Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License. 
package com.iyonger.apm.web.controller;

import com.iyonger.apm.web.configuration.Config;
import com.iyonger.apm.web.configuration.constant.ControllerConstants;
import com.iyonger.apm.web.handler.ScriptHandlerFactory;
import com.iyonger.apm.web.logger.CoreLogger;
import com.iyonger.apm.web.model.AgentManager;
import com.iyonger.apm.web.model.ApiTestRun;
import com.iyonger.apm.web.model.FileCategory;
import com.iyonger.apm.web.model.FileEntry;
import com.iyonger.apm.web.service.*;
import com.iyonger.apm.web.spring.RemainedPath;
import com.iyonger.apm.web.spring.RestAPI;
import com.iyonger.apm.web.util.FileDownloadUtils;
import net.grinder.util.LogCompressUtils;
import net.grinder.util.Pair;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt;

import org.ngrinder.common.util.DateUtils;

import org.ngrinder.model.*;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.*;

import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.trimToEmpty;
import static org.ngrinder.common.util.CollectionUtils.buildMap;
import static org.ngrinder.common.util.CollectionUtils.newHashMap;
import static org.ngrinder.common.util.ExceptionUtils.processException;

import static org.ngrinder.common.util.Preconditions.*;
import static;

 * Performance Test Controller.
 * @author Mavlarn
 * @author JunHo Yoon
public class PerfTestController extends BaseController {

    private PerfTestService perfTestService;

    private FileEntryService fileEntryService;

    private AgentManager agentManager;

    private AgentManagerService agentManagerService;

    private TagService tagService;*/

    private ScriptHandlerFactory scriptHandlerFactory;

    private UserService userService;

    private RegionService regionService;

    private ApiTestRunService apiTestRunService;

    private Gson fileEntryGson;

     * Initialize.
    public void init() {
        GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
        gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(FileEntry.class, new FileEntry.FileEntrySerializer());
        fileEntryGson = gsonBuilder.create();

     * Get the perf test detail on the given perf test id.
     * @param id    perf test id
     * @param model model
     * @return perftest/detail
    public String getOne(@PathVariable("id") Long id, ModelMap model) {
        User user = getCurrentUser();
        PerfTest test = null;
        if (id != null) {
            test = getOneWithPermissionCheck(user, id, true);

        if (test == null) {
            test = new PerfTest(user);

        model.addAttribute(PARAM_TEST, test);
        // Retrieve the agent count map based on create user, if the test is
        // created by the others.
        user = test.getCreatedUser() != null ? test.getCreatedUser() : user;

        Map<String, MutableInt> agentCountMap = agentManagerService.getAvailableAgentCountMap(user);
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_REGION_AGENT_COUNT_MAP, agentCountMap);
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_REGION_LIST, regionService.getAllVisibleRegionNames());
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_PROCESS_THREAD_POLICY_SCRIPT, perfTestService.getProcessAndThreadPolicyScript());
        return "perftest/detail";

     * Get the perf test creation form for quickStart.
     * @param urlString  URL string to be tested.
     * @param scriptType scriptType
     * @param model      model
     * @return perftest/detail
    public String getQuickStart(@RequestParam(value = "url", required = true) String urlString,
            @RequestParam(value = "scriptType", required = true) String scriptType,
            @RequestParam(value = "options", required = true) String options, ModelMap model) {
        User user = getCurrentUser();
        URL url = checkValidURL(urlString);
        FileEntry newEntry = fileEntryService.prepareNewEntryForQuickTest(user, urlString,
                scriptHandlerFactory.getHandler(scriptType), options);
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_QUICK_SCRIPT, newEntry.getPath());
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_QUICK_SCRIPT_REVISION, newEntry.getRevision());
                createPerfTestFromQuickStart(user, "Test for " + url.getHost(), url.getHost()));
        Map<String, MutableInt> agentCountMap = agentManagerService.getAvailableAgentCountMap(user);
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_REGION_AGENT_COUNT_MAP, agentCountMap);
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_REGION_LIST, getRegions(agentCountMap));
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_PROCESS_THREAD_POLICY_SCRIPT, perfTestService.getProcessAndThreadPolicyScript());
        return "perftest/detail";

