Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2009 Grant Slender This file is part of OFCGWT. OFCGWT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OFCGWT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See <>. */ package com.gwttest.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.gwttest.client.ui.SliderBar; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.ChartWidget; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.ChartData; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.Legend; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.Text; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.ToolTip; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.Legend.Position; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.ToolTip.MouseStyle; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.axis.Keys; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.axis.Label; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.axis.RadarAxis; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.axis.XAxis; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.axis.YAxis; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.AreaChart; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.BarChart; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.CylinderBarChart; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.HorizontalBarChart; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.HorizontalStackedBarChart; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.LineChart; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.PieChart; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.ScatterChart; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.SketchBarChart; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.StackedBarChart; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.BarChart.BarStyle; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.CylinderBarChart.CylinderStyle; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.HorizontalStackedBarChart.HStack; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.ScatterChart.ScatterStyle; import com.rednels.ofcgwt.client.model.elements.StackedBarChart.Stack; import; import; import; /** * Example Test using OFCGWT */ public class Demo implements EntryPoint { private String[] colours = { "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff", "#ff9900", "#ff00ff", "#FFFF00", "#6699FF", "#339933", "#1199aa" }; private Command updateCmd = null; private TextArea ta = null; private DialogBox popupDb = null; public void onModuleLoad() { final ChartWidget chart = new ChartWidget(); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.setSpacing(10); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.setSpacing(20); // add home page HTML homeText = new HTML("<h2>Welcome to OFCGWT</h2>" + "<i>....the OpenFlashChart GWT Library</i></br></br>" + "This demonstration site will showcase the many different types of charts that can be inserted into a GWT application."); vp.add(homeText); vp.setCellHeight(homeText, "100"); createPopupDialog(); Button popup = new Button("Show 2nd Chart in Dialog"); popup.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {;; } }); vp.add(popup); Button image = new Button("Show Image of Chart"); image.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { ImageServiceAsync imgService = (ImageServiceAsync) GWT.create(ImageService.class); ServiceDefTarget target = (ServiceDefTarget) imgService; target.setServiceEntryPoint(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "ImageService"); imgService.getImageToken(chart.getImageData(), new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } public void onSuccess(String result) { createImageDialog(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "image?var=img_" + result); } }); } }); vp.add(image); vp.add(new HTML("Update Speed <i>(0-off, 4-max)</i>")); final SliderBar slider = new SliderBar(0.0, 4.0); slider.setStepSize(1.0); slider.setCurrentValue(1.0); slider.setNumTicks(4); slider.setNumLabels(4); slider.setWidth("100%"); vp.add(slider); hp.add(vp); hp.setCellWidth(vp, "300"); // add chart VerticalPanel vp2 = new VerticalPanel(); DecoratorPanel dp = new DecoratorPanel(); SimplePanel chartPanel = new SimplePanel(); chartPanel.setStylePrimaryName("chartPanel"); chart.setSize("500", "400"); chart.setChartData(getPieChartData()); chartPanel.add(chart); dp.add(chartPanel); vp2.add(dp); vp2.add(new HTML("Chart's JSON data:")); ta = new TextArea(); ta.setWidth("400"); ta.setHeight("100"); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); vp2.add(ta); hp.add(vp2); VerticalPanel chartlist = new VerticalPanel(); chartlist.setSpacing(5); Command cmd = new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getPieChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } }; RadioButton rb = createRadioButton("PieChart - No Labels", cmd); updateCmd = cmd; rb.setValue(true); chartlist.add(rb); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("PieChart - Animate", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getAniPieChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("BarChart - Transparent", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getBarChartTransparentData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("BarChart - Glass", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getBarChartGlassData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("3DBarChart + Line", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(get3DBarLineChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("CylinderChart", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getCylinderChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("CylinderChart - RoundGlass", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getCylinderChartGlassData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("LineChart - 3 Dot Types", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getLineChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("ScatterChart - Star Dot", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getScatterPointChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("ScatterChart - Line", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getScatterLineChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("RadarChart", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getRadarChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("Horizontal-BarChart", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getHorizBarChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("AreaChart - Hollow", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getAreaHollowChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("AreaChart - Line", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getAreaLineChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("SketchChart", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getSketchChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("StackChart", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getStackChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); chartlist.add(createRadioButton("HorizontalStackChart", new Command() { public void execute() { chart.setChartData(getHorizontalStackChartData()); ta.setText(chart.getJsonData()); } })); hp.add(chartlist); hp.setCellWidth(chartlist, "300"); RootPanel.get().add(hp); final Timer updater = new Timer() { public void run() { updateCmd.execute(); } }; updater.scheduleRepeating(3000); slider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget sender) { switch ((int) (slider.getCurrentValue())) { case 0: updater.cancel(); break; case 1: updater.scheduleRepeating(3000); break; case 2: updater.scheduleRepeating(1000); break; case 3: updater.scheduleRepeating(200); break; case 4: updater.scheduleRepeating(50); break; } } }); } private void createPopupDialog() { popupDb = new DialogBox(); popupDb.setText("Chart in Dialog"); VerticalPanel dbContents = new VerticalPanel(); dbContents.setSpacing(4); popupDb.setWidget(dbContents); ChartWidget chart = new ChartWidget(); chart.setChartData(getStackChartData()); chart.setSize("300", "300"); dbContents.add(chart); Button closeButton = new Button("Close", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { popupDb.hide(); } }); dbContents.add(closeButton); dbContents.setCellHorizontalAlignment(closeButton, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); } private void createImageDialog(String imgurl) { final DialogBox imageDb = new DialogBox(); imageDb.setText("Image Capture of Chart"); VerticalPanel dbContents = new VerticalPanel(); dbContents.setSpacing(4); imageDb.setWidget(dbContents); Image chartImg = new Image(imgurl); chartImg.setSize("250", "200"); dbContents.add(chartImg); Button closeButton = new Button("Close", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { imageDb.hide(); } }); dbContents.add(closeButton); dbContents.setCellHorizontalAlignment(closeButton, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT);;; } private RadioButton createRadioButton(String string, final Command command) { RadioButton rb = new RadioButton("chartlist", string); rb.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { updateCmd = command; command.execute(); } }); return rb; } private ChartData get3DBarLineChartData() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("Sales by Month 2008", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels("J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"); xa.setZDepth3D(8); xa.setColour("#909090"); cd.