory().getItemByItemId(9819); if (flag != null) { Fort fort = FortManager.getInstance().getFort(this); if (fort != null) FortSiegeManager.getInstance().dropCombatFlag(this); else { int slot = flag.getItem().getBodyPart(); getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(slot); destroyItem("CombatFlag", flag, null, true); } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } // If the L2Player has Pet, unsummon it if (getPet() != null) { try { getPet().unSummon(this); // dead pet wasnt unsummoned, broadcast npcinfo changes (pet will be without owner name - means owner offline) if (getPet() != null) getPet().broadcastFullInfoImpl(0); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } // Return pet to the control item } // Cancel trade if (getActiveRequester() != null) { getActiveRequester().onTradeCancel(this); onTradeCancel(getActiveRequester()); cancelActiveTrade(); setActiveRequester(null); } // Check if the L2Player is in observer mode to set its position to its position before entering in observer mode if (inObserverMode()) getPosition().setXYZ(_obsX, _obsY, _obsZ); else if (isInAirShip()) getAirShip().oustPlayer(this); Castle castle = null; if (getClan() != null) { castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleByOwner(getClan()); if (castle != null) castle.destroyClanGate(); } // Set the online Flag to True or False and update the characters table of the database with online status and lastAccess (called when login and logout) try { setOnlineStatus(false); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } // Stop the HP/MP/CP Regeneration task (scheduled tasks) try { stopAllTimers(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } GlobalRestrictions.playerDisconnected(this); try { setIsTeleporting(false); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } // Stop crafting, if in progress try { RecipeTable.getInstance().requestMakeItemAbort(this); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } try { setTarget(null); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } if (_throne != null) _throne.setOccupier(null); _throne = null; try { if (_fusionSkill != null) { abortCast(); } for (L2Creature character : getKnownList().getKnownCharacters()) if (character.getFusionSkill() != null && character.getFusionSkill().getTarget() == this) character.abortCast(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } getEffects().stopAllEffects(true); // Remove from world regions zones L2WorldRegion oldRegion = getWorldRegion(); // Remove the L2Player from the world if (isVisible()) { try { decayMe(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } } if (oldRegion != null) oldRegion.removeFromZones(this); // If a Party is in progress, leave it (and festival party) if (isInParty()) { try { // If player is festival participant and it is in progress // notify party members that the player is not longer a participant. if (isFestivalParticipant() && SevenSignsFestival.getInstance().isFestivalInitialized()) { getParty().broadcastToPartyMembers( SystemMessage.sendString(getName() + " has been removed from the upcoming festival.")); } leaveParty(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } } else // if in party, already taken care of { L2PartyRoom room = getPartyRoom(); if (room != null) room.removeMember(this, false); } PartyRoomManager.getInstance().removeFromWaitingList(this); if (getClanId() != 0 && getClan() != null) { // Set the status for pledge member list to OFFLINE try { L2ClanMember clanMember = getClan().getClanMember(getName()); if (clanMember != null) clanMember.setPlayerInstance(null); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } } if (getActiveRequester() != null) { // Deals with sudden exit in the middle of transaction setActiveRequester(null); } // If the L2Player is a GM, remove it from the GM List if (isGM()) { try { GmListTable.deleteGm(this); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } } // remove player from instance and set spawn location if any try { if (isInInstance()) { final Instance inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(getInstanceId()); if (inst != null) { inst.removePlayer(getObjectId()); final Location spawn = inst.getSpawnLoc(); if (spawn != null) { final int x = spawn.getX() + Rnd.get(-30, 30); final int y = spawn.getY() + Rnd.get(-30, 30); getPosition().setXYZ(x, y, spawn.getZ()); if (getPet() != null) // dead pet { getPet().teleToLocation(x, y, spawn.getZ()); // ??? unset pet's instance id, but not players getPet().decayMe(); getPet().spawnMe(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } // Update database with items in its inventory and remove them from the world try { getInventory().deleteMe(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } // Update database with items in its warehouse and remove them from the world try { clearWarehouse(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } if (Config.WAREHOUSE_CACHE) WarehouseCacheManager.getInstance().remove(this); // Update database with items in its freight and remove them from the world try { clearFreight(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } try { clearDepositedFreight(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } // Remove all L2Object from _knownObjects and _knownPlayer of the L2Creature then cancel Attak or Cast and notify AI try { getKnownList().removeAllKnownObjects(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } untransform(); if (getClanId() > 0) getClan().broadcastToOtherOnlineMembers(new PledgeShowMemberListUpdate(this), this); if (_snoopedPlayers.length > 0) { for (L2Player snooped : _snoopedPlayers) snooped.removeSnooper(this); _snoopedPlayers = L2Player.EMPTY_ARRAY; } if (_snoopers.length > 0) { broadcastSnoop(SystemChatChannelId.Chat_Normal, "", "*** Player " + getName() + " logged off ***"); for (L2Player snooper : _snoopers) snooper.removeSnooped(this); _snoopers = L2Player.EMPTY_ARRAY; } for (Integer objId : getFriendList().getFriendIds()) { L2Player friend = L2World.getInstance().findPlayer(objId); if (friend != null) { friend.sendPacket(new FriendList(friend)); friend.sendMessage("Friend: " + getName() + " has logged off."); } } MovementController.getInstance().remove(this); // Remove L2Object object from _allObjects of L2World, if still in it L2World.getInstance().removeObject(this); try { // To delete the player from L2World on crit during teleport ;) setIsTeleporting(false); L2World.getInstance().removeOnlinePlayer(this); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.fatal("deleteMe()", e); } RegionBBSManager.changeCommunityBoard(this, PlayerStateOnCommunity.NONE); //getClearableReference().clear(); LeakTaskManager.getInstance().add(this); SQLQueue.getInstance().run(); final HashSet<L2Zone> after = getZonesPlayerIn(); if (!after.isEmpty()) { _log.warn("Leaking zones before L2Player.deleteMe(): " + before.toString()); _log.warn("Leaking zones after L2Player.deleteMe(): " + after.toString()); } } private HashSet<L2Zone> getZonesPlayerIn() { final HashSet<L2Zone> set = new HashSet<L2Zone>(); for (L2Zone[] zones : ZoneManager.getInstance().getZones()) if (zones != null) for (L2Zone zone : zones) if (zone.getCharactersInside().contains(this)) set.add(zone); return set; } public boolean canLogout() { return canLogout(false); } public boolean canLogout(boolean restart) { if (!isGM() || !Config.GM_RESTART_FIGHTING) { if (AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().getAttackStanceTask(this)) { if (restart) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANT_RESTART_WHILE_FIGHTING); else sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANT_LOGOUT_WHILE_FIGHTING); return false; } } if (isFlying()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANNOT_DO_WHILE_MOUNTED); return false; } L2Summon summon = getPet(); if (summon != null && summon instanceof L2PetInstance && !summon.isBetrayed() && summon.isAttackingNow()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.PET_CANNOT_SENT_BACK_DURING_BATTLE); return false; } if (isInFunEvent()) { sendMessage("A superior power doesn't allow you to leave the event."); return false; } // Prevent player from restarting if they are a festival participant if (isFestivalParticipant() /* && SevenSignsFestival.getInstance().isFestivalInitialized()*/) { sendMessage("You can't logout while you are a participant in a festival."); return false; } if (getPrivateStoreType() != 0) { sendMessage("You can't logout while trading."); return false; } if (getActiveEnchantItem() != null || getActiveEnchantAttrItem() != null) return false; if (isLocked()) { sendMessage("You can't