Java tutorial
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Copyright (C) 2012 Assaf Urieli // //This file is part of Jochre. // //Jochre is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //Jochre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with Jochre. If not, see <>. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYBarRenderer; import; import; import com.joliciel.jochre.stats.DBSCANClusterer; class SourceImageImpl extends JochreImageImpl implements SourceImageInternal { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SourceImageImpl.class); List<RowOfShapes> rows; Set<Set<RowOfShapes>> rowClusters = null; boolean shapeStatisticsCalculated = false; double averageShapeWidth; double averageShapeWidthMargin; double averageShapeHeight; double averageShapeHeightMargin; boolean meanHorizontalSlopeCalculated = false; double meanHorizontalSlope = 0; double greyscaleMultiplier = 1.0; List<Shape> largeShapes = null; List<Rectangle> whiteAreasAroundLargeShapes = null; List<Rectangle> columnSeparators = null; int myShapeCount = -1; boolean drawPixelSpread = false; public SourceImageImpl(GraphicsServiceInternal graphicsService, String name, BufferedImage image) { super(image); = name; this.setOriginalImage(image); this.setGraphicsService(graphicsService); this.setWidth(this.getPixelGrabber().getWidth()); this.setHeight(this.getPixelGrabber().getHeight()); // to normalise the image, we need to figure out where black and white are // we want to leave out anomalies (ink blots!) int[] pixelSpread = new int[256]; // To save on memory for (int y = 0; y < this.getHeight(); y++) for (int x = 0; x < this.getWidth(); x++) { int pixel = this.getPixelGrabber().getPixelBrightness(x, y); pixelSpread[pixel]++; } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) LOG.trace("Brightness " + i + ": " + pixelSpread[i]); } DescriptiveStatistics countStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { countStats.addValue(pixelSpread[i]); } int startWhite = -1; int endWhite = -1; for (int i = 255; i >= 0; i--) { if (startWhite < 0 && pixelSpread[i] > countStats.getMean()) startWhite = i; if (startWhite >= 0 && endWhite < 0 && pixelSpread[i] < countStats.getMean()) { endWhite = i; break; } } LOG.debug("Start white: " + startWhite); LOG.debug("End white: " + endWhite); DescriptiveStatistics blackCountStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics blackSpread = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (int i = 0; i <= endWhite; i++) { blackCountStats.addValue(pixelSpread[i]); for (int j = 0; j < pixelSpread[i]; j++) { blackSpread.addValue(i); } } LOG.debug("mean counts: " + countStats.getMean()); LOG.debug("mean black counts: " + blackCountStats.getMean()); LOG.debug("std dev black counts: " + blackCountStats.getStandardDeviation()); int startBlack = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (pixelSpread[i] > blackCountStats.getMean()) { startBlack = i; break; } } LOG.debug("Start black: " + startBlack); this.setBlackLimit(startBlack); this.setWhiteLimit(startWhite); this.greyscaleMultiplier = (255.0 / (double) (whiteLimit - blackLimit)); // use mean + 2 sigma to find the black threshold // we make the threshold high (darker) to put more pixels in the letter when analysing double blackthresholdCount = blackCountStats.getMean() + (2.0 * blackCountStats.getStandardDeviation()); LOG.debug("blackthresholdCount: " + blackthresholdCount); int blackThresholdValue = endWhite; for (int i = endWhite; i >= startBlack; i--) { if (pixelSpread[i] < blackthresholdCount) { blackThresholdValue = i; break; } } LOG.debug("Black threshold value (old): " + blackThresholdValue); blackThreshold = (int) Math.round((blackThresholdValue - blackLimit) * greyscaleMultiplier); LOG.debug("Black threshold (old): " + blackThreshold); blackThresholdValue = (int) Math.round(blackSpread.getPercentile(60.0)); LOG.debug("Black threshold value (new): " + blackThresholdValue); LOG.debug("Black spread 25 percentile: " + (int) Math.round(blackSpread.getPercentile(25.0))); LOG.debug("Black spread 50 percentile: " + (int) Math.round(blackSpread.getPercentile(50.0))); LOG.debug("Black spread 75 percentile: " + (int) Math.round(blackSpread.getPercentile(75.0))); blackThreshold = (int) Math.round((blackThresholdValue - blackLimit) * greyscaleMultiplier); LOG.debug("Black threshold (new): " + blackThreshold); // use mean + 1 sigma to find the separation threshold // we keep threshold low (1 sigma) to encourage letter breaks double separationthresholdCount = blackCountStats.getMean() + (1.0 * blackCountStats.getStandardDeviation()); LOG.debug("Separation threshold value: " + separationthresholdCount); int separationThresholdValue = endWhite; for (int i = endWhite; i >= startBlack; i--) { if (pixelSpread[i] < separationthresholdCount) { separationThresholdValue = i; break; } } LOG.debug("Separation threshold value (old): " + separationThresholdValue); separationThresholdValue = (int) Math.round(blackSpread.getPercentile(75.0)); LOG.debug("Separation threshold value (new): " + separationThresholdValue); LOG.debug("Black spread 25 percentile: " + (int) Math.round(blackSpread.getPercentile(25.0))); LOG.debug("Black spread 50 percentile: " + (int) Math.round(blackSpread.getPercentile(50.0))); LOG.debug("Black spread 75 percentile: " + (int) Math.round(blackSpread.getPercentile(75.0))); separationThreshold = (int) Math.round((separationThresholdValue - blackLimit) * greyscaleMultiplier); LOG.debug("Separation threshold: " + separationThreshold); if (drawPixelSpread) this.drawChart(pixelSpread, countStats, blackCountStats, blackSpread, startWhite, endWhite, startBlack, blackThresholdValue); } private void drawChart(int[] pixelSpread, DescriptiveStatistics countStats, DescriptiveStatistics blackCountStats, DescriptiveStatistics blackSpread, int startWhite, int endWhite, int startBlack, int blackThresholdValue) { XYSeries xySeries = new XYSeries("Brightness data"); double maxSpread = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { xySeries.add(i, pixelSpread[i]); if (pixelSpread[i] > maxSpread) maxSpread = pixelSpread[i]; } XYSeries keyValues = new XYSeries("Key values"); XYSeries counts = new XYSeries("Counts"); counts.add(10.0, countStats.getMean()); counts.add(100.0, blackCountStats.getMean()); counts.add(125.0, blackCountStats.getMean() + (1.0 * blackCountStats.getStandardDeviation())); counts.add(150.0, blackCountStats.getMean() + (2.0 * blackCountStats.getStandardDeviation())); counts.add(175.0, blackCountStats.getMean() + (3.0 * blackCountStats.getStandardDeviation())); counts.add(75.0, blackCountStats.getMean() - (1.0 * blackCountStats.getStandardDeviation())); counts.add(50.0, blackCountStats.getMean() - (2.0 * blackCountStats.getStandardDeviation())); counts.add(25.0, blackCountStats.getMean() - (3.0 * blackCountStats.getStandardDeviation())); keyValues.add(startWhite, maxSpread / 4.0); keyValues.add(endWhite, maxSpread / 4.0); keyValues.add(startBlack, maxSpread / 4.0); keyValues.add(blackThresholdValue, maxSpread / 2.0); XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection(xySeries); dataset.addSeries(keyValues); dataset.addSeries(counts); final ValueAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis("Brightness"); final ValueAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis("Count"); yAxis.setUpperBound(maxSpread); xAxis.setUpperBound(255.0); //final XYItemRenderer renderer = new XYBarRenderer(); final XYBarRenderer renderer = new XYBarRenderer(); renderer.setShadowVisible(false); final XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(dataset, xAxis, yAxis, renderer); plot.setOrientation(PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); String title = "BrightnessChart"; final JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(title, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, true); chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); File file = new File("data/" + title + ".png"); try { ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file, chart, 600, 600); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public List<RowOfShapes> getRows() { if (rows == null) { rows = new ArrayList<RowOfShapes>(); } return rows; } public void addRow(RowOfShapes row) { RowOfShapesInternal theRow = (RowOfShapesInternal) row; theRow.setContainer(this); this.getRows().add(row); } public void replaceRow(RowOfShapes row, List<RowOfShapes> newRows) { int rowIndex = this.getRows().indexOf(row); for (RowOfShapes newRow : newRows) { RowOfShapesInternal theRow = (RowOfShapesInternal) newRow; theRow.setContainer(this); this.getRows().add(rowIndex, newRow); } this.getRows().remove(row); } @Override public void removeRow(RowOfShapes row) { this.getRows().remove(row); } @Override public Set<Set<RowOfShapes>> getRowClusters() { if (rowClusters == null) { Mean heightMean = new Mean(); StandardDeviation heightStdDev = new StandardDeviation(); List<double[]> rowHeights = new ArrayList<double[]>(this.getRows().size()); for (RowOfShapes row : this.getRows()) { Shape shape = row.getShapes().iterator().next(); int height = shape.getBaseLine() - shape.getMeanLine(); rowHeights.add(new double[] { height }); heightMean.increment(height); heightStdDev.increment(height); } double stdDevHeight = heightStdDev.getResult(); List<RowOfShapes> rows = new ArrayList<RowOfShapes>(this.getRows()); DBSCANClusterer<RowOfShapes> clusterer = new DBSCANClusterer<RowOfShapes>(rows, rowHeights); rowClusters = clusterer.cluster(stdDevHeight, 2, true); LOG.debug("Found " + rowClusters.size() + " row clusters."); } return rowClusters; } @Override public Locale getLocale() { return this.getPage().getDocument().getLocale(); } @Override public double getAverageShapeWidth() { this.calculateShapeStatistics(); return this.averageShapeWidth; } @Override public double getAverageShapeWidthMargin() { this.calculateShapeStatistics(); return this.averageShapeWidthMargin; } @Override public double getAverageShapeHeight() { this.calculateShapeStatistics(); return this.averageShapeHeight; } @Override public double getAverageShapeHeightMargin() { this.calculateShapeStatistics(); return this.averageShapeHeightMargin; } void calculateShapeStatistics() { if (!shapeStatisticsCalculated) { DescriptiveStatistics shapeWidthStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics shapeHeightStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (RowOfShapes row : this.getRows()) { for (Shape shape : row.getShapes()) { shapeWidthStats.addValue(shape.getWidth()); shapeHeightStats.addValue(shape.getHeight()); } } double minWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(50); double maxWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(80); double minHeight = shapeHeightStats.getPercentile(50); double maxHeight = shapeHeightStats.getPercentile(80); this.averageShapeWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(65); this.averageShapeHeight = shapeHeightStats.getPercentile(65); this.averageShapeWidthMargin = (maxWidth - minWidth) / 2.0; this.averageShapeHeightMargin = (maxHeight - minHeight) / 2.0; this.shapeStatisticsCalculated = true; } } /** * Returns the slope of the current image's horizontal inclination. * Assumes an initial stab has already been made at group shapes into rows, * and that rows are grouped from top to bottom. * @return */ public double getInclination() { LOG.debug("#### getInclination ####"); // It may well be that rows have been grouped together // wrongly if the image has several columns. // The only rows that are fairly reliable are very long horizontal bars // and the first long row, in which all letters are aligned to the same baseline, // regardless of their size. // let's get the medium width first Mean widthMean = new Mean(); for (RowOfShapes row : this.getRows()) { widthMean.increment(row.getRight() - row.getLeft()); } double meanWidth = widthMean.getResult(); LOG.debug("meanWidth: " + meanWidth); double minWidth = meanWidth * 0.75; // find the first row with a