Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CollectionAdminRequest; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.CollectionAdminResponse; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.UpdateResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import; /** * The Class RetrieveAndRankSolrJExample. */ public class RetrieveAndRankSolrJExample { private static final String USERNAME = "e87e8b37-cc56-4c63-a138-b518f06c8347"; private static final String PASSWORD = "dHMSbqVgy5Mr"; private static final String SOLR_CLUSTER_ID = "sk4251_solr"; /** * The name of the collection to create, index data into, and search. */ private static final String COLLECTION_NAME = "retrieve_and_rank_example_collection"; /** * The name of the configuration to use to create the collection. This example uploads the * configuration with this name and then later creates the collection referencing the * configuration's name. */ private static final String CONFIG_NAME = "retrieve_and_rank_example_config"; /** * The location of the solrconfig.xml and schema.xml configuration files to upload. */ private static final String CONFIG_DIRECTORY = "<path-to-your-solr-configuration-files>"; private static final String ID_FIELD = "id"; private static final String ID_VALUE = "ID_VALUE"; private static final String HELLO_FIELD_NAME = "HELLO_FIELD_NAME_s"; private static final String HELLO_FIELD_VALUE = "HELLO WORLD!"; private static final String QUERY_MATCHING_ANY_DOCUMENT = "*:*"; private static HttpSolrClient solrClient; private static RetrieveAndRank service; /** * The main method. * * @param args the arguments * @throws SolrServerException the solr server exception * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws SolrServerException, IOException { service = new RetrieveAndRank(); service.setUsernameAndPassword(USERNAME, PASSWORD); System.out.println(service.getEndPoint()); System.out.println(service.getSolrUrl(SOLR_CLUSTER_ID)); solrClient = getSolrClient(service.getSolrUrl(SOLR_CLUSTER_ID), USERNAME, PASSWORD); try { uploadConfiguration(); createCollection(); indexDocumentAndCommit(); searchAllDocs(); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { cleanupResources(); } } private static HttpSolrClient getSolrClient(String uri, String username, String password) { return new HttpSolrClient(service.getSolrUrl(SOLR_CLUSTER_ID), createHttpClient(uri, username, password)); } private static HttpClient createHttpClient(String uri, String username, String password) { final URI scopeUri = URI.create(uri); final BasicCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credentialsProvider.setCredentials(new AuthScope(scopeUri.getHost(), scopeUri.getPort()), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password)); final HttpClientBuilder builder = HttpClientBuilder.create().setMaxConnTotal(128).setMaxConnPerRoute(32) .setDefaultRequestConfig( RequestConfig.copy(RequestConfig.DEFAULT).setRedirectsEnabled(true).build()); builder.setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider); return; } /** * Upload the collection configuration from the local filesystem. * * This is a retrieve-and-rank API as solrj does not offer a programmatic API to upload * configuration. */ private static void uploadConfiguration() { System.out.println("Uploading configuration..."); service.uploadSolrClusterConfigurationDirectory(SOLR_CLUSTER_ID, CONFIG_NAME, new File(CONFIG_DIRECTORY)); System.out.println("Uploaded configuration."); } /** * Create the collection referencing the name of the configuration that was previously uploaded. */ private static void createCollection() throws SolrServerException, IOException { final CollectionAdminRequest.Create createCollectionRequest = new CollectionAdminRequest.Create(); createCollectionRequest.setCollectionName(COLLECTION_NAME); createCollectionRequest.setConfigName(CONFIG_NAME); System.out.println("Creating collection..."); final CollectionAdminResponse response = createCollectionRequest.process(solrClient); if (!response.isSuccess()) { System.out.println(response.getErrorMessages()); throw new IllegalStateException( "Failed to create collection: " + response.getErrorMessages().toString()); } System.out.println("Collection created."); } /** * Index a simple document with an ID and field mapped to the configuration uploaded earlier. */ private static void indexDocumentAndCommit() throws SolrServerException, IOException { final SolrInputDocument document = new SolrInputDocument(); document.addField(ID_FIELD, ID_VALUE); document.addField(HELLO_FIELD_NAME, HELLO_FIELD_VALUE); System.out.println("Indexing document..."); final UpdateResponse addResponse = solrClient.add(COLLECTION_NAME, document); System.out.println(addResponse); // Commit the document to the index so that it will be available for searching. solrClient.commit(COLLECTION_NAME); System.out.println("Indexed document."); } /** * Search for the document indexed earlier. */ private static void searchAllDocs() throws IOException { System.out.println("Searching for document..."); final SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(QUERY_MATCHING_ANY_DOCUMENT); try { final QueryResponse response = solrClient.query(COLLECTION_NAME, query); System.out.println("Found " + response.getResults().size() + " documents!"); System.out.println(response); } catch (final SolrServerException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to search!", e); } } /** * Cleanup the resources created via the example. */ private static void cleanupResources() throws SolrServerException, IOException { try { final CollectionAdminRequest.Delete deleteCollectionRequest = new CollectionAdminRequest.Delete(); deleteCollectionRequest.setCollectionName(COLLECTION_NAME); System.out.println("Deleting collection..."); deleteCollectionRequest.process(solrClient); System.out.println("Collection deleted."); } finally { try { System.out.println("Deleting configuration..."); service.deleteSolrClusterConfiguration(SOLR_CLUSTER_ID, CONFIG_NAME); System.out.println("Configuration deleted."); } finally { System.out.println("Closing Solr client..."); solrClient.close(); System.out.println("Clients closed."); } } } }