    @RequestMapping(value = "/new")
    public String saveOne(PerfTest perfTest, long runId, ModelMap model) {
        User user = getCurrentUser();
        validate(user, null, perfTest);
        // Point to the head revision
        perfTest =, perfTest);

        ApiTestRun run = apiTestRunService.findById(runId);


        return "redirect:/perftest/" + perfTest.getId();


    private void validate(User user, PerfTest oldOne, PerfTest newOne) {
        if (oldOne == null) {
            oldOne = new PerfTest();
        newOne = oldOne.merge(newOne);
        checkNotEmpty(newOne.getTestName(), "testName should be provided");
        checkArgument(newOne.getStatus().equals(Status.READY) || newOne.getStatus().equals(Status.SAVED),
                "status only allows SAVE or READY");
        if (newOne.isThresholdRunCount()) {
            final Integer runCount = newOne.getRunCount();
            checkArgument(runCount > 0 && runCount <= agentManager.getMaxRunCount(),
                    "runCount should be equal to or less than %s", agentManager.getMaxRunCount());
        } else {
            final Long duration = newOne.getDuration();
            checkArgument(duration > 0 && duration <= (((long) agentManager.getMaxRunHour()) * 3600000L),
                    "duration should be equal to or less than %s", agentManager.getMaxRunHour());
        Map<String, MutableInt> agentCountMap = agentManagerService.getAvailableAgentCountMap(user);
        MutableInt agentCountObj = agentCountMap.get(isClustered() ? newOne.getRegion() : Config.NONE_REGION);
        checkNotNull(agentCountObj, "region should be within current region list");
        int agentMaxCount = agentCountObj.intValue();
        checkArgument(newOne.getAgentCount() <= agentMaxCount, "test agent should be equal to or less than %s",
        if (newOne.getStatus().equals(Status.READY)) {
            checkArgument(newOne.getAgentCount() >= 1, "agentCount should be more than 1 when it's READY status.");

        checkArgument(newOne.getVuserPerAgent() <= agentManager.getMaxVuserPerAgent(),
                "vuserPerAgent should be equal to or less than %s", agentManager.getMaxVuserPerAgent());
        if (getConfig().isSecurityEnabled()) {
                    "targetHosts should be provided when security mode is enabled");
        if (newOne.getStatus() != Status.SAVED) {
            checkArgument(StringUtils.isNotBlank(newOne.getScriptName()), "scriptName should be provided.");
        checkArgument(newOne.getVuserPerAgent() == newOne.getProcesses() * newOne.getThreads(),
                "vuserPerAgent should be equal to (processes * threads)");

     * Leave the comment on the perf test.
     * @param id          testId
     * @param testComment test comment
     * @param tagString   tagString
     * @return JSON
    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/leave_comment", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String leaveComment(@PathVariable("id") Long id, @RequestParam("testComment") String testComment,
            @RequestParam(value = "tagString", required = false) String tagString) {
        perfTestService.addCommentOn(getCurrentUser(), id, testComment, tagString);
        return returnSuccess();

     * Delete the perf tests having given IDs.
     * @param ids  comma operated IDs
     * @return success json messages if succeeded.
    @RequestMapping(value = "/api", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
    public HttpEntity<String> delete(@RequestParam(value = "ids", defaultValue = "") String ids) {
        for (String idStr : StringUtils.split(ids, ",")) {
            perfTestService.delete(getCurrentUser(), NumberUtils.toLong(idStr, 0));
        return successJsonHttpEntity();

     * Stop the perf tests having given IDs.
     * @param ids  comma separated perf test IDs
     * @return success json if succeeded.
    @RequestMapping(value = "/api", params = "action=stop", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
    public HttpEntity<String> stop(@RequestParam(value = "ids", defaultValue = "") String ids) {
        for (String idStr : StringUtils.split(ids, ",")) {
            perfTestService.stop(getCurrentUser(), NumberUtils.toLong(idStr, 0));
        return successJsonHttpEntity();