pretty wide width RowOfShapes theRow = null; for (RowOfShapes row : this.getRows()) { int width = row.getRight() - row.getLeft(); if (width > minWidth) { theRow = row; break; } } // calculate a regression for average shapes on this row double minHeight = theRow.getAverageShapeHeight() - theRow.getAverageShapeHeightMargin(); double maxHeight = theRow.getAverageShapeHeight() + theRow.getAverageShapeHeightMargin(); SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression(); for (Shape shape : theRow.getShapes()) { if (shape.getHeight() >= minHeight && shape.getHeight() <= maxHeight) { for (int x = 0; x < shape.getWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < shape.getHeight(); y++) { if (shape.isPixelBlack(x, y, this.getBlackThreshold())) { regression.addData(shape.getLeft() + x, shape.getTop() + y); } } } } } return regression.getSlope(); } @Override public List<Rectangle> getWhiteAreas(List<Shape> shapes) { LOG.debug("#### getWhiteAreas ####"); // Delimit area to be examined based on shapes int top = Integer.MAX_VALUE, bottom = 0, left = Integer.MAX_VALUE, right = 0; for (Shape shape : shapes) { if (shape.getTop() < top) top = shape.getTop(); if (shape.getBottom() > bottom) bottom = shape.getBottom(); if (shape.getLeft() < left) left = shape.getLeft(); if (shape.getRight() > right) right = shape.getRight(); } // get average shape width & height DescriptiveStatistics shapeWidthStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics shapeHeightStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (Shape shape : shapes) { shapeWidthStats.addValue(shape.getWidth()); shapeHeightStats.addValue(shape.getHeight()); } double averageShapeWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(75); double averageShapeHeight = shapeHeightStats.getPercentile(75); LOG.debug("averageShapeWidth: " + averageShapeWidth); LOG.debug("averageShapeHeight: " + averageShapeHeight); List<Rectangle> whiteAreas = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(); // Horizontal white areas double minHorizontalWhiteAreaWidth = 40.0 * averageShapeWidth; double minHorizontalWhiteAreaHeight = 2.5 * averageShapeHeight; LOG.debug("minHorizontalWhiteAreaWidth: " + minHorizontalWhiteAreaWidth); LOG.debug("minHorizontalWhiteAreaHeight: " + minHorizontalWhiteAreaHeight); WhiteAreaFinder whiteAreaFinder = new WhiteAreaFinder(); List<Rectangle> blackAreas = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(); blackAreas.addAll(shapes); List<Rectangle> horizontalWhiteAreas = whiteAreaFinder.getWhiteAreas(blackAreas, left, top, right, bottom, minHorizontalWhiteAreaWidth, minHorizontalWhiteAreaHeight); // we add the horizontal white areas to the "black areas", since we don't want vertical // white areas detected at page top & page bottom, splitting a valid row blackAreas.addAll(horizontalWhiteAreas); whiteAreas.addAll(horizontalWhiteAreas); // Long vertical white areas double minVerticalWhiteAreaWidth = 2.5 * averageShapeWidth; double minVerticalWhiteAreaHeight = 10.0 * averageShapeHeight; LOG.debug("minVerticalWhiteAreaWidth: " + minVerticalWhiteAreaWidth); LOG.debug("minVerticalWhiteAreaHeight: " + minVerticalWhiteAreaHeight); List<Rectangle> verticalWhiteAreas = whiteAreaFinder.getWhiteAreas(blackAreas, left, top, right, bottom, minVerticalWhiteAreaWidth, minVerticalWhiteAreaHeight); whiteAreas.addAll(verticalWhiteAreas); // Square white areas double minSquareWhiteAreaWidth = 4.0 * averageShapeWidth; double minSquareWhiteAreaHeight = 4.0 * averageShapeHeight; LOG.debug("minSquareWhiteAreaWidth: " + minSquareWhiteAreaWidth); LOG.debug("minSquareWhiteAreaHeight: " + minSquareWhiteAreaHeight); List<Rectangle> squareWhiteAreas = whiteAreaFinder.getWhiteAreas(blackAreas, left, top, right, bottom, minSquareWhiteAreaWidth, minSquareWhiteAreaHeight); whiteAreas.addAll(squareWhiteAreas); blackAreas.addAll(squareWhiteAreas); blackAreas.addAll(this.getWhiteAreasAroundLargeShapes(shapes)); // Long narrow vertical white areas minVerticalWhiteAreaWidth = 1.0 * averageShapeWidth; minVerticalWhiteAreaHeight = 20.0 * averageShapeHeight; LOG.debug("minVerticalWhiteAreaWidth: " + minVerticalWhiteAreaWidth); LOG.debug("minVerticalWhiteAreaHeight: " + minVerticalWhiteAreaHeight); List<Rectangle> verticalWhiteAreas2 = whiteAreaFinder.getWhiteAreas(blackAreas, left, top, right, bottom, minVerticalWhiteAreaWidth, minVerticalWhiteAreaHeight); whiteAreas.addAll(verticalWhiteAreas2); return whiteAreas; } @Override public double getMeanHorizontalSlope() { if (!meanHorizontalSlopeCalculated) { // Calculate the average regression to be used for analysis Mean meanForSlope = new Mean(); StandardDeviation stdDevForSlope = new StandardDeviation(); List<SimpleRegression> regressions = new ArrayList<SimpleRegression>(); for (RowOfShapes row : this.getRows()) { SimpleRegression regression = row.getRegression(); // only include rows for which regression was really calculated (more than 2 points) if (regression.getN() > 2) { meanForSlope.increment(regression.getSlope()); stdDevForSlope.increment(regression.getSlope()); regressions.add(regression); } } double slopeMean = 0.0; double slopeStdDev = 0.0; if (meanForSlope.getN() > 0) { slopeMean = meanForSlope.getResult(); slopeStdDev = stdDevForSlope.getResult(); } LOG.debug("slopeMean: " + slopeMean); LOG.debug("slopeStdDev: " + slopeStdDev); if (regressions.size() > 0) { double minSlope = slopeMean - slopeStdDev; double maxSlope = slopeMean + slopeStdDev; meanForSlope = new Mean(); for (SimpleRegression regression : regressions) { if (minSlope <= regression.getSlope() && regression.getSlope() <= maxSlope) meanForSlope.increment(regression.getSlope()); } meanHorizontalSlope = meanForSlope.getResult(); } else { meanHorizontalSlope = 0.0; } LOG.debug("meanHorizontalSlope: " + meanHorizontalSlope); meanHorizontalSlopeCalculated = true; } return meanHorizontalSlope; } public void recalculate() { this.shapeStatisticsCalculated = false; this.meanHorizontalSlopeCalculated = false; } @Override public List<Shape> getLargeShapes() { if (largeShapes == null) largeShapes = new ArrayList<Shape>(); return largeShapes; } private List<Rectangle> getWhiteAreasAroundLargeShapes(List<Shape> shapes) { List<Rectangle> whiteAreas = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(this.getLargeShapes().size()); for (Shape largeShape : this.getLargeShapes()) { LOG.debug("Large shape: " + largeShape); int nearestAbove = 0; int nearestBelow = this.getHeight(); int nearestRight = this.getWidth(); int nearestLeft = 0; // start with extensions to the right and left for (Shape shape : shapes) { if (shape.getTop() <= largeShape.getBottom() && shape.getBottom() >= largeShape.getTop() && shape.getRight() <= largeShape.getLeft() && shape.getRight() >= nearestLeft) { nearestLeft = shape.getRight(); } else if (shape.getTop() <= largeShape.getBottom() && shape.getBottom() >= largeShape.getTop() && shape.getLeft() >= largeShape.getRight() && shape.getLeft() <= nearestRight) { nearestRight = shape.getLeft(); } } // extensions up and down for (Shape shape : shapes) { if (shape.getLeft() <= nearestRight && shape.getRight() >= nearestLeft && shape.getBottom() <= largeShape.getTop() && shape.getBottom() >= nearestAbove) { nearestAbove = shape.getBottom(); } else if (shape.getLeft() <= nearestRight && shape.getRight() >= nearestLeft && shape.getTop() >= largeShape.getBottom() && shape.getTop() <= nearestBelow) { nearestBelow = shape.getTop(); } } Rectangle whiteArea = new WhiteArea(nearestLeft + 1, nearestAbove + 1, nearestRight - 1, nearestBelow - 1); whiteAreas.add(whiteArea); LOG.debug("White area: " + whiteArea); } return whiteAreas; } @Override public List<Rectangle> getWhiteAreasAroundLargeShapes() { if (whiteAreasAroundLargeShapes == null) { LOG.debug("getWhiteAreasAroundLargeShapes"); List<Rectangle> whiteAreas = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(this.getLargeShapes().size()); for (Shape largeShape : this.getLargeShapes()) { int nearestAbove = 0; int nearestBelow = this.getHeight(); int nearestRight = this.getWidth(); int nearestLeft = 0; // start with extensions to the right and left for (RowOfShapes row : this.getRows()) { if (row.getTop() <= largeShape.getBottom() && row.getBottom() >= largeShape.getTop() && row.getRight() <= largeShape.getLeft() && row.getRight() >= nearestLeft) { nearestLeft = row.getRight(); } else if (row.getTop() <= largeShape.getBottom() && row.getBottom() >= largeShape.getTop() && row.getLeft() >= largeShape.getRight() && row.getLeft() <= nearestRight) { nearestRight = row.getLeft(); } } // extensions up and down for (RowOfShapes row : this.getRows()) { if (row.getLeft() <= nearestRight && row.getRight() >= nearestLeft && row.getBottom() <= largeShape.getTop() && row.getBottom() >= nearestAbove) { nearestAbove = row.getBottom(); } else if (row.getLeft() <= nearestRight && row.getRight() >= nearestLeft && row.getTop() >= largeShape.getBottom() && row.getTop() <= nearestBelow) { nearestBelow = row.getTop(); } } Rectangle whiteArea = new WhiteArea(nearestLeft + 1, nearestAbove + 1, nearestRight - 1, nearestBelow - 1); whiteAreas.add(whiteArea); } for (Rectangle whiteArea : whiteAreas) { LOG.debug("White area: " + whiteArea); } this.whiteAreasAroundLargeShapes = whiteAreas; } return this.whiteAreasAroundLargeShapes; } public List<Rectangle> findColumnSeparators() { if (columnSeparators == null) { LOG.debug("############ findColumnSeparators ##############"); double slope = this.getMeanHorizontalSlope(); double imageMidPointX = (double) this.getWidth() / 2.0; int[] horizontalCounts = new int[this.getHeight()]; DescriptiveStatistics rowXHeightStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); // first get the fill factor for each horizontal row in the image for (RowOfShapes row : this.getRows()) { rowXHeightStats.addValue(row.getXHeight()); for (Shape shape : row.getShapes()) { double shapeMidPointX = (double) (shape.getLeft() + shape.getRight()) / 2.0; int slopeAdjustedTop = (int) Math .round(shape.getTop() + (slope * (shapeMidPointX - imageMidPointX))); if (slopeAdjustedTop >= 0 && slopeAdjustedTop < this.getHeight()) { for (int i = 0; i < shape.getHeight(); i++) { if (slopeAdjustedTop + i < horizontalCounts.length) horizontalCounts[slopeAdjustedTop + i] += shape.getWidth(); } } } } DescriptiveStatistics horizontalStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics horizontalStatsNonEmpty = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (int i = 0; i < this.getHeight(); i++) { // LOG.trace("Row " + i + ": " + horizontalCounts[i]); horizontalStats.addValue(horizontalCounts[i]); if (horizontalCounts[i] > 0) horizontalStatsNonEmpty.addValue(horizontalCounts[i]); } LOG.debug("Mean horizontal count: " + horizontalStats.getMean()); LOG.debug("Median horizontal count: " + horizontalStats.getPercentile(50)); LOG.debug("25 percentile horizontal count: " + horizontalStats.getPercentile(25)); LOG.debug("Mean horizontal count (non empty): " + horizontalStatsNonEmpty.getMean()); LOG.debug("Median horizontal count (non empty): " + horizontalStatsNonEmpty.getPercentile(50)); LOG.debug("25 percentile horizontal count (non empty): " + horizontalStatsNonEmpty.getPercentile(25)); LOG.debug("10 percentile horizontal count (non empty): " + horizontalStatsNonEmpty.getPercentile(10)); double maxEmptyRowCount = horizontalStatsNonEmpty.getMean() / 8.0; LOG.debug("maxEmptyRowCount: " + maxEmptyRowCount); boolean inEmptyHorizontalRange = false; List<int[]> emptyHorizontalRanges = new ArrayList<int[]>(); int emptyHorizontalRangeStart = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.getHeight(); i++) { if (!inEmptyHorizontalRange && horizontalCounts[i] <= maxEmptyRowCount) { inEmptyHorizontalRange = true; emptyHorizontalRangeStart = i; } else if (inEmptyHorizontalRange && horizontalCounts[i] > maxEmptyRowCount) { inEmptyHorizontalRange = false; emptyHorizontalRanges.add(new int[] { emptyHorizontalRangeStart, i }); } } if (inEmptyHorizontalRange) { emptyHorizontalRanges.add(new int[] { emptyHorizontalRangeStart, this.getHeight() - 1 }); } LOG.debug("rowXHeight mean: " + rowXHeightStats.getMean()); LOG.debug("rowXHeight median: " + rowXHeightStats.getPercentile(50)); double minHorizontalBreak = rowXHeightStats.getMean() * 2.0; LOG.debug("minHorizontalBreak: " + minHorizontalBreak); int smallBreakCount = 0; int mainTextTop = 0; int bigBreakCount = 0; for (int[] emptyHorizontalRange : emptyHorizontalRanges) { int height = emptyHorizontalRange[1] - emptyHorizontalRange[0]; LOG.trace("empty range: " + emptyHorizontalRange[0] + ", " + emptyHorizontalRange[1] + " = " + height); if (bigBreakCount < 2 && smallBreakCount < 2 && height > minHorizontalBreak) { mainTextTop = emptyHorizontalRange[1]; bigBreakCount++; } if (height <= minHorizontalBreak) smallBreakCount++; } LOG.debug("mainTextTop:" + mainTextTop); // lift mainTextTop upwards by max an x-height or till we reach a zero row int minTop = mainTextTop - (int) (rowXHeightStats.getMean() / 2.0); if (minTop < 0) minTop = 0; for (int i = mainTextTop; i > minTop; i--) { mainTextTop = i; if (horizontalCounts[i] == 0) { break; } } LOG.debug("mainTextTop (adjusted):" + mainTextTop); smallBreakCount = 0; bigBreakCount = 0; int mainTextBottom = this.getHeight(); for (int i = emptyHorizontalRanges.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int[] emptyHorizontalRange = emptyHorizontalRanges.get(i); int height = emptyHorizontalRange[1] - emptyHorizontalRange[0]; LOG.trace("emptyHorizontalRange: " + emptyHorizontalRange[0] + ", height: " + height + ", bigBreakCount: " + bigBreakCount + ", smallBreakCount: " + smallBreakCount); if ((bigBreakCount + smallBreakCount) <= 2 && height > minHorizontalBreak) { mainTextBottom = emptyHorizontalRange[0]; LOG.trace("Set mainTextBottom to " + mainTextBottom); bigBreakCount++; } if (height <= minHorizontalBreak) smallBreakCount++; if ((bigBreakCount + smallBreakCount) > 2) break; } LOG.debug("mainTextBottom:" + mainTextBottom); // lower mainTextBottom downwards by max an x-height or till we reach a zero row int maxBottom = mainTextBottom + (int) (rowXHeightStats.getMean() / 2.0); if (maxBottom > this.getHeight()) maxBottom = this.getHeight(); for (int i = mainTextBottom; i < maxBottom; i++) { mainTextBottom = i; if (horizontalCounts[i] == 0) { break; } } LOG.debug("mainTextBottom (adjusted):" + mainTextBottom); int[] verticalCounts = new int[this.getWidth()]; // first get the fill factor for each horizontal row in the image for (RowOfShapes row : this.getRows()) { for (Shape shape : row.getShapes()) { int slopeAdjustedLeft = (int) Math.round(shape.getLeft() - row.getXAdjustment()); double shapeMidPointX = (double) (shape.getLeft() + shape.getRight()) / 2.0; int slopeAdjustedTop = (int) Math .round(shape.getTop() + (slope * (shapeMidPointX - imageMidPointX))); if (slopeAdjustedTop >= mainTextTop && slopeAdjustedTop <= mainTextBottom && slopeAdjustedLeft >= 0 && slopeAdjustedLeft < this.getWidth()) { for (int i = 0; i < shape.getWidth(); i++) { if (slopeAdjustedLeft + i < this.getWidth()) verticalCounts[slopeAdjustedLeft + i] += shape.getHeight(); } } } } DescriptiveStatistics verticalStats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); DescriptiveStatistics verticalStatsNonEmpty = new DescriptiveStatistics(); for (int i = 0; i < this.getWidth(); i++) { // LOG.trace("Column " + i + ": " + verticalCounts[i]); verticalStats.addValue(verticalCounts[i]); if (verticalCounts[i] > 0) verticalStatsNonEmpty.addValue(verticalCounts[i]); } LOG.debug("Mean vertical count: " + verticalStats.getMean()); LOG.debug("Median vertical count: " + verticalStats.getPercentile(50)); LOG.debug("25 percentile vertical count: " + verticalStats.getPercentile(25)); LOG.debug("Mean vertical count (non empty): " + verticalStatsNonEmpty.getMean()); LOG.debug("Median vertical count (non empty): " + verticalStatsNonEmpty.getPercentile(50)); LOG.debug("25 percentile vertical count (non empty): " + verticalStatsNonEmpty.getPercentile(25)); LOG.debug("10 