Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import com.hp.mqm.atrf.alm.core.AlmEntity; import com.hp.mqm.atrf.alm.core.AlmEntityCollection; import com.hp.mqm.atrf.alm.core.AlmEntityDescriptor; import com.hp.mqm.atrf.alm.entities.*; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.*; /** * Created by berkovir on 21/11/2016. */ public class AlmEntityService { public static final int PAGE_SIZE = 1000; public static final int PAGE_SIZE_BY_ID = 200; RestConnector restConnector; Map<String, String> jsonHeaders = new HashMap<>(); private String domain; private String project; Map<String, AlmEntityDescriptor> typesMap = new HashMap<>(); public AlmEntityService(RestConnector restConnector) { this.restConnector = restConnector; jsonHeaders.put(HTTPUtils.HEADER_ACCEPT, HTTPUtils.HEADER_APPLICATION_JSON); registerTypes(); } private void registerTypes() { typesMap.put(Release.TYPE, new ReleaseDescriptor()); typesMap.put(Run.TYPE, new RunDescriptor()); typesMap.put(TestSet.TYPE, new TestSetDescriptor()); typesMap.put(Test.TYPE, new TestDescriptor()); typesMap.put(Sprint.TYPE, new SprintDescriptor()); typesMap.put(TestConfiguration.TYPE, new TestConfigurationDescriptor()); typesMap.put(TestFolder.TYPE, new TestFolderDescriptor()); } public int getTotalNumber(String collectionName, AlmQueryBuilder queryBuilder) { String entityCollectionUrl = String.format(AlmRestConstants.ALM_REST_PROJECT_ENTITIES_FORMAT, getDomain(), getProject(), collectionName); String queryString = AlmQueryBuilder.create().addSelectedFields(AlmEntity.FIELD_ID).addPageSize(1) .addQueryConditions(queryBuilder.getQueryConditions()).build(); String entitiesCollectionStr = restConnector .httpGet(entityCollectionUrl, Arrays.asList(queryString), jsonHeaders).getResponseData(); AlmEntityCollection col = parseCollection(entitiesCollectionStr); return col.getTotal(); } public List<String> getAllowedProjectsList() { String url = String.format(AlmRestConstants.ALM_REST_PROJECTS, getDomain()); try { String json = restConnector.httpGet(url, null, jsonHeaders).getResponseData(); List<String> projects = parseProjects(json); return projects; } catch (RestStatusException e) { handleExceptionFromALM(e); } return Collections.emptyList(); } private void handleExceptionFromALM(RuntimeException e) { String errorMsg; try { String msg = e.getMessage(); JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(msg); errorMsg = (String) jsonObj.get("Title"); } catch (Exception parseEx) { throw e; } throw new AlmRestException(errorMsg); } public AlmEntityCollection getEntities(String collectionName, AlmQueryBuilder qb) { String entityCollectionUrl = String.format(AlmRestConstants.ALM_REST_PROJECT_ENTITIES_FORMAT, getDomain(), getProject(), collectionName); String queryString =; String json = restConnector.httpGet(entityCollectionUrl, Arrays.asList(queryString), jsonHeaders) .getResponseData(); AlmEntityCollection coll = parseCollection(json); return coll; } public List<AlmEntity> getAllPagedEntities(String collectionName, AlmQueryBuilder qb) { List<AlmEntity> entities = new ArrayList<>(); //get num of pages int totalNumOfPages = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int currentStartIndex = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= totalNumOfPages; i++) { AlmQueryBuilder myQb = qb.clone().addPageSize(PAGE_SIZE).addStartIndex(currentStartIndex); AlmEntityCollection coll = getEntities(collectionName, myQb); if (totalNumOfPages == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { totalNumOfPages = getNumberOfPages(coll.getTotal(), PAGE_SIZE); } entities.addAll(coll.getEntities()); currentStartIndex = i * PAGE_SIZE + 1; } return entities; } public static int getNumberOfPages(int totalItems, int pageSize) { int ret; ret = totalItems / pageSize; if (totalItems % pageSize > 0) { ret++; } return ret; } public List<AlmEntity> getEntitiesByIds(String collectionName, Set<String> ids, Collection<String> fields) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(ids); List<AlmEntity> allEntities = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i = i + PAGE_SIZE_BY_ID) { int maxIndex = Math.min(i + PAGE_SIZE_BY_ID, list.size()); List<String> subList = list.subList(i, maxIndex); AlmQueryBuilder qb = AlmQueryBuilder.create().addQueryCondition("id", StringUtils.join(subList, " OR ")) .addSelectedFields(fields); AlmEntityCollection coll = getEntities(collectionName, qb); allEntities.addAll(coll.getEntities()); } return allEntities; } public void setDomain(String domain) { this.domain = domain; } public void setProject(String project) { this.project = project; } public String getDomain() { return domain; } public String getProject() { return project; } private AlmEntityCollection parseCollection(String entitiesCollectionStr) { AlmEntityCollection coll = new AlmEntityCollection(); JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(entitiesCollectionStr); int total = jsonObj.getInt("TotalResults"); coll.setTotal(total); JSONArray entitiesJArr = jsonObj.getJSONArray("entities"); for (int i = 0; i < entitiesJArr.length(); i++) { JSONObject entObj = entitiesJArr.getJSONObject(i); String type = entObj.getString("Type"); AlmEntity almEntity = createEntity(type); JSONArray fieldsJArr = entObj.getJSONArray("Fields"); for (int j = 0; j < fieldsJArr.length(); j++) { JSONObject fieldObj = fieldsJArr.getJSONObject(j); String name = fieldObj.getString("Name"); JSONArray valuesArr = fieldObj.getJSONArray("values"); boolean filled = false; if (valuesArr.length() > 0) { JSONObject valueObj = valuesArr.getJSONObject(0); if (valueObj.has("value")) { Object value = valueObj.get("value"); almEntity.put(name, value); filled = true; } } if (!filled) { //the field has no value - just set it with null value almEntity.put(name, null); } } //almEntity.put(AlmEntity.FIELD_URL, generateALMReferenceURL(almEntity)); coll.getEntities().add(almEntity); } return coll; } private List<String> parseProjects(String projectsjson) { List<String> projectList = new ArrayList<>(); JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(projectsjson); JSONArray projectArr = null; //single project if (jsonObj.has("Project")) { projectArr = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get("Project"); ; } else { //several projects JSONObject projectsObj = (JSONObject) jsonObj.get("Projects"); projectArr = (JSONArray) projectsObj.get("Project"); } for (int i = 0; i < projectArr.length(); i++) { JSONObject entObj = projectArr.getJSONObject(i); String name = entObj.getString("Name"); projectList.add(name); } return projectList; } private AlmEntity createEntity(String type) { AlmEntityDescriptor descriptor = typesMap.get(type); if (descriptor == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unregistered type " + type); } AlmEntity entity = null; try { entity = descriptor.getEntityClass().getConstructor().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create entity of type " + type, e); } return entity; } public boolean login(String user, String password) { boolean ret = false; restConnector.clearAll(); if (password == null) { password = ""; } //Get LWSSO COOKIE String xml = String.format(AlmRestConstants.ALM_AUTH_XML, user, password); Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>(); headers.put(HTTPUtils.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTPUtils.HEADER_APPLICATION_XML); headers.put(HTTPUtils.HEADER_ACCEPT, HTTPUtils.HEADER_APPLICATION_XML); Response authResponse = restConnector.httpPost(AlmRestConstants.ALM_REST_AUTHENTICATION, xml, headers); if (authResponse.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { //GET SESSION cookies Response sessionResponse = restConnector.httpPost(AlmRestConstants.ALM_REST_SESSION, null, null); if (sessionResponse.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED) { ret = true; } } return ret; } public String generateALMReferenceURL(AlmEntity entity) { AlmEntityDescriptor descriptor = typesMap.get(entity.getType()); String protocol = restConnector.getBaseUrl().split("://", 2)[0]; String base = restConnector.getBaseUrl().split("://", 2)[1]; String tdProtocol; switch (protocol.toLowerCase()) { case "http": default: tdProtocol = "td"; break; case "https": tdProtocol = "tds"; break; } String url = String.format(descriptor.getAlmRefUrlFormat(), tdProtocol, project, domain, base, entity.getId()); return url; } }