Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2017 Goldman Sachs. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.eclipse.collections.api.RichIterable; import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function; import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.Predicate; import org.eclipse.collections.api.collection.ImmutableCollection; import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.MutableList; import; import; import org.eclipse.collections.api.multimap.Multimap; import org.eclipse.collections.api.partition.list.PartitionMutableList; import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.ImmutableSet; import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Pair; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.factory.StringFunctions; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.block.factory.StringPredicates; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Lists; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Maps; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Sets; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.multimap.list.FastListMultimap; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.tuple.Tuples; public class AquaRevengMain { private static final CredentialReader credentialReader = new CredentialReader(); public static final FileFilter VCS_FILE_FILTER = FileFilterUtils .makeCVSAware(FileFilterUtils.makeSVNAware(FileFilterUtils.trueFileFilter())); private boolean tablespaceToken; private boolean preprocessSchemaTokens; /** * @deprecated */ @Deprecated private boolean tokenizeDefaultSchema; private boolean generateBaseline; private Multimap<String, RuleBinding> ruleBindingMap = FastListMultimap.newMultimap(); private File workDir; public void execute(AquaRevengArgs args) { RevengMode mode = args.getMode(); this.workDir = FileUtilsCobra.createTempDir("deploy-aquareveng"); switch (mode) { case DATA: CsvStaticDataWriter.start(args, this.workDir); break; case SCHEMA: this.tablespaceToken = args.getTablespaceToken(); this.tokenizeDefaultSchema = args.getTokenizeDefaultSchema(); this.preprocessSchemaTokens = args.isPreprocessSchemaTokens(); this.generateBaseline = args.isGenerateBaseline(); this.doExecute(args); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No other mode supported for reveng: " + mode); } } private void doExecute(final AquaRevengArgs args) { File input = args.getInputDir(); File outputDir = args.getOutputDir(); System.out.println("Performing reverse engineering on input " + input); Validate.notNull(args.getDbSchema(), "dbSchema argument must be specified"); Validate.notNull(input, "Directory " + input + " was not found"); // Maven supplies a null File value in this case if (args.getDbHost() != null) { DbEnvironment env = new DbEnvironment(); env.setPlatform(args.getDbPlatform()); env.setSystemDbPlatform(args.getDbPlatform()); env.setDbHost(args.getDbHost()); env.setDbPort(args.getDbPort()); env.setDbServer(args.getDbServer()); if (args.getDriverClass() != null) { env.setDriverClassName(args.getDriverClass()); } Schema schema = new Schema(args.getDbSchema()); env.setSchemas(Sets.immutable.with(schema)); Credential credential = credentialReader.getCredential(args.getUsername(), args.getPassword(), false, null, null, null); final DbDeployerAppContext ctxt = env.getAppContextBuilder().setCredential(credential) .setWorkDir(workDir).buildDbContext(); // Aqua Data Studio can't extract ASE rule bindings, so we do it ourselves DaCatalog database = ctxt.getDbMetadataManager().getDatabase(args.getDbSchema(), new DaSchemaInfoLevel().setRetrieveRuleBindings(true), false, false); ImmutableCollection<RuleBinding> ruleBindings = database.getRuleBindings(); this.ruleBindingMap = ruleBindings.groupBy(RuleBinding.TO_OBJECT); } // Sorting it so that the reverse engineering output can be predicatable (good for consistency and unit tests) MutableList<File> files = Lists.mutable.with(input.listFiles(VCS_FILE_FILTER)) .sortThisBy(new Function<File, Comparable>() { @Override public Comparable valueOf(File file) { return file.getName(); } }); if (preprocessSchemaTokens && !tablespaceToken) { files = preprocessSchemaTokens(files, args.getDbSchema(), new File(outputDir, "interim-schemaReplaced"), args.getDbPlatform()); } this.patternMap = initPatternMap(args.getDbPlatform()); MutableList<ChangeEntry> allRevEngDestinations = Lists.mutable.empty(); for (File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { System.out .println("Skipping " + file + " as this is a directory; not expecting this in the format"); continue; } else if (file.getName().equals(CsvStaticDataWriter.STATIC_DATA_TABLES_FILE_NAME)) { System.out.println("Skipping the static data table file: " + file); continue; } allRevEngDestinations .addAll(this.calculateRevEngDest(args.getDbPlatform(), file, args.getNameCombinePattern())); } File outputWriteFolder = tablespaceToken ? outputDir : new File(outputDir, "final"); // check the tablespaceToken value for backwards-compatibility new RevengWriter().write(args.getDbPlatform(), allRevEngDestinations, outputWriteFolder, this.generateBaseline, null, args.getDbHost(), args.getDbPort(), args.getDbServer()); } private ImmutableMap<ChangeType, Pattern> initPatternMap(Platform platform) { MutableMap<String, Pattern> params = Maps.mutable.