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.setSteps(16); ya.setMax(160); cd.setYAxis(ya); BarChart bchart3 = new BarChart(BarStyle.THREED); bchart3.setBarwidth(.5); bchart3.setColour("#ff8800"); for (int t = 0; t < 12; t++) { bchart3.addValues(Random.nextInt(50) + 50); } cd.addElements(bchart3); // right axis and line chart YAxis yar = new YAxis(); // yar.setMax(450); // yar.setSteps(50); yar.setGridColour("#000000"); cd.setYAxisRight(yar); cd.setYLegend(new Text("$M in Sales", "font-size: 11px;")); cd.setYRightLegend(new Text("$B in Sales", "font-size: 11px;")); cd.setXLegend(new Text("2008/9 Financial Year", "font-size: 11px;")); LineChart lc1 = new LineChart(); lc1.setText("Global Avg"); lc1.setColour("#000000"); lc1.setRightAxis(true); for (int t = 0; t < 12; t++) { lc1.addValues(Random.nextInt(10)); } cd.addElements(lc1); return cd; } private ChartData getAniPieChartData() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("Results", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); PieChart pie = new PieChart(); pie.setTooltip("#label# $#val#<br>#percent#"); pie.setAnimateOnShow(true); pie.setAnimation(new PieChart.PieBounceAnimation(30)); pie.setGradientFill(false); pie.setColours(colours); for (int t = 0; t < Random.nextInt(10) + 10; t++) { pie.addSlices(new PieChart.Slice(Random.nextDouble() * 1.1 + .5, "" + (t + 1))); } cd.addElements(pie); return cd; } private ChartData getAreaHollowChartData() { ChartData cd1 = new ChartData("Volume Consumed", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd1.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); AreaChart area1 = new AreaChart(); area1.setDotStyle(null); area1.setFillAlpha(0.6f); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); int floor = Random.nextInt(3) + 3; double grade = 1.0 + (Random.nextInt(19) + 1) / 10.0; int ln = 0; for (float i = 0; i < 6.2; i += 0.2) { if (ln % 3 == 0) { xa.addLabels("" + ln); } else { xa.addLabels(""); } ln++; area1.addValues(Math.sin(i) * grade + floor); } cd1.setXAxis(xa); cd1.addElements(area1); return cd1; } private ChartData getAreaLineChartData() { ChartData cd2 = new ChartData("Growth per Region", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd2.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels("J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"); // xa.setMax(12); cd2.setXAxis(xa); AreaChart area2 = new AreaChart(); area2.setDotStyle(new HollowDot()); area2.setFillAlpha(0.3f); area2.setColour("#ff0000"); area2.setFillColour("#ff0000"); for (int n = 0; n < 12; n++) { if (n % 3 != 0) area2.addNull(); else area2.addValues(n * Random.nextDouble()); } cd2.addElements(area2); AreaChart area3 = new AreaChart(); SolidDot d = new SolidDot(); d.setSize(2); area3.setDotStyle(d); area3.setFillAlpha(0.3f); area3.setColour("#00aa00"); area3.setFillColour("#00aa00"); int floor = Random.nextInt(3); double grade = (Random.nextInt(4) + 1) / 10.0; for (int n = 0; n < 12; n++) { if (n % 2 != 0) area3.addNull(); else area3.addValues(n * grade + floor); } cd2.addElements(area3); return cd2; } private ChartData getBarChartGlassData() { ChartData cd2 = new ChartData("Sales by Month 2007", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd2.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels("J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N"); Label l = new Label("Dec", 45); l.setSize(10); l.setColour("#000000"); xa.addLabels(l); cd2.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.setSteps(16); ya.setMax(160); cd2.setYAxis(ya); BarChart bchart2 = new BarChart(BarStyle.GLASS); bchart2.setColour("#00aa00"); bchart2.setTooltip("$#val#"); for (int t = 0; t < 12; t++) { bchart2.addValues(Random.nextInt(50) + 50); } cd2.addElements(bchart2); return cd2; } private ChartData getBarChartTransparentData() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("Sales by Month 2006", "font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; font-family: Verdana; color:#ff9900; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("-1"); cd.setDecimalSeparatorComma(true); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels("J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"); xa.getLabels().setColour("#ffff00"); xa.setGridColour("#aaaaff"); xa.setColour("#FF9900"); cd.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.setRange(5000, 20000); ya.setSteps(1000); ya.setGridColour("#aaaaff"); ya.setColour("#FF9900"); cd.setYAxisLabelStyle(10, "#ffff00"); cd.setYAxis(ya); BarChart bchart = new BarChart(BarStyle.NORMAL); bchart.setColour("#000088"); bchart.setTooltip("$#val#"); for (int t = 0; t < 12; t++) { bchart.addValues(Random.nextInt(5000) + 10000); } cd.addElements(bchart); return cd; } private ChartData getCylinderChartData() { ChartData cd3 = new ChartData("Sales by Quarter 2008", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd3.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"); xa.setZDepth3D(10); xa.setColour("#909090"); cd3.