Java tutorial
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Copyright (C) 2014 Joliciel Informatique // //This file is part of Talismane. // //Talismane is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //Talismane is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with Talismane. If not, see <>. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.joliciel.talismane.extensions.corpus; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import com.joliciel.talismane.TalismaneSession; import com.joliciel.talismane.parser.DependencyArc; import com.joliciel.talismane.parser.ParseConfiguration; import com.joliciel.talismane.parser.ParseConfigurationProcessor; import com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger.PosTag; import com.joliciel.talismane.posTagger.PosTaggedToken; import com.joliciel.talismane.tokeniser.Token; import com.joliciel.talismane.utils.CSVFormatter; import com.joliciel.talismane.utils.LogUtils; /** * A class for gathering statistics from a given corpus. * @author Assaf Urieli * */ public class CorpusStatistics implements ParseConfigurationProcessor, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CorpusStatistics.class); private static final CSVFormatter CSV = new CSVFormatter(); private Set<String> words = new TreeSet<String>(); private Set<String> lowerCaseWords = new TreeSet<String>(); private Map<String, Integer> posTagCounts = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); private Map<String, Integer> depLabelCounts = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); private int tokenCount; private int unknownTokenCount; private int alphanumericCount; private int unknownAlphanumericCount; private int sentenceCount; private int nonProjectiveCount; private int totalDepCount; private DescriptiveStatistics sentenceLengthStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); private DescriptiveStatistics syntaxDepthStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); private DescriptiveStatistics maxSyntaxDepthStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); private DescriptiveStatistics avgSyntaxDepthStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); private DescriptiveStatistics syntaxDistanceStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); private Pattern alphanumeric = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9]"); private transient Set<String> referenceWords = null; private transient Set<String> referenceLowercaseWords = null; private transient Writer writer; private transient File serializationFile; private TalismaneSession talismaneSession; public CorpusStatistics(TalismaneSession talismaneSession) { super(); this.talismaneSession = talismaneSession; } @Override public void onNextParseConfiguration(ParseConfiguration parseConfiguration, Writer writer) { sentenceCount++; sentenceLengthStats.addValue(parseConfiguration.getPosTagSequence().size()); for (PosTaggedToken posTaggedToken : parseConfiguration.getPosTagSequence()) { if (posTaggedToken.getTag().equals(PosTag.ROOT_POS_TAG)) continue; Token token = posTaggedToken.getToken(); String word = token.getOriginalText(); words.add(word); if (referenceWords != null) { if (!referenceWords.contains(word)) unknownTokenCount++; } if (alphanumeric.matcher(token.getOriginalText()).find()) { String lowercase = word.toLowerCase(talismaneSession.getLocale()); lowerCaseWords.add(lowercase); alphanumericCount++; if (referenceLowercaseWords != null) { if (!referenceLowercaseWords.contains(lowercase)) unknownAlphanumericCount++; } } tokenCount++; Integer countObj = posTagCounts.get(posTaggedToken.getTag().getCode()); int count = countObj == null ? 0 : countObj.intValue(); count++; posTagCounts.put(posTaggedToken.getTag().getCode(), count); } int maxDepth = 0; DescriptiveStatistics avgSyntaxDepthForSentenceStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (DependencyArc arc : parseConfiguration.getDependencies()) { Integer countObj = depLabelCounts.get(arc.getLabel()); int count = countObj == null ? 