logout while changing class."); return false; } if (!isGM()) { if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_NOESCAPE)) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NO_LOGOUT_HERE); teleToLocation(TeleportWhereType.Town); } } return true; } private FishData _fish; public void startFishing(int x, int y, int z) { _fishx = x; _fishy = y; _fishz = z; stopMove(null); setIsImmobilized(true); _fishing = true; broadcastUserInfo(); // Start Fishing int lvl = getRandomFishLvl(); int group = getRandomGroup(); int type = getRandomFishType(group); List<FishData> fishs = FishTable.getInstance().getFish(lvl, type, group); if (fishs == null || fishs.size() == 0) { endFishing(false); return; } int check = Rnd.get(fishs.size()); _fish = fishs.get(check); fishs.clear(); fishs = null; sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CAST_LINE_AND_START_FISHING); ExFishingStart efs = null; efs = new ExFishingStart(this, _fish.getType(), x, y, z, _lure.isNightLure()); broadcastPacket(efs); startLookingForFishTask(); } public void stopLookingForFishTask() { if (_taskforfish != null) { _taskforfish.cancel(false); _taskforfish = null; } } public void startLookingForFishTask() { if (!isDead() && _taskforfish == null) { int checkDelay = 0; boolean isNoob = false; boolean isUpperGrade = false; if (_lure != null) { int lureid = _lure.getItemId(); isNoob = _fish.getGroup() == 0; isUpperGrade = _fish.getGroup() == 2; if (lureid == 6519 || lureid == 6522 || lureid == 6525 || lureid == 8505 || lureid == 8508 || lureid == 8511) // Low Grade checkDelay = Math.round((float) (_fish.getGutsCheckTime() * (1.33))); else if (lureid == 6520 || lureid == 6523 || lureid == 6526 || (lureid >= 8505 && lureid <= 8513) || (lureid >= 7610 && lureid <= 7613) || (lureid >= 7807 && lureid <= 7809) || (lureid >= 8484 && lureid <= 8486)) // Medium Grade, Beginner, Prize-Winning & Quest Special Bait checkDelay = Math.round((float) (_fish.getGutsCheckTime() * (1.00))); else if (lureid == 6521 || lureid == 6524 || lureid == 6527 || lureid == 8507 || lureid == 8510 || lureid == 8513) // High grade checkDelay = Math.round((float) (_fish.getGutsCheckTime() * (0.66))); } _taskforfish = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance() .scheduleEffectAtFixedRate(new LookingForFishTask(_fish.getWaitTime(), _fish.getFishGuts(), _fish.getType(), isNoob, isUpperGrade), 10000, checkDelay); } } private int getRandomGroup() { switch (_lure.getItemId()) { case 7807: // Green for Beginners case 7808: // Purple for Beginners case 7809: // Yellow for Beginners case 8486: // Prize-Winning for Beginners return 0; case 8485: // Prize-Winning Luminous case 8506: // Green Luminous case 8509: // Purple Luminous case 8512: // Yellow Luminous return 2; default: return 1; } } private int getRandomFishType(int group) { int check = Rnd.get(100); int type = 1; switch (group) { case 0: // Fish for Novices switch (_lure.getItemId()) { case 7807: // Green Lure, preferred by fast-moving (nimble) fish (type 5) if (check <= 54) type = 5; else if (check <= 77) type = 4; else type = 6; break; case 7808: // Purple Lure, preferred by fat fish (type 4) if (check <= 54) type = 4; else if (check <= 77) type = 6; else type = 5; break; case 7809: // Yellow Lure, preferred by ugly fish (type 6) if (check <= 54) type = 6; else if (check <= 77) type = 5; else type = 4; break; case 8486: // Prize-Winning Fishing Lure for Beginners if (check <= 33) type = 4; else if (check <= 66) type = 5; else type = 6; break; } break; case 1: // Normal Fish switch (_lure.getItemId()) { case 7610: case 7611: case 7612: case 7613: type = 3; break; case 6519: // All theese lures (green) are prefered by fast-moving (nimble) fish (type 1) case 8505: case 6520: case 6521: case 8507: if (check <= 54) type = 1; else if (check <= 74) type = 0; else if (check <= 94) type = 2; else type = 3; break; case 6522: // All theese lures (purple) are prefered by fat fish (type 0) case 8508: case 6523: case 6524: case 8510: if (check <= 54) type = 0; else if (check <= 74) type = 1; else if (check <= 94) type = 2; else type = 3; break; case 6525: // All theese lures (yellow) are prefered by ugly fish (type 2) case 8511: case 6526: case 6527: case 8513: if (check <= 55) type = 2; else if (check <= 74) type = 1; else if (check <= 94) type = 0; else type = 3; break; case 8484: // Prize-Winning Fishing Lure if (check <= 33) type = 0; else if (check <= 66) type = 1; else type = 2; break; } break; case 2: // Upper Grade Fish, Luminous Lure switch (_lure.getItemId()) { case 8506: // Green Lure, preferred by fast-moving (nimble) fish (type 8) if (check <= 54) type = 8; else if (check <= 77) type = 7; else type = 9; break; case 8509: // Purple Lure, preferred by fat fish (type 7) if (check <= 54) type = 7; else if (check <= 77) type = 9; else type = 8; break; case 8512: // Yellow Lure, preferred by ugly fish (type 9) if (check <= 54) type = 9; else if (check <= 77) type = 8; else type = 7; break; case 8485: // Prize-Winning Fishing Lure if (check <= 33) type = 7; else if (check <= 66) type = 8; else type = 9; break; } } return type; } private int getRandomFishLvl() { L2Effect[] effects = getAllEffects(); int skilllvl = getSkillLevel(1315); for (L2Effect e : effects) { if (e.getSkill().getId() == 2274) skilllvl = (int) e.getSkill().getPower(); } if (skilllvl <= 0) return 1; int randomlvl; int check = Rnd.get(100); if (check <= 50) { randomlvl = skilllvl; } else if (check <= 85) { randomlvl = skilllvl - 1; if (randomlvl <= 0) { randomlvl = 1; } } else { randomlvl = skilllvl + 1; if (randomlvl > 27) randomlvl = 27; } return randomlvl; } public void startFishCombat(boolean isNoob, boolean isUpperGrade) { _fishCombat = new L2Fishing(this, _fish, isNoob, isUpperGrade); } public void endFishing(boolean win) { ExFishingEnd efe = new ExFishingEnd(win, this); broadcastPacket(efe); _fishing = false; _fishx = 0; _fishy = 0; _fishz = 0; broadcastUserInfo(); if (_fishCombat == null) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.BAIT_LOST_FISH_GOT_AWAY); _fishCombat = null; _lure = null; // End Fishing sendPacket(SystemMessageId.REEL_LINE_AND_STOP_FISHING); setIsImmobilized(false); stopLookingForFishTask(); } public L2Fishing getFishCombat() { return _fishCombat; } public int getFishx() { return _fishx; } public int getFishy() { return _fishy; } public int getFishz() { return _fishz; } public void setLure(L2ItemInstance lure) { _lure = lure; } public L2ItemInstance getLure() { return _lure; } public int getInventoryLimit() { int ivlim; if (isGM()) { ivlim = Config.INVENTORY_MAXIMUM_GM; } else if (getRace() == Race.Dwarf) { ivlim = Config.INVENTORY_MAXIMUM_DWARF; } else { ivlim = Config.INVENTORY_MAXIMUM_NO_DWARF; } ivlim += (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.INV_LIM, 0, null, null); return ivlim; } public int getWareHouseLimit() { int whlim; if (getRace() == Race.Dwarf) { whlim = Config.WAREHOUSE_SLOTS_DWARF; } else { whlim = Config.WAREHOUSE_SLOTS_NO_DWARF; } whlim += (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.WH_LIM, 0, null, null); return whlim; } public int getPrivateSellStoreLimit() { int pslim; if (getRace() == Race.Dwarf) { pslim = Config.MAX_PVTSTORESELL_SLOTS_DWARF; } else { pslim = Config.MAX_PVTSTORESELL_SLOTS_OTHER; } pslim += (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.P_SELL_LIM, 0, null, null); return pslim; } public int getPrivateBuyStoreLimit() { int pblim; if (getRace() == Race.Dwarf) { pblim = Config.MAX_PVTSTOREBUY_SLOTS_DWARF; } else { pblim = Config.MAX_PVTSTOREBUY_SLOTS_OTHER; } pblim += (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.P_BUY_LIM, 0, null, null); return pblim; } public int getFreightLimit() { return Config.FREIGHT_SLOTS + (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.FREIGHT_LIM, 0, null, null); } public int getDwarfRecipeLimit() { int recdlim = Config.ALT_DWARF_RECIPE_LIMIT; recdlim += (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.REC_D_LIM, 0, null, null); return recdlim; } public int getCommonRecipeLimit() { int recclim = Config.ALT_COMMON_RECIPE_LIMIT; recclim += (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.REC_C_LIM, 0, null, null); return recclim; } /** * @return Returns the mountNpcId. */ public int getMountNpcId() { return _mountNpcId; } /** * @return Returns the mountLevel. */ public int getMountLevel() { return _mountLevel; } public void setMountObjectID(int newID) { _mountObjectID = newID; } public int getMountObjectID() { return _mountObjectID; } private L2ItemInstance _lure = null; public SkillUsageRequest getCurrentPetSkill() { final L2Summon pet = getPet(); return