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 * Copyright 2015, The IKANOW Open Source Project.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.ikanow.aleph2.shared.crud.mongodb.utils;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;

import org.mongojack.internal.MongoJackModule;
import org.mongojack.internal.object.BsonObjectGenerator;

import scala.Tuple2;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.BeanTemplateUtils.BeanTemplate;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.CrudUtils.UpdateOperator;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.BeanTemplateUtils;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Patterns;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Tuples;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.CrudUtils.MultiQueryComponent;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.CrudUtils.Operator;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.CrudUtils.QueryComponent;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.CrudUtils.SingleQueryComponent;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.CrudUtils.UpdateComponent;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.QueryBuilder;

/** Utilities for converting from generic CRUD commands to MongoDB
 * @author acp
public class MongoDbUtils {



    /** Top-level entry point to convert a generic Aleph2 CRUD component into a function MongoDB query
     * @param query_in the generic query component
     * @return a tuple2, first element is the query, second element contains the meta ("$skip", "$limit")
    public static <T> Tuple2<DBObject, DBObject> convertToMongoQuery(final QueryComponent<T> query_in) {

        final String andVsOr = getOperatorName(query_in.getOp());

        final DBObject query_out = Patterns.match(query_in).<DBObject>andReturn()
                .when((Class<SingleQueryComponent<T>>) (Class<?>) SingleQueryComponent.class,
                        q -> convertToMongoQuery_single(andVsOr, q))
                .when((Class<MultiQueryComponent<T>>) (Class<?>) MultiQueryComponent.class,
                        q -> convertToMongoQuery_multi(andVsOr, q))
                .otherwise(() -> (DBObject) new BasicDBObject());

        // Meta commands

        final BasicDBObject meta = new BasicDBObject();

        if (null != query_in.getLimit())
            meta.put("$limit", query_in.getLimit());
        final BasicDBObject sort = Patterns.match(query_in.getOrderBy()).<BasicDBObject>andReturn()
                .when(l -> l == null, l -> null).otherwise(l -> {
                    BasicDBObject s = new BasicDBObject();
           -> s.put(field_order._1(), field_order._2()));
                    return s;
        if (null != sort)
            meta.put("$sort", sort);

        return Tuples._2T(query_out, meta);


    // UTILS

    /** Creates the MongoDB clause from the QueryComponent inner object
     * @param field - the field used in the clause
     * @param operator_args - an operator enum and a pair of objects whose context depends on the operator
     * @return the MongoDB clause
    protected static BasicDBObject operatorToMongoKey(final String field,
            final Tuple2<Operator, Tuple2<Object, Object>> operator_args) {
        return Patterns.match(operator_args).<BasicDBObject>andReturn()
                .when(op_args -> Operator.exists == op_args._1(),
                        op_args -> new BasicDBObject(field, new BasicDBObject("$exists", op_args._2()._1())))

                .when(op_args -> (Operator.any_of == op_args._1()),
                        op_args -> new BasicDBObject(field, new BasicDBObject("$in", op_args._2()._1())))
                .when(op_args -> (Operator.all_of == op_args._1()),
                        op_args -> new BasicDBObject(field, new BasicDBObject("$all", op_args._2()._1())))

                .when(op_args -> (Operator.equals == op_args._1()) && (null != op_args._2()._2()),
                        op_args -> new BasicDBObject(field, new BasicDBObject("$ne", op_args._2()._2())))
                .when(op_args -> (Operator.equals == op_args._1()),
                        op_args -> new BasicDBObject(field, op_args._2()._1()))

                .when(op_args -> Operator.range_open_open == op_args._1(), op_args -> {
                    QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilder.start(field);
                    if (null != op_args._2()._1())
                        qb = qb.greaterThan(op_args._2()._1());
                    if (null != op_args._2()._2())
                        qb = qb.lessThan(op_args._2()._2());
                    return (BasicDBObject) qb.get();
                }).when(op_args -> Operator.range_open_closed == op_args._1(), op_args -> {
                    QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilder.start(field);
                    if (null != op_args._2()._1())
                        qb = qb.greaterThan(op_args._2()._1());
                    if (null != op_args._2()._2())
                        qb = qb.lessThanEquals(op_args._2()._2());
                    return (BasicDBObject) qb.get();
                }).when(op_args -> Operator.range_closed_closed == op_args._1(), op_args -> {
                    QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilder.start(field);
                    if (null != op_args._2()._1())
                        qb = qb.greaterThanEquals(op_args._2()._1());
                    if (null != op_args._2()._2())
                        qb = qb.lessThanEquals(op_args._2()._2());
                    return (BasicDBObject) qb.get();
                }).when(op_args -> Operator.range_closed_open == op_args._1(), op_args -> {
                    QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilder.start(field);
                    if (null != op_args._2()._1())
                        qb = qb.greaterThanEquals(op_args._2()._1());
                    if (null != op_args._2()._2())
                        qb = qb.lessThan(op_args._2()._2());
                    return (BasicDBObject) qb.get();
                }).otherwise(op_args -> new BasicDBObject());