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.setSteps(16); ya.setMax(160); cd3.setYAxis(ya); CylinderBarChart bchart3 = new CylinderBarChart(); bchart3.setBarwidth(.95); bchart3.setColour("#ff0000"); bchart3.setAlpha(.8f); bchart3.setTooltip("$#val#"); for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++) { bchart3.addValues(Random.nextInt(50) + 50); } cd3.addElements(bchart3); return cd3; } private ChartData getCylinderChartGlassData() { ChartData cd3 = new ChartData("Sales by Month 2008", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd3.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels("J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"); xa.setZDepth3D(5); // xa.setMax(12); xa.setTickHeight(4); xa.setOffset(true); xa.setColour("#B0B0ff"); cd3.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.setSteps(16); ya.setMax(160); cd3.setYAxis(ya); CylinderBarChart bchart3 = new CylinderBarChart(CylinderStyle.GLASS); bchart3.setColour("#9090ff"); bchart3.setAlpha(0.6f); bchart3.setTooltip("$#val#"); for (int t = 0; t < 12; t++) { if (t % 2 == 0) bchart3.addValues(Random.nextInt(50) + 50); else { CylinderBarChart.Bar b = new CylinderBarChart.Bar(Random.nextInt(50) + 50); b.setColour("#90ff90"); bchart3.addBars(b); } } cd3.addElements(bchart3); return cd3; } private ChartData getHorizBarChartData() { ChartData cd1 = new ChartData("Top Car Speed", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd1.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setRange(0, 200, 20); cd1.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.addLabels("Ford", "Mazda", "BMW", "Porche"); ya.setOffset(true); cd1.setYAxis(ya); HorizontalBarChart bchart1 = new HorizontalBarChart(); bchart1.setTooltip("#val# mph"); bchart1.addBars(new HorizontalBarChart.Bar(Random.nextInt(87) + 100, "#ffff00")); bchart1.addBars(new HorizontalBarChart.Bar(Random.nextInt(44) + 100, "#0000ff")); bchart1.addBars(new HorizontalBarChart.Bar(Random.nextInt(23) + 100, "#00ff00")); bchart1.addBars(new HorizontalBarChart.Bar(Random.nextInt(33) + 100, "#ff0000")); cd1.addElements(bchart1); cd1.setTooltipStyle(new ToolTip(MouseStyle.FOLLOW)); return cd1; } private ChartData getHorizontalStackChartData() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("Investments in ($M)", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); cd.setLegend(new Legend(Position.RIGHT, true)); cd.setTooltipStyle(new ToolTip(MouseStyle.FOLLOW)); HorizontalStackedBarChart stack = new HorizontalStackedBarChart(); stack.setTooltip("#key#<br>#val# / #total#"); stack.setColours(colours); stack.setBarwidth(0.9); HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue v1 = new HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue(0, 1000); HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue v2 = new HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue(1000, 1500); HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue v3 = new HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue(1500, 1700 + Random.nextInt(12) * 100, "#FF00FF", "Other"); stack.addStack(new HStack(v1, v2, v3)); v1 = new HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue(0, 900); v2 = new HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue(900, 1700); stack.addStack(new HStack(v1, v2)); v1 = new HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue(0, 500); v2 = new HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue(500, 2400); stack.addStack(new HStack(v1, v2)); v1 = new HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue(0, 1500); v2 = new HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue(1500, 2000); v3 = new HorizontalStackedBarChart.StackValue(2000, 2100 + Random.nextInt(8) * 100, "#FF00FF", "Other"); stack.addStack(new HStack(v1, v2, v3)); stack.setKeys(new Keys("Shares", "#ff0000", 13), new Keys("Property", "#00ff00", 13)); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setRange(0, 3000, 500); cd.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.addLabels("John", "Frank", "Mary", "Andy"); ; ya.setOffset(true); cd.setYAxis(ya); cd.addElements(stack); return cd; } private ChartData getLineChartData() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("Relative Performance", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); LineChart lc1 = new LineChart(); lc1.setLineStyle(new LineChart.LineStyle(2, 4)); lc1.setDotStyle(null); lc1.setText("PoorEnterprises Pty"); lc1.setColour("#ff0000"); for (int t = 0; t < 30; t++) { lc1.addValues(Random.nextDouble() * .5 - .5); } LineChart lc2 = new LineChart(); lc2.setDotStyle(new HollowDot()); lc2.setColour("#009900"); lc2.setText("Ave-Ridge Co LLC"); for (int t = 0; t < 30; t++) { lc2.addValues(Random.nextDouble() * .8); } LineChart lc3 = new LineChart(); lc3.setDotStyle(new Star()); lc3.setColour("#0000ff"); lc3.setText("Suu Perb Enterprises"); for (int t = 0; t < 30; t++) { lc3.addValues(Random.nextDouble() * 1.1 + .5); } XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setSteps(2); cd.