Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2016, The IKANOW Open Source Project. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package; import; import scala.collection.JavaConverters; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import; import; import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD; import scala.Tuple2; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; import com.codepoetics.protonpack.StreamUtils; import com.codepoetics.protonpack.Streamable; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ikanow.aleph2.core.shared.utils.BatchRecordUtils; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.data_analytics.IAnalyticsContext; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.data_analytics.IBatchRecord; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.data_import.IEnrichmentBatchModule; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.data_import.IEnrichmentBatchModule.ProcessingStage; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.data_import.IEnrichmentModuleContext; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.shared_services.IBucketLogger; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.data_import.EnrichmentControlMetadataBean; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.data_import.DataBucketBean.MasterEnrichmentType; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.shared.BasicMessageBean; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.shared.SharedLibraryBean; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.BeanTemplateUtils; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.BucketUtils; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.ErrorUtils; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Lambdas; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Optionals; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Patterns; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Tuples; import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.UuidUtils; import com.ikanow.aleph2.logging.utils.LoggingMergeFunctions; import com.ikanow.aleph2.logging.utils.LoggingRules; import fj.Unit; import; import; /** A utility service that runs an Aleph2 enrichment service inside Spark * @author Alex * */ public class EnrichmentPipelineService implements Serializable { public final static String UUID = UuidUtils.get().getRandomUuid().split("-")[4]; private static final long serialVersionUID = 5696574452500014975L; protected static final int _DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 100; private static ObjectMapper _mapper = BeanTemplateUtils.configureMapper(Optional.empty()); final protected List<EnrichmentControlMetadataBean> _pipeline_elements; final protected IAnalyticsContext _analytics_context; final protected boolean _emit_when_done; protected transient Wrapper _chain_start = null; final protected boolean _is_streaming; protected final static Cache<EnrichmentPipelineService, Wrapper> _instance_pool = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterAccess(1, TimeUnit.HOURS).build(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // INITIALIZATION API /** Creates an enrichment/transform pipeline service with the specified elements * @param aleph2_context * @param pipeline_elements * @return */ public static EnrichmentPipelineService create(final IAnalyticsContext aleph2_context, boolean emit_when_done, final List<EnrichmentControlMetadataBean> pipeline_elements) { return new EnrichmentPipelineService(aleph2_context, emit_when_done, pipeline_elements); } /** Selects a set of enrichment/transform pipeline elements from the current job, and creates a service out of them * @param aleph2_context * @param names * @return */ public static EnrichmentPipelineService select(final IAnalyticsContext aleph2_context, boolean emit_when_done, String... names) { return new EnrichmentPipelineService(aleph2_context, emit_when_done, names); } /** Selects a set of enrichment/transform pipeline elements from the current job, and creates a service out of them * @param aleph2_context * @param names * @return */ public static EnrichmentPipelineService select(final IAnalyticsContext aleph2_context, boolean emit_when_done, final Collection<String> names) { return new EnrichmentPipelineService(aleph2_context, emit_when_done,[]::new)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // FUNCTIONAL API ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SCALA VERSIONS public abstract class SerializableAbstractFunction1<A, B> extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1<A, B> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 421692222804663556L; } /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (scala version) * @return */ public scala.Function1<scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> inMapPartitions() { return new SerializableAbstractFunction1<scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6619928568102664447L; @Override public scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>> apply( scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>> it1) { try { return JavaConverters .asScalaIteratorConverter(javaInMapPartitions() .call(JavaConverters.asJavaIteratorConverter(it1).asJava()).iterator()) .asScala(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }; } /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (scala version) immediately preceding a grouping operation * @param names - an ordered list of field names (dot notation), is used to create a grouping key (["?"] means the enrichment engine can pick whatever it wants) * @return */ public scala.Function1<scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>> inMapPartitionsPreGroup( final String... names) { return inMapPartitionsPreGroup(; } /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (scala version) immediately preceding a grouping operation * @param grouping_fields - an ordered list of field names (dot notation), is used to create a grouping key (["?"] means the enrichment engine can pick whatever it wants) * @return */ public scala.Function1<scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>> inMapPartitionsPreGroup( final List<String> grouping_fields) { return new SerializableAbstractFunction1<scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2563609106687060337L; @Override public scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> apply( scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>> it1) { try { return JavaConverters .asScalaIteratorConverter(javaInMapPartitionsPreGroup(grouping_fields) .call(JavaConverters.asJavaIteratorConverter(it1).asJava()).iterator()) .asScala(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }; } /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (java version) immediately following a grouping key operation and that itself groups * (NOTE operates on *java* iterables - you will need to convert in order to operate on your own groupby calls) * @param names - an ordered list of field names (dot notation), is used to create a grouping key (["?"] means the enrichment engine can pick whatever it wants) * @return */ public <T> scala.Function1<scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>, scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>> inMapPartitionsPrePostGroup( final String... names) { return inMapPartitionsPrePostGroup(; } /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (java version) immediately following a grouping key operation and that itself groups * (NOTE operates on *java* iterables - you will need to convert in order to operate on your own groupby calls) * @param grouping_fields - an ordered list of field names (dot notation), is used to create a grouping key (["?"] means the enrichment engine can pick whatever it wants) * @return */ public <T> scala.Function1<scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>, scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>> inMapPartitionsPrePostGroup( final List<String> grouping_fields) { return new SerializableAbstractFunction1<scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>, scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5772470054865757342L; @Override public scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> apply( scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>> it1) { try { return JavaConverters .asScalaIteratorConverter(javaInMapPartitionsPrePostGroup(grouping_fields) .call(JavaConverters.asJavaIteratorConverter(it1).asJava()).iterator()) .asScala(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }; } /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (java version) immediately following a grouping key operation * (NOTE operates on *java* iterables - you will need to convert in order to operate on your own groupby calls) * @return */ public <T> scala.Function1<scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>, scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> inMapPartitionsPostGroup() { return new SerializableAbstractFunction1<scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>, scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -810181378636397195L; @Override public scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>> apply( scala.collection.Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>> it1) { try { return JavaConverters .asScalaIteratorConverter(javaInMapPartitionsPostGroup() .call(JavaConverters.asJavaIteratorConverter(it1).asJava()).iterator()) .asScala(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JAVA VERSIONS /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (java version) * @return */ public FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>> javaInMapPartitions() { return (FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>> & Serializable) it -> { if ((null == _chain_start) && _is_streaming) { _chain_start = _instance_pool.getIfPresent(this); } if (null == _chain_start) { _chain_start = new Wrapper(Streamable.of(_pipeline_elements), _DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE, Tuples._2T(ProcessingStage.unknown, ProcessingStage.batch), Optional.empty()); //(unknown: could be input or previous stage in chain) } return createStream(it).