pet == null ? null : pet.getCurrentSkill(); } public boolean isMaried() { return _maried; } public void setMaried(boolean state) { _maried = state; } public void setMaryRequest(boolean state) { _maryrequest = state; } public boolean isMary() { return _maryrequest; } public void setMaryAccepted(boolean state) { _maryaccepted = state; } public boolean isMaryAccepted() { return _maryaccepted; } public int getPartnerId() { return _partnerId; } public void setPartnerId(int partnerid) { _partnerId = partnerid; } public int getCoupleId() { return _coupleId; } public void setCoupleId(int coupleId) { _coupleId = coupleId; } public void setClientRevision(int clientrev) { _clientRevision = clientrev; } public int getClientRevision() { return _clientRevision; } public boolean isInJail() { return _inJail; } public void setInJail(boolean state) { //setInJail(state, 0); _inJail = state; } public void setInJail(boolean state, int delayInMinutes) { _inJail = state; // Remove the task if any stopJailTask(false); if (_inJail) { if (delayInMinutes > 0) { _jailTimer = delayInMinutes * 60000L; // In millisec // Start the countdown _jailTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new JailTask(), _jailTimer); sendMessage("You are in jail for " + delayInMinutes + " minutes."); } // Open a Html message to inform the player NpcHtmlMessage htmlMsg = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); String jailInfos = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm("data/html/jail_in.htm"); if (jailInfos != null) htmlMsg.setHtml(jailInfos); else htmlMsg.setHtml("<html><body>You have been put in jail by an admin.</body></html>"); sendPacket(htmlMsg); if (isFlyingMounted()) untransform(); setInstanceId(0); setIsIn7sDungeon(false); teleToLocation(L2JailZone.JAIL_LOCATION, false); // Jail } else { // Open a Html message to inform the player NpcHtmlMessage htmlMsg = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); String jailInfos = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm("data/html/jail_out.htm"); if (jailInfos != null) htmlMsg.setHtml(jailInfos); else htmlMsg.setHtml("<html><body>You are free for now, respect server rules!</body></html>"); sendPacket(htmlMsg); teleToLocation(17836, 170178, -3507); // Floran } // Store in database storeCharBase(); RegionBBSManager.changeCommunityBoard(this, PlayerStateOnCommunity.IN_JAIL); } public long getJailTimer() { if (_jailTask != null) return _jailTask.getDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return _jailTimer; } public void setJailTimer(long time) { _jailTimer = time; } private void updateJailState() { if (isInJail()) { // If jail time is elapsed, free the player if (_jailTimer > 0) { // Restart the countdown _jailTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new JailTask(), _jailTimer); sendMessage("You are still in jail for " + Math.round(_jailTimer / 60000) + " minutes."); } // If player escaped, put him back in jail if (!isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_JAIL)) teleToLocation(L2JailZone.JAIL_LOCATION, false); } } public void stopJailTask(boolean save) { if (_jailTask != null) { if (save) { long delay = _jailTask.getDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (delay < 0) delay = 0; setJailTimer(delay); } _jailTask.cancel(false); _jailTask = null; } } /** * Return True if the L2Player is a ViP.<BR><BR> */ public boolean isCharViP() { return _charViP; } /** * Set the _charViP Flag of the L2Player.<BR><BR> */ public void setCharViP(boolean status) { _charViP = status; } private ScheduledFuture<?> _jailTask; private int _cursedWeaponEquippedId = 0; private boolean _combatFlagEquipped = false; private boolean _reviveRequested = false; private boolean _revivePetRequested = false; private double _cpUpdateIncCheck = .0; private double _cpUpdateDecCheck = .0; private double _cpUpdateInterval = .0; private double _mpUpdateIncCheck = .0; private double _mpUpdateDecCheck = .0; private double _mpUpdateInterval = .0; private class JailTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { setInJail(false, 0); } } public void restoreHPMP() { getStatus().setCurrentHpMp(getMaxHp(), getMaxMp()); } public boolean isCursedWeaponEquipped() { return _cursedWeaponEquippedId != 0; } public void setCursedWeaponEquippedId(int value) { _cursedWeaponEquippedId = value; RegionBBSManager.changeCommunityBoard(this, PlayerStateOnCommunity.CURSED_WEAPON_OWNER); } public int getCursedWeaponEquippedId() { return _cursedWeaponEquippedId; } public boolean isCombatFlagEquipped() { return _combatFlagEquipped; } public void setCombatFlagEquipped(boolean value) { _combatFlagEquipped = value; } public void setNPCFaction(FactionMember fm) { _faction = fm; } public FactionMember getNPCFaction() { return _faction; } public boolean removeNPCFactionPoints(int factionPoints) { if (_faction != null) { if (_faction.getFactionPoints() < factionPoints) return false; _faction.reduceFactionPoints(factionPoints); return true; } return false; } public int getNPCFactionPoints() { return _faction.getFactionPoints(); } public int getSide() { return _faction.getSide(); } public void quitNPCFaction() { if (_faction != null) { _faction.quitFaction(); _faction = null; } } public boolean getCharmOfCourage() { return _charmOfCourage; } public void setCharmOfCourage(boolean val) { _charmOfCourage = val; sendEtcStatusUpdate(); } /** Return True if the L2Creature is riding. */ public final boolean isRidingStrider() { return _isRidingStrider; } public final boolean isRidingRedStrider() { return _isRidingRedStrider; } public final boolean isRidingHorse() { return _isRidingHorse; } /** Set the L2Creature riding mode to True. */ public final void setIsRidingStrider(boolean mode) { _isRidingStrider = mode; } public final void setIsRidingRedStrider(boolean mode) { _isRidingRedStrider = mode; } public final void setIsRidingHorse(boolean mode) { _isRidingHorse = mode; } public int getCharges() { return _charges; } private static final int[] CHARGE_SKILLS = { 570, 8, 50 }; // Transformation skill is checked first public L2Skill getChargeSkill() { for (int id : L2Player.CHARGE_SKILLS) { L2Skill skill = getKnownSkill(id); if (skill != null && skill.getMaxCharges() > 0) { return skill; } } return null; } public void increaseCharges(int count, int max) { if (count <= 0) // Wrong usage return; // Checking charges maximum if (_charges >= max) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.FORCE_MAXLEVEL_REACHED); return; } // Increase charges setCharges(Math.min(_charges + count, max)); SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.FORCE_INCREASED_TO_S1); sm.addNumber(_charges); sendPacket(sm); } public void increaseChargesBySkill(L2Skill skill) { if (skill.getGiveCharges() > 0) increaseCharges(skill.getGiveCharges(), skill.getMaxCharges()); } private void setCharges(int charges) { _charges = Math.max(0, charges); sendEtcStatusUpdate(); if (_charges == 0) stopChargeTask(); else restartChargeTask(); } public void decreaseCharges(int count) { if (count < 0) // Wrong usage return; setCharges(_charges - count); } public class ChargeTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { clearCharges(); } } /** * Clear out all charges from this L2Player */ public void clearCharges() { setCharges(0); } /** * Starts/Restarts the SoulTask to Clear Charges after 10 Mins. */ private void restartChargeTask() { if (_chargeTask != null) { _chargeTask.cancel(false); _chargeTask = null; } _chargeTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new ChargeTask(), 600000); } /** * Stops the Clearing Task. */ public void stopChargeTask() { if (_chargeTask != null) { _chargeTask.cancel(false); _chargeTask = null; } } /** * Returns the Number of Souls this L2Player got. * * @return */ public int getSouls() { return _souls; } public int getLastSoulConsume() { return _lastSoulConsume; } public void resetLastSoulConsume() { _lastSoulConsume = 0; } /** * Absorbs a Soul from a Npc. * * @param skill * @param target */ public void absorbSoulFromNpc(L2Skill soulMastery, L2Creature target) { if (_souls >= soulMastery.getNumSouls()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.SOUL_CANNOT_BE_INCREASED_ANYMORE); return; } increaseSouls(1); // Npc -> Player absorb animation if (target != null) broadcastPacket(new ExSpawnEmitter(getObjectId(), target.getObjectId()), 500); } /** * Increase Souls * * @param count */ private void increaseSouls(int count) // By skill or mob kill { setSouls(_souls + count); SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOUR_SOUL_HAS_INCREASED_BY_S1_SO_IT_IS_NOW_AT_S2); sm.addNumber(count); sm.addNumber(_souls); sendPacket(sm); } public