Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. *******************************************************************************/ package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.ParseException; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.client.AuthCache; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpHead; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.protocol.HttpClientContext; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLContextBuilder; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.TrustStrategy; import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.ByteArrayBody; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody; import org.apache.http.impl.auth.BasicScheme; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicAuthCache; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.junit.rules.ExternalResource; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Context used by testcases to perform HTTP operations against one LARS server. Tests should use * this class rather than directly calling httpclient (or the APIs!) directly. * * A RepositoryContext aims to encapsulate every parameter needed to communicate with the server * (host, port, protocol, user, password etc). Some tests may use more than one RepositoryContext * (for example, security tests that need to log on as more than one user). */ public class RepositoryContext extends ExternalResource { private final boolean cleanRepository; private final String hostname; private final int portNumber; private final String protocol; private final String fullURL; private CloseableHttpClient httpClient; private final String user; private final String password; private UsernamePasswordCredentials credentials; private HttpHost targetHost; private HttpClientContext context; private final static ObjectMapper jsonReader = new ObjectMapper(); /* package */enum Protocol { HTTP, HTTPS } @SuppressWarnings("serial") /* package */static final Map<Protocol, String> DEFAULT_URLS = new HashMap<Protocol, String>() { { { put(Protocol.HTTP, "http://localhost:" + FatUtils.LIBERTY_PORT_HTTP + FatUtils.LARS_APPLICATION_ROOT); put(Protocol.HTTPS, "https://localhost:" + FatUtils.LIBERTY_PORT_HTTPS + FatUtils.LARS_APPLICATION_ROOT); } } }; /** * Special constant that can be passed as an expected response code to indicate that either a * 401 Not Authorized or a 403 Forbidden response is expected. */ public static final int RC_REJECT = -2; @Override protected void before() throws InvalidJsonAssetException, IOException, KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException { targetHost = new HttpHost(hostname, portNumber, protocol); /* Create the HTTPClient that we use to make all HTTP calls */ HttpClientBuilder b = HttpClientBuilder.create(); // Trust all certificates SSLContext sslContext = new SSLContextBuilder().loadTrustMaterial(null, new TrustStrategy() { @Override public boolean isTrusted(X509Certificate[] arg0, String arg1) throws CertificateException { return true; } }).build(); b.setSslcontext(sslContext); // By default, it will verify the hostname in the certificate, which should be localhost // and therefore should match. If we start running these tests against a LARS server on // a different host then we may need disable hostname verification. context = HttpClientContext.create(); httpClient =; /* * Create the HTTPClientContext with the appropriate credentials. We'll use this whenever we * make an HTTP call. */ if (user != null && password != null) { credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, password); CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credsProvider.setCredentials(new AuthScope(targetHost.getHostName(), targetHost.getPort()), credentials); AuthCache authCache = new BasicAuthCache(); BasicScheme basicAuth = new BasicScheme(); authCache.put(targetHost, basicAuth); context.setCredentialsProvider(credsProvider); context.setAuthCache(authCache); } /* Clean the repository but only if the client asked us to. */ if (cleanRepository) { cleanRepo(); } } @Override protected void after() { // Clean the repository if the client asked us to when creating this HTTPContext if (cleanRepository) { try { cleanRepo(); } catch (InvalidJsonAssetException | IOException e) { fail("TODO"); } } try { httpClient.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Unexpected exception closing httpClient: " + e); } } public RepositoryContext(String url, String user, String password, boolean cleanRepository) { this.cleanRepository = cleanRepository; URI uri; try { uri = new URI(url); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // test code, hide this exception throw new RuntimeException(ex); } // Ultimately, these parameters may vary and therefore may need to be // passed in. For now, they are hardcoded. this.protocol = uri.getScheme(); this.hostname = uri.getHost(); this.portNumber = uri.getPort(); this.user = user; this.password = password; fullURL = uri.toString(); } protected static RepositoryContext createAsAdmin(String url, boolean cleanRepository) { return new RepositoryContext(url, "admin", "passw0rd", cleanRepository); } protected