Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * HELIUM V, Open Source ERP software for sustained success * at small and medium-sized enterprises. * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2014 HELIUM V IT-Solutions GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of theLicense, or * (at your option) any later version. * * According to sec. 7 of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * the terms of the AGPL are supplemented with the following terms: * * "HELIUM V" and "HELIUM 5" are registered trademarks of * HELIUM V IT-Solutions GmbH. The licensing of the program under the * AGPL does not imply a trademark license. Therefore any rights, title and * interest in our trademarks remain entirely with us. If you want to propagate * modified versions of the Program under the name "HELIUM V" or "HELIUM 5", * you may only do so if you have a written permission by HELIUM V IT-Solutions * GmbH (to acquire a permission please contact HELIUM V IT-Solutions * at * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contact: ******************************************************************************/ package com.heliumv.api.machine; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.heliumv.api.BaseApi; import com.heliumv.api.production.IProductionApi; import com.heliumv.api.worktime.DayTypeEntry; import com.heliumv.factory.IMaschineCall; import com.heliumv.factory.IZeiterfassungCall; import com.heliumv.factory.query.MachineGroupQuery; import com.heliumv.factory.query.MachineQuery; import; import com.lp.server.personal.service.MaschinenVerfuegbarkeitsStundenDto; import com.lp.server.util.fastlanereader.service.query.FilterBlock; import com.lp.server.util.fastlanereader.service.query.QueryParameters; import com.lp.server.util.fastlanereader.service.query.QueryResult; import com.lp.util.EJBExceptionLP; @Service("hvMachine") @Path("/api/v1/machine/") public class MachineApi extends BaseApi implements IMachineApi { @Autowired private MachineQuery machineQuery; @Autowired private MachineGroupQuery machineGroupQuery; @Autowired private IMaschineCall maschineCall; @Autowired private IZeiterfassungCall zeiterfassungCall; @Autowired IProductionApi productionApi; @GET @Produces({ FORMAT_JSON, FORMAT_XML }) public MachineEntryList getMachines(@QueryParam(Param.USERID) String userId, @QueryParam(Param.LIMIT) Integer limit, @QueryParam(Param.STARTINDEX) Integer startIndex, @QueryParam(Filter.HIDDEN) Boolean filterWithHidden) throws RemoteException, NamingException, EJBExceptionLP { if (connectClient(userId) == null) return new MachineEntryList(); return getMachinesImpl(limit, startIndex, filterWithHidden); } private MachineEntryList getMachinesImpl(Integer limit, Integer startIndex, Boolean filterWithHidden) throws NamingException, RemoteException { MachineEntryList entries = new MachineEntryList(); FilterKriteriumCollector collector = new FilterKriteriumCollector(); collector.add(machineQuery.getFilterWithHidden(filterWithHidden)); FilterBlock filterCrits = new FilterBlock(collector.asArray(), "AND"); QueryParameters params = machineQuery.getDefaultQueryParameters(filterCrits); params.setLimit(limit); params.setKeyOfSelectedRow(startIndex); QueryResult result = machineQuery.setQuery(params); entries.setEntries(machineQuery.getResultList(result)); return entries; } @GET @Path("/{" + Param.MACHINEID + "}/availability") @Produces({ FORMAT_JSON, FORMAT_XML }) public MachineAvailabilityEntryList getAvaibilities(@PathParam(Param.MACHINEID) Integer machineId, @QueryParam(Param.USERID) String userId, @QueryParam("dateMs") Long dateMs, @QueryParam("days") Integer days, @QueryParam(With.DESCRIPTION) Boolean withDescription) throws RemoteException, NamingException, EJBExceptionLP { if (connectClient(userId) == null) return new MachineAvailabilityEntryList(); return getAvailabilitiesImpl(machineId, dateMs, days, withDescription); } private MachineAvailabilityEntryList getAvailabilitiesImpl(Integer machineId, Long dateMs, Integer days, Boolean withDescription) throws NamingException, RemoteException { MachineAvailabilityEntryList entries = new