Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.jfolson.hive.serde; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.record.Buffer; import org.apache.hadoop.typedbytes.TypedBytesWritable; /** * Provides functionality for writing typed bytes. */ public class RTypedBytesOutput { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog("com.jfolson.hive.serde.RTypedBytesOutput"); private DataOutput out; private RTypedBytesOutput() { } private void setDataOutput(DataOutput out) { this.out = out; } private static ThreadLocal tbOut = new ThreadLocal() { @Override protected synchronized Object initialValue() { return new RTypedBytesOutput(); } }; /** * Get a thread-local typed bytes output for the supplied {@link DataOutput}. * * @param out * data output object * @return typed bytes output corresponding to the supplied {@link DataOutput} * . */ public static RTypedBytesOutput get(DataOutput out) { RTypedBytesOutput bout = (RTypedBytesOutput) tbOut.get(); bout.setDataOutput(out); return bout; } /** Creates a new instance of TypedBytesOutput. */ public RTypedBytesOutput(DataOutput out) { this.out = out; } /** * Writes a Java object as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param obj * the object to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeRaw(Object obj, int typecode) throws IOException { if (typecode == RType.BYTES.code) { writeRawBytes(((Buffer) obj).get()); } else if (typecode == RType.BYTE.code) { writeRawByte((Byte) obj); } else if (typecode == RType.BOOL.code) { writeRawBool((Boolean) obj); } else if (typecode == RType.INT.code) { writeRawInt((Integer) obj); } else if (typecode == RType.LONG.code) { writeRawLong((Long) obj); } else if (typecode == RType.FLOAT.code) { writeRawFloat((Float) obj); } else if (typecode == RType.FLOAT.code) { writeRawDouble((Double) obj); } else if (typecode == RType.STRING.code) { writeRawString((String) obj); } else { throw new RuntimeException("cannot write raw objects of this type"); } } /** * Writes a bytes array as a typed bytes sequence, using a given typecode. * * @param bytes * the bytes array to be written * @param code * the typecode to use * @throws IOException */ public void writeRawBytes(byte[] bytes, int code) throws IOException { out.writeInt(bytes.length); out.write(bytes); } /** * Writes a bytes array as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param bytes * the bytes array to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeRawBytes(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { //"Writing as plain bytes"); writeRawBytes(bytes, RType.BYTES.code); } /** * Writes a byte as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param b * the byte to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeRawByte(byte b) throws IOException { out.write(b); } /** * Writes a boolean as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param b * the boolean to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeRawBool(boolean b) throws IOException { out.writeBoolean(b); } /** * Writes an integer as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param i * the integer to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeRawInt(int i) throws IOException { out.writeInt(i); } /** * Writes a long as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param l * the long to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeRawLong(long l) throws IOException { out.writeLong(l); } /** * Writes a float as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param f * the float to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeRawFloat(float f) throws IOException { out.writeFloat(f); } /** * Writes a double as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param d * the double to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeRawDouble(double d) throws IOException { out.writeLong(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d)); } /** * Writes a short as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param s * the short to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeRawShort(short s) throws IOException { out.writeShort(s); } /** * Writes a string as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param s * the string to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeRawString(String s) throws IOException { WritableUtils.writeString(out, s); } /** * Writes a Java object as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param obj * the object to be written * @throws IOException */ public void write(Object obj) throws IOException { if (obj == null) { this.writeNull(); } else if (obj instanceof TypedBytesWritable) { writeTypedBytes((TypedBytesWritable) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Buffer) { //"Writing as a bytes because obj is a Buffer"); writeBytes(((Buffer) obj).get()); } else if (obj instanceof Byte) { writeByte((Byte) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Boolean) { writeBool((Boolean) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { writeInt((Integer) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Long) { writeLong((Long) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Float) { writeFloat((Float) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Double) { writeDouble((Double) obj); } else if (obj instanceof String) { writeString((String) obj); } else if (obj instanceof ArrayList) { writeVector((ArrayList) obj); } else if (obj instanceof List) { writeList((List) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Map) { writeMap((Map) obj); } else { throw new