<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>flatMap(id_record__islast -> { //TRACE //System.out.println("javaInMapPartitions: " + id_record__islast + " @ " + this); return _chain_start.process(addIncomingRecord(id_record__islast._1()), id_record__islast._2(), true, Optional.empty()).map(t2 -> t2._1()); })::iterator; }; } /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (java version) immediately preceding a grouping operation * @param names - an ordered list of field names (dot notation), is used to create a grouping key (["?"] means the enrichment engine can pick whatever it wants) * @return */ public FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> javaInMapPartitionsPreGroup( final String... names) { return javaInMapPartitionsPreGroup(; } /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (java version) immediately preceding a grouping operation * @param grouping_fields - an ordered list of field names (dot notation), is used to create a grouping key (["?"] means the enrichment engine can pick whatever it wants) * @return */ public FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> javaInMapPartitionsPreGroup( final List<String> grouping_fields) { return (FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>, Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> & Serializable) it -> { if ((null == _chain_start) && _is_streaming) { _chain_start = _instance_pool.getIfPresent(this); } if (null == _chain_start) { _chain_start = new Wrapper(Streamable.of(_pipeline_elements), _DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE, Tuples._2T(ProcessingStage.unknown, ProcessingStage.batch), Optional.of(grouping_fields)); //(unknown: could be input or previous stage in chain) } return createStream(it).<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>flatMap(id_record__islast -> { return _chain_start .process( addIncomingRecord(id_record__islast._1()), id_record__islast._2(), true, Optional .empty()) .map(t2 -> Tuples._2T((IBatchRecord) new BatchRecordUtils.JsonBatchRecord( t2._2().orElse(_mapper.createObjectNode())), t2._1())); })::iterator; }; } /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (java version) immediately preceding a grouping operation and where the data is being grouped * @param names - an ordered list of field names (dot notation), is used to create a grouping key (["?"] means the enrichment engine can pick whatever it wants) * @return */ public FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>, Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> javaInMapPartitionsPrePostGroup( final String... names) { return javaInMapPartitionsPrePostGroup(; } /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (java version) immediately preceding a grouping operation and where the data is being grouped * @param grouping_fields - an ordered list of field names (dot notation), is used to create a grouping key (["?"] means the enrichment engine can pick whatever it wants) * @return */ public FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>, Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> javaInMapPartitionsPrePostGroup( final List<String> grouping_fields) { return (FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>, Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> & Serializable) it -> { // OK so we're inside a map partition so we might well have a number of keys handled inside this one method // Note all objects are shared across all the "subsequent" enrichers return applyPostgroup(Optional.of(grouping_fields), it).map(t2 -> Tuples._2T( (IBatchRecord) new BatchRecordUtils.JsonBatchRecord(t2._2().orElse(_mapper.createObjectNode())), t2._1()))::iterator; }; } /** A transform/enrichment function that can be used in mapPartitions (java version) immediately following a grouping key operation * @return */ public FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>> javaInMapPartitionsPostGroup() { return (FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>>, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>> & Serializable) it -> { // OK so we're inside a map partition so we might well have a number of keys handled inside this one method // Note all objects are shared across all the "subsequent" enrichers return applyPostgroup(Optional.empty(), it).map(t2 -> t2._1())::iterator; }; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MISC API /** Performs the Spark grouping from the output of a pre-group operation (java version) * @param groupable * @return */ public static JavaRDD<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>> javaGroupOf( final JavaRDD<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> groupable) { return groupable.groupBy(t2 -> t2._1()).map(t2 -> Tuples._2T(t2._1(), (Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>) -> tt2._2())::iterator)); } /** Performs the Spark grouping from the output of a pre-group operation (scala version) * (NOTE: returns java iterables, ie designed for use with the inMapPartition* functions above) * @param groupable * @return */ public static RDD<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>> groupOf( final RDD<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> groupable) { return javaGroupOf(new JavaRDD<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>(groupable, scala.reflect.ClassTag$.MODULE$.apply(Tuple2.class))).rdd(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Shared