Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2016, The IKANOW Open Source Project. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.utils; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import scala.Tuple3; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode; import; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.shared_services.ISecurityService; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.data_import.DataBucketBean; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.data_import.DataSchemaBean; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.shared.GlobalPropertiesBean; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.BeanTemplateUtils; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.BucketUtils; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.ErrorUtils; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Lambdas; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Optionals; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Patterns; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Tuples; import com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.data_model.ElasticsearchHiveOverrideBean; import com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.data_model.ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean; import com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.data_model.ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean.SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean; import com.ikanow.aleph2.search_service.elasticsearch.data_model.ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean.SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean.CollidePolicy; import com.ikanow.aleph2.shared.crud.elasticsearch.data_model.ElasticsearchContext; import; /** Utilities for managing the connection to the Hive metastore * @author Alex */ public class ElasticsearchHiveUtils { final static protected ObjectMapper _mapper = BeanTemplateUtils.configureMapper(Optional.empty()); public final static String MAIN_TABLE_NAME = "main_table"; // Error strings public final static String ERROR_INVALID_MAIN_TABLE = "Main table missing from bucket {0}"; public final static String ERROR_AUTO_SCHEMA_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED = "Currently the schema must be specified manually (bucket {0} table {1})"; public final static String ERROR_SQL_QUERY_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED = "Currently SQL queries not specified as part of the main table (bucket {0})"; public final static String ERROR_INVALID_MAIN_TABLE_FIELD = "Can't specify field {1} in main table of bucket {0}"; public final static String ERROR_NO_VIEWS_ALLOWED_YET = "Currently views cannot be specified (bucket {0})"; public final static String ERROR_SCHEMA_ERROR = "In bucket {0} table {1}, schema error = {2}"; public final static String ERROR_HIVE_NOT_CONFIGURED = "Hive not installed on this system - contact your system administrator to add hive-site to Aleph2 yarn-config directory"; private static final Set<String> _allowed_types = ImmutableSet.<String>of("TINYINT", "SMALLINT", "INT", "BIGINT", "BOOLEAN", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE", "STRING", "BINARY", "TIMESTAMP", "DECIMAL", "DATE", "VARCHAR", "CHAR"); /** Basic validation of the data warehouse schema * @param schema * @param bucket * @param security_service * @return */ public static List<String> validateSchema(final DataSchemaBean.DataWarehouseSchemaBean schema, final DataBucketBean bucket, Optional<Client> maybe_client, ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean config, final ISecurityService security_service) { final LinkedList<String> mutable_errs = new LinkedList<>(); if (Optional.ofNullable(schema.enabled()).orElse(true)) { if (null == schema.main_table()) { mutable_errs.add(ErrorUtils.get(ERROR_INVALID_MAIN_TABLE, bucket.full_name())); } else { // Currently: auto schema not supported if (Optional.ofNullable(schema.main_table().table_format()).orElse(Collections.emptyMap()) .isEmpty()) { mutable_errs.add(ErrorUtils.get(ERROR_AUTO_SCHEMA_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED, bucket.full_name(), MAIN_TABLE_NAME)); } else { // check the schema is well formed final Validation<String, String> schema_str = generateFullHiveSchema(Optional.empty(), bucket, schema, maybe_client, config); schema_str.validation( fail -> mutable_errs.add( ErrorUtils.get(ERROR_SCHEMA_ERROR, bucket.full_name(), MAIN_TABLE_NAME, fail)), success -> true); } // Currently: sql query not supported if (Optional.ofNullable(schema.main_table().sql_query()).isPresent()) { mutable_errs.add(ErrorUtils.get(ERROR_SQL_QUERY_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED, bucket.full_name())); } // Can't specify view name for main table if (Optional.ofNullable(schema.main_table().view_name()).isPresent()) { mutable_errs .add(ErrorUtils.get(ERROR_INVALID_MAIN_TABLE_FIELD, bucket.full_name(), "view_name")); } } // Currently: no views allowed if (!Optionals.ofNullable(schema.views()).isEmpty()) { mutable_errs.add(ErrorUtils.get(ERROR_NO_VIEWS_ALLOWED_YET, bucket.full_name())); } //TODO (ALEPH-17): need permission to specify table name (wait for security service API to calm down) } return mutable_errs; } public final static String getTableName(final DataBucketBean bucket, final DataSchemaBean.DataWarehouseSchemaBean schema) { return Optional.ofNullable(schema.main_table().database_name()).map(s -> s + ".").orElse("") + Optional.ofNullable(schema.main_table().name_override()) .orElseGet(() -> BucketUtils.getUniqueSignature(bucket.full_name(), Optional.empty())); } /** Generates the command to drop a table to enable it to be updated * @param bucket * @param schema * @return */ public final static String deleteHiveSchema(final DataBucketBean bucket, final DataSchemaBean.DataWarehouseSchemaBean schema) { return ErrorUtils.get("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {0}", getTableName(bucket, schema)); } /** Handles the prefix and suffix of the full hive schema * * @param table_name - if empty then "main_table" * @param bucket * @param schema * @param partial_hive_schema * @return */ public static Validation<String, String> generateFullHiveSchema(final Optional<String> table_name, final DataBucketBean bucket, final DataSchemaBean.DataWarehouseSchemaBean schema, Optional<Client> maybe_client, ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean config) { // (ignore views for the moment) final String prefix = ErrorUtils.get("CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE {0} ", getTableName(bucket, schema)); final DataSchemaBean.DataWarehouseSchemaBean.Table table = table_name.flatMap(t -> Optionals .ofNullable(schema.views()).stream().filter(v -> t.equals(v.database_name())).findFirst()) .orElse(schema.main_table()); final JsonNode user_schema = _mapper.convertValue(table.table_format(), JsonNode.class); final Validation<String, String> partial_table = generatePartialHiveSchema(prefix, user_schema, true); // (for the main table, just going to be the full alias - for views will need to be cleverer) final String index = Optionals .of(() -> bucket.data_schema().search_index_schema().technology_override_schema() .get(SearchIndexSchemaDefaultBean.index_name_override_).toString()) .orElseGet(() -> "r__" + BucketUtils.getUniqueSignature(bucket.full_name(), Optional.empty())); final Optional<ElasticsearchHiveOverrideBean> maybe_override = Optionals .of(() -> schema.technology_override_schema()) .map(m -> BeanTemplateUtils.from(m, ElasticsearchHiveOverrideBean.class).get()); // OK all this horrible code is intended to sort out the list of types to apply in the hive query final Optional<ElasticsearchHiveOverrideBean.TableOverride> table_override = maybe_override .map(cfg -> cfg.table_overrides().get(table_name.orElse(MAIN_TABLE_NAME))); final Optional<Set<String>> user_type_overrides = -> t.types()) .filter(l -> !l.isEmpty()).map(l -> new TreeSet<String>(l)); final Set<String> mutable_type_set = user_type_overrides.orElseGet(() -> { return new TreeSet<String>( -> ElasticsearchIndexUtils.getTypesForIndex(client, index).values()) .orElse(Collections.emptySet())); }); final ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean schema_config = ElasticsearchIndexConfigUtils .buildConfigBeanFromSchema(bucket, config, _mapper); final CollidePolicy collide_policy = Optionals .of(() -> schema_config.search_technology_override().collide_policy()) .orElse(CollidePolicy.new_type); Optionals.of(() -> schema_config.search_technology_override().type_name_or_prefix()).map(Optional::of) .orElseGet(() -> Optional.of((collide_policy == CollidePolicy.new_type) ? ElasticsearchContext.TypeContext.ReadWriteTypeContext.AutoRwTypeContext.DEFAULT_PREFIX : ElasticsearchIndexServiceConfigBean.DEFAULT_FIXED_TYPE_NAME)) .ifPresent(type_or_prefix -> { if (!user_type_overrides.isPresent()) { // leave alone if manually specified if (collide_policy == CollidePolicy.new_type) { // add a few types //TODO (ALEPH-17): need to make this get auto populated as new types are added, see the ALEPH-17 comment in ElasticsearchIndexService if (mutable_type_set.size() < 10) { IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10).boxed().map(i -> type_or_prefix + i.toString()) .forEach(type -> mutable_type_set.add(type)); } } else { // OK in this case just make sure the default type is represented mutable_type_set.add(type_or_prefix); } } }); final String suffix = Optional.of(" STORED BY 'org.elasticsearch.hadoop.hive.EsStorageHandler' ") .map(s -> s + ErrorUtils.get( "TBLPROPERTIES('''' = ''false'', ''es.resource'' = ''{0}/{1}''", index,",")))) .map(s -> -> t.name_mappings()).filter(m -> !m.isEmpty()) .map(m -> s + ", 'es.mapping.names' = '" + m.entrySet().stream().map(kv -> kv.getKey() + ":" + kv.getValue()) .collect(Collectors.joining(",")) + "'") .orElse(s)) .map(s -> table_override .flatMap(t -> Optional.ofNullable(t.url_query()).map(ss -> "?" + ss).map(Optional::of) .orElseGet(() -> Optional.ofNullable(t.json_query()) .map(jq -> _mapper.convertValue(jq, JsonNode.class).toString()))) .map(ss -> s + ", 'es.query' = '" + ss + "'").orElse(s)) .map(s -> s + ") ").get(); return -> s + suffix); } /** Creates the partial hive schema from the data warehouse schema bean * * @param prefix_string * @param structure * @return */ public static Validation<String, String> generatePartialHiveSchema(final String prefix_string, final JsonNode structure, final boolean top_level) { return Patterns.match(structure).<Validation<String, String>>andReturn() .when(TextNode.class, t -> _allowed_types.contains(t.asText()), t -> { //TODO: handle decimal with precision return Validation.success(prefix_string + t.asText()); }).when(ObjectNode.class, o -> { // struct, format final String start_prefix = prefix_string + (top_level ? "(" : "STRUCT<"); return Optionals.streamOf(o.fields(), false) .<Validation<String, String>>reduce(Validation.success(start_prefix), (acc, kv) -> { return acc.<Validation<String, String>>validation(fail ->, success -> { final String pre_prefix = Lambdas.get(() -> { if (success.length() == start_prefix.length()) return ""; else return ","; }); return generatePartialHiveSchema( success + pre_prefix + kv.getKey() + (top_level ? " " : ": "), kv.getValue(), false); }); }, (acc1, acc2) -> acc1 // (never called) ).map(success -> success + (top_level ? ")" : ">")); }).when(ArrayNode.class, a -> 1 == a.size(), a -> { // array, format [ data_type ] return generatePartialHiveSchema(prefix_string + "ARRAY<", a.get(0), false) .map(success -> success + ">"); }).when(ArrayNode.class, a -> (a.size() > 1) && a.get(0).isObject(), a -> { // union, format [ {} data_type_1 ... ] final String start_prefix = prefix_string + "UNIONTYPE<"; return Optionals.streamOf(a.iterator(), false).skip(1) .<Validation<String, String>>reduce(Validation.success(start_prefix), (acc, j) -> { return acc.<Validation<String, String>>validation(fail ->, success -> { final String pre_prefix = Lambdas.get(() -> { if (success.length() == start_prefix.length()) return ""; else return ","; }); return generatePartialHiveSchema(success + pre_prefix + " ", j, false); }); }, (acc1, acc2) -> acc1 // (never called) ).map(success -> success + ">"); }).when(ArrayNode.class, a -> (2 == a.size()) && a.get(0).isTextual(), a -> { // map, format [ key value ] return generatePartialHiveSchema(prefix_string + "MAP<", a.get(0), false) .bind(success -> generatePartialHiveSchema(success + ", ", a.get(1), false)) .map(success -> success + ">"); }).otherwise(() -> "Unrecognized element in schema declaration after {0}: {1}", prefix_string, structure))); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SQL stuff /** Registers the hive table * NOT SURE HOW TO TEST THIS? * @param config * @param delete_prev * @param create_new * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public static Validation<String, Boolean> registerHiveTable(final Optional<Connection> maybe_hive_cxn, final Configuration config, Optional<String> delete_prev, Optional<String> create_new) { final Tuple3<String, String, String> params = getParamsFromHiveConfig(config); final String connection_url = params._1(); final String user_name = params._2(); final String password = params._3(); try { Class.forName("org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver"); final Connection hive_cxn = maybe_hive_cxn.orElseGet( Lambdas.wrap_u(() -> DriverManager.getConnection(connection_url, user_name, password))); final Validation<String, Boolean> delete_prev_results = delete_prev .<Validation<String, Boolean>>map(sql -> { try { return Validation.success(hive_cxn.createStatement().execute(sql)); } catch (Throwable t) { return"delete hive table, error = {0}", t)); } }).orElse(Validation.success(true)); final Validation<String, Boolean> create_new_results = delete_prev_results.bind(b -> { return create_new.<Validation<String, Boolean>>map(sql -> { try { return Validation.success(hive_cxn.createStatement().execute(sql)); } catch (Throwable t) { return"create hive table, error = {0}", t)); } }).orElse(Validation.success(b)); }); return create_new_results; } catch (Throwable t) { return"connect to hive, error = {0}", t)); } } private static final Pattern hive_extractor = Pattern.compile("^.*[^/]+:[/][/]([^/]+)[/]([^/]+).*$"); /** Pull out parameters from configuration * @param config * @return */ public static Tuple3<String, String, String> getParamsFromHiveConfig(final Configuration config) { final String username = config.get("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName", ""); final String password = ""; final Matcher m = hive_extractor.matcher(config.get("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", "")); final int port = config.getInt("hive.server2.thrift.port", 10000); final String connection = Lambdas.get(() -> { if (m.matches()) { //(table name is not needed when connecting this way) return ErrorUtils.get("jdbc:hive2://{0}:{2,number,#}",,, port); } else return ""; }); return Tuples._3T(connection, username, password); } /** * Retrieves the system configuration * (with code to handle possible internal concurrency bug in Configuration) * (tried putting a static synchronization around Configuration as an alternative) * @return */ public static Configuration getHiveConfiguration(final GlobalPropertiesBean globals) { for (int i = 0; i < 60; ++i) { try { return getHiveConfiguration(i, globals); } catch (java.util.ConcurrentModificationException e) { final long to_sleep = Patterns.match(i).<Long>andReturn().when(ii -> ii < 15, __ -> 100L) .when(ii -> ii < 30, __ -> 250L).when(ii -> ii < 45, __ -> 500L).otherwise(__ -> 1000L) + (new Date().getTime() % 100L) // (add random component) ; try { Thread.sleep(to_sleep); } catch (Exception ee) { } if (59 == i) throw e; } } return null; } /** Support for strange concurrent modification exception * @param try_number * @return */ protected static Configuration getHiveConfiguration(int attempt, final GlobalPropertiesBean globals) { synchronized (Configuration.class) { Configuration config = new Configuration(false); final String hive_config_file = globals.local_yarn_config_dir() + "/hive-site.xml"; if (new File(hive_config_file).exists()) { config.addResource(new Path(hive_config_file)); } else { throw new RuntimeException(ERROR_HIVE_NOT_CONFIGURED); } if (attempt > 10) { // (try sleeping here) final long to_sleep = 500L + (new Date().getTime() % 100L); // (add random component) try { Thread.sleep(to_sleep); } catch (Exception e) { } } return config; } } }