void increaseSoulsBySkill(L2Skill skill) { if (skill.getNumSouls() == 0) return; final L2Skill soulmastery = getKnownSkill(L2Skill.SKILL_SOUL_MASTERY); if (soulmastery == null) return; if (_souls >= soulmastery.getNumSouls()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.SOUL_CANNOT_BE_INCREASED_ANYMORE); return; } increaseSouls(Math.min(skill.getNumSouls(), soulmastery.getNumSouls() - getSouls())); } /** * Decreases existing Souls. * * @param skill */ public void decreaseSouls(L2Skill skill) { if (_souls == 0) return; // Calculation part int souls = _souls; if (skill.getSoulConsumeCount() > 0) { souls -= skill.getSoulConsumeCount(); } else if (skill.getMaxSoulConsumeCount() > 0) { int consume = Math.min(_souls, skill.getMaxSoulConsumeCount()); souls -= consume; _lastSoulConsume = consume; // Store for PDAM/MDAM boosting } setSouls(souls); } public void setSouls(int count) { _souls = L2Math.limit(0, count, 45); // Client can't display more if (_souls > 0) restartSoulTask(); else stopSoulTask(); sendEtcStatusUpdate(); } private class SoulTask implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { clearSouls(); } } /** * Clear out all Souls from this L2Player */ public void clearSouls() { setSouls(0); } /** * Starts/Restarts the SoulTask to Clear Souls after 10 Mins. */ private void restartSoulTask() { if (_soulTask != null) { _soulTask.cancel(false); _soulTask = null; } _soulTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new SoulTask(), 600000); } /** * Stops the Clearing Task. */ public void stopSoulTask() { if (_soulTask != null) { _soulTask.cancel(false); _soulTask = null; } } public void startFameTask(long delay, int fameFixRate) { if (getLevel() < 40 || getClassId().level() < 2) return; if (_fameTask == null) _fameTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new FameTask(fameFixRate), delay, delay); } public void stopFameTask() { if (_fameTask != null) { _fameTask.cancel(false); _fameTask = null; } } public class FameTask implements Runnable { protected int _value; protected FameTask(int value) { _value = value; } @Override public void run() { if (isDead() && !Config.ALT_FAME_FOR_DEAD_PLAYERS) return; setFame(getFame() + _value); SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ACQUIRED_S1_REPUTATION_SCORE); sm.addNumber(_value); sendPacket(sm); sendPacket(new UserInfo(L2Player.this)); } } private L2Effect _shortBuff; public void startShortBuffStatusUpdate(L2Effect effect) { if (ShortBuffStatusUpdate.getPriority(_shortBuff) > ShortBuffStatusUpdate.getPriority(effect)) return; _shortBuff = effect; sendPacket( new ShortBuffStatusUpdate(effect.getId(), effect.getLevel(), (int) effect.getRemainingTaskTime())); } public void stopShortBuffStatusUpdate(L2Effect effect) { if (_shortBuff != effect) return; _shortBuff = null; sendPacket(new ShortBuffStatusUpdate(0, 0, 0)); } public int getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel() { return _deathPenaltyBuffLevel; } public void setDeathPenaltyBuffLevel(int level) { _deathPenaltyBuffLevel = level; } public void calculateDeathPenaltyBuffLevel(L2Creature killer) { if (Config.DEATH_PENALTY_CHANCE < 1) return; if (!(killer instanceof L2Playable) && !isGM() && !(getCharmOfLuck() && killer.isRaid()) && !isPhoenixBlessed() && !isInFunEvent() && (getKarma() > 0 || Rnd.get(100) < Config.DEATH_PENALTY_CHANCE)) increaseDeathPenaltyBuffLevel(); } public void increaseDeathPenaltyBuffLevel() { if (getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel() >= 15) // Maximum level reached return; if (getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel() != 0) { L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5076, getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel()); if (skill != null) removeSkill(skill, true); } _deathPenaltyBuffLevel++; addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5076, getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel()), false); sendEtcStatusUpdate(); SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.DEATH_PENALTY_LEVEL_S1_ADDED); sm.addNumber(getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel()); sendPacket(sm); } public void reduceDeathPenaltyBuffLevel() { if (getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel() <= 0) return; L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5076, getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel()); if (skill != null) removeSkill(skill, true); _deathPenaltyBuffLevel--; if (getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel() > 0) { addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5076, getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel()), false); SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.DEATH_PENALTY_LEVEL_S1_ADDED); sm.addNumber(getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel()); sendPacket(sm); } else { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.DEATH_PENALTY_LIFTED); } sendEtcStatusUpdate(); } public void restoreDeathPenaltyBuffLevel() { L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5076, getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel()); if (skill != null) removeSkill(skill, true); if (getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel() > 0) { addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(5076, getDeathPenaltyBuffLevel()), false); } } private boolean _canFeed; private final Map<Integer, TimeStamp> _reuseTimeStamps = new FastMap<Integer, TimeStamp>().setShared(true); public Map<Integer, TimeStamp> getReuseTimeStamps() { return _reuseTimeStamps; } public void sendSkillCoolTime() { addPacketBroadcastMask(BroadcastMode.SEND_SKILL_COOL_TIME); } public void sendSkillCoolTimeImpl() { sendPacket(SkillCoolTime.STATIC_PACKET); } /** * Simple class containing all neccessary information to maintain * valid timestamps and reuse for skills upon relog. Filter this * carefully as it becomes redundant to store reuse for small delays. * @author Yesod */ public static final class TimeStamp { private final int _skillId; private final int _reuseDelay; private final long _expiration; public TimeStamp(int skillId, int reuseDelay, int remaining) { _skillId = skillId; _reuseDelay = reuseDelay; _expiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + remaining; } public long getExpiration() { return _expiration; } public int getSkillId() { return _skillId; } public int getReuseDelay() { return _reuseDelay; } public int getRemaining() { return L2Math.limit(0, _expiration - System.currentTimeMillis(), Integer.MAX_VALUE); } } public void disableSkill(TimeStamp ts) { disableSkill(ts.getSkillId(), ts.getReuseDelay(), ts.getRemaining()); } public boolean disableSkill(int skillId, int delay, int remaining) { if (!super.disableSkill(skillId, remaining)) return false; //if (remaining < 10000) // return true; final TimeStamp ts = getReuseTimeStamps().put(skillId, new TimeStamp(skillId, delay, remaining)); final SkillUsageRequest request = getCurrentSkill(); if (ts == null || Math.abs(ts.getReuseDelay() - delay) > 500 || Math.abs(ts.getRemaining() - remaining) > 500) if (request == null || request.getSkillId() != skillId) sendSkillCoolTime(); return true; } @Override public boolean disableSkill(int skillId, int delay) { return disableSkill(skillId, delay, delay); } @Override public void enableSkill(int skillId) { super.enableSkill(skillId); final TimeStamp ts = getReuseTimeStamps().remove(skillId); if (ts != null && ts.getRemaining() > 500) sendSkillCoolTime(); } public boolean isKamaelic() { return getRace() == Race.Kamael; } public boolean canOpenPrivateStore() { return !isAlikeDead() && !isInOlympiadMode() && !isMounted(); } public void tryOpenPrivateBuyStore() { // Player shouldn't be able to set stores if he/she is alike dead (dead or fake death) if (canOpenPrivateStore()) { if (getPrivateStoreType() == L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_BUY || getPrivateStoreType() == L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_BUY + 1) { setPrivateStoreType(L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE); } else if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_NOSTORE)) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NO_PRIVATE_STORE_HERE); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } if (getPrivateStoreType() == L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) { if (isSitting()) { this.standUp(); } setPrivateStoreType(L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_BUY + 1); this.sendPacket(new PrivateStoreManageListBuy(this)); } } else { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); } } public void tryOpenPrivateSellStore(boolean isPackageSale) { // Player shouldn't be able to set stores if he/she is alike dead (dead or fake death) if (canOpenPrivateStore()) { if (getPrivateStoreType() == L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_SELL || getPrivateStoreType() == L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_SELL + 1 || getPrivateStoreType() == L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_PACKAGE_SELL) { setPrivateStoreType(L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE); } else if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_NOSTORE)) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NO_PRIVATE_STORE_HERE); sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } if (getPrivateStoreType() == L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) { if (isSitting()) { this.standUp(); } setPrivateStoreType(L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_SELL + 1); this.sendPacket(new PrivateStoreManageListSell(this, isPackageSale)); } } else { sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); } } public boolean isTransformed() { return _transformation != null && !