Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import; import com.haulmont.bali.util.ParamsMap; import com.haulmont.bali.util.Preconditions; import com.haulmont.chile.core.model.*; import com.haulmont.cuba.core.entity.Entity; import*; import; import com.haulmont.cuba.gui.components.AggregationInfo; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.persistence.ManyToMany; import java.util.*; import static com.haulmont.bali.util.Preconditions.checkNotNullArgument; public class CollectionPropertyDatasourceImpl<T extends Entity<K>, K> extends PropertyDatasourceImpl<T> implements CollectionDatasource<T, K>, CollectionDatasource.Indexed<T, K>, CollectionDatasource.Sortable<T, K>, CollectionDatasource.Aggregatable<T, K> { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CollectionPropertyDatasourceImpl.class); protected T item; protected boolean cascadeProperty; protected SortInfo<MetaPropertyPath>[] sortInfos; protected boolean listenersSuspended; protected final LinkedList<CollectionChangeEvent<T, K>> suspendedEvents = new LinkedList<>(); protected boolean doNotModify; protected List<CollectionChangeListener<T, K>> collectionChangeListeners; protected AggregatableDelegate<K> aggregatableDelegate = new AggregatableDelegate<K>() { @Override public Object getItem(K itemId) { return CollectionPropertyDatasourceImpl.this.getItem(itemId); } @Override public Object getItemValue(MetaPropertyPath property, K itemId) { return CollectionPropertyDatasourceImpl.this.getItemValue(property, itemId); } }; @Override public void setup(String id, Datasource masterDs, String property) { super.setup(id, masterDs, property); cascadeProperty = metadata.getTools().isCascade(metaProperty); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void initParentDsListeners() { masterDs.addItemChangeListener(e -> { log.trace("itemChanged: prevItem={}, item={}", e.getPrevItem(), e.getItem()); Collection prevColl = e.getPrevItem() == null ? null : (Collection) e.getPrevItem().getValue(metaProperty.getName()); Collection coll = e.getItem() == null ? null : (Collection) e.getItem().getValue(metaProperty.getName()); reattachListeners(prevColl, coll); if (coll != null && metadata.getTools().isPersistent(metaProperty)) { for (Object collItem : coll) { if (PersistenceHelper.isNew(collItem)) { itemsToCreate.remove(collItem); itemsToCreate.add((T) collItem); modified = true; } } } if (item != null && (coll == null || !coll.contains(item))) { T prevItem = item; item = null; fireItemChanged(prevItem); } fireCollectionChanged(Operation.REFRESH, Collections.emptyList()); }); masterDs.addStateChangeListener(e -> { fireStateChanged(e.getPrevState()); fireCollectionChanged(Operation.REFRESH, Collections.emptyList()); }); masterDs.addItemPropertyChangeListener(e -> { if (e.getProperty().equals(metaProperty.getName()) && !Objects.equals(e.getPrevValue(), e.getValue())) { log.trace("master valueChanged: prop={}, prevValue={}, value={}", e.getProperty(), e.getPrevValue(), e.getValue()); reattachListeners((Collection) e.getPrevValue(), (Collection) e.getValue()); fireCollectionChanged(Operation.REFRESH, Collections.emptyList()); } }); } protected void reattachListeners(Collection prevColl, Collection coll) { if (prevColl != null) for (Object entity : prevColl) { if (entity instanceof Instance) detachListener((Instance) entity); } if (coll != null) for (Object entity : coll) { if (entity instanceof Instance) attachListener((Instance) entity); } } @Override public T getItem(K id) { backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection != null) { for (T t : collection) { if (t.getId().equals(id)) { return t; } } } return null; } @Override public T getItemNN(K id) { backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); T it = getItem(id); if (it != null) { return it; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Item with id=" + id + " is not found in datasource " +; } } @Override public Collection<K> getItemIds() { backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); if (masterDs.getState() == State.NOT_INITIALIZED) { return Collections.emptyList(); } else { Collection<T> items = getCollection(); if (items == null) return Collections.emptyList(); else { List<K> ids = new ArrayList<>(items.size()); for (T item : items) { ids.add(item.getId()); } return ids; } } } @Override public Collection<T> getItems() { backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); if (masterDs.getState() == State.NOT_INITIALIZED) { return Collections.emptyList(); } else { Collection<T> items = getCollection(); if (items == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (items.