Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * *Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); *you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, *WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *limitations under the License. * * @author Stephen Uhler * * 2014 Eddy Xiao <> * GUI extensively modified. * Add some naive auto refresh rate control logic. */ package com.inmobi.ultrapush; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import android.text.Html; import android.text.method.ScrollingMovementMethod; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Display; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.View.OnLongClickListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.PopupWindow; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import org.apache.commons.collections4.queue.CircularFifoQueue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Audio "FFT" analyzer. * * @author (Stephen Uhler) */ public class AnalyzeActivity extends Activity implements OnLongClickListener, OnClickListener, OnItemClickListener, AnalyzeView.Ready { static final String TAG = "AnalyzeActivity"; static float DPRatio; private AnalyzeView graphView; private Looper samplingThread; private GestureDetectorCompat mDetector; private final static double SAMPLE_VALUE_MAX = 32767.0; // Maximum signal value private final static int RECORDER_AGC_OFF = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_RECOGNITION; private final static int BYTE_OF_SAMPLE = 2; private static int fftLen = 2048; private static int sampleRate = 16000; private static int nFFTAverage = 2; private static String wndFuncName; private static boolean bSaveWav; private static int audioSourceId = RECORDER_AGC_OFF; private boolean isMeasure = true; private boolean isAWeighting = false; private boolean bWarnOverrun = true; private double timeDurationPref = 4.0; private double wavSec, wavSecRemain; float listItemTextSize = 20; // see R.dimen.button_text_fontsize float listItemTitleTextSize = 12; // see R.dimen.button_text_small_fontsize double dtRMS = 0; double dtRMSFromFT = 0; double maxAmpDB; double maxAmpFreq; StringBuilder textCur = new StringBuilder(""); // for textCurChar StringBuilder textRMS = new StringBuilder(""); StringBuilder textPeak = new StringBuilder(""); StringBuilder textRec = new StringBuilder(""); // for textCurChar char[] textRMSChar; // for text in char[] textCurChar; // for text in char[] textPeakChar; // for text in char[] textRecChar; // for text in PopupWindow popupMenuSampleRate; PopupWindow popupMenuFFTLen; PopupWindow popupMenuAverage; private Handler handler = new Handler(); private CircularFifoQueue<Double> fifoQueue = new CircularFifoQueue<>(10); @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Debug.startMethodTracing("calc"); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); DPRatio = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; final int maxMemory = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024); Log.i(TAG, " max mem = " + maxMemory + "k"); // set and get preferences in PreferenceActivity PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.preferences, false); // Set variable according to the preferences updatePreferenceSaved(); textRMSChar = new char[getString(R.string.textview_RMS_text).length()]; textCurChar = new char[getString(R.string.textview_cur_text).length()]; textRecChar = new char[getString(R.string.textview_rec_text).length()]; textPeakChar = new char[getString(R.string.textview_peak_text).length()]; graphView = (AnalyzeView) findViewById(; // travel Views, and attach ClickListener to the views that contain android:tag="select" visit((ViewGroup) graphView.getRootView(), new Visit() { @Override public void exec(View view) { view.setOnLongClickListener(AnalyzeActivity.this); view.setOnClickListener(AnalyzeActivity.this); ((TextView) view).setFreezesText(true); } }, "select"); Resources res = getResources(); getAudioSourceNameFromIdPrepare(res); listItemTextSize = res.getDimension(R.dimen.button_text_fontsize); listItemTitleTextSize = res.getDimension(R.dimen.button_text_small_fontsize); /// initialize pop up window items list // popupMenuSampleRate = popupMenuCreate(validateAudioRates(res.getStringArray(R.array.sample_rates)),; popupMenuFFTLen = popupMenuCreate(res.getStringArray(R.array.fft_len),; popupMenuAverage = popupMenuCreate(res.getStringArray(R.array.fft_ave_num),; mDetector = new GestureDetectorCompat(this, new AnalyzerGestureListener()); setTextViewFontSize(); } // Set text font size of textview_cur and textview_peak // according to space left @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void setTextViewFontSize() { TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(; // At this point tv.getWidth(), tv.getLineCount() will return 0 Paint mTestPaint = new Paint(); mTestPaint.setTextSize(tv.getTextSize()); mTestPaint.