Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2009 Grant Slender This file is part of OFCGWT. OFCGWT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OFCGWT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See <>. */ package com.gwttest.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.ChartWidget; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.event.ChartClickEvent; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.event.ChartClickHandler; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.ChartData; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.PieChart; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.PieChart.Slice; /** * Example Test using OFCGWT */ public class Events implements EntryPoint { ChartWidget chart; HTML chartLabel = new HTML(); Button resetBut; public void onModuleLoad() { SimplePanel main = new SimplePanel(); main.setHeight("100%"); main.setWidth("100%"); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.setSpacing(10); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); // add home page HTML homeText = new HTML( "<h2>Welcome to OFCGWT</h2>" + "<i>....the OpenFlashChart GWT Library</i></br></br>" + "This demonstration showcases the events \"onClick\" feature with a drill-down effect."); vp.add(homeText); vp.setCellHeight(homeText, "300"); hp.add(vp); hp.setCellWidth(vp, "300"); // add chart DecoratorPanel dp = new DecoratorPanel(); SimplePanel pieSp = new SimplePanel(); chart = new ChartWidget(); chart.setSize("400", "300"); pieSp.add(chart); dp.add(pieSp); hp.add(dp); VerticalPanel chartlist = new VerticalPanel(); chartlist.setSpacing(5); resetBut = new Button("Reset", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { chart.setChartData(getPieChartLayer1()); } }); chartlist.add(chartLabel); chartlist.add(resetBut); ChartData cd = getPieChartLayer1(); chart.setChartData(cd); hp.add(chartlist); hp.setCellWidth(chartlist, "300"); RootPanel.get().add(hp); } private String[] getColours() { return new String[] { "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff", "#ff9900", "#ff00ff", "#FFFF00", "#6699FF", "#339933" }; } private ChartData getPieChartAULayer2() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("Sales in Australia - Layer 2", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("#FFEEEE"); PieChart pie = new PieChart(); pie.setTooltip("#label# $#val#<br>#percent#"); pie.setStartAngle(33); pie.setColours(getColours()); pie.addSlices(new Slice(6000, "QLD")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(8000, "NSW")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(9000, "VIC")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(3000, "SA")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(1400, "TAS")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(1000, "NT")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(5000, "WA")); cd.addElements(pie); chartLabel.setHTML("This graph shows sales in each state of Australia.<p>Click reset to go back up again."); resetBut.setEnabled(true); return cd; } private ChartData getPieChartEULayer2() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("Sales in Europe - Layer 2", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setDecimalSeparatorComma(true); cd.setBackgroundColour("#EEEEFF"); PieChart pie = new PieChart(); pie.setTooltip("#label# $#val#<br>#percent#"); pie.setStartAngle(33); pie.setColours(getColours()); pie.addSlices(new Slice(9000, "BE")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(9000, "DE")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(7500, "ES")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(13000, "UK")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(6000, "FR")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(5000, "IT")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(6000, "RU")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(8000, "LT")); cd.addElements(pie); chartLabel.setHTML("This graph shows sales in each country of Europe.<p>Click reset to go back up again."); resetBut.setEnabled(true); return cd; } private ChartData getPieChartLayer1() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("Sales by Region - Layer 1", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); PieChart pie = new PieChart(); pie.setTooltip("#label# $#val#<br>#percent#"); pie.setStartAngle(33); pie.setRadius(130); pie.setColours(getColours()); Slice s1 = new Slice(33400, "AU"); s1.addChartClickHandler(new ChartClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ChartClickEvent event) { chart.setChartData(getPieChartAULayer2()); } }); pie.addSlices(s1); Slice s2 = new Slice(75000, "USA"); s2.addChartClickHandler(new ChartClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ChartClickEvent event) { chart.setChartData(getPieChartUSLayer2()); } }); pie.addSlices(s2); Slice s3 = new Slice(63500, "EU"); s3.addChartClickHandler(new ChartClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ChartClickEvent event) { chart.setChartData(getPieChartEULayer2()); } }); pie.addSlices(s3); cd.addElements(pie); chartLabel.setHTML( "This graph shows sales in each of our regions.<p>Click a slice to drill-down into a region."); resetBut.setEnabled(false); return cd; } private ChartData getPieChartUSLayer2() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("Sales in USA - Layer 2", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("#DDFFDD"); PieChart pie = new PieChart(); pie.setTooltip("#label# $#val#<br>#percent#"); pie.setStartAngle(33); pie.setColours(getColours()); pie.addSlices(new Slice(9000, "CA")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(9000, "NY")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(3500, "KY")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(5000, "CO")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(6000, "WA")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(5000, "NV")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(6000, "MO")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(8000, "LA")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(9000, "UT")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(3000, "TN")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(5500, "TX")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(1000, "VA")); pie.addSlices(new Slice(5000, "AK")); cd.addElements(pie); chartLabel.setHTML("This graph shows sales in each state of the USA.<p>Click reset to go back up again."); resetBut.setEnabled(true); return cd; } }