Java tutorial
/* * (c) Copyright 2004, iSencia Belgium NV * All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of iSencia Belgium NV. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.generic; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.border.Border; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; import net.infonode.docking.DockingWindow; import net.infonode.docking.DockingWindowListener; import net.infonode.docking.OperationAbortedException; import net.infonode.docking.TabWindow; import net.infonode.docking.View; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jdesktop.swingx.VerticalLayout; import; import; import ptolemy.kernel.Entity; import ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute; import ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest; import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException; import ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj; import ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable; import ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.TextAttribute; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.HMIBase; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.HMIMessages; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.ModelUtils; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.PopupUtil; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.definition.HMIDefinition; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.definition.Model; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.definition.ModelBundle; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.definition.HMIDefinition.LayoutPreferences; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.graph.EditionActions; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.graph.LookInsideViewFactory; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.state.StateMachine; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.trace.TraceDialog; import com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.trace.TraceVisualizer; /** * @todo Class Comment * * @author erwin dl */ public class GenericHMI extends HMIBase implements ParameterEditorAuthorizer, QueryLabelProvider { private final static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(GenericHMI.class); private static final String HMI_FILTERS_DEF_FILE = System.getProperty("FilterDefPath") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "filter_def.xml"; private static final String HMI_MODELS_DEF_FILE = "hmi_def.xml"; private IPasserelleEditorPaneFactory editorPaneFactory; private JMenuBar menuBar; private JScrollPane parameterScrollPane; private JScrollPane modelGraphScrollPane; private JPanel paremeterFormPanel; private TabWindow modelGraphTabWindow; private JPanel tracePanel; private JPanel configPanel; private JLabel modelNameLabel; private JFrame parentFrame; private HMIDefinition hmiDef; private int nrColumns = 1; private final Map<String, View> graphTabsMap = new HashMap<String, View>(); private LookInsideViewFactory viewFactory; /** * @param mode * @throws IOException */ public GenericHMI(final boolean showModelGraph) throws IOException { super(GENERIC, HMI_MODELS_DEF_FILE, showModelGraph); hmiDef = HMIDefinition.parseHMIDefFile(HMI_FILTERS_DEF_FILE); initialize(); } /** * @param mode * @throws IOException */ public GenericHMI(final ModelBundle bundle, final boolean showModelGraph) throws IOException { super(GENERIC, bundle, showModelGraph); hmiDef = HMIDefinition.parseHMIDefFile(HMI_FILTERS_DEF_FILE); initialize(); } public void initialize() { parameterScrollPane = getParameterScrollPane(); paremeterFormPanel = getParameterFormPanel(); modelGraphTabWindow = getModelGraphPanel(); modelGraphScrollPane = getModelGraphScrollPane(); configPanel = getConfigPanel(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.HMIBase#showModelForm(java.lang.String) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void showModelForm(final String modelKey) { clearModelForms(); if (this.getParentFrame() != null) { final URL modelURL = getModelURL(); if (modelURL != null) { this.getParentFrame().setTitle("Passerelle - " + modelURL); modelNameLabel = new JLabel(modelURL.toString(), JLabel.CENTER); parameterScrollPane.getParent().add(modelNameLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); parameterScrollPane.getParent().validate(); } } if (getCurrentModel() != null) { final