Java tutorial
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Copyright (C) 2011 Assaf Urieli // //This file is part of csvLearner. // //csvLearner is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //csvLearner is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with csvLearner. If not, see <>. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package com.joliciel.csvLearner.utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Calculates the f-score for a given classification task. * @author Assaf Urieli * */ public class FScoreCalculator<E> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FScoreCalculator.class); Map<E, Map<E, Integer>> falsePositives = new TreeMap<E, Map<E, Integer>>(); Map<E, Map<E, Integer>> falseNegatives = new TreeMap<E, Map<E, Integer>>(); Map<E, Integer> truePositiveCounts = new TreeMap<E, Integer>(); Map<E, Integer> falsePositiveCounts = new TreeMap<E, Integer>(); Map<E, Integer> falseNegativeCounts = new TreeMap<E, Integer>(); Set<E> outcomeSet = new HashSet<E>(); Map<E, Double> precisions = new TreeMap<E, Double>(); Map<E, Double> recalls = new TreeMap<E, Double>(); Map<E, Double> fScores = new TreeMap<E, Double>(); int testCount = 0; double totalPrecision = 0.0; double totalRecall = 0.0; double totalFScore = 0.0; double totalTruePositiveCount = 0; double totalFalsePositiveCount = 0; double totalFalseNegativeCount = 0; boolean updatedSinceLastEval = false; public FScoreCalculator() { } /** * Increment this f-score by a given expected value and guessed value. * @param expected * @param guessed */ public void increment(E expected, E guessed) { int pairCount = 1; Map<E, Integer> falsePositivesForGuessed = falsePositives.get(guessed); if (falsePositivesForGuessed == null) { falsePositivesForGuessed = new TreeMap<E, Integer>(); falsePositives.put(guessed, falsePositivesForGuessed); } Integer pairCountObj = falsePositivesForGuessed.get(expected); if (pairCountObj != null) pairCount = pairCountObj.intValue() + 1; falsePositivesForGuessed.put(expected, pairCount); pairCount = 1; Map<E, Integer> falseNegativesForExpected = falseNegatives.get(expected); if (falseNegativesForExpected == null) { falseNegativesForExpected = new TreeMap<E, Integer>(); falseNegatives.put(expected, falseNegativesForExpected); } pairCountObj = falseNegativesForExpected.get(guessed); if (pairCountObj != null) pairCount = pairCountObj.intValue() + 1; falseNegativesForExpected.put(guessed, pairCount); if (expected.equals(guessed)) { int truePositiveCount = 1; Integer truePositiveCountObj = truePositiveCounts.get(expected); if (truePositiveCountObj != null) truePositiveCount = truePositiveCountObj.intValue() + 1; truePositiveCounts.put(expected, truePositiveCount); } else { // we didn't guess correctly that this was an X int falseNegativeCount = 1; Integer falseNegativeCountObj = falseNegativeCounts.get(expected); if (falseNegativeCountObj != null) falseNegativeCount = falseNegativeCountObj.intValue() + 1; falseNegativeCounts.put(expected, falseNegativeCount); // we guessed that this was a Y, when it wasn't int falsePositiveCount = 1; Integer falsePositiveCountObj = falsePositiveCounts.get(guessed); if (falsePositiveCountObj != null) falsePositiveCount = falsePositiveCountObj.intValue() + 1; falsePositiveCounts.put(guessed, falsePositiveCount); } outcomeSet.add(guessed); outcomeSet.add(expected); testCount++; updatedSinceLastEval = true; } void evaluate() { if (updatedSinceLastEval) { precisions = new TreeMap<E, Double>(); recalls = new TreeMap<E, Double>(); fScores = new TreeMap<E, Double>(); for (E outcome : outcomeSet) { LOG.debug("Outcome: " + outcome); Integer truePositiveCountObj = truePositiveCounts.get(outcome); Integer falsePositiveCountObj = falsePositiveCounts.get(outcome); Integer falseNegativeCountObj = falseNegativeCounts.get(outcome); double truePositiveCount = truePositiveCountObj != null ? truePositiveCountObj.doubleValue() : 0.0; double falsePositiveCount = falsePositiveCountObj != null ? falsePositiveCountObj.doubleValue() : 0.0; double falseNegativeCount = falseNegativeCountObj != null ? falseNegativeCountObj.doubleValue() : 0.0; LOG.debug("truePositiveCount: " + truePositiveCount); LOG.debug("falsePositiveCount: " + falsePositiveCount); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.debug("False positives: "); Map<E, Integer> pairCounts = falsePositives.get(outcome); if (pairCounts != null) { for (E guessed : pairCounts.keySet()) { int pairCount = pairCounts.get(guessed); LOG.trace(outcome.toString() + " , " + guessed.toString() + ": " + pairCount); } } } LOG.debug("falseNegativeCount " + falseNegativeCount); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.debug("False negatives: "); Map<E, Integer> pairCounts = falseNegatives.get(outcome); if (pairCounts != null) { for (E expected : pairCounts.keySet()) { int pairCount = pairCounts.get(expected); LOG.trace(outcome.toString() + " , " + expected.toString() + ": " + pairCount); } } } double precision = 0; double recall = 0; double fScore = 0; if (truePositiveCount + falsePositiveCount > 0) precision = truePositiveCount / (truePositiveCount + falsePositiveCount); if (truePositiveCount + falseNegativeCount > 0) recall = truePositiveCount / (truePositiveCount + falseNegativeCount); if (precision + recall > 0) fScore = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall); LOG.debug("Precision: " + precision); LOG.debug("Recall: " + recall); LOG.debug("F-score " + fScore); precisions.put(outcome, precision); recalls.put(outcome, recall); fScores.put(outcome, fScore); totalTruePositiveCount += truePositiveCount; totalFalsePositiveCount += falsePositiveCount; totalFalseNegativeCount += falseNegativeCount; } totalPrecision = 0; totalRecall = 0; totalFScore = 0; if (totalTruePositiveCount + totalFalsePositiveCount > 0) totalPrecision = totalTruePositiveCount / (totalTruePositiveCount + totalFalsePositiveCount); if (totalTruePositiveCount + totalFalseNegativeCount > 0) totalRecall = totalTruePositiveCount / (totalTruePositiveCount + totalFalseNegativeCount); if (totalPrecision + totalRecall > 0) totalFScore = (2 * totalPrecision * totalRecall) / (totalPrecision + totalRecall);"Total tests: " + testCount);"Total true positives: " + totalTruePositiveCount);"Total false positives: " + totalFalsePositiveCount);"Total false negatives: " + totalFalseNegativeCount);"Total precision: " + totalPrecision);"Total recall: " + totalRecall);"Total f-score: " + totalFScore); updatedSinceLastEval = false; } } /** * Get the count of false positives for a given outcome. * @param outcome * @return */ public int getFalsePositiveCount(E outcome) { int falsePositiveCount = 0; Integer falsePositiveCountObj = falsePositiveCounts.get(outcome); if (falsePositiveCountObj != null) falsePositiveCount = falsePositiveCountObj.intValue(); return falsePositiveCount; } /** * Get the false positives for a given outcome. * @param outcome * @return */ public Map<E, Integer> getFalsePositives(E outcome) { return falsePositives.get(outcome); } /** * False positives for all outcomes. * @return */ public Map<E, Integer> getFalsePositiveCounts() { return falsePositiveCounts; } /** * Get the count of false negatives for a given outcome. * @param outcome * @return */ public int getFalseNegativeCount(E outcome) { int falseNegativeCount = 0; Integer falseNegativeCountObj = falseNegativeCounts.get(outcome); if (falseNegativeCountObj != null) falseNegativeCount = falseNegativeCountObj.intValue(); return falseNegativeCount; } /** * Get the false negatives for a given outcome. * @param outcome * @return */ public Map<E, Integer> getFalseNegatives(E outcome) { return falseNegatives.get(outcome); } /** * False negatives for all outcomes. * @return */ public Map<E, Integer> getFalseNegativeCounts() { return falseNegativeCounts; } /** * Get the count of true positives for a given outcome. * @param outcome * @return */ public int getTruePositiveCount(E outcome) { int truePositiveCount = 0; Integer truePositiveCountObj = truePositiveCounts.get(outcome); if (truePositiveCountObj != null) truePositiveCount = truePositiveCountObj.intValue(); return truePositiveCount; } /** * True positive counts for all outcomes. * @return */ public Map<E, Integer> getTruePositiveCounts() { return truePositiveCounts; } /** * The set of outcomes. * @return */ public Set<E> getOutcomeSet() { return outcomeSet; } /** * Get the precision for a particular outcome. * @param outcome * @return */ public double getPrecision(E outcome) { this.evaluate(); return precisions.get(outcome); } /** * Precisions for all outcomes. * @return */ public Map<E, Double> getPrecisions() { this.evaluate(); return precisions; } /** * Get the recall for a particular outcome. * @param outcome * @return */ public double getRecall(E outcome) { this.evaluate(); return recalls.get(outcome); } /** * Recalls for all outcomes. * @return */ public Map<E, Double> getRecalls() { this.evaluate(); return recalls; } /** * Get the f-score for a particular outcome. * @param outcome * @return */ public double getFScore(E outcome) { this.evaluate(); return fScores.get(outcome); } /** * F-scores for all outcomes. * @return */ public Map<E, Double> getFScores() { this.evaluate(); return fScores; } /** * Total number of tests run. * @return */ public int getTestCount() { return testCount; } /** * Total precision. * @return */ public double getTotalPrecision() { this.evaluate(); return totalPrecision; } /** * Total recall. * @return */ public double getTotalRecall() { this.evaluate(); return totalRecall; } /** * Total f-score. * @return */ public double getTotalFScore() { this.evaluate(); return totalFScore; } public double getTotalTruePositiveCount() { return totalTruePositiveCount; } public double getTotalFalsePositiveCount() { return totalFalsePositiveCount; } public double getTotalFalseNegativeCount() { return totalFalseNegativeCount; } public void writeScoresToCSVFile(File fscoreFile) { try { fscoreFile.delete(); fscoreFile.createNewFile(); Writer fscoreFileWriter = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fscoreFile, false), "UTF8")); try { this.writeScoresToCSV(fscoreFileWriter); } finally { fscoreFileWriter.flush(); fscoreFileWriter.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } public void writeScoresToCSV(Writer fscoreFileWriter) { try { Set<E> outcomeSet = new TreeSet<E>(); outcomeSet.addAll(this.getOutcomeSet()); fscoreFileWriter.write("outcome,"); for (E outcome : outcomeSet) { fscoreFileWriter.write(outcome.toString() + ","); } fscoreFileWriter.write("true+,false+,false-,precision,recall,f-score"); fscoreFileWriter.write("\n"); DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US); df.applyPattern("#.##"); double totalPrecisionSum = 0; double totalRecallSum = 0; double totalFscoreSum = 0; for (E outcome : outcomeSet) { fscoreFileWriter.write(outcome.toString() + ","); for (E outcome2 : outcomeSet) { int falseNegativeCount = 0; Map<E, Integer> falseNegatives = this.getFalseNegatives(outcome); if (falseNegatives != null && falseNegatives.containsKey(outcome2)) { falseNegativeCount = this.getFalseNegatives(outcome).get(outcome2); } fscoreFileWriter.write(falseNegativeCount + ","); } fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getTruePositiveCount(outcome)) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getFalsePositiveCount(outcome)) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getFalseNegativeCount(outcome)) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getPrecision(outcome) * 100) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getRecall(outcome) * 100) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getFScore(outcome) * 100) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write("\n"); totalPrecisionSum += this.getPrecision(outcome); totalRecallSum += this.getRecall(outcome); totalFscoreSum += this.getFScore(outcome); } fscoreFileWriter.write("TOTAL,"); for (E outcome : outcomeSet) { outcome.hashCode(); fscoreFileWriter.write(","); } fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getTotalTruePositiveCount()) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getTotalFalsePositiveCount()) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getTotalFalseNegativeCount()) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getTotalPrecision() * 100) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getTotalRecall() * 100) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format(this.getTotalFScore() * 100) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write("\n"); fscoreFileWriter.write("AVERAGE,"); for (E outcome : outcomeSet) { outcome.hashCode(); fscoreFileWriter.write(","); } fscoreFileWriter.write(","); fscoreFileWriter.write(","); fscoreFileWriter.write(","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format((totalPrecisionSum / outcomeSet.size()) * 100) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format((totalRecallSum / outcomeSet.size()) * 100) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write(df.format((totalFscoreSum / outcomeSet.size()) * 100) + ","); fscoreFileWriter.write("\n"); fscoreFileWriter.write("\n"); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } }