Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2017 Goldman Sachs. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.MapListHandler; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt; import org.eclipse.collections.api.RichIterable; import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function; import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.Procedure; import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.ImmutableCollection; import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.ImmutableList; import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.MutableList; import; import org.eclipse.collections.api.multimap.list.MutableListMultimap; import org.eclipse.collections.api.multimap.set.MutableSetMultimap; import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.ImmutableSet; import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.MutableSet; import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Pair; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.factory.Functions; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.function.checked.ThrowingFunction; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Lists; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Multimaps; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Sets; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.Interval; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable.ListAdapter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class SameSchemaDeployExecutionDao implements DeployExecutionDao { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SameSchemaDeployExecutionDao.class); // input param private final SqlExecutor sqlExecutor; private final JdbcHelper jdbc; private final DbMetadataManager dbMetadataManager; private final ImmutableSet<PhysicalSchema> physicalSchemas; private final String tableSqlSuffix; private final DbEnvironment env; private final ChangeTypeBehaviorRegistry changeTypeBehaviorRegistry; // dialect private final DbPlatform platform; // set by dialect private final String deployExecutionTableName; private final String deployExecutionAttributeTableName; private final String idColName; private final String statusColName; private final String deployTimeColName; private final String executorIdColName; private final String toolVersionColName; private final String initCommandColName; private final String rollbackCommandColName; private final String requesterIdColName; private final String reasonColName; private final String deployExecutionIdColName; private final String attrNameColName; private final String attrValueColName; private final String productVersionColName; private final String dbSchemaColName; private final ImmutableList<String> allMainColumns; private final ImmutableList<String> allAttrColumns; private final ImmutableMap<PhysicalSchema, MutableInt> nextIdBySchema; public SameSchemaDeployExecutionDao(SqlExecutor sqlExecutor, DbMetadataManager dbMetadataManager, DbPlatform platform, ImmutableSet<PhysicalSchema> physicalSchemas, String tableSqlSuffix, DbEnvironment env, ChangeTypeBehaviorRegistry changeTypeBehaviorRegistry) { this.sqlExecutor = sqlExecutor; this.jdbc = sqlExecutor.getJdbcTemplate(); this.dbMetadataManager = dbMetadataManager; this.platform = platform; this.physicalSchemas = physicalSchemas; this.nextIdBySchema = physicalSchemas .toMap(Functions.<PhysicalSchema>getPassThru(), new Function<PhysicalSchema, MutableInt>() { @Override public MutableInt valueOf(PhysicalSchema object) { return new MutableInt(1); } }).toImmutable(); this.tableSqlSuffix = tableSqlSuffix; this.env = env; this.changeTypeBehaviorRegistry = changeTypeBehaviorRegistry; Function<String, String> convertDbObjectName = platform.convertDbObjectName(); this.deployExecutionTableName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf(DEPLOY_EXECUTION_TABLE_NAME); this.deployExecutionAttributeTableName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf(DEPLOY_EXECUTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_NAME); this.idColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("ID"); this.statusColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("STATUS"); this.deployTimeColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("DEPLOYTIME"); this.executorIdColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("EXECUTORID"); this.toolVersionColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("TOOLVERSION"); this.initCommandColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("INIT_COMMAND"); this.rollbackCommandColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("ROLLBACK_COMMAND"); this.requesterIdColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("REQUESTERID"); this.reasonColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("REASON"); this.productVersionColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("PRODUCTVERSION"); this.dbSchemaColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("DBSCHEMA"); this.allMainColumns = Lists.immutable.with(idColName, statusColName, deployTimeColName, executorIdColName, toolVersionColName, initCommandColName, rollbackCommandColName, requesterIdColName, reasonColName, dbSchemaColName, productVersionColName); this.deployExecutionIdColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("DEPLOYEXECUTIONID"); this.attrNameColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("ATTRNAME"); this.attrValueColName = convertDbObjectName.valueOf("ATTRVALUE"); this.allAttrColumns = Lists.immutable.with(deployExecutionIdColName, attrNameColName, attrValueColName); } @Override public void init() { for (final PhysicalSchema physicalSchema : physicalSchemas) { sqlExecutor.executeWithinContext(physicalSchema, new Procedure<Connection>() { @Override public void value(Connection conn) { init(conn, physicalSchema); } }); } } private void init(Connection conn, PhysicalSchema physicalSchema) { DbChangeTypeBehavior tableChangeType = (DbChangeTypeBehavior) changeTypeBehaviorRegistry .getChangeTypeBehavior(ChangeType.TABLE_STR); if (!isDaoInitialized(physicalSchema)) { // create main table jdbc.execute(conn, get5_3TableSql(physicalSchema)); tableChangeType.applyGrants(conn, physicalSchema, deployExecutionTableName, Lists.immutable.with(new Permission("artifactTable", Lists.immutable.with(new Grant(Lists.immutable.with("SELECT"), Multimaps.immutable.list.with(GrantTargetType.PUBLIC, "PUBLIC")))))); // create attr table jdbc.execute(conn, get5_2AttrTableSql(physicalSchema)); tableChangeType.applyGrants(conn, physicalSchema, deployExecutionAttributeTableName, Lists.immutable.with(new Permission("artifactTable", Lists.immutable.with(new Grant(Lists.immutable.with("SELECT"), Multimaps.immutable.list.with(GrantTargetType.PUBLIC, "PUBLIC")))))); } else { DaTable executionTable = this.dbMetadataManager.getTableInfo(physicalSchema.getPhysicalName(), deployExecutionTableName, new DaSchemaInfoLevel().setRetrieveTables(true).setRetrieveTableColumns(true)); if (executionTable.getColumn(productVersionColName) == null) { // add the column if missing jdbc.execute(conn, String.format("ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s %s", deployExecutionTableName, productVersionColName, "VARCHAR(255)", platform.getNullMarkerForCreateTable())); backfillProductVersionColumn(conn); } if (executionTable.getColumn(dbSchemaColName) == null) { // add the column if missing jdbc.execute(conn, String.format("ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s %s", deployExecutionTableName, dbSchemaColName, "VARCHAR(255)", platform.getNullMarkerForCreateTable())); // let's now try to backfill the column, but it's tricky as we may be missing some information backfillDbSchemaColumn(conn); } } Long maxId = getMaxId(conn, physicalSchema); nextIdBySchema.get(physicalSchema).setValue(maxId != null ? maxId.longValue() + 1 : 1); } /** * SQL for the 5.2.x upgrade. * We keep in separate methods to allow for easy testing of the upgrades in SameSchemaChangeAuditDaoTest for different DBMSs */ @VisibleForTesting String get5_2AttrTableSql(PhysicalSchema physicalSchema) { return "CREATE TABLE " + platform.getSchemaPrefix(physicalSchema) + deployExecutionAttributeTableName + " (" + deployExecutionIdColName + " " + platform.getBigIntType() + " NOT NULL," + attrNameColName + " VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL," + attrValueColName + " VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL" + ")" + tableSqlSuffix; } /** * SQL for the 5.2.x upgrade. * We keep in separate methods to allow for easy testing of the upgrades in SameSchemaChangeAuditDaoTest for different DBMSs */ @VisibleForTesting String get5_2TableSql(PhysicalSchema physicalSchema) { return "CREATE TABLE " + platform.getSchemaPrefix(physicalSchema) + deployExecutionTableName + " (" + idColName + " " + platform.getBigIntType() + " NOT NULL," + statusColName + " CHAR(1) NOT NULL," + deployTimeColName + " " + platform.getTimestampType() + " NOT NULL," + executorIdColName + " VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL," + toolVersionColName + " VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL," + initCommandColName + " INTEGER NOT NULL," + rollbackCommandColName + " INTEGER NOT NULL," + requesterIdColName + " VARCHAR(128) " + platform.getNullMarkerForCreateTable() + "," + reasonColName + " VARCHAR(128) " + platform.getNullMarkerForCreateTable() + "," + "CONSTRAINT DEPL_EXEC_PK PRIMARY KEY (" + idColName + ")" + ")" + tableSqlSuffix; } /** * SQL for the 5.3.x upgrade. * We keep in separate methods to allow for easy testing of the upgrades in SameSchemaChangeAuditDaoTest for different DBMSs */ @VisibleForTesting String get5_3TableSql(PhysicalSchema physicalSchema) { return "CREATE TABLE " + platform.getSchemaPrefix(physicalSchema) + deployExecutionTableName + " (" + idColName + " " + platform.getBigIntType() + " NOT NULL," + statusColName + " CHAR(1) NOT NULL," + deployTimeColName + " " + platform.getTimestampType() + " NOT NULL," + executorIdColName + " VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL," + toolVersionColName + " VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL," + initCommandColName + " INTEGER NOT NULL," + rollbackCommandColName + " INTEGER NOT NULL," + requesterIdColName + " VARCHAR(128) " + platform.getNullMarkerForCreateTable() + "," + reasonColName + " VARCHAR(128) " + platform.getNullMarkerForCreateTable() + "," + productVersionColName + " VARCHAR(255) " + platform.getNullMarkerForCreateTable() + "," + dbSchemaColName + " VARCHAR(255) " + platform.getNullMarkerForCreateTable() + "," + "CONSTRAINT DEPL_EXEC_PK PRIMARY KEY (" + idColName + ")" + ")" + tableSqlSuffix; } /** * Check that the DAO tables have been created. This is needed: 1) for the initialization of this DAO for writing * data 2) to allow the read calls to proceed even if tables aren't created - in that case, they would return no * data (and should not try to execute a SQL against a non-existent table and fail). */ private boolean isDaoInitialized(PhysicalSchema physicalSchema) { boolean mainTableExists = getTable(physicalSchema, deployExecutionTableName) != null; boolean attrTableExists = getTable(physicalSchema, deployExecutionAttributeTableName) != null; if (mainTableExists && attrTableExists) { return true; } else if (!mainTableExists && !attrTableExists) { return false; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Inconsistent table state - main table " + (mainTableExists ? "exists" : "doesn't exist") + " but attr table " + (attrTableExists ? "exists" : "doesn't exist") + ", indicating a partial initialization; please resolve this situation (both tables should either be present or absent for the initialization check"); } } private Long getMaxId(Connection conn, PhysicalSchema physicalSchema) { if (!isDaoInitialized(physicalSchema)) { return null; } return jdbc.queryForLong(conn, "SELECT max(" + idColName + ") FROM " + platform.getSchemaPrefix(physicalSchema) + deployExecutionTableName); } private DaTable getTable(PhysicalSchema physicalSchema, String tableName) { return this.dbMetadataManager.getTableInfo(physicalSchema.getPhysicalName(), tableName, new DaSchemaInfoLevel().setRetrieveTables(true)); } @Override public void persistNew(final DeployExecution entry, final PhysicalSchema physicalSchema) { sqlExecutor.executeWithinContext(physicalSchema, new Procedure<Connection>() { @Override public void value(Connection conn) { persistNewSameContext(conn, entry, physicalSchema); } }); } void persistNewSameContext(Connection conn, final DeployExecution entry, final PhysicalSchema physicalSchema) { final String insertColumnString = allMainColumns.makeString("(", ", ", ")"); final String insertValueString = Interval.oneTo(allMainColumns.size()).collect(Functions.getFixedValue("?")) .makeString("(", ", ", ")"); final String attrInsertColumnString = allAttrColumns.makeString("(", ", ", ")"); final String attrInsertValueString = Interval.oneTo(allAttrColumns.size()) .collect(Functions.getFixedValue("?")).makeString("(", ", ", ")"); ((DeployExecutionImpl) entry).setId(nextIdBySchema.get(physicalSchema).longValue()); jdbc.update(conn, "INSERT INTO " + platform.getSchemaPrefix(physicalSchema) + deployExecutionTableName + " " + insertColumnString + " " + "VALUES " + insertValueString, entry.getId(), String.valueOf(entry.getStatus().getStatusCode()), // must convert char to string for Sybase compatibility entry.getDeployTime(), entry.getExecutorId(), entry.getToolVersion() != null ? entry.getToolVersion() : "0.0.0", entry.isInit() ? 1 : 0, entry.isRollback() ? 