LayoutPreferences layoutPrefs = hmiDef.getLayoutPrefs(getCurrentModel().getName()); if (layoutPrefs != null) { nrColumns = layoutPrefs.getNrColumns(); } // sizeAndPlaceFrame(); configPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, nrColumns)); final JPanel[] boxes = new JPanel[nrColumns]; for (int i = 0; i < nrColumns; ++i) { boxes[i] = new JPanel(new VerticalLayout()); configPanel.add(boxes[i]); } final List entities = getCurrentModel().entityList(); if (entities != null) { final Vector<JPanel> actorPanels = new Vector<JPanel>(); // render model if (layoutPrefs == null || layoutPrefs.getActorNames() == null || layoutPrefs.getActorNames().size() == 0) { // render model for model parameters renderModelComponent(false, getCurrentModel(), boxes[0]); // render model for director if (getCurrentModel().getDirector() != null) { final JPanel b = new JPanel(new VerticalLayout()); final boolean added = renderModelComponent(false, getCurrentModel().getDirector(), b); if (added) { actorPanels.add(b); } } // build the vector of panels with only visible actors for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); ++i) { final NamedObj e = (NamedObj) entities.get(i); final JPanel b = new JPanel(new VerticalLayout()); // JPanel b = boxes[(i+1) / nrEntriesPerColumn]; // Box b = boxes[(i+1) / nrEntriesPerColumn]; final boolean added = renderModelComponent(true, e, b); if (added) { actorPanels.add(b); } } } else {// an actor order has been defined final List<String> actorNames = layoutPrefs.getActorNames(); boolean modelParamsRendered = false; for (final String actorName : actorNames) { final Entity e = getCurrentModel().getEntity(actorName); final Attribute param = getCurrentModel().getAttribute(actorName); if (getCurrentModel().getDirector().getName().equals(actorName)) { // render model for director if (getCurrentModel().getDirector() != null) { final JPanel b = new JPanel(new VerticalLayout()); final boolean added = renderModelComponent(false, getCurrentModel().getDirector(), b); if (added) { actorPanels.add(b); } } } else if (e != null) { // render model actors final JPanel b = new JPanel(new VerticalLayout()); final boolean added = renderModelComponent(true, e, b); if (added) { actorPanels.add(b); } } else if (param != null) { // render model for model parameters if (!modelParamsRendered) { // since all model' params are rendered at the // same time // and it is possible to have several params in // the layoutPrefs, make sure that is called // only once final JPanel b = new JPanel(new VerticalLayout()); final boolean added = renderModelComponent(false, getCurrentModel(), b); if (added) { actorPanels.add(b); } modelParamsRendered = true; } } else { // it's an invalid layoutPrefs definition, e.g. // defined for another model // with same name or... layoutPrefs.getActorNames().clear(); showModelForm(modelKey); break; } } } // display actors in fonction of layout prefs. final int nrEntriesPerColumn = actorPanels.size() / nrColumns; final int more = actorPanels.size() % nrColumns; final Iterator it = actorPanels.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < nrColumns; i++) { final JPanel column = boxes[i]; if (i < more) { if (it.hasNext()) { final JPanel actor = (JPanel); column.add(actor); } } for (int j = 0; j < nrEntriesPerColumn; j++) { if (it.hasNext()) { final JPanel actor = (JPanel); column.add(actor); } } } } paremeterFormPanel.add("Center", configPanel); parameterScrollPane.validate(); } } @Override public void loadModel(final URL _modelFile, final String modelKey) throws Exception { try { super.loadModel(_modelFile, modelKey); } catch (final Exception e) { clearModelForms(); modelNameLabel = new JLabel(_modelFile + " not found or is not a moml file", JLabel.CENTER); modelNameLabel.setForeground(Color.RED); parameterScrollPane.getParent().add(modelNameLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH); throw e; } } @Override public void changeExecuted(final ChangeRequest change) { if (change.getDescription() != null) { final String[] importantChanges = new String[] { "entity", "property", "deleteEntity", "deleteProperty", "class" }; for (final String changeType : importantChanges) { if (change.getDescription().contains(changeType)) { graphTabsMap.get(getModelURL().toString()).getViewProperties() .setTitle(getCurrentModel().getName() + " - ***"); break; } } } super.changeExecuted(change); } @Override