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); final String text = getString(R.string.textview_peak_text); Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); // pixels left float px = display.getWidth() - getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.textview_RMS_layout_width) - 5; float fs = tv.getTextSize(); // size in pixel while (mTestPaint.measureText(text) > px && fs > 5) { fs -= 0.5; mTestPaint.setTextSize(fs); } ((TextView) findViewById( / DPRatio); ((TextView) findViewById( / DPRatio); } /** * Run processClick() for views, transferring the state in the textView to our * internal state, then begin sampling and processing audio data */ @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); // load preferences SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); boolean keepScreenOn = sharedPref.getBoolean("keepScreenOn", true); if (keepScreenOn) { getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } else { getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } audioSourceId = Integer.parseInt(sharedPref.getString("audioSource", Integer.toString(RECORDER_AGC_OFF))); wndFuncName = sharedPref.getString("windowFunction", "Hanning"); // spectrum graphView.setShowLines(sharedPref.getBoolean("showLines", false)); // set spectrum show range float b = graphView.getBounds().bottom; b = Float.parseFloat(sharedPref.getString("spectrumRange", Double.toString(b))); graphView.setBoundsBottom(b); // spectrogram // set spectrogram shifting mode graphView.setSpectrogramModeShifting(sharedPref.getBoolean("spectrogramShifting", false)); graphView.setShowTimeAxis(sharedPref.getBoolean("spectrogramTimeAxis", true)); graphView.setShowFreqAlongX(sharedPref.getBoolean("spectrogramShowFreqAlongX", true)); graphView.setSmoothRender(sharedPref.getBoolean("spectrogramSmoothRender", false)); // set spectrogram show range double d = graphView.getLowerBound(); d = Double.parseDouble(sharedPref.getString("spectrogramRange", Double.toString(d))); graphView.setLowerBound(d); timeDurationPref = Double.parseDouble(sharedPref.getString("spectrogramDuration", Double.toString(6.0))); bWarnOverrun = sharedPref.getBoolean("warnOverrun", false); if (bSaveWav) { ((TextView) findViewById( (19 * DPRatio)); } else { ((TextView) findViewById( (0 * DPRatio)); } // travel the views with android:tag="select" to get default setting values visit((ViewGroup) graphView.getRootView(), new Visit() { @Override public void exec(View view) { processClick(view); } }, "select"); graphView.setReady(this); samplingThread = new Looper(); samplingThread.start(); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); samplingThread.finish(); getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { // Debug.stopMethodTracing(); super.onDestroy(); } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { savedInstanceState.putDouble("dtRMS", dtRMS); savedInstanceState.putDouble("dtRMSFromFT", dtRMSFromFT); savedInstanceState.putDouble("maxAmpDB", maxAmpDB); savedInstanceState.putDouble("maxAmpFreq", maxAmpFreq); super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState); } @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // will be calls after the onStart() super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState); dtRMS = savedInstanceState.getDouble("dtRMS"); dtRMSFromFT = savedInstanceState.getDouble("dtRMSFromFT"); maxAmpDB = savedInstanceState.getDouble("maxAmpDB"); maxAmpFreq = savedInstanceState.getDouble("maxAmpFreq"); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(, menu); return true; } // for pass audioSourceIDs and audioSourceNames to MyPreferences public final static String MYPREFERENCES_MSG_SOURCE_ID = "AnalyzeActivity.SOURCE_ID"; public final static String MYPREFERENCES_MSG_SOURCE_NAME = "AnalyzeActivity.SOURCE_NAME"; @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { Log.i(TAG, item.toString()); switch (item.getItemId()) { case showInstructions(); return true; case Intent settings = new Intent(getBaseContext(), MyPreferences.class); settings.putExtra(MYPREFERENCES_MSG_SOURCE_ID, audioSourceIDs); settings.putExtra(MYPREFERENCES_MSG_SOURCE_NAME, audioSourceNames); startActivity(settings); return true; case Intent int_info_rec = new Intent(this, InfoRecActivity.class); startActivity(int_info_rec); return true; default: return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } } private void showInstructions() { TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setMovementMethod(new ScrollingMovementMethod()); tv.setText(Html.fromHtml(getString(R.string.instructions_text))); new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle(R.string.instructions_title).setView(tv) .setNegativeButton(R.string.dismiss, null).create().show(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void showPopupMenu(View view) { // popup menu position // In API 19, we can use showAsDropDown(View anchor, int xoff, int yoff, int gravity) // The problem in showAsDropDown (View anchor, int xoff, int yoff) is // it may show the window in wrong direction (so that we can't see it) int[] wl = new int[2]; view.getLocationInWindow(wl); int x_left = wl[0]; int y_bottom = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getHeight() - wl[1]; int gravity = android.view.Gravity.LEFT | android.view.Gravity.BOTTOM; switch (view.getId()) { case popupMenuSampleRate.showAtLocation(view, gravity, x_left, y_bottom); // popupMenuSampleRate.showAsDropDown(view, 0, 0); break; case popupMenuFFTLen.showAtLocation(view, gravity, x_left, y_bottom); // popupMenuFFTLen.showAsDropDown(view, 0, 0); break; case popupMenuAverage.showAtLocation(view, gravity, x_left, y_bottom); // popupMenuAverage.showAsDropDown(view, 0, 0); break; } } // Maybe put this PopupWindow into a class public PopupWindow popupMenuCreate(String[] popUpContents, int resId) { // initialize a pop up window type PopupWindow popupWindow = new PopupWindow(this); // the drop down list is a list view ListView listView = new ListView(this); // set our adapter and pass our pop up window contents ArrayAdapter<String> aa = popupMenuAdapter(popUpContents); listView.setAdapter(aa); // set the