Java tutorial
/**************************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2009 Daniel Svrd <> * * Copyright (c) 2010 Rick Gruber-Riemer <> * * Copyright (c) 2011 Norbert Nagold <> * * Copyright (c) 2011 Kostas Spyropoulos <> * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * * Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * * version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * * this program. If not, see <>. * ****************************************************************************************/ package com.ichi2.libanki; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.util.Pair; import com.ichi2.anki.exception.ConfirmModSchemaException; import com.ichi2.libanki.template.Template; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Models { private static final Pattern fClozePattern1 = Pattern.compile("\\{\\{[^}]*?cloze:(?:[^}]?:)*(.+?)\\}\\}"); private static final Pattern fClozePattern2 = Pattern.compile("<%cloze:(.+?)%>"); private static final Pattern fClozeOrdPattern = Pattern.compile("\\{\\{c(\\d+)::.+?\\}\\}"); public static final String defaultModel = "{'sortf': 0, " + "'did': 1, " + "'latexPre': \"" + "\\\\documentclass[12pt]{article}\\n" + "\\\\special{papersize=3in,5in}\\n" + "\\\\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\\n" + "\\\\usepackage{amssymb,amsmath}\\n" + "\\\\pagestyle{empty}\\n" + "\\\\setlength{\\\\parindent}{0in}\\n" + "\\\\begin{document}\\n" + "\", " + "'latexPost': \"\\\\end{document}\", " + "'mod': 0, " + "'usn': 0, " + "'vers': [], " // FIXME: remove when other clients have caught up + "'type': " + Consts.MODEL_STD + ", " + "'css': \".card {\\n" + " font-familiy: arial;\\n" + " font-size: 20px;\\n" + " text-align: center;\\n" + " color: black;\\n" + " background-color: white;\\n" + "}\"" + "}"; private static final String defaultField = "{'name': \"\", " + "'ord': null, " + "'sticky': False, " + // the following alter editing, and are used as defaults for the template wizard "'rtl': False, " + "'font': \"Arial\", " + "'size': 20, " + // reserved for future use "'media': [] }"; private static final String defaultTemplate = "{'name': \"\", " + "'ord': null, " + "'qfmt': \"\", " + "'afmt': \"\", " + "'did': null, " + "'bqfmt': \"\"," + "'bafmt': \"\"," + "'bfont': \"Arial\"," + "'bsize': 12 }"; // /** Regex pattern used in removing tags from text before diff */ // private static final Pattern sFactPattern = Pattern.compile("%\\([tT]ags\\)s"); // private static final Pattern sModelPattern = Pattern.compile("%\\(modelTags\\)s"); // private static final Pattern sTemplPattern = Pattern.compile("%\\(cardModel\\)s"); private Collection mCol; private boolean mChanged; private HashMap<Long, JSONObject> mModels; // BEGIN SQL table entries private int mId; private String mName = ""; private long mCrt = Utils.intNow(); private long mMod = Utils.intNow(); private JSONObject mConf; private String mCss = ""; private JSONArray mFields; private JSONArray mTemplates; // BEGIN SQL table entries // private Decks mDeck; // private AnkiDb mDb; // /** Map for compiled Mustache Templates */ private Map<String, Template> mCmpldTemplateMap = new HashMap<String, Template>(); // // /** Map for convenience and speed which contains FieldNames from current model */ // private TreeMap<String, Integer> mFieldMap = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); // // /** Map for convenience and speed which contains Templates from current model */ // private TreeMap<Integer, JSONObject> mTemplateMap = new TreeMap<Integer, JSONObject>(); // // /** Map for convenience and speed which contains the CSS code related to a Template */ // private HashMap<Integer, String> mCssTemplateMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); // // /** // * The percentage chosen in preferences for font sizing at the time when the css for the CardModels related to // this // * Model was calculated in prepareCSSForCardModels. // */ // private transient int mDisplayPercentage = 0; // private boolean mNightMode = false; /** * Saving/loading registry * *********************************************************************************************** */ public Models(Collection col) { mCol = col; } /** * Load registry from JSON. */ public void load(String json) { mChanged = false; mModels = new HashMap<Long, JSONObject>(); try { JSONObject modelarray = new JSONObject(json); JSONArray ids = modelarray.names(); if (ids != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ids.length(); i++) { String id = ids.getString(i); JSONObject o = modelarray.getJSONObject(id); mModels.put(o.getLong("id"), o); } } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Mark M modified if provided, and schedule registry flush. */ public void save() { save(null, false); } public void save(JSONObject m) { save(m, false); } /** * Save a model * @param m model to save * @param templates flag which (when true) re-generates the cards for each note which uses the model */ public void save(JSONObject m, boolean templates) { if (m != null && m.has("id")) { try { m.put("mod", Utils.intNow()); m.put("usn", mCol.usn()); // TODO: fix empty id problem on _updaterequired (needed for model adding) if (m.getLong("id") != 0) { _updateRequired(m); } if (templates) { _syncTemplates(m); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } mChanged = true; // The following hook rebuilds the tree in the Anki Desktop browser -- we don't need it // runHook("newModel") } /** * Flush the registry if any models were changed. */ public void flush() { if (mChanged) { JSONObject array = new JSONObject(); try { for (Map.Entry<Long, JSONObject> o : mModels.entrySet()) { array.put(Long.toString(o.getKey()), o.getValue()); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } ContentValues val = new ContentValues(); val.put("models", Utils.jsonToString(array)); mCol.getDb().update("col", val); mChanged = false; } } /** * Retrieving and creating models * *********************************************************************************************** */ /** * Get current model. * @return The JSONObject of the model, or null if not found in the deck and in the configuration. */ public JSONObject current() { return current(true); } /** * Get current model. * @param forDeck If true, it tries to get the deck specified in deck by mid, otherwise or if the former is not * found, it uses the configuration`s field curModel. * @return The JSONObject of the model, or null if not found in the deck and in the configuration. */ public JSONObject current(boolean forDeck) { JSONObject m = null; if (forDeck) { m = get(mCol.getDecks().current().optLong("mid", -1)); } if (m == null) { m = get(mCol.getConf().optLong("curModel", -1)); } if (m == null) { if (!mModels.isEmpty()) { m = mModels.values().iterator().next(); } } return m; } public void setCurrent(JSONObject m) { try { mCol.getConf().put("curModel", m.get("id")); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } mCol.setMod(); } /** get model with ID, or none. */ public JSONObject get(long id) { if (mModels.containsKey(id)) { return mModels.get(id); } else { return null; } } /** get all models */ public ArrayList<JSONObject> all() { ArrayList<JSONObject> models = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); Iterator<JSONObject> it = mModels.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { models.add(; } return models; } /** get model with NAME. */ public JSONObject byName(String name) { for (JSONObject m : mModels.values()) { try { if (m.getString("name").equals(name)) { return m; } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return null; } /** Create a new model, save it in the registry, and return it. */ public JSONObject newModel(String name) { // caller should call save() after modifying JSONObject m; try { m = new JSONObject(defaultModel); m.put("name", name); m.put("mod", Utils.intNow()); m.put("flds", new JSONArray()); m.put("tmpls", new JSONArray()); m.put("tags", new JSONArray()); m.put("id", 0); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return m; } /** Delete model, and all its cards/notes. * @throws ConfirmModSchemaException */ public void rem(JSONObject m) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { mCol.modSchema(true); try { long id = m.getLong("id"); boolean current = current().getLong("id") == id; // delete notes/cards mCol.remCards(Utils.arrayList2array(mCol.getDb().queryColumn(Long.class, "SELECT id FROM cards WHERE nid IN (SELECT id FROM notes WHERE mid = " + id + ")", 0))); // then the model mModels.remove(id); save(); // GUI should ensure last model is not deleted if (current) { setCurrent(mModels.values().iterator().next()); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void add(JSONObject m) { _setID(m); update(m); setCurrent(m); save(m); } /** Add or update an existing