Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Port@l * Port@l 3.0 - Portal Engine and Management System * Copyright (C) 2010 Isotrol, SA. * * Port@l is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Port@l is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Port@l. If not, see <>. */ package com.isotrol.impe3.api; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Devices in portal collection. * @author Andres Rodriguez */ public abstract class DevicesInPortal { private static final Empty EMPTY = new Empty(); /** * Creates the collection. * @param devices Registered devices. * @return The requested collection. */ public static DevicesInPortal of(Set<DeviceInPortal> devices) { checkNotNull(devices, "Devices"); if (devices.isEmpty()) { return EMPTY; } return new Regular(checkNotNull(devices, "Devices")); } /** Constructor. */ private DevicesInPortal() { } /** * @return The by device map. */ abstract Map<Device, DeviceInPortal> deviceMap(); /** * @return The by device id map. */ abstract Map<UUID, DeviceInPortal> idMap(); /** * @return The by device name in portal map. */ abstract Map<String, DeviceInPortal> nameMap(); /** * Returns whether the collection is empty. * @return True if the collection is empty. */ public final boolean isEmpty() { return deviceMap().isEmpty(); } /** * Returns the number of devices definitions in the collection. * @return The collection size. */ public final int size() { return deviceMap().size(); } /** * Returns the devices definitions in the portal. * @return The registered devices definitions. */ public final Collection<DeviceInPortal> values() { return deviceMap().values(); } /** * Returns the devices registered in the portal. * @return The devices registered in the portal. */ public final Set<Device> getDevices() { return deviceMap().keySet(); } /** * Returns whether the a device is registered. * @param device Device to check. * @return True if the device is registered. */ public final boolean containsDevice(Device device) { return deviceMap().containsKey(device); } /** * Returns the device definition for a given device. * @param device Device to get. * @return The device definition. * @throws NullPointerException if the argument is null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the device is not registered. */ public final DeviceInPortal getByDevice(Device device) { final DeviceInPortal dip = deviceMap().get(checkNotNull(device, "Null devices not allowed")); checkArgument(dip != null, "Device not registered"); return dip; } /** * Returns the ids of the devices registered in the portal. * @return The ids of the devices registered in the portal. */ public final Set<UUID> getDeviceIds() { return idMap().keySet(); } /** * Returns whether the a device is registered. * @param deviceId Device id to check. * @return True if the device is registered. */ public final boolean containsDeviceId(UUID deviceId) { return idMap().containsKey(deviceId); } /** * Returns the device definition for a given device. * @param deviceId Device id to get. * @return The device definition. * @throws NullPointerException if the argument is null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the device is not registered. */ public final DeviceInPortal getByDeviceId(Device deviceId) { final DeviceInPortal dip = idMap().get(checkNotNull(deviceId, "Null devices not allowed")); checkArgument(dip != null, "Device not registered"); return dip; } /** * Returns the names of the devices registered in the portal. * @return The names of the devices registered in the portal. */ public final Set<String> getNames() { return nameMap().keySet(); } /** * Returns whether the a device with a certain name is registered. * @param name Name to check. * @return True if the device is registered. */ public final boolean containsName(String name) { return nameMap().containsKey(name); } /** * Returns the device definition registered with a certain name. * @param name Name to get. * @return The device definition. * @throws NullPointerException if the argument is null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the device is not registered. */ public final DeviceInPortal getByName(String name) { final DeviceInPortal dip = nameMap().get(checkNotNull(name, "Null device names not allowed")); checkArgument(dip != null, "Device name not registered"); return dip; } /** * Filters the collection by device name use. * @param use Use to filter. * @return The filtered collection. */ public final DevicesInPortal filterByUse(DeviceNameUse use) { checkNotNull(use, "Device name use"); Predicate<DeviceInPortal> f = Predicates.compose(equalTo(use), DeviceInPortal.USE); if (Iterables.any(values(), f)) { return new Filter(this, f); } else { return EMPTY; } } /** * Excludes one device from the collection. * @param device Device to exclude. * @return The filtered collection. */ public final DevicesInPortal excludeDevice(Device device) { checkNotNull(device, "Null devices not allowed"); if (!containsDevice(device)) { return this; } if (size() == 1) { return EMPTY; } return new Filter(this, Predicates.compose(not(equalTo(device)), DeviceInPortal.DEVICE)); } /** * Excludes