     * Filter out from hosts string.
     * @param originalString original string
     * @return filtered string
    private String filterHostString(String originalString) {
        List<String> hosts = newArrayList();
        for (String each : StringUtils.split(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(originalString), ",")) {
            if (!each.contains("")) {
        return StringUtils.join(hosts, ",");

    private Map<String, Object> getPerfGraphData(Long id, String[] dataTypes, boolean onlyTotal, int imgWidth) {
        final PerfTest test = perfTestService.getOne(id);
        int interval = perfTestService.getReportDataInterval(id, dataTypes[0], imgWidth);
        Map<String, Object> resultMap = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (String each : dataTypes) {
            Pair<ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<String>> tpsResult = perfTestService.getReportData(id, each,
                    onlyTotal, interval);
            Map<String, Object> dataMap = Maps.newHashMap();
            dataMap.put("labels", tpsResult.getFirst());
            dataMap.put("data", tpsResult.getSecond());
            resultMap.put(StringUtils.replaceChars(each, "()", ""), dataMap);
        resultMap.put(PARAM_TEST_CHART_INTERVAL, interval * test.getSamplingInterval());
        return resultMap;

     * Get the running division in perftest configuration page.
     * @param model model
     * @param id    test id
     * @return perftest/running
    @RequestMapping(value = "{id}/running_div")
    public String getReportSection(ModelMap model, @PathVariable long id) {
        PerfTest test = getOneWithPermissionCheck(getCurrentUser(), id, false);
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_TEST, test);
        return "perftest/running";

     * Get the basic report content in perftest configuration page.
     * <p/>
     * This method returns the appropriate points based on the given imgWidth.
     * @param model    model
     * @param id       test id
     * @param imgWidth image width
     * @return perftest/basic_report
    @RequestMapping(value = "{id}/basic_report")
    public String getReportSection(ModelMap model, @PathVariable long id, @RequestParam int imgWidth) {
        PerfTest test = getOneWithPermissionCheck(getCurrentUser(), id, false);
        int interval = perfTestService.getReportDataInterval(id, "TPS", imgWidth);
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_LOG_LIST, perfTestService.getLogFiles(id));
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_TEST_CHART_INTERVAL, interval * test.getSamplingInterval());
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_TEST, test);
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_TPS, perfTestService.getSingleReportDataAsJson(id, "TPS", interval));
        return "perftest/basic_report";

     * Download the CSV report for the given perf test id.
     * @param id       test id
     * @param response response
    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/download_csv")
    public void downloadCSV(@PathVariable("id") long id, HttpServletResponse response) {
        PerfTest test = getOneWithPermissionCheck(getCurrentUser(), id, false);
        File targetFile = perfTestService.getCsvReportFile(test);
        checkState(targetFile.exists(), "File %s doesn't exist!", targetFile.getName());
        FileDownloadUtils.downloadFile(response, targetFile);

     * Download logs for the perf test having the given id.
     * @param id       test id
     * @param path     path in the log folder
     * @param response response
    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/download_log/**")
    public void downloadLog(@PathVariable("id") long id, @RemainedPath String path, HttpServletResponse response) {
        getOneWithPermissionCheck(getCurrentUser(), id, false);
        File targetFile = perfTestService.getLogFile(id, path);
        FileDownloadUtils.downloadFile(response, targetFile);

     * Show the given log for the perf test having the given id.
     * @param id       test id
     * @param path     path in the log folder
     * @param response response
    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/show_log/**")
    public void showLog(@PathVariable("id") long id, @RemainedPath String path, HttpServletResponse response) {
        getOneWithPermissionCheck(getCurrentUser(), id, false);
        File targetFile = perfTestService.getLogFile(id, path);
        FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
        try {
            fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(targetFile);
            ServletOutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
            if (FilenameUtils.isExtension(targetFile.getName(), "zip")) {
                // Limit log view to 1MB
                outputStream.println(" Only the last 1MB of a log shows.\n");
                LogCompressUtils.decompress(fileInputStream, outputStream, 1 * 1024 * 1204);
            } else {
                IOUtils.copy(fileInputStream, outputStream);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            CoreLogger.LOGGER.error("Error while processing log. {}", targetFile, e);
        } finally {

