Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * # Copyright 2015 InfinitiesSoft Solutions Inc. * # * # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * # a copy of the License at * # * # * # * # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * # under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package com.infinities.keystone4j.assignment.controller.action.roleassignment; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import com.infinities.keystone4j.assignment.AssignmentApi; import com.infinities.keystone4j.common.Hints; import com.infinities.keystone4j.common.Hints.Filter; import com.infinities.keystone4j.common.Wsgi; import com.infinities.keystone4j.identity.IdentityApi; import com.infinities.keystone4j.model.CollectionWrapper; import com.infinities.keystone4j.model.MemberWrapper; import com.infinities.keystone4j.model.assignment.FormattedRoleAssignment; import com.infinities.keystone4j.model.assignment.RoleAssignment; import com.infinities.keystone4j.model.assignment.wrapper.RoleAssignmentWrapper; import com.infinities.keystone4j.model.assignment.wrapper.RoleAssignmentsWrapper; import com.infinities.keystone4j.utils.ReflectUtils; public abstract class AbstractRoleAssignmentAction { // private final static Logger logger = // LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractDomainAction.class); protected AssignmentApi assignmentApi; protected IdentityApi identityApi; protected Method getMemberFromDriver; public AbstractRoleAssignmentAction(AssignmentApi assignmentApi, IdentityApi identityApi) { this.assignmentApi = assignmentApi; this.identityApi = identityApi; } public AssignmentApi getAssignmentApi() { return assignmentApi; } public void setAssignmentApi(AssignmentApi assignmentApi) { this.assignmentApi = assignmentApi; } public IdentityApi getIdentityApi() { return identityApi; } public void setIdentityApi(IdentityApi identityApi) { this.identityApi = identityApi; } protected CollectionWrapper<FormattedRoleAssignment> getCollectionWrapper() { return new RoleAssignmentsWrapper(); } protected MemberWrapper<RoleAssignment> getMemberWrapper() { return new RoleAssignmentWrapper(); } protected MemberWrapper<FormattedRoleAssignment> wrapMember(ContainerRequestContext context, FormattedRoleAssignment ref) { // addSelfReferentialLink(context, ref); // MemberWrapper<Assignment> wrapper = getMemberWrapper(); // wrapper.setRef(ref); // return wrapper; return null; } protected CollectionWrapper<FormattedRoleAssignment> wrapCollection(ContainerRequestContext context, List<FormattedRoleAssignment> refs, Hints hints) { if (hints != null) { refs = filterByAttributes(refs, hints); } Entry<Boolean, List<FormattedRoleAssignment>> entry = limit(refs, hints); Boolean listLimited = entry.getKey(); refs = entry.getValue(); for (FormattedRoleAssignment ref : refs) { wrapMember(context, ref); } CollectionWrapper<FormattedRoleAssignment> container = getCollectionWrapper(); container.setRefs(refs); container.getLinks().setSelf(getFullUrl(context, context.getUriInfo().getPath().replace("/v3", ""))); if (listLimited) { container.setTruncated(true); } return container; } private String getFullUrl(ContainerRequestContext context, String path) { String url = getBaseUrl(context, path); String queryStr = context.getUriInfo().getRequestUri().getRawQuery(); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(queryStr)) { url = String.format("%s?%s", url, queryStr); } return url; } private Entry<Boolean, List<FormattedRoleAssignment>> limit(List<FormattedRoleAssignment> refs, Hints hints) { boolean NOT_LIMITED = false; boolean LIMITED = true; if (hints == null || hints.getLimit() == null) { return Maps.immutableEntry(NOT_LIMITED, refs); } if (hints.getLimit().isTruncated()) { return Maps.immutableEntry(LIMITED, refs); } if (refs.size() > hints.getLimit().getLimit()) { return Maps.immutableEntry(LIMITED, refs.subList(0, hints.getLimit().getLimit())); } return Maps.immutableEntry(NOT_LIMITED, refs); } private List<FormattedRoleAssignment> filterByAttributes(List<FormattedRoleAssignment> refs, Hints hints) { for (Filter filter : hints.getFilters()) { if ("equals".equals(filter.getComparator())) { String attr = filter.getName(); Object value = filter.getValue(); AttrMatchFunction attrMatchFunction = new AttrMatchFunction(attr, value); refs = attrMatchFunction.apply(refs); } // TODO ignore inexact filter used by query_string } return refs; } public String getCollectionName() { return "role_assignments"; } public String getMemberName() { return "role_assignment"; } protected String getBaseUrl(ContainerRequestContext context, String path) { String endpoint = Wsgi.getBaseUrl(context, "public"); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(path)) { path = getCollectionName(); } String ret = String.format("%s/%s/%s", endpoint, "v3", StringUtils.removeStart(path, "/")); if (ret.endsWith("/")) { ret = ret.substring(0, ret.length() - 1); } return ret; } private class AttrMatchFunction implements Function<List<FormattedRoleAssignment>, List<FormattedRoleAssignment>> { private final String attr; private final Object value; private AttrMatchFunction(String attr, Object value) { this.attr = attr; this.value = value; } @Override public List<FormattedRoleAssignment> apply(List<FormattedRoleAssignment> input) { List<FormattedRoleAssignment> output = new ArrayList<FormattedRoleAssignment>(); for (FormattedRoleAssignment t : input) { try { if (attrMatch(ReflectUtils.reflact(t, attr), value)) { output.add(t); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return output; } private boolean attrMatch(Object refAttr, Object valAttr) { if (refAttr instanceof Boolean) { return valAttr == refAttr; } else { return valAttr.equals(refAttr); } } } }