Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright HealthCare IT, Inc. * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package com.healthcit.cacure.web.controller; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.directwebremoting.annotations.RemoteMethod; import org.directwebremoting.annotations.RemoteProxy; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.servlet.View; import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView; import com.healthcit.cacure.businessdelegates.FormManager; import com.healthcit.cacure.businessdelegates.ModuleManager; import com.healthcit.cacure.businessdelegates.QuestionAnswerManager; import com.healthcit.cacure.businessdelegates.beans.SkipAffecteesBean; import com.healthcit.cacure.model.BaseForm; import com.healthcit.cacure.model.BaseModule; import com.healthcit.cacure.model.QuestionnaireForm; import com.healthcit.cacure.model.breadcrumb.BreadCrumb; import com.healthcit.cacure.model.breadcrumb.BreadCrumb.Link; import com.healthcit.cacure.model.breadcrumb.ModuleDetailsBreadCrumb; import com.healthcit.cacure.utils.Constants; import com.healthcit.cacure.utils.IOUtils; import com.healthcit.cacure.utils.StringUtils; /** * Controller for view listForm page. * @author vetali * */ @Controller @Service @RemoteProxy public class FormListController implements EditControllable, BreadCrumbsSupporter<ModuleDetailsBreadCrumb> { public static final String UNLOCKED_FORM = "unlocked"; public static final String LOCKED_FORM = "locked"; public static final String ADMIN_UNLOCKED_FORM = "adminUnlocked"; public static final String OK_RESPONCE = "OK"; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FormListController.class); private static final String MODULE_ID_NAME = "moduleId"; private static final String MODULE_COMMAND = "moduleCmd"; private static final String ADD_TO_LIBRARY_AVAILABILITY = "addToLibraryAvailability"; private static final String NON_EMPTY_FORMS = "nonEmptyForms"; @Autowired FormManager formManager; @Autowired QuestionAnswerManager qaManager; @Autowired ModuleManager moduleManager; @Override public boolean isModelEditable(ModelAndView mav) { // the whole of the forms listing is editable unless the module // in in APPROVED states // get moduleID from model Map<String, Object> map = mav.getModel(); Object o = map.get(MODULE_ID_NAME); if (o != null && o instanceof Long) { BaseModule module = (BaseModule) moduleManager.getModule((Long) o); return moduleManager.isEditableInCurrentContext(module); } return true; } /** * @param moduleId Long * @return view with list of QuestionnaireForm items */ @RequestMapping(value = Constants.QUESTIONNAIREFORM_LISTING_URI, method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView showForms(@RequestParam(value = MODULE_ID_NAME, required = true) Long moduleId) { return this.getModelAndView(moduleId); } /** * Submits a form for approval * @param moduleId * @param formId * @param submitForm * @param request * @return view with list of QuestionnaireForm items */ @RequestMapping(value = Constants.QUESTIONNAIREFORM_LISTING_URI, method = RequestMethod.GET, params = { MODULE_ID_NAME, "formId", "submitForm" }) public RedirectView submitFormForApproval(@RequestParam(value = MODULE_ID_NAME, required = true) Long moduleId, @RequestParam(value = "formId", required = true) Long formId, @RequestParam(value = "submitForm", required = true) boolean submit, HttpServletRequest request) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Entering the submitFormForApproval with moduleId = " + moduleId + ", formId = " + formId + ", submitForm = " + submit); } if (submit) { BaseForm form = formManager.getForm(formId); if (form instanceof QuestionnaireForm) { String webAppUri = IOUtils.getAppContextURL(request, null); formManager.submitForApproval((QuestionnaireForm) form, webAppUri); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Only QuestionnaireForm can be submitted for approval"); } } return new RedirectView(Constants.QUESTIONNAIREFORM_LISTING_URI + "?moduleId=" + moduleId, true); } @RequestMapping(value = Constants.QUESTIONNAIREFORM_LISTING_URI, method = RequestMethod.GET, params = { MODULE_ID_NAME, "formId", "toInProgress" }) public RedirectView setFormToInProgress(@RequestParam(value = MODULE_ID_NAME, required = true) Long moduleId, @RequestParam(value = "formId", required = true) Long formId, @RequestParam(value = "toInProgress", required = true) boolean toInProgress, HttpServletRequest request) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Entering the setFormToInProgress with moduleId = " + moduleId + ", formId = " + formId + ", toInProgress = " + toInProgress); } if (toInProgress) { formManager.setToInProgress(formId); } return new RedirectView(Constants.QUESTIONNAIREFORM_LISTING_URI + "?moduleId=" + moduleId, true); } /** * Decides on a form, submitted for review * @param moduleId * @param formId * @param approveForm * @param request * @return view with list of QuestionnaireForm items */ @RequestMapping(value = Constants.QUESTIONNAIREFORM_LISTING_URI, method = RequestMethod.GET, params = { MODULE_ID_NAME, "formId", "approveForm" }) public RedirectView decideFormApproval(@RequestParam(value = MODULE_ID_NAME, required = true) Long moduleId, @RequestParam(value = "formId", required = true) Long formId, @RequestParam(value = "approveForm", required = true) boolean approve, HttpServletRequest request) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Entering the submitFormForApproval with moduleId = " + moduleId + ", formId = " + formId + ", approveForm = " + approve); } BaseForm form = formManager.getForm(formId); if (form instanceof QuestionnaireForm) { formManager.decideApproval((QuestionnaireForm) form, approve); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Only QuestionnaireForm form can be approved"); } return new RedirectView(Constants.QUESTIONNAIREFORM_LISTING_URI + "?moduleId=" + moduleId, true); } /** * delete QuestionnaireForm item from list. * @param moduleId Long * @param formId Long * @param delete int * @return view with list of QuestionnaireForm items */ @RequestMapping(value = Constants.QUESTIONNAIREFORM_LISTING_URI, method = RequestMethod.GET, params = { MODULE_ID_NAME, "formId", "delete" }) public View deleteForm(@RequestParam(value = "formId", required = true) Long formId, @RequestParam(value = MODULE_ID_NAME, required = true) Long moduleId, @RequestParam(value = "delete", required = true) boolean delete) { if (delete) { formManager.deleteForm(formId); } return new RedirectView(Constants.QUESTIONNAIREFORM_LISTING_URI + "?moduleId=" + moduleId, true); } @RemoteMethod public Boolean isFormWithTheSameNameExistInLibrary(final String formName) { return this.formManager.isFormWithTheSameNameExistInLibrary(formName); } @RequestMapping(value = Constants.ADD_FORM_TO_LIBRARY_URI, method = RequestMethod.GET, params = { Constants.MODULE_ID, Constants.FORM_ID }) public View addQuestionToLibrary(@RequestParam(Constants.MODULE_ID) Long moduleId, @RequestParam(Constants.FORM_ID) Long formId) { this.formManager.addFormToFormLibrary(formId); return new RedirectView( Constants.QUESTIONNAIREFORM_LISTING_URI + "?" + Constants.MODULE_ID + "=" + moduleId, true); } /** * @param moduleId Long * @return view with list of QuestionnaireForm items */ private ModelAndView getModelAndView(Long moduleId) { BaseModule module = moduleManager.getModule(moduleId); List<BaseForm> forms = formManager.getModuleForms(moduleId); List<Long> nonEmptyFormIds = this.formManager.getNonEmptyFormIDs(module.getId()); Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); attributes.put(NON_EMPTY_FORMS, nonEmptyFormIds); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("formList"); // initialize with view name ModelMap model = mav.getModelMap(); model.addAttribute("moduleForms", forms); model.addAttribute(MODULE_ID_NAME, moduleId); model.addAttribute(MODULE_COMMAND, module); model.addAttribute(NON_EMPTY_FORMS, nonEmptyFormIds); model.addAttribute(ADD_TO_LIBRARY_AVAILABILITY, this.getAddToLibraryAvailability(module, attributes)); return mav; } private Map<Long, Boolean> getAddToLibraryAvailability(BaseModule module, Map<String, Object> attributes) { return this.formManager.getAddToLibraryAvailability(module, attributes); } public void setFormManager(FormManager formManager) { this.formManager = formManager; } @RequestMapping(value = Constants.FORM_LISTING_SKIP_URI) public ModelAndView showSkipFormList(@RequestParam(value = "formId", required = true) Long formId) {"in QuestionListController.showSkipFormList(): formId: " + formId); BaseForm form = formManager.getForm(formId); String viewName = "formListSkip"; List<BaseForm> forms = formManager.getModuleForms(form.getModule().getId()); SkipAffecteesBean dependencies = qaManager.getAllPossibleSkipAffectees(form); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(viewName); // initialize with view name ModelMap model = mav.getModelMap(); model.addAttribute("forms", forms); model.addAttribute("dependencies", dependencies); return mav; } @RemoteMethod public void reorderForms(Long sourceFormId, Long targetFormId, boolean before) throws IOException, InterruptedException { formManager.reorderForms(sourceFormId, targetFormId, before); } @RemoteMethod public String checkFormStatuses(Long formId) { return this.formManager.getFormStatusesJson(formId).toString(); } @RemoteMethod public String toggleLock(final Long formId, final String currentLockStatus) { try { if (LOCKED_FORM.equalsIgnoreCase(currentLockStatus)) { formManager.unlockForm(formId); } else if (UNLOCKED_FORM.equalsIgnoreCase(currentLockStatus)) { formManager.lockForm(formId); } else if (ADMIN_UNLOCKED_FORM.equalsIgnoreCase(currentLockStatus)) { formManager.unlockForm(formId); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected lock status '" + currentLockStatus + "'"); } } catch (Exception e) { return "Error: " + e.getMessage(); } return OK_RESPONCE; } @Override public ModuleDetailsBreadCrumb setBreadCrumb(ModelMap modelMap) { BaseModule module = (BaseModule) modelMap.get(MODULE_COMMAND); if (module != null) { ModuleDetailsBreadCrumb breadCrumb = new ModuleDetailsBreadCrumb(module); modelMap.addAttribute(Constants.BREAD_CRUMB, breadCrumb); return breadCrumb; } return null; } @Override public List<BreadCrumb.Link> getAllLinks(HttpServletRequest req) { Long moduleId = Long.parseLong(req.getParameter(MODULE_ID_NAME)); List<BaseForm> forms = formManager.getModuleForms(moduleId); ArrayList<BreadCrumb.Link> links = new ArrayList<BreadCrumb.Link>(); for (BaseForm form : forms) { links.add(new Link(form.getName(), Constants.QUESTION_LISTING_URI + "?" + Constants.FORM_ID + "=" + form.getId() + "&" + Constants.MODULE_ID + "=" + moduleId, null)); } return links; } }