Java tutorial
/* * JSmart Framework - Java Web Development Framework * Copyright (c) 2015, Jeferson Albino da Silva, All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <>. */ package com.jsmartframework.web.manager; import static com.jsmartframework.web.config.Config.CONFIG; import static com.jsmartframework.web.config.Constants.REQUEST_EXPOSE_VARS_ATTR; import static com.jsmartframework.web.manager.ExpressionHandler.EXPRESSIONS; import static com.jsmartframework.web.manager.ExpressionHandler.EL_PATTERN; import static com.jsmartframework.web.manager.ExpressionHandler.ID_PATTERN; import static com.jsmartframework.web.manager.ExpressionHandler.EL_PATTERN_FORMAT; import static com.jsmartframework.web.manager.ExpressionHandler.BEAN_METHOD_NAME_FORMAT; import static com.jsmartframework.web.manager.ExpressionHandler.JSP_PATTERN; import static com.jsmartframework.web.manager.TagHandler.J_TAG_PATTERN; import static com.jsmartframework.web.manager.BeanHelper.HELPER; import com.jsmartframework.web.adapter.CsrfAdapter; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.Arg; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.AsyncBean; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.AuthBean; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.AuthField; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.AuthType; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.ExecuteAccess; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.ExposeVar; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.Function; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.PostAction; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.PostSubmit; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.PreAction; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.PreSubmit; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.ProduceType; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.QueryParam; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.RequestPath; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.ScopeType; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.Action; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.WebBean; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.WebFilter; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.WebListener; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.WebSecurity; import com.jsmartframework.web.annotation.WebServlet; import com.jsmartframework.web.config.Constants; import com.jsmartframework.web.config.UrlPattern; import com.jsmartframework.web.listener.CsrfRequestListener; import com.jsmartframework.web.listener.WebAsyncListener; import com.jsmartframework.web.util.WebUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.reflections.Reflections; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.naming.Binding; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.servlet.Filter; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener; public enum BeanHandler { HANDLER(); private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(BeanHandler.class.getPackage().getName()); private static final Pattern INCLUDE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("<%@*.include.*file=\"(.*)\".*%>"); private static final Pattern HANDLER_EL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(EL_PATTERN.pattern() + "|" + INCLUDE_PATTERN.pattern() + "|" + ID_PATTERN.pattern() + "|" + JSP_PATTERN.pattern()); private static final Pattern SPRING_VALUE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[\\$,\\{,\\}]*"); Map<String, Class<?>> webBeans = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Map<String, Class<?>> authBeans = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Map<String, Class<?>> asyncBeans = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Map<String, Class<?>> webServlets = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Map<String, Class<?>> webFilters = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Map<String, Class<?>> requestPaths = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Map<String, Class<?>> securityListeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Set<ServletContextListener> contextListeners = new HashSet<>(); Set<HttpSessionListener> sessionListeners = new HashSet<>(); Set<ServletRequestListener> requestListeners = new HashSet<>(); Map<String, AnnotatedFunction> beanMethodFunctions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, List<AnnotatedFunction>> annotatedFunctions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, AnnotatedAction> annotatedActions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, String> forwardPaths = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<Class<?>, String> jndiMapping = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, JspPageBean> jspPageBeans = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private InitialContext initialContext; private ApplicationContext springContext; void init(ServletContext context) { checkWebXmlPath(context); initJndiMapping(); initAnnotatedBeans(); initForwardPaths(context); initJspPageBeans(context); } void destroy(ServletContext context) { try { finalizeWebBeans(context); authBeans.clear(); webBeans.clear(); asyncBeans.clear(); webServlets.clear(); webFilters.clear(); requestPaths.clear(); securityListeners.clear(); contextListeners.clear(); sessionListeners.clear(); requestListeners.clear(); forwardPaths.clear(); jspPageBeans.clear(); annotatedFunctions.clear(); beanMethodFunctions.clear(); annotatedActions.clear(); jndiMapping.clear(); initialContext = null; springContext = null; } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to destroy BeanHandler: " + ex.getMessage()); } } void setSpringContext(ApplicationContext springContext) { this.springContext = springContext; } @Deprecated boolean executePreSubmit(Object bean, String action) { for (Method method : HELPER.getPreSubmitMethods(bean.getClass())) { for (String onAction : method.getAnnotation(PreSubmit.class).onActions()) { try { if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(onAction)) { Boolean result = (Boolean) method.invoke(bean, null); return result != null ? result : true; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } return true; } boolean executePreAction(Object bean, String action) { for (Method method : HELPER.getPreActionMethods(bean.getClass())) { for (String onAction : method.getAnnotation(PreAction.class).onActions()) { try { if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(onAction)) { Boolean result = (Boolean) method.invoke(bean, null); return result != null ? result : true; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } return true; } @Deprecated void executePostSubmit(Object bean, String action) { for (Method method : HELPER.getPostSubmitMethods(bean.getClass())) { for (String onAction : method.getAnnotation(PostSubmit.class).onActions()) { try { if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(onAction)) { method.invoke(bean, null); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return; } } void