percentile vertical count (non empty): " + verticalStatsNonEmpty.getPercentile(10)); LOG.debug("1 percentile vertical count (non empty): " + verticalStatsNonEmpty.getPercentile(1)); // double maxEmptyColumnCount = verticalStatsNonEmpty.getMean() / 8.0; double maxEmptyColumnCount = verticalStatsNonEmpty.getPercentile(1); LOG.debug("maxEmptyColumnCount: " + maxEmptyColumnCount); boolean inEmptyVerticalRange = false; List<int[]> emptyVerticalRanges = new ArrayList<int[]>(); int emptyVerticalRangeStart = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.getWidth(); i++) { if (!inEmptyVerticalRange && verticalCounts[i] <= maxEmptyColumnCount) { inEmptyVerticalRange = true; emptyVerticalRangeStart = i; } else if (inEmptyVerticalRange && verticalCounts[i] > maxEmptyColumnCount) { inEmptyVerticalRange = false; emptyVerticalRanges.add(new int[] { emptyVerticalRangeStart, i }); } } if (inEmptyVerticalRange) { emptyVerticalRanges.add(new int[] { emptyVerticalRangeStart, this.getWidth() - 1 }); } LOG.debug("rowXHeight mean: " + rowXHeightStats.getMean()); LOG.debug("rowXHeight median: " + rowXHeightStats.getPercentile(50)); double minVerticalBreak = rowXHeightStats.getMean() * 1.0; LOG.debug("minVerticalBreak: " + minVerticalBreak); List<int[]> columnBreaks = new ArrayList<int[]>(); for (int[] emptyVerticalRange : emptyVerticalRanges) { int width = emptyVerticalRange[1] - emptyVerticalRange[0]; LOG.trace("empty range: " + emptyVerticalRange[0] + ", " + emptyVerticalRange[1] + " = " + width); if (width >= minVerticalBreak) { columnBreaks.add(emptyVerticalRange); LOG.trace("Found column break!"); } } columnSeparators = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(); for (int[] columnBreak : columnBreaks) { // reduce the column break to the thickest empty area if possible int[] bestColumnBreak = null; double originalCount = maxEmptyColumnCount; maxEmptyColumnCount = 0; while (bestColumnBreak == null && maxEmptyColumnCount <= originalCount) { inEmptyVerticalRange = false; emptyVerticalRanges = new ArrayList<int[]>(); emptyVerticalRangeStart = columnBreak[0]; for (int i = columnBreak[0]; i <= columnBreak[1]; i++) { if (!inEmptyVerticalRange && verticalCounts[i] <= maxEmptyColumnCount) { inEmptyVerticalRange = true; emptyVerticalRangeStart = i; } else if (inEmptyVerticalRange && verticalCounts[i] > maxEmptyColumnCount) { inEmptyVerticalRange = false; emptyVerticalRanges.add(new int[] { emptyVerticalRangeStart, i }); } } if (inEmptyVerticalRange) { emptyVerticalRanges.add(new int[] { emptyVerticalRangeStart, columnBreak[1] }); } for (int[] emptyVerticalRange : emptyVerticalRanges) { if (bestColumnBreak == null || (emptyVerticalRange[1] - emptyVerticalRange[0] > bestColumnBreak[1] - bestColumnBreak[0])) bestColumnBreak = emptyVerticalRange; } maxEmptyColumnCount += (originalCount / 8.0); } if (bestColumnBreak == null) bestColumnBreak = columnBreak; Rectangle whiteArea = new WhiteArea(bestColumnBreak[0], mainTextTop, bestColumnBreak[1], mainTextBottom); columnSeparators.add(whiteArea); LOG.debug("ColumnBreak: " + whiteArea); } // next column break } return columnSeparators; } @Override public double getXAdjustment(double yCoordinate) { // determine the vertical slope for adjusting the line accordingly boolean infiniteSlope = false; if (this.getMeanHorizontalSlope() == 0) infiniteSlope = true; double meanVerticalSlope = 0; if (!infiniteSlope) { meanVerticalSlope = 0 - (1 / this.getMeanHorizontalSlope()); } double xAdjustment = 0; if (!infiniteSlope) { xAdjustment = yCoordinate / meanVerticalSlope; } return xAdjustment; } @Override public int getShapeCount() { if (myShapeCount < 0) { myShapeCount = 0; for (RowOfShapes row : this.getRows()) { for (GroupOfShapes group : row.getGroups()) { myShapeCount += group.getShapes().size(); } } } return myShapeCount; } @Override public boolean isDrawPixelSpread() { return drawPixelSpread; } @Override public void setDrawPixelSpread(boolean drawPixelSpread) { this.drawPixelSpread = drawPixelSpread; } }