functionality: protected Stream<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>> applyPostgroup( final Optional<List<String>> maybe_grouping_fields, final Iterator<Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>>> it) { return createStream(it).flatMap(key_objects__last -> { final Tuple2<IBatchRecord, Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>>> key_objects = key_objects__last._1(); if ((null == _chain_start) && _is_streaming) { _chain_start = _instance_pool.getIfPresent(this); } if (null == _chain_start) { _chain_start = new Wrapper(Streamable.of(_pipeline_elements), _DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE, Tuples._2T(ProcessingStage.unknown, ProcessingStage.batch), maybe_grouping_fields); //(unknown: could be input or previous stage in chain) } final Wrapper chain_start = _chain_start.cloneWrapper(); //TRACE //System.out.println("Grouping ... " + key_objects._1().getJson() + " .. " + + ".. " + key_objects__last._2()); final Stream<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>> ret_val = createStream( key_objects._2().iterator()) .<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>>flatMap(id_record__islast -> { //TRACE //System.out.println("javaInMapPartitionsPostGroup: " + id_record__islast + ".. grouped by " + key_objects._1().getJson()); return chain_start.process(addIncomingRecord(id_record__islast._1()), id_record__islast._2(), key_objects__last._2(), Optional.of(key_objects._1().getJson())); }); return ret_val; }); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CTORS /** Creates a wrapper for a single enrichment job * @param aleph2_context - the Aleph2 analytic context * @param name - the name of the enrichment pipeline from the job * @param dummy - just to differentatiate */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected EnrichmentPipelineService(final IAnalyticsContext aleph2_context, boolean emit_when_done, final String... names) { final Map<String, EnrichmentControlMetadataBean> pipeline_elements_map = aleph2_context.getJob() .map(j -> j.config()).map(cfg -> cfg.get(EnrichmentControlMetadataBean.ENRICHMENT_PIPELINE)) .<List<Object>>map(pipe -> Patterns.match(pipe).<List<Object>>andReturn() .when(List.class, l -> (List<Object>) l).otherwise(() -> (List<Object>) null)) .<Map<String, EnrichmentControlMetadataBean>>map(l -> .<EnrichmentControlMetadataBean>map(o -> BeanTemplateUtils .from((Map<String, Object>) o, EnrichmentControlMetadataBean.class).get()) .collect(Collectors.toMap((EnrichmentControlMetadataBean cfg) ->, cfg -> cfg))) .orElse(Collections.emptyMap()); final List<EnrichmentControlMetadataBean> pipeline_elements = .map(n -> pipeline_elements_map.get(n)).filter(cfg -> null != cfg).collect(Collectors.toList()); _analytics_context = aleph2_context; _emit_when_done = emit_when_done; _pipeline_elements = pipeline_elements; _is_streaming = aleph2_context.getJob().map(j -> j.analytic_type()) .map(t -> MasterEnrichmentType.streaming == t).orElse(false); if (_pipeline_elements.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException(ErrorUtils.get(SparkErrorUtils.NO_PIPELINE_ELEMENTS_SPECIFIED, aleph2_context.getBucket().map(b -> b.full_name()).orElse("(unknown bucket)"), aleph2_context.getJob().map(j ->"(unknown job)"))); } } /** Creates a wrapper for a pipeline of enrichment control (no grouping/fan in/fan out allowed) * @param aleph2_context - the Aleph2 analytic context * @param name - the name of the enrichment pipeline from the job */ protected EnrichmentPipelineService(final IAnalyticsContext aleph2_context, boolean emit_when_done, final List<EnrichmentControlMetadataBean> pipeline_elements) { _analytics_context = aleph2_context; _emit_when_done = emit_when_done; _pipeline_elements = pipeline_elements; _is_streaming = aleph2_context.getJob().map(j -> j.analytic_type()) .map(t -> MasterEnrichmentType.streaming == t).orElse(false); if (_pipeline_elements.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException(ErrorUtils.get(SparkErrorUtils.NO_PIPELINE_ELEMENTS_SPECIFIED, aleph2_context.getBucket().map(b -> b.full_name()).orElse("(unknown bucket)"), aleph2_context.getJob().map(j ->"(unknown job)"))); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MAIN LOGIC /** Utility class to handle a chained list of pipeline elements * @author Alex * */ protected class Wrapper { final protected Wrapper _next; final protected int _batch_size; final protected IEnrichmentBatchModule _batch_module; final protected IEnrichmentModuleContext _enrichment_context; final protected EnrichmentControlMetadataBean _control; final protected Optional<IBucketLogger> _logger; final protected IEnrichmentBatchModule _clone_of; protected List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>> _variable_list = new LinkedList<>(); protected Wrapper _variable_clone_cache = null; protected class MutableStats { int in = 0; int out = 0; }; protected final MutableStats _stats = new MutableStats(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTORS /** User c'tor * @param - list of enrichment objects */ protected Wrapper(final Streamable<EnrichmentControlMetadataBean> remaining_elements, final int default_batch_size, final Tuple2<ProcessingStage, ProcessingStage> previous_next, final Optional<List<String>> next_grouping_fields) { // Set up state _clone_of = null; _control =; _batch_size = Optionals .of(() -> _control.technology_override().get(EnrichmentControlMetadataBean.BATCH_SIZE_OVERRIDE)) .map(o -> Patterns.match(o).