executePostAction(Object bean, String action) { for (Method method : HELPER.getPostActionMethods(bean.getClass())) { for (String onAction : method.getAnnotation(PostAction.class).onActions()) { try { if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(onAction)) { method.invoke(bean, null); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return; } } void executePreDestroy(Object bean) { for (Method method : HELPER.getPreDestroyMethods(bean.getClass())) { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(PreDestroy.class)) { try { method.invoke(bean, null); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return; } } } void executePostConstruct(Object bean) { for (Method method : HELPER.getPostConstructMethods(bean.getClass())) { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(PostConstruct.class)) { try { method.invoke(bean, null); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return; } } } void executePreSet(String name, Object bean, Map<String, String> expressions) { if (expressions == null || expressions.isEmpty()) { return; } try { for (Field field : HELPER.getPreSetFields(bean.getClass())) { for (Entry<String, String> expr : expressions.entrySet()) { Matcher elMatcher = EL_PATTERN.matcher(expr.getValue()); if (elMatcher.find() && + "." + field.getName())) { Matcher tagMatcher = J_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(expr.getKey()); if (tagMatcher.find()) { String jTag =; String jParam =; EXPRESSIONS.handleRequestExpression(jTag, expr.getValue(), jParam); expressions.remove(expr.getKey()); break; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Execution of PreSet on WebBean [" + bean + "] failed: " + ex.getMessage()); } } boolean containsUnescapeMethod(String[] names) { if (names != null && names.length > 1) { Class<?> clazz = webBeans.get(names[0]); if (clazz == null) { return false; } for (String methodName : HELPER.getUnescapeMethods(clazz)) { if (names[1].equalsIgnoreCase(methodName)) { return true; } } } return false; } Map<String, String> getRequestExpressions(HttpServletRequest request) { return EXPRESSIONS.getRequestExpressions(request); } String handleRequestExpressions(Map<String, String> expressions) throws ServletException, IOException { String submitParam = null; String submitExpr = null; for (Entry<String, String> expr : expressions.entrySet()) { Matcher matcher = J_TAG_PATTERN.matcher(expr.getKey()); if (matcher.find()) { String jTag =; String jParam =; EXPRESSIONS.handleRequestExpression(jTag, expr.getValue(), jParam); if (jTag.equals(TagHandler.J_SBMT)) { submitExpr = expr.getValue(); submitParam = jParam; } } } if (submitExpr != null) { try { return EXPRESSIONS.handleSubmitExpression(submitExpr, submitParam); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error executing expression [" + submitExpr + "] with parameters [" + submitParam + "]: " + ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } } return null; } void instantiateBeans(String path, Map<String, String> expressions) throws Exception { JspPageBean jspPageBean = jspPageBeans.get(path); if (jspPageBean != null) { for (String name : jspPageBean.getBeanNames()) { instantiateBean(name, expressions); } } } private Object instantiateBean(String name, Map<String, String> expressions) throws Exception { Object bean = null; ServletContext context = WebContext.getApplication(); HttpSession session = WebContext.getSession(); HttpServletRequest request = WebContext.getRequest(); if (request.getAttribute(name) != null) { bean = request.getAttribute(name); executeInjection(bean); return bean; } synchronized (session) { if (session.getAttribute(name) != null) { bean = session.getAttribute(name); executeInjection(bean); return bean; } } if (context.getAttribute(name) != null) { bean = context.getAttribute(name); executeInjection(bean); return bean; } if (webBeans.containsKey(name)) { Class<?> clazz = webBeans.get(name); bean = clazz.newInstance(); WebBean webBean = clazz.getAnnotation(WebBean.class); if (webBean.scope().equals(ScopeType.REQUEST)) { request.setAttribute(name, bean); } else if (webBean.scope().equals(ScopeType.SESSION)) { synchronized (session) { session.setAttribute(name, bean); } } else if (webBean.scope().equals(ScopeType.APPLICATION)) { context.setAttribute(name, bean); } else { return null; } executeInjection(bean); executePreSet(name, bean, expressions); executePostConstruct(bean); } return bean; } Object instantiateAsyncBean(String path) throws Exception { Class<?> clazz = asyncBeans.get(path); if (clazz != null) { Object bean = clazz.newInstance(); executeInjection(bean); return bean; } return null; } void executeInjection(Object object) { try { HttpSession session = WebContext.getSession(); HttpServletRequest request = WebContext.getRequest(); for (Field field : HELPER.getBeanFields(object.getClass())) { if (field.getAnnotations().length == 0) { continue; } if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) { WebBean webBean = field.getType().getAnnotation(WebBean.class); if (webBean != null) { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(object, instantiateBean(HELPER.getClassName(webBean, field.getType()), null)); continue; } AuthBean authBean = field.getType().getAnnotation(AuthBean.class); if (authBean != null) { field.setAccessible(true); if (authBean.type() == AuthType.SESSION) { field.set(object, instantiateAuthBean(HELPER.getClassName(authBean, field.getType()), session)); } else if (authBean.type() == AuthType.REQUEST) { field.set(object, instantiateAuthBean(HELPER.getClassName(authBean, field.getType()), request)); } continue; } } // Inject URL Parameters if (field.isAnnotationPresent(QueryParam.class)) { QueryParam queryParam = field.getAnnotation(QueryParam.class); String paramValue = request.getParameter(queryParam.value()); if (paramValue != null) { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(object, ExpressionHandler.EXPRESSIONS.decodeUrl(paramValue)); } continue; } // Inject VarMapping case present if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ExposeVar.class)) { Map<?, ?> varMapping = HELPER.getExposeVarMapping(field); if (varMapping != null) { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(object, varMapping); } } // Inject dependencies if (initialContext != null && jndiMapping.containsKey(field.getType())) { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(object, initialContext.lookup(jndiMapping.get(field.getType()))); continue; } if (springContext != null) { String beanName = HELPER.getClassName(field.getType().getSimpleName()); if (springContext.containsBean(beanName) || field.isAnnotationPresent(Qualifier.class)) { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(object, springContext.getBean(field.getType())); } else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Value.class)) { String propertyName = field.getAnnotation(Value.class).value(); propertyName = SPRING_VALUE_PATTERN.matcher(propertyName).replaceAll(""); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(object, springContext.getEnvironment().getProperty(propertyName, field.getType())); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Injection on object [" + object + "] failed", ex); } } void finalizeAsyncBean(Object bean, HttpServletRequest request) { if (bean != null) { finalizeInjection(bean, request); } } void finalizeWebBeans(ServletContext servletContext) { List<String> names = Collections.list(servletContext.getAttributeNames()); for (String name : names) { Object bean = servletContext.getAttribute(name); if (bean == null) { continue; } if (bean.