Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jimplush.goose; import com.jimplush.goose.cleaners.DefaultDocumentCleaner; import com.jimplush.goose.cleaners.DocumentCleaner; import com.jimplush.goose.images.BestImageGuesser; import com.jimplush.goose.images.ImageExtractor; import*; import com.jimplush.goose.outputformatters.DefaultOutputFormatter; import com.jimplush.goose.outputformatters.OutputFormatter; import com.jimplush.goose.texthelpers.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.jsoup.nodes.*; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * User: jim plush * Date: 12/16/10 * a lot of work in this class is based on Arc90's readability code that does content extraction in JS * I wasn't able to find a good server side codebase to acheive the same so I started with their base ideas and then * built additional metrics on top of it such as looking for clusters of english stopwords. * Gravity was doing 30+ million links per day with this codebase across a series of crawling servers for a project * and it held up well. Our current port is slightly different than this one but I'm working to align them so the goose * project gets the love as we continue to move forward. * * Cougar: God dammit, Mustang! This is Ghost Rider 117. This bogey is all over me. He's got missile lock on me. Do I have permission to fire? * Stinger: Do not fire until fired upon... */ public class ContentExtractor { // PRIVATE PROPERTIES BELOW private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContentExtractor.class); private static final StringReplacement MOTLEY_REPLACEMENT = StringReplacement.compile("�", string.empty); private static final StringReplacement ESCAPED_FRAGMENT_REPLACEMENT = StringReplacement.compile("#!", "?_escaped_fragment_="); private static final ReplaceSequence TITLE_REPLACEMENTS = ReplaceSequence.create("»").append(""); private static final StringSplitter PIPE_SPLITTER = new StringSplitter("\\|"); private static final StringSplitter DASH_SPLITTER = new StringSplitter(" - "); private static final StringSplitter ARROWS_SPLITTER = new StringSplitter(""); private static final StringSplitter COLON_SPLITTER = new StringSplitter(":"); private static final StringSplitter SPACE_SPLITTER = new StringSplitter(" "); private static final Set<String> NO_STRINGS = new HashSet<String>(0); private static final String A_REL_TAG_SELECTOR = "a[rel=tag], a[href*=/tag/]"; /** * holds the configuration settings we want to use */ private Configuration config; // sets the default cleaner class to prep the HTML for parsing private DocumentCleaner documentCleaner; // the MD5 of the URL we're currently parsing, used to references the images we download to the url so we // can more easily clean up resources when we're done with the page. private String linkhash; // once we have our topNode then we want to format that guy for output to the user private OutputFormatter outputFormatter; private ImageExtractor imageExtractor; /** * you can optionally pass in a configuration object here that will allow you to override the settings * that goose comes default with */ public ContentExtractor() { this.config = new Configuration(); } /** * overloaded to accept a custom configuration object * * @param config */ public ContentExtractor(Configuration config) { this.config = config; } /** * @param urlToCrawl - The url you want to extract the text from * @param html - if you already have the raw html handy you can pass it here to avoid a network call * @return */ public Article extractContent(String urlToCrawl, String html) { return performExtraction(urlToCrawl, html); } /** * @param urlToCrawl - The url you want to extract the text from, makes a network call * @return */ public Article extractContent(String urlToCrawl) { String html = null; return performExtraction(urlToCrawl, html); } public Article performExtraction(String urlToCrawl, String rawHtml) { urlToCrawl = getUrlToCrawl(urlToCrawl); try { new URL(urlToCrawl); this.linkhash = HashUtils.md5(urlToCrawl); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid URL Passed in: " + urlToCrawl, e); } ParseWrapper parseWrapper = new ParseWrapper(); Article article = null; try { if (rawHtml == null) { rawHtml = HtmlFetcher.getHtml(urlToCrawl); } article = new Article(); article.setRawHtml(rawHtml); Document doc = parseWrapper.parse(rawHtml, urlToCrawl); // before we cleanse, provide consumers with an opportunity to extract the publish date article.setPublishDate(config.getPublishDateExtractor().extract(doc)); // now allow for any additional data to be extracted article.setAdditionalData(config.getAdditionalDataExtractor().extract(doc)); // grab the text nodes of any <a ... rel="tag">Tag Name</a> elements article.setTags(extractTags(doc)); // now perform a nice deep cleansing DocumentCleaner documentCleaner = getDocCleaner(); doc = documentCleaner.clean(doc); article.setTitle(getTitle(doc)); article.setMetaDescription(getMetaDescription(doc)); article.setMetaKeywords(getMetaKeywords(doc)); article.setCanonicalLink(getCanonicalLink(doc, urlToCrawl)); article.setDomain(article.getCanonicalLink()); // extract the content of the article article.setTopNode(calculateBestNodeBasedOnClustering(doc)); if (article.getTopNode() != null) { // extract any movie embeds out from our main article content article.setMovies(extractVideos(article.getTopNode())); if (config.isEnableImageFetching()) { HttpClient httpClient = HtmlFetcher.getHttpClient(); imageExtractor = getImageExtractor(httpClient, urlToCrawl); article.setTopImage(imageExtractor.getBestImage(doc, article.getTopNode())); } // grab siblings and remove high link density elements cleanupNode(article.getTopNode()); outputFormatter = getOutputFormatter(); article.setCleanedArticleText(outputFormatter.getFormattedText(article.getTopNode())); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("FINAL EXTRACTION TEXT: \n" + article.getCleanedArticleText()); } if (config.isEnableImageFetching()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("\n\nFINAL EXTRACTION IMAGE: \n" + article.getTopImage().getImageSrc()); } } } // cleans up all the temp images that we've downloaded releaseResources(); } catch (MaxBytesException e) { logger.error(e.toString(), e); } catch (NotHtmlException e) { logger.error("URL: " + urlToCrawl + " did not contain valid HTML to parse, exiting. " + e.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("General Exception occured on url: " + urlToCrawl + " " + e.toString()); // throw new RuntimeException(e); } return article; } private Set<String> extractTags(Element node) { if (node.children().size() == 0) return NO_STRINGS; Elements elements =, node); if (elements.size() == 0) return NO_STRINGS; Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>(elements.size()); for (Element el : elements) { String tag = el.text(); if (!string.isNullOrEmpty(tag)) tags.add(tag); } return tags; } // used for gawker type ajax sites with pound sites private String getUrlToCrawl(String urlToCrawl) { String finalURL; if (urlToCrawl.contains("#!")) { finalURL = ESCAPED_FRAGMENT_REPLACEMENT.replaceAll(urlToCrawl); } else { finalURL = urlToCrawl; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Goose Extraction: " + finalURL); } return finalURL; } // todo create a setter for this for people to override output formatter private OutputFormatter getOutputFormatter() { if (outputFormatter == null) { return new DefaultOutputFormatter(); } else { return outputFormatter; } } private ImageExtractor getImageExtractor(HttpClient httpClient, String urlToCrawl) { if (imageExtractor == null) { BestImageGuesser bestImageGuesser = new BestImageGuesser(this.config, httpClient, urlToCrawl); return bestImageGuesser; } else { return imageExtractor; } } /** * todo allow for setter to override the default documentCleaner in case user wants more flexibility * * @return */ private DocumentCleaner getDocCleaner() { if (this.documentCleaner == null) { this.documentCleaner = new DefaultDocumentCleaner(); } return this.documentCleaner; } /** * attemps to grab titles from the html pages, lots of sites use different delimiters * for titles so we'll try and do our best guess. * * * @param doc * @return */ private String getTitle(Document doc) { String title = string.empty; try { Elements titleElem = doc.getElementsByTag("title"); if (titleElem == null || titleElem.isEmpty()) return string.empty; String titleText = titleElem.first().text(); if (string.isNullOrEmpty(titleText)) return string.empty; boolean usedDelimeter = false; if (titleText.contains("|")) { titleText = doTitleSplits(titleText, PIPE_SPLITTER); usedDelimeter = true; } if (!usedDelimeter && titleText.contains("-")) { titleText = doTitleSplits(titleText, DASH_SPLITTER); usedDelimeter = true; } if (!usedDelimeter && titleText.contains("")) { titleText = doTitleSplits(titleText, ARROWS_SPLITTER); usedDelimeter = true; } if (!usedDelimeter && titleText.contains(":")) { titleText = doTitleSplits(titleText, COLON_SPLITTER); } // encode unicode charz title = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(titleText); // todo this is a hack until I can fix this.. weird motely crue error with // title = MOTLEY_REPLACEMENT.replaceAll(title); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Page title is: " + title); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { logger.error(e.toString()); } return title; } /** * based on a delimeter in the title take the longest piece or do some custom logic based on the site * * @param title * @param splitter * @return */ private String doTitleSplits(String title, StringSplitter splitter) { int largetTextLen = 0; int largeTextIndex = 0; String[] titlePieces = splitter.split(title); // take the largest split for (int i = 0; i < titlePieces.length; i++) { String current = titlePieces[i]; if (current.length() > largetTextLen) { largetTextLen = current.length(); largeTextIndex = i; } } return TITLE_REPLACEMENTS.replaceAll(titlePieces[largeTextIndex]).trim(); } private String getMetaContent(Document doc, String metaName) { Elements meta =; if (meta.size() > 0) { String content = meta.first().attr("content"); return string.isNullOrEmpty(content) ? string.empty : content.trim(); } return string.empty; } /** * if the article has meta description set in the source, use that */ private String getMetaDescription(Document doc) { return getMetaContent(doc, "meta[name=description]"); } /** * if the article has meta keywords set in the source, use that */ private String getMetaKeywords(Document doc) { return getMetaContent(doc, "meta[name=keywords]"); } /** * if the article has meta canonical link set in the url */ private String getCanonicalLink(Document doc, String baseUrl) { Elements meta ="link[rel=canonical]"); if (meta.size() > 0) { String href = meta.first().attr("href"); return string.isNullOrEmpty(href) ? string.empty : href.trim(); } else { return baseUrl; } /* Not sure what this is for // set domain based on canonicalUrl URL url = null; try { if (canonicalUrl != null) { if (!canonicalUrl.startsWith("http://")) { url = new URL(new URL(baseUrl), canonicalUrl); } else { url = new URL(canonicalUrl); } } else { url = new URL(baseUrl); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error(e.toString(), e); }*/ } private String getDomain(String canonicalLink) { try { return new URL(canonicalLink).getHost(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * we're going to start looking for where the clusters of paragraphs are. We'll score a cluster based on the number of stopwords * and the number of consecutive paragraphs together, which should form the cluster of text that this node is around * also store on how high up the paragraphs are, comments are usually at the bottom and should get a lower score * * @return */ private Element calculateBestNodeBasedOnClustering(Document doc) { Element topNode = null; // grab all the paragraph elements on the page to start to inspect the likely hood of them being good peeps ArrayList<Element> nodesToCheck = getNodesToCheck(doc); double startingBoost = 1.0; int cnt = 0; int i = 0; // holds all the parents of the nodes we're checking Set<Element> parentNodes = new HashSet<Element>(); ArrayList<Element> nodesWithText = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (Element node : nodesToCheck) { String nodeText = node.text(); WordStats wordStats = StopWords.getStopWordCount(nodeText); boolean highLinkDensity = isHighLinkDensity(node); if (wordStats.getStopWordCount() > 2 && !highLinkDensity) { nodesWithText.add(node); } } int numberOfNodes = nodesWithText.size(); int negativeScoring = 0; // we shouldn't give more negatives than positives // we want to give the last 20% of nodes negative scores in case they're comments double bottomNodesForNegativeScore = (float) numberOfNodes * 0.25; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("About to inspect num of nodes with text: " + numberOfNodes); } for (Element node : nodesWithText) { // add parents and grandparents to scoring // only add boost to the middle paragraphs, top and bottom is usually jankz city // so basically what we're doing is giving boost scores to paragraphs that appear higher up in the dom // and giving lower, even negative scores to those who appear lower which could be commenty stuff float boostScore = 0; if (isOkToBoost(node)) { if (cnt >= 0) { boostScore = (float) ((1.0 / startingBoost) * 50); startingBoost++; } } // check for negative node values if (numberOfNodes > 15) { if ((numberOfNodes - i) <= bottomNodesForNegativeScore) { float