1 : 0, entry.getRequesterId(), entry.getReason(), entry.getSchema(), entry.getProductVersion()); for (DeployExecutionAttribute deployExecutionAttribute : entry.getAttributes()) { jdbc.update(conn, "INSERT INTO " + platform.getSchemaPrefix(physicalSchema) + deployExecutionAttributeTableName + " " + attrInsertColumnString + " " + "VALUES " + attrInsertValueString, entry.getId(), deployExecutionAttribute.getName(), deployExecutionAttribute.getValue()); } nextIdBySchema.get(physicalSchema).increment(); } @Override public void update(final DeployExecution entry) { for (final PhysicalSchema physicalSchema : physicalSchemas) { sqlExecutor.executeWithinContext(physicalSchema, new Procedure<Connection>() { @Override public void value(Connection conn) { jdbc.update(conn, "UPDATE " + platform.getSchemaPrefix(physicalSchema) + deployExecutionTableName + " " + "SET " + statusColName + " = ? " + "WHERE " + idColName + " = ? ", String.valueOf(entry.getStatus().getStatusCode()), entry.getId()); } }); } } @Override public ImmutableCollection<DeployExecution> getDeployExecutions(final String schema) { return sqlExecutor.executeWithinContext(env.getPhysicalSchema(schema), new ThrowingFunction<Connection, ImmutableCollection<DeployExecution>>() { @Override public ImmutableCollection<DeployExecution> safeValueOf(Connection conn) throws Exception { return getDeployExecutions(conn, schema, null); } }); } @Override public DeployExecution getLatestDeployExecution(final String schema) { final PhysicalSchema physicalSchema = env.getPhysicalSchema(schema); return sqlExecutor.executeWithinContext(physicalSchema, new ThrowingFunction<Connection, DeployExecution>() { @Override public DeployExecution safeValueOf(Connection conn) throws Exception { Long maxId = getMaxId(conn, physicalSchema); if (maxId == null) { return null; } ImmutableCollection<DeployExecution> deployExecutions = getDeployExecutions(conn, schema, maxId); if (deployExecutions.size() == 1) { return deployExecutions.iterator().next(); } else if (deployExecutions.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Something is wrong w/ DB state; cannot have multiple deployExecutions for ID " + maxId + ": " + deployExecutions); } else { // deployExecutions == 0 throw new RuntimeException("Something is wrong w/ logic; found maxId " + maxId + " but could not query DB entries for that ID"); } } }); } private ImmutableCollection<DeployExecution> getDeployExecutions(Connection conn, final String schema, Long idToQuery) { PhysicalSchema physicalSchema = env.getPhysicalSchema(schema); if (!isDaoInitialized(physicalSchema)) { return Lists.immutable.empty(); } DaTable tableInfo = this.dbMetadataManager.getTableInfo(physicalSchema.getPhysicalName(), deployExecutionTableName, new DaSchemaInfoLevel().setRetrieveTables(true).setRetrieveTableColumns(true)); MutableList<String> mainWhereClauses = Lists.mutable.empty(); MutableList<String> attrWhereClauses = Lists.mutable.empty(); // account for the 5.2.x -> 5.3.0 version and rollback integration upgrade by checking for the db schema column if (tableInfo.getColumn(dbSchemaColName) != null) { mainWhereClauses.add(dbSchemaColName + " = '" + schema + "'"); } if (idToQuery != null) { mainWhereClauses.add(idColName + " = " + idToQuery.longValue()); attrWhereClauses.add(deployExecutionIdColName + " = " + idToQuery.longValue()); } String mainWhereClause = mainWhereClauses.notEmpty() ? " WHERE " + mainWhereClauses.makeString(" AND ") : ""; String attrWhereClause = attrWhereClauses.notEmpty() ? " WHERE " + attrWhereClauses.makeString(" AND ") : ""; String mainQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + platform.getSchemaPrefix(physicalSchema) + deployExecutionTableName + mainWhereClause; String attrQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + platform.getSchemaPrefix(physicalSchema) + deployExecutionAttributeTableName + " " + attrWhereClause; final MutableListMultimap<Long, DeployExecutionAttribute> attrsById = Multimaps.mutable.list.empty(); for (Map<String, Object> attrResult : ListAdapter .adapt(jdbc.query(conn, attrQuery, new MapListHandler()))) { long id = platform.getLongValue(attrResult.get(deployExecutionIdColName)).longValue(); DeployExecutionAttribute attr = new DeployExecutionAttributeImpl( (String) attrResult.get(attrNameColName), (String) attrResult.get(attrValueColName)); attrsById.put(id, attr); } return ListAdapter.adapt(jdbc.query(conn, mainQuery, new MapListHandler())) .collect(new Function<Map<String, Object>, DeployExecution>() { @Override public DeployExecution valueOf(Map<String, Object> result) { long id = platform.getLongValue(result.get(idColName)).longValue(); DeployExecutionStatus status = DeployExecutionStatus.IN_PROGRESS .valueOfStatusCode(((String) result.get(statusColName)).charAt(0)); Timestamp deployTime = platform.getTimestampValue(result.get(deployTimeColName)); String executorId = (String) result.get(executorIdColName); String toolVersion = (String) result.get(toolVersionColName); boolean init = platform.getIntegerValue(result.get(initCommandColName)).intValue() == 1; boolean rollback = platform.getIntegerValue(result.get(rollbackCommandColName)) .intValue() == 1; String requesterId = (String) result.get(requesterIdColName); String reason = (String) result.get(reasonColName); String