     * Get the running perf test info having the given id.
     * @param id   test id
     * @return JSON message   containing test,agent and monitor status.
    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/api/sample")
    public HttpEntity<String> refreshTestRunning(@PathVariable("id") long id) {
        PerfTest test = checkNotNull(getOneWithPermissionCheck(getCurrentUser(), id, false),
                "given test should be exist : " + id);
        Map<String, Object> map = newHashMap();
        map.put("status", test.getStatus());
        map.put("perf", perfTestService.getStatistics(test));
        map.put("agent", perfTestService.getAgentStat(test));
        map.put("monitor", perfTestService.getMonitorStat(test));
        return toJsonHttpEntity(map);

     * Get the detailed perf test report.
     * @param model model
     * @param id    test id
     * @return perftest/detail_report
    @RequestMapping(value = { "/{id}/detail_report", /** for backward compatibility */
            "/{id}/report" })
    public String getReport(ModelMap model, @PathVariable("id") long id) {
        model.addAttribute("test", perfTestService.getOne(id));
        model.addAttribute("plugins", perfTestService.getAvailableReportPlugins(id));
        return "perftest/detail_report";

     * Get the detailed perf test report.
     * @param id test id
     * @return perftest/detail_report/perf
    @SuppressWarnings({ "MVCPathVariableInspection", "UnusedParameters" })
    public String getDetailPerfReport(@PathVariable("id") long id) {
        return "perftest/detail_report/perf";

     * Get the detailed perf test monitor report.
     * @param id       test id
     * @param targetIP target ip
     * @param modelMap model map
     * @return perftest/detail_report/monitor
    public String getDetailMonitorReport(@PathVariable("id") long id, @RequestParam("targetIP") String targetIP,
            ModelMap modelMap) {
        modelMap.addAttribute("targetIP", targetIP);
        return "perftest/detail_report/monitor";

     * Get the detailed perf test report.
     * @param id       test id
     * @param plugin   test report plugin category
     * @param modelMap model map
     * @return perftest/detail_report/plugin
    public String getDetailPluginReport(@PathVariable("id") long id, @PathVariable("plugin") String plugin,
            @RequestParam("kind") String kind, ModelMap modelMap) {
        modelMap.addAttribute("plugin", plugin);
        modelMap.addAttribute("kind", kind);
        return "perftest/detail_report/plugin";

    private PerfTest getOneWithPermissionCheck(User user, Long id, boolean withTag) {
        PerfTest perfTest = withTag ? perfTestService.getOneWithTag(id) : perfTestService.getOne(id);
        if (user.getRole().equals(Role.ADMIN) || user.getRole().equals(Role.SUPER_USER)) {
            return perfTest;
        if (perfTest != null && !user.equals(perfTest.getCreatedUser())) {
            throw processException("User " + user.getUserId() + " has no right on PerfTest " + id);
        return perfTest;

    private Map<String, String> getMonitorGraphData(long id, String targetIP, int imgWidth) {
        int interval = perfTestService.getMonitorGraphInterval(id, targetIP, imgWidth);
        Map<String, String> sysMonitorMap = perfTestService.getMonitorGraph(id, targetIP, interval);
        PerfTest perfTest = perfTestService.getOne(id);
                String.valueOf(interval * (perfTest != null ? perfTest.getSamplingInterval() : 1)));
        return sysMonitorMap;

     * Get the count of currently running perf test and the detailed progress info for the given perf test IDs.
     * @param ids  comma separated perf test list
     * @return JSON message containing perf test status
    public HttpEntity<String> getStatuses(@RequestParam(value = "ids", defaultValue = "") String ids) {
        List<PerfTest> perfTests = perfTestService.getAll(getCurrentUser(), convertString2Long(ids));
        return toJsonHttpEntity(buildMap("perfTestInfo", perfTestService.getCurrentPerfTestStatistics(), "status",

     * Get all available scripts in JSON format for the current factual user.
     * @param ownerId owner id
     * @return JSON containing script's list.
    public HttpEntity<String> getScripts(@RequestParam(value = "ownerId", required = false) String ownerId) {
        /*if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(ownerId)) {
           user = userService.getOne(ownerId);

        List<FileEntry> scripts = newArrayList(filter(fileEntryService.getAll(getCurrentUser()),
                new<FileEntry>() {
                    public boolean apply(@Nullable FileEntry input) {
                        return input != null && input.getFileType().getFileCategory() == FileCategory.SCRIPT;
        return toJsonHttpEntity(scripts, fileEntryGson);

