Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2016 Julien Guerinet * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.guerinet.formgenerator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.View; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; /** * Builder for a {@link TextView} form item (buttons, texts, switches, and inputs) * @author Julien Guerinet * @since 2.0.0 */ public class TextViewFormItem extends LineItem { /** * The form item {@link View} */ protected final View view; /** * The {@link TextView} */ protected final TextView textView; /** * The list of {@link Icon}s to add */ private final Icon[] icons; /** * Private Constructor that sets up all of the properties of the form item * * @param fg The {@link FormGenerator} instance * @param view The {@link View} * @param textView The {@link TextView} * @param background True if the default background should be applied, false otherwise */ private TextViewFormItem(FormGenerator fg, View view, TextView textView, boolean background) { super(view.findViewById(, fg); this.view = view; this.textView = textView; this.view.setClickable(false); // Icons - set them all to nothing icons = new Icon[4]; icons[0] = new Icon(0, 0, false); icons[1] = new Icon(0, 0, false); icons[2] = new Icon(0, 0, false); icons[3] = new Icon(0, 0, false); // Background if (background && this.fg.builder.defaultBackgroundId != null) { background(this.fg.builder.defaultBackgroundId); } // Text Color textColor(this.fg.builder.defaultTextColor); // Text Size textSize(this.fg.builder.defaultTextSize); // Padding if (this.fg.builder.defaultPaddingSize != -1) { padding(this.fg.builder.defaultPaddingSize); } // Typeface typeface(this.fg.builder.defaultTextTypeface); } /** * Default Constructor * * @param fg The {@link FormGenerator} instance * @param view The {@link View} * @param textView The {@link TextView} * @param text The text to use on the TextView * @param background True if the default background should be applied, false otherwise */ public TextViewFormItem(FormGenerator fg, View view, TextView textView, String text, boolean background) { this(fg, view, textView, background); this.textView.setText(text); } /** * Constructor which takes a String resource Id for the text * * @param fg The {@link FormGenerator} instance * @param view The {@link View} * @param textView The {@link TextView} * @param text The text Id to use in the TextView * @param background True if the default background should be applied, false otherwise */ public TextViewFormItem(FormGenerator fg, View view, TextView textView, @StringRes int text, boolean background) { this(fg, view, textView, background); this.textView.setText(text); } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} hint * * @param hint The hint * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem hint(String hint) { textView.setHint(hint); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} hint * * @param stringId The String Id * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem hint(@StringRes int stringId) { textView.setHint(stringId); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} text color * * @param color The color * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem textColor(@ColorInt int color) { textView.setTextColor(color); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} text size * * @param size The text size from the dimensions file * (use getResources().getDimension()) * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem textSize(float size) { // If it's -1, don't do anything if (size != -1) { textView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, size); } return this; } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} padding * * @param left The size for the left padding, in <strong>pixels</strong> * @param top The size for the top padding, in <strong>pixels</strong> * @param right The size for the right padding, in <strong>pixels</strong> * @param bottom The size for the bottom padding, in <strong>pixels</strong> * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem padding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { textView.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} padding * * @param pixels The size to use for all sides, in <strong>pixels</strong> * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem padding(int pixels) { return padding(pixels, pixels, pixels, pixels); } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} {@link Typeface} * * @param typeface The {@link Typeface} * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem typeface(Typeface typeface) { textView.setTypeface(typeface); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} {@link Typeface} and style * * @param typeface The {@link Typeface} * @param style The style * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem style(Typeface typeface, int style) { textView.setTypeface(typeface, style); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} style. Note: if you are using a custom {@link Typeface}, * use {@link #style(Typeface, int)} * * @param style The style * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem style(int style) { textView.setTypeface(fg.builder.defaultTextTypeface, style); return this; } /** * Sets up the icon * * @param position The icon position * @param iconId The icon Id * @param color The color * @param visible True if the icon should be visible, false otherwise */ private void icon(int position, @DrawableRes int iconId, @ColorInt int color, boolean visible) { icons[position] = new Icon(iconId, color, visible); } /** * Sets the left icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @param visible True if the icon should be visible, false otherwise * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem leftIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId, boolean visible) { icon(0, iconId, fg.builder.defaultIconColor, visible); return this; } /** * Sets the top icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @param visible True if the icon should be visible, false otherwise * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem topIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId, boolean visible) { icon(1, iconId, fg.builder.defaultIconColor, visible); return this; } /** * Sets the right icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @param visible True if the icon should be visible, false otherwise * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem rightIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId, boolean visible) { icon(2, iconId, fg.builder.defaultIconColor, visible); return this; } /** * Sets the bottom icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @param visible True if the icon should be visible, false otherwise * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem bottomIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId, boolean visible) { icon(3, iconId, fg.builder.defaultIconColor, visible); return this; } /** * Sets the left icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem leftIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId) { icon(0, iconId, fg.builder.defaultIconColor, true); return