item click listener listView.setOnItemClickListener(this); listView.setTag(resId); // button res ID, so we can trace back which button is pressed // get max text width Paint mTestPaint = new Paint(); mTestPaint.setTextSize(listItemTextSize); float w = 0; float wi; // max text width in pixel for (int i = 0; i < popUpContents.length; i++) { String sts[] = popUpContents[i].split("::"); String st = sts[0]; if (sts.length == 2 && sts[1].equals("0")) { mTestPaint.setTextSize(listItemTitleTextSize); wi = mTestPaint.measureText(st); mTestPaint.setTextSize(listItemTextSize); } else { wi = mTestPaint.measureText(st); } if (w < wi) { w = wi; } } // left and right padding, at least +7, or the whole app will stop respond, don't know why w = w + 20 * DPRatio; if (w < 60) { w = 60; } // some other visual settings popupWindow.setFocusable(true); popupWindow.setHeight(WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); // Set window width according to max text width popupWindow.setWidth((int) w); // also set button width ((Button) findViewById(resId)).setWidth((int) (w + 4 * DPRatio)); // Set the text on button in updatePreferenceSaved() // set the list view as pop up window content popupWindow.setContentView(listView); return popupWindow; } /* * adapter where the list values will be set */ private ArrayAdapter<String> popupMenuAdapter(String itemTagArray[]) { ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, itemTagArray) { @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { // setting the ID and text for every items in the list String item = getItem(position); String[] itemArr = item.split("::"); String text = itemArr[0]; String id = itemArr[1]; // visual settings for the list item TextView listItem = new TextView(AnalyzeActivity.this); if (id.equals("0")) { listItem.setText(text); listItem.setTag(id); listItem.setTextSize(listItemTitleTextSize / DPRatio); listItem.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5); listItem.setTextColor(Color.GREEN); listItem.setGravity(android.view.Gravity.CENTER); } else { listItem.setText(text); listItem.setTag(id); listItem.setTextSize(listItemTextSize / DPRatio); listItem.setPadding(5, 5, 5, 5); listItem.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); listItem.setGravity(android.view.Gravity.CENTER); } return listItem; } }; return adapter; } // popup menu click listener // read chosen preference, save the preference, set the state. @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) { // get the tag, which is the value we are going to use String selectedItemTag = ((TextView) v).getTag().toString(); // if tag() is "0" then do not update anything (it is a title) if (selectedItemTag.equals("0")) { return; } // get the text and set it as the button text String selectedItemText = ((TextView) v).getText().toString(); int buttonId = Integer.parseInt((parent.getTag().toString())); Button buttonView = (Button) findViewById(buttonId); buttonView.setText(selectedItemText); boolean b_need_restart_audio; SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit(); // dismiss the pop up switch (buttonId) { case popupMenuSampleRate.dismiss(); sampleRate = Integer.parseInt(selectedItemTag); b_need_restart_audio = true; editor.putInt("button_sample_rate", sampleRate); break; case popupMenuFFTLen.dismiss(); fftLen = Integer.parseInt(selectedItemTag); b_need_restart_audio = true; editor.putInt("button_fftlen", fftLen); break; case popupMenuAverage.dismiss(); nFFTAverage = Integer.parseInt(selectedItemTag); if (graphView != null) { graphView.setTimeMultiplier(nFFTAverage); } b_need_restart_audio = false; editor.putInt("button_average", nFFTAverage); break; default: Log.w(TAG, "onItemClick(): no this button"); b_need_restart_audio = false; } editor.commit(); if (b_need_restart_audio) { reRecur(); } } // Load preferences for Views // When this function is called, the Looper must not running in the meanwhile. void updatePreferenceSaved() { // load preferences for buttons SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); sampleRate = sharedPref.getInt("button_sample_rate", 48000); fftLen = sharedPref.getInt("button_fftlen", 1024); nFFTAverage = sharedPref.getInt("button_average", 1); isAWeighting = sharedPref.getBoolean("dbA", false); if (isAWeighting) { ((SelectorText) findViewById(; } boolean isSpam = sharedPref.getBoolean("spectrum_spectrogram_mode", true); if (!isSpam) { ((SelectorText) findViewById(; } Log.i(TAG, " updatePreferenceSaved(): sampleRate = " + sampleRate); Log.i(TAG, " updatePreferenceSaved(): fftLen = " + fftLen); Log.i(TAG, " updatePreferenceSaved(): nFFTAverage = " + nFFTAverage); ((Button) findViewById(; ((Button) findViewById(; ((Button) findViewById(; } static String[] audioSourceNames; static int[] audioSourceIDs; private void getAudioSourceNameFromIdPrepare(Resources res) { audioSourceNames = res.getStringArray(R.array.audio_source); String[] sasid = res.getStringArray(R.array.audio_source_id); audioSourceIDs = new int[audioSourceNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < audioSourceNames.length; i++) { audioSourceIDs[i] = Integer.parseInt(sasid[i]); } } // Get audio source name from its ID // Tell me if there is better way to do it. private static String getAudioSourceNameFromId(int id) { for (int i = 0; i < audioSourceNames.length; i++) { if (audioSourceIDs[i] == id) { return audioSourceNames[i]; } } Log.e(TAG, "getAudioSourceName(): no this entry."); return ""; } private boolean isInGraphView(float x, float y) { graphView.getLocationInWindow(windowLocation); return