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(WebBean.class)) { finalizeWebBean(bean, servletContext); } } } private void finalizeWebBean(Object bean, ServletContext servletContext) { if (bean != null) { executePreDestroy(bean); finalizeInjection(bean, servletContext); WebBean webBean = bean.getClass().getAnnotation(WebBean.class); servletContext.removeAttribute(HELPER.getClassName(webBean, bean.getClass())); } } void finalizeBeans(HttpSession session) { synchronized (session) { List<String> names = Collections.list(session.getAttributeNames()); for (String name : names) { Object bean = session.getAttribute(name); if (bean == null) { continue; } if (bean.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(WebBean.class)) { finalizeWebBean(bean, session); } else if (bean.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(AuthBean.class)) { finalizeAuthBean(bean, session); } } } } private void finalizeWebBean(Object bean, HttpSession session) { if (bean != null) { executePreDestroy(bean); finalizeInjection(bean, session); WebBean webBean = bean.getClass().getAnnotation(WebBean.class); session.removeAttribute(HELPER.getClassName(webBean, bean.getClass())); } } public void finalizeBeans(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { List<String> names = Collections.list(request.getAttributeNames()); for (String name : names) { Object bean = request.getAttribute(name); if (bean == null) { continue; } Field[] exposeVars = HELPER.getExposeVarFields(bean.getClass()); for (int i = 0; i < exposeVars.length; i++) { try { Object value = exposeVars[i].get(bean); if (value != null) { setExposeVarAttribute(request, exposeVars[i].getName(), value); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not expose var [" + exposeVars[i] + "]", ex); } } if (bean.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(WebBean.class)) { finalizeWebBean(bean, request); } else if (bean.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(AuthBean.class)) { finalizeAuthBean(bean, request, response); } else if (bean.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(WebSecurity.class)) { finalizeWebSecurity(bean, request); } } } private void setExposeVarAttribute(HttpServletRequest request, String name, Object value) { Map<String, Object> exposeVars = (Map) request.getAttribute(REQUEST_EXPOSE_VARS_ATTR); if (exposeVars == null) { request.setAttribute(REQUEST_EXPOSE_VARS_ATTR, (exposeVars = new ConcurrentHashMap<>())); } exposeVars.put(name, value); } private void finalizeWebBean(Object bean, HttpServletRequest request) { if (bean != null) { executePreDestroy(bean); finalizeInjection(bean, request); WebBean webBean = bean.getClass().getAnnotation(WebBean.class); request.removeAttribute(HELPER.getClassName(webBean, bean.getClass())); } } private void finalizeInjection(Object bean, Object servletObject) { try { for (Field field : HELPER.getBeanFields(bean.getClass())) { if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) { if (field.getType().isAnnotationPresent(WebBean.class)) { field.setAccessible(true); if (servletObject instanceof HttpServletRequest) { finalizeWebBean(field.get(bean), (HttpServletRequest) servletObject); } else if (servletObject instanceof HttpSession) { finalizeWebBean(field.get(bean), (HttpSession) servletObject); } else if (servletObject instanceof ServletContext) { finalizeWebBean(field.get(bean), (ServletContext) servletObject); } field.set(bean, null); continue; } if (field.getType().isAnnotationPresent(AuthBean.class)) { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(bean, null); continue; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Finalize injection on WebBean [" + bean + "] failed: " + ex.getMessage()); } } void instantiateAuthBean(HttpSession session) { for (String name : authBeans.keySet()) { AuthBean authBean = authBeans.get(name).getAnnotation(AuthBean.class); if (authBean.type() == AuthType.SESSION) { instantiateAuthBean(name, session); } // We must have only one @AuthBean mapped break; } } private Object instantiateAuthBean(String name, HttpSession session) { synchronized (session) { Object bean = session.getAttribute(name); if (bean != null) { return bean; } bean = initializeAuthBean(name, null); session.setAttribute(name, bean); return bean; } } void instantiateAuthBean(HttpServletRequest request) { for (String name : authBeans.keySet()) { AuthBean authBean = authBeans.get(name).getAnnotation(AuthBean.class); if (authBean.type() == AuthType.REQUEST) { instantiateAuthBean(name, request); } // We must have only one @AuthBean mapped break; } } private Object instantiateAuthBean(String name, HttpServletRequest request) { Object bean = request.getAttribute(name); if (bean != null) { return bean; } bean = initializeAuthBean(name, request); request.setAttribute(name, bean); return bean; } private Object initializeAuthBean(String name, HttpServletRequest request) { Object bean = null; try { bean = authBeans.get(name).newInstance(); AuthBean authBean = authBeans.get(name).getAnnotation(AuthBean.class); for (Field field : HELPER.getBeanFields(bean.getClass())) { if (field.getAnnotations().length == 0) { continue; } // Set authentication cookies when initializing @AuthBean if (request != null && field.isAnnotationPresent(AuthField.class)) { AuthField authField = field.getAnnotation(AuthField.class); field.setAccessible(true); String fieldValue = WebUtils.getCookie(request, authField.value()); if (fieldValue != null) { fieldValue = AuthEncrypter.decrypt(request, authBean.secretKey(), fieldValue); } field.set(bean, fieldValue); continue; } // Inject VarMapping case present if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ExposeVar.class)) { Map<?, ?