Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Haulmont. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys; import; import; import com.haulmont.chile.core.datatypes.FormatStrings; import com.haulmont.chile.core.datatypes.FormatStringsRegistry; import*; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrTokenizer; import org.perf4j.StopWatch; import org.perf4j.slf4j.Slf4JStopWatch; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static com.haulmont.bali.util.Preconditions.checkNotNullArgument; /** * <code>Messages</code> implementation common for all tiers. * */ public abstract class AbstractMessages implements Messages { public static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "messages"; public static final String EXT = ".properties"; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractMessages.class); @Inject protected MessageTools messageTools; @Inject protected FormatStringsRegistry formatStringsRegistry; protected Pattern enumSubclassPattern = Pattern.compile("\\$[1-9]"); protected GlobalConfig globalConfig; protected String confDir; protected String mainMessagePack; protected Map<String, String> strCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // Using ConcurrentHashMap instead of synchronized Set for better parallelism protected Map<String, String> notFoundCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); protected Cache<String, Properties> filePropertiesCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(); protected Cache<String, Properties> resourcePropertiesCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(); protected final static Properties PROPERTIES_NOT_FOUND = new Properties(); protected abstract Locale getUserLocale(); protected abstract String searchRemotely(String pack, String key, Locale locale); @Inject public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { globalConfig = configuration.getConfig(GlobalConfig.class); confDir = globalConfig.getConfDir().replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); } @PostConstruct protected void init() { mainMessagePack = AppContext.getProperty("cuba.mainMessagePack"); if (mainMessagePack == null) { throw new DevelopmentException("Property cuba.mainMessagePack is not set"); } log.debug("Main message pack: " + mainMessagePack); for (Locale locale : globalConfig.getAvailableLocales().values()) { String numberDecimalSeparator = getMainMessage("numberDecimalSeparator", locale); String numberGroupingSeparator = getMainMessage("numberGroupingSeparator", locale); String integerFormat = getMainMessage("integerFormat", locale); String doubleFormat = getMainMessage("doubleFormat", locale); String decimalFormat = getMainMessage("decimalFormat", locale); String dateFormat = getMainMessage("dateFormat", locale); String dateTimeFormat = getMainMessage("dateTimeFormat", locale); String timeFormat = getMainMessage("timeFormat", locale); String trueString = getMainMessage("trueString", locale); String falseString = getMainMessage("falseString", locale); if (numberDecimalSeparator.equals("numberDecimalSeparator") || numberGroupingSeparator.equals("numberGroupingSeparator") || integerFormat.equals("integerFormat") || doubleFormat.equals("doubleFormat") || decimalFormat.equals("decimalFormat") || dateFormat.equals("dateFormat") || dateTimeFormat.equals("dateTimeFormat") || timeFormat.equals("timeFormat")) log.warn("Localized format strings are not defined. " + "Check cuba.mainMessagePack application property, it must point to a valid set of main message packs."); formatStringsRegistry.setFormatStrings(messageTools.trimLocale(locale), new FormatStrings(numberDecimalSeparator.charAt(0), numberGroupingSeparator.charAt(0), integerFormat, doubleFormat, decimalFormat, dateFormat, dateTimeFormat, timeFormat, trueString, falseString)); } } @Override public MessageTools getTools() { return messageTools; } @Override public String getMainMessagePack() { return mainMessagePack; } @Override public String getMessage(Class caller, String key) { Locale loc = getUserLocale(); return getMessage(caller, key, loc); } @Override public String formatMessage(Class caller, String key, Object... params) { try { return String.format(getMessage(caller, key), params); } catch (IllegalFormatException e) { return key; } } @Override public String getMessage(Class caller, String key, Locale locale) { return getMessage(getPackName(caller), key, locale); } @Override public String formatMessage(Class caller, String key, Locale locale, Object... params) { try { return String.format(getMessage(caller, key, locale), params); } catch (IllegalFormatException e) { return key; } } @Override public String getMessage(Enum caller) { checkNotNullArgument(caller, "Enum parameter 'caller' is null"); Locale loc = getUserLocale(); return getMessage(caller, loc); } @Override public String getMessage(Enum caller, Locale locale) { checkNotNullArgument(caller, "Enum parameter 'caller' is null"); String className = caller.getClass().getName(); int i = className.