model. Used for syncing and merging. */ public void update(JSONObject m) { try { mModels.put(m.getLong("id"), m); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // mark registry changed, but don't bump mod time save(); } private void _setID(JSONObject m) { long id = Utils.intNow(1000); while (mModels.containsKey(id)) { id = Utils.intNow(1000); } try { m.put("id", id); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public boolean have(long id) { return mModels.containsKey(id); } public long[] ids() { Iterator<Long> it = mModels.keySet().iterator(); long[] ids = new long[mModels.size()]; int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { ids[i] =; i++; } return ids; } /** * Tools *********************************************************************************************** */ /** Note ids for M */ public ArrayList<Long> nids(JSONObject m) { try { return mCol.getDb().queryColumn(Long.class, "SELECT id FROM notes WHERE mid = " + m.getLong("id"), 0); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Number of notes using m * @param m The model to the count the notes of. * @return The number of notes with that model. */ public int useCount(JSONObject m) { try { return mCol.getDb().queryScalar("select count() from notes where mid = " + m.getLong("id")); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Number of notes using m * @param m The model to the count the notes of. * @param ord The index of the card template * @return The number of notes with that model. */ public int tmplUseCount(JSONObject m, int ord) { try { return mCol.getDb() .queryScalar("select count() from cards, notes where cards.nid = and notes.mid = " + m.getLong("id") + " and cards.ord = " + ord); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Copying *********************************************************************************************** */ /** Copy, save and return. */ public JSONObject copy(JSONObject m) { JSONObject m2 = null; try { m2 = new JSONObject(Utils.jsonToString(m)); m2.put("name", m2.getString("name") + " copy"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } add(m2); return m2; } /** * Fields *********************************************************************************************** */ public JSONObject newField(String name) { JSONObject f; try { f = new JSONObject(defaultField); f.put("name", name); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return f; } /** "Mapping of field name -> (ord, field). */ public Map<String, Pair<Integer, JSONObject>> fieldMap(JSONObject m) { JSONArray ja; try { ja = m.getJSONArray("flds"); // TreeMap<Integer, String> map = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); Map<String, Pair<Integer, JSONObject>> result = new HashMap<String, Pair<Integer, JSONObject>>(); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { JSONObject f = ja.getJSONObject(i); result.put(f.getString("name"), new Pair<Integer, JSONObject>(f.getInt("ord"), f)); } return result; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public ArrayList<String> fieldNames(JSONObject m) { JSONArray ja; try { ja = m.getJSONArray("flds"); ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { names.add(ja.getJSONObject(i).getString("name")); } return names; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public int sortIdx(JSONObject m) { try { return m.getInt("sortf"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void setSortIdx(JSONObject m, int idx) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { try { mCol.modSchema(true); m.put("sortf", idx); mCol.updateFieldCache(Utils.toPrimitive(nids(m))); save(m); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void addField(JSONObject m, JSONObject field) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { // only mod schema if model isn't new try { if (m.getLong("id") != 0) { mCol.modSchema(true); } JSONArray ja = m.getJSONArray("flds"); ja.put(field); m.put("flds", ja); _updateFieldOrds(m); save(m); _transformFields(m, new TransformFieldAdd()); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } class TransformFieldAdd implements TransformFieldVisitor { @Override public String[] transform(String[] fields) { String[] f = new String[fields.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(fields, 0, f, 0, fields.length); f[fields.length] = ""; return f; } } public void remField(JSONObject m, JSONObject field) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { mCol.modSchema(true); try { JSONArray ja = m.getJSONArray("flds"); JSONArray ja2 = new JSONArray(); int idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); ++i) { if (field.equals(ja.getJSONObject(i))) { idx = i; continue; } ja2.put(ja.get(i)); } m.put("flds", ja2); int sortf = m.getInt("sortf"); if (sortf >= m.getJSONArray("flds").length()) { m.put("sortf", sortf - 1); } _updateFieldOrds(m); _transformFields(m, new TransformFieldDelete(idx)); if (idx == sortIdx(m)) { // need to rebuild mCol.updateFieldCache(Utils.toPrimitive(nids(m))); } renameField(m, field, null); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } class TransformFieldDelete implements TransformFieldVisitor { private int idx; public TransformFieldDelete(int _idx) { idx = _idx; } @Override public String[] transform(String[] fields) { ArrayList<String> fl = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(fields)); fl.remove(idx); return fl.toArray(new String[fl.size()]); } } public void moveField(JSONObject m, JSONObject field, int idx) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { mCol.modSchema(true); try { JSONArray ja = m.getJSONArray("flds"); ArrayList<JSONObject> l = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); int oldidx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); ++i) { l.add(ja.getJSONObject(i)); if (field.equals(ja.getJSONObject(i))) { oldidx = i; if (idx == oldidx) { return; } } } // remember old sort field String sortf = Utils.jsonToString(m.getJSONArray("flds").getJSONObject(m.getInt("sortf"))); // move l.remove(oldidx); l.add(idx, field); m.put("flds", new JSONArray(l)); // restore sort field ja = m.getJSONArray("flds"); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); ++i) { if (Utils.jsonToString(ja.getJSONObject(i)).equals(sortf)) { m.put("sortf", i); break; } } _updateFieldOrds(m); save(m); _transformFields(m, new TransformFieldMove(idx, oldidx)); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } class TransformFieldMove implements TransformFieldVisitor { private int idx; private int oldidx; public TransformFieldMove(int _idx, int _oldidx) { idx = _idx; oldidx = _oldidx; } @Override public String[] transform(String[] fields) { String val = fields[oldidx]; ArrayList<String> fl = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(fields)); fl.remove(oldidx); fl.add(idx, val); return fl.toArray(new String[fl.size()]); } } public void renameField(JSONObject m, JSONObject field, String newName) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { mCol.modSchema(true); try { String pat = String.format("\\{\\{([^{}]*)([:#^/]|[^:#/^}][^:}]*?:|)%s\\}\\}", Pattern.quote(field.getString("name"))); if (newName == null) { newName = ""; } String repl = "{{$1$2" + newName + "}}"; JSONArray tmpls = m.getJSONArray("tmpls"); for (int i = 0; i < tmpls.length(); ++i) { JSONObject t = tmpls.getJSONObject(i); for (String fmt : new String[] { "qfmt", "afmt" }) { if (!newName.equals("")) { t.put(fmt, t.getString(fmt).replaceAll(pat, repl)); } else { t.put(fmt, t.getString(fmt).replaceAll(pat, "")); } } } field.put("name", newName); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } save(m); } public void _updateFieldOrds(JSONObject m) { JSONArray ja; try { ja = m.getJSONArray("flds"); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { JSONObject f = ja.getJSONObject(i); f.put("ord", i); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } interface TransformFieldVisitor { public String[] transform(String[] fields); } public void _transformFields(JSONObject m, TransformFieldVisitor fn) { // model hasn't been added yet? try { if (m.getLong("id") == 0) { return; } ArrayList<Object[]> r = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); Cursor cur = null; try { cur = mCol.getDb().getDatabase() .rawQuery("select id, flds from notes where mid = " + m.getLong("id"), null); while (cur.moveToNext()) { r.add(new Object[] { Utils.joinFields((String[]) fn.transform(Utils.splitFields(cur.getString(1)))), Utils.intNow(), mCol.usn(), cur.getLong(0) }); } } finally { if (cur != null) { cur.close(); } } mCol.getDb().executeMany("update notes set flds=?,mod=?,usn=? where id = ?", r); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Templates *********************************************************************************************** */ public JSONObject newTemplate(String name) { JSONObject t; try { t = new