    /** Top-level "is this query ANDing terms or ORing them"
     * @param op_in - the operator enum
     * @return - the mongodb operator
    protected static String getOperatorName(final Operator op_in) {
        return Patterns.match(op_in).<String>andReturn().when(op -> Operator.any_of == op, op -> "$or")
                .when(op -> Operator.all_of == op, op -> "$and").otherwise(op -> "$and");

    /** Creates a big $and/$or list of the list of "multi query components"
     * @param andVsOr - top level MongoDB operator
     * @param query_in - a multi query
     * @return the MongoDB query object (no meta - that is added above)
    protected static <T> DBObject convertToMongoQuery_multi(final String andVsOr,
            final MultiQueryComponent<T> query_in) {

        return Patterns.match(query_in.getElements()).<DBObject>andReturn()
                .when(f -> f.isEmpty(), f -> new BasicDBObject())
                .otherwise(f ->, (acc, entry) -> {
                                    e -> acc.add(convertToMongoQuery_single(getOperatorName(e.getOp()), e)))
                                    e -> acc.add(convertToMongoQuery_multi(
                                            getOperatorName(((MultiQueryComponent<?>) e).getOp()),
                                            (MultiQueryComponent<?>) e)));
                    //(at various other points in the code, oraclej has complained about this though ecj is happy, so just added these casts for safety)
                }, (a, b) -> {
                    return a;
                }, acc -> (DBObject) new BasicDBObject(andVsOr, acc), Characteristics.UNORDERED)));

    /** Remove enums (convert to strings) before putting anything in a DBObject
     * @param in
     * @return
    protected static Tuple2<Object, Object> removeEnums(final Tuple2<Object, Object> in) {
        if (in._1() instanceof Enum && in._2() instanceof Enum)
            return Tuples._2T(in._1().toString(), in._2().toString());
        else if (in._1() instanceof Enum)
            return Tuples._2T(in._1().toString(), in._2());
        else if (in._2() instanceof Enum)
            return Tuples._2T(in._1(), in._2().toString());
            return in;

    /** Creates a big $and/$or list of the list of fields in the single query component
     * @param andVsOr - top level MongoDB operator
     * @param query_in - a single query (ie set of fields)
     * @return the MongoDB query object (no meta - that is added above)
    protected static <T> DBObject convertToMongoQuery_single(final String andVsOr,
            final SingleQueryComponent<T> query_in) {
        final LinkedHashMultimap<String, Tuple2<Operator, Tuple2<Object, Object>>> fields = query_in.getAll();

        // The actual query:

        return Patterns.match(fields).<DBObject>andReturn().when(f -> f.isEmpty(), f -> new BasicDBObject())
                .otherwise(f -> f.asMap().entrySet().stream()
                        .<Tuple2<String, Tuple2<Operator, Tuple2<Object, Object>>>>flatMap(
                                entry -> entry.getValue().stream()
                                        .map(val -> Tuples._2T(entry.getKey(),
                                                Tuples._2T(val._1(), removeEnums(val._2())))))
                        .collect(Collector.of(BasicDBObject::new, (acc, entry) -> {
                            Patterns.match(acc.get(andVsOr)).andAct().when(l -> (null == l), l -> {
                                BasicDBList dbl = new BasicDBList();
                                dbl.add(operatorToMongoKey(entry._1(), entry._2()));
                                acc.put(andVsOr, dbl);
                            }).when(BasicDBList.class, l -> l.add(operatorToMongoKey(entry._1(), entry._2())))
                                    .otherwise(() -> {
                        }, (a, b) -> {
                            return a;
                        }, Characteristics.UNORDERED)));


    /** Create a DB object from a bean template
     * @param bean_template
     * @return
     * @throws IOException 
     * @throws JsonMappingException 
     * @throws JsonGenerationException 
    public static DBObject convertBeanTemplate(BeanTemplate<Object> bean_template, ObjectMapper object_mapper) {
        try {
            final BsonObjectGenerator generator = new BsonObjectGenerator();
            object_mapper.writeValue(generator, bean_template.get());
            return generator.getDBObject();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    /** Create a DB object from a JsonNode
     * @param bean_template
     * @return
     * @throws IOException 
     * @throws JsonMappingException 
     * @throws JsonGenerationException 
    public static DBObject convertJsonBean(JsonNode json, ObjectMapper object_mapper) {
        try {
            final BsonObjectGenerator generator = new BsonObjectGenerator();
            object_mapper.writeTree(generator, json);
            return generator.getDBObject();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    /** Create a MongoDB update object
     * @param update - the generic specification
     * @param add increments numbers or adds to sets/lists
     * @param remove decrements numbers of removes from sets/lists
     * @return the mongodb object
     * @throws IOException 
     * @throws JsonMappingException 
     * @throws JsonGenerationException 
    public static <O> DBObject createUpdateObject(final UpdateComponent<O> update) {
        final ObjectMapper object_mapper = MongoJackModule

        return update.getAll().entries().stream()
                .map(kv -> Patterns
                        .match(kv.getValue()._2()).<Map.Entry<String, Tuple2<UpdateOperator, Object>>>andReturn()
                        // Special case, handle bean template
                        .when(e -> null == e, __ -> kv)
                        .when(e -> e instanceof Enum,
                                e -> Maps.immutableEntry(kv.getKey(), Tuples._2T(kv.getValue()._1(), e.toString())))
                                j -> Maps.immutableEntry(kv.getKey(),
                                        Tuples._2T(kv.getValue()._1(), convertJsonBean(j, object_mapper))))
                                e -> Maps.immutableEntry(kv.getKey(),
                                        Tuples._2T(kv.getValue()._1(), convertBeanTemplate(e, object_mapper))))
                        // Special case, handle list of bean templates
                        .when(Collection.class, l -> !l.isEmpty() && (l.iterator().next() instanceof JsonNode),
                                l -> Maps.immutableEntry(kv.getKey(),
                                       -> convertJsonBean((JsonNode) j, object_mapper))
                        .when(Collection.class, l -> !l.isEmpty() && (l.iterator().next() instanceof BeanTemplate),
                                l -> Maps.immutableEntry(kv.getKey(), Tuples._2T(kv.getValue()._1(),
                                        .map(e -> convertBeanTemplate((BeanTemplate<Object>) e, object_mapper))
                        .otherwise(() -> kv))
                .collect(Collector.of(BasicDBObject::new, (acc, kv) -> {
                            // Delete operator, bunch of things have to happen for safety
                            .when(o -> ((UpdateOperator.unset == kv.getValue()._1()) && kv.getKey().isEmpty()
                                    && (null == kv.getValue()._2())), o -> acc.put("$unset", null))
                            .when(Number.class, n -> (UpdateOperator.increment == kv.getValue()._1()),
                                    n -> nestedPut(acc, "$inc", kv.getKey(), n))
                            // Set
                            .when(o -> (UpdateOperator.set == kv.getValue()._1()),
                                    o -> nestedPut(acc, "$set", kv.getKey(), o))
                            // Unset
                            .when(o -> (UpdateOperator.unset == kv.getValue()._1()),
                                    o -> nestedPut(acc, "$unset", kv.getKey(), 1))
                            // Add items/item to list
                            .when(Collection.class, c -> (UpdateOperator.add == kv.getValue()._1()),
                                    c -> nestedPut(acc, "$push", kv.getKey(), new BasicDBObject("$each", c)))
                            .when(o -> (UpdateOperator.add == kv.getValue()._1()),
                                    o -> nestedPut(acc, "$push", kv.getKey(), o))
                            // Add item/items to set
                            .when(Collection.class, c -> (UpdateOperator.add_deduplicate == kv.getValue()._1()),
                                    c -> nestedPut(acc, "$addToSet", kv.getKey(), new BasicDBObject("$each", c)))
                            .when(o -> (UpdateOperator.add_deduplicate == kv.getValue()._1()),
                                    o -> nestedPut(acc, "$addToSet", kv.getKey(), o))
                            // Remove items from list by query
                            .when(QueryComponent.class, q -> (UpdateOperator.remove == kv.getValue()._1()),
                                    q -> nestedPut(acc, "$pull", kv.getKey(), convertToMongoQuery(q)._1()))
                            // Remove items/item from list
                            .when(Collection.class, c -> (UpdateOperator.remove == kv.getValue()._1()),
                                    c -> nestedPut(acc, "$pullAll", kv.getKey(), c))
                            .when(o -> (UpdateOperator.remove == kv.getValue()._1()),
                                    o -> nestedPut(acc, "$pullAll", kv.getKey(), Arrays.asList(o)))
                            .otherwise(() -> {
                            }); // (do nothing)
                }, (a, b) -> {
                    return a;
                }, Characteristics.UNORDERED));

    /** Inserts an object into field1.field2, creating objects along the way
     * @param mutable the mutable object into which the the nested field is inserted
     * @param parent the top level fieldname
     * @param nested the nested fieldname 
     * @param to_insert the object to insert
    protected static void nestedPut(final BasicDBObject mutable, final String parent, final String nested,
            final Object to_insert) {
        final DBObject dbo = (DBObject) mutable.get(parent);
        if (null != dbo) {
            dbo.put(nested, to_insert);
        } else {
            BasicDBObject new_dbo = new BasicDBObject();
            new_dbo.put(nested, to_insert);
            mutable.put(parent, new_dbo);