Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys; import com.haulmont.bali.util.Dom4j; import com.haulmont.bali.util.ReflectionHelper; import com.haulmont.chile.core.datatypes.DatatypeRegistry; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrTokenizer; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; @Component("cuba_MetadataBuildSupport") public class MetadataBuildSupport { public static class XmlAnnotation { public final Object value; public final Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<>(); public XmlAnnotation(Object value) { this.value = value; } } public static class XmlAnnotations { public final String entityClass; public final Map<String, XmlAnnotation> annotations = new HashMap<>(); public final List<XmlAnnotations> attributeAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(); public XmlAnnotations(String entityClass) { this.entityClass = entityClass; } } public static class XmlFile { public final String name; public final Element root; public XmlFile(String name, Element root) { = name; this.root = root; } } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetadataBuildSupport.class); public static final String PERSISTENCE_CONFIG = "cuba.persistenceConfig"; public static final String METADATA_CONFIG = "cuba.metadataConfig"; @Inject protected Resources resources; @Inject protected DatatypeRegistry datatypes; private static final Pattern JAVA_CLASS_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\\d_$]*\\.)*[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\\d_$]*"); public List<XmlFile> init() { List<XmlFile> metadataXmlList = new ArrayList<>(); StrTokenizer metadataFilesTokenizer = new StrTokenizer(getMetadataConfig()); for (String fileName : metadataFilesTokenizer.getTokenArray()) { metadataXmlList.add(new XmlFile(fileName, readXml(fileName))); } return metadataXmlList; } /** * @param storeName data store name * @return location of persistent entities descriptor or null if not defined */ @Nullable public String getPersistenceConfig(String storeName) { String propName = PERSISTENCE_CONFIG; if (!Stores.isMain(storeName)) propName = propName + "_" + storeName; String config = AppContext.getProperty(propName); if (StringUtils.isBlank(config)) { log.trace("Property {} is not set, assuming {} is not a RdbmsStore", propName, storeName); return null; } else return config; } /** * @return location of metadata descriptor */ public String getMetadataConfig() { String config = AppContext.getProperty(METADATA_CONFIG); if (StringUtils.isBlank(config)) throw new IllegalStateException(METADATA_CONFIG + " application property is not defined"); return config; } public List<Element> getDatatypeElements(List<XmlFile> metadataXmlList) { List<Element> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (XmlFile xmlFile : metadataXmlList) { Element datatypesEl = xmlFile.root.element("datatypes"); if (datatypesEl != null) { list.addAll(Dom4j.elements(datatypesEl, "datatype")); } } return list; } public Map<String, List<EntityClassInfo>> getEntityPackages(List<XmlFile> metadataXmlList) { Map<String, List<EntityClassInfo>> packages = new LinkedHashMap<>(); loadFromMetadataConfig(packages, metadataXmlList); Stores.getAll().forEach(db -> loadFromPersistenceConfig(packages, db)); return packages; } protected void loadFromMetadataConfig(Map<String, List<EntityClassInfo>> packages, List<XmlFile> metadataXmlList) { for (XmlFile xmlFile : metadataXmlList) { for (Element element : Dom4j.elements(xmlFile.root, "metadata-model")) { String rootPackage = element.attributeValue("root-package"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(rootPackage)) throw new IllegalStateException("metadata-model/@root-package is empty in " +; List<EntityClassInfo> classNames = packages.get(rootPackage); if (classNames == null) { classNames = new ArrayList<>(); packages.put(rootPackage, classNames); } for (Element classEl : Dom4j.elements(element, "class")) { classNames.add( new EntityClassInfo(classEl.attributeValue("store"), classEl.getText().trim(), false)); } } } } protected void loadFromPersistenceConfig(Map<String, List<EntityClassInfo>> packages, String db) { String persistenceConfig = getPersistenceConfig(db); if (persistenceConfig == null) return; StrTokenizer persistenceFilesTokenizer = new StrTokenizer(persistenceConfig); for (String fileName : persistenceFilesTokenizer.getTokenArray()) { Element root = readXml(fileName); Element puEl = root.element("persistence-unit"); if (puEl == null) throw new IllegalStateException("File " + fileName + " has no persistence-unit element"); for (Element classEl : Dom4j.elements(puEl, "class")) { String className = classEl.getText().trim(); boolean included = false; for (String rootPackage : packages.keySet()) { if (className.startsWith(rootPackage + ".")) { List<EntityClassInfo> classNames = packages.get(rootPackage); if (classNames == null) { classNames = new ArrayList<>(); packages.put(rootPackage, classNames); } classNames.add(new EntityClassInfo(db, className, true)); included = true; break; } } if (!included) throw new IllegalStateException("Can not find a model for class " + className + ". The class's package must be inside of some model's root package."); } } } protected Element readXml(String path) { InputStream stream = resources.getResourceAsStream(path); try { stream = resources.getResourceAsStream(path); if (stream == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Resource not found: " + path); Document document = Dom4j.readDocument(stream); return document.getRootElement(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(stream); } } public List<XmlAnnotations> getEntityAnnotations(List<XmlFile> metadataXmlList) { List<XmlAnnotations> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (XmlFile xmlFile : metadataXmlList) { Element annotationsEl = xmlFile.root.element("annotations"); if (annotationsEl != null) { for (Element entityEl : Dom4j.elements(annotationsEl, "entity")) { String className = entityEl.attributeValue("class"); XmlAnnotations entityAnnotations = new XmlAnnotations(className); for (Element annotEl : Dom4j.elements(entityEl, "annotation")) { XmlAnnotation xmlAnnotation = new XmlAnnotation( inferMetaAnnotationType(annotEl.attributeValue("value"))); for (Element attrEl : Dom4j.elements(annotEl, "attribute")) { Object value = getXmlAnnotationAttributeValue(attrEl); xmlAnnotation.attributes.put(attrEl.attributeValue("name"), value); } entityAnnotations.annotations.put(annotEl.attributeValue("name"), xmlAnnotation); } for (Element propEl : Dom4j.elements(entityEl, "property")) { XmlAnnotations attributeAnnotations = new XmlAnnotations(propEl.attributeValue("name")); for (Element annotEl : Dom4j.elements(propEl, "annotation")) { XmlAnnotation xmlAnnotation = new XmlAnnotation( inferMetaAnnotationType(annotEl.attributeValue("value"))); for (Element attrEl : Dom4j.elements(annotEl, "attribute")) { Object value = getXmlAnnotationAttributeValue(attrEl); xmlAnnotation.attributes.put(attrEl.attributeValue("name"), value); } attributeAnnotations.annotations.put(annotEl.attributeValue("name"), xmlAnnotation); } entityAnnotations.attributeAnnotations.add(attributeAnnotations); } result.add(entityAnnotations); } } } return result; } private Object getXmlAnnotationAttributeValue(Element attributeEl) { String value = attributeEl.attributeValue("value"); String className = attributeEl.attributeValue("class"); String datatypeName = attributeEl.attributeValue("datatype"); List<Element> values = Dom4j.elements(attributeEl, "value"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { if (!values.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException( "Both 'value' attribute and 'value' element(s) are specified for attribute " + attributeEl.attributeValue("name")); return getXmlAnnotationAttributeValue(value, className, datatypeName); } if (!values.isEmpty()) { Object val0 = getXmlAnnotationAttributeValue(values.get(0).getTextTrim(), className, datatypeName); Object array = Array.newInstance(val0.getClass(), values.size()); Array.set(array, 0, val0); for (int i = 1; i < values.size(); i++) { Object val = getXmlAnnotationAttributeValue(values.get(i).getTextTrim(), className, datatypeName); Array.set(array, i, val); } return array; } return null; } private Object getXmlAnnotationAttributeValue(String value, String className, String datatypeName) { if (className == null && datatypeName == null) return inferMetaAnnotationType(value); if (className != null) { Class aClass = ReflectionHelper.getClass(className); if (aClass.isEnum()) { //noinspection unchecked return Enum.valueOf(aClass, value); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Class " + className + " is not Enum"); } } else { try { return datatypes.get(datatypeName).parse(value); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to parse XML meta-annotation value", e); } } } protected Object inferMetaAnnotationType(String str) { Object val; if (str != null && (str.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || str.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))) val = Boolean.valueOf(str); else if (str != null && JAVA_CLASS_PATTERN.matcher(str).matches()) { try { val = ReflectionHelper.loadClass(str); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { val = str; } } else if (!"".equals(str) && StringUtils.isNumeric(str)) { val = Integer.valueOf(str); } else val = str; return val; } }