0 : countObj.intValue(); count++; depLabelCounts.put(arc.getLabel(), count); totalDepCount++; if (arc.getHead().getTag().equals(PosTag.ROOT_POS_TAG) && (arc.getLabel() == null || arc.getLabel().length() == 0)) { // do nothing for unattached stuff (e.g. punctuation) } else if (arc.getLabel().equals("ponct")) { // do nothing for punctuation } else { int depth = 0; DependencyArc theArc = arc; while (theArc != null && !theArc.getHead().getTag().equals(PosTag.ROOT_POS_TAG)) { theArc = parseConfiguration.getGoverningDependency(theArc.getHead()); depth++; } if (depth > maxDepth) maxDepth = depth; syntaxDepthStats.addValue(depth); avgSyntaxDepthForSentenceStats.addValue(depth); int distance = Math .abs(arc.getHead().getToken().getIndex() - arc.getDependent().getToken().getIndex()); syntaxDistanceStats.addValue(distance); } maxSyntaxDepthStats.addValue(maxDepth); if (avgSyntaxDepthForSentenceStats.getN() > 0) avgSyntaxDepthStats.addValue(avgSyntaxDepthForSentenceStats.getMean()); } // we cheat a little bit by only allowing each arc to count once // there could be a situation where there are two independent non-projective arcs // crossing the same mother arc, but we prefer here to underestimate, // as this phenomenon is quite rare. Set<DependencyArc> nonProjectiveArcs = new HashSet<DependencyArc>(); int i = 0; for (DependencyArc arc : parseConfiguration.getDependencies()) { i++; if (arc.getHead().getTag().equals(PosTag.ROOT_POS_TAG) && (arc.getLabel() == null || arc.getLabel().length() == 0)) continue; if (nonProjectiveArcs.contains(arc)) continue; int headIndex = arc.getHead().getToken().getIndex(); int depIndex = arc.getDependent().getToken().getIndex(); int startIndex = headIndex < depIndex ? headIndex : depIndex; int endIndex = headIndex >= depIndex ? headIndex : depIndex; int j = 0; for (DependencyArc otherArc : parseConfiguration.getDependencies()) { j++; if (j <= i) continue; if (otherArc.getHead().getTag().equals(PosTag.ROOT_POS_TAG) && (otherArc.getLabel() == null || otherArc.getLabel().length() == 0)) continue; if (nonProjectiveArcs.contains(otherArc)) continue; int headIndex2 = otherArc.getHead().getToken().getIndex(); int depIndex2 = otherArc.getDependent().getToken().getIndex(); int startIndex2 = headIndex2 < depIndex2 ? headIndex2 : depIndex2; int endIndex2 = headIndex2 >= depIndex2 ? headIndex2 : depIndex2; boolean nonProjective = false; if (startIndex2 < startIndex && endIndex2 > startIndex && endIndex2 < endIndex) { nonProjective = true; } else if (startIndex2 > startIndex && startIndex2 < endIndex && endIndex2 > endIndex) { nonProjective = true; } if (nonProjective) { nonProjectiveArcs.add(arc); nonProjectiveArcs.add(otherArc); nonProjectiveCount++; LOG.debug("Non-projective arcs in sentence: " + parseConfiguration.getSentence().getText()); LOG.debug(arc.toString()); LOG.debug(otherArc.toString()); break; } } } } @Override public void onCompleteParse() { try { if (writer != null) { double unknownLexiconPercent = 1; if (referenceWords != null) { int unknownLexiconCount = 0; for (String word : words) { if (!referenceWords.contains(word)) unknownLexiconCount++; } unknownLexiconPercent = (double) unknownLexiconCount / (double) words.size(); } double unknownLowercaseLexiconPercent = 1; if (referenceLowercaseWords != null) { int unknownLowercaseLexiconCount = 0; for (String lowercase : lowerCaseWords) { if (!referenceLowercaseWords.contains(lowercase)) unknownLowercaseLexiconCount++; } unknownLowercaseLexiconPercent = (double) unknownLowercaseLexiconCount / (double) lowerCaseWords.size(); } writer.write(CSV.format("sentenceCount") + CSV.format(sentenceCount) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("sentenceLengthMean") + CSV.format(sentenceLengthStats.getMean()) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("sentenceLengthStdDev") + CSV.format(sentenceLengthStats.getStandardDeviation()) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("tokenLexiconSize") + CSV.format(words.size()) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("tokenLexiconUnknown") + CSV.format(unknownLexiconPercent * 100.0) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("tokenCount") + CSV.format(tokenCount) + "\n"); double unknownTokenPercent = ((double) unknownTokenCount / (double) tokenCount) * 100.0; writer.write(CSV.format("tokenUnknown") + CSV.format(unknownTokenPercent) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("lowercaseLexiconSize") + CSV.format(lowerCaseWords.size()) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("lowercaseLexiconUnknown") + CSV.format(unknownLowercaseLexiconPercent * 100.0) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("alphanumericCount") + CSV.format(alphanumericCount) + "\n"); double unknownAlphanumericPercent = ((double) unknownAlphanumericCount / (double) alphanumericCount) * 100.0; writer.write(CSV.format("alphanumericUnknown") + CSV.format(unknownAlphanumericPercent) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("syntaxDepthMean") + CSV.format(syntaxDepthStats.getMean()) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("syntaxDepthStdDev") + CSV.format(syntaxDepthStats.getStandardDeviation()) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("maxSyntaxDepthMean") + CSV.format(maxSyntaxDepthStats.getMean()) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("maxSyntaxDepthStdDev") + CSV.format(maxSyntaxDepthStats.getStandardDeviation()) + "\n"); writer.write( CSV.format("sentAvgSyntaxDepthMean") + CSV.format(avgSyntaxDepthStats.getMean()) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("sentAvgSyntaxDepthStdDev") + CSV.format(avgSyntaxDepthStats.getStandardDeviation()) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("syntaxDistanceMean") + CSV.format(syntaxDistanceStats.getMean()) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("syntaxDistanceStdDev") + CSV.format(syntaxDistanceStats.getStandardDeviation()) + "\n"); double nonProjectivePercent = ((double) nonProjectiveCount / (double) totalDepCount) * 100.0; writer.write(CSV.format("nonProjectiveCount") + CSV.format(nonProjectiveCount) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("nonProjectivePercent") + CSV.format(nonProjectivePercent) + "\n"); writer.write(CSV.format("PosTagCounts") + "\n"); for (String posTag : posTagCounts.keySet()) { int count = posTagCounts.get(posTag); writer.write(CSV.format(posTag) + CSV.format(count) + CSV.format(((double) count / (double) tokenCount) * 100.0) + "\n"); } writer.write(CSV.format("DepLabelCounts") + "\n"); for (String depLabel : depLabelCounts.keySet()) { int count = depLabelCounts.get(depLabel); writer.write(CSV.format(depLabel) + CSV.format(count) + CSV.format(((double) count / (double) totalDepCount) * 100.0) + "\n"); } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } if (this.serializationFile != null) { ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(serializationFile, false)); zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("Contents.obj")); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(zos); try { oos.writeObject(this); } finally { oos.flush(); } zos.flush(); zos.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { LogUtils.logError(LOG, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static CorpusStatistics loadFromFile(File inFile) { try { ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(inFile)); zis.getNextEntry(); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(zis); CorpusStatistics stats = null; try { stats = (CorpusStatistics) in.readObject(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LogUtils.logError(LOG, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return stats; } catch (IOException ioe) { LogUtils.logError(LOG, ioe); throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } public Set<String> getReferenceWords() { return referenceWords; } public void setReferenceWords(Set<String> referenceWords) { this.referenceWords = referenceWords; } public Set<String> getReferenceLowercaseWords() { return referenceLowercaseWords; } public void setReferenceLowercaseWords(Set<String> referenceLowercaseWords) { this.referenceLowercaseWords = referenceLowercaseWords; } public Writer getWriter() { return writer; } public void setWriter(Writer writer) { this.writer = writer; } public Set<String> getWords() { return words; } public Set<String> getLowerCaseWords() { return lowerCaseWords; } public Map<String, Integer> getPosTagCounts() { return posTagCounts; } public Map<String, Integer> getDepLabelCounts() { return depLabelCounts; } public int getWordCount() { return tokenCount; } public int getAlphanumericCount() { return alphanumericCount; } public int getSentenceCount() { return sentenceCount; } public DescriptiveStatistics getSentenceLengthStats() { return sentenceLengthStats; } public void setSerializationFile(File serializationFile) { this.serializationFile = serializationFile; } }