static RepositoryContext createAsAdmin(boolean cleanRepository, Protocol protocol) { String url = DEFAULT_URLS.get(protocol); if (url == null) { throw new AssertionError("This should never happen. Didn't find url for " + protocol); } return createAsAdmin(url, cleanRepository); } protected static RepositoryContext createAsUser(Protocol protocol) { String url = DEFAULT_URLS.get(protocol); if (url == null) { throw new AssertionError("This should never happen. Didn't find url for " + protocol); } return new RepositoryContext(url, "user", "passw0rd", false); } /** * @return the user */ public String getUser() { return user; } public String getFullURL() { return fullURL; } public String doPost(String url, String content, int expectedStatusCode) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { HttpPost post = new HttpPost(fullURL + url); return doRequest(post, content, expectedStatusCode); } public String doPut(String url, String content, int expectedStatusCode) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { HttpPut put = new HttpPut(fullURL + url); return doRequest(put, content, expectedStatusCode); } public String doGet(String url, int expectedStatusCode) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(fullURL + url); return doRequest(get, expectedStatusCode); } public String doDelete(String url, int expectedStatusCode) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(fullURL + url); return doRequest(delete, expectedStatusCode); } public HttpResponse doHead(String url, int expectedStatusCode) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { HttpHead head = new HttpHead(fullURL + url); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(targetHost, head, context); assertStatusCode(expectedStatusCode, response); return response; } public String doRequest(HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase request, String content, int expectedStatusCode) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { HttpEntity requestEntity = new ByteArrayEntity(content.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); request.setEntity(requestEntity); return doRequest(request, expectedStatusCode); } public String doPostMultipart(String url, String name, String json, byte[] content, ContentType contentType, int expectedStatusCode) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { HttpPost post = new HttpPost(fullURL + url); HttpEntity requestEntity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create() .addPart("attachmentInfo", new StringBody(json, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)) .addPart(name, new ByteArrayBody(content, contentType, name)).build(); post.setEntity(requestEntity); return doRequest(post, expectedStatusCode); } public String doRequest(HttpRequestBase request, int expectedStatusCode) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(targetHost, request, context); assertStatusCode(expectedStatusCode, response); HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity(); String responseString = responseEntity != null ? EntityUtils.toString(responseEntity) : ""; return responseString; } public byte[] doGetAsByteArray(String url, int expectedStatusCode) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(fullURL + url); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(targetHost, get, context); assertStatusCode(expectedStatusCode, response); return EntityUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity()); } private void assertStatusCode(int expectedStatusCode, HttpResponse response) throws ParseException, IOException { StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine(); int actualStatusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode(); boolean statusCodeMatches = expectedStatusCode == actualStatusCode || (expectedStatusCode == RC_REJECT && (actualStatusCode == 403 || actualStatusCode == 401)); if (!statusCodeMatches) { String failMessage = "Unexpected status code: " + actualStatusCode + "; expected: " + expectedStatusCode + "\n"; failMessage += "Full HTTP response:"; try { failMessage += EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { failMessage += "Unable to get full HTTP response!"; } fail(failMessage); } } private void cleanRepo() throws InvalidJsonAssetException, IOException { deleteAllAssets(); AssetList assets = doGetAllAssets(); assertEquals("The repository is not empty", 0, assets.size()); } void deleteAllAssets() throws IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { AssetList assets = doGetAllAssets(); for (Asset asset : assets) { deleteAsset(asset.get_id(), -1); } } protected void doGetAllAssetsBad(int expectedRC) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { doGet("/assets", expectedRC); } protected AssetList doGetAllAssets(int expectedRC) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { String response = doGet("/assets", expectedRC); // It is never acceptable for the server to return us a non-valid // JSON string in response to this call so we can parse the JSON // and return it to the client. return AssetList.jsonArrayToAssetList(response); } protected AssetList doGetAllAssets() throws IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException, ParseException { return doGetAllAssets(200); } /** * expectedStatusCode should be -1 to indicate a standard response is expected * * @param id the id of the attachment to delete or, oddly, if it's null then we want to DELETE * the /assets URL (which should fail). * @param expectedStatusCode * @throws IOException */ protected String deleteAsset(String id, int expectedStatusCode) throws IOException { // 204 for 'deleted, no content returned' if (expectedStatusCode == -1) { expectedStatusCode = 204; } String url = "/assets"; if (id != null) { url += "/" + id; } return doDelete(url, expectedStatusCode); } boolean repositoryIsEmpty() throws IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { AssetList assets = doGetAllAssets(); if (assets.size() == 0) { return true; } return false; } Asset updateAssetNoAttachments(Asset toUpdate, int expectedResponse) throws IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { String assetJson = doPut("/assets/" + toUpdate.get_id(), toUpdate.toJson(), expectedResponse); if (assetJson != null && !!!assetJson.equals("")) { return Asset.deserializeAssetFromJson(assetJson); } else { return null; } } Asset getAsset(String id) throws IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { String assetJson = doGet("/assets/" + id, 200); return Asset.deserializeAssetFromJson(assetJson); } /** * Get asset with the expectation that it will fail */ String getBadAsset(String id, int expectedStatusCode) throws IOException { return doGet("/assets/" + id, expectedStatusCode); } AssetList getAllAssets(String filter) throws IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { // escape '|' character used in or-filtering filter = filter.replace("|", "%7C"); String assetsJson = doGet("/assets?" + filter, 200); return AssetList.jsonArrayToAssetList(assetsJson); } List<Map<String, Object>> getAssetSummary(String parameters) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException { String resultString = doGet("/assets/summary?" + parameters, 200); return jsonReader.readValue(resultString, new TypeReference<List<Map<String, Object>>>() { }); } void getBadAssetSummary(String parameters, int expectedRC) throws IOException { doGet("/assets/summary?" + parameters, expectedRC); } int getAssetCount(String parameters) throws IOException { HttpResponse response = doHead("/assets?" + parameters, HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT); return Integer.parseInt(response.getFirstHeader("count").getValue()); } protected Attachment doPostAttachmentNoContent(String assetId, String name, Attachment attachment) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { List<NameValuePair> qparams = new ArrayList<>(); qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("name", name)); String url = "/assets/" + assetId + "/attachments?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(qparams, "UTF-8"); String response = doPost(url, attachment.toJson(), 200); Attachment createdAttachment = Attachment.jsonToAttachment(response); return createdAttachment; } protected void doPostBadAttachmentNoContent(String assetId, String name, Attachment attachment, int expectedRC, String expectedMessage) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { List<NameValuePair> qparams = new ArrayList<>(); qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("name", name)); String url = "/assets/" + assetId + "/attachments?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(qparams, "UTF-8"); String message = doPost(url, attachment.toJson(), expectedRC); if (expectedMessage != null) { String errorMessage = parseErrorObject(message.toString()); assertEquals("Unexpected message from server", expectedMessage, errorMessage); } } protected Attachment doPostAttachmentWithContent(String assetId, String name, Attachment attachment, byte[] content, ContentType contentType) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { List<NameValuePair> qparams = new ArrayList<>(); qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("name", name)); String url = "/assets/" + assetId + "/attachments?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(qparams, "UTF-8"); String response = doPostMultipart(url, name, attachment.toJson(), content, contentType, 200); return Attachment.jsonToAttachment(response); } protected void doPostBadAttachmentWithContent(String assetId, String name, Attachment attachment, byte[] content, ContentType contentType, int expectedRC, String expectedMessage) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { List<NameValuePair> qparams = new ArrayList<>(); qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("name", name)); String url = "/assets/" + assetId + "/attachments?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(qparams, "UTF-8"); String response = doPostMultipart(url, name, attachment.toJson(), content, contentType, expectedRC); if (expectedMessage != null) { String errorMessage = parseErrorObject(response); assertEquals("Unexpected message from server", expectedMessage, errorMessage); } } protected AttachmentList doGetAllAttachmentsForAsset(String assetId) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { String response = doGet("/assets/" + assetId + "/attachments/", 200); return AttachmentList.jsonToAttachmentList(response.