this; } /** * Sets the top icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem topIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId) { icon(1, iconId, fg.builder.defaultIconColor, true); return this; } /** * Sets the right icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem rightIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId) { icon(2, iconId, fg.builder.defaultIconColor, true); return this; } /** * Sets the bottom icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem bottomIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId) { icon(3, iconId, fg.builder.defaultIconColor, true); return this; } /** * Sets the left icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @param color The color * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem leftIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId, @ColorInt int color) { icon(0, iconId, color, true); return this; } /** * Sets the top icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @param color The color * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem topIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId, @ColorInt int color) { icon(1, iconId, color, true); return this; } /** * Sets the right icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @param color The color * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem rightIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId, @ColorInt int color) { icon(2, iconId, color, true); return this; } /** * Sets the bottom icon * * @param iconId The icon resource Id * @param colorId The color Id * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem bottomIcon(@DrawableRes int iconId, @ColorInt int colorId) { icon(3, iconId, colorId, true); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link OnClickListener} * * @param listener The {@link OnClickListener} instance * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem onClick(final OnClickListener listener) { view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { listener.onClick(TextViewFormItem.this); } }); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} gravity * * @param gravity The gravity * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem gravity(int gravity) { textView.setGravity(gravity); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} to be multi line * * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem removeSingleLine() { textView.setSingleLine(false); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link TextView} ellipsize option * * @param type The ellipsize type * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem ellipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt type) { textView.setEllipsize(type); return this; } /** * Sets the view visibility * * @param visibility View visibility, should be one of View.VISIBLE, View.INVISIBLE, View.GONE * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem visibility(int visibility) { view.setVisibility(visibility); return this; } /** * Sets the line size * * @param pixels The line size dimension Id * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ @Override public TextViewFormItem lineSize(int pixels) { return (TextViewFormItem) super.lineSize(pixels); } /** * Sets the line color * * @param colorId The color Id * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ @Override public TextViewFormItem lineColor(@ColorRes @DrawableRes int colorId) { return (TextViewFormItem) super.lineColor(colorId); } /** * Sets the line visibility * * @param show True if the line should be visible, false otherwise * @return The {@link LineItem} instance */ @Override public TextViewFormItem showLine(boolean show) { return (TextViewFormItem) super.showLine(show); } /** * Sets the background * * @param backgroundId The background Id * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem background(int backgroundId) { view.setBackgroundResource(backgroundId); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link LinearLayout.LayoutParams} for this view * * @param params The {@link LinearLayout.LayoutParams} to set * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem layoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams params) { view.setLayoutParams(params); return this; } /** * Sets the {@link LinearLayout.LayoutParams} for this view, as well as its layout_gravity * * @param params The {@link LinearLayout.LayoutParams} to set * @param gravity The layout_gravity to set * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ public TextViewFormItem layoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams params, int gravity) { params.gravity = gravity; return layoutParams(params); } /** * @return Parent {@link View} */ public View parent() { return view; } /** * @return The {@link TextView} */ @Override public TextView view() { return textView; } /** * Builds the view and adds it to the container * * @return The {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ @CallSuper public TextViewFormItem build() { Drawable[] drawables = new Drawable[4]; // Get all of the icons drawables[0] = getDrawable(icons[0]); drawables[1] = getDrawable(icons[1]); drawables[2] = getDrawable(icons[2]); drawables[3] = getDrawable(icons[3]); // Set the compound drawable padding if (fg.builder.defaultDrawablePaddingSize != -1) { textView.setCompoundDrawablePadding(fg.builder.defaultDrawablePaddingSize); } // Set the correct tinting and alpha for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Icon icon = icons[i]; Drawable drawable = drawables[i]; if (drawable != null) { // Wrap it in the design support library drawable = DrawableCompat.wrap(drawable.mutate()); if (!icon.visible) { drawable.setAlpha(0); } else if (icon.color != -1) { DrawableCompat.setTint(drawable, icon.color); } } } // Set the drawables on the view textView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(drawables[0], drawables[1], drawables[2], drawables[3]); // Add the view to the container fg.container.addView(view); return this; } /** * @param icon {@link Icon} instance * @return Drawable to use, null if none */ @Nullable private Drawable getDrawable(Icon icon) { return icon.drawableId == 0 ? null : ContextCompat.getDrawable(view.getContext(), icon.drawableId); } /** * Keeps track of the icons to add */ class Icon { /** * The drawable resource */ @DrawableRes private final int drawableId; /** * The icon color */ @ColorInt private final int color; /** * True if the icon should be visible, false otherwise */ private final boolean visible; /** * Default Constructor * * @param drawableId The drawable resource * @param color The color * @param visibility True if the icon should be visible, false otherwise */ private Icon(@DrawableRes int drawableId, @ColorInt int color, boolean visibility) { this.drawableId = drawableId; this.color = color; visible = visibility; } } /** * Custom {@link View.OnClickListener} implementation to have access to the {@link TextView} */ public interface OnClickListener { /** * Called when a view has been clicked. * * @param item The clicked {@link TextViewFormItem} instance */ void onClick(TextViewFormItem item); } }