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(items); } } @Override public T getItem() { backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); return getState() == State.VALID ? item : null; } @Override public void setItem(T item) { backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); if (getState() == State.VALID) { Object prevItem = this.item; if (prevItem != item) { if (item != null) { final MetaClass aClass = item.getMetaClass(); MetaClass metaClass = getMetaClass(); if (!aClass.equals(metaClass) && !metaClass.getDescendants().contains(aClass)) { throw new DevelopmentException(String.format("Invalid item metaClass '%s'", aClass), ParamsMap.of("datasource", getId(), "metaClass", aClass)); } } this.item = item; //noinspection unchecked fireItemChanged((T) prevItem); } } } @Override public void refresh() { backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); fireCollectionChanged(Operation.REFRESH, Collections.emptyList()); } @Override public int size() { backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); if (masterDs.getState() == State.NOT_INITIALIZED) { return 0; } else { final Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); return collection == null ? 0 : collection.size(); } } protected Collection<T> getCollection() { Security security = AppBeans.get(Security.NAME); MetaClass parentMetaClass = masterDs.getMetaClass(); MetaClass propertyMetaClass = metaProperty.getRange().asClass(); if (!security.isEntityOpPermitted(propertyMetaClass, EntityOp.READ) || !security .isEntityAttrPermitted(parentMetaClass, metaProperty.getName(), EntityAttrAccess.VIEW)) { return new ArrayList<>(); // Don't use Collections.emptyList() to avoid confusing UnsupportedOperationExceptions } else { final Instance master = masterDs.getItem(); //noinspection unchecked return master == null ? null : (Collection<T>) master.getValue(metaProperty.getName()); } } protected void checkState() { State state = getState(); if (state != State.VALID) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid datasource state: " + state); } } protected void checkPermission() { Security security = AppBeans.get(Security.NAME); MetaClass parentMetaClass = masterDs.getMetaClass(); if (!security.isEntityAttrPermitted(parentMetaClass, metaProperty.getName(), EntityAttrAccess.MODIFY)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(PermissionType.ENTITY_ATTR, parentMetaClass + "." + metaProperty.getName()); } } @Override public void addItem(T item) { checkNotNullArgument(item, "item is null"); internalAddItem(item, () -> { getCollection().add(item); }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void addItemFirst(T item) { checkNotNullArgument(item, "item is null"); internalAddItem(item, () -> { addToCollectionFirst(item); }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void internalAddItem(T item, Runnable addToCollection) { backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); checkState(); checkPermission(); if (getCollection() == null) { if (masterDs.getItem() == null) { // Last chance to find and set a master item MetaProperty inverseProp = metaProperty.getInverse(); if (inverseProp != null) { Entity probableMasterItem = item.getValue(inverseProp.getName()); if (probableMasterItem != null) { Collection<Entity> masterCollection = ((CollectionPropertyDatasourceImpl) masterDs) .getCollection(); for (Entity masterCollectionItem : masterCollection) { if (masterCollectionItem.equals(probableMasterItem)) { masterDs.setItem(masterCollectionItem); break; } } } } if (masterDs.getItem() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Master datasource item is null"); } } else { initCollection(); } } // Don't add the same object instance twice (this is possible when committing nested datasources) if (!containsObjectInstance(item)); attachListener(item); if (Objects.equals(this.item, item)) { this.item = item; } modified = true; if (cascadeProperty) { final Entity parentItem = masterDs.getItem(); ((DatasourceImplementation) masterDs).modified(parentItem); } if (metaProperty != null && metaProperty.getRange() != null && metaProperty.getRange().getCardinality() != null && metaProperty.getRange().getCardinality() == Range.Cardinality.MANY_TO_MANY && !PersistenceHelper.isNew(item)) { // do not mark for update existing many-to-many item; // item is not updated here, but many-to-many table entry is added } else { modified(item); } fireCollectionChanged(Operation.ADD, Collections.singletonList(item)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void addToCollectionFirst(T item) { Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection instanceof List) { ((List) collection).add(0, item); } else if (collection instanceof LinkedHashSet) { LinkedHashSet tmpSet = (LinkedHashSet) ((LinkedHashSet) collection).clone(); collection.clear(); ((LinkedHashSet) collection).add(item); ((LinkedHashSet) collection).addAll(tmpSet); } else { collection.add(item); } } /** * Search the collection using object identity. * @return true if the collection already contains the instance */ protected boolean containsObjectInstance(T instance) { Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection != null) { for (T item : collection) { if (instance == item) return true; } } return false; } protected void initCollection() { Instance item = masterDs.getItem(); if (item == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Item is null"); Class<?> type = metaProperty.getJavaType(); if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { item.setValue(metaProperty.getName(), new ArrayList()); } else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { item.setValue(metaProperty.getName(), new LinkedHashSet()); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Type " + type + " not supported, should implement List or Set"); } if (item.getValue(metaProperty.getName()) == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot set collection property " + metaProperty.getName() + ". Probably not contained in view."); } } @Override public void removeItem(T item) { checkNotNullArgument(item, "item is null"); checkState(); checkPermission(); Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection != null) { if (this.item != null && this.item.equals(item)) { setItem(null); } // In case of 2nd-level composition and using List as attribute type, there may be duplicated instances // after repeated editing of newly added item. So remove them all. Iterator<T> iterator = collection.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { T entity =; if (entity.equals(item)) { detachListener(entity); iterator.remove(); } } modified = true; if (cascadeProperty) { final Entity parentItem = masterDs.getItem(); //noinspection unchecked ((DatasourceImplementation) masterDs).modified(parentItem); } else { deleted(item); } fireCollectionChanged(Operation.REMOVE, Collections.singletonList(item)); } } @Override public void excludeItem(T item) { checkNotNullArgument(item, "item is null"); backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); checkState(); checkPermission(); Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection != null) { if (this.item != null && this.item.equals(item)) { setItem(null); } doNotModify = true; try { collection.remove(item); MetaProperty inverseProperty = metaProperty.getInverse(); if (inverseProperty != null) item.setValue(inverseProperty.getName(), null); // detach listener only after setting value to the link property detachListener(item); fireCollectionChanged(Operation.REMOVE, Collections.singletonList(item)); } finally { doNotModify = false; } } } @Override public void includeItem(T item) { checkNotNullArgument(item, "item is null"); internalIncludeItem(item, () -> { getCollection().add(item); }); } @Override public void includeItemFirst(T item) { checkNotNullArgument(item, "item is null"); internalIncludeItem(item, () -> { addToCollectionFirst(item); }); } protected void internalIncludeItem(T item, Runnable addToCollection) { backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); checkState(); checkPermission(); if (getCollection() == null) { initCollection(); } doNotModify = true; try { // Don't add the same object instance twice if (!containsObjectInstance(item)); MetaProperty inverseProperty = metaProperty.getInverse(); if (inverseProperty != null) item.setValue(inverseProperty.getName(), masterDs.getItem()); // attach listener only after setting value to the link property attachListener(item); fireCollectionChanged(Operation.ADD, Collections.singletonList(item)); } finally { doNotModify = false; } } @Override public void clear() { backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); checkState(); Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection != null) { Collection<T> collectionItems = new ArrayList<>(collection); doNotModify = true; try { // Clear collection collection.clear(); // Notify listeners for (T item : collectionItems) { if (metaProperty.getRange().getCardinality() == Range.Cardinality.ONE_TO_MANY) { MetaProperty inverseProperty = metaProperty.getInverse(); if (inverseProperty == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No inverse property for " + metaProperty); } item.setValue(inverseProperty.getName(), null); } // detach listener only after setting value to the link property detachListener(item); } setItem(null); fireCollectionChanged(Operation.CLEAR, Collections.emptyList()); } finally { doNotModify = false; } } } @Override public void revert() { refresh(); } @Override public void modifyItem(T item) { checkNotNullArgument(item, "item is null"); Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection != null) { for (T t : collection) { if (t.equals(item)) { EntityCopyUtils.copyCompositionsBack(item, t); modified = true; if (cascadeProperty) { final Entity parentItem = masterDs.getItem(); //noinspection unchecked ((DatasourceImplementation) masterDs).modified(parentItem); } else { modified(t); } } } fireCollectionChanged(Operation.UPDATE, Collections.singletonList(item)); } } @Override public void updateItem(T item) { checkNotNullArgument(item, "item is null"); backgroundWorker.checkUIAccess(); Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection != null) { // this method must not change the "modified" state by contract boolean saveModified = modified; for (T t : collection) { if (t.equals(item)) { metadata.getTools().copy(item, t); } } modified = saveModified; fireCollectionChanged(Operation.UPDATE, Collections.singletonList(item)); } } @Override public void modified(T item) { checkNotNullArgument(item, "item is null"); if (doNotModify) return; // Never modify not new objects linked as ManyToMany. CollectionPropertyDatasource should only handle adding // and removing of ManyToMany items. if (!PersistenceHelper.isNew(item) && metaProperty.getAnnotatedElement().getAnnotation(ManyToMany.class) != null) return; super.modified(item); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void replaceItem(T item) { checkNotNullArgument(item, "item is null"); Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection != null) { for (T t : collection) { if (t.equals(item)) { detachListener(t); if (collection instanceof List) { List list = (List) collection; int itemIdx = list.indexOf(t); list.set(itemIdx, item); } else if (collection instanceof LinkedHashSet) { LinkedHashSet set = (LinkedHashSet) collection; List list = new ArrayList(set); int itemIdx = list.indexOf(t); list.set(itemIdx, item); set.clear(); set.addAll(list); } else { collection.remove(t); collection.add(item); } attachListener(item); if (item.equals(this.item)) { this.item = item; } break; } } if (sortInfos != null) doSort(); fireCollectionChanged(Operation.UPDATE, Collections.singletonList(item)); } } @Override public boolean containsItem(K itemId) { Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection == null) { return false; } for (T item : collection) { if (item.getId().equals(itemId)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public String getQuery() { return null; } @Override public LoadContext getCompiledLoadContext() { return null; } @Override public QueryFilter getQueryFilter() { return null; } @Override public void setQuery(String query) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void setQuery(String query, QueryFilter filter) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void setQueryFilter(QueryFilter filter) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int getMaxResults() { return 0; } @Override public void setMaxResults(int maxResults) { } @Override public void refresh(Map<String, Object> parameters) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Map<String, Object> getLastRefreshParameters() { return Collections.emptyMap(); } @Override public boolean getRefreshOnComponentValueChange() { return false; } @Override public void setRefreshOnComponentValueChange(boolean refresh) { } @Override public void addCollectionChangeListener(CollectionChangeListener<T, K> listener) { Preconditions.checkNotNullArgument(listener, "listener cannot be null"); if (collectionChangeListeners == null) { collectionChangeListeners = new ArrayList<>(); } if (!collectionChangeListeners.contains(listener)) { collectionChangeListeners.add(listener); } } @Override public void removeCollectionChangeListener(CollectionChangeListener<T, K> listener) { if (collectionChangeListeners != null) { collectionChangeListeners.remove(listener); } } @Override public void addListener(DatasourceListener<T> listener) { super.addListener(listener); if (listener instanceof CollectionDatasourceListener) { addCollectionChangeListener(new CompatibleDatasourceListenerWrapper(listener)); } } @Override public void removeListener(DatasourceListener<T> listener) { super.removeListener(listener); if (listener instanceof CollectionDatasourceListener) { removeCollectionChangeListener(new CompatibleDatasourceListenerWrapper(listener)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void committed(Set<Entity> entities) { if (!State.VALID.equals(masterDs.getState())) return; Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection != null) { for (T item : new ArrayList<>(collection)) { for (Entity entity : entities) { if (entity.equals(item)) { if (collection instanceof List) { List list = (List) collection; list.set(list.indexOf(item), entity); } else if (collection instanceof Set) { Set set = (Set) collection; set.remove(item); set.add(entity); } attachListener(entity); fireCollectionChanged(Operation.UPDATE, Collections.singletonList(item)); } } detachListener(item); // to avoid duplication in any case attachListener(item); } } for (Entity entity : entities) { if (entity.equals(item)) { item = (T) entity; } } modified = false; clearCommitLists(); } protected void fireCollectionChanged(Operation operation, List<T> items) { if (listenersSuspended) { if (!suspendedEvents.isEmpty() && suspendedEvents.getFirst().getOperation().equals(operation)) { suspendedEvents.getFirst().getItems().addAll(items); } else { suspendedEvents.addFirst(new CollectionChangeEvent<>(this, operation, new ArrayList<>(items))); } return; } if (collectionChangeListeners != null && !collectionChangeListeners.isEmpty()) { CollectionChangeEvent<T, K> event = new CollectionChangeEvent<>(this, operation, items); for (CollectionChangeListener<T, K> listener : new ArrayList<>(collectionChangeListeners)) { listener.collectionChanged(event); } } } @Override public void suspendListeners() { listenersSuspended = true; } @Override public void resumeListeners() { listenersSuspended = false; while (!suspendedEvents.isEmpty()) { //noinspection unchecked CollectionChangeEvent<T, K> suspendedEvent = suspendedEvents.removeLast(); fireCollectionChanged(suspendedEvent.getOperation(), Collections.unmodifiableList(suspendedEvent.getItems())); } } @Override public boolean isSoftDeletion() { return false; } @Override public void setSoftDeletion(boolean softDeletion) { } @Override public boolean isCacheable() { return false; } @Override public void setCacheable(boolean cacheable) { } //Implementation of CollectionDatasource.Sortable<T, K> interface @Override public void sort(SortInfo[] sortInfos) { if (sortInfos.length != 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Supporting sort by one field only"); } //noinspection unchecked this.sortInfos = sortInfos; doSort(); fireCollectionChanged(Operation.REFRESH, Collections.emptyList()); } @Override public void resetSortOrder() { this.sortInfos = null; } protected void doSort() { Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection == null) return; List<T> list = new LinkedList<>(collection); list.sort(createEntityComparator()); collection.clear(); collection.addAll(list); } protected EntityComparator<T> createEntityComparator() { MetaPropertyPath propertyPath = sortInfos[0].getPropertyPath(); boolean asc = Order.ASC.equals(sortInfos[0].getOrder()); return new EntityComparator<>(propertyPath, asc); } @Override public int indexOfId(K itemId) { if (itemId == null) return -1; Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(collection)) { List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(collection); T currentItem = getItem(itemId); return list.indexOf(currentItem); } return -1; } @Override public K getIdByIndex(int index) { Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(collection)) { return Iterables.get(collection, index).getId(); } return null; } @Override public List<K> getItemIds(int startIndex, int numberOfItems) { return ((List<K>) getItemIds()).subList(startIndex, startIndex + numberOfItems); } @Override public K firstItemId() { Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection != null && !collection.isEmpty()) { T first = Iterables.getFirst(collection, null); return first == null ? null : first.getId(); } return null; } @Override public K lastItemId() { Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if (collection != null && !collection.isEmpty()) { return Iterables.getLast(collection).getId(); } return null; } @Override public K nextItemId(K itemId) { if (itemId == null) return null; Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if ((collection != null) && !collection.isEmpty() && !itemId.equals(lastItemId())) { List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(collection); T currentItem = getItem(itemId); return list.get(list.indexOf(currentItem) + 1).getId(); } return null; } @Override public K prevItemId(K itemId) { if (itemId == null) return null; Collection<T> collection = getCollection(); if ((collection != null) && !collection.isEmpty() && !itemId.equals(firstItemId())) { List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(collection); T currentItem = getItem(itemId); return list.get(list.indexOf(currentItem) - 1).getId(); } return null; } @Override public boolean isFirstId(K itemId) { return itemId != null && itemId.equals(firstItemId()); } @Override public boolean isLastId(K itemId) { return itemId != null && itemId.equals(lastItemId()); } @Override public Map<AggregationInfo, String> aggregate(AggregationInfo[] aggregationInfos, Collection<K> itemIds) { return aggregatableDelegate.aggregate(aggregationInfos, itemIds); } protected Object getItemValue(MetaPropertyPath property, K itemId) { Instance instance = getItemNN(itemId); if (property.getMetaProperties().length == 1) { return instance.getValue(property.getMetaProperty().getName()); } else { return instance.getValueEx(property.toString()); } } }