JSONObject(defaultTemplate); t.put("name", name); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return t; } /** Note: should col.genCards() afterwards. * @throws ConfirmModSchemaException */ public void addTemplate(JSONObject m, JSONObject template) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { try { if (m.getLong("id") != 0) { mCol.modSchema(true); } JSONArray ja = m.getJSONArray("tmpls"); ja.put(template); m.put("tmpls", ja); _updateTemplOrds(m); save(m); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Removing a template * * @return False if removing template would leave orphan notes. * @throws ConfirmModSchemaException */ public boolean remTemplate(JSONObject m, JSONObject template) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { try { assert (m.getJSONArray("tmpls").length() > 1); // find cards using this template JSONArray ja = m.getJSONArray("tmpls"); int ord = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); ++i) { if (ja.get(i).equals(template)) { ord = i; break; } } String sql = "select from cards c, notes f where and mid = " + m.getLong("id") + " and ord = " + ord; long[] cids = Utils.toPrimitive(mCol.getDb().queryColumn(Long.class, sql, 0)); // all notes with this template must have at least two cards, or we could end up creating orphaned notes sql = "select nid, count() from cards where nid in (select nid from cards where id in " + Utils.ids2str(cids) + ") group by nid having count() < 2 limit 1"; if (mCol.getDb().queryScalar(sql) != 0) { return false; } // ok to proceed; remove cards mCol.modSchema(true); mCol.remCards(cids); // shift ordinals mCol.getDb().execute( "update cards set ord = ord - 1, usn = ?, mod = ? where nid in (select id from notes where mid = ?) and ord > ?", new Object[] { mCol.usn(), Utils.intNow(), m.getLong("id"), ord }); JSONArray tmpls = m.getJSONArray("tmpls"); JSONArray ja2 = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < tmpls.length(); ++i) { if (template.equals(tmpls.getJSONObject(i))) { continue; } ja2.put(tmpls.get(i)); } m.put("tmpls", ja2); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } _updateTemplOrds(m); save(m); return true; } public void _updateTemplOrds(JSONObject m) { JSONArray ja; try { ja = m.getJSONArray("tmpls"); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { JSONObject f = ja.getJSONObject(i); f.put("ord", i); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void moveTemplate(JSONObject m, JSONObject template, int idx) { try { JSONArray ja = m.getJSONArray("tmpls"); int oldidx = -1; ArrayList<JSONObject> l = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); HashMap<Integer, Integer> oldidxs = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); ++i) { if (ja.get(i).equals(template)) { oldidx = i; if (idx == oldidx) { return; } } JSONObject t = ja.getJSONObject(i); oldidxs.put(t.hashCode(), t.getInt("ord")); l.add(t); } l.remove(oldidx); l.add(idx, template); m.put("tmpls", new JSONArray(l)); _updateTemplOrds(m); // generate change map - We use StringBuilder StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ja = m.getJSONArray("tmpls"); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); ++i) { JSONObject t = ja.getJSONObject(i); sb.append("when ord = ").append(oldidxs.get(t.hashCode())).append(" then ").append(t.getInt("ord")); if (i != ja.length() - 1) { sb.append(" "); } } // apply save(m); mCol.getDb().execute( "update cards set ord = (case " + sb.toString() + " end),usn=?,mod=? where nid in (select id from notes where mid = ?)", new Object[] { mCol.usn(), Utils.intNow(), m.getLong("id") }); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void _syncTemplates(JSONObject m) { ArrayList<Long> rem = mCol.genCards(Utils.arrayList2array(nids(m))); } /** * Model changing *********************************************************************************************** */ /** * Change a model * @param m The model to change. * @param nids The list of notes that the change applies to. * @param newModel For replacing the old model with another one. Should be self if the model is not changing * @param fmap Map for switching fields. This is ord->ord and there should not be duplicate targets * @param cmap Map for switching cards. This is ord->ord and there should not be duplicate targets * @throws ConfirmModSchemaException */ public void change(JSONObject m, long[] nids, JSONObject newModel, Map<Integer, Integer> fmap, Map<Integer, Integer> cmap) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { mCol.modSchema(true); try { assert (newModel.getLong("id") == m.getLong("id")) || (fmap != null && cmap != null); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (fmap != null) { _changeNotes(nids, newModel, fmap); } if (cmap != null) { _changeCards(nids, m, newModel, cmap); } mCol.genCards(nids); } private void _changeNotes(long[] nids, JSONObject newModel, Map<Integer, Integer> map) { List<Object[]> d = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); int nfields; long mid; try { nfields = newModel.getJSONArray("flds").length(); mid = newModel.getLong("id"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } Cursor cur = null; try { cur = mCol.getDb().getDatabase() .rawQuery("select id, flds from notes where id in ".concat(Utils.ids2str(nids)), null); while (cur.moveToNext()) { long nid = cur.getLong(0); String[] flds = Utils.splitFields(cur.getString(1)); Map<Integer, String> newflds = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (Integer old : map.keySet()) { newflds.put(map.get(old), flds[old]); } List<String> flds2 = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int c = 0; c < nfields; ++c) { if (newflds.containsKey(c)) { flds2.add(newflds.get(c)); } else { flds2.add(""); } } String joinedFlds = Utils.joinFields(flds2.toArray(new String[flds2.size()])); d.add(new Object[] { joinedFlds, mid, Utils.intNow(), mCol.usn(), nid }); } } finally { if (cur != null) { cur.close(); } } mCol.getDb().executeMany("update notes set flds=?,mid=?,mod=?,usn=? where id = ?", d); mCol.updateFieldCache(nids); } private void _changeCards(long[] nids, JSONObject oldModel, JSONObject newModel, Map<Integer, Integer> map) { List<Object[]> d = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); List<Long> deleted = new ArrayList<Long>(); Cursor cur = null; int omType; int nmType; int nflds; try { omType = oldModel.getInt("type"); nmType = newModel.getInt("type"); nflds = newModel.getJSONArray("tmpls").length(); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } try { cur = mCol.getDb().getDatabase() .rawQuery("select id, ord from cards where nid in ".concat(Utils.ids2str(nids)), null); while (cur.moveToNext()) { // if the src model is a cloze, we ignore the map, as the gui doesn't currently // support mapping them Integer newOrd; long cid = cur.getLong(0); int ord = cur.getInt(1); if (omType == Consts.MODEL_CLOZE) { newOrd = cur.getInt(1); if (nmType != Consts.MODEL_CLOZE) { // if we're mapping to a regular note, we need to check if // the destination ord is valid if (nflds <= ord) { newOrd = null; } } } else { // mapping from a regular note, so the map should be valid newOrd = map.get(ord); } if (newOrd != null) { d.add(new Object[] { newOrd, mCol.usn(), Utils.intNow(), cid }); } else { deleted.add(cid); } } } finally { if (cur != null) { cur.close(); } } mCol.getDb().executeMany("update cards set ord=?,usn=?,mod=? where id=?", d); mCol.remCards(Utils.toPrimitive(deleted)); } /** * Schema hash *********************************************************************************************** */ /** Return a hash of the schema, to see if models are compatible. */ public String scmhash(JSONObject m) { String s = ""; try { JSONArray flds = m.getJSONArray("flds"); for (int i = 0; i < flds.length(); ++i) { s += flds.getJSONObject(i).getString("name"); } JSONArray tmpls = m.getJSONArray("tmpls"); for (int i = 0; i < tmpls.length(); ++i) { JSONObject t = tmpls.getJSONObject(i); s += t.getString("name"); s += t.getString("qfmt"); s += t.getString("afmt"); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return Utils.checksum(s); } /** * Required field/text cache * *********************************************************************************************** */ private void _updateRequired(JSONObject m) { try { if (m.getInt("type") == Consts.MODEL_CLOZE) { // nothing to do return; } JSONArray req = new JSONArray(); ArrayList<String> flds = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONArray fields; fields = m.getJSONArray("flds"); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length(); i++) { flds.add(fields.getJSONObject(i).getString("name")); } JSONArray templates = m.getJSONArray("tmpls"); for (int i = 0; i < templates.length(); i++) { JSONObject t = templates.getJSONObject(i); Object[] ret = _reqForTemplate(m, flds, t); JSONArray r = new JSONArray(); r.put(t.getInt("ord")); r.put(ret[0]); r.put(ret[1]); req.put(r); } m.put("req", req); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private Object[] _reqForTemplate(JSONObject m, ArrayList<String> flds, JSONObject t) { try { ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> b = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String f : flds) { a.add("ankiflag"); b.add(""); } Object[] data; data = new Object[] { 1l, 1l, m.getLong("id"), 1l, t.getInt("ord"), "", Utils.joinFields(a.toArray(new String[a.size()])) }; String full = mCol._renderQA(data).get("q"); data = new Object[] { 1l, 1l, m.getLong("id"), 1l, t.getInt("ord"), "", Utils.joinFields(b.toArray(new String[b.size()])) }; String empty = mCol._renderQA(data).get("q"); // if full and empty are the same, the template is invalid and there is no way to satisfy it if (full.equals(empty)) { return new Object[] { "none", new JSONArray(), new JSONArray() }; } String type = "all"; JSONArray req = new JSONArray(); ArrayList<String> tmp = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < flds.size(); i++) { tmp.clear(); tmp.addAll(a); tmp.set(i, ""); data[6] = Utils.joinFields(tmp.toArray(new String[tmp.size()])); // if no field content appeared, field is required if (!mCol._renderQA(data).get("q").contains("ankiflag")) { req.put(i); } } if (req.length() > 0) { return new Object[] { type, req }; } // if there are no required fields, switch to any mode type = "any"; req = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < flds.size(); i++) { tmp.clear(); tmp.addAll(b); tmp.set(i, "1"); data[6] = Utils.joinFields(tmp.toArray(new String[tmp.size()])); // if not the same as empty, this field can make the card non-blank if (!mCol._renderQA(data).get("q").equals(empty)) { req.put(i); } } return new Object[] { type, req }; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** Given a joined field string, return available template ordinals */ public ArrayList<Integer> availOrds(JSONObject m, String flds) { try { if (m.getInt("type") == Consts.MODEL_CLOZE) { return _availClozeOrds(m, flds); } String[] fields = Utils.splitFields(flds); for (String f : fields) { f = f.trim(); } ArrayList<Integer> avail = new ArrayList<Integer>(); JSONArray reqArray = m.getJSONArray("req"); for (int i = 0; i < reqArray.length(); i++) { JSONArray sr = reqArray.getJSONArray(i); int ord = sr.getInt(0); String type = sr.getString(1); JSONArray req = sr.getJSONArray(2); if (type.equals("none")) { // unsatisfiable template continue; } else if (type.equals("all")) { // AND requirement? boolean ok = true; for (int j = 0; j < req.length(); j++) { int idx = req.getInt(j); if (fields[idx] == null || fields[idx].length() == 0) { // missing and was required ok = false; break; } } if (!ok) { continue; } } else if (type.equals("any")) { // OR requirement? boolean ok = false; for (int j = 0; j < req.length(); j++) { int idx = req.getInt(j); if (fields[idx] != null && fields[idx].length() != 0) { // missing and was required ok = true; break; } } if (!ok) { continue; } } avail.add(ord); } return avail; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public ArrayList<Integer> _availClozeOrds(JSONObject m, String flds) { return _availClozeOrds(m, flds, true); } public ArrayList<Integer> _availClozeOrds(JSONObject m, String flds, boolean allowEmpty) { String[] sflds = Utils.splitFields(flds); Map<String, Pair<Integer, JSONObject>> map = fieldMap(m); Set<Integer> ords = new HashSet<Integer>(); List<String> matches = new ArrayList<String>(); Matcher mm; try { mm = fClozePattern1.matcher(m.getJSONArray("tmpls").getJSONObject(0).getString("qfmt")); while (mm.find()) { matches.add(; } mm = fClozePattern2.matcher(m.getJSONArray("tmpls").getJSONObject(0).getString("qfmt")); while (mm.find()) { matches.add(; } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } for (String fname : matches) { if (!map.containsKey(fname)) { continue; } int ord = map.get(fname).first; mm = fClozeOrdPattern.matcher(sflds[ord]); while (mm.find()) { ords.add(Integer.parseInt( - 1); } } if (ords.contains(-1)) { ords.remove(-1); } if (ords.isEmpty() && allowEmpty) { // empty clozes use first ord return new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 0 })); } return new ArrayList<Integer>(ords); } /** * Sync handling *********************************************************************************************** */ public void beforeUpload() { try { for (JSONObject m : all()) { m.put("usn", 0); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } save(); } /** * Routines from * * * @throws ConfirmModSchemaException ********************************************************************************************** */ public static JSONObject addBasicModel(Collection col) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { return addBasicModel(col, "Basic"); } public static JSONObject addBasicModel(Collection col, String name) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { Models mm = col.getModels(); JSONObject m = mm.newModel(name); JSONObject fm = mm.newField("Front"); mm.addField(m, fm); fm = mm.newField("Back"); mm.addField(m, fm); JSONObject t = mm.newTemplate("Card 1"); try { t.put("qfmt", "{{Front}}"); t.put("afmt", "{{FrontSide}}\n\n<hr id=answer>\n\n{{Back}}"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } mm.addTemplate(m, t); mm.add(m); return m; } /* Forward & Reverse */ public static JSONObject addForwardReverse(Collection col) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { String name = "Basic (and reversed card)"; Models mm = col.getModels(); JSONObject m = addBasicModel(col); try { m.put("name", name); JSONObject t = mm.newTemplate("Card 2"); t.put("qfmt", "{{Back}}"); t.put("afmt", "{{FrontSide}}\n\n<hr id=answer>\n\n{{Front}}"); mm.addTemplate(m, t); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return m; } /* Forward & Optional Reverse */ public static JSONObject addForwardOptionalReverse(Collection col) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { String name = "Basic (optional reversed card)"; Models mm = col.getModels(); JSONObject m = addBasicModel(col); try { m.put("name", name); JSONObject fm = mm.newField("Add Reverse"); mm.addField(m, fm); JSONObject t = mm.newTemplate("Card 2"); t.put("qfmt", "{{#Add Reverse}}{{Back}}{{/Add Reverse}}"); t.put("afmt", "{{FrontSide}}\n\n<hr id=answer>\n\n{{Front}}"); mm.addTemplate(m, t); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return m; } public static JSONObject addClozeModel(Collection col) throws ConfirmModSchemaException { Models mm = col.getModels(); JSONObject m = mm.newModel("Cloze"); try { m.put("type", Consts.MODEL_CLOZE); String txt = "Text"; JSONObject fm = mm.newField(txt); mm.addField(m, fm); fm = mm.newField("Extra"); mm.addField(m, fm); JSONObject t = mm.newTemplate("Cloze"); String fmt = "{{cloze:" + txt + "}}"; m.put("css", m.getString("css") + ".cloze {" + "font-weight: bold;" + "color: blue;" + "}"); t.put("qfmt", fmt); t.put("afmt", fmt + "<br>\n{{Extra}}"); mm.addTemplate(m, t); mm.add(m); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return m; } /** * Other stuff NOT IN LIBANKI * *********************************************************************************************** */ public void setChanged() { mChanged = true; } public HashMap<Long, HashMap<Integer, String>> getTemplateNames() { HashMap<Long, HashMap<Integer, String>> result = new HashMap<Long, HashMap<Integer, String>>(); for (JSONObject m : mModels.values()) { JSONArray templates; try { templates = m.getJSONArray("tmpls"); HashMap<Integer, String> names = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < templates.length(); i++) { JSONObject t = templates.getJSONObject(i); names.put(t.getInt("ord"), t.getString("name")); } result.put(m.getLong("id"), names); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return result; } /** * @return the ID */ public int getId() { return mId; } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return mName; } public HashMap<Long, JSONObject> getModels() { return mModels; } /** Validate model entries. */ public boolean validateModel() { Iterator<Entry<Long, JSONObject>> iterator = mModels.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { if (!validateBrackets( { return false; } } return true; } /** Check if there is a right bracket for every left bracket. */ private boolean validateBrackets(JSONObject value) { String s = value.toString(); int count = 0; boolean inQuotes = false; char[] ar = s.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { char c = ar[i]; // if in quotes, do not count if (c == '"' && (i == 0 || (ar[i - 1] != '\\'))) { inQuotes = !inQuotes; continue; } if (inQuotes) { continue; } switch (c) { case '{': count++; break; case '}': count--; if (count < 0) { return false; } break; } } return (count == 0); } }