Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by vitalym on 7/16/15. */ /** * AuthorizationRequestAgent builds and sends requests to authorization server. It also handles * authorization challenges and re-sends the requests as necessary. */ public class AuthorizationRequestManager implements ResponseListener { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Logger.INTERNAL_PREFIX + "AuthorizationRequestAgent"); public static String overrideServerHost = null; /** * Parts of the path to authorization endpoint. */ private final static String AUTH_SERVER_NAME = "imf-authserver"; private final static String AUTH_PATH = "authorization/v1/apps/"; /** * The name of "result" parameter returned from authorization endpoint. */ private final static String WL_RESULT = "wl_result"; /** * Name of rewrite domain header. This header is added to authorization requests. */ private final static String REWRITE_DOMAIN_HEADER_NAME = "X-REWRITE-DOMAIN"; /** * Name of location header. */ private final static String LOCATION_HEADER_NAME = "Location"; /** * Name of the standard "www-authenticate" header. */ private final static String AUTHENTICATE_HEADER_NAME = "WWW-Authenticate"; /** * Name of "www-authenticate" header value. */ private final static String AUTHENTICATE_HEADER_VALUE = "WL-Composite-Challenge"; /** * Names of JSON values returned from the server. */ private final static String AUTH_FAILURE_VALUE_NAME = "WL-Authentication-Failure"; private final static String AUTH_SUCCESS_VALUE_NAME = "WL-Authentication-Success"; private final static String CHALLENGES_VALUE_NAME = "challenges"; /** * requestPath and requestOptions are cached to re-send a request after all challenges have been handled. */ private String requestPath; private RequestOptions requestOptions; /** * Response listener specified by request sender. */ private ResponseListener listener; /** * Contains challenge answers. Each answer is mapped to a realm. */ private JSONObject answers; /** * Context is provided by the caller during initialization and passed to challenge handlers later. */ private Context context; /** * The request options are specified by the caller and cached for subsequent requests. */ static public class RequestOptions { public RequestOptions() { requestMethod = Request.GET; } public String requestMethod; public int timeout; public HashMap<String, String> headers; public HashMap<String, String> parameters; } /** * Initializes the request manager. * * @param context Context to be cached and passed to challenge handlers later. * @param listener Response listener. Called when an authorization response has been processed. */ public void initialize(Context context, ResponseListener listener) { this.context = context; this.listener = (listener != null) ? listener : new ResponseListener() { final String message = "ResponseListener is not specified. Defaulting to empty listener."; @Override public void onSuccess(Response response) { logger.debug(message); } @Override public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) { logger.debug(message); } }; logger.debug("AuthorizationRequestAgent is initialized."); } /** * Assembles the request path from root and path to authorization endpoint and sends the request. * * @param path Path to authorization endpoint * @param options BaseRequest options * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ public void sendRequest(String path, RequestOptions options) throws IOException, JSONException { String rootUrl; if (path == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'path' parameter can't be null."); } if (path.indexOf(BMSClient.HTTP_SCHEME) == 0 && path.contains(":")) { // request using full path, split the URL to root and path URL url = new URL(path); path = url.getPath(); rootUrl = url.toString().replace(path, ""); } else { String MCATenantId = MCAAuthorizationManager.getInstance().getTenantId(); if (MCATenantId == null) { MCATenantId = BMSClient.getInstance().getBluemixAppGUID(); } String bluemixRegionSuffix = MCAAuthorizationManager.getInstance().getBluemixRegionSuffix(); if (bluemixRegionSuffix == null) { bluemixRegionSuffix = BMSClient.getInstance().getBluemixRegionSuffix(); } // "path" is a relative String serverHost = BMSClient.getInstance().getDefaultProtocol() + "://" + AUTH_SERVER_NAME + bluemixRegionSuffix; if (overrideServerHost != null) serverHost = overrideServerHost; rootUrl = serverHost + "/" + AUTH_SERVER_NAME + "/" + AUTH_PATH + MCATenantId; } sendRequestInternal(rootUrl, path, options); } /** * Re-sends an authorization request after all challenges have been handled. * * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ public void resendRequest() throws IOException, JSONException { sendRequest(requestPath, requestOptions); } /** * Builds an authorization request and sends it. It also caches the request url and request options in * order to be able to re-send the request when authorization challenges have been handled. * * @param rootUrl Root of authorization server. * @param path Path to authorization endpoint. * @param options BaseRequest options. * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ private void sendRequestInternal(String rootUrl, String path, RequestOptions options) throws IOException, JSONException { logger.debug("Sending request to root: " + rootUrl + " with path: " + path); // create default options object with GET request method. if (options == null) { options = new RequestOptions(); } // used to resend request this.requestPath = Utils.concatenateUrls(rootUrl, path); this.requestOptions = options; AuthorizationRequest request = new AuthorizationRequest(this.requestPath, options.requestMethod); if (options.timeout != 0) { request.setTimeout(options.timeout); } else { request.setTimeout(BMSClient.getInstance().getDefaultTimeout()); } if (options.headers != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : options.headers.entrySet()) { request.addHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } if (answers != null) { // 0 means no spaces in the generated string String answer = answers.toString(0); String authorizationHeaderValue = String.format("Bearer %s", answer.replace("\n", "")); request.addHeader("Authorization", authorizationHeaderValue); logger.debug("Added authorization header to request: " + authorizationHeaderValue); } if (Request.GET.equalsIgnoreCase(options.requestMethod)) { request.setQueryParameters(options.parameters); request.send(this); } else { request.send(options.parameters, this); } } /** * Initializes the collection of expected challenge answers. * * @param realms List of realms */ private void setExpectedAnswers(ArrayList<String> realms) { if (answers == null) { return; } for (String realm : realms) { try { answers.put(realm, ""); } catch (JSONException t) { logger.error("setExpectedAnswers failed with exception: " + t.getLocalizedMessage(), t); } } } /** * Removes an expected challenge answer from collection. * * @param realm Realm of the answer to remove. */ public void removeExpectedAnswer(String realm) { if (answers != null) { answers.remove(realm); } try { if (isAnswersFilled()) { resendRequest(); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("removeExpectedAnswer failed with exception: " + t.getLocalizedMessage(), t); } } /** * Adds an expected challenge answer to collection of answers. * * @param answer Answer to add. * @param realm Authentication realm for the answer. */ public void submitAnswer(JSONObject answer, String realm) { if (answers == null) { answers = new JSONObject(); } try { answers.put(realm, answer); if (isAnswersFilled()) { resendRequest(); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("submitAnswer failed with exception: " + t.getLocalizedMessage(), t); } } /** * Verifies whether all expected challenges have been answered, or not. * * @return <code>true</code> if all answers have been submitted, otherwise <code>false</code>. * @throws JSONException */ public boolean isAnswersFilled() throws JSONException { if (answers == null) { return true; } Iterator<String> it = answers.keys(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; Object value = answers.get(key); if ((value instanceof String) && value.equals("")) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Processes redirect response from authorization endpoint. * * @param response Response from the server. */ private void processRedirectResponse(Response response) throws RuntimeException, JSONException, MalformedURLException { // a valid redirect response must contain the Location header. ResponseImpl responseImpl = (ResponseImpl) response; List<String> locationHeaders = responseImpl.getHeader(LOCATION_HEADER_NAME); String location = (locationHeaders != null && locationHeaders.size() > 0) ? locationHeaders.get(0) : null; if (location == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Redirect response does not contain 'Location' header."); } // the redirect location url should contain "wl_result" value in query parameters. URL url = new URL(location); String query = url.getQuery(); if (query.contains(WL_RESULT)) { String result = Utils.getParameterValueFromQuery(query, WL_RESULT); JSONObject jsonResult = new JSONObject(result); // process failures if any JSONObject jsonFailures = jsonResult.optJSONObject(AUTH_FAILURE_VALUE_NAME); if (jsonFailures != null) { processFailures(jsonFailures); listener.onFailure(response, null, null); return; } // process successes if any JSONObject jsonSuccesses = jsonResult.optJSONObject(AUTH_SUCCESS_VALUE_NAME); if (jsonSuccesses != null) { processSuccesses(jsonSuccesses); } } // the rest is handles by the caller listener.onSuccess(response); } /** * Process a response from the server. * * @param response Server response. */ private void processResponse(Response response) { // at this point a server response should contain a secure JSON with challenges JSONObject jsonResponse = Utils.extractSecureJson(response); JSONObject jsonChallenges = (jsonResponse == null) ? null : jsonResponse.optJSONObject(CHALLENGES_VALUE_NAME); if (jsonChallenges != null) { startHandleChallenges(jsonChallenges, response); } else { listener.onSuccess(response); } } /** * Handles authentication challenges. * * @param jsonChallenges Collection of challenges. * @param response Server response. */ private void startHandleChallenges(JSONObject jsonChallenges, Response response) { ArrayList<String> challenges = getRealmsFromJson(jsonChallenges); MCAAuthorizationManager authManager = (MCAAuthorizationManager) BMSClient.getInstance() .getAuthorizationManager(); if (isAuthorizationRequired(response)) { setExpectedAnswers(challenges); } for (String realm : challenges) { ChallengeHandler handler = authManager.getChallengeHandler(realm); if (handler != null) { JSONObject challenge = jsonChallenges.optJSONObject(realm); handler.handleChallenge(this, challenge, context); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Challenge handler for realm is not found: " + realm); } } } /** * Checks server response for MFP 401 error. This kind of response should contain MFP authentication challenges. * * @param response Server response. * @return <code>true</code> if the server response contains 401 status code along with MFP challenges. */ private boolean isAuthorizationRequired(Response response) { if (response != null && response.getStatus() == 401) { ResponseImpl responseImpl = (ResponseImpl) response; String challengesHeader = responseImpl.getFirstHeader(AUTHENTICATE_HEADER_NAME); if (AUTHENTICATE_HEADER_VALUE.equalsIgnoreCase(challengesHeader)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Processes authentication failures. * * @param jsonFailures Collection of authentication failures. */ private void processFailures(JSONObject jsonFailures) { if (jsonFailures == null) { return; } MCAAuthorizationManager authManager = (MCAAuthorizationManager) BMSClient.getInstance() .getAuthorizationManager(); ArrayList<String> challenges = getRealmsFromJson(jsonFailures); for (String realm : challenges) { ChallengeHandler handler = authManager.getChallengeHandler(realm); if (handler != null) { JSONObject challenge = jsonFailures.optJSONObject(realm); handler.handleFailure(context, challenge); } else { logger.error("Challenge handler for realm is not found: " + realm); } } } /** * Processes authentication successes. * * @param jsonSuccesses Collection of authentication successes. */ private void processSuccesses(JSONObject jsonSuccesses) { if (jsonSuccesses == null) { return; } MCAAuthorizationManager authManager = (MCAAuthorizationManager) BMSClient.getInstance() .getAuthorizationManager(); ArrayList<String> challenges = getRealmsFromJson(jsonSuccesses); for (String realm : challenges) { ChallengeHandler handler = authManager.getChallengeHandler(realm); if (handler != null) { JSONObject challenge = jsonSuccesses.optJSONObject(realm); handler.handleSuccess(context, challenge); } else { logger.error("Challenge handler for realm is not found: " + realm); } } } /** * Called when a request to authorization server failed. * * @param info Extended information about the failure. */ public void requestFailed(JSONObject info) { logger.error("BaseRequest failed with info: " + (info == null ? "info is null" : info.toString())); listener.onFailure(null, null, info); } /** * Iterates a JSON object containing authorization challenges and builds a list of reals. * * @param jsonChallenges Collection of challenges. * @return Array with realms. */ private ArrayList<String> getRealmsFromJson(JSONObject jsonChallenges) { Iterator<String> challengesIterator = jsonChallenges.keys(); ArrayList<String> challenges = new ArrayList<>(); while (challengesIterator.hasNext()) { challenges.add(; } return challenges; } /** * Called when request succeeds. * * @param response the server response */ @Override public void onSuccess(Response response) { processResponseWrapper(response, false); } /** * Called when request fails. * * @param response Contains detail regarding why the request failed * @param t Exception that could have caused the request to fail. Null if no Exception thrown. */ @Override public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) { if (isAuthorizationRequired(response)) { processResponseWrapper(response, true); } else { listener.onFailure(response, t, extendedInfo); } } /** * Called from onSuccess and onFailure. Handles all possible exceptions and notifies the listener * if an exception occurs. * * @param response server response * @param isFailure specifies whether this method is called from onSuccess (false) or onFailure (true). */ private void processResponseWrapper(Response response, boolean isFailure) { try { ResponseImpl responseImpl = (ResponseImpl) response; if (isFailure || !responseImpl.isRedirect()) { processResponse(response); } else { processRedirectResponse(response); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("processResponseWrapper caught exception: " + t.getLocalizedMessage()); listener.onFailure(response, t, null); } } }