_transformation.isStance(); } public boolean isInStance() { return _transformation != null && _transformation.isStance(); } public void transform(L2Transformation transformation) { if (_transformation != null) { // You already polymorphed and cannot polymorph again. sendPacket(SystemMessageId.YOU_ALREADY_POLYMORPHED_AND_CANNOT_POLYMORPH_AGAIN); return; } if (isMounted()) { // Get off the strider or something else if character is mounted dismount(); } if (getPet() != null) { // Unsummon pets getPet().unSummon(this); } _transformation = transformation; for (L2Effect e : getAllEffects()) { if (e != null && e.getSkill().isToggle()) e.exit(); } transformation.onTransform(this); sendSkillList(); sendSkillCoolTime(); ExBasicActionList.sendTo(this); broadcastUserInfo(); } public void untransform() { if (_transformation != null) { _transformAllowedSkills.clear(); _transformation.onUntransform(this); _transformation = null; stopEffects(L2EffectType.TRANSFORMATION); broadcastUserInfo(); ExBasicActionList.sendTo(this); sendSkillList(); sendSkillCoolTime(); } } public L2Transformation getTransformation() { return _transformation; } /** * This returns the transformation Id of the current transformation. * For example, if a player is transformed as a Buffalo, and then picks up the Zariche, * the transform Id returned will be that of the Zariche, and NOT the Buffalo. * @return Transformation Id */ public int getTransformationId() { L2Transformation transformation = getTransformation(); if (transformation == null) return 0; return transformation.getId(); } /** * This returns the transformation Id stored inside the character table, selected by the method: transformSelectInfo() * For example, if a player is transformed as a Buffalo, and then picks up the Zariche, * the transform Id returned will be that of the Buffalo, and NOT the Zariche. * @return Transformation Id */ public int transformId() { return _transformationId; } /** * This is a simple query that inserts the transform Id into the character table for future reference. */ public void transformInsertInfo() { if (getTransformationId() == L2Transformation.TRANSFORM_AKAMANAH || getTransformationId() == L2Transformation.TRANSFORM_ZARICHE) return; _transformationId = getTransformationId(); Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_CHAR_TRANSFORM); statement.setInt(1, _transformationId); statement.setInt(2, getObjectId()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("Transformation insert info: " + e, e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } /** * This selects the current * @return transformation Id */ public int transformSelectInfo() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(SELECT_CHAR_TRANSFORM); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); if ( _transformationId = rset.getInt("transform_id"); rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("Transformation select info error:" + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } return _transformationId; } /** * * @param npcId */ public void setAgathionId(int npcId) { _agathionId = npcId; } /** * * @return */ public int getAgathionId() { return _agathionId; } private void startVitalityTask() { if (Config.ENABLE_VITALITY && _vitalityTask == null) { _vitalityTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new VitalityTask(this), 1000, 60000); } } private void stopVitalityTask() { if (_vitalityTask != null) { _vitalityTask.cancel(true); _vitalityTask = null; } } public int getVitalityPoints() { return getStat().getVitalityPoints(); } public void setVitalityPoints(int points, boolean quiet) { getStat().setVitalityPoints(points, quiet); } public synchronized void updateVitalityPoints(float points, boolean useRates, boolean quiet) { getStat().updateVitalityPoints(points, useRates, quiet); } public L2StaticObjectInstance getObjectSittingOn() { return _throne; } public void setObjectSittingOn(L2StaticObjectInstance throne) { //prevent misuse if (throne == null) resetThrone(); else _throne = throne; } public void resetThrone() { if (_throne == null) return; _throne.setOccupier(null); _throne = null; } public int getOlympiadOpponentId() { return _olympiadOpponentId; } public void setOlympiadOpponentId(int value) { _olympiadOpponentId = value; } private ImmutableReference<L2Player> _immutableReference; private ClearableReference<L2Player> _clearableReference; public ImmutableReference<L2Player> getImmutableReference() { if (_immutableReference == null) _immutableReference = new ImmutableReference<L2Player>(this); return _immutableReference; } public ClearableReference<L2Player> getClearableReference() { if (_clearableReference == null) _clearableReference = new ClearableReference<L2Player>(this); return _clearableReference; } @Override public final L2Player getActingPlayer() { return this; } @Override public final L2Summon getActingSummon() { return getPet(); } /** * Set the Fame of this L2PcInstane <BR><BR> * @param fame */ public void setFame(int fame) { if (fame > Config.MAX_PERSONAL_FAME_POINTS) _fame = Config.MAX_PERSONAL_FAME_POINTS; else _fame = fame; } /** * Return the Fame of this L2Player <BR><BR> * @return */ public int getFame() { return _fame; } private ScheduledFuture<?> _autoSaveTask; private void startAutoSaveTask() { if (_autoSaveTask == null && Config.CHAR_STORE_INTERVAL > 0) _autoSaveTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(new AutoSave(), 300000); } private void stopAutoSaveTask() { if (_autoSaveTask != null) { _autoSaveTask.cancel(false); _autoSaveTask = null; } } private final class AutoSave implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { long period = Config.CHAR_STORE_INTERVAL * 60000L; long delay = _lastStore + period - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (delay <= 0) { try { store(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.fatal("", e); } delay = period; } if (Config.CHAR_STORE_INTERVAL > 0) _autoSaveTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(this, delay); } } public void checkItemRestriction() { for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.PAPERDOLL_TOTALSLOTS; i++) { L2ItemInstance equippedItem = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(i); if (equippedItem != null && !equippedItem.getItem().checkCondition(this, false)) { getInventory().unEquipItemInSlotAndRecord(i); if (equippedItem.isWear()) continue; SystemMessage sm = null; if (equippedItem.getItem().getBodyPart() == L2Item.SLOT_BACK) sm = SystemMessageId.CLOAK_REMOVED_BECAUSE_ARMOR_SET_REMOVED.getSystemMessage(); else if (equippedItem.getEnchantLevel() > 0) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EQUIPMENT_S1_S2_REMOVED); sm.addNumber(equippedItem.getEnchantLevel()); sm.addItemName(equippedItem); } else { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DISARMED); sm.addItemName(equippedItem); } sendPacket(sm); } } } @Override public void setName(String name) { super.setName(name); CharNameTable.getInstance().update(getObjectId(), getAccountName(), getName()); } // ========================================================================================= // Condition listeners // TODO: wrapper conditions - ConditionLogicAnd, ConditionLogicOr, etc // TODO: make it more similar to conventional java listeners // TODO: add every listener which makes sense - currently listens for hp percent and game time only public enum ConditionListenerDependency { PLAYER_HP, GAME_TIME,; } private abstract