productVersion = (String) result.get(productVersionColName); ImmutableSet<DeployExecutionAttribute> deployExecutionAttributes = attrsById.get(id).toSet() .toImmutable(); DeployExecutionImpl deployExecution = new DeployExecutionImpl(requesterId, executorId, schema, toolVersion, deployTime, init, rollback, productVersion, reason, deployExecutionAttributes); deployExecution.setId(id); deployExecution.setStatus(status); return deployExecution; } }).toImmutable(); } @Override public String getExecutionContainerName() { return deployExecutionTableName; } @Override public String getExecutionAttributeContainerName() { return deployExecutionAttributeTableName; } private void backfillProductVersionColumn(Connection conn) { // backfill the product version column from conduit, if available List<Map<String, Object>> idVersions = jdbc.queryForList(conn, String.format("SELECT %1$s, %2$s FROM %3$s WHERE %4$s = ''", deployExecutionIdColName, attrValueColName, deployExecutionAttributeTableName, attrNameColName)); for (Map<String, Object> idVersion : idVersions) { long id = platform.getLongValue(idVersion.get(deployExecutionIdColName)).longValue(); String version = (String) idVersion.get(attrValueColName); jdbc.execute(conn, "UPDATE " + deployExecutionTableName + " " + "SET " + productVersionColName + " = '" + version + "' " + "WHERE " + idColName + " = " + id); } } private void backfillDbSchemaColumn(Connection conn) { // first, get a mapping of all the IDs to DB schemas from the artifactdeployment table. Note that technically // we may have lost information as rows can get updated in place, but we'll make do here final MutableSetMultimap<Long, String> execIdToSchemaMap = Multimaps.mutable.set.empty(); for (Map<String, Object> tempExecIdToSchemaMap : jdbc.queryForList(conn, "SELECT DISTINCT INSERTDEPLOYID, UPDATEDEPLOYID, DBSCHEMA FROM ARTIFACTDEPLOYMENT")) { Long insertDeployId = platform.getLongValue(tempExecIdToSchemaMap.get("INSERTDEPLOYID")); Long updateDeployId = platform.getLongValue(tempExecIdToSchemaMap.get("UPDATEDEPLOYID")); String dbSchema = (String) tempExecIdToSchemaMap.get("DBSCHEMA"); if (insertDeployId != null) { execIdToSchemaMap.put(insertDeployId, dbSchema); } if (updateDeployId != null) { execIdToSchemaMap.put(updateDeployId, dbSchema); } } // find the list of distinct schemas from that list MutableSet<String> dbSchemas = execIdToSchemaMap.valuesView().toSet(); if (dbSchemas.size() == 1) { // If we only found 1 schema in ARTIFACTDEPLOYMENT, then we can assume that all the IDs in ARTIFACTEXECUTION // also belonged to that schema. So we go w/ the simple update jdbc.execute(conn, "UPDATE " + deployExecutionTableName + " " + "SET " + dbSchemaColName + " = '" + dbSchemas.getFirst() + "' "); } else if (dbSchemas.size() > 1) { // If not, then we need to look a bit deeper to try to match the ID to a schema // First compare based on the version name (hoping that all the deployments of a version are traced back to only MutableListMultimap<String, Long> versionToIdsMap = Multimaps.mutable.list.empty(); for (Map<String, Object> idToVersionMap : jdbc.queryForList(conn, "SELECT " + idColName + ", " + productVersionColName + " FROM " + deployExecutionTableName)) { versionToIdsMap.put((String) idToVersionMap.get(productVersionColName), platform.getLongValue(idToVersionMap.get(idColName)).longValue()); } for (Pair<String, RichIterable<Long>> versionIdsPair : versionToIdsMap.keyMultiValuePairsView()) { RichIterable<Long> ids = versionIdsPair.getTwo(); // Find all the schemas matched to the version MutableSet<String> versionSchemas = ids.flatCollect(new Function<Long, Iterable<String>>() { @Override public Iterable<String> valueOf(Long aLong) { return execIdToSchemaMap.get(aLong); } }, Sets.mutable.<String>empty()); for (Long id : ids) { // iterate for each ID of the version if (versionSchemas.size() == 1) { // If we just had 1 schema for all the versions, then do the simple update jdbc.execute(conn, "UPDATE " + deployExecutionTableName + " " + "SET " + dbSchemaColName + " = '" + versionSchemas.getFirst() + "' " + "WHERE " + idColName + " = " + id); } else { // Otherwise, fall back to the schema list per id String schemaToSet; MutableSet<String> idSchemas = execIdToSchemaMap.get(id); if (idSchemas.size() == 1) { schemaToSet = idSchemas.getFirst(); } else if (idSchemas.size() >= 1) { LOG.warn("Not expecting multiple schemas on ID {} to be defined: {} ", id, idSchemas); schemaToSet = "MULTISCHEMA"; } else { LOG.warn("No schemas found for ID {}", id, idSchemas); schemaToSet = "NOSCHEMA"; } jdbc.execute(conn, "UPDATE " + deployExecutionTableName + " " + "SET " + dbSchemaColName + " = '" + schemaToSet + "' " + "WHERE " + idColName + " = " + id); } } } } } }