x >= windowLocation[0] && y >= windowLocation[1] && x < windowLocation[0] + graphView.getWidth() && y < windowLocation[1] + graphView.getHeight(); } /** * Gesture Listener for graphView (and possibly other views) * How to attach these events to the graphView? * * @author xyy */ class AnalyzerGestureListener extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener { @Override public boolean onDown(MotionEvent event) { // enter here when down action happen flyingMoveHandler.removeCallbacks(flyingMoveRunnable); return true; } @Override public void onLongPress(MotionEvent event) { if (isInGraphView(event.getX(0), event.getY(0))) { if (!isMeasure) { // go from "scale" mode to "cursor" mode switchMeasureAndScaleMode(); } } measureEvent(event); // force insert this event } @Override public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent event) { if (!isMeasure) { scaleEvent(event); // ends scale mode graphView.resetViewScale(); } return true; } @Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent event1, MotionEvent event2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { if (isMeasure) { // seems never reach here... return true; } // Log.d(TAG, " AnalyzerGestureListener::onFling: " + event1.toString()+event2.toString()); // Fly the canvas in graphView when in scale mode shiftingVelocity = (float) Math.sqrt(velocityX * velocityX + velocityY * velocityY); shiftingComponentX = velocityX / shiftingVelocity; shiftingComponentY = velocityY / shiftingVelocity; flyAcceleration = 1200f * DPRatio; timeFlingStart = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); flyingMoveHandler.postDelayed(flyingMoveRunnable, 0); return true; } Handler flyingMoveHandler = new Handler(); long timeFlingStart; // Prevent from running forever float flyDt = 1 / 20f; // delta t of refresh float shiftingVelocity; // fling velocity float shiftingComponentX; // fling direction x float shiftingComponentY; // fling direction y float flyAcceleration = 1200f; // damping acceleration of fling, pixels/second^2 Runnable flyingMoveRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { float shiftingVelocityNew = shiftingVelocity - flyAcceleration * flyDt; if (shiftingVelocityNew < 0) shiftingVelocityNew = 0; // Number of pixels that should move in this time step float shiftingPixel = (shiftingVelocityNew + shiftingVelocity) / 2 * flyDt; shiftingVelocity = shiftingVelocityNew; if (shiftingVelocity > 0f && SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - timeFlingStart < 10000) { // Log.i(TAG, " fly pixels x=" + shiftingPixelX + " y=" + shiftingPixelY); graphView.setXShift(graphView.getXShift() - shiftingComponentX * shiftingPixel / graphView.getCanvasWidth() / graphView.getXZoom()); graphView.setYShift(graphView.getYShift() - shiftingComponentY * shiftingPixel / graphView.getCanvasHeight() / graphView.getYZoom()); // Am I need to use runOnUiThread() ? AnalyzeActivity.this.invalidateGraphView(); flyingMoveHandler.postDelayed(flyingMoveRunnable, (int) (1000 * flyDt)); } } }; } private void switchMeasureAndScaleMode() { isMeasure = !isMeasure; SelectorText st = (SelectorText) findViewById(; st.performClick(); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (isInGraphView(event.getX(0), event.getY(0))) { this.mDetector.onTouchEvent(event); if (isMeasure) { measureEvent(event); } else { scaleEvent(event); } invalidateGraphView(); // Go to scaling mode when user release finger in measure mode. if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { if (isMeasure) { switchMeasureAndScaleMode(); } } } else { // When finger is outside the plot, hide the cursor and go to scaling mode. if (isMeasure) { graphView.hideCursor(); switchMeasureAndScaleMode(); } } return super.onTouchEvent(event); } /** * Manage cursor for measurement */ private void measureEvent(MotionEvent event) { switch (event.getPointerCount()) { case 1: graphView.setCursor(event.getX(), event.getY()); // TODO: if touch point is very close to boundary for a long time, move the view break; case 2: if (isInGraphView(event.getX(1), event.getY(1))) { switchMeasureAndScaleMode(); } } } /** * Manage scroll and zoom */ final private static float INIT = Float.MIN_VALUE; private boolean isPinching = false; private float xShift0 = INIT, yShift0 = INIT; float x0, y0; int[] windowLocation = new int[2]; private void scaleEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (event.getAction() != MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { xShift0 = INIT; yShift0 = INIT; isPinching = false; // Log.i(TAG, "scaleEvent(): Skip event " + event.getAction()); return; } // Log.i(TAG, "scaleEvent(): switch " + event.getAction()); switch (event.getPointerCount()) { case 2: if (isPinching) { graphView.setShiftScale(event.getX(0), event.getY(0), event.getX(1), event.getY(1)); } else { graphView.setShiftScaleBegin(event.getX(0), event.getY(0), event.getX(1), event.getY(1)); } isPinching = true; break; case 1: float x = event.getX(0); float y = event.getY(0); graphView.getLocationInWindow(windowLocation); // Log.i(TAG, "scaleEvent(): xy=" + x + " " + y + " wc = " + wc[0] + " " + wc[1]); if (isPinching || xShift0 == INIT) { xShift0 = graphView.getXShift(); x0 = x; yShift0 = graphView.getYShift(); y0 = y; } else { // when close to the axis, scroll that axis only if (x0 < windowLocation[0] + 50) { graphView.setYShift(yShift0 + (y0 - y) / graphView.getCanvasHeight() / graphView.getYZoom()); } else if (y0 < windowLocation[1] + 50) { graphView.setXShift(xShift0 + (x0 - x) / graphView.getCanvasWidth() / graphView.getXZoom()); } else { graphView.setXShift(xShift0 + (x0 - x) / graphView.getCanvasWidth() / graphView.getXZoom()); graphView.setYShift(yShift0 + (y0 - y) / graphView.getCanvasHeight() / graphView.getYZoom()); } } isPinching = false; break; default: Log.v(TAG, "Invalid touch count"); break; } } @Override public boolean onLongClick(View view) { vibrate(300); Log.i(TAG, "long click: " + view.toString()); return true; } // Responds to layout with android:tag="select" // Called from SelectorText.super.performClick() @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (processClick(v)) { reRecur(); } invalidateGraphView(); } private void reRecur() { samplingThread.finish(); try { samplingThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } samplingThread = new Looper(); samplingThread.start(); if (samplingThread.stft != null) { samplingThread.stft.setAWeighting(isAWeighting); } } /** * Process a click on one of our selectors. * * @param v The view that was clicked * @return true if we need to update the graph */ public boolean processClick(View v) { SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit(); String value = ((TextView) v).getText().toString(); switch (v.getId()) { case bSaveWav = value.equals("Rec"); SelectorText st = (SelectorText) findViewById(; // if (bSaveWav && ! st.getText().toString().equals("stop")) { // st.nextValue(); // if (samplingThread != null) { // samplingThread.setPause(true); // } // } if (bSaveWav) { wavSec = 0; ((TextView) findViewById( (19 * DPRatio)); } else { ((TextView) findViewById( (0 * DPRatio)); } return true; case boolean pause = value.equals("stop"); if (samplingThread != null && samplingThread.getPause() != pause) { samplingThread.setPause(pause); } return false; case isMeasure = !value.equals("scale"); return false; case isAWeighting = !value.equals("dB"); if (samplingThread != null && samplingThread.stft != null) { samplingThread.stft.setAWeighting(isAWeighting); } editor.putBoolean("dbA", isAWeighting); editor.commit(); return false; case if (value.equals("spum")) { graphView.switch2Spectrum(); } else { graphView.switch2Spectrogram(sampleRate, fftLen, timeDurationPref); } editor.putBoolean("spectrum_spectrogram_mode", value.equals("spum")); editor.commit(); return false; default: return true; } } private void refreshCursorLabel() { double f1 = graphView.getCursorFreq(); textCur.setLength(0); textCur.append("Cur :"); SBNumFormat.fillInNumFixedWidthPositive(textCur, f1, 5, 1); textCur.append("Hz("); freq2Cent(textCur, f1, " "); textCur.append(") "); SBNumFormat.fillInNumFixedWidth(textCur, graphView.getCursorDB(), 3, 1); textCur.append("dB"); textCur.getChars(0, Math.min(textCur.length(), textCurChar.length), textCurChar, 0); ((TextView) findViewById(, 0, Math.min(textCur.length(), textCurChar.length)); } private void refreshRMSLabel() { textRMS.setLength(0); textRMS.append("RMS:dB \n"); SBNumFormat.fillInNumFixedWidth(textRMS, 20 * Math.log10(dtRMSFromFT), 3, 1); textRMS.getChars(0, Math.min(textRMS.length(), textRMSChar.length), textRMSChar, 0); TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(; tv.setText(textRMSChar, 0, textRMSChar.length); tv.invalidate(); } private void refreshPeakLabel() { fifoQueue.add(maxAmpFreq); if (maxAmpFreq < 16000) { handler.removeCallbacks(frequencyDetectorRunnable); return; } getMaxValueFromFifo(maxAmpFreq);; textPeak.setLength(0); textPeak.append("Peak:"); SBNumFormat.fillInNumFixedWidthPositive(textPeak, maxAmpFreq, 5, 1); textPeak.append("Hz("); freq2Cent(textPeak, maxAmpFreq, " "); textPeak.append(") "); SBNumFormat.fillInNumFixedWidth(textPeak, maxAmpDB, 3, 1); textPeak.append("dB"); textPeak.getChars(0, Math.min(textPeak.length(), textPeakChar.length), textPeakChar, 0); TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(; tv.setText(textPeakChar, 0, textPeakChar.length); tv.invalidate(); } private void refreshRecTimeLable() { // consist with @string/textview_rec_text textRec.setLength(0); textRec.append("Rec: "); SBNumFormat.fillTime(textRec, wavSec, 1); textRec.append(", Remain: "); SBNumFormat.fillTime(textRec, wavSecRemain, 0); textRec.getChars(0, Math.min(textRec.length(), textRecChar.length), textRecChar, 0); ((TextView) findViewById(, 0, Math.min(textRec.length(), textRecChar.length)); } // used to detect if the data is unchanged double[] cmpDB; public void sameTest(double[] data) { // test if (cmpDB == null || cmpDB.length != data.length) { Log.i(TAG, "sameTest(): new"); cmpDB = new double[data.length]; } else { boolean same = true; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (!Double.isNaN(cmpDB[i]) && !Double.isInfinite(cmpDB[i]) && cmpDB[i] != data[i]) { same = false; break; } } if (same) { Log.i(TAG, "sameTest(): same data row!!"); } for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { cmpDB[i] = data[i]; } } } long timeToUpdate = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); volatile boolean isInvalidating = false; // Invalidate graphView in a limited frame rate public void invalidateGraphView() { invalidateGraphView(-1); } static final int VIEW_MASK_graphView = 1 << 0; static final int VIEW_MASK_textview_RMS = 1 << 1; static final int VIEW_MASK_textview_peak = 1 << 2; static final int VIEW_MASK_CursorLabel = 1 << 3; static final int VIEW_MASK_RecTimeLable = 1 << 4; public void invalidateGraphView(int viewMask) { if (isInvalidating) { return; } isInvalidating = true; long frameTime; // time delay for next frame if (graphView.getShowMode() != 