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } /** * If an asset has only one attachment, this method retrieves it, asserts that its id is correct * and then returns it. * * @throws InvalidJsonAssetException * @throws IOException * @throws ClientProtocolException */ protected Attachment doGetOnlyAttachment(String assetId, String attachmentId) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { AttachmentList retrievedAttachments = doGetAllAttachmentsForAsset(assetId); assertEquals("Asset is expected to have just one attachment", 1, retrievedAttachments.size()); Attachment retrievedAttachment = retrievedAttachments.get(0); assertEquals("Incorrect attachment id", attachmentId, retrievedAttachment.get_id()); assertEquals("Asset id on attachment is expected to match owning asset", assetId, retrievedAttachment.getAssetId()); return retrievedAttachment; } /** * Designed to be called to try to retrieve an attachment and to expect an error return code to * come back from the server (ie only use this method in error cases). * * @throws IOException */ protected void doGetAttachmentContentInError(String assetId, String attachmentId, String attachmentName, int expectedStatusCode, String expectedErrorMessage) throws IOException { String url = "/assets/" + assetId + "/attachments/" + attachmentId + "/" + attachmentName; String response = doGet(url, expectedStatusCode); if (expectedErrorMessage != null) { assertEquals(expectedErrorMessage, parseErrorObject(response)); } } protected byte[] doGetAttachmentContent(String assetId, String attachmentId, String attachmentName, int expectedRC) throws IOException { String url = "/assets/" + assetId + "/attachments/" + attachmentId + "/" + attachmentName; return doGetAsByteArray(url, expectedRC); } protected byte[] doGetAttachmentContent(String assetId, String attachmentId, String attachmentName) throws IOException { return doGetAttachmentContent(assetId, attachmentId, attachmentName, 200); } protected void doDeleteAttachment(String assetId, String attachmentId) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { doDeleteAttachment(assetId, attachmentId, 204); } protected void doDeleteAttachment(String assetId, String attachmentId, int expectedResponseCode) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { doDelete("/assets/" + assetId + "/attachments/" + attachmentId, expectedResponseCode); } protected void addBadAsset(Asset toAdd, int expectedResponseCode) throws IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { doPost("/assets", toAdd.toJson(), expectedResponseCode); } protected Asset addAssetNoAttachments(Asset toAdd) throws IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { String assetJson = doPost("/assets", toAdd.toJson(), 200); return Asset.deserializeAssetFromJson(assetJson); } String updateAssetState(String id, String stateAction, int expectedStatusCode) throws IOException, InvalidJsonAssetException { String json = "{\"action\":\"" + stateAction + "\"}"; String response = doPut("/assets/" + id + "/state", json, expectedStatusCode); // A state update will get back nothing for a good request, or an error // for a bad one return response; } /** * If the supplied errorObject is valid JSON, look for a field called 'error' and return it. If * the object is not JSON, just return it (expecting that it is an HTML error message). If valid * JSON, but no 'error' field found, returns null. * * @param errorObject * @return * @throws ServerException if the errorObject is badly formed JSON (as supposed to not JSON at * all). */ public String parseErrorObject(String errorObject) throws ServerException { if (errorObject == null) { return null; } ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Map<?, ?> jsonMap = null; try { jsonMap = mapper.readValue(errorObject, Map.class); } catch (JsonParseException e) { // Assume the string is an html error message. return errorObject; } catch (JsonMappingException e) { // Assume the string is an html error message. return errorObject; } catch (IOException e) { // No idea what would cause this. throw new ServerException(e); } String errorMessage = readJsonStringValue(jsonMap, "message"); if (errorMessage != null && !errorMessage.isEmpty()) { return errorMessage; } else { return errorObject; } } private static String readJsonStringValue(Map<?, ?> jsonMap, String key) { Object value = jsonMap.get(key); if (value == null) { return null; } if (value instanceof String) { return (String) value; } return null; } /** * Thrown when a test fails in such a way that it seems as though the server has fallen over (as * supposed to having produced an expected error message). This is likely to translate to a 500 * error or similar. */ static class ServerException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; ServerException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } ServerException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } } }