Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2012, The Infinit.e Open Source Project.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
package com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateFormatUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.elasticsearch.common.joda.time.Interval;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.DistanceUnit;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.BaseQueryBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.BoolFilterBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.BoolQueryBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.CrossVersionQueryBuilders;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.CustomFiltersScoreQueryBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.GeoDistanceFilterBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.RangeQueryBuilder;

import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.aliases.AliasLookupTable;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.aliases.AliasManager;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.federated.FederatedQueryInMemoryCache;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.processing.AggregationUtils;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.processing.QueryDecayFactory;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.processing.ScoringUtils;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.utils.PropertiesManager;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.utils.SimpleBooleanParser;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.utils.SocialUtils;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.Globals;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.api.BasePojoApiMap;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.api.ResponsePojo;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.api.ResponsePojo.ResponseObject;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.api.knowledge.AdvancedQueryPojo;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.api.knowledge.StatisticsPojo;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.control.DocumentQueueControlPojo;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.index.ElasticSearchManager;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.index.document.DocumentPojoIndexMap;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.interfaces.query.IQueryExtension;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.utils.GeoOntologyMapping;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBCursor;
import com.mongodb.MongoException;
import com.mongodb.ReadPreference;

// This code contains all the processing logic for the (beta)
// Advanced Queries

//(remove this during active development - want to just depress a deprecation warning but no way of doing this for both 0.19 and 1.0)
public class QueryHandler {

    public static interface ISimpleFederatedQueryEngine extends IQueryExtension {
        // Let's me get round a horrible circular compile dependency (paging Joern to do it properly via dependency injection!)
        void addEndpoint(SourceFederatedQueryConfigPojo source);

        void registerScoringEngine(ScoringUtils scoreStats);

    public static Class<ISimpleFederatedQueryEngine> federatedQueryClazz = null;

    private final StringBuffer _logMsg = new StringBuffer();
    private static final Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(QueryHandler.class);

    public QueryHandler() {

    private static Semaphore _concurrentAccessLock = null;

    private boolean acquireConcurrentAccessLock() throws InterruptedException {
        if (null == _concurrentAccessLock) {
            _concurrentAccessLock = new Semaphore(2);
        return _concurrentAccessLock.tryAcquire(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

    private void releaseConcurrentAccessLock() {

    // Query cache (re-created per request, but there's some static things in here for performance):
    private AliasLookupTable _aliasLookup = null;

    private LinkedList<AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo> _extraFullTextTerms = null;
    // (used to allow entity terms to add top level (full text) terms)   

    private static PropertiesManager _properties = null;
    private static com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.utils.PropertiesManager _dataModelProps = null;
    private static String _aggregationAccuracy = "full";
    private static ArrayList<Class<IQueryExtension>> _queryExtensions = null;

    // Built in query extension: federated query engine
    private ISimpleFederatedQueryEngine _builtInFederatedQueryEngine = null; // (note: _not_ static)
    private static HashMap<String, FederatedQueryInMemoryCache> _federatedQueryCache = new HashMap<String, FederatedQueryInMemoryCache>();

    static void setFederatedQueryCache(HashMap<String, FederatedQueryInMemoryCache> newCache) {
        _federatedQueryCache = newCache;

    private AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo _scoringParams;
    // (need this here so we can set the adjust param for complex queries)

    private static int _replicaSetDistributionRatio = -1;


    // 0] Top level processing

    public ResponsePojo doQuery(String userIdStr, AdvancedQueryPojo query, String communityIdStrList,
            StringBuffer errorString) throws UnknownHostException, MongoException, IOException,
            InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {

        if (null == _properties) {
            _properties = new PropertiesManager();
            _aggregationAccuracy = _properties.getAggregationAccuracy();
            _dataModelProps = new com.ikanow.infinit.e.data_model.utils.PropertiesManager();
            _replicaSetDistributionRatio = 1 + _dataModelProps.getDocDbReadDistributionRatio();

            String[] queryExtensions = _properties.getQueryExtensions();
            if (null != queryExtensions) {
                _queryExtensions = new ArrayList<Class<IQueryExtension>>(queryExtensions.length);
                for (String s : queryExtensions) {
                    try {
                        Class<IQueryExtension> queryExtensionClass = (Class<IQueryExtension>) Class.forName(s);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        _logger.error("Failed to load query extension: " + s, e);
                    } catch (Error e) {
                        _logger.error("Failed to load query extension: " + s, e);
                } //(end list over query extensions)
                if (_queryExtensions.isEmpty()) {
                    _queryExtensions = null;
            } //TESTED (see test.QueryExtensionsTestCode)
        ObjectId queryId = null;
        _scoringParams = query.score;


        long nSysTime = (_nNow = System.currentTimeMillis());

        ResponsePojo rp = new ResponsePojo();

        // communityIdList is CSV
        String[] communityIdStrs = SocialUtils.getCommunityIds(userIdStr, communityIdStrList);

        long nQuerySetupTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        ElasticSearchManager indexMgr = getIndexManager(communityIdStrs);
        SearchRequestBuilder searchSettings = indexMgr.getSearchOptions();

        StringBuffer querySummary = new StringBuffer();
        BaseQueryBuilder queryObj = null;
        InternalTempFilterInfo tempFilterInfo = null;
        try {
            queryObj = getBaseQuery(query, communityIdStrs, communityIdStrList, userIdStr, querySummary);
            if (null == queryObj) { // only occurs if has 1 element with ftext starting $cache:
                return getSavedQueryInstead(query.qt.get(0).ftext.substring(7), communityIdStrs, query); // (step over cache preamble)
            tempFilterInfo = getBaseFilter(query, communityIdStrs);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Globals.populateStackTrace(errorString, e);
            if (null != e.getCause()) {
                Globals.populateStackTrace(errorString, e.getCause());
            errorString.append(": " + e.getMessage());
            return null;

        //querySummary.append(new Gson().toJson(query, AdvancedQueryPojo.class));

        // 0.4] Pre-Lucene Scoring

        // 0.4.1] General

        // Different options:
        //   a] Get the most recent N documents matching the query, score post-query
        //   b] Get the N highest (Lucene) scoring documents, incorporate significance post-query if desired
        // In both cases, N depends on whether significance calculation is taking place (and on the "skip" param)

        int nRecordsToOutput =;
        int nRecordsToSkip =;
        int nRecordsToGet = query.score.numAnalyze;

        final int nMAXRECORDSTOOUTPUT = 10000;
        final int nMAXRECORDSTOGET = 20000;

        // Some sanity checking on doc numbers:
        if (nRecordsToOutput > nMAXRECORDSTOOUTPUT) { // Upper limit...
            errorString.append(": Max # docs to return is 10000.");
            return null;
        if (nRecordsToGet < nRecordsToOutput) {
            nRecordsToGet = nRecordsToOutput;
        } else if (nRecordsToGet > nMAXRECORDSTOGET) { // Upper limit...
            nRecordsToGet = nMAXRECORDSTOGET; // (we can do something sensible with this so carry on regardless)

        boolean bUseSignificance = (query.score.sigWeight > 0.0);
        boolean bNeedExtraResultsForEnts = ((query.output.aggregation != null)
                && (query.output.aggregation.entsNumReturn != null) && (query.output.aggregation.entsNumReturn > 0))
                || ( && ( > 0) && (
                        && (query.score.scoreEnts));

        if (bUseSignificance || bNeedExtraResultsForEnts) {

            // Some logic taken from the original "knowledge/search"
            while ((nRecordsToSkip + nRecordsToOutput > nRecordsToGet) && (nRecordsToGet <= nMAXRECORDSTOGET)) {
                nRecordsToGet += nRecordsToGet;
            if (nRecordsToGet > nMAXRECORDSTOGET) {
                errorString.append(": Can only skip through to 20000 documents.");
                return null;

        } else if ( { // In this case we just need the minimum number of records
            // (whether searching by date or by relevance)
            nRecordsToSkip = 0; // (so it isn't double counted in the processing module)
            nRecordsToGet = nRecordsToOutput;
        } else { // In thise case we're just outputting aggregations, and not even ones that come from the docs
            nRecordsToGet = 0; // (use this variable everywhere where we care about bring docs back either to output or for suitable aggregation)

        // Sort on score if relevance is being used      

        if (nRecordsToGet > 0) {
            if (query.score.relWeight > 0.0) { // (b) above
                // Using score is default, nothing to do
            } else { // (a) above
                // Debug code, if rel weight negative then use date to check Lucene score is better...
                if (query.score.relWeight < 0.0) {
                    query.score.relWeight = -query.score.relWeight;
                // Set Lucene to order:
                searchSettings.addSort(DocumentPojo.publishedDate_, SortOrder.DESC);
            } //TOTEST
        } //(if docs aren't enabled, don't need to worry about sorting)

        // 0.4.2] Prox scoring (needs to happen after [0.3]

        // Add proximity scoring:
        boolean bLowAccuracyDecay = false;
        if ((nRecordsToGet > 0) || (null == _scoringParams.adjustAggregateSig)
                || _scoringParams.adjustAggregateSig) {
            // (ie if we're getting docs or applying scores to entities)

            if (!_aggregationAccuracy.equals("full")) {
                if (_aggregationAccuracy.equals("low") || _aggregationAccuracy.contains("decay:low")) {
                    bLowAccuracyDecay = true;
            queryObj = addProximityBasedScoring(queryObj, searchSettings, query.score,
                    tempFilterInfo.parentFilterObj, bLowAccuracyDecay);

            if (null == _scoringParams.adjustAggregateSig) { // auto-decide .. if ftext is set and is non-trivial
                if ((null != query.score.timeProx) || (null != query.score.geoProx)) {
                    // (These are set to null above if badly formed)
                    _scoringParams.adjustAggregateSig = true;

        } // (else not worth the effort)   

        // 0.4.3] Source weightings (if any)

        queryObj = applyManualWeights(queryObj, query.score);

        // 0.5] Pre-lucene output options

        // only return the id field and score
        // (Both _id and score come back as default options, SearchHit:: getId and getScore, don't need anything else)

        // Facets

        // (These are needed for the case where we need to perform aggregations manually)
        Integer manualEntsNumReturn = null;
        Integer manualEventsNumReturn = null;
        Integer manualFactsNumReturn = null;
        Integer manualGeoNumReturn = null;

        //System.out.println(new Gson().toJson(query.output.aggregation));

        if ((null != query.output.aggregation) && (null != query.output.aggregation.raw)) { // Like query, specify raw aggregation (Facets)
            // Gross raw handling for facets
            if ((null != query.raw) && (null != query.raw.query)) {
                // Don't currently support raw query and raw facets because I can't work out how to apply
                // the override on group/source!
                errorString.append(": Not currently allowed raw query and raw facets");
                return null;
            } else { // Normal code
        } else { // Apply various aggregation (=="facet") outputs to searchSettings
            boolean bSpecialCase = (null != query.raw) && (null != query.raw.query);

            if (!_aggregationAccuracy.equals("full")) {
                if (null != query.output.aggregation) {
                    // Geo - optional
                    if (_aggregationAccuracy.equals("low") || _aggregationAccuracy.contains("geo:low")) {
                        manualGeoNumReturn = query.output.aggregation.geoNumReturn;
                        query.output.aggregation.geoNumReturn = null;
                    // Assoc - optional
                    if (_aggregationAccuracy.equals("low") || _aggregationAccuracy.contains("assoc:low")) {
                        manualEventsNumReturn = query.output.aggregation.eventsNumReturn;
                        manualFactsNumReturn = query.output.aggregation.factsNumReturn;
                        query.output.aggregation.eventsNumReturn = null;
                        query.output.aggregation.factsNumReturn = null;
                    // Ents - optional
                    if (_aggregationAccuracy.equals("low") || _aggregationAccuracy.contains("ent:low")) {
                        manualEntsNumReturn = query.output.aggregation.entsNumReturn;
                        query.output.aggregation.entsNumReturn = null;
                    // (allow time aggregation)
                    // (allow source aggregation)
            AggregationUtils.parseOutputAggregation(query.output.aggregation, _aliasLookup,
                    (null != manualGeoNumReturn), tempFilterInfo.entityTypeFilterStrings,
                    tempFilterInfo.assocVerbFilterStrings, searchSettings,
                    bSpecialCase ? tempFilterInfo.parentFilterObj : null);

            // In partial accuracy case, restore aggregation
            if (null != manualEntsNumReturn) {
                query.output.aggregation.entsNumReturn = manualEntsNumReturn;
            if (null != manualEventsNumReturn) {
                query.output.aggregation.eventsNumReturn = manualEventsNumReturn;
            if (null != manualFactsNumReturn) {
                query.output.aggregation.factsNumReturn = manualFactsNumReturn;
            if (null != manualGeoNumReturn) {
                query.output.aggregation.geoNumReturn = manualGeoNumReturn;
        //TESTED x2         

        nQuerySetupTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - nQuerySetupTime;

        // 0.6] Perform Lucene query

        // 0.6.1: query extensions: pre-query hook
        ArrayList<IQueryExtension> queryExtensions = null;
        if (null != _queryExtensions) {
            queryId = new ObjectId();
            queryExtensions = new ArrayList<IQueryExtension>(_queryExtensions.size());
            for (Class<IQueryExtension> queryExtensionClass : _queryExtensions) {
                // Don't catch any exceptions thrown here - let it bubble upwards
                IQueryExtension queryExtension = queryExtensionClass.newInstance();
                queryExtension.preQueryActivities(queryId, query, communityIdStrs);
        } //TESTED (see test.QueryExtensionsTestCode)

        // Built-in federated query engine ...
        if (null != _federatedQueryCache) {
            // 2 modes:
            // 1) If srcInclude is true(default) then check each source vs the table
            // 2) If srcInclude is false, or no sources specified, then check each community vs the table

            // 1: 
            if ((null != query.input) && (null != query.input.sources)
                    && ((null == query.input.srcInclude) || query.input.srcInclude)) {
                for (String srcKey : query.input.sources) {
                    FederatedQueryInMemoryCache fedQueryCacheEl = _federatedQueryCache.get(srcKey);
                    if (null != fedQueryCacheEl) {
                        if (null == this._builtInFederatedQueryEngine) {
                            if (null == federatedQueryClazz) {
                                try {
                                    federatedQueryClazz = (Class<ISimpleFederatedQueryEngine>) Class.forName(
                                } catch (Throwable t) {
                                    throw new RuntimeException("classpath error", t);
                            _builtInFederatedQueryEngine = federatedQueryClazz.newInstance();
            } //TESTED (//TESTED (http://localhost:8184/knowledge/document/query/53ab42a2e4b04bcfe2de4387?qt[0]

            // 2:
            else { //Get federated queries from communities
                HashSet<String> excludeSrcs = null;
                for (String commIdStr : communityIdStrs) {
                    FederatedQueryInMemoryCache fedQueryCacheEl = _federatedQueryCache.get(commIdStr);
                    if (null != fedQueryCacheEl) {

                        if ((null != query.input) && (null != query.input.sources)) { // (there are exclude sources)
                            if (null == excludeSrcs) {
                                excludeSrcs = new HashSet<String>(query.input.sources);
                        } //TESTED (http://localhost:8184/knowledge/document/query/53ab42a2e4b04bcfe2de4387?qt[0]

                        for (Map.Entry<String, SourceFederatedQueryConfigPojo> fedQueryKV : fedQueryCacheEl.sources
                                .entrySet()) {
                            if ((null == excludeSrcs) || !excludeSrcs.contains(fedQueryKV.getKey())) {
                                if (null == this._builtInFederatedQueryEngine) {
                                    if (null == federatedQueryClazz) {
                                        try {
                                            federatedQueryClazz = (Class<ISimpleFederatedQueryEngine>) Class
                                        } catch (Throwable t) {
                                            throw new RuntimeException("classpath error", t);
                                    _builtInFederatedQueryEngine = federatedQueryClazz.newInstance();
                } //TESTED (by hand)
            if (null != _builtInFederatedQueryEngine) {
                _builtInFederatedQueryEngine.preQueryActivities(queryId, query, communityIdStrs);

        // 0.6.2: the main query
        if ((null != query.explain) && query.explain) { // (for diagnostic - will return lucene explanation)

        SearchResponse queryResults = null;

        // (_source can now be enabled, so this is necessary to avoid returning it)
        if ((null != query.raw) && (null != query.raw.query)) {
            // (Can bypass all other settings)            
            queryResults = indexMgr.doQuery(null, tempFilterInfo.parentFilterObj, searchSettings);
        } //TESTED '{ "raw": { "match_all": {} } }'
        else {
            // Where I can, use the source filter as part of the query so that
            // facets will apply to query+filter, not just filter
            queryObj = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(queryObj)

            queryResults = indexMgr.doQuery(queryObj, null, searchSettings);
        } //TESTED '{}' etc

        long nLuceneTime = queryResults.getTookInMillis();

        // 0.7] Lucene scores   

        long nProcTime = 0;
        long nProcTime_tmp = System.currentTimeMillis();

        StatisticsPojo stats = new StatisticsPojo();
        stats.found = queryResults.getHits().getTotalHits();
        stats.start = (long) nRecordsToSkip;

        if (nRecordsToGet > 0) {
            stats.setScore(queryResults.getHits(), (null != query.score.geoProx) || (null != query.score.timeProx),
                    (null != query.explain) && query.explain);

        //System.out.println(new Gson().toJson(queryResults));

        nProcTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - nProcTime_tmp);

        // 0.8] Get data from Mongo + handle scoring

        long nMongoTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        List<BasicDBObject> docs = null;

        LinkedList<BasicDBObject> lowAccuracyAggregatedEntities = null; // (always low accuracy)
        LinkedList<BasicDBObject> standaloneEvents = null;
        LinkedList<BasicDBObject> lowAccuracyAggregatedEvents = null;
        LinkedList<BasicDBObject> lowAccuracyAggregatedFacts = null;
        AggregationUtils.GeoContainer lowAccuracyAggregatedGeo = null;
        AggregationUtils.GeoContainer extraAliasAggregatedGeo = null;

        ScoringUtils scoreStats = null;
        if (null != stats.getIds()) {

            DBCursor docs0 = this.getDocIds(DbManager.getDocument().getMetadata(), stats.getIds(), nRecordsToGet,
                    query.output, query.score);
            nMongoTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - nMongoTime;

            nProcTime_tmp = System.currentTimeMillis();

            // Entity aggregation (CURRENTLY ALWAYS LOW AGGREGATION):
            if ((null != query.output.aggregation) && (null != query.output.aggregation.entsNumReturn)
                    && (query.output.aggregation.entsNumReturn > 0)) {
                lowAccuracyAggregatedEntities = new LinkedList<BasicDBObject>();

            // Standalone events:
            if (( != null) && ( != null)
                    && {
                standaloneEvents = new LinkedList<BasicDBObject>();

            // Low accuracy aggregations:

            if ((null != manualEventsNumReturn) && (manualEventsNumReturn > 0)) {
                lowAccuracyAggregatedEvents = new LinkedList<BasicDBObject>();
            if ((null != manualFactsNumReturn) && (manualFactsNumReturn > 0)) {
                lowAccuracyAggregatedFacts = new LinkedList<BasicDBObject>();

            if ((null != manualGeoNumReturn) && (manualGeoNumReturn > 0)) {
                lowAccuracyAggregatedGeo = new AggregationUtils.GeoContainer();
            } else if ((null != query.output.aggregation) && (null != query.output.aggregation.geoNumReturn)
                    && (query.output.aggregation.geoNumReturn > 0)) {
                // (only if not using low accuracy aggregation ... otherwise it all gets dumped in lowAccuracyAggregatedGeo)
                extraAliasAggregatedGeo = new AggregationUtils.GeoContainer();

            scoreStats = new ScoringUtils();
            try {
                boolean lockAcquired = true;
                try {
                    lockAcquired = this.acquireConcurrentAccessLock();

                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    //(that's fine just carry on)
                    lockAcquired = false;
                if (!lockAcquired) {
                            new ResponseObject("Query", false, "Query engine busy, please try again later."));
                    return rp;

                docs = scoreStats.calcTFIDFAndFilter(DbManager.getDocument().getMetadata(), docs0, query.score,
                        query.output, stats, bLowAccuracyDecay, nRecordsToSkip, nRecordsToOutput, communityIdStrs,
                        tempFilterInfo.entityTypeFilterStrings, tempFilterInfo.assocVerbFilterStrings,
                        standaloneEvents, lowAccuracyAggregatedEntities, lowAccuracyAggregatedGeo,
                        extraAliasAggregatedGeo, lowAccuracyAggregatedEvents, lowAccuracyAggregatedFacts);
            } finally {
            nProcTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - nProcTime_tmp);
        } else {
            nMongoTime = 0;
        //TESTED (all queries)

        // 0.9] Output:

        rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Query", true, querySummary.toString()));

        // 0.9.1] Stats:
        rp.setStats(stats); // (only actually uses the response pojo, but get rid of big fields anyway...)

        // 0.9.2] Facets:

        if (null != lowAccuracyAggregatedEntities) { // Entity aggregation
        if (null != standaloneEvents) {
        if (null != lowAccuracyAggregatedGeo) {
            rp.setGeo(lowAccuracyAggregatedGeo.geotags, (int) lowAccuracyAggregatedGeo.maxCount,
                    (int) lowAccuracyAggregatedGeo.minCount);
        if (null != lowAccuracyAggregatedEvents) {
        if (null != lowAccuracyAggregatedFacts) {

        if ((null != query.output.aggregation) && (null != query.output.aggregation.raw)) {
        } else { // "Logical" aggregation

            if (0.0 == query.score.sigWeight) {
                scoreStats = null; // (don't calculate event/fact aggregated significance if it's not wanted)
            AggregationUtils.loadAggregationResults(rp, queryResults.getFacets(), queryResults.getAggregations(),
                    query.output.aggregation, scoreStats, _aliasLookup, tempFilterInfo.entityTypeFilterStrings,
                    tempFilterInfo.assocVerbFilterStrings, extraAliasAggregatedGeo);

        } // (end facets not overwritten)         

        // 0.9.3] Documents
        if ( {
            if ((null != docs) && (docs.size() > 0)) {
                rp.setData(docs, (BasePojoApiMap<BasicDBObject>) null);
            } else { // (ensure there's always an empty list)
                docs = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(0);
                rp.setData(docs, (BasePojoApiMap<BasicDBObject>) null);
        } else { // (ensure there's always an empty list)
            docs = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(0);
            rp.setData(docs, (BasePojoApiMap<BasicDBObject>) null);

        // 0.9.4] query extensions: post-query hook
        if (null != queryExtensions) {
            for (IQueryExtension queryExtension : queryExtensions) {
                // Don't catch any exceptions thrown here - let it bubble upwards
                queryExtension.postQueryActivities(queryId, docs, rp);
        } //TESTED (see test.QueryExtensionsTestCode)

        // (Built-in version)
        if (null != _builtInFederatedQueryEngine) {
            _builtInFederatedQueryEngine.postQueryActivities(queryId, docs, rp);

        scoreStats = null; // (now definitely never need scoreStats)

        // 0.9.5] Timing/logging

        long nTotalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - nSysTime;

        _logMsg.append("knowledge/query querylen=").append(querySummary.length());
        _logMsg.append(" query=").append(querySummary.toString());
        _logMsg.append(" userid=").append(userIdStr);
        _logMsg.append(" groups=").append(communityIdStrList);
        _logMsg.append(" found=").append(stats.found);
        _logMsg.append(" luceneTime=").append(nLuceneTime).append(" ms");
        _logMsg.append(" setupTime=").append(nQuerySetupTime).append(" ms");
        _logMsg.append(" procTime=").append(nProcTime).append(" ms");
        _logMsg.append(" mongoTime=").append(nMongoTime).append(" ms");
        _logMsg.append(" time=").append(nTotalTime).append(" ms");;


        // Exceptions percolate up to the resource and are handled there...
        return rp;


    // Utility version of the above query call - just converts the advanced query pojo into an elasticsearch object that can
    // be queried

    public static class QueryInfo {
        public ElasticSearchManager indexMgr;
        public BaseQueryBuilder queryObj;
        public String querySummary;

    public QueryInfo convertInfiniteQuery(AdvancedQueryPojo query, String[] communityIdStrs, String userIdStr) {
        // Fill in the blanks (a decent attempt has been made to fill out the blanks inside these options)
        if (null == query.input) {
            query.input = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryInputPojo();
        if (null == query.score) {
            query.score = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo();
        if (null == query.output) {
            query.output = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryOutputPojo();
        if (null == { // (Docs are sufficiently important we'll make sure they're always present)
   = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryOutputPojo.DocumentOutputPojo();

        // Other intialization
        _nNow = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Now onto the logic:
        QueryInfo queryInfo = new QueryInfo();

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(userIdStr);
        for (String sCommunityId : communityIdStrs) {

        queryInfo.indexMgr = getIndexManager(communityIdStrs);
        StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer();
        queryInfo.queryObj = getBaseQuery(query, communityIdStrs, sb.toString(), userIdStr, info);
        queryInfo.querySummary = info.toString();
        InternalTempFilterInfo tempFilterInfo = getBaseFilter(query, communityIdStrs);
        queryInfo.queryObj = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(queryInfo.queryObj)

        return queryInfo;


    //0b] QUERY BREAKDOWN   


    // 0.b.1) indexes

    private ElasticSearchManager getIndexManager(String[] communityIdStrs) {
        // Create a multi-index to check against all relevant shards:
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(DocumentPojoIndexMap.globalDocumentIndexCollection_);
        for (String sCommunityId : communityIdStrs) {
        ElasticSearchManager indexMgr = ElasticSearchManager.getIndex(sb.toString());
        return indexMgr;
    }//TESTED (cut and paste from original code)


    // 0.b.1) filter

    private static class InternalTempFilterInfo {
        BoolFilterBuilder parentFilterObj;
        String[] entityTypeFilterStrings;
        String[] assocVerbFilterStrings;

    private InternalTempFilterInfo getBaseFilter(AdvancedQueryPojo query, String communityIdStrs[]) {
        BoolFilterBuilder parentFilterObj = FilterBuilders.boolFilter()
                .must(FilterBuilders.termsFilter(DocumentPojo.communityId_, communityIdStrs));

        BoolFilterBuilder sourceFilter = this.parseSourceManagement(query.input);

        if (null != sourceFilter) {
            parentFilterObj = parentFilterObj.must(sourceFilter);
        } //TESTED

        // 0.2] Output filtering   

        // Output filters: parse (also used by aggregation, scoring)

        String[] entityTypeFilterStrings = null;
        String[] assocVerbFilterStrings = null;
        if ((null != query.output) && (null != query.output.filter)) {
            if (null != query.output.filter.entityTypes) {
                entityTypeFilterStrings = query.output.filter.entityTypes;
                if (0 == entityTypeFilterStrings.length) {
                    entityTypeFilterStrings = null;
                } else if ((1 == entityTypeFilterStrings.length) && (entityTypeFilterStrings[0].isEmpty())) {
                    entityTypeFilterStrings = null;
                // (note this is important because it means we can always check entityTypeFilterStrings[0].getCharAt(0) for -ve filtering)
            if (null != query.output.filter.assocVerbs) {
                assocVerbFilterStrings = query.output.filter.assocVerbs;
                if (0 == assocVerbFilterStrings.length) {
                    assocVerbFilterStrings = null;
                } else if ((1 == assocVerbFilterStrings.length) && (assocVerbFilterStrings[0].isEmpty())) {
                    assocVerbFilterStrings = null;
                // (note this is important because it means we can always check assocVerbFilterStrings[0].getCharAt(0) for -ve filtering)

        // Now apply output filters to query

        BoolFilterBuilder outputFilter = this.parseOutputFiltering(entityTypeFilterStrings, assocVerbFilterStrings);
        if (null != outputFilter) {
            parentFilterObj = parentFilterObj.must(outputFilter);

        InternalTempFilterInfo out = new InternalTempFilterInfo();
        out.parentFilterObj = parentFilterObj;
        out.entityTypeFilterStrings = entityTypeFilterStrings;
        out.assocVerbFilterStrings = assocVerbFilterStrings;

        return out;
    }//TESTED (cut/paste from original code)


    // 0.b.2] Query
    // (if it returns null then call getSavedQueryInstead instead)

    private BaseQueryBuilder getBaseQuery(AdvancedQueryPojo query, String communityIdStrs[],
            String communityIdStrList, String userIdStr, StringBuffer querySummary) {
        // Intialize alias if so required:
        if ((null == query.expandAlias) || query.expandAlias) {
            AliasManager aliasManager = AliasManager.getAliasManager();
            if (null != aliasManager) {
                _aliasLookup = aliasManager.getAliasLookupTable(null, communityIdStrs, null, userIdStr);
        // (end initialize index)

        BaseQueryBuilder queryObj = null;

        // 0.1] Input data (/filtering)

        if (null != { // This is actually a share id visible to this user
            query = getStoredQueryArtefact(, query, userIdStr);

        // 0.3] Query terms

        int nQueryElements = 0;

        if (null != query.qt) {
            nQueryElements = query.qt.size();

            if ((1 == nQueryElements) && (null != query.qt.get(0).ftext)
                    && (query.qt.get(0).ftext.startsWith("$cache:"))) {
                return null;
            if (nQueryElements > 0) { // NORMAL CASE

                this.handleEntityExpansion(DbManager.getFeature().getEntity(), query.qt, userIdStr,

                BaseQueryBuilder queryElements[] = new BaseQueryBuilder[nQueryElements];
                StringBuffer sQueryElements[] = new StringBuffer[nQueryElements];
                for (int i = 0; i < nQueryElements; ++i) {
                    _extraFullTextTerms = null;

                    queryElements[i] = this.parseQueryTerm(query.qt.get(i),
                            (sQueryElements[i] = new StringBuffer()));

                    // Extra full text terms generated by aliasing:
                    if (null != _extraFullTextTerms) {
                        BoolQueryBuilder extraTerms = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().should(queryElements[i]);
                        StringBuffer discard = new StringBuffer(); // (we already have added the info the query elements)
                        for (AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qtExtra : _extraFullTextTerms) {
                            extraTerms = extraTerms.should(this.parseQueryTerm(qtExtra, discard));
                        queryElements[i] = extraTerms;
                        _extraFullTextTerms = null; // (reset ready for next term...) 
                    } //TESTED            

                } //end loop over query terms

                queryObj = this.parseLogic(query.logic, queryElements, sQueryElements, querySummary);

                if (null == queryObj) { //error parsing logic
                    throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing logic");
            } else { //(QT exists but doesn't have any elements)
                queryObj = QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery();
        } //TESTED
        else {
            queryObj = QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery();
        } //(QT not specified)

        return queryObj;
    }//TESTED (cut/paste from original code)




    // 1.0] Stored queries/datasets

    // Saved queries (ie the entire dataset)

    private ResponsePojo getSavedQueryInstead(String storedQueryNameOrId, String[] communityIdStrs,
            AdvancedQueryPojo query) {
        ResponsePojo rp = null;
        ObjectId oid = null;
        BasicDBObject jobQuery = null;
        try {
            oid = new ObjectId(storedQueryNameOrId);
            jobQuery = new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo._id_, oid);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            jobQuery = new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobtitle_, storedQueryNameOrId);
        CustomMapReduceJobPojo savedJob = CustomMapReduceJobPojo
                .fromDb(DbManager.getCustom().getLookup().findOne(jobQuery), CustomMapReduceJobPojo.class);

        if (null != savedJob) { // Is this even a saved job?
            if (null != savedJob.jarURL) {
                savedJob = null;
        if (null != savedJob) { // Authorization
            boolean auth = false;
            String communityIdStrList = Arrays.toString(communityIdStrs);
            for (ObjectId commId : savedJob.communityIds) {

                if (communityIdStrList.contains(commId.toString())) {
                    auth = true;
            if (!auth) {
                savedJob = null;
            if (null == savedJob) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Can't find saved query, or is a custom job not a query, or authorization error");
            // OK go get the results of the job
            DBCollection coll = DbManager.getCollection(savedJob.getOutputDatabase(), savedJob.outputCollection);
            BasicDBObject result = (BasicDBObject) coll.findOne(); // (at some point support multiple saved queries)
            if (null == result) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Saved query is empty");
            BasicDBObject apiResultToConvert = (BasicDBObject) result.get("value");
            if (null == apiResultToConvert) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Saved query has invalid format");
            rp = ResponsePojo.fromDb(apiResultToConvert);
        } else if (null != oid) { // Support new user/doc queues
            SharePojo share = SharePojo.fromDb(DbManager.getSocial().getShare().findOne(jobQuery), SharePojo.class);
            if ((null == share) || (null == share.getShare())
                    || (!share.getType().equals(DocumentQueueControlPojo.UserQueue)
                            && !share.getType().equals(DocumentQueueControlPojo.SavedQueryQueue))) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Can't find saved query, or is a custom job not a query, or authorization error");
            } else { // share.share is a  DocumentQueueControlPojo
                DocumentQueueControlPojo queue = DocumentQueueControlPojo.fromApi(share.getShare(),
                BasicDBObject docQuery1 = new BasicDBObject(DocumentPojo._id_,
                        new BasicDBObject(DbManager.in_, queue.getQueueList()));
                BasicDBObject docQuery2 = new BasicDBObject(DocumentPojo.updateId_,
                        new BasicDBObject(DbManager.in_, queue.getQueueList()));
                BasicDBObject docQuery = new BasicDBObject(DbManager.or_, Arrays.asList(docQuery1, docQuery2));
                DBCursor dbc = DbManager.getDocument().getMetadata().find(docQuery).limit(query.score.numAnalyze);
                ScoringUtils scoreStats = new ScoringUtils();
                List<BasicDBObject> docs = null;
                StatisticsPojo stats = new StatisticsPojo();
                stats.setSavedScores(, dbc.count());
                try {
                    boolean lockAcquired = true;
                    try {
                        lockAcquired = this.acquireConcurrentAccessLock();

                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        //(that's fine just carry on)
                        lockAcquired = false;
                    if (!lockAcquired) {
                                new ResponseObject("Query", false, "Query engine busy, please try again later."));
                        return rp;
                    docs = scoreStats.calcTFIDFAndFilter(DbManager.getDocument().getMetadata(), dbc, query.score,
                            query.output, stats, false,,,
                            communityIdStrs, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
                } finally {
                rp = new ResponsePojo();
                rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Query", true, "Saved Query: " + share.getTitle()));
                if ((null != docs) && (docs.size() > 0)) {
                    rp.setData(docs, (BasePojoApiMap<BasicDBObject>) null);
                } else { // (ensure there's always an empty list)
                    docs = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>(0);
                    rp.setData(docs, (BasePojoApiMap<BasicDBObject>) null);
            } //end if user or saved query queue
        return rp;


    // Stored queries (ie just the query JSON)

    static AdvancedQueryPojo getStoredQueryArtefact(String shareIdStr, AdvancedQueryPojo query, String userIdStr) {

        ResponsePojo rp2 = new ShareHandler().getShare(userIdStr, shareIdStr, true);
        if ((null != rp2.getData() || !rp2.getResponse().isSuccess())) {
            SharePojo share = (SharePojo) rp2.getData();
            if (null != share) {
                if (share.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("dataset")) {
                    query.input = new,
                } else if (share.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("query")) {
                    query = new, AdvancedQueryPojo.class);
                } else { // Unrecognized share
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected share type: " + share.getType());
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid return from share: " + rp2.getData().toString());
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException(rp2.getResponse().getMessage());
        return query;


    // 1.1] Source management utility

    BoolFilterBuilder parseSourceManagement(AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryInputPojo input) {

        BoolFilterBuilder sourceFilter = null;

        if ((null != input.tags) || (null != input.typeAndTags) || (null != input.sources)) {
            sourceFilter = FilterBuilders.boolFilter();
        } //TESTED

        if (null != input.tags) {
            sourceFilter = sourceFilter
                    .should(FilterBuilders.termsFilter(DocumentPojo.tags_, input.tags.toArray()));
        } //TESTED '{ "input": { "tags": [ "healthcare", "cyber" ] } }'

        if (null != input.typeAndTags) {
            BoolFilterBuilder typeAndTagFilter = FilterBuilders.boolFilter();
            for (AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryInputPojo.TypeAndTagTermPojo tt : input.typeAndTags) {
                if (null != tt.tags) {
                    typeAndTagFilter = typeAndTagFilter.should(FilterBuilders.boolFilter()
                            .must(FilterBuilders.termFilter(DocumentPojo.mediaType_, tt.type))
                            .must(FilterBuilders.termsFilter(DocumentPojo.tags_, tt.tags.toArray())));
                } else {
                    typeAndTagFilter = typeAndTagFilter
                            .should(FilterBuilders.termFilter(DocumentPojo.mediaType_, tt.type));
            sourceFilter = sourceFilter.should(typeAndTagFilter);
        } //TESTED '{ "input": { "typeAndTags": [ { "type": "Social" }, { "type": "Video", "tags": [ "education", "MIT" ] } ] } }'

        if (null != input.sources) {
            if ((null == input.srcInclude) || input.srcInclude) {
                sourceFilter = sourceFilter
                        .should(FilterBuilders.termsFilter(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_, input.sources.toArray()));
            } else {
                sourceFilter = sourceFilter
                        .mustNot(FilterBuilders.termsFilter(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_, input.sources.toArray()));
        } //TESTED '{ "input": { "srcInclude": false, "sources": [ "", "" ] } }'
          //(also "srcInclude" not set - checked got the complement of the result)

        return sourceFilter;


    // 1.X2] Output filter parsing   

    private BoolFilterBuilder addNegativeSelectorToFilter(EntityFeaturePojo docDiscardAlias,
            BoolFilterBuilder outputFilter, int recursionLevel) {
        if ((null != docDiscardAlias.getAlias()) && !docDiscardAlias.getAlias().isEmpty()) {
            if (null == outputFilter) {
                outputFilter = FilterBuilders.boolFilter();
            outputFilter = outputFilter.mustNot(FilterBuilders.nestedFilter(DocumentPojo.entities_,
                    FilterBuilders.termsFilter(EntityPojo.docQuery_index_, docDiscardAlias.getAlias().toArray())));

            if (recursionLevel <= 1) { // (only go two deep for now)
                for (String aliasIndex : docDiscardAlias.getAlias()) {
                    EntityFeaturePojo docDiscardSubAlias = _aliasLookup.getAliases(aliasIndex);
                    if (null != docDiscardSubAlias) {
                        outputFilter = addNegativeSelectorToFilter(docDiscardSubAlias, outputFilter,
                                1 + recursionLevel);
                } //TESTED

        } //TESTED (by hand)
        if (null != docDiscardAlias.getSemanticLinks()) { // (recall: we've abused this field for text queries)
            for (String textQuery : docDiscardAlias.getSemanticLinks()) {
                //(probably not a very efficient construct, but nothing about this is efficient, just functional, so we'll leave it for now)
                outputFilter = outputFilter.mustNot(FilterBuilders.queryFilter(
                        CrossVersionQueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery(DocumentPojo.fullText_, textQuery)));
                outputFilter = outputFilter.mustNot(
                        FilterBuilders.queryFilter(CrossVersionQueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("_all", textQuery)));
        } //TESTED (by hand)
        return outputFilter;

    BoolFilterBuilder parseOutputFiltering(String[] entityTypeFilterStrings, String[] assocVerbFilterStrings) {
        BoolFilterBuilder outputFilter = null;

        // First off: document discard aliases:

        if (null != _aliasLookup) { // Check out the document discard table...         
            EntityFeaturePojo docDiscardAlias = _aliasLookup.getAliases("DOCUMENT_DISCARD");
            if (null != docDiscardAlias) {
                outputFilter = addNegativeSelectorToFilter(docDiscardAlias, outputFilter, 0);
        } //TESTED (by hand, nothing repeatable)

        // Other simple filter types:

        if (null != entityTypeFilterStrings) {
            if ('-' != entityTypeFilterStrings[0].charAt(0)) { // (negative entity type, don't add to filter)
                outputFilter = FilterBuilders.boolFilter();

                        FilterBuilders.termsFilter(EntityPojo.docQuery_type_, entityTypeFilterStrings)));
        if (null != assocVerbFilterStrings) {
            if ('-' != assocVerbFilterStrings[0].charAt(0)) { // (negative verb, don't add to filter)
                if (null == outputFilter) {
                    outputFilter = FilterBuilders.boolFilter();
                BoolFilterBuilder verbFilter = FilterBuilders.boolFilter();
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                for (String assocVerb : assocVerbFilterStrings) {
                    verbFilter.should(FilterBuilders.nestedFilter(DocumentPojo.associations_, QueryBuilders
                    //(closest to exact that we can manage, obv verb_cat should actually be not_analyzed)
        return outputFilter;


    // 1.2] Query term parsing

    // (Not needed any more, but kept here for illustrative purposes)
    //private static Pattern _luceneExactPattern = Pattern.compile("([\"+~*?:|&(){}\\[\\]\\^\\!\\-\\\\ ])");   
    private BaseQueryBuilder parseQueryTerm(AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt, StringBuffer sQueryTerm) {

        BaseQueryBuilder term = null;
        BoolQueryBuilder boolTerm = null;


        // 1.1] Free text (Lucene)   

        boolean nonEmpty = false;

        if (null != qt.ftext) { // NOTE term building code below depends on this being 1st clause
            nonEmpty = true;
            if (qt.ftext.startsWith("$cache")) { // currently not supported
                throw new RuntimeException("Don't currently support nested cached queries - coming soon.");

            if (null != qt.metadataField) {
            if (null != qt.metadataField) { // Metadata only
                term = QueryBuilders.queryString(qt.ftext).field(qt.metadataField);
            } else {
                term = QueryBuilders.queryString(qt.ftext).field("_all").field(DocumentPojo.fullText_);
            if ((null == _scoringParams) || (null == _scoringParams.adjustAggregateSig)) { // auto-decide .. if ftext is set and is non-trivial
                if (qt.ftext.contains(" ")) {
                    _scoringParams.adjustAggregateSig = true;
        } //TESTED (logic0)

        // 1.2] Exact text   

        if (null != qt.etext) { // NOTE term building code below depends on this being 2nd clause
            nonEmpty = true;
            BaseQueryBuilder termQ = null;
            if (sQueryTerm.length() > 1) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");
            if (qt.etext.equals("*")) { // Special case
                termQ = QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery();
            } else { // Normal query
                if (null != qt.metadataField) { // Metadata only
                    termQ = CrossVersionQueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery(qt.metadataField, qt.etext);
                } else { // Normal query
                    termQ = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
                            .should(CrossVersionQueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery("_all", qt.etext))
                            .should(CrossVersionQueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery(DocumentPojo.fullText_, qt.etext));
            if (null != qt.metadataField) {
            if (null == term) {
                term = termQ;
            } else {
                term = (boolTerm = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(term).must(termQ));
        } //TESTED (logic1)

        // Here's where it starts getting interesting:

        // 1.3] Entity    

        if ((null != qt.entity) || (null != qt.entityValue) || ((null == qt.assoc) && (null != qt.sentiment))) { // (if no association specified then sentiment applies to entities)
            nonEmpty = true;
            if (sQueryTerm.length() > 1) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");

            BaseQueryBuilder termQ = QueryBuilders
                            this.parseEntityTerm(qt, sQueryTerm, EntityPojo.docQuery_index_))
                    .scoreMode("max").boost((float) 1.0);

            if (null == term) {
                term = termQ;
            } else if (null == boolTerm) {
                term = (boolTerm = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(term).must(termQ));
            } else {
                term = (boolTerm = boolTerm.must(termQ));

        } //TESTED: logic2* TOTEST: alias expansion code (logic3)

        // 1.4] Dates

        if (null != qt.time) {
            nonEmpty = true;
            if (sQueryTerm.length() > 1) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");

            BaseQueryBuilder termQ = this.parseDateTerm(qt.time, sQueryTerm,
                    (null != qt.entityOpt) && qt.entityOpt.lockDate);

            if (null == term) {
                term = termQ;
            } else if (null == boolTerm) {
                term = (boolTerm = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(term).must(termQ));
            } else {
                term = (boolTerm = boolTerm.must(termQ));

        } //TESTED (logic5-10)

        // 1.5] Geo   

        if (null != qt.geo) {
            nonEmpty = true;
            if (sQueryTerm.length() > 1) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");

            BaseQueryBuilder termQ = this.parseGeoTerm(qt.geo, sQueryTerm, GeoParseField.ALL);
            if (null != termQ) {
                if (null == term) {
                    term = termQ;
                } else if (null == boolTerm) {
                    term = (boolTerm = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(term).must(termQ));
                } else {
                    term = (boolTerm = boolTerm.must(termQ));

        } // (end geo)

        if (null == qt.assoc)
            qt.assoc = qt.event;
        //(continue to support the old "event" name for another release)
        if (null != qt.assoc) {
            nonEmpty = true;
            if (sQueryTerm.length() > 1) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");

            BaseQueryBuilder termQ = QueryBuilders.nestedQuery(DocumentPojo.associations_,
                    this.parseAssociationTerm(qt.assoc, qt.sentiment, sQueryTerm));
            if (null != termQ) {
                if (null == term) {
                    term = termQ;
                } else if (null == boolTerm) {
                    term = (boolTerm = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(term).must(termQ));
                } else {
                    term = (boolTerm = boolTerm.must(termQ));

        } // (end event)

        if (!nonEmpty) {
            throw new RuntimeException("One+ of your query terms is empty!");
        } //TOTEST

        return term;

    }//TESTED (logic*) TOTEST event logic

    //TESTED: each of the above cases with the following GUI commands:
    //   infiniteService.send('{"raw": { "match_all": {} } }');
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "input": { "tags": [ "healthcare", "cyber" ] } }');
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "input": { "typeAndTags": [ { "type": "Social" }, { "type": "Video", "tags": [ "education", "MIT" ] } ] } }');
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "input": { "typeAndTags": [ { "type": "Social" }, { "type": "Video", "tags": [ "education", "MIT" ] } ] } }');
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "input": { "sources": [ "", "" ] } }');
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "input": { "srcInclude": false, "sources": [ "", "" ] } }');
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "qt": [ { "etext":"barack obama" } ] }'); // (148 results)
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "qt": [ { "ftext":"barack obama" } ] }'); // (790 results) 
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "qt": [ { "ftext":"+barack +obama" } ] }'); // (151 results)
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "qt": [ { "entity":"barack obama/person" } ] }'); // (132 results)
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "qt": [ { "time": { "min": "20100301", "max": "20100310" } } ] }'); // (worked - by inspection of timeline)
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "qt": [ { "geo": { "centerll": "(29.9569263889,15.7460923611)", "dist": "100mi" } } ] }'); //(259 results)
    //   infiniteService.send('{ "qt": [ { "geo": { "minll": "(28.9569263889,14.7460923611)", "maxll": "(30.9569263889,16.7460923611)" } } ] }'); //(259 results)


    // 1.2.1] Entity term parsing

    BaseQueryBuilder parseEntityTerm(AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt, StringBuffer sQueryTerm,
            String sFieldName) {
        BaseQueryBuilder termQ = null;

        // 1.3a] Entity decomposed   

        if (null != qt.entityValue) {
            qt.entityValue = qt.entityValue.toLowerCase();
            if (null == qt.entityType) { // Allow arbitrary types
                termQ = QueryBuilders.prefixQuery(sFieldName, qt.entityValue + "/");
            } else { //Equivalent to above
                qt.entityType = qt.entityType.toLowerCase();
                qt.entity = qt.entityValue + "/" + qt.entityType;

        } //TESTED (use logic3f, logic3e)

        // 1.3b] Entity index   

        else if (null != qt.entity) {
            qt.entity = qt.entity.toLowerCase();
        } //TESTED: logic2 

        // 1.3c] Logic   

        if ((null == termQ) && (null != qt.entity)) { // entities.index or fully-specified value,type


            // Just leave this fixed for entity expansion since we don't really support events anyway
            // we'll have to sort this out later
            BoolQueryBuilder termBoolQ = null;

            if ((null != qt.entityOpt) && qt.entityOpt.expandAlias) {
                // Alias expansion code
                // Easy bit:
                termBoolQ = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().should(QueryBuilders.termQuery(sFieldName, qt.entity));
                // Interesting bit:
                if (null != _tmpAliasMap) {
                    String[] terms = _tmpAliasMap.get(qt.entity).toArray(new String[0]);
                    if ((null != terms) && (terms.length > 0)) {
                        termQ = termBoolQ.should(QueryBuilders.termsQuery(EntityPojo.docQuery_actual_name_, terms));
                        sQueryTerm.append(" OR actual_name:$aliases");
            } //TESTED logic3a,b,f - actual_name expansion

            boolean isKeyword = false;
            if (null != qt.entity) {
                isKeyword = qt.entity.endsWith("/keyword");
            } else if (null != qt.entityType) {
                isKeyword = qt.entityType.equalsIgnoreCase("Keyword");

            if (((null != qt.entityOpt) && qt.entityOpt.rawText) || isKeyword) {
                if (null == this._extraFullTextTerms) {
                    _extraFullTextTerms = new LinkedList<AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo>();
                String dName = qt.entityValue;
                if (null == dName) { // Derive disambiguated name if not directly specified
                    int nIndex2 = qt.entity.lastIndexOf('/');
                    dName = qt.entity.substring(0, nIndex2);
                } //TESTED

                if (EntityPojo.docQuery_index_ == sFieldName) { // (note: can use pointers here)
                    AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qtExtra = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
                    qtExtra.etext = dName;
                    sQueryTerm.append(" OR ((\"").append(dName).append('"').append("))");
                } else if (AssociationPojo.docQuery_geo_index_ != sFieldName) { // (geo has no non-indexed form)
                    String nonIndexField = (AssociationPojo.docQuery_entity1_index_ == sFieldName)
                            ? AssociationPojo.docQuery_entity1_
                            : AssociationPojo.docQuery_entity2_;
                    if (null == termBoolQ) {
                        termBoolQ = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
                    termQ = termBoolQ = termBoolQ
                            .should(CrossVersionQueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery(nonIndexField, dName));
                    sQueryTerm.append(" OR ").append(nonIndexField).append(":\"").append(dName).append('"');
                } //TESTED
            //TESTED (entity+association) - entity options, add dname as exact text query

            if (null != _aliasLookup) {
                EntityFeaturePojo masterAlias = _aliasLookup.getAliases(qt.entity);
                // (need to do it this way round to get the semantic links)
                if (null != masterAlias) {
                    if (null == termBoolQ) {
                        termBoolQ = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
                    sQueryTerm.append(" OR ").append(sFieldName).append(":$manual_aliases");
                    termBoolQ = termBoolQ.should(QueryBuilders.termQuery(sFieldName, qt.entity));
                    if (null != masterAlias.getAlias()) {
                        termQ = termBoolQ = termBoolQ
                                .should(QueryBuilders.termsQuery(sFieldName, masterAlias.getAlias().toArray()));
                    } else {
                        termQ = termBoolQ;

                    // If want to add manual aliases as full text also...
                    if ((null != qt.entityOpt) && qt.entityOpt.rawText) {
                        if (null == this._extraFullTextTerms) {
                            _extraFullTextTerms = new LinkedList<AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo>();
                        String nonIndexField = null;
                        if (AssociationPojo.docQuery_geo_index_ != sFieldName) { // (geo has no non-indexed form)
                            nonIndexField = (AssociationPojo.docQuery_entity1_index_ == sFieldName)
                                    ? AssociationPojo.docQuery_entity1_
                                    : AssociationPojo.docQuery_entity2_;

                        // (slightly annoying because I have to derive the dnames for all of them) 
                        if (null != masterAlias.getAlias())
                            for (String alias : masterAlias.getAlias()) {
                                int nIndex2 = alias.lastIndexOf('/');
                                String dName = alias.substring(0, nIndex2);

                                if (EntityPojo.docQuery_index_ == sFieldName) { // (note: can use pointers here)
                                    AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qtExtra = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
                                    qtExtra.etext = dName;
                                } else if (null != nonIndexField) {
                                    termQ = termBoolQ = termBoolQ.should(
                                            CrossVersionQueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery(nonIndexField, dName));
                        if (EntityPojo.docQuery_index_ == sFieldName) { // (note: can use pointers here)
                            sQueryTerm.append(" OR (($manual_aliases").append("))");
                        } else if (null != nonIndexField) {
                            sQueryTerm.append(" OR ").append(nonIndexField).append(":$manual_aliases");

                    } //TESTED (entity + association) - aliases #1

                    // Recall: we're abusing linkdata to contain aliases:
                    if ((null != masterAlias.getSemanticLinks()) && !masterAlias.getSemanticLinks().isEmpty()) {
                        String nonIndexField = null;
                        if (AssociationPojo.docQuery_geo_index_ != sFieldName) { // (geo has no non-indexed form)
                            nonIndexField = (AssociationPojo.docQuery_entity1_index_ == sFieldName)
                                    ? AssociationPojo.docQuery_entity1_
                                    : AssociationPojo.docQuery_entity2_;

                        if (null == this._extraFullTextTerms) {
                            _extraFullTextTerms = new LinkedList<AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo>();
                        for (String textAlias : masterAlias.getSemanticLinks()) {
                            if (EntityPojo.docQuery_index_ == sFieldName) { // (note: can use pointers here)
                                AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qtExtra = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
                                qtExtra.etext = textAlias;
                            } else if (null != nonIndexField) {
                                termQ = termBoolQ = termBoolQ.should(
                                        CrossVersionQueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery(nonIndexField, textAlias));
                        if (EntityPojo.docQuery_index_ == sFieldName) { // (note: can use pointers here)
                            sQueryTerm.append(" OR (($manual_text_aliases").append("))");
                        } else if (null != nonIndexField) {
                            sQueryTerm.append(" OR ").append(nonIndexField).append(":$manual_text_aliases");

                    } //TESTED (entity + association) - aliases #2
            } //TESTED (by hand) - alias lookups

            if (null == termQ) {
                termQ = QueryBuilders.termQuery(sFieldName, qt.entity);

        } //TESTED logic3* - end if entity options (apart from sentiment, which is handled below)

        // Sentiment... only apply for entities (association sentiment is handled in parseAssociationTerm)

        if ((null != qt.sentiment) && (EntityPojo.docQuery_index_ == sFieldName)) { // (note: can use pointers here)
            RangeQueryBuilder sentimentQ = QueryBuilders.rangeQuery(EntityPojo.docQuery_sentiment_);
            if (null != qt.sentiment.min) {
            if (null != qt.sentiment.max) {
            if (null == termQ) {
                termQ = sentimentQ;
            } else {
                termQ = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(termQ).must(sentimentQ);
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ").append("sentiment:[").append(qt.sentiment.min).append(',')
                // (don't mind the nulls in the range)
        } //TESTED (combined sentiment and standalone sentiment)

        return termQ;


    private Set<String> _tmpEntityExpansionList = null;
    private Map<String, Set<String>> _tmpAliasMap = null;

    //] Utility function for alias expansion

    void handleEntityExpansion(DBCollection entityFeatureDb, List<AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo> qtList,
            String userIdStr, String communityIdList) {
        for (AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt : qtList) {
            if ((null != qt.entityOpt) && qt.entityOpt.expandAlias) {
                String s = null;
                if (null != qt.entity) {
                    s = qt.entity;
                } else if ((null != qt.entityValue) && (null != qt.entityType)) {
                    s = qt.entityValue + "/" + qt.entityType;
                if (null != s) {
                    if (null == _tmpEntityExpansionList) {
                        _tmpEntityExpansionList = new TreeSet<String>();
            } //(end if alias specified)
        } // (end loop over query terms)

        if (null != _tmpEntityExpansionList) {
            try {
                _tmpAliasMap = SearchHandler.findAliases(entityFeatureDb, EntityPojo.index_,
                        _tmpEntityExpansionList, userIdStr, communityIdList);
                //(NOTE: this is intentionally _not_ EntityPojo.docQuery_index, that's just for referencing nested queries/filters in elasticsearch)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Just carry on without expansion

    } //TESTED (logic3 - cases: {entity, entityValue+entityType, entityValue, none of above})


    // 1.2.2] Date term parsing

    private long _nNow = 0;

    BaseQueryBuilder parseDateTerm(AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo time, StringBuffer sQueryTerm,
            boolean lockMaxToNow) {
        return parseDateTerm(time, sQueryTerm, DocumentPojo.publishedDate_, lockMaxToNow);

    private BaseQueryBuilder parseDateTerm(AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo time,
            StringBuffer sQueryTerm, String sFieldName, boolean lockMaxToNow) {
        BaseQueryBuilder termQ = null;
        long nMinTime = 0L;
        long nMaxTime = _nNow;
        Interval interval = parseMinMaxDates(time, nMinTime, nMaxTime, lockMaxToNow);
        nMinTime = interval.getStartMillis();
        nMaxTime = interval.getEndMillis();

        termQ = QueryBuilders
                .boost((float) 1.0);

        sQueryTerm.append(sFieldName).append(":[").append(0 == nMinTime ? "0" : new Date(nMinTime)).append(" TO ")
                .append(new Date(nMaxTime)).append(']');

        return termQ;

    // Don't currently have a use for this guy - would be part of a combined time query?
    //   private BaseQueryBuilder parseMonthTerm(AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo time, StringBuffer sQueryTerm, String sFieldName)
    //   {
    //      BaseQueryBuilder termQ = null;
    //      long nMinTime = 0L; 
    //      long nMaxTime = _nNow;
    //      Interval interval = parseMinMaxDates(time, nMinTime, nMaxTime);
    //      nMinTime = interval.getStartMillis();
    //      nMaxTime = interval.getEndMillis();
    //      // Convert min/max dates to YYYYMM
    //      Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
    //      c.setTime(new Date(nMinTime));
    //      nMinTime = (c.get(Calendar.YEAR)*100 + c.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1L);
    //      c.setTime(new Date(nMaxTime));
    //      nMaxTime = (c.get(Calendar.YEAR)*100 + c.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1L);
    //      termQ = QueryBuilders.constantScoreQuery(
    //            FilterBuilders.numericRangeFilter(sFieldName).from(nMinTime).to(nMaxTime)).boost((float)1.0);
    //      sQueryTerm.append("association.").append(sFieldName).append(":[").
    //         append(nMinTime).append(" TO ").append(nMaxTime).append(']');      
    //      return termQ;
    //   }

    //] Even lower level date parsing

    public static Interval parseMinMaxDates(AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo time, long nMinTime,
            long nMaxTime, boolean lockMaxToNow) {

        if ((null != time.min) && (time.min.length() > 0)) {
            if (time.min.equals("now")) {
                nMinTime = nMaxTime;
            } else if (time.min.startsWith("now")) { // now+N[hdmy] 
                // now+Xi or now-Xi
                long sgn = 1L;
                if ('-' == time.min.charAt(3)) { //now+ or now-
                    sgn = -1L;
                long offset = sgn * getInterval(time.min.substring(4), 'd'); // (default interval is day)
                nMinTime = nMaxTime + offset; // (maxtime is now)
            } else if (time.min.equals("midnight")) {
                nMinTime = DateUtils.truncate(new Date(nMaxTime), Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH).getTime();
            } else if (time.min.startsWith("midnight")) { // midnight+N[hdmy] 
                // midnight+Xi or midnight-Xi
                long sgn = 1L;
                if ('-' == time.min.charAt(8)) { //now+ or now-
                    sgn = -1L;
                long offset = sgn * getInterval(time.min.substring(9), 'd'); // (default interval is day)
                nMinTime = DateUtils.truncate(new Date(nMaxTime), Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH).getTime() + offset; // (maxtime is now)
            } else {
                try {
                    nMinTime = Long.parseLong(time.min); // (unix time format)
                    if (nMinTime <= 99999999) { // More likely to be YYYYMMDD
                        // OK try a bunch of common date parsing formats
                        nMinTime = parseDate(time.min);
                    } // TESTED for nMaxTime
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    // OK try a bunch of common date parsing formats
                    nMinTime = parseDate(time.min);
        if ((null != time.max) && (time.max.length() > 0)) {
            if (time.max.equals("midnight")) {
                nMaxTime = DateUtils.truncate(new Date(nMaxTime), Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH).getTime();
            } else if (time.max.startsWith("midnight")) { // midnight+N[hdmy] 
                // midnight+Xi or midnight-Xi
                long sgn = 1L;
                if ('-' == time.max.charAt(8)) { //now+ or now-
                    sgn = -1L;
                long offset = sgn * getInterval(time.min.substring(9), 'd'); // (default interval is day)
                nMaxTime = DateUtils.truncate(new Date(nMaxTime), Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH).getTime() + offset; // (maxtime is now)
            } else if (!time.max.equals("now")) { // (What we have by default)
                if (time.max.startsWith("now")) { // now+N[hdmy] 
                    // now+Xi or now-Xi
                    long sgn = 1L;
                    if ('-' == time.max.charAt(3)) { //now+ or now-
                        sgn = -1L;
                    long offset = sgn * getInterval(time.max.substring(4), 'd'); // (default interval is day)
                    nMaxTime = nMaxTime + offset; // (maxtime is now)
                } else {
                    try {
                        nMaxTime = Long.parseLong(time.max); // (unix time format)
                        if (nMaxTime <= 99999999) { // More likely to be YYYYMMDD
                            // OK try a bunch of common date parsing formats
                            nMaxTime = parseDate(time.max);

                            // max time, so should be 24h-1s ahead ...
                            nMaxTime = nMaxTime - (nMaxTime % (24 * 3600 * 1000));
                            nMaxTime += 24 * 3600 * 1000 - 1;

                        } //TESTED (logic5, logic10 for maxtime)
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        // OK try a bunch of common date parsing formats
                        nMaxTime = parseDate(time.max);

                        // If day only is specified, should be the entire day...
                        if (!time.max.contains(":")) {
                            nMaxTime = nMaxTime - (nMaxTime % (24 * 3600 * 1000));
                            nMaxTime += 24 * 3600 * 1000 - 1;
                    } //TOTEST max time
        } //TESTED (logic5)

        if (lockMaxToNow) {
            if ((null == time.max) || time.max.isEmpty()) {
                nMinTime = new Date().getTime();
                nMaxTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
            } else { // set max to now
                long now = new Date().getTime();
                if ((null != time.min) && !time.min.isEmpty()) { // set min also
                    nMinTime = nMinTime + (now - nMaxTime);
                nMaxTime = now;
        } //TESTED (by hand)
        if (nMinTime > nMaxTime) { //swap these round if not ordered correctly
            long tmp = nMinTime;
            nMinTime = nMaxTime;
            nMaxTime = tmp;
        } //TESTED (by hand)

        return new Interval(nMinTime, nMaxTime);


    // 1.2.2] Geo term parsing
    //(the fieldName is always locs normally, geotag for child events, events.geotag for subevents)

     * Parses the GeoTermPojo arguments into a lucene query.  Currently there are multiple geo options
     * 1. Center lat/lng with radius (args centerll && dist)
     * 2. Bouding box, top left, bottom right corners (args minll, maxll)
     * NOT IMPLEMENTED 3. Geo name search (args name, OPTIONAL dist)  
     * NOT IMPLEMENTED 4. Polygon search (args poly OPTIONAL dist)
     * OPTIONAL for all arg ontology_type (will apply a heuristic search only grabbing onts that level and below
    BaseQueryBuilder parseGeoTerm(AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.GeoTermPojo geo, StringBuffer sQueryTerm,
            GeoParseField parseFields) {
        BoolQueryBuilder boolQ = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().minimumNumberShouldMatch(1);
        List<String> ont_terms = null;
        //Get ontology types
        if (null != geo.ontology_type) {
            //get all ontology terms we are looking for
            ont_terms = GeoOntologyMapping.getOntologyList(geo.ontology_type);
        } else {
            ont_terms = GeoOntologyMapping.getOntologyList(null);

        if ((null != geo.centerll) && (null != geo.dist)) {
            double lat, lon;

            if ('(' == geo.centerll.charAt(0)) {
                geo.centerll = geo.centerll.substring(1, geo.centerll.length() - 1);
            String[] latlon = geo.centerll.split("\\s*,\\s*");
            if (2 == latlon.length) {
                lat = Double.parseDouble(latlon[0]);
                lon = Double.parseDouble(latlon[1]);

                char c = geo.dist.charAt(geo.dist.length() - 1);
                if ((c < 0x30) || (c > 0x39)) // not a digit, difference calculation is different
                    //Add in ontology_type if necessary
                    //in the end this results in query = CURR_GEO_QUERY AND (ONT_TYPE = [ont1 OR ont2 OR ont3])         
                    if (parseFields == GeoParseField.ALL || parseFields == GeoParseField.ENT) {
                        //use a 2nd variable so we dont have to keep casting termQ to BoolQuery
                        BoolQueryBuilder subQ = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
                                                .distance(geo.dist).point(lat, lon))
                        subQ.must(QueryBuilders.termQuery(EntityPojo.docQuery_ontology_type_, ont_terms.toArray()));
                        boolQ.should(QueryBuilders.nestedQuery(DocumentPojo.entities_, subQ).scoreMode("max")
                                .boost((float) 1.0));

                    //ASSOC AND DOCGEO (only added if ont is point or null)
                    if (parseFields == GeoParseField.ALL || parseFields == GeoParseField.ASSOC)
                                                .distance(geo.dist).point(lat, lon))
                                .scoreMode("max").boost((float) 1.0));
                    if (parseFields == GeoParseField.ALL || parseFields == GeoParseField.DOC)
                                .geoDistanceFilter(DocumentPojo.docGeo_).distance(geo.dist).point(lat, lon)));
                } else // (identical to the above except geo distance parsing is different)
                    //Add in ontology_type if necessary
                    //in the end this results in query = CURR_GEO_QUERY AND (ONT_TYPE = [ont1 OR ont2 OR ont3])   
                    if (parseFields == GeoParseField.ALL || parseFields == GeoParseField.ENT) {
                        //use a 2nd variable so we dont have to keep casting termQ to BoolQuery
                        BoolQueryBuilder subQ = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
                                                        .point(lat, lon))
                                QueryBuilders.termsQuery(EntityPojo.docQuery_ontology_type_, ont_terms.toArray()));
                        boolQ.should(QueryBuilders.nestedQuery(DocumentPojo.entities_, subQ).scoreMode("max")
                                .boost((float) 1.0));
                    //ASSOC AND DOCGEO (only added if ont is point or null)
                    if (parseFields == GeoParseField.ALL || parseFields == GeoParseField.ASSOC)
                                                        .point(lat, lon))
                                        .scoreMode("max").boost((float) 1.0));
                    if (parseFields == GeoParseField.ALL || parseFields == GeoParseField.DOC)
                                .distance(Double.parseDouble(geo.dist), DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS).point(lat, lon)));
                sQueryTerm.append("dist(*.geotag, (").append(geo.centerll).append(")) < ").append(geo.dist);
        } //TESTED logic11,logic12
        else if ((null != geo.minll) && (null != geo.maxll)) {
            double latmin, lonmin, latmax, lonmax;

            if ('(' == geo.minll.charAt(0)) {
                geo.minll = geo.minll.substring(1, geo.minll.length() - 1);
            String[] latlon1 = geo.minll.split("\\s*,\\s*");
            if ('(' == geo.maxll.charAt(0)) {
                geo.maxll = geo.maxll.substring(1, geo.maxll.length() - 1);
            String[] latlon2 = geo.maxll.split("\\s*,\\s*");

            if ((2 == latlon1.length) && (2 == latlon2.length)) {
                latmin = Double.parseDouble(latlon1[0]);
                lonmin = Double.parseDouble(latlon1[1]);
                latmax = Double.parseDouble(latlon2[0]);
                lonmax = Double.parseDouble(latlon2[1]);

                // top left = max,min 
                latmin = latmin < latmax ? latmin : latmax;
                latmax = latmin >= latmax ? latmin : latmax;
                lonmin = lonmin < lonmax ? lonmin : lonmax;
                lonmax = lonmin >= lonmax ? lonmin : lonmax;

                // If we've got this far, we've found all the different locations            
                if (parseFields == GeoParseField.ALL || parseFields == GeoParseField.ENT) {
                    //use a 2nd variable so we dont have to keep casting termQ to BoolQuery
                    BoolQueryBuilder subQ = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
                                                    .topLeft(latmax, lonmin).bottomRight(latmin, lonmax))
                    subQ.must(QueryBuilders.termsQuery(EntityPojo.docQuery_ontology_type_, ont_terms.toArray()));
                    boolQ.should(QueryBuilders.nestedQuery(DocumentPojo.entities_, subQ).scoreMode("max")
                            .boost((float) 1.0));

                //ASSOC AND DOCGEO (only added if ont is point or null)         
                if (parseFields == GeoParseField.ALL || parseFields == GeoParseField.ASSOC)
                                            .topLeft(latmax, lonmin).bottomRight(latmin, lonmax))
                            .scoreMode("max").boost((float) 1.0));
                if (parseFields == GeoParseField.ALL || parseFields == GeoParseField.DOC)
                                    .topLeft(latmax, lonmin).bottomRight(latmin, lonmax)));

                sQueryTerm.append("*.geotag: [(").append(geo.minll).append("), (").append(geo.maxll).append(")]");
        } //TESTED logic13,logic14
        else if ((null != {
            //TODO (INF-1239): NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
        } else if ((null != geo.polys)) {
            //TODO (INF-1118): NOT IMPLEMENTED YET

        return boolQ;


    //] Sub-Sub-Utility function to parse all the different date strings I can think of

    private static String[] _allowedDatesArray = null;
    // (odd, static initialization doesn't work; just initialize first time in utility fn)

    private static long parseDate(String sDate) {
        if (null == _allowedDatesArray) {
            _allowedDatesArray = new String[] { "yyyy'-'DDD", "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd", "yyyyMMdd", "dd MMM yyyy",
                    "dd MMM yy", "MM/dd/yy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "MM.dd.yy", "MM.dd.yyyy", "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd hh:mm:ss",
                    "dd MMM yy hh:mm:ss", "dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss", "MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss", "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss",
                    "MM.dd.yy hh:mm:ss", "MM.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss", DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATE_FORMAT.getPattern(),
                    DateFormatUtils.SMTP_DATETIME_FORMAT.getPattern() };
        try {
            Date date = DateUtils.parseDate(sDate, _allowedDatesArray);
            return date.getTime();
        } catch (Exception e) { // Error all the way out
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
    }//TESTED (logic5)


    // 1.2.3] Event term parsing - this one is pretty complex

    BaseQueryBuilder parseAssociationTerm(AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.AssociationTermPojo assoc,
            AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.SentimentModifierPojo sentiment, StringBuffer sQueryTerm) {
        boolean bFirstTerm = true;
        BoolQueryBuilder query = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();

        int nTerms = 0; // (might be used later)

        if (null != assoc.entity1) {
            bFirstTerm = false;
            this.parseAssociationSubTerm(assoc.entity1, sQueryTerm, query, AssociationPojo.docQuery_entity1_,
        } //TESTED
        if (null != assoc.entity2) {
            if (!bFirstTerm) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");
            bFirstTerm = false;
            this.parseAssociationSubTerm(assoc.entity2, sQueryTerm, query, AssociationPojo.docQuery_entity2_,
        } //TESTED
        if (null != assoc.verb) {
            if (!bFirstTerm) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");
            bFirstTerm = false;


        } //TESTED
        if (null != assoc.geo) {
            if (!bFirstTerm) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");
            bFirstTerm = false;
            query.must(this.parseGeoTerm(assoc.geo, sQueryTerm, GeoParseField.ASSOC));
        } //TOTEST
        if (null != assoc.time) {
            if (!bFirstTerm) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");
            bFirstTerm = false;

            // Top level: one of start OR end has to start inside the range (this is the first bit)
            // OR it must envelop the query 

            // OK this one is a bit tricky because an event has a start+end time ... I think both
            // have to be inside the time range (fortunately because that's the easy case!)
            // (Note time_start and time_end don't exist inside the document object)
            StringBuffer sbDummy = new StringBuffer();
            BoolQueryBuilder combo2 = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
            combo2.should(this.parseDateTerm(assoc.time, sQueryTerm, AssociationPojo.docQuery_time_start_, false));
            sQueryTerm.append(") OR/CONTAINS (");
            combo2.should(this.parseDateTerm(assoc.time, sQueryTerm, AssociationPojo.docQuery_time_end_, false));
            // (complex bit, start must be < and end must be >)
            BoolQueryBuilder combo3 = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
            AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo event1 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo();
            AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo event2 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo();
            event1.min = "10010101";
            event1.max = assoc.time.min;
            event2.min = assoc.time.max;
            event2.max = "99990101"; // (ie the end of time, sort of!)
            combo3.must(this.parseDateTerm(event1, sbDummy, AssociationPojo.docQuery_time_start_, false)); // ie start time earlier than query
            combo3.must(this.parseDateTerm(event2, sbDummy, AssociationPojo.docQuery_time_end_, false)); // AND end time later than query


            query.must(combo2); // (this one is very simple - either one of the times must be inside the range)
        } //TESTED
        if (null != assoc.type) {
            if (!bFirstTerm) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");
            bFirstTerm = false;
            query.must(QueryBuilders.termQuery(AssociationPojo.docQuery_assoc_type_, assoc.type));
        } //TOTEST
        if (null != sentiment) {
            if (!bFirstTerm) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");
            bFirstTerm = false;
            RangeQueryBuilder sentimentQ = QueryBuilders.rangeQuery(AssociationPojo.docQuery_sentiment_);
            if (null != sentiment.min) {
            if (null != sentiment.max) {
        } //TOTEST (combined sentiment only)

        return query;

    } //TESTED/TOTEST (see above)

    //] Event term parsing utility
    void parseAssociationSubTerm(AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo entity, StringBuffer sQueryTerm,
            BoolQueryBuilder combo, String sFieldName, String sIndexName) {
        boolean bFirstTerm = true;
        // 3 cases: etext, ftext, or entity (in 2 subcases)...
        if ((null != entity.entity) && (!entity.entity.isEmpty())) { //1a
            combo.must(this.parseEntityTerm(entity, sQueryTerm, sIndexName));
        } else if ((null != entity.entityValue) && (!entity.entityValue.isEmpty())) { //1b
            combo.must(this.parseEntityTerm(entity, sQueryTerm, sIndexName));
        if ((null != entity.etext) && (!entity.etext.isEmpty())) { //2
            if (!bFirstTerm) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");
            bFirstTerm = false;
            combo.must(CrossVersionQueryBuilders.matchPhraseQuery(sFieldName, entity.etext));
        if ((null != entity.ftext) && (!entity.ftext.isEmpty())) { //3
            if (!bFirstTerm) {
                sQueryTerm.append(" AND ");
            bFirstTerm = false;
    } //TESTED


    // 1.3] Utility to parse boolean logic

    private static Pattern _logicTidyUp = Pattern.compile("qt\\[\\d+\\]", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

    private BoolQueryBuilder parseLogic(String logic, BaseQueryBuilder qt[], StringBuffer qtRead[],
            StringBuffer query) {
        BoolQueryBuilder bq = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
        int nQueryElements = qt.length;

        if (null == logic) { // No logic specified, just and them all together
            for (int i = 0; i < nQueryElements; ++i) {
                if (null != qt[i]) {
                    bq = bq.must(qt[i]);
                    if (0 != i) {
                        query.append(" and ");
            return bq;

        } //TESTED

        // Non-degenerate case, parse logic string (first convert qt[X] to X):

        SimpleBooleanParser.SimpleBooleanParserMTree tree = SimpleBooleanParser

        if (null == tree) {
            return null;
        } else {
            parseLogicRecursive(tree, bq, qt, qtRead, query);
        return bq;
    } //TESTED


    // 1.3.1] Recursive utility for creating a binary object from the tree

    void parseLogicRecursive(SimpleBooleanParser.SimpleBooleanParserMTree node, BoolQueryBuilder levelUp,
            BaseQueryBuilder qt[], StringBuffer qtRead[], StringBuffer query) {
        if (null == node.terms) {
            if ((node.bNegated) || (node.nTerm < 0)) {
                int nIndex = Math.abs(node.nTerm) - 1; // (turn into index)
                query.append("not ").append(qtRead[nIndex].toString());
            } else {
                int nIndex = node.nTerm - 1;
        boolean bFirstPass = true;
        for (SimpleBooleanParser.SimpleBooleanParserMTree child : node.terms) {
            if (null == child.terms) {
                if (child.nTerm < 0) { // Term negated
                    int nIndex = (-child.nTerm) - 1;
                    if ('&' == node.op) {
                        levelUp.mustNot(qt[nIndex]); // (turn into index)
                        if (bFirstPass) {
                            query.append("not ");
                        } else {
                            query.append(" and not ");
                    } else {
                        if (bFirstPass) {
                        } else {
                            query.append(" or not ");
                } else { // Term not negated
                    int nIndex = child.nTerm - 1;
                    if ('&' == node.op) {
                        if (!bFirstPass) {
                            query.append(" and ");
                    } else {
                        if (!bFirstPass) {
                            query.append(" or ");
            } // actual term, not a node
            else { // (null != child.terms)
                // The term is a node, recurse!
                BoolQueryBuilder newLevel = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
                if ('&' == node.op) {
                    if (child.bNegated) {
                        if (!bFirstPass) {
                            query.append(" and ");
                        query.append("not (");
                    } else {
                        if (!bFirstPass) {
                            query.append(" and ");
                } else {
                    if (child.bNegated) {
                        if (!bFirstPass) {
                            query.append(" or ");
                        query.append("not (");
                    } else {
                        if (!bFirstPass) {
                            query.append(" or ");
                parseLogicRecursive(child, newLevel, qt, qtRead, query);

            } // (end node is a term need to recurse)

            bFirstPass = false;

        } // end loop over child nodes


    // 2] Complex scoring   

    // 2.1] Proximity adjustments
    private static BaseQueryBuilder addProximityBasedScoring(BaseQueryBuilder currQuery,
            SearchRequestBuilder searchSettings, AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo scoreParams,
            BoolFilterBuilder parentFilterObj, boolean bLowAccuracyGeo) {
        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        Object[] paramDoublesScript = new Object[6];
        Object[] paramDoublesDecay = new Object[6];
        double[] geoDecay = parseGeoDecay(scoreParams); // (encapsulate this away since it can also be called by ScoringUtils)
        if ((null != geoDecay) && !bLowAccuracyGeo) {
            double dlat = geoDecay[0];
            double dlon = geoDecay[1];
            double dInvDist = geoDecay[2];
            paramDoublesScript[0] = dInvDist;
            paramDoublesScript[1] = dlat;
            paramDoublesScript[2] = dlon;
            paramDoublesDecay[0] = dInvDist;
            paramDoublesDecay[1] = dlat;
            paramDoublesDecay[2] = dlon;
        } else // geo prox not specified/malformed, or low accuracy
            if (!bLowAccuracyGeo) {
                scoreParams.geoProx = null;
            paramDoublesScript[0] = -1.0;
            paramDoublesScript[1] = -1.0;
            paramDoublesScript[2] = -1.0;
            paramDoublesDecay[0] = -1.0;
            paramDoublesDecay[1] = -1.0;
            paramDoublesDecay[2] = -1.0;
        if ((null != geoDecay) && (null != parentFilterObj)) { // Regardless of high/low accuracy, add 0.5% filter

            GeoDistanceFilterBuilder geoFilter = FilterBuilders.geoDistanceFilter(EntityPojo.docQuery_geotag_)
                    .point(geoDecay[0], geoDecay[1]).distance(200.0 / geoDecay[2], DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS);

            parentFilterObj.must(FilterBuilders.nestedFilter(DocumentPojo.entities_, geoFilter));

        } //TESTED

        //Time decay portion
        if ((null != scoreParams.timeProx) && (null != scoreParams.timeProx.time)
                && (null != scoreParams.timeProx.decay) && !scoreParams.timeProx.time.isEmpty()
                && !scoreParams.timeProx.decay.isEmpty()) {
            long nDecayCenter = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (!scoreParams.timeProx.time.equals("now")) {
                nDecayCenter = parseDate(scoreParams.timeProx.time);

            //Parse decay time:
            long nDecayTime = getInterval(scoreParams.timeProx.decay, 'w');
            double dInvDecay = 1.0 / (double) nDecayTime;

            scoreParams.timeProx.nTime = nDecayCenter;
            scoreParams.timeProx.dInvDecay = dInvDecay;

            // Add 0.5% filter
            if (null != parentFilterObj) {

                long nMinTime = nDecayCenter - 200 * nDecayTime;
                long nMaxTime = nDecayCenter + 200 * nDecayTime;

            } //TESTED

            paramDoublesScript[3] = dInvDecay;
            paramDoublesScript[4] = nDecayCenter;
            paramDoublesDecay[3] = dInvDecay;
            paramDoublesDecay[4] = nDecayCenter;
        } else {
            scoreParams.timeProx = null;
            paramDoublesScript[3] = -1.0;
            paramDoublesScript[4] = -1.0;
            paramDoublesDecay[3] = -1.0;
            paramDoublesDecay[4] = -1.0;

        if (scoreParams.timeProx == null && scoreParams.geoProx == null) {
            //if there is no timeprox or geoprox, just run the query w/o script
            return currQuery;
        } else {
            if (null != searchSettings) // just handles test cases where searchSettings==null
                paramDoublesDecay[5] = true;
                Map<String, Object> scriptParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                scriptParams.put("param", paramDoublesDecay);
                searchSettings.addScriptField("decay", QueryDecayFactory.getLanguage(),
                        QueryDecayFactory.getScriptName(), scriptParams);
            //if there is a decay, add the script to the query      
            paramDoublesScript[5] = false;
            params.put("param", paramDoublesScript);
            return CrossVersionQueryBuilders.customScoreQueryBuilderScript(currQuery,
                    QueryDecayFactory.getScriptName(), QueryDecayFactory.getLanguage(), params);

    // Utility to parse out geo for "software emulated case"
    // returns lat/lon/distance (or null if anything goes wrong)
    // Also called from ScoringUtils

    public static double[] parseGeoDecay(AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo scoreParams) {
        //Geo decay portion
        if ((null != scoreParams.geoProx) && (null != scoreParams.geoProx.ll) && (null != scoreParams.geoProx.decay)
                && !scoreParams.geoProx.ll.equals(",") && !scoreParams.geoProx.ll.isEmpty()
                && !scoreParams.geoProx.decay.isEmpty()) {
            if ('(' == scoreParams.geoProx.ll.charAt(0)) {
                scoreParams.geoProx.ll = scoreParams.geoProx.ll.substring(1, scoreParams.geoProx.ll.length() - 1);
            String[] latlon = scoreParams.geoProx.ll.split("\\s*,\\s*");
            if (2 == latlon.length) {
                double[] lat_lon_invdist = new double[3];
                lat_lon_invdist[0] = Double.parseDouble(latlon[0]);
                lat_lon_invdist[1] = Double.parseDouble(latlon[1]);
                double dDist = getDistance(scoreParams.geoProx.decay); // (Returns it in km)
                if (0.0 == dDist)
                    dDist = 0.00001; // (robustness, whatever)
                lat_lon_invdist[2] = (1.0 / dDist);

                return lat_lon_invdist;
        return null;

    // Utility to get the ms count of an interval

    public static long getInterval(String interval, char defaultInterval) {

        if (interval.equals("month")) { // Special case
            return 30L * 24L * 3600L * 1000L;

        int nLastIndex = interval.length() - 1;
        long nDecayTime;
        char c = interval.charAt(nLastIndex);
        if (c >= 0x40) { // it's a digit, interpret:
            nDecayTime = Long.parseLong(interval.substring(0, nLastIndex));
        } else { // No digit use default
            c = defaultInterval;
            nDecayTime = Long.parseLong(interval);
        if ('h' == c) {
            nDecayTime *= 3600L * 1000L;
        } else if ('d' == c) {
            nDecayTime *= 24L * 3600L * 1000L;
        } else if ('w' == c) {
            nDecayTime *= 7L * 24L * 3600L * 1000L;
        } else if ('m' == c) {
            nDecayTime *= 30L * 24L * 3600L * 1000L;
        } else if ('y' == c) {
            nDecayTime *= 365L * 24L * 3600L * 1000L;
        return nDecayTime;

    private static double getDistance(String distance) { // [0-9]+{m,km,nm)
        double dDist = 0.0;

        int nCharIndex1 = distance.length() - 1;
        char c = distance.charAt(nCharIndex1);
        if (c == 'm') {
            c = distance.charAt(nCharIndex1 - 1);
            if (c == 'k') { // km
                dDist = Double.parseDouble(distance.substring(0, nCharIndex1 - 1));
            } else if (c == 'n') { // nm
                dDist = Double.parseDouble(distance.substring(0, nCharIndex1 - 1)) * 1.852;
            } else { // m==mi
                dDist = Double.parseDouble(distance.substring(0, nCharIndex1)) * 1.150779;
        } else if (c == 'i') { // mi
            dDist = Double.parseDouble(distance.substring(0, nCharIndex1 - 1)) * 1.150779;
        } else { // Default to km
            dDist = Double.parseDouble(distance.substring(0, nCharIndex1 + 1));
        return dDist;


    // 2.2] Manual weighting

    private BaseQueryBuilder applyManualWeights(BaseQueryBuilder queryObj, AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo score) {
        if ((null != score.tagWeights) || (null != score.typeWeights) || (null != score.sourceWeights)) {
            CustomFiltersScoreQueryBuilder manualWeights = CrossVersionQueryBuilders
            manualWeights.scoreMode("avg"); // Only tags can match multiple filters, in which case we average them

            if (null != score.sourceWeights) {
                // Find all weightings with the same score:
                ArrayListMultimap<Float, String> invSourceWeights = ArrayListMultimap.create();
                for (Map.Entry<String, Double> sourceKeyEl : score.sourceWeights.entrySet()) {
                    invSourceWeights.put((float) (double) sourceKeyEl.getValue(), sourceKeyEl.getKey());
                for (Map.Entry<Float, Collection<String>> invSourceKeyEl : invSourceWeights.asMap().entrySet()) {
                            invSourceKeyEl.getValue().toArray()), invSourceKeyEl.getKey());
            } //TESTED
            if (null != score.typeWeights) {
                // Find all weightings with the same score:
                ArrayListMultimap<Float, String> invTypeWeights = ArrayListMultimap.create();
                for (Map.Entry<String, Double> typeEl : score.typeWeights.entrySet()) {
                    invTypeWeights.put((float) (double) typeEl.getValue(), typeEl.getKey());
                for (Map.Entry<Float, Collection<String>> invTypeEl : invTypeWeights.asMap().entrySet()) {
                    if (null == score.sourceWeights) { // Easy case
                                FilterBuilders.termsFilter(DocumentPojo.mediaType_, invTypeEl.getValue().toArray()),
                    } else { // Need to filter out sources they are matched with higher prio
                        BoolFilterBuilder typesNotSources = FilterBuilders.boolFilter();
                        typesNotSources = typesNotSources

                        manualWeights.add(typesNotSources, invTypeEl.getKey());
            } //TESTED
            if (null != score.tagWeights) {
                // Find all weightings with the same score:
                ArrayListMultimap<Float, String> invTagWeights = ArrayListMultimap.create();
                for (Map.Entry<String, Double> tagEl : score.tagWeights.entrySet()) {
                    invTagWeights.put((float) (double) tagEl.getValue(), tagEl.getKey());
                for (Map.Entry<Float, Collection<String>> invTagEl : invTagWeights.asMap().entrySet()) {
                    if ((null == score.sourceWeights) && (null == score.typeWeights)) { // Easy case
                                FilterBuilders.termsFilter(DocumentPojo.tags_, invTagEl.getValue().toArray()),
                    } else { // need to exclude types or sources
                        BoolFilterBuilder typesNotSources = FilterBuilders.boolFilter();
                        BoolFilterBuilder tagsAndNothingElse = typesNotSources.must(
                                FilterBuilders.termsFilter(DocumentPojo.tags_, invTagEl.getValue().toArray()));
                        if (null != score.sourceWeights) {
                            tagsAndNothingElse = tagsAndNothingElse.mustNot(FilterBuilders
                                    .termsFilter(DocumentPojo.sourceKey_, score.sourceWeights.keySet().toArray()));
                        if (null != score.typeWeights) {
                            tagsAndNothingElse = tagsAndNothingElse.mustNot(FilterBuilders
                                    .termsFilter(DocumentPojo.mediaType_, score.typeWeights.keySet().toArray()));
                        manualWeights.add(tagsAndNothingElse, invTagEl.getKey());
            } //TESTED
            queryObj = manualWeights;
        return queryObj;


    // 3] Output parsing

    // (Aggregation output parsing delegated to processing.AggregationUtils)


    // 4] Query management

    private DBCursor getDocIds(DBCollection docDb, ObjectId[] ids, int nFromServerLimit,
            AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryOutputPojo output, AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo score) {
        DBCursor docdCursor = null;
        try {

            BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
            query.put("_id", new BasicDBObject("$in", ids));
            BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject(DocumentPojo.fullText_, 0); // (used to discard community ids -plus legacy versions-, now need it)
            if (! {
                fields.put(DocumentPojo.metadata_, 0);
            boolean bNotAggEnts = ((output.aggregation == null) || (output.aggregation.entsNumReturn == null)
                    || (output.aggregation.entsNumReturn == 0));
            if (bNotAggEnts && (null != score) && (null != score.sigWeight) && (score.sigWeight > 0.0)) {
                bNotAggEnts = false; // (special case, use agg entities to score docs)
            if (! && bNotAggEnts) {
                fields.put(DocumentPojo.entities_, 0);
            boolean bNotAggEvents = ((output.aggregation == null) || (output.aggregation.eventsNumReturn == null)
                    || (output.aggregation.eventsNumReturn == 0));
            boolean bNotAggFacts = ((output.aggregation == null) || (output.aggregation.factsNumReturn == null)
                    || (output.aggregation.factsNumReturn == 0));
            boolean bNoStandaloneEvents = (null ==
                    || (null == || ( == 0);
            if (! && ! && ! && bNoStandaloneEvents
                    && bNotAggEvents && bNotAggFacts) {
                fields.put(DocumentPojo.associations_, 0);

            //cm = new CollectionManager();
            boolean bPrimary = true;

            if (_replicaSetDistributionRatio > 0) {
                if (0 != (new Date().getTime() % _replicaSetDistributionRatio)) {
                    bPrimary = false;
            if (bPrimary) { // Get from the primary
                docdCursor = docDb.find(query, fields).batchSize(nFromServerLimit);
            } else { // Try and get from the secondary if possible
                docdCursor = docDb.find(query, fields).batchSize(nFromServerLimit)

        } catch (Exception e) {
            // If an exception occurs log the error
            _logger.error("Address Exception Message: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return docdCursor;


    // Utility function: create a populated query object (by defaults if necessary)

    public static AdvancedQueryPojo createQueryPojo(String queryJson) {
        GsonBuilder gb = AdvancedQueryPojo.getDefaultBuilder();
                new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryRawPojo.Deserializer());
        AdvancedQueryPojo query = gb.create().fromJson(queryJson, AdvancedQueryPojo.class);
        // Fill in the blanks (a decent attempt has been made to fill out the blanks inside these options)
        if (null == query.input) {
            query.input = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryInputPojo();
        if (null == query.score) {
            query.score = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo();
        if (null == query.output) {
            query.output = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryOutputPojo();
        if (null == { // (Docs are sufficiently important we'll make sure they're always present)
   = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryOutputPojo.DocumentOutputPojo();
        return query;


    // 5] Unit testing code

    //static private final QueryHandler _test = new QueryHandler(true); 

    private QueryHandler(boolean bTest) {
        _scoringParams = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo();

    private void testParsingCode() {

        // (these are used for logic testing below)
        List<BaseQueryBuilder> qtTerms = new LinkedList<BaseQueryBuilder>();
        List<StringBuffer> qtReadTerms = new LinkedList<StringBuffer>();

        // Various query terms

        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt0 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt0.ftext = "ftext +test";
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt1 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt1.ftext = "ftext";
        qt1.etext = "etext +test";
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt2 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt2.etext = "etext test";
        qt2.entity = "entity:type";

        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        BaseQueryBuilder resJson = null;

        // "logic0":
        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt0, result);
        qtReadTerms.add(new StringBuffer(result.toString()));
        String logic0a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic0b = result.toString();
        String answer0a = "{\"queryString\":\"ftext +test\",\"fuzzyMinSim\":-1.0,\"boost\":-1.0,\"fuzzyPrefixLength\":-1,\"phraseSlop\":-1,\"tieBreaker\":-1.0}";
        String answer0b = "((ftext +test))";
        if (!logic0a.equals(answer0a) || !logic0b.equals(answer0b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 0");

        // "logic1":
        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt1, result);
        qtReadTerms.add(new StringBuffer(result.toString()));
        String logic1a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic1b = result.toString();
        String answer1a = "{\"clauses\":[{\"queryBuilder\":{\"queryString\":\"ftext\",\"fuzzyMinSim\":-1.0,\"boost\":-1.0,\"fuzzyPrefixLength\":-1,\"phraseSlop\":-1,\"tieBreaker\":-1.0},\"occur\":\"MUST\"},{\"queryBuilder\":{\"queryString\":\"etext\\\\ \\\\+test\",\"fuzzyMinSim\":-1.0,\"boost\":-1.0,\"fuzzyPrefixLength\":-1,\"phraseSlop\":-1,\"tieBreaker\":-1.0},\"occur\":\"MUST\"}],\"boost\":-1.0,\"minimumNumberShouldMatch\":-1}";
        String answer1b = "((ftext) AND (etext\\ \\+test))";
        if (!logic1a.equals(answer1a) || !logic1b.equals(answer1b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 1");

        // "logic2":
        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt2, result);
        qtReadTerms.add(new StringBuffer(result.toString()));
        String logic2a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic2b = result.toString();
        String answer2a = "{\"clauses\":[{\"queryBuilder\":{\"queryString\":\"etext\\\\ test\",\"fuzzyMinSim\":-1.0,\"boost\":-1.0,\"fuzzyPrefixLength\":-1,\"phraseSlop\":-1,\"tieBreaker\":-1.0},\"occur\":\"MUST\"},{\"queryBuilder\":{\"name\":\"entities.index\",\"value\":\"entity/type\",\"boost\":-1.0},\"occur\":\"MUST\"}],\"boost\":-1.0,\"minimumNumberShouldMatch\":-1}";
        String answer2b = "((etext\\ test) AND (entities.index:\"entity/type\"))";
        if (!logic2a.equals(answer2a) || !logic2b.equals(answer2b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 2");
        // (NOTE: this will fail .. the code used to have some odd logic to allow the format <entity-containing-/s>:<type>, which i just removed because lots of people want to put :s in the entity type)
        // (entityValue/entityType tested by logic3 below) 

        // Alias expansion (leave this commented out since results depend on current DB - ie check by eye)

        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt3a = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt3a.ftext = "ftext";
        qt3a.etext = "etext";
        qt3a.entity = "barack obama/person";
        qt3a.entityOpt = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.EntityOptionPojo();
        qt3a.entityOpt.expandAlias = true;
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt3b = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt3b.entity = "new york city,new york,united states:city";
        qt3b.entityOpt = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.EntityOptionPojo();
        qt3b.entityOpt.expandAlias = true;
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt3c = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt3c.entity = "entity3/type3";
        qt3c.entityOpt = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.EntityOptionPojo();
        qt3c.entityOpt.expandAlias = false;
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt3d = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt3d.entity = "entity4/type4";
        qt3d.entityOpt = null;
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt3e = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt3e.etext = "etext";
        qt3e.entityValue = "facebook inc"; // no entity type, ie shouldn't request anything  
        qt3e.entityOpt = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.EntityOptionPojo();
        qt3e.entityOpt.expandAlias = true;
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt3f = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt3f.entityValue = "facebook inc";
        qt3f.entityType = "company";
        qt3f.entityOpt = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.EntityOptionPojo();
        qt3f.entityOpt.expandAlias = true;
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt3g = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt3g.ftext = "No entity so should ignore the entityOpt parameters";
        qt3g.entityOpt = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.EntityOptionPojo();
        qt3g.entityOpt.expandAlias = true;
        List<AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo> qtList = Arrays.asList(qt3a, qt3b, qt3c, qt3d, qt3e, qt3f, qt3g);
        this.handleEntityExpansion(null, qtList, null, "4c927585d591d31d7b37097a");

        String sAnswer_3_1 = "[barack obama/person, facebook inc/company, new york city,new york,united states/city]";
        String sResults_3_1 = Arrays.toString(_tmpEntityExpansionList.toArray());
        if (!sAnswer_3_1.equals(sResults_3_1)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 3.1");
        String[] sResults_3_2 = _tmpAliasMap.get("barack obama/person").toArray(new String[0]);
        if (null != sResults_3_2) {
            resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt3a, result);
            String logic3a_1 = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
            String logic3a_2 = result.toString();
            //System.out.println(logic3a_1); System.out.println(logic3a_2);
            if (!logic3a_2.contains("$aliases")) {
                System.out.println("Fail 3.2a");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Fail 3.2a");
        sResults_3_2 = _tmpAliasMap.get("facebook inc/company").toArray(new String[0]);
        if (null != sResults_3_2) {
            resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt3b, result);
            String logic3b_1 = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
            String logic3b_2 = result.toString();
            //System.out.println(logic3b_1); System.out.println(logic3b_2);
            if (!logic3b_2.contains("$aliases")) {
                System.out.println("Fail 3.2b");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Fail 3.2b");
        sResults_3_2 = _tmpAliasMap.get("new york city,new york,united states/city").toArray(new String[0]);
        if (null != sResults_3_2) {
            resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt3f, result);
            String logic3f_1 = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
            String logic3f_2 = result.toString();
            //System.out.println(logic3f_1); System.out.println(logic3f_2);
            if (!logic3f_2.contains("$aliases")) {
                System.out.println("Fail 3.2f");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Fail 3.2f");
        // Just check we don't normally get aliases:
        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt3e, result);
        String logic3e_1 = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic3e_2 = result.toString();
        //System.out.println(logic3e_1); System.out.println(logic3e_2);
        if (logic3e_2.contains("$aliases")) {
            System.out.println("Fail 3.ef");

        //Date debugging:
        _nNow = 1284666757165L; //Thu, 16 Sep 2010 19:52:37 GMT

        // Lots of nasty time cases, sigh
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt5 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt5.entity = "entity/type";
        qt5.time = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo();
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt6 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt6.time = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo();
        qt6.time.min = "1284666757164";
        qt6.time.max = "now";
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt7 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt7.time = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo();
        qt7.time.max = "1284666757164";
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt8 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt8.time = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo();
        qt8.time.min = "02/10/2000";
        qt8.time.max = "02.10.2000";
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt9 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt9.time = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo();
        qt9.time.min = "10 Feb 2000";
        qt9.time.max = "10 Feb 2000 00:00:00";
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt9b = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt9b.time = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo();
        qt9b.time.min = "10 Feb 2000";
        qt9b.time.max = "10 Feb 2000";
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt10 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt10.time = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.TimeTermPojo();
        qt10.time.max = "20000210";

        // "logic5":
        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt5, result);
        String logic5a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic5b = result.toString();
        String answer5a = "{\"clauses\":[{\"queryBuilder\":{\"name\":\"entities.index\",\"value\":\"entity/type\",\"boost\":-1.0},\"occur\":\"MUST\"},{\"queryBuilder\":{\"filterBuilder\":{\"name\":\"publishedDate\",\"from\":0,\"to\":1284666757165,\"includeLower\":true,\"includeUpper\":true},\"boost\":1.0},\"occur\":\"MUST\"}],\"boost\":-1.0,\"minimumNumberShouldMatch\":-1}";
        String answer5b = "((entities.index:\"entity/type\") AND (publishedDate:[0 TO Thu Sep 16 15:52:37 EDT 2010]))";
        if (!logic5a.equals(answer5a) || !logic5b.equals(answer5b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 5");

        // "logic6":
        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt6, result);
        String logic6a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic6b = result.toString();
        String answer6a = "{\"filterBuilder\":{\"name\":\"publishedDate\",\"from\":1284666757164,\"to\":1284666757165,\"includeLower\":true,\"includeUpper\":true},\"boost\":1.0}";
        String answer6b = "((publishedDate:[Thu Sep 16 15:52:37 EDT 2010 TO Thu Sep 16 15:52:37 EDT 2010]))";
        if (!logic6a.equals(answer6a) || !logic6b.equals(answer6b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 6");

        // "logic7"
        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt7, result);
        qtReadTerms.add(new StringBuffer(result.toString()));
        String logic7a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic7b = result.toString();
        String answer7a = "{\"filterBuilder\":{\"name\":\"publishedDate\",\"from\":0,\"to\":1284666757164,\"includeLower\":true,\"includeUpper\":true},\"boost\":1.0}";
        String answer7b = "((publishedDate:[0 TO Thu Sep 16 15:52:37 EDT 2010]))";
        if (!logic7a.equals(answer7a) || !logic7b.equals(answer7b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 7");

        // "logic8"
        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt8, result);
        String logic8a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic8b = result.toString();
        String answer8a = "{\"filterBuilder\":{\"name\":\"publishedDate\",\"from\":950158800000,\"to\":950227199999,\"includeLower\":true,\"includeUpper\":true},\"boost\":1.0}";
        String answer8b = "((publishedDate:[Thu Feb 10 00:00:00 EST 2000 TO Thu Feb 10 18:59:59 EST 2000]))";
        if (!logic8a.equals(answer8a) || !logic8b.equals(answer8b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 8");

        // "logic9" (different to 8 because hour specified)
        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt9, result);
        String logic9a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic9b = result.toString();
        String answer9a = "{\"filterBuilder\":{\"name\":\"publishedDate\",\"from\":950158800000,\"to\":950158800000,\"includeLower\":true,\"includeUpper\":true},\"boost\":1.0}";
        String answer9b = "((publishedDate:[Thu Feb 10 00:00:00 EST 2000 TO Thu Feb 10 00:00:00 EST 2000]))";
        if (!logic9a.equals(answer9a) || !logic9b.equals(answer9b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 9");

        // "logic9b" (answer identical to 8...)
        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt9b, result);
        String logic9ba = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic9bb = result.toString();
        String answer9ba = "{\"filterBuilder\":{\"name\":\"publishedDate\",\"from\":950158800000,\"to\":950227199999,\"includeLower\":true,\"includeUpper\":true},\"boost\":1.0}";
        String answer9bb = "((publishedDate:[Thu Feb 10 00:00:00 EST 2000 TO Thu Feb 10 18:59:59 EST 2000]))";
        if (!logic9ba.equals(answer9ba) || !logic9bb.equals(answer9bb)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 9b");

        // "logic10" 
        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt10, result);
        String logic10a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic10b = result.toString();
        String answer10a = "{\"filterBuilder\":{\"name\":\"publishedDate\",\"from\":0,\"to\":950227199999,\"includeLower\":true,\"includeUpper\":true},\"boost\":1.0}";
        String answer10b = "((publishedDate:[0 TO Thu Feb 10 18:59:59 EST 2000]))";
        if (!logic10a.equals(answer10a) || !logic10b.equals(answer10b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 10");

        // GEO test cases:
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt11 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt11.geo = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.GeoTermPojo();
        qt11.geo.centerll = "40.12,-71.34";
        qt11.geo.dist = "100km";
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt12 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt12.geo = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.GeoTermPojo();
        qt12.geo.centerll = "(4.1,-171.34)";
        qt12.geo.dist = "100";

        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt13 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt13.geo = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.GeoTermPojo();
        qt13.geo.minll = "(4.1,-171.34)";
        qt13.geo.maxll = "40.12,-71.34";

        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo qt14 = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo();
        qt14.geo = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryTermPojo.GeoTermPojo();
        qt14.geo.minll = "4.1,-171.34";
        qt14.geo.maxll = "(40.12,-71.34)";

        // "logic11"

        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt11, result);
        qtReadTerms.add(new StringBuffer(result.toString()));
        String logic11a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic11b = result.toString();
        String answer11a = "{\"filterBuilder\":{\"name\":\"locs\",\"distance\":\"100km\",\"lat\":40.12,\"lon\":-71.34},\"boost\":1.0}";
        String answer11b = "((dist(*.geotag, (40.12,-71.34)) < 100km))";
        if (!logic11a.equals(answer11a) || !logic11b.equals(answer11b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 11");

        // "logic12"

        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt12, result);
        String logic12a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic12b = result.toString();
        String answer12a = "{\"filterBuilder\":{\"name\":\"locs\",\"distance\":\"100.0km\",\"lat\":4.1,\"lon\":-171.34},\"boost\":1.0}";
        String answer12b = "((dist(*.geotag, (4.1,-171.34)) < 100))";
        if (!logic12a.equals(answer12a) || !logic12b.equals(answer12b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 12");

        // "logic13"

        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt13, result);
        String logic13a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic13b = result.toString();
        String answer13a = "{\"filterBuilder\":{\"name\":\"locs\",\"topLeft\":{\"lat\":40.12,\"lon\":-171.34},\"bottomRight\":{\"lat\":4.1,\"lon\":-71.34}},\"boost\":1.0}";
        String answer13b = "((*.geotag: [(4.1,-171.34), (40.12,-71.34)]))";
        if (!logic13a.equals(answer13a) || !logic13b.equals(answer13b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 13");

        // "logic14"

        resJson = this.parseQueryTerm(qt14, result);
        String logic14a = new Gson().toJson(resJson);
        String logic14b = result.toString();
        String answer14a = "{\"filterBuilder\":{\"name\":\"locs\",\"topLeft\":{\"lat\":40.12,\"lon\":-171.34},\"bottomRight\":{\"lat\":4.1,\"lon\":-71.34}},\"boost\":1.0}";
        String answer14b = "((*.geotag: [(4.1,-171.34), (40.12,-71.34)]))";
        if (!logic14a.equals(answer14a) || !logic14b.equals(answer14b)) {
            System.out.println("Fail 14");

        // Logic test code   

        // (saved 5 terms in the qtTerms and qtReadTerms: 0,1,2,7,11)

        String parser1 = "1 and 2 AND 3";
        SimpleBooleanParser.SimpleBooleanParserMTree tree = SimpleBooleanParser.parseExpression(parser1);
        String parserres = SimpleBooleanParser.traverse(tree, false);
        String parserans = "$0: & (3 2 1 ) ";
        if (!parserans.equals(parserres)) {
            System.out.println("Fail p1");
        BoolQueryBuilder bq = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
        this.parseLogicRecursive(tree, bq, qtTerms.toArray(new BaseQueryBuilder[6]),
                qtReadTerms.toArray(new StringBuffer[6]), result);
        String parseransQ = "((etext\\ test) AND (entities.index:\"entity/type\")) and ((ftext) AND (etext\\ \\+test)) and ((ftext +test))";
        if (!parseransQ.equals(result.toString())) {
            System.out.println("Fail p1");

        String parser2 = "1 or 2 and 3 or 4";
        tree = SimpleBooleanParser.parseExpression(parser2);
        parserres = SimpleBooleanParser.traverse(tree, false);
        parserans = "$0: | ($1 1 ) $1: | (4 $2 ) $2: & (3 2 ) ";
        if (!parserans.equals(parserres)) {
            System.out.println("Fail p2");
        bq = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
        this.parseLogicRecursive(tree, bq, qtTerms.toArray(new BaseQueryBuilder[6]),
                qtReadTerms.toArray(new StringBuffer[6]), result);
        parseransQ = "(((publishedDate:[0 TO Thu Sep 16 15:52:37 EDT 2010])) or (((etext\\ test) AND (entities.index:\"entity/type\")) and ((ftext) AND (etext\\ \\+test)))) or ((ftext +test))";
        if (!parseransQ.equals(result.toString())) {
            System.out.println("Fail p2");

        String parser3 = "(1 or 2) and 3 or 4";
        tree = SimpleBooleanParser.parseExpression(parser3);
        parserres = SimpleBooleanParser.traverse(tree, false);
        parserans = "$0: | (4 $1 ) $1: & (3 $2 ) $2: | (2 1 ) ";
        if (!parserans.equals(parserres)) {
            System.out.println("Fail p3");
        bq = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
        this.parseLogicRecursive(tree, bq, qtTerms.toArray(new BaseQueryBuilder[6]),
                qtReadTerms.toArray(new StringBuffer[6]), result);
        parseransQ = "((publishedDate:[0 TO Thu Sep 16 15:52:37 EDT 2010])) or (((etext\\ test) AND (entities.index:\"entity/type\")) and (((ftext) AND (etext\\ \\+test)) or ((ftext +test))))";
        if (!parseransQ.equals(result.toString())) {
            System.out.println("Fail p3");

        String parser4 = "1 or 2 and (3 or 4)";
        tree = SimpleBooleanParser.parseExpression(parser4);
        parserres = SimpleBooleanParser.traverse(tree, false);
        parserans = "$0: | ($1 1 ) $1: & ($2 2 ) $2: | (4 3 ) ";
        if (!parserans.equals(parserres)) {
            System.out.println("Fail p4");
        bq = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
        this.parseLogicRecursive(tree, bq, qtTerms.toArray(new BaseQueryBuilder[6]),
                qtReadTerms.toArray(new StringBuffer[6]), result);
        parseransQ = "((((publishedDate:[0 TO Thu Sep 16 15:52:37 EDT 2010])) or ((etext\\ test) AND (entities.index:\"entity/type\"))) and ((ftext) AND (etext\\ \\+test))) or ((ftext +test))";
        if (!parseransQ.equals(result.toString())) {
            System.out.println("Fail p4");

        String parser5 = "1 or not 2 and not (3 or 4)";
        tree = SimpleBooleanParser.parseExpression(parser5);
        parserres = SimpleBooleanParser.traverse(tree, false);
        parserans = "$0: | ($1 1 ) $1: & ($2 -2 ) $2: -| (4 3 ) ";
        if (!parserans.equals(parserres)) {
            System.out.println("Fail p5");
        bq = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
        this.parseLogicRecursive(tree, bq, qtTerms.toArray(new BaseQueryBuilder[6]),
                qtReadTerms.toArray(new StringBuffer[6]), result);
        parseransQ = "(not (((publishedDate:[0 TO Thu Sep 16 15:52:37 EDT 2010])) or ((etext\\ test) AND (entities.index:\"entity/type\"))) and not ((ftext) AND (etext\\ \\+test))) or ((ftext +test))";
        if (!parseransQ.equals(result.toString())) {
            System.out.println("Fail p5");

        String parser6 = "not (1 or (2 and (3 or 4) and 5))";
        tree = SimpleBooleanParser.parseExpression(parser6);
        parserres = SimpleBooleanParser.traverse(tree, false);
        parserans = "$0: & ($1 ) $1: -| ($2 1 ) $2: & (5 $3 2 ) $3: | (4 3 ) ";
        if (!parserans.equals(parserres)) {
            System.out.println("Fail p6");
        bq = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
        this.parseLogicRecursive(tree, bq, qtTerms.toArray(new BaseQueryBuilder[6]),
                qtReadTerms.toArray(new StringBuffer[6]), result);
        parseransQ = "not ((((dist(*.geotag, (40.12,-71.34)) < 100km)) and (((publishedDate:[0 TO Thu Sep 16 15:52:37 EDT 2010])) or ((etext\\ test) AND (entities.index:\"entity/type\"))) and ((ftext) AND (etext\\ \\+test))) or ((ftext +test)))";
        if (!parseransQ.equals(result.toString())) {
            System.out.println("Fail p6");

        String parser7 = "not (1 or (2 and (3 or 4) or 5))";
        tree = SimpleBooleanParser.parseExpression(parser7);
        parserres = SimpleBooleanParser.traverse(tree, false);
        parserans = "$0: & ($1 ) $1: -| ($2 1 ) $2: | (5 $3 ) $3: & ($4 2 ) $4: | (4 3 ) ";
        if (!parserans.equals(parserres)) {
            System.out.println("Fail p7");
        bq = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
        this.parseLogicRecursive(tree, bq, qtTerms.toArray(new BaseQueryBuilder[6]),
                qtReadTerms.toArray(new StringBuffer[6]), result);
        parseransQ = "not ((((dist(*.geotag, (40.12,-71.34)) < 100km)) or ((((publishedDate:[0 TO Thu Sep 16 15:52:37 EDT 2010])) or ((etext\\ test) AND (entities.index:\"entity/type\"))) and ((ftext) AND (etext\\ \\+test)))) or ((ftext +test)))";
        if (!parseransQ.equals(result.toString())) {
            System.out.println("Fail p7");

        // Pure parsing tests:

        String parser8 = "( 1 OR 2 ) OR ( 3 OR 4 ) AND 5";
        tree = SimpleBooleanParser.parseExpression(parser8);
        parserres = SimpleBooleanParser.traverse(tree, false);
        parserans = "$0: | ($1 $2 ) $2: | (2 1 ) $1: & (5 $3 ) $3: | (4 3 ) ";
        if (!parserans.equals(parserres)) {
            System.out.println("Fail p8");

        String parser9 = "(( 1 OR 2 ) OR ( 3 OR 4 )) AND 5";
        tree = SimpleBooleanParser.parseExpression(parser9);
        parserres = SimpleBooleanParser.traverse(tree, false);
        parserans = "$0: & (5 $1 ) $1: | ($2 $3 ) $3: | (2 1 ) $2: | (4 3 ) ";
        if (!parserans.equals(parserres)) {
            System.out.println("Fail p9");

        // Some proximity test code

        // First off, check out the distance code
        Double d1 = getDistance("1000");
        if (d1 != 1000.0) {
            System.out.println("1000 vs " + d1);
        d1 = getDistance("10000m");
        if (d1 != 10000 * 1.150779) {
            System.out.println("1000m vs " + d1);
        d1 = getDistance("1000mi");
        if (d1 != 1000 * 1.150779) {
            System.out.println("1000mi vs " + d1);
        d1 = getDistance("1000km");
        if (d1 != 1000.0) {
            System.out.println("1000km vs " + d1);
        d1 = getDistance("1000nm");
        if (d1 != 1000.0 * 1.852) {
            System.out.println("1000nm vs " + d1);

        // Then interval test code
        Long l1 = getInterval("month", 'x');
        if (2592000000L != l1) {
            System.out.println("month vs " + l1);
        l1 = getInterval("1", 'd'); // (day)
        if (86400000L != l1) {
            System.out.println("1d vs " + l1);
        l1 = getInterval("10", 'm'); // (month)
        if (25920000000L != l1) {
            System.out.println("10m vs " + l1);
        l1 = getInterval("1", 'y'); // (year)
        if (31536000000L != l1) {
            System.out.println("1y vs " + l1);

        // OK this is the difficult bit:
        AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo scoreParams = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo();
        // Can't unit test this properly, so just rely on the "TEST CODE"
        addProximityBasedScoring(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery(), null, scoreParams, null, false);

        // Geo only:
        scoreParams.geoProx = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo.GeoProxTermPojo();
        scoreParams.geoProx.ll = "10.0,20.0";
        scoreParams.geoProx.decay = "100km";
        addProximityBasedScoring(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery(), null, scoreParams, null, false);

        // Geo+time:
        scoreParams.geoProx.ll = "(10.0,20.0)"; // (double check this version works)
        scoreParams.geoProx.decay = "1000nm";
        scoreParams.timeProx = new AdvancedQueryPojo.QueryScorePojo.TimeProxTermPojo();
        scoreParams.timeProx.decay = "month";
        scoreParams.timeProx.time = "2000-01-01";
        addProximityBasedScoring(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery(), null, scoreParams, null, false);

        // Time only:
        scoreParams.geoProx = null;
        scoreParams.timeProx.decay = "1m";
        addProximityBasedScoring(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery(), null, scoreParams, null, false);

    public enum GeoParseField {
        ALL, ASSOC, DOC, ENT;
