Java tutorial
/* * $Revision$ * $Date$ * * Copyright (C) 1999-$year$ Jive Software. All rights reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Jive Software. Use is subject to license terms. */ package; import com.jivesoftware.os.mlogger.core.MetricLogger; import com.jivesoftware.os.mlogger.core.MetricLoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableLong; /** * * @author jonathan */ public class TwoPhasedFileQueueImpl { private static final MetricLogger logger = MetricLoggerFactory.getLogger(); enum State { CLOSED, CLOSING, OFF, // initial state OPENING, OPENED, DISPOSED // once in this state instance if no longer useable! } final private Object appendLock = new Object(); private FileQueue appendingTo; private List<FileQueue> fullQueues = new LinkedList<>(); private Set<TookPhasedFileQueue> takens = new HashSet<>(); final private String pathToQueueFiles; final private String queueName; final private long maxQueueLength; final private int pushbackAtQueueSize; private State state = State.OFF; private boolean deleteQueueFilesOnExit = false; // primarily used for testing public AtomicLong approximateCount; private boolean hardFlush = false; // todo expose to config private MutableLong pending; private boolean takeFullQueuesOnly = false; public TwoPhasedFileQueueImpl(String pathToQueueFiles, String queueName, long maxQueueLength, int pushbackAtQueueSize, boolean deleteQueueFilesOnExit, MutableLong pending) { this(pathToQueueFiles, queueName, maxQueueLength, pushbackAtQueueSize, deleteQueueFilesOnExit, pending, false); } public TwoPhasedFileQueueImpl(String pathToQueueFiles, String queueName, long maxQueueLength, int pushbackAtQueueSize, boolean deleteQueueFilesOnExit, MutableLong pending, boolean takeFullQueuesOnly) { this.pathToQueueFiles = pathToQueueFiles; this.queueName = queueName; this.maxQueueLength = maxQueueLength; this.pushbackAtQueueSize = pushbackAtQueueSize; this.deleteQueueFilesOnExit = deleteQueueFilesOnExit; this.takeFullQueuesOnly = takeFullQueuesOnly; this.approximateCount = new AtomicLong(); this.pending = pending; } public String key() { return pathToQueueFiles + ":" + queueName; } public long length() { long totalLength = 0; synchronized (appendLock) { for (FileQueue queue : fullQueues) { totalLength += queue.length(); } if (appendingTo != null) { totalLength += appendingTo.length(); } } return totalLength; } /** * should only be called once * * @param makeItThisMode * @throws IOException */ public void init(long makeItThisMode) throws IOException { synchronized (appendLock) { if (!(state == State.CLOSED || state == State.OFF)) { throw new RuntimeException("queue not in a valid state to open opened state=" + state); } state = State.OPENING; File queueFolder = queueFolder(); ensureDirectory(new File(queueFolder, ".")); if (!queueFolder.exists() || !queueFolder.canWrite() || !queueFolder.canRead()) { logger.error("we have a filesystem permissions issue!"); throw new IOException("invalid permissions exsist:" + queueFolder.exists() + " canwrite:" + queueFolder.canWrite() + " canread:" + queueFolder.canWrite() + " path:" + pathToQueueFiles + " queueName:" + queueName + " queueFolder:" + queueFolder); } populateFullQueuesInBackground(queueFolder.listFiles(), makeItThisMode); appendingTo = new FileQueue(newQueueFile(queueFolder), hardFlush); state = State.OPENED; } } public Exception ensureDirectory(File _file) { if (_file == null) { return null; } try { if (_file.exists()) { return null; } File parent = _file.getParentFile(); if (parent != null) { parent.mkdirs(); } return null; } catch (Exception x) { return x; } } public void open() throws IOException { synchronized (appendLock) { if (state == State.OPENED) { return; // already open } if (!(state == State.CLOSED || state == State.OFF)) { throw new RuntimeException("queue not in a valid state to open opened state=" + state); } state = State.OPENED; } } private Thread populateFullQueuesInBackground(final File[] allQueueFiles, final long makeItThisMode) { if (allQueueFiles == null || allQueueFiles.length == 0) { logger.debug("No files so we don't have anything to populate anything."); return null; } Thread th = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { readExistingQueueFiles(allQueueFiles, makeItThisMode); } }); th.start(); return th; } private void readExistingQueueFiles(File[] allQueueFiles, long makeItThisMode) { Arrays.sort(allQueueFiles, new Comparator<File>() { @Override public int compare(File o1, File o2) { if (o1.getName().endsWith("corrupt")) { return 0; } return new UniqueOrderableFileName(o1.getName()).getOrderId() .compareTo(new UniqueOrderableFileName(o2.getName()).getOrderId()); } });"Init Populating " + allQueueFiles.length + " files into full queues."); for (File queueFile : allQueueFiles) { if (queueFile.getName().endsWith("corrupt")) { continue; } UniqueOrderableFileName(queueFile.getName()).getOrderId() + " " + queueFile); FileQueue fullQueue = new FileQueue(queueFile, hardFlush);"Counting " + queueFile); try { long count = fullQueue.bruteForceCount(makeItThisMode, true);"Counted " + queueFile + " count=" + count); if (count > 0) { fullQueue.close(); synchronized (appendLock) { //older queues should be at the beginning. List<FileQueue> newList = new LinkedList<>(); newList.add(fullQueue); newList.addAll(fullQueues); fullQueues = newList; } approximateCount.addAndGet(count); } } catch (Exception x) { logger.error("while counting file=" + queueFile + " " + x.toString(), x); } }"Populated " + allQueueFiles.length + ".");"Startup queue depth=" + approximateCount.get()); } public void append(long timestamp, byte[] append) throws IOException { if (append == null) { return; } synchronized (appendLock) { long got = approximateCount.get(); pending.setValue(got); Pushback.queueDepthPushable(queueName, got, pushbackAtQueueSize); if (state != State.OPENED) { open(); } if (state != State.OPENED) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot write to an unopened queue"); } try { appendingTo.append(timestamp, append); approximateCount.incrementAndGet(); } catch (Exception x) { logger.error("Failed to append. Will attempt to recover", x); File f = appendingTo.getFile(); long free = f.getParentFile().getFreeSpace(); if (free < maxQueueLength * 2) { logger.error("we are out of disk space."); throw new IOException("out of disk space"); } if (!f.canWrite()) { logger.error("we don't have permissions to write to " + f); throw new IOException("invalid permissions"); } synchronized (appendingTo.getIoLock()) { if (appendingTo.getState() == FileQueue.State.ERROR_WRITING) { try { // try to save queue for later inspection if (appendingTo.length() > 0) { try { appendingTo.close(); } catch (Exception xx) { // swallow it at least we tried } appendingTo.corruptionDetected(); } appendingTo = new FileQueue(newQueueFile(queueFolder()), hardFlush); } catch (Exception xx) { logger.error("Failed to delete failing queue :(", xx); } } } throw new IOException("unable to write to filesystem", x); } if (appendingTo.length() > maxQueueLength) { appendingTo.close(); fullQueues.add(appendingTo); appendingTo.close(); appendingTo = new FileQueue(newQueueFile(queueFolder()), hardFlush); } } } public boolean isEmpty() { synchronized (appendLock) { long got = approximateCount.get(); pending.setValue(got); if (fullQueues.isEmpty()) { if (appendingTo == null) { return true; } return appendingTo.length() == 0; } else { return false; } } } public boolean isTakeFullQueuesOnly() { return takeFullQueuesOnly; } public TookPhasedFileQueue take(long ifLastAppendedIsOlderThanTimestampMillis) throws IOException { return take(-1, ifLastAppendedIsOlderThanTimestampMillis); } TookPhasedFileQueue take(long ifCreationTimestampIsOlderThanTimestampMillis, long ifLastAppendedIsOlderThanTimestampMillis) throws IOException { synchronized (appendLock) { long got = approximateCount.get(); pending.setValue(got); if (state != State.OPENED) { open(); } if (state != State.OPENED) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot take from an unopened queue"); } if (fullQueues.isEmpty()) { if (takeFullQueuesOnly) { logger.debug("Taking nothing because set to takeFullQueuesOnly"); TookPhasedFileQueue took = new TookPhasedFileQueue(this, TookPhasedFileQueue.State.BUSY, null, null, approximateCount, pending); return took; } else if (appendingTo.length() == 0) { logger.debug("Taking nothing because appendingTo.length() == 0 "); TookPhasedFileQueue took = new TookPhasedFileQueue(this, TookPhasedFileQueue.State.EMPTY, null, null, approximateCount, pending); return took; } else { if ((appendingTo.creationTimestamp() < ifCreationTimestampIsOlderThanTimestampMillis) || appendingTo.lastAppendTimestamp() < ifLastAppendedIsOlderThanTimestampMillis) { logger.debug("Taking active queue!"); appendingTo.close(); FileQueue taken = appendingTo; appendingTo = new FileQueue(newQueueFile(queueFolder()), hardFlush); TookPhasedFileQueue took = new TookPhasedFileQueue(this, TookPhasedFileQueue.State.CONSUMEABLE, new UniqueOrderableFileName(taken.getFile().getName()), taken, approximateCount, pending); try { taken.close(); // nested locks } catch (Exception x) { logger.error("Failed during take", x); // todo should we try to remove the file return new TookPhasedFileQueue(this, TookPhasedFileQueue.State.FAILED, null, taken, approximateCount, pending); } takens.add(took); return took; } else { TookPhasedFileQueue took = new TookPhasedFileQueue(this, TookPhasedFileQueue.State.BUSY, null, null, approximateCount, pending); return took; } } } else { logger.debug("Taking a full queue!"); FileQueue taken = fullQueues.remove(0); TookPhasedFileQueue took = new TookPhasedFileQueue(this, TookPhasedFileQueue.State.CONSUMEABLE, new UniqueOrderableFileName(taken.getFile().getName()), taken, approximateCount, pending); takens.add(took); return took; } } } public void processed(TookPhasedFileQueue processed, boolean closeAndDisposeIfEmpty) { synchronized (appendLock) { long got = approximateCount.get(); pending.setValue(got); boolean wasRemoved = takens.remove(processed); logger.debug(processed + " was removed =" + wasRemoved + " from takens!"); try { if (wasRemoved) { processed.took().delete(); if (closeAndDisposeIfEmpty) { if (fullQueues.isEmpty() && takens.isEmpty()) { closeAndDisposeIfEmtpy(); } } } } catch (Exception x) { logger.error("failed to remove queue file that was processed", x); } } } public void clear() { synchronized (appendLock) { // clean out available up unused queues for (FileQueue q : fullQueues) { q.close(); q.delete(); } fullQueues.clear(); // clean out currenlty appending to if (appendingTo != null) { appendingTo.close(); appendingTo.delete(); appendingTo = new FileQueue(newQueueFile(queueFolder()), hardFlush); } approximateCount.set(0); } } /** * * @return true if closed */ boolean closeAndDisposeIfEmtpy() { synchronized (appendLock) { long got = approximateCount.get(); pending.setValue(got); if (fullQueues.isEmpty() && takens.isEmpty() && isEmpty()) { FileQueue stackCopy = appendingTo; close(); if (stackCopy != null && stackCopy.length() == 0) { File file = stackCopy.getFile(); if (stackCopy.delete()) { logger.debug("Deleted Queue File " + file + " openFilesCount=" + FileQueue.openFilesCount); File folder = file.getParentFile(); if (folder.delete()) { logger.debug("Deleted Queue Folder " + folder + " openFilesCount=" + FileQueue.openFilesCount); state = State.DISPOSED; return true; } else { logger.warn("Couldn't delete Folder " + folder + " openFilesCount=" + FileQueue.openFilesCount); } } else { logger.warn( "Couldn't delete File for " + file + " openFilesCount=" + FileQueue.openFilesCount); } } } } return false; } public void close() { synchronized (appendLock) { long got = approximateCount.get(); pending.setValue(got); if (!takens.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot when there are outstanding takes!"); } state = State.CLOSING; if (appendingTo != null) { appendingTo.close(); } appendingTo = null; state = State.CLOSED; } logger.debug("Closed " + key() + " openFilesCount=" + FileQueue.openFilesCount); } private File queueFolder() { File queueFolder = new File(pathToQueueFiles + File.separator + queueName); if (deleteQueueFilesOnExit) { queueFolder.deleteOnExit(); } return queueFolder; } private File newQueueFile(File queueFolder) { File queueFile = new File(queueFolder, UniqueOrderableFileName.createOrderableFileName().toString()); if (deleteQueueFilesOnExit) { queueFile.deleteOnExit(); } return queueFile; } }