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.setMax(2); ya.setMin(-1); cd.setYAxis(ya); cd.setXLegend(new Text("Annual performance over 30 years", "{font-size: 10px; color: #000000}")); cd.addElements(lc1); cd.addElements(lc2); cd.addElements(lc3); return cd; } private ChartData getPieChartData() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("Sales by Region", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); cd.setLegend(new Legend(Position.RIGHT, true)); PieChart pie = new PieChart(); pie.setAlpha(0.5f); pie.setRadius(130); pie.setNoLabels(true); pie.setTooltip("#label# $#val#<br>#percent#"); pie.setGradientFill(true); pie.setColours("#ff0000", "#00aa00", "#0000ff", "#ff9900", "#ff00ff"); pie.addSlices(new PieChart.Slice(Random.nextInt(11) * 1000, "AU")); pie.addSlices(new PieChart.Slice(Random.nextInt(88) * 1000, "USA")); pie.addSlices(new PieChart.Slice(Random.nextInt(62) * 1000, "UK")); pie.addSlices(new PieChart.Slice(Random.nextInt(14) * 1000, "JP")); pie.addSlices(new PieChart.Slice(Random.nextInt(43) * 1000, "EU")); cd.addElements(pie); return cd; } private ChartData getRadarChartData() { ChartData cd2 = new ChartData("Risk Areas", "font-size: 12px; text-align: left;"); cd2.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); RadarAxis ra = new RadarAxis(); ra.setMax(11); ra.setStroke(2); ra.setColour("#A1D4B5"); ra.setGridColour("#C0DEBF"); ra.setSpokeLabels("Financial", "Brand", "Legal", "Market", "Service"); cd2.setRadarAxis(ra); AreaChart area2 = new AreaChart(); area2.setDotStyle(null); area2.setFillAlpha(0.3f); area2.setColour("#ff0000"); area2.setFillColour("#ff0000"); area2.setLoop(true); area2.addValues(Random.nextInt(8) + 2, Random.nextInt(8) + 2, Random.nextInt(8) + 2, Random.nextInt(8) + 2, Random.nextInt(8) + 2); cd2.addElements(area2); return cd2; } private ChartData getScatterLineChartData() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("X Y Distribution", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); ScatterChart scat = new ScatterChart(ScatterStyle.LINE); // FIXME does not work in flash scat.setTooltip("#x#,#y#"); for (int n = 0; n < 25; n++) { int x = n * 2 - 25; int y = Random.nextInt(30) - 15; scat.addPoint(x, y); } XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setRange(-25, 25, 5); cd.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.setRange(-25, 25, 5); cd.setYAxis(ya); cd.addElements(scat); return cd; } private ChartData getScatterPointChartData() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("X Y Distribution", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); ScatterChart scat = new ScatterChart(); // Star star = new Star(); // star.setSize(10); // star.setColour("#FF9900"); // star.setTooltip("#x#,#y#"); // scat.setDotStyle(star); for (int n = 0; n < 20; n++) { int x = Random.nextInt(50) - 25; int y = Random.nextInt(50) - 25; Star star = new Star(); star.setSize(Random.nextInt(8) + 2); star.setColour(colours[Random.nextInt(8)]); star.setTooltip("#x#,#y#"); star.setXY(x, y); scat.addPoints(star); // scat.addPoint(x, y); } XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setRange(-25, 25, 5); cd.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.setRange(-25, 25, 5); cd.setYAxis(ya); cd.addElements(scat); return cd; } private ChartData getSketchChartData() { ChartData cd2 = new ChartData("How many pies were eaten?", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd2.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels("John", "Frank", "Mary", "Andy", "Mike", "James"); // xa.setMax(6); cd2.setXAxis(xa); SketchBarChart sketch = new SketchBarChart("#00aa00", "#009900", 6); sketch.setTooltip("#val# pies"); sketch.addValues(Random.nextInt(6) + 1, Random.nextInt(5) + 1, Random.nextInt(3) + 1); SketchBarChart.SketchBar skb = new SketchBarChart.SketchBar(Random.nextInt(5) + 5); skb.setColour("#6666ff"); skb.setTooltip("Winner!<br>#val# pies"); sketch.addBars(skb); sketch.addValues(Random.nextInt(5) + 1, Random.nextInt(5) + 1); cd2.addElements(sketch); return cd2; } private ChartData getStackChartData() { ChartData cd = new ChartData("Investments in ($M)", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); cd.setBackgroundColour("#ffffff"); StackedBarChart stack = new StackedBarChart(); stack.addStack(new Stack(Random.nextDouble() * 2.5, Random.nextDouble() * 5)); stack.addStack(new Stack(new StackedBarChart.StackValue(Random.nextDouble() * 7, "#ffdd00"))); stack.addStack(new Stack(new StackedBarChart.StackValue(Random.nextDouble() * 5, "#ff0000"))); Stack s = new Stack(Random.nextDouble() * 2, Random.nextDouble() * 2, Random.nextDouble() * 2); s.addStackValues(new StackedBarChart.StackValue(Random.nextDouble() * 2, "#ff00ff")); stack.addStack(s); stack.setKeys(new Keys("None", "#ffdd00", 13), new Keys("Property", "#ff0000", 13), new Keys("Shares", "#00ff00", 13), new Keys("Cash", "#ff00ff", 13)); XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels("John", "Frank", "Mary", "Andy"); cd.setXAxis(xa); YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.setRange(0, 14, 7); cd.setYAxis(ya); cd.addElements(stack); return cd; } }