booster = (float) bottomNodesForNegativeScore - (float) (numberOfNodes - i); boostScore = -(float) Math.pow(booster, (float) 2); // we don't want to score too highly on the negative side. float negscore = Math.abs(boostScore) + negativeScoring; if (negscore > 40) { boostScore = 5; } } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Location Boost Score: " + boostScore + " on interation: " + i + "' id='" + node.parent().id() + "' class='" + node.parent().attr("class")); } String nodeText = node.text(); WordStats wordStats = StopWords.getStopWordCount(nodeText); int upscore = (int) (wordStats.getStopWordCount() + boostScore); updateScore(node.parent(), upscore); updateScore(node.parent().parent(), upscore / 2); updateNodeCount(node.parent(), 1); updateNodeCount(node.parent().parent(), 1); if (!parentNodes.contains(node.parent())) { parentNodes.add(node.parent()); } if (!parentNodes.contains(node.parent().parent())) { parentNodes.add(node.parent().parent()); } cnt++; i++; } // now let's find the parent node who scored the highest int topNodeScore = 0; for (Element e : parentNodes) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("ParentNode: score='" + e.attr("gravityScore") + "' nodeCount='" + e.attr("gravityNodes") + "' id='" + + "' class='" + e.attr("class") + "' "); } //int score = Integer.parseInt(e.attr("gravityScore")) * Integer.parseInt(e.attr("gravityNodes")); int score = getScore(e); if (score > topNodeScore) { topNode = e; topNodeScore = score; } if (topNode == null) { topNode = e; } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (topNode == null) { logger.debug("ARTICLE NOT ABLE TO BE EXTRACTED!, WE HAZ FAILED YOU LORD VADAR"); } else { String logText; String targetText = ""; Element topPara = topNode.getElementsByTag("p").first(); if (topPara == null) { topNode.text(); } else { topPara.text(); } if (targetText.length() >= 51) { logText = targetText.substring(0, 50); } else { logText = targetText; } logger.debug("TOPNODE TEXT: " + logText.trim()); logger.debug("Our TOPNODE: score='" + topNode.attr("gravityScore") + "' nodeCount='" + topNode.attr("gravityNodes") + "' id='" + + "' class='" + topNode.attr("class") + "' "); } } return topNode; } /** * returns a list of nodes we want to search on like paragraphs and tables * * @return */ private ArrayList<Element> getNodesToCheck(Document doc) { ArrayList<Element> nodesToCheck = new ArrayList<Element>(); nodesToCheck.addAll(doc.getElementsByTag("p")); nodesToCheck.addAll(doc.getElementsByTag("pre")); nodesToCheck.addAll(doc.getElementsByTag("td")); return nodesToCheck; } /** * checks the density of links within a node, is there not much text and most of it contains linky shit? * if so it's no good * * @param e * @return */ private static boolean isHighLinkDensity(Element e) { Elements links = e.getElementsByTag("a"); if (links.size() == 0) { return false; } String text = e.text().trim(); String[] words = SPACE_SPLITTER.split(text); float numberOfWords = words.length; // let's loop through all the links and calculate the number of words that make up the links StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Element link : links) { sb.append(link.text()); } String linkText = sb.toString(); String[] linkWords = SPACE_SPLITTER.split(linkText); float numberOfLinkWords = linkWords.length; float numberOfLinks = links.size(); float linkDivisor = numberOfLinkWords / numberOfWords; float score = linkDivisor * numberOfLinks; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { String logText; if (e.text().length() >= 51) { logText = e.text().substring(0, 50); } else { logText = e.text(); } logger.debug("Calulated link density score as: " + score + " for node: " + logText); } if (score > 1) { return true; } return false; } /** * alot of times the first paragraph might be the caption under an image so we'll want to make sure if we're going to * boost a parent node that it should be connected to other paragraphs, at least for the first n paragraphs * so we'll want to make sure that the next sibling is a paragraph and has at least some substatial weight to it * * * @param node * @return */ private boolean isOkToBoost(Element node) { int stepsAway = 0; Element sibling = node.nextElementSibling(); while (sibling != null) { if (sibling.tagName().equals("p")) { if (stepsAway >= 3) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Next paragraph is too far away, not boosting"); } return false; } String paraText = sibling.text(); WordStats wordStats = StopWords.getStopWordCount(paraText); if (wordStats.getStopWordCount() > 5) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("We're gonna boost this node, seems contenty"); } return true; } } // increase how far away the next paragraph is from this node stepsAway++; sibling = sibling.nextElementSibling(); } return false; } /** * adds a score to the gravityScore Attribute we put on divs * we'll get the current score then add the score we're passing in to the current * * @param node * @param addToScore - the score to add to the node */ private void updateScore(Element node, int addToScore) { int currentScore; try { String scoreString = node.attr("gravityScore"); currentScore = string.isNullOrEmpty(scoreString) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(scoreString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { currentScore = 0; } int newScore = currentScore + addToScore; node.attr("gravityScore", Integer.toString(newScore)); } /** * stores how many decent nodes are under a parent node * * @param node * @param addToCount */ private void updateNodeCount(Element node, int addToCount) { int currentScore; try { String countString = node.attr("gravityNodes"); currentScore = string.isNullOrEmpty(countString) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(countString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { currentScore = 0; } int newScore = currentScore + addToCount; node.attr("gravityNodes", Integer.toString(newScore)); } /** * returns the gravityScore as an integer from this node * * @param node * @return */ private int getScore(Element node) { if (node == null) return 0; try { String grvScoreString = node.attr("gravityScore"); if (string.isNullOrEmpty(grvScoreString)) return 0; return Integer.parseInt(grvScoreString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } /** * pulls out videos we like * * @return */ private ArrayList<Element> extractVideos(Element node) { ArrayList<Element> candidates = new ArrayList<Element>(); ArrayList<Element> goodMovies = new ArrayList<Element>(); try { Elements embeds = node.parent().getElementsByTag("embed"); for (Element el : embeds) { candidates.add(el); } Elements objects = node.parent().getElementsByTag("object"); for (Element el : objects) { candidates.add(el); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("extractVideos: Starting to extract videos. Found: " + candidates.size()); } for (Element el : candidates) { Attributes attrs = el.attributes(); for (Attribute a : attrs) { try { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(a.getKey() + " : " + a.getValue()); } if ((a.getValue().contains("youtube") || a.getValue().contains("vimeo")) && a.getKey().equals("src")) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Found video... setting"); logger.debug("This page has a video!: " + a.getValue()); } goodMovies.add(el); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (NullPointerException e) { logger.error(e.toString(), e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.toString(), e); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("extractVideos: done looking videos"); } return goodMovies; } /** * remove any divs that looks like non-content, clusters of links, or paras with no gusto * * @param node * @return */ private Element cleanupNode(Element node) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Starting cleanup Node"); } node = addSiblings(node); Elements nodes = node.children(); for (Element e : nodes) { if (e.tagName().equals("p")) { continue; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("CLEANUP NODE: " + + " class: " + e.attr("class")); } boolean highLinkDensity = isHighLinkDensity(e); if (highLinkDensity) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("REMOVING NODE FOR LINK DENSITY: " + + " class: " + e.attr("class")); } e.remove(); continue; } // now check for word density // grab all the paragraphs in the children and remove ones that are too small to matter Elements subParagraphs = e.getElementsByTag("p"); for (Element p : subParagraphs) { if (p.text().length() < 25) { p.remove(); } } // now that we've removed shorty paragraphs let's make sure to exclude any first paragraphs that don't have paras as // their next siblings to avoid getting img bylines // first let's remove any element that now doesn't have any p tags at all Elements subParagraphs2 = e.getElementsByTag("p"); if (subParagraphs2.size() == 0 && !e.tagName().equals("td")) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Removing node because it doesn't