public void setSaved() { if (this.getModelURL() != null) { if (graphTabsMap.get(this.getModelURL().toString()) != null) { graphTabsMap.get(this.getModelURL().toString()).getViewProperties() .setTitle(getCurrentModel().getName()); } } }; @Override protected void showModelGraph(final String modelKey) { // clearModelGraphs(); try { if (graphPanelEffigy == null) { graphPanelEffigy = new PtolemyEffigy(getPtolemyConfiguration(), modelKey); } graphPanel = new ModelGraphPanel(getCurrentModel(), graphPanelEffigy); // TODO BEWARE : animation now happens in the actor // thread and blocks for a second!! graphPanel.setAnimationDelay(1000); final View mainGraphTab = new View(this.getCurrentModel().getName(), new ImageIcon(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage( getClass().getResource("/com/isencia/passerelle/hmi/resources/ModelDataIcon.gif"))), graphPanel); graphTabsMap.put(this.getModelURL().toString(), mainGraphTab); mainGraphTab.getWindowProperties().setCloseEnabled(false); mainGraphTab.setName(this.getModelURL().toString()); final TabWindow win = getModelGraphPanel(); viewFactory = new LookInsideViewFactory(win, getPtolemyConfiguration(), graphPanelEffigy); graphPanel.registerViewFactory(viewFactory); win.addTab(mainGraphTab); getModelGraphScrollPane().validate(); new EditionActions().addActions(graphPanel); } catch (final Throwable t) { logger.error(HMIMessages.getString(HMIMessages.ERROR_GENERIC), t); } } @Override protected void clearModelGraphs() { if (viewFactory != null) viewFactory.closeAllViews(); for (View view : graphTabsMap.values()) { view.close(); } graphTabsMap.clear(); } /** * @param nObj * @param panel * @return true if a form was effectively rendered, i.e. when at least 1 * parameter was available * @throws IllegalActionException */ private boolean renderModelComponent(final boolean deep, final NamedObj nObj, final JPanel panel) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("renderModelComponent() - Entity " + nObj.getFullName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } if (nObj instanceof CompositeActor && deep) { return renderCompositeModelComponent((CompositeActor) nObj, panel); } else { renderModelComponentAnnotations(nObj, panel); final IPasserelleEditorPaneFactory epf = getEditorPaneFactoryForComponent(nObj); Component component = null; // XXX: temp need to use the new isencia api final IPasserelleQuery passerelleQuery = epf.createEditorPaneWithAuthorizer(nObj, this, this); if (!passerelleQuery.hasAutoSync()) { try { final Set<ParameterToWidgetBinder> queryBindings = passerelleQuery.getParameterBindings(); for (final ParameterToWidgetBinder parameterToWidgetBinder : queryBindings) { hmiFields.put(parameterToWidgetBinder.getBoundParameter().getFullName(), parameterToWidgetBinder); } } catch (final Exception exception) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating bindings for passerelleQuery", exception); } } final IPasserelleComponent passerelleComponent = passerelleQuery.getPasserelleComponent(); if (!(passerelleComponent instanceof Component)) { return false; } component = (Component) passerelleComponent; // System.out.println("renderModelComponent "+passerelleComponent); // Component c = // EditorPaneFactory.createEditorPaneWithAuthorizer(nObj, this, // this); if (component != null && !(component instanceof PasserelleEmptyQuery)) { final String name = ModelUtils.getFullNameButWithoutModelName(getCurrentModel(), nObj); component.setName(name); final JPanel globalPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); // Panel for title final JPanel titlePanel = createTitlePanel(name); // Add a nice background to panels titlePanel.setBackground(panel.getBackground()); ((JComponent) component).setBackground(panel.getBackground()); // Border final Border loweredbevel = BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder(); final TitledBorder border = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(loweredbevel/* ,name */); globalPanel.setBorder(border); globalPanel.add(titlePanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); globalPanel.add(component, BorderLayout.CENTER); panel.add(globalPanel); // StateMachine stuff StateMachine.getInstance().registerActionForState(StateMachine.MODEL_OPEN, name, component); StateMachine.getInstance().compile(); return true; } return false; } } private JPanel