> varMapping = HELPER.getExposeVarMapping(field); if (varMapping != null) { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(bean, varMapping); } } if (initialContext != null && jndiMapping.containsKey(field.getType())) { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(bean, initialContext.lookup(jndiMapping.get(field.getType()))); continue; } if (springContext != null) { String beanName = HELPER.getClassName(field.getType().getSimpleName()); if (springContext.containsBean(beanName) || field.isAnnotationPresent(Qualifier.class)) { field.setAccessible(true); field.set(bean, springContext.getBean(field.getType())); } else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Value.class)) { String propertyName = field.getAnnotation(Value.class).value(); propertyName = SPRING_VALUE_PATTERN.matcher(propertyName).replaceAll(""); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(bean, springContext.getEnvironment().getProperty(propertyName, field.getType())); } } } executePostConstruct(bean); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Injection on AuthBean [" + bean + "] failed: " + ex.getMessage()); } return bean; } private void finalizeAuthBean(Object bean, HttpSession session) { executePreDestroy(bean); AuthBean authBean = bean.getClass().getAnnotation(AuthBean.class); session.removeAttribute(HELPER.getClassName(authBean, bean.getClass())); } private void finalizeAuthBean(Object bean, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { executePreDestroy(bean); AuthBean authBean = bean.getClass().getAnnotation(AuthBean.class); try { for (Field field : HELPER.getBeanFields(bean.getClass())) { if (field.getAnnotations().length > 0) { field.setAccessible(true); if (field.isAnnotationPresent(AuthField.class)) { AuthField authField = field.getAnnotation(AuthField.class); Object value = field.get(bean); if (value != null) { // Return encrypted auth fields as cookies to check if customer is still // logged on next request String cookieValue = AuthEncrypter.encrypt(request, authBean.secretKey(), value); Cookie cookie = getAuthenticationCookie(request, authField.value(), cookieValue, -1); response.addCookie(cookie); } else { // Case value is null we force Cookie deletion on client side Cookie cookie = getAuthenticationCookie(request, authField.value(), null, 0); response.addCookie(cookie); } } field.set(bean, null); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Finalize injection on AuthBean [" + bean + "] failed: " + ex.getMessage()); } request.removeAttribute(HELPER.getClassName(authBean, bean.getClass())); } private Cookie getAuthenticationCookie(HttpServletRequest request, String name, String value, int age) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie(name, value); cookie.setHttpOnly(true); cookie.setPath("/"); cookie.setMaxAge(age); return cookie; } void instantiateWebSecurity(HttpServletRequest request) { for (String name : securityListeners.keySet()) { WebSecurity webSecurity = securityListeners.get(name).getAnnotation(WebSecurity.class); Object listener = request.getAttribute(name); if (listener == null) { try { listener = securityListeners.get(name).newInstance(); executeInjection(listener); executePostConstruct(listener); request.setAttribute(name, listener); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Injection on WebSecurity [" + name + "] failed: " + ex.getMessage()); } } // We must have only one @WebSecurity mapped break; } } private void finalizeWebSecurity(Object listener, HttpServletRequest request) { executePreDestroy(listener); WebSecurity webSecurity = listener.getClass().getAnnotation(WebSecurity.class); request.removeAttribute(HELPER.getClassName(webSecurity, listener.getClass())); } AuthPath checkAuthentication(String path) throws ServletException { if (authBeans.isEmpty() && !CONFIG.getContent().getSecureUrls().isEmpty()) { throw new ServletException("Not found AuthBean mapped in your system. Once your system " + "has secure urls, please map a bean with @AuthBean!"); } AuthBean authBean = null; boolean authenticated = true; for (String name : authBeans.keySet()) { authBean = authBeans.get(name).getAnnotation(AuthBean.class); if (authBean.type() == AuthType.SESSION) { HttpSession session = WebContext.getSession(); synchronized (session) { authenticated = checkAuthentication(session.getAttribute(name)); } } else if (authBean.type() == AuthType.REQUEST) { HttpServletRequest request = WebContext.getRequest(); authenticated = checkAuthentication(request.getAttribute(name)); } // We must have only one @AuthBean mapped break; } // Access secure url // - User authenticated ===>>> ok redirect to path // - User not authenticated ===>>> redirect to login if (CONFIG.getContent().containsSecureUrl(path)) { if (authenticated) { return new AuthPath(path); } else { return new AuthPath(WebUtils.decodePath(authBean.loginPath())); } } // Access non secure url // - User authenticated // - access login page or except page ===>>> redirect to home // - other cases ===>>> ok redirect to path // - User not authenticated ===>>> ok redirect to path else { if (authenticated) { if (authBean != null && (path.equals(WebUtils.decodePath(authBean.loginPath())) || CONFIG.getContent().containsNonSecureUrlOnly(path))) { return new AuthPath(WebUtils.decodePath(authBean.homePath()), true); } else { return new AuthPath(path); } } else { return new AuthPath(path); } } } private boolean checkAuthentication(Object bean) throws ServletException { boolean authenticated = true; if (bean == null) { return authenticated; } // Look for fields in order to check if the request is already authenticated for (Field field : HELPER.getAuthFields(bean.getClass())) { try { field.setAccessible(true); // If field is not set it means that user is not authenticated if (field.get(bean) == null) { authenticated = false; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ServletException("AuthField not accessible: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } // Check authenticate methods to validate credentials for (Method method : HELPER.getAuthMethods(bean.getClass())) { try { Boolean auth = (Boolean) method.invoke(bean); authenticated &= auth != null ? auth : false; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ServletException("AuthMethod not accessible: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } return authenticated; } @SuppressWarnings("all") Integer checkAuthorization(String path) { if (CONFIG.getContent().containsSecureUrl(path) && !authBeans.isEmpty()) { AuthBean authBean = null; Collection<String> userAccess = getUserAuthorizationAccess(); // Check mapped urls UrlPattern urlPattern = CONFIG.getContent().getUrlPattern(path); if (urlPattern != null && urlPattern.getAccess() != null) { for (String access : urlPattern.getAccess()) { if (userAccess.contains(access) || access.equals("*")) { return null; // It means, authorized user } } return HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN; } } return null; // It means, authorized user } Collection<String> getUserAuthorizationAccess() { HttpServletRequest request = WebContext.getRequest(); for (String name : authBeans.keySet()) { AuthBean authBean = authBeans.get(name).getAnnotation(AuthBean.class); if (authBean.type() == AuthType.SESSION) { HttpSession session = WebContext.getSession(); synchronized (session) { return getUserAuthorizationAccess(session.getAttribute(name), request); } } else if (authBean.type() == AuthType.REQUEST) { return getUserAuthorizationAccess(request.getAttribute(name), request); } // We must have only one @AuthBean mapped break; } return Collections.emptyList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<String> getUserAuthorizationAccess(Object bean, HttpServletRequest request) { if (request.getAttribute(Constants.REQUEST_USER_ACCESS) == null) { Collection<String> userAccess = new HashSet<>(); for (Field field : HELPER.getAuthAccess(bean.getClass())) { try { field.setAccessible(true); Object object = field.get(bean); if (object != null) { userAccess.addAll((Collection<String>) object); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "AuthAccess mapped on WebBean [" + bean + "] could " + "not be cast to Collection<String>: " + ex.getMessage()); } break; } request.setAttribute(Constants.REQUEST_USER_ACCESS, userAccess); } return (Collection<String>) request.getAttribute(Constants.REQUEST_USER_ACCESS); } boolean checkExecuteAuthorization(Object bean, String expression, HttpServletRequest request) { for (Method method : HELPER.getExecuteAccessMethods(bean.getClass())) { ExecuteAccess execAccess = method.getAnnotation(ExecuteAccess.class); if (execAccess.access().length > 0 && expression.contains(method.getName())) { Collection<String> userAccess = getUserAuthorizationAccess(bean, request); if (!userAccess.isEmpty()) { for (String access : execAccess.access()) { if (userAccess.contains(access)) { return true; } } return false; } break; } } return true; } Integer checkWebSecurityToken(HttpServletRequest request) { if (securityListeners.isEmpty()) { return null; // It means, valid user access } for (String name : securityListeners.keySet()) { WebSecurity webSecurity = securityListeners.get(name).getAnnotation(WebSecurity.class); CsrfRequestListener listener = (CsrfRequestListener) request.getAttribute(name); String csrfName = request.getHeader(Constants.CSRF_TOKEN_NAME); if (StringUtils.isBlank(csrfName)) { csrfName = request.getParameter(Constants.CSRF_TOKEN_NAME); } String csrfToken = request.getHeader(Constants.CSRF_TOKEN_VALUE); if (StringUtils.isBlank(csrfToken)) { csrfToken = request.getParameter(Constants.CSRF_TOKEN_VALUE); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(csrfName) && StringUtils.isBlank(csrfToken)) { return HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN; } if (!webSecurity.disableEncrypt()) { csrfName = CsrfEncrypter.decrypt(request, webSecurity.secretKey(), csrfName); csrfToken = CsrfEncrypter.decrypt(request, webSecurity.secretKey(), csrfToken); } if (!listener.isValidToken(new CsrfAdapter(csrfName, csrfToken))) { return HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN; } // We must have only one @webSecurity mapped break; } return null; // It means, valid user access } void generateWebSecurityToken(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { if (request.getAttribute(Constants.REQUEST_META_DATA_CSRF_TOKEN_NAME) == null) { for (String name : securityListeners.keySet()) { WebSecurity webSecurity = securityListeners.get(name).getAnnotation(WebSecurity.class); CsrfRequestListener listener = (CsrfRequestListener) request.getAttribute(name); CsrfAdapter csrfAdapter = listener.generateToken(); if (csrfAdapter == null || StringUtils.isBlank(csrfAdapter.getName()) || StringUtils.isBlank(csrfAdapter.getToken())) { LOGGER.warning("Class [" + name + "] returned invalid token from generateToken method"); return; } String csrfName = csrfAdapter.getName(); String csrfToken = csrfAdapter.getToken(); if (!webSecurity.disableEncrypt()) { csrfName = CsrfEncrypter.encrypt(request, webSecurity.secretKey(), csrfAdapter.getName()); csrfToken = CsrfEncrypter.encrypt(request, webSecurity.secretKey(), csrfAdapter.getToken()); } request.setAttribute(Constants.REQUEST_META_DATA_CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, csrfName); request.setAttribute(Constants.REQUEST_META_DATA_CSRF_TOKEN_VALUE, csrfToken); // We must have only one @webSecurity mapped break; } } } private void initAnnotatedBeans() { if (CONFIG.getContent().getPackageScan() == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "None [package-scan] tag was found on [" + Constants.WEB_CONFIG_XML + "] file! Skipping package scanning."); return; } Object[] packages = CONFIG.getContent().getPackageScan().split(","); Reflections reflections = new Reflections(packages); initAnnotatedWebBeans(reflections); initAnnotatedAuthBeans(reflections); initAnnotatedRequestPaths(reflections); initAnnotatedAsyncBeans(reflections); initAnnotatedWebServlets(reflections); initAnnotatedWebFilters(reflections); initAnnotatedWebListeners(reflections); initAnnotatedWebSecurities(reflections); } private void initAnnotatedWebBeans(Reflections reflections) { Set<Class<?>> annotations = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(WebBean.class); for (Class<?> clazz : annotations) { WebBean bean = clazz.getAnnotation(WebBean.class); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapping WebBean class: " + clazz); if (bean.scope() == ScopeType.SESSION && !Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped WebBean class [" + clazz + "] with scope [" + bean.scope() + "] " + "must implement interface"); } HELPER.setBeanFields(clazz); HELPER.setBeanMethods(clazz); String className = HELPER.getClassName(bean, clazz); webBeans.put(className, clazz); initAnnotatedActionMethods(className, clazz); } if (webBeans.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "WebBeans were not mapped!"); } } private void initAnnotatedActionMethods(String className, Class<?> clazz) { for (Method method : HELPER.getBeanMethods(clazz)) { List<Arg> arguments = new ArrayList<>(); for (Annotation[] annotations : method.getParameterAnnotations()) { for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation instanceof Arg) { arguments.add((Arg) annotation); } } } if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Function.class)) { AnnotatedFunction annotatedFunction = new AnnotatedFunction(method, className, arguments); // Keep track of functions per bean method beanMethodFunctions.put(String.format(BEAN_METHOD_NAME_FORMAT, className, method.getName()), annotatedFunction); List<String> urlPaths = HELPER.cleanPaths(annotatedFunction.getFunction().forPaths()); for (String urlPath : urlPaths) { List<AnnotatedFunction> pathFunctions = annotatedFunctions.get(urlPath); if (pathFunctions == null) { pathFunctions = new ArrayList<>(); annotatedFunctions.put(urlPath, pathFunctions); } pathFunctions.add(annotatedFunction); } } if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Action.class)) { AnnotatedAction annotatedAction = new AnnotatedAction(method, className, arguments); for (String id : annotatedAction.getAction().forIds()) { annotatedActions.put(id, annotatedAction); } } } } private void initAnnotatedAuthBeans(Reflections reflections) { Set<Class<?>> annotations = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(AuthBean.class); for (Class<?> clazz : annotations) { AuthBean authBean = clazz.getAnnotation(AuthBean.class); if (authBeans.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapping AuthBean class: " + clazz); if (authBean.type() == AuthType.SESSION && !Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped AuthBean class [" + clazz + "] of type AuthType.SESSION " + "must implement interface"); } if (authBean.type() == AuthType.REQUEST && authBean.secretKey().length() != AuthEncrypter.CYPHER_KEY_LENGTH) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped AuthBean annotation for class [" + clazz + "] must " + "have its secretKey value with [" + AuthEncrypter.CYPHER_KEY_LENGTH + "] characters"); } HELPER.setBeanFields(clazz); HELPER.setBeanMethods(clazz); HELPER.setAuthFields(clazz); HELPER.setAuthAccess(clazz); HELPER.setAuthMethods(clazz); if (HELPER.getAuthFields(clazz).length == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped AuthBean class [" + clazz + "] must contain at " + "least one field annotated with @AuthField"); } if (HELPER.hasPrimitiveAuthFields(clazz)) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped AuthBean class [" + clazz + "] must have all fields " + "annotated with @AuthField as non primitive type"); } if (HELPER.getAuthMethods(clazz).length == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped AuthBean class [" + clazz + "] must contain at " + "least one method that is annotated with @AuthMethod " + "and returns boolean value to return authentication status"); } String className = HELPER.getClassName(authBean, clazz); authBeans.put(className, clazz); initAnnotatedActionMethods(className, clazz); } else { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Only one AuthBean can be declared! Skipping class " + clazz); } } if (authBeans.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "AuthBean was not mapped!"); } checkWebBeanConstraint(annotations, "@AuthBean"); } private void initAnnotatedRequestPaths(Reflections reflections) { Set<Class<?>> annotations = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(RequestPath.class); for (Class<?> clazz : annotations) { RequestPath requestPath = clazz.getAnnotation(RequestPath.class); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapping RequestPath class: " + clazz); if (!clazz.isAnnotationPresent(Controller.class)) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped RequestPath class [" + clazz + "] must be annotated with " + "org.springframework.stereotype.Controller from Spring"); } if (!requestPath.value().endsWith("*")) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped class [" + clazz + "] annotated with @RequestPath must have its " + "path annotation attribute ending with * character"); } HELPER.setBeanFields(clazz); HELPER.setBeanMethods(clazz); requestPaths.put(requestPath.value(), clazz); } if (requestPaths.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "RequestPaths were not mapped!"); } for (Class<?> pathClazz : requestPaths.values()) { for (Class<?> webClazz : webBeans.values()) { if (webClazz == pathClazz) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "@WebBean class [" + webClazz + "] cannot be annotated with @RequestPath"); } } } checkWebBeanConstraint(annotations, "@RequestPath"); checkAuthBeanConstraint(annotations, "@RequestPath"); } private void initAnnotatedAsyncBeans(Reflections reflections) { Set<Class<?>> annotations = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(AsyncBean.class); for (Class<?> clazz : annotations) { AsyncBean asyncBean = clazz.getAnnotation(AsyncBean.class); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapping AsyncBean class: " + clazz); if (!WebAsyncListener.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Mapped AsyncBean class [" + clazz + "] must implement " + "WebAsyncListener interface"); } HELPER.setBeanFields(clazz); HELPER.setBeanMethods(clazz); String path = HELPER.getCleanPath(asyncBean.value()); path = HELPER.matchUrlPattern(path); asyncBeans.put(path, clazz); } if (asyncBeans.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "AsyncBeans were not mapped!"); } checkWebBeanConstraint(annotations, "@AsyncBean"); checkAuthBeanConstraint(annotations, "@AsyncBean"); checkRequestPathConstraint(annotations, "@AsyncBean"); } private void initAnnotatedWebServlets(Reflections reflections) { Set<Class<?>> annotations = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(WebServlet.class); for (Class<?> clazz : annotations) { WebServlet servlet = clazz.getAnnotation(WebServlet.class); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapping WebServlet class: " + clazz); if (!HttpServlet.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped WebServlet class " + "[" + clazz + "] must extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet class"); } HELPER.setBeanFields(clazz); HELPER.setBeanMethods(clazz); webServlets.put(HELPER.getClassName(servlet, clazz), clazz); } if (webServlets.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "WebServlets were not mapped!"); } checkWebBeanConstraint(annotations, "@WebServlet"); checkAuthBeanConstraint(annotations, "@WebServlet"); checkRequestPathConstraint(annotations, "@WebServlet"); checkAsyncBeanConstraint(annotations, "@WebServlet"); } private void initAnnotatedWebFilters(Reflections reflections) { Set<Class<?>> annotations = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(WebFilter.class); for (Class<?> clazz : annotations) { WebFilter filter = clazz.getAnnotation(WebFilter.class); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapping WebFilter class: " + clazz); if (!Filter.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped WebFilter class [" + clazz + "] " + "must implement javax.servlet.Filter interface"); } HELPER.setBeanFields(clazz); HELPER.setBeanMethods(clazz); webFilters.put(HELPER.getClassName(filter, clazz), clazz); } if (webFilters.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "WebFilters were not mapped!"); } checkWebBeanConstraint(annotations, "@WebFilter"); checkAuthBeanConstraint(annotations, "@WebFilter"); checkRequestPathConstraint(annotations, "@WebFilter"); checkAsyncBeanConstraint(annotations, "@WebFilter"); } private void initAnnotatedWebListeners(Reflections reflections) { Set<Class<?>> annotations = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(WebListener.class); for (Class<?> clazz : annotations) { try { Object listenerObj = clazz.newInstance(); if (ServletContextListener.class.isInstance(listenerObj)) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapping ServletContextListener class [" + clazz + "]"); HELPER.setBeanFields(clazz); HELPER.setBeanMethods(clazz); contextListeners.add((ServletContextListener) listenerObj); } else if (HttpSessionListener.class.isInstance(listenerObj)) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapping HttpSessionListener class [" + clazz + "]"); HELPER.setBeanFields(clazz); HELPER.setBeanMethods(clazz); sessionListeners.add((HttpSessionListener) listenerObj); } else if (ServletRequestListener.class.isInstance(listenerObj)) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapping ServletRequestListener class [" + clazz + "]"); HELPER.setBeanFields(clazz); HELPER.setBeanMethods(clazz); requestListeners.add((ServletRequestListener) listenerObj); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped WebListener class [" + clazz + "] " + "must implement javax.servlet.ServletContextListener, " + "javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener or javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener interface"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "WebListener class [" + clazz.getName() + "] " + "could not be instantiated!"); } } if (contextListeners.isEmpty() && sessionListeners.isEmpty() && requestListeners.