     * Get resources and lib file list from the same folder with the given script path.
     * @param scriptPath script path
     * @param ownerId    ownerId
     * @return json string representing resources and libs.
    public HttpEntity<String> getResources(@RequestParam String scriptPath,
            @RequestParam(required = false) String ownerId) {
        /*if (user.getRole() == Role.ADMIN && StringUtils.isNotBlank(ownerId)) {
           user = userService.getOne(ownerId);

        User user = getCurrentUser();
        FileEntry fileEntry = fileEntryService.getOne(user, scriptPath);
        String targetHosts = "";
        List<String> fileStringList = newArrayList();
        if (fileEntry != null) {
            List<FileEntry> fileList = fileEntryService.getScriptHandler(fileEntry).getLibAndResourceEntries(user,
                    fileEntry, -1L);
            for (FileEntry each : fileList) {
            targetHosts = filterHostString(fileEntry.getProperties().get("targetHosts"));

        return toJsonHttpEntity(buildMap("targetHosts", trimToEmpty(targetHosts), "resources", fileStringList));

     * Get the status of the given perf test.
     * @param id   perftest id
     * @return JSON message containing perf test status
    public HttpEntity<String> getStatus(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
        List<PerfTest> perfTests = perfTestService.getAll(getCurrentUser(), new Long[] { id });
        return toJsonHttpEntity(buildMap("status", getStatus(perfTests)));

     * Get the logs of the given perf test.
     * @param id   perftest id
     * @return JSON message containing log file names
    public HttpEntity<String> getLogs(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
        // Check permission
        getOneWithPermissionCheck(getCurrentUser(), id, false);
        return toJsonHttpEntity(perfTestService.getLogFiles(id));

     * Get the detailed report graph data for the given perf test id.
     * This method returns the appropriate points based on the given imgWidth.
     * @param id       test id
     * @param dataType which data
     * @param imgWidth imageWidth
     * @return json string.
    @RequestMapping({ "/api/{id}/perf", "/api/{id}/graph" })
    public HttpEntity<String> getPerfGraph(@PathVariable("id") long id,
            @RequestParam(required = true, defaultValue = "") String dataType,
            @RequestParam(defaultValue = "false") boolean onlyTotal, @RequestParam int imgWidth) {
        String[] dataTypes = checkNotEmpty(StringUtils.split(dataType, ","),
                "dataType argument should be provided");
        return toJsonHttpEntity(getPerfGraphData(id, dataTypes, onlyTotal, imgWidth));

     * Get the monitor data of the target having the given IP.
     * @param id       test Id
     * @param targetIP targetIP
     * @param imgWidth image width
     * @return json message
    public HttpEntity<String> getMonitorGraph(@PathVariable("id") long id,
            @RequestParam("targetIP") String targetIP, @RequestParam int imgWidth) {
        return toJsonHttpEntity(getMonitorGraphData(id, targetIP, imgWidth));

     * Get the plugin monitor data of the target.
     * @param id       test Id
     * @param plugin   monitor plugin category
     * @param kind     kind
     * @param imgWidth image width
     * @return json message
    public HttpEntity<String> getPluginGraph(@PathVariable("id") long id, @PathVariable("plugin") String plugin,
            @RequestParam("kind") String kind, @RequestParam int imgWidth) {
        return toJsonHttpEntity(getReportPluginGraphData(id, plugin, kind, imgWidth));

    private Map<String, Object> getReportPluginGraphData(long id, String plugin, String kind, int imgWidth) {
        int interval = perfTestService.getReportPluginGraphInterval(id, plugin, kind, imgWidth);
        Map<String, Object> pluginMonitorData = perfTestService.getReportPluginGraph(id, plugin, kind, interval);
        final PerfTest perfTest = perfTestService.getOne(id);
        int samplingInterval = 3;
        if (perfTest != null) {
            samplingInterval = perfTest.getSamplingInterval();
        pluginMonitorData.put("interval", interval * samplingInterval);
        return pluginMonitorData;