<Integer>andReturn().when(Integer.class, __ -> __) .when(Long.class, l -> l.intValue()).when(String.class, s -> Integer.parseInt(s)) .otherwise(() -> null)) .orElse(default_batch_size); _enrichment_context = _analytics_context.getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(IEnrichmentModuleContext.class, Optional.of(Integer.toString(_batch_size))).get(); _logger = Optional.ofNullable(_analytics_context.getLogger(Optional.empty())); final Map<String, SharedLibraryBean> library_beans = _analytics_context.getLibraryConfigs(); final Optional<String> entryPoint = BucketUtils.getBatchEntryPoint(library_beans, _control); _batch_module = .orElseGet(() -> Optional.of("")) .map(Lambdas.wrap_u(ep -> { try { // (need the context classloader bit in order to the JCL classpath with the user JARs when called as part of validation from within the service) return (IEnrichmentBatchModule) Class .forName(ep, true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()) .newInstance(); } catch (Throwable t) { _logger.ifPresent(l -> l.log(Level.ERROR, ErrorUtils.lazyBuildMessage(false, () -> "EnrichmentPipelineService", () -> Optional.ofNullable("no_name") + ".onStageInitialize", () -> null, () -> ErrorUtils.get("Error initializing {1}:{2}: {0}", Optional.ofNullable("(no name)"), entryPoint.orElse("(unknown entry"), t.getMessage()), () -> ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of("full_error", ErrorUtils.getLongForm("{0}", t))))); throw t; // (will trigger a mass failure of the job, which is I think what we want...) } })).get(); final boolean is_final_stage = !remaining_elements.skip(1).stream().findFirst().isPresent(); // Initalize stage: _batch_module.onStageInitialize(_enrichment_context, _analytics_context.getBucket().get(), _control, Tuples._2T(previous_next._1(), is_final_stage ? ProcessingStage.unknown : previous_next._2()), next_grouping_fields.filter(__ -> is_final_stage)); if (!is_final_stage) { final Tuple2<ProcessingStage, ProcessingStage> next__previous_next = Tuples._2T(previous_next._2(), is_final_stage ? ProcessingStage.unknown : previous_next._2()); _next = new Wrapper(remaining_elements.skip(1), _batch_size, next__previous_next, next_grouping_fields); } else _next = null; if (_is_streaming) { // streaming mode: register self for the future _instance_pool.put(EnrichmentPipelineService.this, this); } } /** Copy c'tor * @param to_clone */ protected Wrapper(final Wrapper to_clone) { _clone_of = to_clone._batch_module; _batch_size = to_clone._batch_size; _batch_module = to_clone._batch_module.cloneForNewGrouping(); _enrichment_context = to_clone._enrichment_context; _logger = to_clone._logger; _control = to_clone._control; // DON'T DO THIS BECAUSE ALL ENRICHERS AFTER THE FIRST ONE ARE BACK IN BATCH MODE... // if (null != to_clone._next) { // _next = new Wrapper(to_clone._next); // } // else _next = null; // DO THIS INSTEAD: _next = to_clone._next; } /** Clones a wrapper - if it turns out the clone is identical to the original then saves that off * @return */ public Wrapper cloneWrapper() { if (null != _variable_clone_cache) return _variable_clone_cache; else return Lambdas.get(() -> { final Wrapper tmp_wrapper = new Wrapper(this); // now check if it's the same final boolean clone_is_identical = StreamUtils .unfold(Tuples._2T(this, tmp_wrapper), old_new -> Optional.ofNullable(old_new._1()._next) .map(old_next -> Tuples._2T(old_next, old_new._2()._next))) .allMatch(old_new -> old_new._1()._batch_module == old_new._2()._batch_module); if (clone_is_identical) { _variable_clone_cache = tmp_wrapper; } return tmp_wrapper; }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PROCESSING /** Processes the next stage of a chain of pipelines * @param list * @param parent_last_in_group - note only called immediately before the cleanup call * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Stream<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>> process( final List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>> list, boolean parent_last_in_group, boolean last_group, Optional<JsonNode> grouping_key) { _variable_list.addAll(list); if (parent_last_in_group || (_variable_list.size() > _batch_size)) { try { return createStream(Iterators.partition(_variable_list.iterator(), _batch_size)) .flatMap(l_last -> { final boolean this_last = parent_last_in_group && l_last._2(); // (ie last dump of objects (in group if grouped) *and* final batch) // Apply batch object: final Function<fj.Unit, List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>>> applyObjectBatch = __ -> { final List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>> stage_output = (List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>>) _enrichment_context .getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(List.class, Optional.empty()).get(); stage_output.clear(); _batch_module.onObjectBatch(l_last._1().stream().map(t2 -> t2._1()), Optional.of(l_last._1().size()), grouping_key); //TRACE //System.out.println("?? onObjectBatch: " + + ": " + stage_output.size() + "... " + l_last._1().size() + " ..." + l_last._2()); return stage_output; }; // Complete stage if needed final Function<List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>>, List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>>> applyStageComplete = out -> { if (!