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "WebListeners were not mapped!"); } checkWebBeanConstraint(annotations, "@WebListener"); checkAuthBeanConstraint(annotations, "@WebListener"); checkRequestPathConstraint(annotations, "@WebListener"); checkAsyncBeanConstraint(annotations, "@WebListener"); } private void initAnnotatedWebSecurities(Reflections reflections) { Set<Class<?>> annotations = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(WebSecurity.class); for (Class<?> clazz : annotations) { try { WebSecurity webSecurity = clazz.getAnnotation(WebSecurity.class); if (securityListeners.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapping WebSecurity class [" + clazz + "]"); if (!CsrfRequestListener.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped WebSecurity class [" + clazz + "] " + "must implement CsrfRequestListener interface"); } if (webSecurity.secretKey().length() != CsrfEncrypter.CYPHER_KEY_LENGTH) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapped WebSecurity annotation for class [" + clazz + "] must " + "have its secretKey value with [" + CsrfEncrypter.CYPHER_KEY_LENGTH + "] characters"); } HELPER.setBeanFields(clazz); HELPER.setBeanMethods(clazz); securityListeners.put(HELPER.getClassName(webSecurity, clazz), clazz); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Only one WebSecurity can be declared! Skipping class " + clazz); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "WebSecurity class [" + clazz.getName() + "] " + "could not be instantiated!"); } } if (securityListeners.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "WebSecurities were not mapped!"); } checkRequestPathConstraint(annotations, "@WebSecurity"); checkAsyncBeanConstraint(annotations, "@WebSecurity"); } private void checkWebBeanConstraint(Set<Class<?>> resources, String resourceName) { for (Class<?> clazz : resources) { for (Class<?> webClazz : webBeans.values()) { if (webClazz == clazz) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "@WebBean class [" + webClazz + "] cannot be annotated with " + resourceName); } } } } private void checkAuthBeanConstraint(Set<Class<?>> resources, String resourceName) { for (Class<?> clazz : resources) { for (Class<?> authClazz : authBeans.values()) { if (authClazz == clazz) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "@AuthBean class [" + authClazz + "] cannot be annotated with " + resourceName); } } } } private void checkRequestPathConstraint(Set<Class<?>> resources, String resourceName) { for (Class<?> clazz : resources) { for (Class<?> pathClazz : requestPaths.values()) { if (pathClazz == clazz) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "@RequestPath class [" + pathClazz + "] cannot be annotated with " + resourceName); } } } } private void checkAsyncBeanConstraint(Set<Class<?>> resources, String resourceName) { for (Class<?> clazz : resources) { for (Class<?> asyncClazz : asyncBeans.values()) { if (asyncClazz == clazz) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "@AsyncBean class [" + asyncClazz + "] cannot be annotated with " + resourceName); } } } } public String getForwardPath(String path) { if (path != null) { return forwardPaths.get(path); } return path; } AnnotatedAction getAnnotatedAction(String id) { if (id != null) { return annotatedActions.get(id); } return null; } List<AnnotatedFunction> getAnnotatedFunctions(String path) { if (path != null) { List<AnnotatedFunction> functions = annotatedFunctions.get(path); return functions != null ? functions : Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } private void initForwardPaths(ServletContext servletContext) { lookupInResourcePath(servletContext, Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR); overrideForwardPaths(); } private void overrideForwardPaths() { for (UrlPattern urlPattern : CONFIG.getContent().getUrlPatterns()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urlPattern.getJsp())) { String prevJsp = forwardPaths.put(urlPattern.getUrl(), urlPattern.getJsp()); if (prevJsp != null) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Overriding path mapping [" + urlPattern.getUrl() + "] from [" + prevJsp + "] " + "to [" + urlPattern.getJsp() + "]"); } else { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Mapping path [" + urlPattern.getUrl() + "] to [" + urlPattern.getJsp() + "]"); } } } } private void lookupInResourcePath(ServletContext servletContext, String path) { Set<String> resources = servletContext.getResourcePaths(path); if (resources != null) { for (String res : resources) { if (res.endsWith(".jsp") || res.endsWith(".jspf") || res.endsWith(".html")) { String[] bars = res.split(Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR); if (res.endsWith(".jspf")) { // Save the entire resource path to capture it later when reading JSP include tags forwardPaths.put(res, res); } else { forwardPaths.put(Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR + bars[bars.length - 1].replace(".jsp", "").replace(".html", ""), res); } } else { lookupInResourcePath(servletContext, res); } } } } private void checkWebXmlPath(ServletContext servletContext) { try { URL webXml = servletContext.getResource("/WEB-INF/web.xml"); if (webXml != null) { throw new RuntimeException("JSmart framework is not compatible with [/WEB-INF/web.xml] file. " + "Please remove the web.xml and compile your project with [failOnMissingWebXml=false]"); } } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "/WEB-INF/web.xml malformed Url: " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void initJndiMapping() { try { String lookupName = CONFIG.getContent().getEjbLookup(); initialContext = new InitialContext(); // For glassfish implementation NamingEnumeration<Binding> bindList = initialContext.listBindings(""); while (bindList.hasMore()) { Binding bind =; if (bind != null && ("java:" + lookupName).equals(bind.getName()) && bind.getObject() instanceof Context) { lookupInContext((Context) bind.getObject(), "java:" + lookupName); } } // For Jboss implementation if (jndiMapping.isEmpty()) { lookupInContext((Context) initialContext.lookup("java:" + lookupName), "java:" + lookupName); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "JNDI for EJB mapping could not be initialized: " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void lookupInContext(Context context, String prefix) { try { prefix += "/"; NamingEnumeration<Binding> bindList = context.listBindings(""); while (bindList.hasMore()) { Binding bind =; if (bind != null) { if (bind.getObject() instanceof Context) { lookupInContext((Context) bind.getObject(), prefix + bind.getName()); } String[] binds = bind.getName().split("!"); if (binds.length > 1) { try { jndiMapping.put(Class.forName(binds[1]), prefix + binds[0]); } catch (Throwable ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Class could not be found for EJB mapping: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } } } catch (Throwable ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Bindings could not be found for EJB context: " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void initJspPageBeans(ServletContext context) { for (UrlPattern urlPattern : CONFIG.getContent().getUrlPatterns()) { String path = HELPER.getCleanPath(urlPattern.getUrl()); JspPageBean jspPageBean = new JspPageBean(); readJspPageResource(context, path, jspPageBean); // Include the mapped bean containing function into jspPageBeans // so they can be initialized properly for (AnnotatedFunction annotatedFunction : getAnnotatedFunctions(path)) { jspPageBean.addBeanName(annotatedFunction.getClassName()); } // Include the mapped bean containing exposed vars into jspPageBeans for (Class<?