Java tutorial
/* $Id: 173 2007-06-23 21:00:21Z hasan $ */ /* ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2007 IDEASense, (hasin & hasan) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ****************************************************************************** * $LastChangedBy: hasan $ * $LastChangedDate: 2007-06-23 14:00:21 -0700 (Sat, 23 Jun 2007) $ * $LastChangedRevision: 173 $ ****************************************************************************** */ package com.ideabase.repository.webservice.controller; import com.ideabase.repository.api.RepositoryService; import com.ideabase.repository.api.StateManager; import com.ideabase.repository.api.UserService; import static com.ideabase.repository.common.ActionConstants.*; import static com.ideabase.repository.common.CommonConstants.INDEX_DEFAULT; import com.ideabase.repository.common.GroupConstants; import com.ideabase.repository.common.Query; import com.ideabase.repository.common.RequestState; import static com.ideabase.repository.common.WebConstants.*; import static com.ideabase.repository.common.XmlConstants.*; import com.ideabase.repository.common.exception.ServiceException; import com.ideabase.repository.common.object.*; import com.ideabase.repository.core.auth.RepositoryUserPrincipal; import com.ideabase.repository.core.index.TermValueEmbedFunctionExecutor; import com.ideabase.repository.core.index.service.TermUsageService; import com.ideabase.repository.webservice.helper.ResponseBuilder; import com.ideabase.repository.webservice.helper.ResponseElement; import com.ideabase.repository.webservice.object.EmptyObject; import com.ideabase.repository.webservice.object.HitListObject; import com.ideabase.repository.webservice.request.WebServiceRequestHandler; import org.apache.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.*; /** * Authenticate user credential. user id is taken from request url. <br> * i.e. /service/login/hasan [here user is 'hasan']<br> * password is taken from POST parameter 'password'<br> * * @author <a href="">nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)</a> */ public class RESTfulControllerImpl implements RESTfulController { /** * Logger instance for this class. */ private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(RESTfulControllerImpl.class); /** * Take an instance of current logger status. */ private static final boolean DEBUG = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); /** * Resolve all error or warning message from message properties file. */ private final MessageSourceAccessor mMessageAccessor; /** * Instance of implemented {@see StateManager} */ private final StateManager mStateManager; /** * Executor implementation */ private final TermValueEmbedFunctionExecutor mFunctionExecutor; /** * Default response format is used whenever processErrorAction is invoked * without RESTful action. */ private static final String DEFAULT_RESPONSE_FORMAT = "request"; /** * Mapping for content mime type, all mime types are mapped with a single * typed name. for example -<br> * [text => 'text/request']<br> */ private static final Map<String, String> CONTENT_TYPE_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * Static initialization of {@see RESTfulControllerImpl#CONTENT_TYPE_MAP} */ static { CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.put("xml", "text/xml"); CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.put("json", "application/json"); CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.put("html", "text/html"); CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.put("text", "text/plain"); } /** * Default locale is set ot US. */ private static final Locale DEFAULT_LOCALE = Locale.US; /** * All error message keys are started with "error" prefix. */ private static final String KEY_ERROR_PREFIX = "error."; /** * All success message keys are started with "success" prefix. */ public static final String KEY_SUCCESS_PREFIX = "success."; /** * message key, error.action.invalid. */ private static final String KEY_INVALID_ACTION = KEY_ERROR_PREFIX + "action.invalid"; /** * message key, */ private static final String KEY_SAVE_SUCCESSFUL = KEY_SUCCESS_PREFIX + ""; /** * message key, error.action.failure. */ private static final String KEY_ACTION_FAILURE = KEY_ERROR_PREFIX + "action.failure"; /** * Message key, error.action.login.failure. used when authentication failed. */ private static final String KEY_INVALID_USER = KEY_ERROR_PREFIX + "action.login.failure"; /** * Message key, error.action.authorized, used when specific action is not * permitted. */ public static final String KEY_UNAUTHORIZED_ACTION = KEY_ERROR_PREFIX + "action.unauthorized"; /** * Message key, error.action.authentication required. */ public static final String KEY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = KEY_ERROR_PREFIX + "action.authentication"; /** * Message key, error.action.resource_not_available, used when specific * resource is not available. */ public static final String KEY_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE = KEY_ERROR_PREFIX + "action.resource_not_available"; public static final String KEY_DELETE_SUCCESSFUL = KEY_SUCCESS_PREFIX + "action.delete"; public static final String KEY_OPTIMIZE_SUCCESSFUL = KEY_SUCCESS_PREFIX + "action.optimized"; public static final String KEY_OPTIMIZE_ERROR = KEY_ERROR_PREFIX + "action.optimized"; /** * Send response status 404, it means resource doesn't exists. */ public static final int STATUS_NOT_FOUND_404 = 404; /** * Send out this status 500, when internal service error occured. */ public static final int STATUS_500 = 500; /** * Send out this status, when the request has be executed successfully. */ public static final int STATUS_OK_200 = 200; /** * Send out this status 201, when a new object is created. */ public static final int STATUS_CREATED_201 = 201; /** * Send out this status, when user credential is accepted. */ public static final int STATUS_ACCEPTED_202 = 202; /** * Send out this status, when user is not authenticated. */ public static final int STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED_401 = 401; /** * Send out this status, when user action is not authorized. */ public static final int STATUS_FORBIDDEN_403 = 403; /** * Send out this status, when requested format is not supported. */ public static final int STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT_415 = 415; /** * When user requested for retrieving