one device from the collection. * @param deviceId Device id to exclude. * @return The filtered collection. */ public final DevicesInPortal excludeDeviceId(UUID deviceId) { checkNotNull(deviceId, "Null devices not allowed"); if (!containsDeviceId(deviceId)) { return this; } if (size() == 1) { return EMPTY; } return new Filter(this, Predicates.compose(not(equalTo(deviceId)), Functions.compose(Device.ID, DeviceInPortal.DEVICE))); } private static String checkSegment(String segment) { return checkNotNull(segment, "Null segment"); } private Device find(DeviceNameUse use, String name) { final DevicesInPortal dips = filterByUse(use); if (dips.containsName(name)) { return dips.getByName(name).getDevice(); } return null; } /** * Returns the device represented by a first segment. * @param segment Segment to check. * @return The resolved device or {@code null} if no device is found. */ public final Device findDeviceByFirstSegment(String segment) { return find(DeviceNameUse.FIRST_SEGMENT, checkSegment(segment)); } /** * Returns the device represented by a first segment. * @param path Path to check. * @return The resolved device or {@code null} if no device is found. */ public final Device findDeviceByFirstSegment(PathSegments path) { if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) { return null; } return findDeviceByFirstSegment(path.get(0)); } /** * Returns the device represented by a last segment. * @param segment Segment to check. * @return The resolved device or {@code null} if no device is found. */ public final Device findDeviceByLastSegment(String segment) { return find(DeviceNameUse.LAST_SEGMENT, checkSegment(segment)); } /** * Returns the device represented by a last segment. * @param path Path to check. * @return The resolved device or {@code null} if no device is found. */ public final Device findDeviceByLastSegment(PathSegments path) { if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) { return null; } return findDeviceByLastSegment(path.last()); } /** * Returns the device represented by an extension. * @param extension Extension to check. * @return The resolved device or {@code null} if no device is found. */ public final Device findDeviceByExtension(String extension) { return find(DeviceNameUse.EXTENSION, checkNotNull(extension, "Extension")); } /** * Returns the device represented by a last segment extension. * @param segment Segment to check. * @return The resolved device or {@code null} if no device is found. */ public final Device findDeviceByLastSegmentExtension(String segment) { final String extension = PathSegments.getExtension(checkSegment(segment)); if (extension != null) { return findDeviceByExtension(extension); } return null; } /** * Returns the device represented by a last segment extension. * @param path Path to check. * @return The resolved device or {@code null} if no device is found. */ public final Device findDeviceByLastSegmentExtension(PathSegments path) { if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) { return null; } return findDeviceByLastSegmentExtension(path.last()); } private static final class Empty extends DevicesInPortal { private Empty() { } @Override Map<Device, DeviceInPortal> deviceMap() { return ImmutableMap.of(); } @Override Map<UUID, DeviceInPortal> idMap() { return ImmutableMap.of(); } @Override Map<String, DeviceInPortal> nameMap() { return ImmutableMap.of(); } } private static final class Regular extends DevicesInPortal { private final ImmutableMap<Device, DeviceInPortal> deviceMap; private final ImmutableMap<UUID, DeviceInPortal> idMap; private final ImmutableMap<String, DeviceInPortal> nameMap; private Regular(Set<DeviceInPortal> devices) { try { deviceMap = Maps.uniqueIndex(devices, DeviceInPortal.DEVICE); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to index devices in portal by device"); } try { idMap = Maps.uniqueIndex(devices, Functions.compose(Device.ID, DeviceInPortal.DEVICE)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to index devices in portal by device id"); } try { nameMap = Maps.uniqueIndex(devices, DeviceInPortal.NAME); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to index devices in portal by name"); } } @Override Map<Device, DeviceInPortal> deviceMap() { return deviceMap; } @Override Map<UUID, DeviceInPortal> idMap() { return idMap; } @Override Map<String, DeviceInPortal> nameMap() { return nameMap; } } private static final class Filter extends DevicesInPortal { private final Map<Device, DeviceInPortal> deviceMap; private final Map<UUID, DeviceInPortal> idMap; private final Map<String, DeviceInPortal> nameMap; private Filter(DevicesInPortal devices, Predicate<? super DeviceInPortal> filter) { this.deviceMap = Maps.filterValues(devices.deviceMap(), filter); this.idMap = Maps.filterValues(devices.idMap(), filter); this.nameMap = Maps.filterValues(devices.nameMap(), filter); } @Override Map<Device, DeviceInPortal> deviceMap() { return deviceMap; } @Override Map<UUID, DeviceInPortal> idMap() { return idMap; } @Override Map<String, DeviceInPortal> nameMap() { return nameMap; } } }