> clazz : HELPER.getExposeVarByPath(path)) { jspPageBean.addBeanName(HELPER.getBeanName(clazz)); } jspPageBeans.put(path, jspPageBean); } } private void readJspPageResource(ServletContext context, String path, JspPageBean jspPageBean) { InputStream is = context.getResourceAsStream(getForwardPath(path)); if (is != null) { Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(is); Set<String> includes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); try { String lineScan; while ((lineScan = fileScanner.findWithinHorizon(HANDLER_EL_PATTERN, 0)) != null) { boolean hasInclude = false; Matcher matcher = INCLUDE_PATTERN.matcher(lineScan); while (matcher.find()) { hasInclude = true; includes.add(; } if (hasInclude) { continue; } matcher = ExpressionHandler.EL_PATTERN.matcher(lineScan); while (matcher.find()) { for (String name : { if (webBeans.containsKey(name.trim())) { jspPageBean.addBeanName(name.trim()); } } } matcher = ExpressionHandler.JSP_PATTERN.matcher(lineScan); while (matcher.find()) { for (String name : { if (webBeans.containsKey(name.trim())) { jspPageBean.addBeanName(name.trim()); } } } matcher = ExpressionHandler.ID_PATTERN.matcher(lineScan); while (matcher.find()) { AnnotatedAction annotatedAction = getAnnotatedAction(; if (annotatedAction != null) { jspPageBean.addBeanName(annotatedAction.getClassName()); } } } } finally { fileScanner.close(); } // Read include page resources for (String include : includes) { String includeOwner = getForwardPath(path); includeOwner = includeOwner.substring(0, includeOwner.lastIndexOf(Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR) + 1); include = getRelativeIncludePath(includeOwner, include); readJspPageResource(context, include, jspPageBean); } } } private String getRelativeIncludePath(String includeOwner, String include) { int index = 0; int pathSeparators = 0; while (index != -1) { index = include.indexOf(Constants.PREVIOUS_PATH, index); if (index != -1) { pathSeparators++; index += Constants.PREVIOUS_PATH.length(); } } if (pathSeparators != 0) { String[] ownerPath = includeOwner.split(Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR); if (ownerPath.length > pathSeparators) { includeOwner = includeOwner.substring(0, includeOwner.lastIndexOf(ownerPath[ownerPath.length - pathSeparators])); } else { includeOwner = Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR; } } if (include.startsWith(Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR)) { include = include.replaceFirst(Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR, ""); } return includeOwner + include.replace(Constants.PREVIOUS_PATH, ""); } private class JspPageBean { private Set<String> beanNames; public JspPageBean() { this.beanNames = new LinkedHashSet<>(); } public Set<String> getBeanNames() { return beanNames; } public void addBeanName(String beanName) { this.beanNames.add(beanName); } } public static class AnnotatedFunction { private Function function; private Method method; private String className; private List<Arg> arguments; private String beanMethod; private String beforeSend; private String onSuccess; private String onComplete; private String onError; private String update; private ProduceType produces; public AnnotatedFunction(Method method, String className, List<Arg> arguments) { this.method = method; this.className = className; this.function = method.getAnnotation(Function.class); this.beanMethod = String.format(EL_PATTERN_FORMAT, className, method.getName()); this.beforeSend = StringUtils.join(function.beforeSend(), ";"); this.onSuccess = StringUtils.join(function.onSuccess(), ";"); this.onComplete = StringUtils.join(function.onComplete(), ";"); this.onError = StringUtils.join(function.onError(), ";"); this.update = StringUtils.join(function.update(), ","); this.produces = function.produces(); this.arguments = arguments; } public Function getFunction() { return function; } public String getFunctionName() { if (StringUtils.isBlank( { return method.getName(); } return; } public List<Arg> getArguments() { return arguments; } public Class<?> getArgumentType(int index) { Class<?>[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes(); if (parameters.length > index) { return parameters[index]; } return null; } public String getClassName() { return className; } public String getBeanMethod() { return beanMethod; } public String getBeforeSend() { return beforeSend; } public String getOnSuccess() { return onSuccess; } public String getOnComplete() { return onComplete; } public String getOnError() { return onError; } public String getUpdate() { return update; } public ProduceType getProduces() { return produces; } public boolean hasProduces() { return produces != ProduceType.VOID; } } public static class AnnotatedAction { private Action action; private Method method; private List<Arg> arguments; private String className; private String beanMethod; private String beforeSend; private String onSuccess; private String onComplete; private String onError; private String update; private boolean skipValidation; public AnnotatedAction(Method method, String className, List<Arg> arguments) { this.method = method; this.className = className; this.action = method.getAnnotation(Action.class); this.beanMethod = String.format(EL_PATTERN_FORMAT, className, method.getName()); this.beforeSend = StringUtils.join(action.beforeSend(), ";"); this.onSuccess = StringUtils.join(action.onSuccess(), ";"); this.onComplete = StringUtils.join(action.onComplete(), ";"); this.onError = StringUtils.join(action.onError(), ";"); this.update = StringUtils.join(action.update(), ","); this.arguments = arguments; this.skipValidation = action.skipValidation(); } public Action getAction() { return action; } public List<Arg> getArguments() { return arguments; } public String getClassName() { return className; } public String getBeanMethod() { return beanMethod; } public String getBeforeSend() { return beforeSend; } public String getOnSuccess() { return onSuccess; } public String getOnComplete() { return onComplete; } public String getOnError() { return onError; } public String getUpdate() { return update; } public boolean isSkipValidation() { return skipValidation; } } }