0) { frameTime = 1000 / 8; // use a much lower frame rate for spectrogram } else { frameTime = 1000 / 60; } long t = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); // && !graphView.isBusy() if (t >= timeToUpdate) { // limit frame rate timeToUpdate += frameTime; if (timeToUpdate < t) { // catch up current time timeToUpdate = t + frameTime; } idPaddingInvalidate = false; // Take care of synchronization of graphView.spectrogramColors and spectrogramColorsPt, // and then just do invalidate() here. if ((viewMask & VIEW_MASK_graphView) != 0) graphView.invalidate(); // RMS if ((viewMask & VIEW_MASK_textview_RMS) != 0) refreshRMSLabel(); // peak frequency if ((viewMask & VIEW_MASK_textview_peak) != 0) refreshPeakLabel(); if ((viewMask & VIEW_MASK_CursorLabel) != 0) refreshCursorLabel(); if ((viewMask & VIEW_MASK_RecTimeLable) != 0) refreshRecTimeLable(); } else { if (idPaddingInvalidate == false) { idPaddingInvalidate = true; paddingViewMask = viewMask; paddingInvalidateHandler.postDelayed(paddingInvalidateRunnable, timeToUpdate - t + 1); } else { paddingViewMask |= viewMask; } } isInvalidating = false; } volatile boolean idPaddingInvalidate = false; volatile int paddingViewMask = -1; Handler paddingInvalidateHandler = new Handler(); // Am I need to use runOnUiThread() ? Runnable paddingInvalidateRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (idPaddingInvalidate) { // It is possible that t-timeToUpdate <= 0 here, don't know why AnalyzeActivity.this.invalidateGraphView(paddingViewMask); } } }; /** * Return a array of verified audio sampling rates. * * @param requested: the sampling rates to be verified */ private static String[] validateAudioRates(String[] requested) { ArrayList<String> validated = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : requested) { int rate; String[] sv = s.split("::"); if (sv.length == 1) { rate = Integer.parseInt(sv[0]); } else { rate = Integer.parseInt(sv[1]); } if (rate != 0) { if (AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(rate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT) != AudioRecord.ERROR_BAD_VALUE) { validated.add(s); } } else { validated.add(s); } } return validated.toArray(new String[0]); } static final String[] LP = { "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" }; // Convert frequency to pitch // Fill with sFill until length is 6. If sFill=="", do not fill public void freq2Cent(StringBuilder a, double f, String sFill) { if (f <= 0 || Double.isNaN(f) || Double.isInfinite(f)) { a.append(" "); return; } int len0 = a.length(); // A4 = 440Hz double p = 69 + 12 * Math.log(f / 440.0) / Math.log(2); // MIDI pitch int pi = (int) Math.round(p); int po = (int) Math.floor(pi / 12.0); int pm = pi - po * 12; a.append(LP[pm]); SBNumFormat.fillInInt(a, po - 1); if (LP[pm].length() == 1) { a.append(' '); } SBNumFormat.fillInNumFixedWidthSignedFirst(a, Math.round(100 * (p - pi)), 2, 0); while (a.length() - len0 < 6 && sFill != null && sFill.length() > 0) { a.append(sFill); } } /** * Read a snapshot of audio data at a regular interval, and compute the FFT * * @author * */ double[] spectrumDBcopy; // XXX, transfers data from Looper to AnalyzeView public class Looper extends Thread { AudioRecord record; volatile boolean isRunning = true; volatile boolean isPaused1 = false; double wavSecOld = 0; // used to reduce frame rate public STFT stft; // use with care DoubleSineGen sineGen1; DoubleSineGen sineGen2; double[] mdata; public Looper() { isPaused1 = ((SelectorText) findViewById("stop"); // Signal sources for testing double fq0 = Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_1_freq1)); double amp0 = Math.pow(10, 1 / 20.0 * Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_1_db1))); double fq1 = Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_2_freq1)); double fq2 = Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_2_freq2)); double amp1 = Math.pow(10, 1 / 20.0 * Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_2_db1))); double amp2 = Math.pow(10, 1 / 20.0 * Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_2_db2))); if (audioSourceId == 1000) { sineGen1 = new DoubleSineGen(fq0, sampleRate, SAMPLE_VALUE_MAX * amp0); } else { sineGen1 = new DoubleSineGen(fq1, sampleRate, SAMPLE_VALUE_MAX * amp1); } sineGen2 = new DoubleSineGen(fq2, sampleRate, SAMPLE_VALUE_MAX * amp2); } private void SleepWithoutInterrupt(long millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private double baseTimeMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); private void LimitFrameRate(double updateMs) { // Limit the frame rate by wait `delay' ms. baseTimeMs += updateMs; long delay = (int) (baseTimeMs - SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); // Log.i(TAG, "delay = " + delay); if (delay > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(delay); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.i(TAG, "Sleep interrupted"); // seems never reached } } else { baseTimeMs -= delay; // get current time // Log.i(TAG, "time: cmp t="+Long.toString(SystemClock.uptimeMillis()) // + " v.s. t'=" + Long.toString(baseTimeMs)); } } // generate test data private int readTestData(short[] a, int offsetInShorts, int sizeInShorts, int id) { if (mdata == null || mdata.length != sizeInShorts) { mdata = new double[sizeInShorts]; } Arrays.fill(mdata, 0.0); switch (id - 1000) { case 1: sineGen2.getSamples(mdata); case 0: sineGen1.addSamples(mdata); for (int i = 0; i < sizeInShorts; i++) { a[offsetInShorts + i] = (short) Math.round(mdata[i]); } break; case 2: for (int i = 0; i < sizeInShorts; i++) { a[i] = (short) (SAMPLE_VALUE_MAX * (2.0 * Math.random() - 1)); } break; default: Log.w(TAG, "readTestData(): No this source id = " + audioSourceId); } LimitFrameRate(1000.0 * sizeInShorts / sampleRate); return sizeInShorts; } @Override public void run() { setupView(); // Wait until previous instance of AudioRecord fully released. SleepWithoutInterrupt(500); int minBytes = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(sampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT); if (minBytes == AudioRecord.ERROR_BAD_VALUE) { Log.e(TAG, "Looper::run(): Invalid AudioRecord parameter.