some specific id content. usually * this requst is used to perform retrieval operation. */ private static final String ACTION_GET = "get"; /** * When user requested for attaching a list of items to an specific item. */ private static final String ACTION_ADD_RELATED_ITEMS = "add-related-items"; /** * When user requested for remove the attached related items. */ private static final String ACTION_DELETE_RELATED_ITEMS = "delete-related-items"; /** * When user requested for retrieve the list of related items */ private static final String ACTION_FIND_RELATED_ITEMS = "find-related-items"; /** * When user requested for a list of content reference. usually this * request is used to perform search operation. */ private static final String ACTION_FIND = "find"; /** * Delete request for removing an item. */ private static final String ACTION_DELETE = "delete"; /** * Save request for storing an item. */ private static final String ACTION_SAVE = "save"; /** * Update request for updating an existing item. */ private static final String ACTION_UPDATE = "update"; /** * Optimize index for the specified repository */ private static final String ACTION_OPTIMIZE = "optimize"; /** * Find fields requesst for retrieving fields from a search set, * instead of returnign the whole results it will return a single item with the merged results. */ private static final String ACTION_FIND_FIELDS = "find_fields"; /** * Find field names which, which are picked from the search result. */ private static final String ACTION_FIND_FIELD_NAMES = "find_field_names"; /** * Generate tag cloud for the given query */ private static final String ACTION_TAGCLOUD = "tagcloud"; /** * No string is set. */ private static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; /** * Value is set to true. */ private static final String TRUE = "true"; /** * Separate string with comma (,) */ private static final String SEPARATOR_COMMA = ","; /** * Special content separator */ private static final String SPECIAL_SEPARATOR_PIPE = "|"; /** * Item uri prefix, this constant is used when an item has been created. */ private static final String ITEM_URI_PREFIX = "/service/get/"; /** * Dependency on {@see UserService}. which is resolved over constructor * injection. */ private final UserService mUserService; /** * Core repsitory API, which is used to perform repository related action. */ private final RepositoryService mRepositoryService; /** * Convert string query to Lucene query. */ private final QueryParser mQueryParser; /** * Web service request processor. */ private final WebServiceRequestHandler mWebServiceRequestHandler; /** * Default value for collecting terms from the number of articles */ private static final int DEFAULT_TAGCLOUD_MAX = 20; /** * speacially used for generating tag cloud */ private final Analyzer mTagCloudAnalyzer; /** * Term usage service instance */ private final TermUsageService mTermUsageService; /** * Default constructor, {@see RepositoryService}, {@see UserService}, * {@see MEssageSourceAccessor} and {@see QueryParser} are the default * depdendency. <Br> * * @param pRepositoryService required depedency. * @param pUserService required dependency. * @param pSourceAccessor depenency on {@see MessageSourceAccessor}. * @param pQueryParser dependency on {@see QueryParser}. * @param pRequestHandler web service request handler. * @param pStateManager dependency on {@see StateManager} implementation. * @param pExecutor dependency on {@see TermValueEmbedFunctionExecutor} * implementation. */ public RESTfulControllerImpl(final RepositoryService pRepositoryService, final UserService pUserService, final MessageSourceAccessor pSourceAccessor, final QueryParser pQueryParser, final WebServiceRequestHandler pRequestHandler, final StateManager pStateManager, final TermValueEmbedFunctionExecutor pExecutor, final TermUsageService pTermUsageService, final Analyzer pAnalyzer) { mRepositoryService = pRepositoryService; mUserService = pUserService; mMessageAccessor = pSourceAccessor; mQueryParser = pQueryParser; mWebServiceRequestHandler = pRequestHandler; mStateManager = pStateManager; mFunctionExecutor = pExecutor; mTermUsageService = pTermUsageService; mTagCloudAnalyzer = pAnalyzer; } /** * Default controller dispatcher. this method is proxied through aspectJ * around advice. so this part of code won't be executed. * * @param pHttpServletRequest servlet request object * @param pHttpServletResponse servlet response object * @return {@see ModelAndView} which is returned null. * @throws Exception if any exception is raised. */ public ModelAndView handleRequest(final HttpServletRequest pHttpServletRequest, final HttpServletResponse pHttpServletResponse) throws Exception { LOG.debug("Handle request should't be executed. if you get it executed. " + "it means, the AspectJ proxy didn't work with around advice."); // Empty method, this method won't be executed. return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void processErrorAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final ErrorCode pErrorCode, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) { if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Process error action for error code - " + pErrorCode); } try { switch (pErrorCode) { /* * When Login failed occured. */ case LOGIN_FAILED: final String loginErrormessage = mMessageAccessor.getMessage(KEY_INVALID_USER, getActiveLocale()); generateErrorResponse(pAction, pResponse, loginErrormessage, STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED_401); break; /* * When invalid action is triggered. */ case INVALID_ACTION: invalidActionResponse(pAction, KEY_INVALID_ACTION, pResponse); break; /** * Failed to execute an action. */ case FAILURE_EXECUTION: invalidActionResponse(pAction, KEY_ACTION_FAILURE, pResponse); break; /** * When user is authenticated successfully, but the requested action is * not permitted. */ case UNAUTHORIZED_ACTION:final String unauthorizedActionMessage = mMessageAccessor.getMessage( KEY_UNAUTHORIZED_ACTION, new Object[] { pAction.getUri(), pAction.getRequestMethod() }, getActiveLocale()); generateErrorResponse(pAction, pResponse, unauthorizedActionMessage, STATUS_FORBIDDEN_403); break; /** * When user is authenticated successfully, but the requested resource * is not available. */ case RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE:final String resourceNotAvailableMessage = mMessageAccessor.getMessage( KEY_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE, new