Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import android.provider.Settings; import android.util.Base64; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; /** * Handles the complete authorization process cycle * Created by cirilla on 8/3/15. */ public class AuthorizationProcessManager { private static final String HTTP_LOCALHOST = "http://localhost"; private AuthorizationManagerPreferences preferences; private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ResponseListener> authorizationQueue; private KeyPair registrationKeyPair; private DefaultJSONSigner jsonSigner; private CertificateStore certificateStore; private Logger logger; private String sessionId; public AuthorizationProcessManager(Context context, AuthorizationManagerPreferences preferences) { this.logger = Logger.getLogger(Logger.INTERNAL_PREFIX + AuthorizationProcessManager.class.getSimpleName()); this.preferences = preferences; this.authorizationQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); this.jsonSigner = new DefaultJSONSigner(); File keyStoreFile = new File(context.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath(), "mfp.keystore"); String uuid = Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); certificateStore = new CertificateStore(keyStoreFile, uuid); //case where the shared preferences were deleted but the certificate is saved in the keystore if (preferences.clientId.get() == null && certificateStore.isCertificateStored()) { try { X509Certificate certificate = certificateStore.getCertificate(); preferences.clientId.set(CertificatesUtility.getClientIdFromCertificate(certificate)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //generate new random session id sessionId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } /** * Main method to start authorization process * @param context android context * @param listener response listener that will get the result of the process */ public void startAuthorizationProcess(final Context context, ResponseListener listener) { authorizationQueue.add(listener); //start the authorization process only if this is the first time we ask for authorization if (authorizationQueue.size() == 1) { try { if (preferences.clientId.get() == null) {"starting registration process"); invokeInstanceRegistrationRequest(context); } else {"starting authorization process"); invokeAuthorizationRequest(context); } } catch (Throwable t) { handleAuthorizationFailure(t); } } else {"authorization process already running, adding response listener to the queue"); logger.debug(String.format("authorization process currently handling %d requests", authorizationQueue.size())); } } /** * logs out user * @param context Android Activity that will handle the authorization (like facebook or google) * @param listener Response listener */ public void logout(Context context, ResponseListener listener) { AuthorizationRequestManager.RequestOptions options = new AuthorizationRequestManager.RequestOptions(); options.parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(1); options.parameters.put("client_id", preferences.clientId.get()); options.headers = new HashMap<>(1); addSessionIdHeader(options.headers); options.requestMethod = Request.GET; try { authorizationRequestSend(context, "logout", options, listener); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Could not log out"); } } /** * Invoke request for registration, the result of the request should contain ClientId. * @param context android context */ private void invokeInstanceRegistrationRequest(final Context context) { AuthorizationRequestManager.RequestOptions options = new AuthorizationRequestManager.RequestOptions(); options.parameters = createRegistrationParams(); options.headers = createRegistrationHeaders(); options.requestMethod = Request.POST; InnerAuthorizationResponseListener listener = new InnerAuthorizationResponseListener() { @Override public void handleAuthorizationSuccessResponse(Response response) throws Exception { saveCertificateFromResponse(response); invokeAuthorizationRequest(context); } }; authorizationRequestSend(null, "clients/instance", options, listener); } /** * Generate the params that will be used during the registration phase * @return Map with all the parameters */ private HashMap<String, String> createRegistrationParams() { registrationKeyPair = KeyPairUtility.generateRandomKeyPair(); JSONObject csrJSON = new JSONObject(); HashMap<String, String> params; try { DeviceIdentity deviceData = new BaseDeviceIdentity(preferences.deviceIdentity.getAsMap()); AppIdentity applicationData = new BaseAppIdentity(preferences.appIdentity.getAsMap()); csrJSON.put("deviceId", deviceData.getId()); csrJSON.put("deviceOs", "" + deviceData.getOS()); csrJSON.put("deviceModel", deviceData.getModel()); csrJSON.put("applicationId", applicationData.getId()); csrJSON.put("applicationVersion", applicationData.getVersion()); csrJSON.put("environment", "android"); String csrValue = jsonSigner.sign(registrationKeyPair, csrJSON); params = new HashMap<>(1); params.put("CSR", csrValue); return params; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create registration params", e); } } /** * Generate the headers that will be used during the registration phase * @return Map with all the headers */ private HashMap<String, String> createRegistrationHeaders() { HashMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>(); addSessionIdHeader(headers); return headers; } /** * Generate the params that will be used during the token request phase * @param grantCode from the authorization phase * @return Map with all the headers */ private HashMap<String, String> createTokenRequestParams(String grantCode) { HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("code", grantCode); params.put("client_id", preferences.clientId.get()); params.put("grant_type", "authorization_code"); params.put("redirect_uri", HTTP_LOCALHOST); return params; } /** * Extract the certificate data from response and save it on local storage * @param response contains the certificate data */ private void saveCertificateFromResponse(Response response) { try { String responseBody = response.getResponseText(); JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(responseBody); //handle certificate String certificateString = jsonResponse.getString("certificate"); X509Certificate certificate = CertificatesUtility.base64StringToCertificate(certificateString); CertificatesUtility.checkValidityWithPublicKey(certificate, registrationKeyPair.getPublic()); certificateStore.saveCertificate(registrationKeyPair, certificate); //save the clientId separately preferences.clientId.set(jsonResponse.getString("clientId")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to save certificate from response", e); } logger.debug("certificate successfully saved"); } /** * Invoke the authorization request, the result of the request should be a grant code * @param context android activity that will handle authentication (facebook, google) */ private void invokeAuthorizationRequest(Context context) { AuthorizationRequestManager.RequestOptions options = new AuthorizationRequestManager.RequestOptions(); options.parameters = createAuthorizationParams(); options.headers = new HashMap<>(1); addSessionIdHeader(options.headers); options.requestMethod = Request.GET; InnerAuthorizationResponseListener listener = new InnerAuthorizationResponseListener() { @Override public void handleAuthorizationSuccessResponse(Response response) throws Exception { String location = extractLocationHeader(response); String grantCode = extractGrantCode(location); invokeTokenRequest(grantCode); } }; authorizationRequestSend(context, "authorization", options, listener); } /** * Adding current session id value to the headers map * @param headers map of headers to add the new header */ private void addSessionIdHeader(HashMap<String, String> headers) { headers.put("X-WL-Session", sessionId); } /** * Generate the params that will be used during the authorization phase * @return Map with all the params */ private HashMap<String, String> createAuthorizationParams() { HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(3); params.put("response_type", "code"); params.put("client_id", preferences.clientId.get()); params.put("redirect_uri", HTTP_LOCALHOST); return params; } /** * @param response response with location header * @return the extracted location header */ private String extractLocationHeader(Response response) { List<String> location = response.getHeaders().get("Location"); if (location == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to find 'Location' header"); } logger.debug("Location header extracted successfully"); return location.get(0); } /** * Extract grant code from url string * @param urlString url that contain the grant code * @return grant code * @throws MalformedURLException in case of illegal url format */ private String extractGrantCode(String urlString) throws MalformedURLException { URL url = new URL(urlString); String code = Utils.getParameterValueFromQuery(url.getQuery(), "code"); if (code == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to extract grant code from url"); } logger.debug("Grant code extracted successfully"); return code; } /** * Invoke request to get token, the result of the response should be a valid token * @param grantCode grant code that will be used during the request */ private void invokeTokenRequest(String grantCode) { AuthorizationRequestManager.RequestOptions options = new AuthorizationRequestManager.RequestOptions(); options.parameters = createTokenRequestParams(grantCode); options.headers = createTokenRequestHeaders(grantCode); addSessionIdHeader(options.headers); options.requestMethod = Request.POST; InnerAuthorizationResponseListener listener = new InnerAuthorizationResponseListener() { @Override public void handleAuthorizationSuccessResponse(Response response) throws Exception { saveTokenFromResponse(response); handleAuthorizationSuccess(response); } }; authorizationRequestSend(null, "token", options, listener); } /** * Generate the headers that will be used during the token request phase * @param grantCode from the authorization phase * @return Map with all the headers */ private HashMap<String, String> createTokenRequestHeaders(String grantCode) { JSONObject payload = new JSONObject(); HashMap<String, String> headers; try { payload.put("code", grantCode); KeyPair keyPair = certificateStore.getStoredKeyPair(); String jws = jsonSigner.sign(keyPair, payload); headers = new HashMap<>(1); headers.put("X-WL-Authenticate", jws); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create token request headers", e); } return headers; } /** * Extract token from response and save it locally * @param response response that contain the token */ private void saveTokenFromResponse(Response response) { try { JSONObject responseJSON = ((ResponseImpl) response).getResponseJSON(); String accessToken = responseJSON.getString("access_token"); String idToken = responseJSON.getString("id_token"); //save the tokens preferences.accessToken.set(accessToken); preferences.idToken.set(idToken); //save the user identity separately String[] idTokenData = idToken.split("\\."); byte[] decodedIdTokenData = Base64.decode(idTokenData[1], Base64.DEFAULT); String decodedIdTokenString = new String(decodedIdTokenData); JSONObject idTokenJSON = new JSONObject(decodedIdTokenString); if (idTokenJSON.has("imf.user")) { preferences.userIdentity.set(idTokenJSON.getJSONObject("imf.user")); } logger.debug("token successfully saved"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to save token from response", e); } } /** * Use authorization request agent for sending the request * @param context android activity that will handle authentication (facebook, google) * @param path path to the server * @param options send options * @param listener response listener */ private void authorizationRequestSend(final Context context, String path, AuthorizationRequestManager.RequestOptions options, ResponseListener listener) { try { AuthorizationRequestManager authorizationRequestManager = new AuthorizationRequestManager(); authorizationRequestManager.initialize(context, listener); authorizationRequestManager.sendRequest(path, options); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to send authorization request", e); } } /** * Handle failure in the authorization process. All the response listeners will be updated with * failure * @param t the reason of failure */ private void handleAuthorizationFailure(Throwable t) { handleAuthorizationFailure(null, t, null); } /** * Handle failure in the authorization process. All the response listeners will be updated with * failure * @param response response that caused to failure * @param t additional info about the failure */ private void handleAuthorizationFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) { logger.error("authorization process failed"); if (t != null) { t.printStackTrace(); } Iterator<ResponseListener> iterator = authorizationQueue.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ResponseListener next =; next.onFailure(response, t, extendedInfo); iterator.remove(); } } /** * Handle success in the authorization process. All the response listeners will be updated with * success * @param response final success response from the server */ private void handleAuthorizationSuccess(Response response) { Iterator<ResponseListener> iterator = authorizationQueue.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { ResponseListener next =; next.onSuccess(response); iterator.remove(); } } /** * Inner response listener that is used during the authorization requests. * this listener handles all types of exception and calls to handleAuthorizationFailure in that * case */ private abstract class InnerAuthorizationResponseListener implements ResponseListener { abstract public void handleAuthorizationSuccessResponse(Response response) throws Exception; @Override public void onSuccess(Response response) { try { handleAuthorizationSuccessResponse(response); } catch (Exception e) { handleAuthorizationFailure(e); } } @Override public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable t, JSONObject extendedInfo) { handleAuthorizationFailure(response, t, extendedInfo); } } }