     * Get the last perf test details in the form of json.
     * @param page page
     * @param size size of retrieved perf test
     * @return json string
    @RequestMapping(value = { "/api/last", "/api", "/api/" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public HttpEntity<String> getAll(@RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "0") int page,
            @RequestParam(value = "size", defaultValue = "1") int size) {
        PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(page, size, new Sort(Direction.DESC, "id"));
        Page<PerfTest> testList = perfTestService.getPagedAll(getCurrentUser(), null, null, null, pageRequest);
        return toJsonHttpEntity(testList.getContent());

     * Get the perf test detail in the form of json.
     * @param id   perftest id
     * @return json message containing test info.
    @RequestMapping(value = "/api/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public HttpEntity<String> getOne(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
        PerfTest test = checkNotNull(getOneWithPermissionCheck(getCurrentUser(), id, false),
                "PerfTest %s does not exists", id);
        return toJsonHttpEntity(test);

     * Create the given perf test.
     * @param perfTest perf test
     * @return json message containing test info.
    @RequestMapping(value = { "/api/", "/api" }, method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public HttpEntity<String> create(PerfTest perfTest) {
        User user = getCurrentUser();
        checkNull(perfTest.getId(), "id should be null");
        validate(user, null, perfTest);
        PerfTest savePerfTest =, perfTest);
        return toJsonHttpEntity(savePerfTest);

     * Delete the given perf test.
     * @param id   perf test id
     * @return json success message if succeeded
    @RequestMapping(value = "/api/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
    public HttpEntity<String> delete(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
        User user = getCurrentUser();
        PerfTest perfTest = getOneWithPermissionCheck(user, id, false);
        checkNotNull(perfTest, "no perftest for %s exits", id);
        perfTestService.delete(user, id);
        return successJsonHttpEntity();

     * Update the given perf test.
     * @param id       perf test id
     * @param perfTest perf test configuration changes
     * @return json message
    @RequestMapping(value = "/api/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
    public HttpEntity<String> update(@PathVariable("id") Long id, PerfTest perfTest) {
        User user = getCurrentUser();
        PerfTest existingPerfTest = getOneWithPermissionCheck(user, id, false);
        validate(user, existingPerfTest, perfTest);
        return toJsonHttpEntity(, perfTest));

     * Stop the given perf test.
     * @param id   perf test id
     * @return json success message if succeeded
    @RequestMapping(value = "/api/{id}", params = "action=stop", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
    public HttpEntity<String> stop(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
        perfTestService.stop(getCurrentUser(), id);
        return successJsonHttpEntity();

     * Update the given perf test's status.
     * @param id     perf test id
     * @param status Status to be moved to
     * @return json message
    @RequestMapping(value = "/api/{id}", params = "action=status", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
    public HttpEntity<String> updateStatus(@PathVariable("id") Long id, Status status) {
        User user = getCurrentUser();
        PerfTest perfTest = getOneWithPermissionCheck(user, id, false);
        checkNotNull(perfTest, "no perftest for %s exits", id).setStatus(status);
        validate(user, null, perfTest);
        return toJsonHttpEntity(, perfTest));

     * Clone and start the given perf test.
     * @param id       perf test id to be cloned
     * @param perftest option to override while cloning.
     * @return json string
    @RequestMapping(value = { "/api/{id}/clone_and_start",
            /* for backward compatibility */ "/api/{id}/cloneAndStart" })
    public HttpEntity<String> cloneAndStart(@PathVariable("id") Long id, PerfTest perftest) {
        User user = getCurrentUser();
        PerfTest test = getOneWithPermissionCheck(user, id, false);
        checkNotNull(test, "no perftest for %s exits", id);
        PerfTest newOne = test.cloneTo(new PerfTest());
        if (perftest != null) {
            if (perftest.getScheduledTime() != null) {
            if (perftest.getScriptRevision() != null) {

            if (perftest.getAgentCount() != null) {
        if (newOne.getAgentCount() == null) {
        Map<String, MutableInt> agentCountMap = agentManagerService.getAvailableAgentCountMap(user);
        MutableInt agentCountObj = agentCountMap.get(isClustered() ? test.getRegion() : Config.NONE_REGION);
        checkNotNull(agentCountObj, "test region should be within current region list");
        int agentMaxCount = agentCountObj.intValue();
        checkArgument(newOne.getAgentCount() != 0, "test agent should not be %s", agentMaxCount);
        checkArgument(newOne.getAgentCount() <= agentMaxCount, "test agent should be equal to or less than %s",
        PerfTest savePerfTest =, newOne);"test {} is created through web api by {}", savePerfTest.getId(), user.getUserId());
        return toJsonHttpEntity(savePerfTest);