Object[] { pAction.getUri() }, getActiveLocale()); generateErrorResponse(pAction, pResponse, resourceNotAvailableMessage, STATUS_NOT_FOUND_404); break; case AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: final String authRequired = mMessageAccessor.getMessage(KEY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED, new Object[] { pAction.getUri(), pAction.getRequestMethod() }, getActiveLocale()); generateErrorResponse(pAction, pResponse, authRequired, STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED_401); break; } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new ServiceException(pErrorCode, "Failed to generate error response.", t); } } /** * Generate error response, error response hold state and message. * * @param pAction restful action object * @param pResponse http servlet response object. * @param pMessage error / warning message. * @param pStatus response status, 500 or 404 * @throws if any error raised. */ private void generateErrorResponse(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletResponse pResponse, final String pMessage, final int pStatus) throws IOException { if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Error response message - " + pMessage); } if (pAction == null) { throw new NullPointerException("RESTfulAction has passed with empty reference."); } // Determine response format final String responseFormat; if (pAction != null) { responseFormat = pAction.getResponseFormat(); } else { responseFormat = DEFAULT_RESPONSE_FORMAT; } // Prepare response builder final ResponseBuilder builder = new ResponseBuilder(responseFormat, false); // Add response object. builder.addObject(new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_MESSAGE, pMessage)); // set response status pResponse.setStatus(pStatus); // set content type pResponse.setContentType(findContentMimeType(pAction.getResponseFormat())); // Set rendered output to the servlet response. pResponse.getWriter().println(builder.buildResponse()); } public void processAuthorizedAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Process authorized action." + pAction); } // handle action type // handle get request if (ACTION_GET.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleGetAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle find request else if (ACTION_FIND.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleFindAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle delete request. else if (ACTION_DELETE.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleDeleteAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle save request else if (ACTION_SAVE.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleSaveAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle update request else if (ACTION_UPDATE.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleUpdateAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle add related items else if (ACTION_ADD_RELATED_ITEMS.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleAddRelatedItemsAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle delete related items else if (ACTION_DELETE_RELATED_ITEMS.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleDeleteRelatedItemsAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle find related items else if (ACTION_FIND_RELATED_ITEMS.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleFindRelatedItemsAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle find fields else if (ACTION_FIND_FIELDS.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleFindFieldsAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle find filed names else if (ACTION_FIND_FIELD_NAMES.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleFindFieldNamesAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle optimize action else if (ACTION_OPTIMIZE.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleOptimizeAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle query tag cloud action else if (ACTION_TAGCLOUD.equals(pAction.getAction())) { handleTagcloudAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } // handle unknown action else { invalidActionResponse(pAction, KEY_INVALID_ACTION, pResponse); } } private void handleTagcloudAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws ParseException, IOException { // find max article parameter final String maxTagsString = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_MAX_TAGS); final int maxTags; if (maxTagsString != null) { maxTags = Integer.parseInt(maxTagsString); } else { maxTags = DEFAULT_TAGCLOUD_MAX; } // perform search with the given query and max articles final PaginatedList<Hit> hits = performSearch(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); // find select parameter final String paramSelect = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_SELECT); if (paramSelect == null || paramSelect.length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("no such parameter called 'select', example " + "usages - /service/find_*/q.xml?q=query&select=item_id, price"); } final String[] fields = paramSelect.split(SEPARATOR_COMMA); final GenericItem tagCloudHolder = new GenericItem(); if (hits != null && !hits.isEmpty()) { final List<Integer> itemIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // iterate each article for (final Hit hit : hits) { final GenericItem item = mRepositoryService.getItem(hit.getId(), GenericItem.class); if (item != null) { // lookup term store to find all term count itemIds.add(item.getId()); } } if (!itemIds.isEmpty()) { tagCloudHolder.setFields(mTermUsageService.getTags(itemIds, Arrays.asList(fields), maxTags)); } else { tagCloudHolder.setFields(Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } } final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_ITEM, tagCloudHolder); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_OK_200); } private void handleOptimizeAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException { final String repositoryName = pAction.getParameter(); if (repositoryName != null && repositoryName.length() > 0) { mRepositoryService.optimizeSpecificIndex(repositoryName); final String message = mMessageAccessor.getMessage(KEY_OPTIMIZE_SUCCESSFUL); final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_MESSAGE, message); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_OK_200);"optimizing repository - " + repositoryName); } else { final String message = mMessageAccessor.getMessage(KEY_OPTIMIZE_ERROR); final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_MESSAGE, message); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_NOT_FOUND_404);"failed to optimize repository - " + repositoryName); } } private void handleFindFieldNamesAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws ParseException, IOException { // find user defined separator or use default one String seprator = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_SEPARATOR); if (seprator == null || seprator.length() == 0) { seprator = SPECIAL_SEPARATOR_PIPE; } // perform typical search final List<Hit> results = performSearch(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); // find selected fields final String paramExcept = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_EXCEPT); final List<String> exceptFields = new ArrayList<String>(); if (paramExcept != null && paramExcept.length() > 0) { final String[] exceptFieldsArray = paramExcept.split(SEPARATOR_COMMA); for (final String field : exceptFieldsArray) { exceptFields.add(field.trim()); } } // create a new generic item final GenericItem genericItem = new GenericItem(); final List<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Hit hit : results) { final GenericItem item = mRepositoryService.getItem(hit.getId(), GenericItem.class); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : item.getFields().entrySet()) { final String fieldName = entry.getKey(); if (entry.getValue() != null && entry.getValue().length() > 0) { if (!fields.contains(fieldName) && !exceptFields.contains(fieldName)) { fields.add(fieldName); genericItem.addField(fieldName, EMPTY_STRING); } } } } // create response element to send out the response. final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_ITEM, genericItem); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_OK_200); } private void handleFindFieldsAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws ParseException, IOException { // find user defined separator or use default one String seprator = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_SEPARATOR); if (seprator == null || seprator.length() == 0) { seprator = SPECIAL_SEPARATOR_PIPE; } // perform typical search final List<Hit> results = performSearch(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); // find selected fields final String paramSelect = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_SELECT); if (paramSelect == null || paramSelect.length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("no such parameter called 'select', example " + "usages - /service/find_*/q.xml?q=query&select=item_id, price"); } final String[] fields = paramSelect.split(SEPARATOR_COMMA); // accumulate search result final Map<String, StringBuilder> fieldValueMap = new HashMap<String, StringBuilder>(); for (final Hit hit : results) { final GenericItem item = mRepositoryService.getItem(hit.getId(), GenericItem.class); // merge all fields value for (String field : fields) { field = field.trim(); final StringBuilder existingValue = fieldValueMap.get(field); if (existingValue == null) { final StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(); final String fieldValue = item.getField(field); if (fieldValue != null) { value.append(fieldValue); } fieldValueMap.put(field, value); } else { final String fieldValue = item.getField(field); if (fieldValue != null) { existingValue.append(seprator).append(fieldValue); } } } } // create a new generic item final GenericItem genericItem = new GenericItem(); // convert string builder to normal string and add to // the generic item object for (final Map.Entry<String, StringBuilder> entry : fieldValueMap.entrySet()) { genericItem.addField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString()); } // create response element to send out the response. final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_ITEM, genericItem); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_OK_200); } private void handleFindRelatedItemsAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException { LOG.debug("Find A list of related items."); final String param = pAction.getParameter(); final String[] params = param.split(PARAMETER_SPLITER); final String relationType = params[0]; final Integer baseItemId = Integer.parseInt(params[1]); // looking for pagination hints Integer skipRows = 0; Integer maxRows = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // override skip rows and maximum number from the request parameter. final String parameterOffset = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_OFFSET); final String parameterMax = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_MAX); if (parameterOffset != null) { skipRows = Integer.parseInt(parameterOffset); } if (parameterMax != null) { maxRows = Integer.parseInt(parameterMax); } // retrieve the result final List<Integer> relatedItems = mRepositoryService.getRelatedItems(baseItemId, relationType, skipRows, maxRows); // find the number of available right side item final int rowCount = mRepositoryService.getRelatedItemsCount(baseItemId, relationType); // TODO: count total number of approx. pages. int pageCount = -1; if (parameterMax != null) { pageCount = (int) Math.round((double) rowCount / (double) maxRows); if (pageCount == 0 && rowCount > 0) { pageCount = 1; } } // send out the response final List<String> relatedItemsUri = new ArrayList<String>(relatedItems.size()); for (final Integer itemId : relatedItems) { relatedItemsUri.add(ITEM_URI_PREFIX + String.valueOf(itemId)); } // generate response content final ResponseElement itemResponseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_ITEM, relatedItemsUri); final ResponseElement itemsResponseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_ITEMS, itemResponseElement); itemsResponseElement.addResponseElement(new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_MAX_ROWS, rowCount)); itemsResponseElement.addResponseElement(new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_PAGES_COUNT, pageCount)); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, itemsResponseElement, STATUS_OK_200); } /** * Delete a list of items from a specific object. <br> * if only group is specified, all items under that group will be wiped out. * <br> otherwise only the specific items will be removed. * @param pAction restful action object. * @param pRequest servlet request. * @param pResponse servlet response. * @throws IOException if exception raised during sending out the response * to the client. */ private void handleDeleteRelatedItemsAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException { LOG.debug("Handle delete related items action."); final String parameterName = pAction.getParameter(); final String requestContent = pRequest.getParameter(parameterName); final Reader requestContentReader = new StringReader(requestContent); final List<ObjectBase> items = mWebServiceRequestHandler.handleRequest(pAction, requestContentReader); // store related items for (final ObjectBase item : items) { final Integer itemId = item.getId(); final Map<String, List<Integer>> relatedItems = item.getRelatedItemsMap(); for (final Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : relatedItems.entrySet()) { final String relationType = entry.getKey(); final List<Integer> itemIds = entry.getValue(); // delete related items. if (itemIds == null || itemIds.isEmpty()) { if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Deleting all items from the specific group - " + relationType); } mRepositoryService.deleteRelatedItems(relationType, itemId); } else { if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Delete specific item from the group of - " + relationType); } for (final Integer rightSideItemId : itemIds) { mRepositoryService.deleteRelatedItem(relationType, itemId, rightSideItemId); } } } } // send response final String message = mMessageAccessor.getMessage(KEY_DELETE_SUCCESSFUL); final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_MESSAGE, message); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_OK_200); } /** * Parse user request. and find an item with the requested related item list * which are needs to be added with the main item. * @param pAction restful action. * @param pRequest http servlet request. * @param pResponse http servlet response. * @throws if exception raised during sending out the * response to the client. */ private void handleAddRelatedItemsAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException { LOG.debug("Handle add related items action."); final String parameterName = pAction.getParameter(); final String requestContent = pRequest.getParameter(parameterName); final Reader requestContentReader = new StringReader(requestContent); final List<ObjectBase> items = mWebServiceRequestHandler.handleRequest(pAction, requestContentReader); // store related items for (final ObjectBase item : items) { final Integer itemId = item.getId(); final Map<String, List<Integer>> relatedItems = item.getRelatedItemsMap(); for (final Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : relatedItems.entrySet()) { final String relationType = entry.getKey(); final List<Integer> itemIds = entry.getValue(); // store relation mRepositoryService.addRelatedItems(relationType, itemId, itemIds); } } // send response final String message = mMessageAccessor.getMessage(KEY_SAVE_SUCCESSFUL); final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_MESSAGE, message); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_OK_200); } private void handleUpdateAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException { LOG.debug("Handle update action."); final String requestedIndexRepository = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_INDEX_REPOSITORY); final String contentParam = pAction.getParameter(); final String content = pRequest.getParameter(contentParam); final StringReader contentStream = new StringReader(content); final List<ObjectBase> items = mWebServiceRequestHandler.handleRequest(pAction, contentStream); if (items != null && !items.isEmpty()) { if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Request has a list of items - " + items); } final List<String> newlyCreatedItemIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final ObjectBase item : items) { // set user requested index repository item.setIndexRepository(requestedIndexRepository); // execute embed function final Map<String, String> fields = item.getFields(); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> field : fields.entrySet()) { field.setValue(mFunctionExecutor.eval(field.getValue())); } // load the existing object final ObjectBase existingItem; // Determine type of existing object item. existingItem = mRepositoryService.getItem(item.getId(), item.getClass()); if (existingItem == null) { throw new ServiceException(item.getId(), "Invalid update request," + " item doesn't exist in repository."); } // active user id. final Integer authUserId = findActiveUser(pRequest); // trasform new object to old object transferNewToOld(existingItem, item, authUserId); // update object final Integer itemId =; newlyCreatedItemIds.add(ITEM_URI_PREFIX + itemId); } // generate response final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_ITEM, newlyCreatedItemIds); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_CREATED_201); } } private void transferNewToOld(final ObjectBase pExistingItem, final ObjectBase pNewItem, final Integer pAuthUserId) { // update index repository name if (pNewItem.getIndexRepository() != null) { pExistingItem.setIndexRepository(pNewItem.getIndexRepository()); } else if (pExistingItem.getIndexRepository() == null) { pExistingItem.setIndexRepository(INDEX_DEFAULT); } // update title if (pNewItem.getTitle() != null) { pExistingItem.setTitle(pNewItem.getTitle()); } // update basic fields if (pNewItem.getFields() != null && !pNewItem.getFields().isEmpty()) { final Map<String, String> existingFields = pExistingItem.getFields(); final Map<String, String> updatedFields = pNewItem.getFields(); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : updatedFields.entrySet()) { final String fieldName = entry.getKey(); final String fieldValue = entry.getValue(); existingFields.put(fieldName, fieldValue); } pExistingItem.setFields(existingFields); } // update last updated time stamp final Timestamp lastUpdatedOn; if (pNewItem.getLastUpdatedOn() != null) { LOG.debug("Last updated timestamp was defined."); lastUpdatedOn = pNewItem.getLastUpdatedOn(); } else { LOG.debug("Taking updated timestamp"); lastUpdatedOn = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } pExistingItem.setLastUpdatedOn(lastUpdatedOn); // update created on timestamp if (pNewItem.getCreatedOn() != null) { pExistingItem.setCreatedOn(pNewItem.getCreatedOn()); } // TODO: update related items // set author group. List<Integer> authorGroup = pExistingItem.getRelatedItemsByRelationType(GroupConstants.GROUP_AUTHOR); if (authorGroup != null) { if (!authorGroup.contains(pAuthUserId)) { authorGroup.add(pAuthUserId); } } else { authorGroup = new ArrayList<Integer>(); authorGroup.add(pAuthUserId); } } /** * Find requested content. parse the user requested content. <br> * Retrieve the list of requested items.<br> * If any item id was specified that will be ignored by resetting * {@code item.setId(null)}<br> * set or create a new group of {@code author}. and add currently logged * on user id.<br> * Generate a successful response.<br> * * @param pAction restful action object * @param pRequest servlet request. * @param pResponse servlet response. * @throws IOException if any exception raised during sending off the content. */ private void handleSaveAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException { LOG.debug("Handle save action."); String indexRepository = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_INDEX_REPOSITORY); if (indexRepository == null) { indexRepository = INDEX_DEFAULT; } final String contentParam = pAction.getParameter(); final String content = pRequest.getParameter(contentParam); final StringReader contentStream = new StringReader(content); final List<ObjectBase> items = mWebServiceRequestHandler.handleRequest(pAction, contentStream); if (items != null && !items.isEmpty()) { if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Request has a list of items - " + items); } final List<String> newlyCreatedItemIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final ObjectBase item : items) { // on 'save' action there is no way user can set 'id' number. item.setId(null); // execute embed function for title item.setTitle(mFunctionExecutor.eval(item.getTitle())); // execute embed function for fields final Map<String, String> fields = item.getFields(); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> field : fields.entrySet()) { field.setValue(mFunctionExecutor.eval(field.getValue())); } // set index repository name item.setIndexRepository(indexRepository); // set author group. List<Integer> authorGroup = item.getRelatedItemsByRelationType(GroupConstants.GROUP_AUTHOR); if (authorGroup != null) { authorGroup.add(findActiveUser(pRequest)); } else { authorGroup = new ArrayList<Integer>(); authorGroup.add(findActiveUser(pRequest)); } final Integer itemId =; newlyCreatedItemIds.add(ITEM_URI_PREFIX + itemId); } // generate response final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_ITEM, newlyCreatedItemIds); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_CREATED_201); } } /** * Find {@see RepositoryUserPrincipal} from {@see Subject} object which must * be in {@see HttpSession} attribute list. if no such principal found an * unchecked exception will be raised. * * @param pRequest http servlet request. * @return the user id. */ private Integer findActiveUser(final HttpServletRequest pRequest) { final String authToken = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_AUTH_TOKEN); final Subject subject; if (mStateManager != null && authToken != null) { final RequestState requestState = mStateManager.getRequestStateForToken(authToken); subject = requestState.getSubject(); } else { subject = (Subject) pRequest.getSession().getAttribute(SESSION_ATTR_USER_SUBJECT); } final Set<RepositoryUserPrincipal> principals = subject.getPrincipals(RepositoryUserPrincipal.class); if (principals != null && !principals.isEmpty()) { final RepositoryUserPrincipal principal = principals.iterator().next(); return principal.getId(); } else { throw ServiceException.aNew(subject, "Subject doesn't contain the RepositoryUserPrincipal."); } } /** * Delete an item from repository. it matches the patter * of {@code .+/delete/.+}. * @param pAction restful action * @param pRequest servlet request. * @param pResponse servlet response. */ private void handleDeleteAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException { // Find item id from REST parameter. final Integer itemId = Integer.parseInt(pAction.getParameter()); if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Removing item id - " + itemId); } // Delete this item from repository mRepositoryService.delete(itemId); // Prepare successful message final String removeSuccessfulMessage = mMessageAccessor.getMessage(KEY_DELETE_SUCCESSFUL, new Object[] { itemId }, getActiveLocale()); // Generate new response final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_MESSAGE, removeSuccessfulMessage); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_ACCEPTED_202); } /** * Handle {@code .+/find/.+} type request. */ private void handleFindAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws ParseException, IOException { // perform search operation final PaginatedList<Hit> results = performSearch(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); // repopulate search result with formattable object final Object object; if (results != null && !results.isEmpty()) { final HitListObject hitListObject = new HitListObject(results); // if user defined "select" parameter, it will return list of reference final String paramSelect = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_SELECT); if (paramSelect != null) { final String[] fields = paramSelect.split(SEPARATOR_COMMA); for (final String field : fields) { hitListObject.setRepositoryService(mRepositoryService); hitListObject.addSelectableField(field.trim()); } } object = hitListObject; } else { object = EmptyObject.EMPTY; } // Build response element to send out response in user defined format. final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_ITEMS, object); // Add pagination hits final ResponseElement maximumRows = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_MAX_ROWS, results.size()); // Add probable page number final ResponseElement probablePages = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_PAGES_COUNT, results.getPageCount()); // add to the top response element responseElement.addResponseElement(maximumRows).addResponseElement(probablePages); // Generate response generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_OK_200); } private PaginatedList<Hit> performSearch(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws ParseException { // Find query expression final String parameter = pAction.getParameter(); String queryString = pRequest.getParameter(parameter); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Query string - " + queryString); } if (queryString == null) { throw new ServiceException(parameter, "Parameter has no such value."); } // determine skipRows and length. final String paramOffset = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_OFFSET); final String paramMax = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_MAX); final Integer skip; if (paramOffset == null) { skip = 0; } else { skip = Integer.parseInt(paramOffset); } final Integer max; if (paramMax == null) { // Integer maximum number is the limit of rows. max = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { max = Integer.parseInt(paramMax); } if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Offset - " + skip + " max rows - " + max); } // find index repository String indexRepository = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_INDEX_REPOSITORY); if (indexRepository == null) { indexRepository = INDEX_DEFAULT; } // build query final Query query = new Query(mQueryParser.parse(queryString)).index(indexRepository); // Set skipRows and maximum number of rows. query.maxRows(max).skipRows(skip); // find sortable field related parameters final String paramSortBy = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_SORT_BY); if (paramSortBy != null) { // determine sorting order final String paramOrder = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_ORDER); Boolean order = Boolean.FALSE; if (paramOrder != null && TRUE.equals(paramOrder)) { order = Boolean.TRUE; } // split sortable fields by comma (,) final String[] splittedSortableFields = paramSortBy.split(SORTABLE_FIELDS_SEPARATOR); for (final String sortableField : splittedSortableFields) { query.sortBy(sortableField, order); } } // perform lucene based search return mRepositoryService.getItemsByQuery(query); } /** * Find an object from {@see RepositoryService}. if object doesn't exist * forward to processErrorAction. * * @param pAction restful action parameters. * @param pRequest servlet request. * @param pResponse servlet response. */ private void handleGetAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException { final Integer resourceId = Integer.parseInt(pAction.getParameter()); final GenericItem genericItem = mRepositoryService.getItem(resourceId, GenericItem.class); // Send error message when resource doesn't exist. if (genericItem == null) { if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Item id - " + resourceId + " doesn't exists."); } processErrorAction(pAction, ErrorCode.RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE, pRequest, pResponse); } else { // Load related objects if parameter says it is intentional. loadRelatedItems(pRequest, genericItem); // convert object to request format (request/htm/json/text etc...). final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_ITEM, genericItem); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_OK_200); } } /** * Load all right side related items and attach them with the target object. * @param pRequest servlet request * @param pGenericItem generic item object. */ private void loadRelatedItems(final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final GenericItem pGenericItem) { final String paramLoadRelatedItems = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_LOAD_RELATED_ITEMS); final String paramRelatedItemsOffset = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_OFFSET); final String paramRelatedItemsMax = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_MAX); final String paramRelationTypes = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_RELATION_TYPES); final boolean relatedItemLoadingEnabled = (paramLoadRelatedItems != null) && (EMPTY_STRING.equals(paramLoadRelatedItems) || TRUE.equals(paramLoadRelatedItems)); if (relatedItemLoadingEnabled) { LOG.debug("Loading related items."); // Determine the skipRows final Integer offset; if (paramRelatedItemsOffset != null) { offset = Integer.parseInt(paramRelatedItemsOffset); } else { offset = 0; } // Determine the maximum number of items final Integer max; if (paramRelatedItemsMax != null) { max = Integer.parseInt(paramRelatedItemsMax); } else { max = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Determined offset - " + offset + ", max rows - " + max); } // Relation type is not explicity defined. if (paramRelationTypes == null) { LOG.debug("No relation type defined."); final Map<String, List<Integer>> relatedItemsMap = mRepositoryService.getItems(pGenericItem.getId(), offset, max); pGenericItem.setRelatedItemsMap(relatedItemsMap); } // Multiple relation types can be defined using comma separator. else { if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Relation type defined - " + paramRelationTypes); } final Map<String, List<Integer>> relatedItemsMap = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>(); // split relation types final String[] splitedTypes = paramRelationTypes.split(SEPARATOR_COMMA); final Integer parentItemId = pGenericItem.getId(); // Query for each relation type. for (String type : splitedTypes) { type = type.trim(); if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Retrieving items for relation type - " + type); } final List<Integer> relatedItems = mRepositoryService.getRelatedItems(parentItemId, type, offset, max); relatedItemsMap.put(type, relatedItems); } if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Related items map - " + relatedItemsMap); } // Add relation type map in to the target object. pGenericItem.setRelatedItemsMap(relatedItemsMap); } } else { LOG.debug("No related items are loading."); } } public void processUnauthenticatedAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) { LOG.debug("Process unauthenticated action - " + pAction); } // Verify type of action. if (ACTION_LOGIN.equals(pAction.getAction())) { // Handle login request. handleLoginAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } else if (ACTION_REGISTER.equals(pAction.getAction())) { // handle register request handleRegisterAction(pAction, pRequest, pResponse); } else { LOG.debug("NO action handler found."); // Send out a not allowed error response invalidActionResponse(pAction, KEY_INVALID_ACTION, pResponse); } } /** * User suppose to request registration process through the following URI-<Br> * {@code * /service/register/user.xml or * /service/register/admin.xml * } <br> * This function will look up {@code user|admin} post field from the request * parameters. if request parameter doesn't contain any exception it will * through the exeption.<br> * otherwise user will be registered and it will generate a response with a * newly created object reference. * * @param pAction restful action * @param pRequest http servlet request. * @param pResponse http servelt response. * @throws if exception raised during trasfering content * to the client. */ private void handleRegisterAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException { LOG.debug("Handle user registration action."); // find index repository name String indexRepository = pRequest.getParameter(PARAM_INDEX_REPOSITORY); if (indexRepository == null) { indexRepository = INDEX_DEFAULT; } // find parameter name final String paramName = pAction.getParameter(); // lookup content from parameter final String content = pRequest.getParameter(paramName); // verify content if (content == null || content.length() == 0) { throw ServiceException.aNew(pAction, "Invalid registration request", null); } // process new content final List<ObjectBase> objects = mWebServiceRequestHandler.handleRequest(pAction, new StringReader(content)); if (objects != null && !objects.isEmpty()) { final List<String> newlyCreatedItemIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final ObjectBase objectBase : objects) { objectBase.setIndexRepository(indexRepository); if (objectBase instanceof User) { LOG.debug("Register new user object"); final Integer id = mUserService.registerUser((User) objectBase); newlyCreatedItemIds.add(ITEM_URI_PREFIX + String.valueOf(id)); } else { LOG.debug("Creating new item object"); final Integer id =; newlyCreatedItemIds.add(ITEM_URI_PREFIX + String.valueOf(id)); } } if (!newlyCreatedItemIds.isEmpty()) { // generate response final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_ITEM, newlyCreatedItemIds); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_CREATED_201); } else { invalidActionResponse(pAction, KEY_INVALID_ACTION, pResponse); } } } /** * Generate this response when any action is not allowed or invalid. * @param pAction restful action object. * @param pMessageKey message key. * @param pResponse servelt response. */ private void invalidActionResponse(final RESTfulAction pAction, final String pMessageKey, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException { final String uri; if (pAction == null) { uri = "EMPTY"; } else { uri = pAction.getUri(); } final String message = mMessageAccessor.getMessage(pMessageKey, new Object[] { uri }, getActiveLocale()); generateErrorResponse(pAction, pResponse, message, STATUS_FORBIDDEN_403); } private Locale getActiveLocale() { return DEFAULT_LOCALE; } /** * Parse url, and find the name of user and password parameter. <br> * perform login request, if {@see Subject} is returned, store it in * session context and response status is set to 202.<br> * Otherwise raise {@see ServiceException}, which is meant to be a symbol of * login failure.<br> * @param pAction restful action object. * @param pRequest servlet request object. * @param pResponse servelt response object. * @throws if exception is raised during transfering * content to the client. */ private void handleLoginAction(final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse) throws IOException { // Determine requested user name and password. final String parameters = pAction.getParameter(); final String[] splitParameters = parameters.split(PARAMETER_SPLITER); // throw exception if parameter is few. if (splitParameters.length != 2) { throw new ServiceException(parameters, "No such user or password request " + "parameter found."); } // proceed if parameter length is acceptable. final String userParamName = splitParameters[0]; final String passwordParamName = splitParameters[1]; // find user and password value from the request parameter. final String user = pRequest.getParameter(userParamName); final String password = pRequest.getParameter(passwordParamName); // Attempt for authentication. final UserCredential userCredential = new UserCredential(user, password); // generate authentication token for the current authentication request. final String stateId = mStateManager.generateRequestStateToken(); userCredential.setStateId(stateId); // attempt for authentication final Subject subject = mUserService.login(userCredential); // If successful authentication, the subject won't be null. if (subject != null) { // keep subject with in the session context pRequest.getSession().setAttribute(SESSION_ATTR_USER_SUBJECT, subject); // generate response final ResponseElement responseElement = new ResponseElement(ELEMENT_AUTH_TOKEN, stateId); generateResponse(true, pAction, pRequest, pResponse, responseElement, STATUS_ACCEPTED_202); } else { LOG.debug("User - " + user + ", attempt failed."); } } /** * Generate response using {@see ResponseBuilder}. response builder is * responsible to select appropriate content formatter. * @param pState state of the response. * @param pAction restulf action object. * @param pRequest servlet request. * @param pResponse servlet response. * @param pResponseElement response element. * @param pStatus http response status. * @throws if exception is raised during transfering * response to the client. */ private void generateResponse(final boolean pState, final RESTfulAction pAction, final HttpServletRequest pRequest, final HttpServletResponse pResponse, final ResponseElement pResponseElement, final int pStatus) throws IOException { // Build response content. final ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = new ResponseBuilder(pAction.getResponseFormat(), pState); // add response object. responseBuilder.addObject(pResponseElement); // set response status pResponse.setStatus(pStatus); // set content type. pResponse.setContentType(findContentMimeType(pAction.getResponseFormat())); // pResponse.setCharacterEncoding("UTF8"); // send out response content. pResponse.getWriter().println(responseBuilder.buildResponse()); } /** * Find content mime type by the short name of the content format. <br> * for example: {@code request} for mime type of {@code text/request} * @param pResponseFormat short name of content format. * @return the mime type of the content format. */ private String findContentMimeType(final String pResponseFormat) { return CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.get(pResponseFormat.toLowerCase()); } }