\n"); return; } /** * Develop -> Reference -> AudioRecord * Data should be read from the audio hardware in chunks of sizes * inferior to the total recording buffer size. */ // Determine size of buffers for AudioRecord and AudioRecord::read() int readChunkSize = fftLen / 2; // /2 due to overlapped analyze window readChunkSize = Math.min(readChunkSize, 2048); // read in a smaller chunk, hopefully smaller delay int bufferSampleSize = Math.max(minBytes / BYTE_OF_SAMPLE, fftLen / 2) * 2; // tolerate up to about 1 sec. bufferSampleSize = (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * sampleRate / bufferSampleSize) * bufferSampleSize; // Use the mic with AGC turned off. e.g. VOICE_RECOGNITION // The buffer size here seems not relate to the delay. // So choose a larger size (~1sec) so that overrun is unlikely. if (audioSourceId < 1000) { record = new AudioRecord(audioSourceId, sampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, BYTE_OF_SAMPLE * bufferSampleSize); } else { record = new AudioRecord(RECORDER_AGC_OFF, sampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, BYTE_OF_SAMPLE * bufferSampleSize); } Log.i(TAG, "Looper::Run(): Starting recorder... \n" + " source : " + (audioSourceId < 1000 ? getAudioSourceNameFromId(audioSourceId) : audioSourceId) + "\n" + String.format(" sample rate : %d Hz (request %d Hz)\n", record.getSampleRate(), sampleRate) + String.format(" min buffer size : %d samples, %d Bytes\n", minBytes / BYTE_OF_SAMPLE, minBytes) + String.format(" buffer size : %d samples, %d Bytes\n", bufferSampleSize, BYTE_OF_SAMPLE * bufferSampleSize) + String.format(" read chunk size : %d samples, %d Bytes\n", readChunkSize, BYTE_OF_SAMPLE * readChunkSize) + String.format(" FFT length : %d\n", fftLen) + String.format(" nFFTAverage : %d\n", nFFTAverage)); sampleRate = record.getSampleRate(); if (record.getState() == AudioRecord.STATE_UNINITIALIZED) { Log.e(TAG, "Looper::run(): Fail to initialize AudioRecord()"); // If failed somehow, leave user a chance to change preference. return; } short[] audioSamples = new short[readChunkSize]; int numOfReadShort; stft = new STFT(fftLen, sampleRate, wndFuncName); stft.setAWeighting(isAWeighting); if (spectrumDBcopy == null || spectrumDBcopy.length != fftLen / 2 + 1) { spectrumDBcopy = new double[fftLen / 2 + 1]; } RecorderMonitor recorderMonitor = new RecorderMonitor(sampleRate, bufferSampleSize, "Looper::run()"); recorderMonitor.start(); // FramesPerSecondCounter fpsCounter = new FramesPerSecondCounter("Looper::run()"); WavWriter wavWriter = new WavWriter(sampleRate); boolean bSaveWavLoop = bSaveWav; // change of bSaveWav during loop will only affect next enter. if (bSaveWavLoop) { wavWriter.start(); wavSecRemain = wavWriter.secondsLeft(); wavSec = 0; wavSecOld = 0; Log.i(TAG, "PCM write to file " + wavWriter.getPath()); } // Start recording record.startRecording(); // Main loop // When running in this loop (including when paused), you can not change properties // related to recorder: e.g. audioSourceId, sampleRate, bufferSampleSize // TODO: allow change of FFT length on the fly. while (isRunning) { // Read data if (audioSourceId >= 1000) { numOfReadShort = readTestData(audioSamples, 0, readChunkSize, audioSourceId); } else { numOfReadShort =, 0, readChunkSize); // pulling } if (recorderMonitor.updateState(numOfReadShort)) { // performed a check if (recorderMonitor.getLastCheckOverrun()) notifyOverrun(); if (bSaveWavLoop) wavSecRemain = wavWriter.secondsLeft(); } if (bSaveWavLoop) { wavWriter.pushAudioShort(audioSamples, numOfReadShort); // Maybe move this to another thread? wavSec = wavWriter.secondsWritten(); updateRec(); } if (isPaused1) { //; // keep reading data, for overrun checker and for write wav data continue; } stft.feedData(audioSamples, numOfReadShort); // If there is new spectrum data, do plot if (stft.nElemSpectrumAmp() >= nFFTAverage) { // Update spectrum or spectrogram final double[] spectrumDB = stft.getSpectrumAmpDB(); System.arraycopy(spectrumDB, 0, spectrumDBcopy, 0, spectrumDB.length); update(spectrumDBcopy); //; stft.calculatePeak(); maxAmpFreq = stft.maxAmpFreq; maxAmpDB = stft.maxAmpDB; // get RMS dtRMS = stft.getRMS(); dtRMSFromFT = stft.getRMSFromFT(); } } Log.i(TAG, "Looper::Run(): Actual sample rate: " + recorderMonitor.getSampleRate()); Log.i(TAG, "Looper::Run(): Stopping and releasing recorder."); record.stop(); record.release(); record = null; if (bSaveWavLoop) { Log.i(TAG, "Looper::Run(): Ending saved wav."); wavWriter.stop(); notifyWAVSaved(wavWriter.relativeDir); } } long lastTimeNotifyOverrun = 0; private void notifyOverrun() { if (!bWarnOverrun) { return; } long t = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (t - lastTimeNotifyOverrun > 6000) { lastTimeNotifyOverrun = t; AnalyzeActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Context context = getApplicationContext(); String text = "Recorder buffer overrun!