     * Add the various default configuration values on the model.
     * @param model model to which put the default values
    public void addDefaultAttributeOnModel(ModelMap model) {
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_AVAILABLE_RAMP_UP_TYPE, RampUp.values());
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_MAX_VUSER_PER_AGENT, agentManager.getMaxVuserPerAgent());
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_MAX_RUN_COUNT, agentManager.getMaxRunCount());
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_SECURITY_MODE, getConfig().isSecurityEnabled());
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_MAX_RUN_HOUR, agentManager.getMaxRunHour());
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_SAFE_FILE_DISTRIBUTION, getConfig().getControllerProperties()
        String timeZone = getCurrentUser().getTimeZone();
        int offset;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(timeZone)) {
            offset = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone).getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis());
        } else {
            offset = TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis());
        model.addAttribute(PARAM_TIMEZONE_OFFSET, offset);

    private void annotateDateMarker(Page<PerfTest> tests) {
        TimeZone userTZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone(getCurrentUser().getTimeZone());
        Calendar userToday = Calendar.getInstance(userTZ);
        Calendar userYesterday = Calendar.getInstance(userTZ);
        userYesterday.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
        for (PerfTest test : tests) {
            Calendar localedModified = Calendar.getInstance(userTZ);
                    DateUtils.convertToUserDate(getCurrentUser().getTimeZone(), test.getLastModifiedDate()));
            if (org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils.isSameDay(userToday, localedModified)) {
            } else if (org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils.isSameDay(userYesterday, localedModified)) {
            } else {

    private Long[] convertString2Long(String ids) {
        String[] numbers = StringUtils.split(ids, ",");
        Long[] id = new Long[numbers.length];
        int i = 0;
        for (String each : numbers) {
            id[i++] = NumberUtils.toLong(each, 0);
        return id;

    private List<Map<String, Object>> getStatus(List<PerfTest> perfTests) {
        List<Map<String, Object>> statuses = newArrayList();
        for (PerfTest each : perfTests) {
            Map<String, Object> result = newHashMap();
            result.put("id", each.getId());
            result.put("status_id", each.getStatus());
            result.put("status_type", each.getStatus());
            result.put("name", getMessages(each.getStatus().getSpringMessageKey()));
            result.put("icon", each.getStatus().getIconName());
            result.put("message", StringUtils.replace(each.getProgressMessage() + "\n<b>"
                    + each.getLastProgressMessage() + "</b>\n" + each.getLastModifiedDateToStr(), "\n", "<br/>"));
            result.put("deletable", each.getStatus().isDeletable());
            result.put("stoppable", each.getStatus().isStoppable());
            result.put("reportable", each.getStatus().isReportable());
        return statuses;

    private ArrayList<String> getRegions(Map<String, MutableInt> agentCountMap) {
        ArrayList<String> regions = new ArrayList<String>(agentCountMap.keySet());
        return regions;

     * Create a new test from quick start mode.
     * @param user       user
     * @param testName   test name
     * @param targetHost target host
     * @return test    {@link PerfTest}
    private PerfTest createPerfTestFromQuickStart(User user, String testName, String targetHost) {
        PerfTest test = new PerfTest(user);
        return test;

     * Search tags based on the given query.
     * @param user  user to search
     * @param query query string
     * @return found tag list in json
    public HttpEntity<String> searchTag( @RequestParam(required = false) String query) {
       List<String> allStrings = tagService.getAllTagStrings(user, query);
       if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(query)) {
       return toJsonHttpEntity(allStrings);

     * Open the new perf test creation form.
     * @param user  user
     * @param model model
     * @return "perftest/detail"
    public String openForm( ModelMap model) {
       return getOne(user, null, model);