createTitlePanel(final String name) { final JPanel result = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); final ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() .getImage(getClass().getResource("/com/isencia/passerelle/hmi/resources/param.gif"))); final JLabel startLabel = new JLabel(icon); result.add(startLabel, BorderLayout.LINE_START); final JLabel nameLabel = new JLabel(name); final Font f = nameLabel.getFont(); nameLabel.setFont(new Font(f.getName(), f.getStyle(), f.getSize() + 2)); nameLabel.setForeground(new Color(49, 106, 196)); result.add(nameLabel); return result; } private IPasserelleEditorPaneFactory getEditorPaneFactoryForComponent(final NamedObj e) { IPasserelleEditorPaneFactory epf = null; try { epf = (IPasserelleEditorPaneFactory) e.getAttribute("_editorPaneFactory", IPasserelleEditorPaneFactory.class); } catch (final IllegalActionException e1) { } epf = epf != null ? epf : editorPaneFactory; return epf; } /** * @param e * @param b * @return true if a form was effectively rendered, i.e. when at least 1 * parameter was available */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean renderCompositeModelComponent(final CompositeActor e, final JPanel b) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("renderCompositeModelComponent() - Entity " + e.getFullName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } final IPasserelleEditorPaneFactory epf = getEditorPaneFactoryForComponent(e); final IPasserelleQuery pQuery = epf.createEditorPaneWithAuthorizer(e, this, this); final JComponent c = (JComponent) pQuery.getPasserelleComponent(); if (pQuery != null) { boolean nonEmptyForm = !(pQuery instanceof PasserelleEmptyQuery); // remove the default message in an empty query if (!nonEmptyForm) { ((PasserelleEmptyQuery) pQuery).setText(""); } else if (!pQuery.hasAutoSync()) { try { final Set<ParameterToWidgetBinder> queryBindings = pQuery.getParameterBindings(); for (final ParameterToWidgetBinder parameterToWidgetBinder : queryBindings) { hmiFields.put(parameterToWidgetBinder.getBoundParameter().getFullName(), parameterToWidgetBinder); } } catch (final Exception exception) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating bindings for passerelleQuery", exception); } } final String name = ModelUtils.getFullNameButWithoutModelName(getCurrentModel(), e); final List subActors = e.entityList(); // TODO: && changed by || because was not displaying parameters for // composite // still a problem of display with multiactor if (pQuery instanceof PasserelleQuery || !subActors.isEmpty()) { final JPanel compositeBox = createCompositePanel(b, c, name); renderModelComponentAnnotations(e, compositeBox); for (final Iterator<NamedObj> subActorItr = subActors.iterator(); subActorItr.hasNext();) { final NamedObj subActor =; nonEmptyForm |= renderModelComponent(true, subActor, compositeBox); } if (nonEmptyForm) { b.add(compositeBox); StateMachine.getInstance().registerActionForState(StateMachine.MODEL_OPEN, name, c); StateMachine.getInstance().compile(); } return nonEmptyForm; } else if (!(pQuery instanceof PasserelleEmptyQuery)) { // System.out.println("else name" + name); c.setName(name); c.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(name)); b.add(c); StateMachine.getInstance().registerActionForState(StateMachine.MODEL_OPEN, name, c); StateMachine.getInstance().compile(); return true; } } // System.out.println("renderComposite - out"); return false; } private JPanel createCompositePanel(final JPanel b, final JComponent c, final String name) { final JPanel compositeBox = new JPanel(new VerticalLayout(5)); int r = b.getBackground().getRed() - 20; if (r < 1) { r = 0; } if (r > 254) { r = 255; } int g = b.getBackground().getGreen() - 20; if (g < 1) { g = 0; } if (g > 254) { g = 255; } int bl = b.getBackground().getBlue() - 20; if (bl < 1) { bl = 0; } if (bl > 254) { bl = 255; } compositeBox.setBackground(new Color(r, g, bl)); final JPanel title = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); title.setBackground(new Color(r, g, bl)); /* * ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon( Toolkit .getDefaultToolkit() * .getImage( (getClass() * .getResource("/com/isencia/passerelle/hmi/resources/composite.gif" * )))); JLabel lab = new JLabel(icon); * * title.add(lab, BorderLayout.LINE_START); */ final JLabel lab2 = new JLabel(name); final Font f = lab2.getFont(); lab2.setFont(new