RuntimeException("cannot write objects of this type: " + obj.getClass()); } } /** * Writes a raw sequence of typed bytes. * * @param bytes * the bytes to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeRaw(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { out.write(bytes); } /** * Writes a raw sequence of typed bytes. * * @param bytes * the bytes to be written * @param offset * an offset in the given array * @param length * number of bytes from the given array to write * @throws IOException */ public void writeRaw(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws IOException { out.write(bytes, offset, length); } /** * Writes a bytes array as a typed bytes sequence, using a given typecode. * * @param bytes * the bytes array to be written * @param code * the typecode to use * @throws IOException */ public void writeBytes(byte[] bytes, int code) throws IOException { out.write(code); out.writeInt(bytes.length); out.write(bytes); } /** * Writes a bytes array as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param bytes * the bytes array to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeBytes(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { //"Writing as plain bytes"); writeBytes(bytes, RType.BYTES.code); } public void writeTypedBytes(TypedBytesWritable tb) throws IOException { //"Writing as typedbytes bytes"); writeRaw(new Buffer(tb.getBytes(), 0, tb.getLength()).get()); } /** * Writes a byte as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param b * the byte to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeByte(byte b) throws IOException { out.write(RType.BYTE.code); out.write(b); } /** * Writes a boolean as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param b * the boolean to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeBool(boolean b) throws IOException { out.write(RType.BOOL.code); out.writeBoolean(b); } /** * Writes an integer as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param i * the integer to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeInt(int i) throws IOException { out.write(RType.INT.code); out.writeInt(i); } /** * Writes a long as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param l * the long to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeLong(long l) throws IOException { out.write(RType.LONG.code); out.writeLong(l); } /** * Writes a float as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param f * the float to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeFloat(float f) throws IOException { out.write(RType.FLOAT.code); out.writeFloat(f); } /** * Writes a double as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param d * the double to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeDouble(double d) throws IOException { out.write(RType.DOUBLE.code); out.writeLong(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d)); } /** * Writes a short as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param s * the short to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeShort(short s) throws IOException { out.write(RType.SHORT.code); out.writeShort(s); } /** * Writes a string as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param s * the string to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeString(String s) throws IOException { out.write(RType.STRING.code); WritableUtils.writeString(out, s); } /** * Writes a vector as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param vector * the vector to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeVector(List vector) throws IOException { writeVectorHeader(vector.size()); for (Object obj : vector) { write(obj); } } /** * Writes a vector header. * * @param length * the number of elements in the vector * @throws IOException */ public void writeVectorHeader(int length) throws IOException { out.write(RType.VECTOR.code); out.writeInt(length); } /** * Writes a list as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param list * the list to be written * @throws IOException */ public void writeList(List list) throws IOException { writeListHeader(); for (Object obj : list) { write(obj); } writeListFooter(); } /** * Writes a list header. * * @throws IOException */ public void writeListHeader() throws IOException { out.write(RType.LIST.code); } /** * Writes a list footer. * * @throws IOException */ public void writeListFooter() throws IOException { out.write(RType.MARKER.code); } /** * Writes a map as a typed bytes sequence. * * @param map * the map to be written * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void writeMap(Map map) throws IOException { writeMapHeader(map.size()); Set<Entry> entries = map.entrySet(); for (Entry entry : entries) { write(entry.getKey()); write(entry.getValue()); } } /** * Writes a map header. * * @param length * the number of key-value pairs in the map * @throws IOException */ public void writeMapHeader(int length) throws IOException { out.write(RType.MAP.code); out.writeInt(length); } public void writeArrayHeader(int bytelength, int typecode) throws IOException { out.write(RType.ARRAY.code); out.writeInt(bytelength + 1); out.write(typecode); } public void writeArray(int typecode, byte[] data) throws IOException { writeArrayHeader(data.length, typecode); this.writeRaw(data); } public void writeEndOfRecord() throws IOException { ;//out.write(Type.ENDOFRECORD.code); } /** * Writes a <tt>NULL</tt> type marker to the output. * * @throws IOException */ public void writeNull() throws IOException { //out.write(RType.NULL.code); writeInt(RType.NA_INTEGER); } }