\nYour cell phone is too slow.\nTry lower sampling rate or higher average number."; Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; } }); } } private void notifyWAVSaved(final String path) { AnalyzeActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Context context = getApplicationContext(); String text = "WAV saved to " + path; Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);; } }); } private void update(final double[] data) { if (graphView.getShowMode() == 1) { // data is synchronized here graphView.saveRowSpectrumAsColor(spectrumDBcopy); } AnalyzeActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (graphView.getShowMode() == 0) { graphView.saveSpectrum(spectrumDBcopy); } // data will get out of synchronize here AnalyzeActivity.this.invalidateGraphView(); } }); } private void updateRec() { if (wavSec - wavSecOld < 0.1) { return; } wavSecOld = wavSec; AnalyzeActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // data will get out of synchronize here AnalyzeActivity.this.invalidateGraphView(VIEW_MASK_RecTimeLable); } }); } private void setupView() { // Maybe move these out of this class RectF bounds = graphView.getBounds(); bounds.right = sampleRate / 2; graphView.setBounds(bounds); graphView.setupSpectrogram(sampleRate, fftLen, timeDurationPref); graphView.setTimeMultiplier(nFFTAverage); } public void setPause(boolean pause) { this.isPaused1 = pause; } public boolean getPause() { return this.isPaused1; } public void finish() { isRunning = false; interrupt(); } } private void vibrate(int ms) { //((Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE)).vibrate(ms); } /** * Visit all subviews of this view group and run command * * @param group The parent view group * @param cmd The command to run for each view * @param select The tag value that must match. Null implies all views */ private void visit(ViewGroup group, Visit cmd, String select) { exec(group, cmd, select); for (int i = 0; i < group.getChildCount(); i++) { View c = group.getChildAt(i); if (c instanceof ViewGroup) { visit((ViewGroup) c, cmd, select); } else { exec(c, cmd, select); } } } private void exec(View v, Visit cmd, String select) { if (select == null || select.equals(v.getTag())) { cmd.exec(v); } } /** * Interface for view hierarchy visitor */ interface Visit { public void exec(View view); } /** * The graph view size has been determined - update the labels accordingly. */ @Override public void ready() { // put code here for the moment that graph size just changed Log.v(TAG, "ready()"); invalidateGraphView(); } private Runnable frequencyDetectorRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { } }; private void getMaxValueFromFifo(double maxAmpFreq) { double currentFrequency = 0; int count = 0; for (Double d : fifoQueue) { if (Math.abs(d - maxAmpFreq) < 20) count++; } if (count > 5) currentFrequency = maxAmpFreq; if (count < 5) return; if (Math.abs((16000 - currentFrequency)) < 20) { Log.e("amlan", "<<<<<<16K>>>>>>"); PackageManager pm = AnalyzeActivity.this.getPackageManager(); Intent launchIntent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(""); AnalyzeActivity.this.startActivity(launchIntent); } else if (Math.abs((16500 - currentFrequency)) < 20) { Log.e("amlan", "<<<<<<16.5K>>>>>>"); PackageManager pm = AnalyzeActivity.this.getPackageManager(); Intent launchIntent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(""); AnalyzeActivity.this.startActivity(launchIntent); } else if (Math.abs((17000 - currentFrequency)) < 20) { Log.e("amlan", "<<<<<<17K>>>>>>"); PackageManager pm = AnalyzeActivity.this.getPackageManager(); Intent launchIntent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.snapdeal.main"); AnalyzeActivity.this.startActivity(launchIntent); } else if (Math.abs((17500 - currentFrequency)) < 20) { Log.e("amlan", "<<<<<<17.5K>>>>>>"); PackageManager pm = AnalyzeActivity.this.getPackageManager(); Intent launchIntent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(""); AnalyzeActivity.this.startActivity(launchIntent); } else if (Math.abs((18000 - currentFrequency)) < 20) { Log.e("amlan", "<<<<<<18K>>>>>>"); PackageManager pm = AnalyzeActivity.this.getPackageManager(); Intent launchIntent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage("net.one97.paytm"); AnalyzeActivity.this.startActivity(launchIntent); } else if (Math.abs((18500 - currentFrequency)) < 20) { Log.e("amlan", "<<<<<<18.5K>>>>>>"); PackageManager pm = AnalyzeActivity.this.getPackageManager(); Intent launchIntent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(""); AnalyzeActivity.this.startActivity(launchIntent); } else if (Math.abs((19000 - currentFrequency)) < 20) { Log.e("amlan", "<<<<<<19K>>>>>>"); PackageManager pm = AnalyzeActivity.this.getPackageManager(); Intent launchIntent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(""); AnalyzeActivity.this.startActivity(launchIntent); } else if (Math.abs((19500 - currentFrequency)) < 20) { Log.e("amlan", "<<<<<<19.5K>>>>>>"); PackageManager pm = AnalyzeActivity.this.getPackageManager(); Intent launchIntent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.ubercab"); AnalyzeActivity.this.startActivity(launchIntent); } else if (Math.abs((20000 - currentFrequency)) < 20) { Log.e("amlan", "<<<<<<20K>>>>>>"); PackageManager pm = AnalyzeActivity.this.getPackageManager(); Intent launchIntent = pm.getLaunchIntentForPackage(""); AnalyzeActivity.this.startActivity(launchIntent); } else { Log.e("amlan", "<<<<<<Its not valid>>>>>>"); } } }