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i > -1) className = className.substring(i + 1); // If enum has inner subclasses, its class name ends with "$1", "$2", ... suffixes. Cut them off. Matcher matcher = enumSubclassPattern.matcher(className); if (matcher.find()) { className = className.substring(0, matcher.start()); } return getMessage(getPackName(caller.getClass()), className + "." +, locale); } @Override public String getMessage(String pack, String key) { Locale loc = getUserLocale(); return getMessage(pack, key, loc); } @Override public String getMainMessage(String key) { return getMainMessage(key, getUserLocale()); } @Override public String getMainMessage(String key, Locale locale) { checkNotNullArgument(key, "Message key is null"); return internalGetMessage(mainMessagePack, key, locale, key, false); } @Override public String formatMessage(String pack, String key, Object... params) { try { return String.format(getMessage(pack, key), params); } catch (IllegalFormatException e) { return key; } } @Override public String formatMainMessage(String key, Object... params) { try { return String.format(getMainMessage(key), params); } catch (IllegalFormatException e) { return key; } } @Override public String getMessage(String packs, String key, Locale locale) { checkNotNullArgument(packs, "Messages pack name is null"); checkNotNullArgument(key, "Message key is null"); String compositeKey = packs + "/" + key; String msg = internalGetMessage(mainMessagePack, compositeKey, locale, null, false); if (msg != null) return msg; return internalGetMessage(packs, key, locale, key, true); } @Nullable @Override public String findMessage(String packs, String key, @Nullable Locale locale) { checkNotNullArgument(packs, "Messages pack name is null"); checkNotNullArgument(key, "Message key is null"); if (locale == null) locale = getUserLocale(); String compositeKey = packs + "/" + key; String[] split = mainMessagePack.split(" "); String lastMainMessagePack = split[split.length - 1]; String msg = internalGetMessage(lastMainMessagePack, compositeKey, locale, null, false); if (msg != null) return msg; return internalGetMessage(packs, key, locale, null, true); } @Override public String formatMessage(String pack, String key, Locale locale, Object... params) { try { return String.format(getMessage(pack, key, locale), params); } catch (IllegalFormatException e) { return key; } } @Override public int getCacheSize() { return strCache.size(); } @Override public void clearCache() { filePropertiesCache.invalidateAll(); resourcePropertiesCache.invalidateAll(); strCache.clear(); notFoundCache.clear(); } protected String internalGetMessage(String packs, String key, Locale locale, String defaultValue, boolean searchMainIfNotFound) { locale = messageTools.trimLocale(locale); String cacheKey = makeCacheKey(packs, key, locale, locale); String msg = strCache.get(cacheKey); if (msg != null) return msg; String notFound = notFoundCache.get(cacheKey); if (notFound != null) return defaultValue; msg = searchMessage(packs, key, locale, locale, new HashSet<>()); if (msg != null) { cache(cacheKey, msg); return msg; } if (searchMainIfNotFound) { String tmpCacheKey = makeCacheKey(mainMessagePack, key, locale, locale); msg = searchMessage(tmpCacheKey, key, locale, locale, new HashSet<>()); if (msg != null) { cache(cacheKey, msg); return msg; } } notFoundCache.put(cacheKey, key); return defaultValue; } @Nullable protected String searchMessage(String packs, String key, Locale locale, Locale truncatedLocale, Set<String> passedPacks) { StrTokenizer tokenizer = new StrTokenizer(packs); //noinspection unchecked List<String> list = tokenizer.getTokenList(); Collections.reverse(list); for (String pack : list) { if (!enterPack(pack, locale, truncatedLocale, passedPacks)) continue; String msg = searchOnePack(pack, key, locale, truncatedLocale, passedPacks); if (msg != null) return msg; Locale tmpLocale = truncatedLocale; while (tmpLocale != null) { tmpLocale = truncateLocale(tmpLocale); msg = searchOnePack(pack, key, locale, tmpLocale, passedPacks); if (msg != null) return msg; } } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { String packName = new StrBuilder().appendWithSeparators(list, ",").toString(); log.trace("Resource '" + makeCacheKey(packName, key, locale, locale) + "' not found"); } return null; } private Locale truncateLocale(Locale locale) { if (locale == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(locale.getCountry())) return null; return Locale.forLanguageTag(locale.getLanguage()); } protected boolean enterPack(String pack, Locale locale, Locale truncatedLocale, Set<String> passedPacks) { String k = truncatedLocale == null ? pack + "/default" : pack + "/" + (locale == null ? "default" : locale); return passedPacks.add(k); } protected String searchOnePack(String pack, String key, Locale locale, Locale truncatedLocale, Set<String> passedPacks) { String cacheKey = makeCacheKey(pack, key, locale, truncatedLocale); String msg = strCache.get(cacheKey); if (msg != null) return msg; msg = searchFiles(pack, key, locale, truncatedLocale, passedPacks); if (msg == null) { msg = searchClasspath(pack, key, locale, truncatedLocale, passedPacks); } if (msg == null && locale.equals(truncatedLocale)) { msg = searchRemotely(pack, key, locale); if (msg != null) { cache(cacheKey, msg); } } return msg; } protected void cache(String key, String msg) { if (!strCache.containsKey(key)) strCache.put(key, msg); } protected String searchFiles(String pack, String key, Locale locale, Locale truncatedLocale, Set<String> passedPacks) { StopWatch stopWatch = new Slf4JStopWatch("Messages.searchFiles"); try { String cacheKey = makeCacheKey(pack, key, locale, truncatedLocale); String msg = strCache.get(cacheKey); if (msg != null) return msg; log.trace("searchFiles: " + cacheKey); String packPath = confDir + "/" + pack.replaceAll("\\.", "/"); while (packPath != null && !packPath.equals(confDir)) { Properties properties = loadPropertiesFromFile(packPath, locale, truncatedLocale); if (properties != PROPERTIES_NOT_FOUND) { msg = getMessageFromProperties(pack, key, locale, truncatedLocale, properties, passedPacks); if (msg != null) return msg; } // not found, keep searching int pos = packPath.lastIndexOf("/"); if (pos < 0) packPath = null; else packPath = packPath.substring(0, pos); } return null; } finally { stopWatch.stop(); } } protected String searchClasspath(String pack, String key, Locale locale, Locale truncatedLocale, Set<String> passedPacks) { StopWatch stopWatch = new Slf4JStopWatch("Messages.searchClasspath"); try { String cacheKey = makeCacheKey(pack, key, locale, truncatedLocale); String msg = strCache.get(cacheKey); if (msg != null) return msg; log.trace("searchClasspath: " + cacheKey); String packPath = "/" + pack.replaceAll("\\.", "/"); while (packPath != null) { Properties properties = loadPropertiesFromResource(packPath, locale, truncatedLocale); if (properties != PROPERTIES_NOT_FOUND) { msg = getMessageFromProperties(pack, key, locale, truncatedLocale, properties, passedPacks); if (msg != null) return msg; } // not found, keep searching int pos = packPath.lastIndexOf("/"); if (pos < 0) packPath = null; else packPath = packPath.substring(0, pos); } return null; } finally { stopWatch.stop(); } } @Nullable protected String getMessageFromProperties(String pack, String key, Locale locale, Locale truncatedLocale, Properties properties, Set<String> passedPacks) { String message; message = properties.getProperty(key); if (message != null) { cache(makeCacheKey(pack, key, locale, truncatedLocale), message); if (truncatedLocale == null) cache(makeCacheKey(pack, key, locale, null), message); } if (message == null) { // process includes after to support overriding message = searchIncludes(properties, key, locale, truncatedLocale, passedPacks); } return message; } @Nullable protected String searchIncludes(Properties properties, String key, Locale locale, Locale truncatedLocale, Set<String> passedPacks) { String includesProperty = properties.getProperty("@include"); if (includesProperty != null) { // multiple includes separated by comma String[] includes = StringUtils.split(includesProperty, " ,"); if (includes != null && includes.length > 0) { ArrayUtils.reverse(includes); for (String includePath : includes) { includePath = StringUtils.trimToNull(includePath); if (includePath != null) { String message = searchMessage(includePath, key, locale, truncatedLocale, passedPacks); if (message != null) { return message; } } } } } return null; } protected Properties loadPropertiesFromFile(String packPath, Locale locale, Locale truncatedLocale) { final String fileName = packPath + "/" + BUNDLE_NAME + getLocaleSuffix(truncatedLocale) + EXT; try { return filePropertiesCache.get(fileName, new Callable<Properties>() { @Override public Properties call() throws Exception { File file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists()) { try (FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream, { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(reader); return properties; } } return PROPERTIES_NOT_FOUND; } }); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected Properties loadPropertiesFromResource(String packPath, Locale locale, Locale truncatedLocale) { final String name = packPath + "/" + BUNDLE_NAME + getLocaleSuffix(truncatedLocale) + EXT; try { return resourcePropertiesCache.get(name, new Callable<Properties>() { @Override public Properties call() throws Exception { InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(name); if (stream != null) { try (InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream, { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(reader); return properties; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(stream); } } return PROPERTIES_NOT_FOUND; } }); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected String getLocaleSuffix(Locale locale) { return (locale != null ? "_" + locale : ""); } protected String makeCacheKey(String pack, String key, @Nullable Locale locale, @Nullable Locale truncatedLocale) { if (truncatedLocale == null) return pack + "/default/" + key; return pack + "/" + (locale == null ? "default" : locale) + "/" + key; } protected String getPackName(Class c) { String className = c.getName(); int pos = className.lastIndexOf("."); if (pos > 0) return className.substring(0, pos); else return ""; } }