MachineAvailabilityEntryList(); Date d = null; if (dateMs == null) { d = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { d = new Date(dateMs); } if (days == null) { days = new Integer(1); } else { if (days < 0) { respondBadRequest("days", "value = '" + days + "' is not >= 0."); return entries; } } if (withDescription == null) { withDescription = new Boolean(false); } List<MaschinenVerfuegbarkeitsStundenDto> dtos = maschineCall.getVerfuegbarkeitStunden(machineId, d, days); Map<Integer, DayTypeEntry> mapTypes = null; if (withDescription) { List<DayTypeEntry> dayTypes = zeiterfassungCall.getAllSprTagesarten(); mapTypes = new HashMap<Integer, DayTypeEntry>(); for (DayTypeEntry dayTypeEntry : dayTypes) { mapTypes.put(dayTypeEntry.getId(), dayTypeEntry); } } List<MachineAvailabilityEntry> apiDtos = new ArrayList<MachineAvailabilityEntry>(); for (MaschinenVerfuegbarkeitsStundenDto dto : dtos) { MachineAvailabilityEntry entry = new MachineAvailabilityEntry(); entry.setMachineId(dto.getMaschineId()); entry.setDayTypeId(dto.getTagesartId()); entry.setAvailabilityHours(dto.getVerfuegbarkeitH()); entry.setDateMs(dto.getDate().getTime()); if (mapTypes != null) { if (mapTypes.get(dto.getTagesartId()) == null) { entry.setDayTypeDescription("Unbekannt (" + dto.getTagesartId() + ")."); } else { entry.setDayTypeDescription(mapTypes.get(dto.getTagesartId()).getDescription()); } } apiDtos.add(entry); } entries.setEntries(apiDtos); return entries; } @GET @Path("/groups") @Produces({ FORMAT_JSON, FORMAT_XML }) public MachineGroupEntryList getMachineGroups(@QueryParam(Param.USERID) String userId, @QueryParam(Param.LIMIT) Integer limit, @QueryParam(Param.STARTINDEX) Integer startIndex) throws RemoteException, NamingException, EJBExceptionLP { if (connectClient(userId) == null) return new MachineGroupEntryList(); return getMachineGroupsImpl(limit, startIndex); } private MachineGroupEntryList getMachineGroupsImpl(Integer limit, Integer startIndex) throws NamingException, RemoteException { MachineGroupEntryList entries = new MachineGroupEntryList(); FilterKriteriumCollector collector = new FilterKriteriumCollector(); FilterBlock filterCrits = new FilterBlock(collector.asArray(), "AND"); QueryParameters params = machineGroupQuery.getDefaultQueryParameters(filterCrits); params.setLimit(limit); params.setKeyOfSelectedRow(startIndex); QueryResult result = machineGroupQuery.setQuery(params); entries.setEntries(machineGroupQuery.getResultList(result)); return entries; } @GET @Path("/planningview") public PlanningView getPlanningView(@QueryParam(Param.USERID) String userId, @QueryParam("dateMs") Long dateMs, @QueryParam("days") Integer days, @QueryParam(Param.LIMIT) Integer limit, @QueryParam(Param.STARTINDEX) Integer startIndex, @QueryParam(Filter.HIDDEN) Boolean filterWithHidden, @QueryParam("filter_startdate") Boolean filterStartDate, @QueryParam(With.DESCRIPTION) Boolean withDescription) throws RemoteException, NamingException, EJBExceptionLP { PlanningView planningView = new PlanningView(); if (connectClient(userId) == null) return planningView; planningView.setMachineList(getMachinesImpl(limit, startIndex, filterWithHidden)); if (filterStartDate == null) { filterStartDate = new Boolean(false); } if (dateMs == null) { dateMs = new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()); } if (days == null) { days = new Integer(1); } Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTimeInMillis(dateMs); c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, days); long endDateMs = c.getTimeInMillis(); planningView.setOpenWorkList(productionApi.getOpenWorkEntriesImpl(limit, startIndex, filterStartDate ? dateMs : null, endDateMs)); planningView.setMachineGroupList(getMachineGroupsImpl(limit, startIndex)); Map<Integer, MachineAvailabilityEntryList> mapAvailability = new HashMap<Integer, MachineAvailabilityEntryList>(); for (MachineEntry machine : planningView.getMachineList().getEntries()) { mapAvailability.put(machine.getId(), getAvailabilitiesImpl(machine.getId(), dateMs, days, withDescription)); } planningView.setMachineAvailabilityMap(mapAvailability); return planningView; } }