have any paragraphs"); } e.remove(); continue; } //if this node has a decent enough gravityScore we should keep it as well, might be content int topNodeScore = getScore(node); int currentNodeScore = getScore(e); float thresholdScore = (float) (topNodeScore * .08); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("topNodeScore: " + topNodeScore + " currentNodeScore: " + currentNodeScore + " threshold: " + thresholdScore); } if (currentNodeScore < thresholdScore) { if (!e.tagName().equals("td")) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Removing node due to low threshold score"); } e.remove(); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Not removing TD node"); } } continue; } } return node; } /** * adds any siblings that may have a decent score to this node * * @param node * @return */ private Element addSiblings(Element node) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Starting to add siblings"); } int baselineScoreForSiblingParagraphs = getBaselineScoreForSiblings(node); Element currentSibling = node.previousElementSibling(); while (currentSibling != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("SIBLINGCHECK: " + debugNode(currentSibling)); } if (currentSibling.tagName().equals("p")) { node.child(0).before(currentSibling.outerHtml()); currentSibling = currentSibling.previousElementSibling(); continue; } // check for a paraph embedded in a containing element int insertedSiblings = 0; Elements potentialParagraphs = currentSibling.getElementsByTag("p"); if (potentialParagraphs.first() == null) { currentSibling = currentSibling.previousElementSibling(); continue; } for (Element firstParagraph : potentialParagraphs) { WordStats wordStats = StopWords.getStopWordCount(firstParagraph.text()); int paragraphScore = wordStats.getStopWordCount(); if ((float) (baselineScoreForSiblingParagraphs * .30) < paragraphScore) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("This node looks like a good sibling, adding it"); } node.child(insertedSiblings).before("<p>" + firstParagraph.text() + "<p>"); insertedSiblings++; } } currentSibling = currentSibling.previousElementSibling(); } return node; } /** * we could have long articles that have tons of paragraphs so if we tried to calculate the base score against * the total text score of those paragraphs it would be unfair. So we need to normalize the score based on the average scoring * of the paragraphs within the top node. For example if our total score of 10 paragraphs was 1000 but each had an average value of * 100 then 100 should be our base. * * @param topNode * @return */ private int getBaselineScoreForSiblings(Element topNode) { int base = 100000; int numberOfParagraphs = 0; int scoreOfParagraphs = 0; Elements nodesToCheck = topNode.getElementsByTag("p"); for (Element node : nodesToCheck) { String nodeText = node.text(); WordStats wordStats = StopWords.getStopWordCount(nodeText); boolean highLinkDensity = isHighLinkDensity(node); if (wordStats.getStopWordCount() > 2 && !highLinkDensity) { numberOfParagraphs++; scoreOfParagraphs += wordStats.getStopWordCount(); } } if (numberOfParagraphs > 0) { base = scoreOfParagraphs / numberOfParagraphs; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("The base score for siblings to beat is: " + base + " NumOfParas: " + numberOfParagraphs + " scoreOfAll: " + scoreOfParagraphs); } } return base; } private String debugNode(Element e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("GravityScore: '"); sb.append(e.attr("gravityScore")); sb.append("' paraNodeCount: '"); sb.append(e.attr("gravityNodes")); sb.append("' nodeId: '"); sb.append(; sb.append("' className: '"); sb.append(e.attr("class")); return sb.toString(); } /** * cleans up any temp shit we have laying around like temp images * removes any image in the temp dir that starts with the linkhash of the url we just parsed */ public void releaseResources() { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("STARTING TO RELEASE ALL RESOURCES"); } File dir = new File(config.getLocalStoragePath()); String[] children = dir.list(); if (children == null) { logger.debug("No Temp images found for linkhash: " + this.linkhash); } else { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { // Get filename of file or directory String filename = children[i]; if (filename.startsWith(this.linkhash)) { File f = new File(dir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + filename); if (!f.delete()) { logger.error("Unable to remove temp file: " + filename); } } } } } }