_is_streaming) { //(else never run) if ((null != _clone_of) && (_clone_of != _batch_module)) { // if this is a grouped record with cloning enabled then do a little differently if (this_last) _batch_module.onStageComplete(false); if (this_last && last_group) _clone_of.onStageComplete(true); //TRACE //System.out.println("?? onStageComplete: " + + ": " + stage_output.size()); } else if (this_last && last_group) { _batch_module.onStageComplete(true); //TRACE //System.out.println("?? onStageComplete: " + + ": " + stage_output.size()); } } return out; }; // Update statistics final Function<List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>>, List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>>> applyUpdateStatistics = out -> { final int batch_in = l_last._1().size(); final int batch_out = out.size(); += batch_in; _stats.out += batch_out; if (!_is_streaming || (batch_in > 0 || batch_out > 0)) { _logger.ifPresent(log -> log.log(Level.TRACE, ErrorUtils.lazyBuildMessage( true, () -> "EnrichmentPipelineService", () -> Optional.ofNullable("no_name") + ".onObjectBatch", () -> null, () -> ErrorUtils.get( "New batch stage {0} task={1} in={2} out={3} cumul_in={4}, cumul_out={5}", Optional.ofNullable("(no name)"), UUID, Integer.toString(batch_in), Integer.toString(batch_out), Integer.toString(, Integer.toString(_stats.out)), () -> null))); } if (this_last && !_is_streaming) { //TODO (ALEPH-63): make debug/info periods configurable if (!_is_streaming) { _logger.ifPresent(log -> log.log(Level.INFO, ErrorUtils.lazyBuildMessage(true, () -> "EnrichmentPipelineService", () -> Optional.ofNullable( .orElse("no_name") + ".onStageComplete", () -> null, () -> ErrorUtils.get( "Completed stage {0} task={1} in={2} out={3}", Optional.ofNullable( .orElse("(no name)"), UUID, Integer.toString(, Integer.toString(_stats.out)), () -> _mapper.convertValue(_stats, Map.class)))); } else { // streaming, generate log every 5 minutes (DEBUG), hour (INFO) if (batch_in > 0 || batch_out > 0) { _logger.ifPresent(log -> log.log(Level.DEBUG, ErrorUtils.lazyBuildMessage(true, () -> "EnrichmentPipelineService", () -> Optional.ofNullable( .orElse("no_name") + ".onStageComplete", () -> null, () -> ErrorUtils.get( "Short period log stage {0} task={1} in={2} out={3}", Optional.ofNullable( .orElse("(no name)"), UUID, Integer.toString(, Integer.toString(_stats.out)), () -> _mapper.convertValue(_stats, Map.class)), "debug_log", Arrays.asList( LoggingRules.logEveryMilliseconds(300 * 1000L)), Optional.empty(), LoggingMergeFunctions.replaceMessage())); } _logger.ifPresent(log -> log.log(Level.INFO, ErrorUtils.lazyBuildMessage(true, () -> "EnrichmentPipelineService", () -> Optional.ofNullable( .orElse("no_name") + ".onStageComplete", () -> null, () -> ErrorUtils.get( "Long period log stage {0} task={1} in={2} out={3}", Optional.ofNullable( .orElse("(no name)"), UUID, Integer.toString(, Integer.toString(_stats.out)), () -> _mapper.convertValue(_stats, Map.class)), "debug_log", Arrays.asList(LoggingRules.logEveryMilliseconds(3600 * 1000L)), Optional.empty(), LoggingMergeFunctions.replaceMessage())); } } return out; }; // Pipeline: return applyObjectBatch.andThen(applyStageComplete).andThen(applyUpdateStatistics) .andThen(out -> { final Stream<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>> ret_vals_int = (null != _next) ? _next.process(out, this_last, last_group, Optional.empty()) : new ArrayList<>(out).stream() // (need to copy here since stage_output is mutable) ; return ret_vals_int; }).apply(Unit.unit()); }).map(t2 -> { if (_emit_when_done) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") final Validation<BasicMessageBean, JsonNode> emit_success = _analytics_context .emitObject(Optional.empty(), _analytics_context.getJob().get(), Either.left(t2._1()._2().getJson()), Optional.empty()); } return t2; }); } finally { //TRACE //System.out.println("Clear " + parent_last_in_group + "... " + _variable_list.size()); _variable_list = new LinkedList<>(); } } else return Stream.empty(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UTILS /** Adds the incoming element from the previous stage to the batch * @param el * @return */ protected static List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord>, Optional<JsonNode>>> addIncomingRecord( final Tuple2<Long, IBatchRecord> el) { return Arrays.asList(Tuples._2T(el, Optional.empty())); } /** Handy utility to create a stream whose final tagged with "last" from an iterator * @param it * @return */ private <T> Stream<Tuple2<T, Boolean>> createStream(final Iterator<T> it) { return !it.hasNext() ? Stream.empty() : StreamUtils.unfold(it, itit -> { return itit.hasNext() ? Optional.of(itit) : Optional.empty(); }).map(itit -> Tuples._2T(, !itit.hasNext())); } }