Font(f.getName(), f.getStyle(), f.getSize() + 6)); lab2.setForeground(new Color(49, 106, 196)); title.add(lab2); compositeBox.add(title); final Border loweredbevel = BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder(); final TitledBorder border = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(loweredbevel); compositeBox.setBorder(border); compositeBox.setName(name); c.setBackground(new Color(r, g, bl)); compositeBox.add(c); return compositeBox; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void renderModelComponentAnnotations(final NamedObj e, final JPanel b) { final List<TextAttribute> annotations = e.attributeList(TextAttribute.class); if (!annotations.isEmpty()) { final Box annotationsBox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); // annotationsBox.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Info")); for (final TextAttribute textAttribute : annotations) { if (isAnnotionAuthorizedForEditor(textAttribute)) { final Box subBox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); // subBox.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(textAttribute.getName())); final String[] annotationLines = textAttribute.text.getExpression().split("\n"); for (final String annotationLine : annotationLines) { final JLabel lab = new JLabel(annotationLine); textAttribute.fontFamily.getExpression(); int bold = 0; if (textAttribute.bold.getExpression().compareTo("true") == 0) { bold = Font.BOLD; } int italic = 0; if (textAttribute.italic.getExpression().compareTo("true") == 0) { italic = Font.ITALIC; } final int textSize = Integer.valueOf(textAttribute.textSize.getExpression()); final Font font = new Font(textAttribute.fontFamily.getExpression(), bold | italic, textSize); lab.setFont(font); final String colorString = textAttribute.textColor.getExpression(); final String sub = colorString.substring(1, colorString.lastIndexOf("}")); final String[] rgba = sub.split(","); final float r = Float.valueOf(rgba[0]); final float g = Float.valueOf(rgba[1]); final float bl = Float.valueOf(rgba[2]); final float a = Float.valueOf(rgba[3]); final Color color = new Color(r, g, bl, a); lab.setForeground(color); subBox.add(lab); } annotationsBox.add(subBox); } } b.add(annotationsBox); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.isencia.passerelle.hmi.HMIBase#clearModelForms() */ @Override protected void clearModelForms() { configPanel.removeAll(); configPanel.repaint(); if (this.getParentFrame() != null) { this.getParentFrame().setTitle("Passerelle"); } if (modelNameLabel != null) { parameterScrollPane.getParent().remove(modelNameLabel); } } private class ParameterFilterOpener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { if (getCurrentModel() != null) { final ParameterFilterDialog dialog = new ParameterFilterDialog(getParentFrame(), getCurrentModel(), hmiDef); dialog.setVisible(true); final HMIDefinition filterSettingsFromDialog = dialog.getModelParameterFilterConfig(); if (filterSettingsFromDialog != null) { hmiDef = filterSettingsFromDialog; saveAndApplySettings(); } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getParentFrame(), "Please select/open a model first", "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } } } private class ActorOrderOpener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { if (getCurrentModel() != null) { final ActorOrderDialog dialog = new ActorOrderDialog(getParentFrame(), getCurrentModel(), hmiDef); dialog.setVisible(true); final HMIDefinition filterSettingsFromDialog = dialog.getModelParameterFilterConfig(); if (filterSettingsFromDialog != null) { hmiDef = filterSettingsFromDialog; saveAndApplySettings(); } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getParentFrame(), "Please select/open a model first", "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } } } private class ColumnCountDialogOpener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { final Integer chosenNrColumns = (Integer) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getParentFrame(), "Please enter nr of desired columns", "Layout", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { new Integer(1), new Integer(2), new Integer(3) }, new Integer(nrColumns)); if (chosenNrColumns != null) { nrColumns = chosenNrColumns.intValue(); } LayoutPreferences layoutPrefs = hmiDef.getLayoutPrefs(getCurrentModel().getFullName()); if (layoutPrefs == null) { layoutPrefs = new LayoutPreferences(nrColumns); hmiDef.addModelLayout(getCurrentModel().getFullName(), layoutPrefs); } else { layoutPrefs.setNrColumns(nrColumns); } saveAndApplySettings(); } } private void saveAndApplySettings() { final String def = ModelBundle.generateDef(hmiDef); Writer defWriter = null; try { defWriter = new FileWriter(HMI_FILTERS_DEF_FILE); defWriter.write(def); } catch (final IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); PopupUtil.showError(hookComponent, "impossible to save filter", e1.getMessage()); } finally { if (defWriter != null) { try { defWriter.close(); } catch (final Exception e1) { } } } // refresh current form showModelForm(null); } public boolean isAnnotionAuthorizedForEditor(final TextAttribute p) { // CHeck if parameter is present in the filter configuration if (hmiDef == null || getCurrentModel() == null || hmiDef.getModel(getCurrentModel().getFullName()) == null) { // we've got no usefull filter info return true; } final Model filterDefForCurrentModel = hmiDef.getModel(getCurrentModel().getFullName()); final String alias = filterDefForCurrentModel.getFieldMapping() .getValueForKey(ModelUtils.getFullNameButWithoutModelName(getCurrentModel(), p)); return alias != null; } public boolean isAuthorizedForEditor(final Settable p) { // CHeck if parameter is present in the filter configuration if (hmiDef == null || getCurrentModel() == null || hmiDef.getModel(getCurrentModel().getName()) == null) { // we've got no usefull filter info return true; } final Model filterDefForCurrentModel = hmiDef.getModel(getCurrentModel().getName()); final String alias = filterDefForCurrentModel.getFieldMapping() .getValueForKey(ModelUtils.getFullNameButWithoutModelName(getCurrentModel(), p)); return alias != null; } public String getLabelFor(final Settable settable) { // CHeck if parameter is present in the filter configuration if (hmiDef == null || getCurrentModel() == null || hmiDef.getModel(getCurrentModel().getName()) == null) { // we've got no usefull filter info return settable.getName(); } final Model filterDefForCurrentModel = hmiDef.getModel(getCurrentModel().getName()); final String alias = filterDefForCurrentModel.getFieldMapping() .getValueForKey(ModelUtils.getFullNameButWithoutModelName(getCurrentModel(), settable)); return alias != null ? alias : settable.getFullName(); } public HMIDefinition getHmiDef() { return hmiDef; } public void addPrefsMenu(final JMenuBar menuBar) { final JMenu prefsMenu = new JMenu(HMIMessages.getString(HMIMessages.MENU_PREFS)); prefsMenu.setMnemonic(HMIMessages.getString(HMIMessages.MENU_PREFS + HMIMessages.KEY).charAt(0)); final JMenuItem layoutMenuItem = new JMenuItem(HMIMessages.getString(HMIMessages.MENU_LAYOUT), HMIMessages.getString(HMIMessages.MENU_LAYOUT + HMIMessages.KEY).charAt(0)); layoutMenuItem.addActionListener(new ColumnCountDialogOpener()); prefsMenu.add(layoutMenuItem); final JMenuItem actorOrderMenuItem = new JMenuItem(HMIMessages.getString(HMIMessages.MENU_ACTOR_ORDER), HMIMessages.getString(HMIMessages.MENU_ACTOR_ORDER + HMIMessages.KEY).charAt(0)); actorOrderMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActorOrderOpener()); prefsMenu.add(actorOrderMenuItem); final JMenuItem paramFilterMenuItem = new JMenuItem( HMIMessages.getString(HMIMessages.MENU_PARAM_VISIBILITY), HMIMessages.getString(HMIMessages.MENU_PARAM_VISIBILITY + HMIMessages.KEY).charAt(0)); paramFilterMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_P, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK)); paramFilterMenuItem.addActionListener(new ParameterFilterOpener()); prefsMenu.add(paramFilterMenuItem); menuBar.add(prefsMenu); StateMachine.getInstance().registerActionForState(StateMachine.MODEL_OPEN, HMIMessages.MENU_PREFS, prefsMenu); } public JMenuBar getMenuBar() { if (menuBar == null) { final Set<String> hideItemsSet = new HashSet<String>(); // hideItemsSet.add(HMIMessages.MENU_TEMPLATES); hideItemsSet.add(HMIMessages.MENU_TRACING); menuBar = createDefaultMenu(null, hideItemsSet); addPrefsMenu(menuBar); StateMachine.getInstance().compile(); StateMachine.getInstance().transitionTo(StateMachine.READY); } return menuBar; } public JScrollPane getParameterScrollPane() { if (parameterScrollPane == null) { parameterScrollPane = new JScrollPane(getParameterFormPanel()); } return parameterScrollPane; } public JPanel getParameterFormPanel() { if (paremeterFormPanel == null) { paremeterFormPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); } return paremeterFormPanel; } public JScrollPane getModelGraphScrollPane() { if (modelGraphScrollPane == null) { modelGraphScrollPane = new JScrollPane(getModelGraphPanel()); } return modelGraphScrollPane; } public JPanel getConfigPanel() { if (configPanel == null) { configPanel = new JPanel(/* new GridLayout(1, nrColumns) */); } return configPanel; } public TabWindow getModelGraphPanel() { if (modelGraphTabWindow == null) { modelGraphTabWindow = new TabWindow(); modelGraphTabWindow.addListener(new DockingWindowListener() { public void viewFocusChanged(final View previouslyFocusedView, final View focusedView) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowAdded(final DockingWindow addedToWindow, final DockingWindow addedWindow) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowClosed(final DockingWindow window) { // refresh the parameters panel upon the selected model // graph updateParamsPanel(GenericHMI.this.modelGraphTabWindow.getSelectedWindow()); } private void updateParamsPanel(final DockingWindow window) { if (window != null) { final String modelURL = window.getName(); if (modelURL != null && !modelURL.equals(GenericHMI.this.getModelURL())) { try { GenericHMI.this.refreshParamsForm(new URL(modelURL), null); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { } catch (final Exception e) { } } } } public void windowClosing(final DockingWindow window) throws OperationAbortedException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowDocked(final DockingWindow window) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowDocking(final DockingWindow window) throws OperationAbortedException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowHidden(final DockingWindow window) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowMaximized(final DockingWindow window) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowMaximizing(final DockingWindow window) throws OperationAbortedException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowMinimized(final DockingWindow window) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowMinimizing(final DockingWindow window) throws OperationAbortedException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowRemoved(final DockingWindow removedFromWindow, final DockingWindow removedWindow) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowRestored(final DockingWindow window) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowRestoring(final DockingWindow window) throws OperationAbortedException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowShown(final DockingWindow window) { // refresh the parameters panel upon the selected model // graph updateParamsPanel(window); } public void windowUndocked(final DockingWindow window) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void windowUndocking(final DockingWindow window) throws OperationAbortedException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }); // modelGraphPanel.getTabWindowProperties().getTabbedPanelProperties().setTabAreaOrientation(Direction.DOWN); // modelGraphPanel.getTabWindowProperties().getCloseButtonProperties() // .setVisible(true); // modelGraphPanel.getWindowProperties().setCloseEnabled(true); } return modelGraphTabWindow; } public JPanel getTracePanel() { if (tracePanel == null) { final TraceVisualizer traceComponent = this.getTraceComponent(); final TraceDialog traceDialog = (TraceDialog) traceComponent; tracePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); tracePanel.add("Center", traceDialog.getContentPane()); } return tracePanel; } public JFrame getParentFrame() { // Container parentComponent = UIScrollPane.getParent(); // // if (parentComponent != null) { // while (!(parentComponent instanceof JFrame)) { // parentComponent = parentComponent.getParent(); // } // // parentFrame = (JFrame) parentComponent; // } parentFrame = (JFrame) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JFrame.class, parameterScrollPane); return parentFrame; } @Override protected Component initUI(final String title) { return parameterScrollPane; } public IPasserelleEditorPaneFactory getEditorPaneFactory() { return editorPaneFactory; } public void setEditorPaneFactory(final IPasserelleEditorPaneFactory editorPaneFactory) { this.editorPaneFactory = editorPaneFactory; } }