class ConditionListener { private final Map<Func, Boolean> _values = new LazyFastMap<Func, Boolean>().setShared(); private final Env _env; protected ConditionListener() { _env = new Env(); _env.player = L2Player.this; } protected void refresh(ConditionListenerDependency dependency) { for (Entry<Func, Boolean> entry : _values.entrySet()) { boolean newValue = entry.getKey().isAllowed(_env); boolean oldValue = entry.setValue(newValue); if (newValue != oldValue) onChange(entry.getKey(), newValue); } } protected void onChange(Func f, boolean newValue) { sendMessage(f.funcOwner.getFuncOwnerName() + (newValue ? " activated." : " deactivated.")); } protected void onFuncAddition(Func f) { final boolean newValue = f.isAllowed(_env); _values.put(f, newValue); if (newValue) onChange(f, true); } protected void onFuncRemoval(Func f) { _values.remove(f); } } private final class ConditionPlayerHpListener extends ConditionListener { @Override protected void onFuncAddition(Func f) { if (f.condition instanceof ConditionPlayerHp) super.onFuncAddition(f); } @Override protected void refresh(ConditionListenerDependency dependency) { if (dependency == ConditionListenerDependency.PLAYER_HP) super.refresh(dependency); } @Override protected void onChange(Func f, boolean newValue) { final SystemMessage sm; if (newValue) sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_HP_DECREASED_EFFECT_APPLIES); else sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_HP_DECREASED_EFFECT_DISAPPEARS); if (f.funcOwner.getFuncOwnerSkill() != null) sm.addSkillName(f.funcOwner.getFuncOwnerSkill()); else sm.addString(f.funcOwner.getFuncOwnerName()); sendPacket(sm); broadcastUserInfo(); } } private final class ConditionGameTimeListener extends ConditionListener { @Override protected void onFuncAddition(Func f) { if (f.condition instanceof ConditionGameTime) super.onFuncAddition(f); } @Override protected void refresh(ConditionListenerDependency dependency) { if (dependency == ConditionListenerDependency.GAME_TIME) super.refresh(dependency); } @Override protected void onChange(Func f, boolean newValue) { final SystemMessage sm; if (newValue) sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_NIGHT_EFFECT_APPLIES); else sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_NIGHT_EFFECT_DISAPPEARS); if (f.funcOwner.getFuncOwnerSkill() != null) sm.addSkillName(f.funcOwner.getFuncOwnerSkill()); else sm.addString(f.funcOwner.getFuncOwnerName()); sendPacket(sm); broadcastUserInfo(); } } private ConditionListener[] _conditionListeners; private ConditionListener[] getConditionListeners() { if (_conditionListeners == null) _conditionListeners = new ConditionListener[] { new ConditionPlayerHpListener(), new ConditionGameTimeListener() }; return _conditionListeners; } public void onFuncAddition(Func f) { for (ConditionListener listener : getConditionListeners()) listener.onFuncAddition(f); } public void onFuncRemoval(Func f) { for (ConditionListener listener : getConditionListeners()) listener.onFuncRemoval(f); } public void refreshConditionListeners(ConditionListenerDependency dependency) { for (ConditionListener listener : getConditionListeners()) listener.refresh(dependency); } // ========================================================================================= public void sendEtcStatusUpdate() { addPacketBroadcastMask(BroadcastMode.SEND_ETC_STATUS_UPDATE); } public void sendEtcStatusUpdateImpl() { sendPacket(EtcStatusUpdate.STATIC_PACKET); } public void broadcastRelationChanged() { addPacketBroadcastMask(BroadcastMode.BROADCAST_RELATION_CHANGED); } public void broadcastRelationChangedImpl() { if (!getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().isEmpty()) for (L2Player player : getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values()) RelationChanged.sendRelationChanged(this, player); } @Override public void sendInfo(L2Player activeChar) { if (isInBoat()) getPosition().setWorldPosition(getBoat().getPosition()); else if (isInAirShip()) getPosition().setWorldPosition(getAirShip().getPosition()); if (getPoly().isMorphed()) { activeChar.sendPacket(new AbstractNpcInfo.PlayerMorphInfo(this, getPoly().getNpcTemplate())); } else { activeChar.sendPacket(new CharInfo(this)); //activeChar.sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(this)); } if (isInBoat()) activeChar.sendPacket(new GetOnVehicle(this, getBoat(), getInBoatPosition().getX(), getInBoatPosition().getY(), getInBoatPosition().getZ())); else if (isInAirShip()) activeChar.sendPacket(new ExGetOnAirShip(this, getAirShip())); if (getMountType() == 4) { // TODO: Remove when horse mounts fixed activeChar.sendPacket(new Ride(this, false, 0)); activeChar.sendPacket(new Ride(this, true, getMountNpcId())); } switch (getPrivateStoreType()) { case L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_SELL: { activeChar.sendPacket(new PrivateStoreMsgSell(this)); break; } case L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_PACKAGE_SELL: { activeChar.sendPacket(new ExPrivateStoreSetWholeMsg(this)); break; } case L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_BUY: { activeChar.sendPacket(new PrivateStoreMsgBuy(this)); break; } case L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_MANUFACTURE: { activeChar.sendPacket(new RecipeShopMsg(this)); break; } } } @Override public void broadcastFullInfoImpl() { sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); if (getPoly().isMorphed()) { Broadcast.toKnownPlayers(this, new AbstractNpcInfo.PlayerMorphInfo(this, getPoly().getNpcTemplate())); } else { Broadcast.toKnownPlayers(this, new CharInfo(this)); } } @Override protected boolean shouldAddPacketBroadcastMask() { return getOnlineState() != L2Player.ONLINE_STATE_LOADED; } /** * @return afro haircut id */ public int getAfroHaircutId() { return _afroId; } public void setAfroHaircutId(int id) { _afroId = id; broadcastUserInfo(); } public void setIsInSiege(boolean b) { _isInSiege = b; } public boolean isInSiege() { return _isInSiege; } @Override protected CreatureShots initShots() { return new PlayerShots(this); } @Override public PlayerShots getShots() { return (PlayerShots) _shots; } public boolean isTryingToSitOrStandup() { return ((_lastSitStandRequest + 2333) > System.currentTimeMillis()); } public static enum TeleportMode { SCROLL_OF_ESCAPE, RECALL, UNSTUCK, GOTOLOVE, } public boolean canTeleport(TeleportMode mode) { return canTeleport(mode, false); } public boolean canTeleport(TeleportMode mode, boolean bySkill) { if (mode != TeleportMode.RECALL && !bySkill) { if (isCastingNow() || isMuted() || isAlikeDead() || isMovementDisabled() || isAllSkillsDisabled()) return false; } if (mode == TeleportMode.SCROLL_OF_ESCAPE) { if (isSitting()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANT_MOVE_SITTING); return false; } } if (!GlobalRestrictions.canTeleport(this)) return false; // [L2J_JP ADD] if (isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_NOESCAPE)) { sendMessage("You can't teleport from here."); return false; } if (isInOlympiadMode()) { if (mode == TeleportMode.SCROLL_OF_ESCAPE) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.THIS_ITEM_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_THE_OLYMPIAD_EVENT); else if (mode == TeleportMode.RECALL) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.THIS_SKILL_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_THE_OLYMPIAD_EVENT); else sendMessage("You can't teleport during Olympiad."); return false; } // Check to see if the player is in a festival. if (isFestivalParticipant()) { sendMessage("You can't teleport in a festival."); return false; } if (inObserverMode()) { sendMessage("You can't teleport during Observation Mode."); return false; } if (isAfraid()) return false; return true; } public boolean canSee(L2Creature cha) { if (isGM()) return true; final L2Player player = cha.getActingPlayer(); if (player == this) return true; if (player != null) { if (player.getAppearance().isInvisible()) return false; if (player.inObserverMode()) return false; } // Are traps invisible for other chars than owner? if (cha instanceof L2Trap) { final L2Trap trap = (L2Trap) cha; if (!trap.isDetected()) return false; } return true; } public static class TeleportBookmark { public int _id, _x, _y, _z, _icon; public String _name, _tag; public TeleportBookmark(int id, int x, int y, int z, int icon, String tag, String name) { _id = id; _x = x; _y = y; _z = z; _icon = icon; _name = name; _tag = tag; } } public void teleportBookmarkModify(int Id, int icon, String tag, String name) { int count = 0; int size = tpbookmark.size(); while (size > count) { if (tpbookmark.get(count)._id == Id) { tpbookmark.get(count)._icon = icon; tpbookmark.get(count)._tag = tag; tpbookmark.get(count)._name = name; Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_TP_BOOKMARK); statement.setInt(1, icon); statement.setString(2, tag); statement.setString(3, name); statement.setInt(4, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(5, Id); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not update character teleport bookmark data.", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } count++; } sendPacket(new ExGetBookMarkInfoPacket(this)); } public void teleportBookmarkDelete(int Id) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_TP_BOOKMARK); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, Id); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not delete character teleport bookmark data.", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } int count = 0; int size = tpbookmark.size(); while (size > count) { if (tpbookmark.get(count)._id == Id) { tpbookmark.remove(count); break; } count++; } sendPacket(new ExGetBookMarkInfoPacket(this)); } public void teleportBookmarkGo(int Id) { if (!teleportBookmarkCondition(0)) return; if (getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(20025, 0) == 0) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.CANNOT_TELEPORT_WITHOUT_TELEPORT_ITEM); return; } SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DISAPPEARED); sm.addItemName(20025); sendPacket(sm); int count = 0; int size = tpbookmark.size(); while (size > count) { if (tpbookmark.get(count)._id == Id) { destroyItem("Consume", getInventory().getItemByItemId(20025).getObjectId(), 1, null, false); teleToLocation(tpbookmark.get(count)._x, tpbookmark.get(count)._y, tpbookmark.get(count)._z); break; } count++; } sendPacket(new ExGetBookMarkInfoPacket(this)); } public boolean teleportBookmarkCondition(int type) { if (isInCombat()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2348); return false; } else if (isInSiege()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2349); return false; } else if (isInDuel()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2350); return false; } else if (isFlying()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2351); return false; } else if (isInOlympiadMode()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2352); return false; } else if (isParalyzed()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2353); return false; } else if (isDead()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2354); return false; } else if (isInBoat() || isInAirShip() || isInJail() || isInsideZone(L2Zone.FLAG_NOSUMMON)) { if (type == 0) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2355); else if (type == 1) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2410); return false; } else if (isInWater()) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2356); return false; } /* TODO: Instant Zone still not implement else if (this.isInsideZone(ZONE_INSTANT)) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2357); return; } */ else return true; } public void teleportBookmarkAdd(int x, int y, int z, int icon, String tag, String name) { if (!teleportBookmarkCondition(1)) return; if (tpbookmark.size() >= _bookmarkslot) { sendPacket(SystemMessageId.UNNAMED_2358); return; } if (getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(20033, 0) == 0) { sendPacket( SystemMessageId.YOU_CANNOT_BOOKMARK_THIS_LOCATION_BECAUSE_YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_A_MY_TELEPORT_FLAG); return; } int count = 0; int id = 1; List<Integer> idlist = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int size = tpbookmark.size(); while (size > count) { idlist.add(tpbookmark.get(count)._id); count++; } for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { if (!idlist.contains(i)) { id = i; break; } } TeleportBookmark tpadd = new TeleportBookmark(id, x, y, z, icon, tag, name); tpbookmark.add(tpadd); destroyItem("Consume", getInventory().getItemByItemId(20033).getObjectId(), 1, null, false); SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_DISAPPEARED); sm.addItemName(20033); sendPacket(sm); Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(INSERT_TP_BOOKMARK); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, id); statement.setInt(3, x); statement.setInt(4, y); statement.setInt(5, z); statement.setInt(6, icon); statement.setString(7, tag); statement.setString(8, name); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not insert character teleport bookmark data.", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } sendPacket(new ExGetBookMarkInfoPacket(this)); } public void restoreTeleportBookmark() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(RESTORE_TP_BOOKMARK); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { tpbookmark.add(new TeleportBookmark(rset.getInt("Id"), rset.getInt("x"), rset.getInt("y"), rset.getInt("z"), rset.getInt("icon"), rset.getString("tag"), rset.getString("name"))); } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.fatal("Failed restoring character teleport bookmark.", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } public boolean isFlyingMounted() { return _isFlyingMounted; } public void setIsFlyingMounted(boolean val) { _isFlyingMounted = val; setIsFlying(val); } public synchronized boolean enterOfflineMode() { if (isInOfflineMode()) return false; leaveParty(); if (getPet() != null) getPet().unSummon(this); // set name color if enabled updateNameTitleColor(); new Disconnection(this).store().close(false); RegionBBSManager.changeCommunityBoard(this, PlayerStateOnCommunity.OFFLINE); return true; } public boolean isInOfflineMode() { return getOnlineState() == ONLINE_STATE_ONLINE && getClient() == null; } public boolean isChaotic() { return getKarma() > 0 || isCursedWeaponEquipped(); } public int getCertificationLevel(int classIndex) { Connection con = null; int certificationLevel = -1; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(GET_CHAR_CERTIFICATION); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, classIndex); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { certificationLevel = rset.getInt("certif_level"); } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not get subclass certification level: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } return certificationLevel; } public void storeCertificationLevel(int classIndex) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(STORE_CHAR_CERTIFICATION); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(2, classIndex); statement.setInt(3, 0); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not store character subclass certification: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } public void updateCertificationLevel(int classIndex, int level) { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_CHAR_CERTIFICATION); statement.setInt(1, level); statement.setInt(2, getObjectId()); statement.setInt(3, classIndex); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not update character subclass certification: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } public void deleteSubclassCertifications() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(con); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_CHAR_CERTIFICATION); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not delete character subclass certifications: ", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } public int getSubClassType() { /* * 1: Warrior * 2: Rogue * 3: Knight * 4: Summoner * 5: Wizard * 6: Healer * 7: Enchanter */ int classId = getActiveClass(); int subClassType = 0; if (classId == 3 || classId == 2 || classId == 46 || classId == 48 || classId == 55 || classId == 57 || classId == 127 || classId == 128 || classId == 129 || classId == 89 || classId == 88 || classId == 113 || classId == 114 || classId == 117 || classId == 118 || classId == 131 || classId == 132 || classId == 133) subClassType = 1; else if (classId == 9 || classId == 24 || classId == 37 || classId == 130 || classId == 8 || classId == 23 || classId == 36 || classId == 92 || classId == 102 || classId == 109 || classId == 134 || classId == 93 || classId == 101 || classId == 108) subClassType = 2; else if (classId == 5 || classId == 6 || classId == 20 || classId == 33 || classId == 90 || classId == 91 || classId == 99 || classId == 106) subClassType = 3; else if (classId == 14 || classId == 28 || classId == 41 || classId == 96 || classId == 104 || classId == 111) subClassType = 4; else if (classId == 12 || classId == 13 || classId == 27 || classId == 40 || classId == 94 || classId == 95 || classId == 103 || classId == 110) subClassType = 5; else if (classId == 16 || classId == 30 || classId == 43 || classId == 97 || classId == 105 || classId == 112) subClassType = 6; else if (classId == 17 || classId == 21 || classId == 34 || classId == 52 || classId == 51 || classId == 135 || classId == 98 || classId == 100 || classId == 107 || classId == 116 || classId == 115 || classId == 136) subClassType = 7; return subClassType; } private final long[] _floodProtectors = new long[FloodProtector.Protected.VALUES_LENGTH]; public long[] getFloodProtectors() { return _floodProtectors; } private AbstractFunEventPlayerInfo _playerInfoForEvents; public <T extends AbstractFunEventPlayerInfo> void setPlayerInfo(T info) { if (_playerInfoForEvents != null && info != null) throw new IllegalStateException(); _playerInfoForEvents = info; } public <T extends AbstractFunEventPlayerInfo> T getPlayerInfo(Class<T> clazz) { final AbstractFunEventPlayerInfo info = _playerInfoForEvents; if (clazz.isInstance(info)) return clazz.cast(info); else return null; } public <T extends AbstractFunEventPlayerInfo> boolean isInEvent(Class<T> clazz) { return clazz.isInstance(_playerInfoForEvents); } public <T extends AbstractFunEventPlayerInfo> T as(Class<T> clazz) { final AbstractFunEventPlayerInfo info = _playerInfoForEvents; if (clazz.isInstance(info)) return clazz.cast(info); else throw new IllegalStateException(); } private final void restoreNameTitleColors() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(RESTORE_COLORS); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { getAppearance().setNameColor(Util.reverseRGBChanels(Integer.decode("0x" + result.getString(1)))); getAppearance().setTitleColor(Util.reverseRGBChanels(Integer.decode("0x" + result.getString(2)))); } else { getAppearance().setNameColor(PlayerAppearance.DEFAULT_NAME_COLOR); getAppearance().setTitleColor(PlayerAppearance.DEFAULT_TITLE_COLOR); } result.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { getAppearance().setNameColor(PlayerAppearance.DEFAULT_NAME_COLOR); getAppearance().setTitleColor(PlayerAppearance.DEFAULT_TITLE_COLOR); _log.error("Could not load character name/title colors!", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } updateNameTitleColor(); } private final void storeNameTitleColors() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_COLORS); statement.setInt(1, getObjectId()); statement.setString(2, HexUtil.fillHex(Util.reverseRGBChanels(getAppearance().getNameColor()), 6)); statement.setString(3, HexUtil.fillHex(Util.reverseRGBChanels(getAppearance().getTitleColor()), 6)); statement.executeUpdate(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not store character name/title colors!", e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } private final void restoreCreationDate() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(GET_CREATION_DATE); ps.setInt(1, getObjectId()); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();; _lastClaim = rs.getInt("lastClaim"); _createdOn = Calendar.getInstance(); _createdOn.setTimeInMillis(rs.getDate("birthDate").getTime()); rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Could not load character creation date!", e); _lastClaim = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); _createdOn = Calendar.getInstance(); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } /** * Update the database indicating that the player received this year's * birthday gift. Should be called before giving items. * @return whether updating gift receival status succeeds */ public final boolean claimCreationPrize() { _lastClaim = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(CLAIM_CREATION_DAY); ps.setInt(1, _lastClaim); ps.setInt(2, getObjectId()); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { _log.error(this + " could not claim creation day prize!", e); return false; } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } /** @return Calendar object representing the exact creation date. */ public final Calendar getCreationDate() { if (_createdOn == null) // this cannot happen, but just in-case { _log.error("Illegal method call: before load() -ing the actual player instance!", new Exception()); restoreCreationDate(); } return _createdOn; } /** @return true if birthday is on Feb 29th, false otherwise */ public final boolean isBirthdayIllegal() { return (getCreationDate().get(Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.FEBRUARY && getCreationDate().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 29); } private final int getDaysUntilAnniversary() { Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar birth = getCreationDate(); int day = birth.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); if (isBirthdayIllegal()) day = 28; if (birth.get(Calendar.MONTH) == now.get(Calendar.MONTH) && day == now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) { if (now.get(Calendar.YEAR) > _lastClaim) return 0; else return 365; } Calendar anno = Calendar.getInstance(); anno.setTimeInMillis(birth.getTimeInMillis()); anno.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day); anno.set(Calendar.YEAR, now.get(Calendar.YEAR)); if (anno.compareTo(now) < 0) anno.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); long diff = (anno.getTimeInMillis() - now.getTimeInMillis()); return (int) (diff / 86400000) + 1; } /** * Returns -1 if this day is the anniversary day, but the player * has already received the gift. Otherwise returns how many days * are left until the birthday.<BR> * 0 indicates that player can receive the gift. * @return days until anniversary or -1 */ public final int canReceiveAnnualPresent() { if (_lastClaim < Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)) return getDaysUntilAnniversary(); else return -1; } public final void saveLastTarget(int objectId) { _lastTargetId = objectId; _lastTargetChange = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public final int getLastTargetId() { return _lastTargetId; } public final long getLastTargetTime() { return _lastTargetChange; } public final boolean isIllegalWaiting() { return _illegalWaiting; } public final void setIllegalWaiting(boolean iw) { _illegalWaiting = iw; } @Override public void sendResistedMyEffectMessage(L2Creature target, L2Skill skill) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_RESISTED_YOUR_S2_EFFECT); sm.addCharName(target); sm.addSkillName(skill); sendPacket(sm); } public boolean tryJump() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (_nextJumpTime < time) { _nextJumpTime = time + 3000; return true; } else return false; } public boolean destroyItems(String process, int[] itemId, long[] count, L2Object ref, boolean sendMessage) { if (itemId == null || itemId.length == 0 || count == null || count.length == 0 || itemId.length != count.length) { _log.error("Invalid mass item destruction call!", new IllegalArgumentException()); return false; } int fail = -1; L2ItemInstance[] items = new L2ItemInstance[itemId.length]; for (int i = 0; i < itemId.length; i++) { L2ItemInstance item = getInventory().getItemByItemId(itemId[i]); items[i] = item; if (item == null || item.getCount() < count[i] || getInventory().destroyItem(process, item, count[i], this, ref) == null) { fail = i; break; } } if (fail > -1) { if (fail > 0) for (int i = 0; i < fail; i++) getInventory().addItem(process, itemId[i], count[i], this, ref); if (sendMessage) sendPacket(SystemMessageId.NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS); return false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < itemId.length; i++) { getInventory().updateInventory(items[i]); if (sendMessage) { SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S2_S1_DISAPPEARED); sm.addItemName(itemId[i]); sm.addItemNumber(count[i]); sendPacket(sm); } } return true; } } public void onTutorialQuestionMark(int number) { showTutorialHtml(number); } public void onTutorialLink(String request) { if (request.equals("close")) sendPacket(new TutorialCloseHtml()); } private void showTutorialHtml(int number) { String msg = ""; switch (number) { case 1001: L2ClassMasterInstance.onTutorialQuestionMark(this, number); break; case 1002: msg = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm("data/html/level28.htm"); sendPacket(new TutorialShowHtml(msg)); break; } } private AnswerHandler _answerHandler; public AnswerHandler setAnswerHandler(AnswerHandler nextHandler) { final AnswerHandler previousHandler = _answerHandler; _answerHandler = nextHandler; return previousHandler; } public boolean hasActiveConfirmDlg() { return _answerHandler != null; } }