<String, Pattern>with() .withKeyValue(ChangeType.SP_STR, Pattern.compile("(?i)create\\s+proc(?:edure)?\\s+(\\w+)", Pattern.DOTALL)) .withKeyValue(ChangeType.FUNCTION_STR, Pattern.compile("(?i)create\\s+func(?:tion)?\\s+(\\w+)", Pattern.DOTALL)) .withKeyValue(ChangeType.VIEW_STR, Pattern.compile("(?i)create\\s+view\\s+(\\w+)", Pattern.DOTALL)) .withKeyValue(ChangeType.SEQUENCE_STR, Pattern.compile("(?i)create\\s+seq(?:uence)?\\s+(\\w+)", Pattern.DOTALL)) .withKeyValue(ChangeType.TABLE_STR, Pattern.compile("(?i)create\\s+table\\s+(\\w+)", Pattern.DOTALL)) .withKeyValue(ChangeType.DEFAULT_STR, Pattern.compile("(?i)create\\s+default\\s+(\\w+)", Pattern.DOTALL)) .withKeyValue(ChangeType.RULE_STR, Pattern.compile("(?i)create\\s+rule\\s+(\\w+)", Pattern.DOTALL)) .withKeyValue(ChangeType.USERTYPE_STR, Pattern.compile("(?i)^\\s*sp_addtype\\s+", Pattern.DOTALL)) .withKeyValue(ChangeType.INDEX_STR, Pattern.compile( "(?i)create\\s+(?:unique\\s+)?(?:\\w+\\s+)?index\\s+\\w+\\s+on\\s+(\\w+)", Pattern.DOTALL)); MutableMap<ChangeType, Pattern> patternMap = Maps.mutable.<ChangeType, Pattern>with(); for (String changeTypeName : params.keysView()) { if (platform.hasChangeType(changeTypeName)) { ChangeType changeType = platform.getChangeType(changeTypeName); patternMap.put(changeType, params.get(changeTypeName)); } } return patternMap.toImmutable(); } private MutableList<File> preprocessSchemaTokens(MutableList<File> files, String dbSchema, final File interimFolder, DbPlatform dbPlatform) { String schemaSeparatorRegex = dbPlatform.getSchemaSeparator().replace(".", "\\."); if (schemaSeparatorRegex.equals("\\.\\.")) { schemaSeparatorRegex = "\\.(?:dbo)?\\."; // adding DBO to help w/ Sybase ASE; we should make this code more polymorphic } final Pattern dbSchemaPattern = Pattern .compile(String.format("(?i)%1$s%2$s(\\w+)", dbSchema, schemaSeparatorRegex)); return files.collect(new Function<File, File>() { @Override public File valueOf(File file) { String fileContent = FileUtilsCobra.readFileToString(file); final Matcher matcher = dbSchemaPattern.matcher(fileContent); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(fileContent.length()); while (matcher.find()) { matcher.appendReplacement(sb,; } matcher.appendTail(sb); File tempFile = new File(interimFolder, file.getName()); FileUtilsCobra.writeStringToFile(tempFile, sb.toString()); return tempFile; } }); } private ImmutableMap<ChangeType, Pattern> patternMap; private static Pair<Integer, String> getStartIndex(String str, Pattern p) { Matcher m = p.matcher(str); while (m.find()) { String objectName = m.groupCount() > 0 ? : null; // by convention, the second group collected has the name return Tuples.pair(m.start(), objectName); } return Tuples.pair(Integer.MAX_VALUE, null); } static String extractName(String objectName, String nameCombinePattern) { if (nameCombinePattern != null) { String patternStr = nameCombinePattern.replace("{}", "(.*)"); Pattern namePattern = Pattern.compile(patternStr); Matcher nameMatcher = namePattern.matcher(objectName); if (nameMatcher.matches()) { return; } } return objectName; } private MutableList<ChangeEntry> calculateRevEngDest(DbPlatform dbPlatform, File file, String nameCombinePattern) { String[] fileNameParts = file.getName().split("\\."); String wholeFileString = FileUtilsCobra.readFileToString(file); String schema = fileNameParts[0]; if (fileNameParts.length != 3) { if (!schema.equals("dbo") || fileNameParts.length != 5) { return Lists.mutable.with(new ChangeEntry( new RevEngDestination(schema, UnclassifiedChangeType.INSTANCE, file.getName(), false), wholeFileString, "n/a", null, 0)); } } //public RevEngDestination(String content, ChangeType dbObjectType, String schema, String objectName, //boolean duplicate, int order) { ChangeTypeInfo contentObjectInfo = this.determineChangeType(wholeFileString); ChangeType objType = contentObjectInfo.getChangeType(); String fileObjectName = this.getObjectNameFromFilename(fileNameParts[1], objType); // This is for cases in Sybase where teams had backed up db objects, and so it was created w/ a different name // in the object, but the underlying content points to the original name // We only fire off this check in case the scan of the content does pick up the object name, as to be // conservative // Addendum on 2014-10-15 - in case we know an object must be combined w/ another (e.g. index to parent), // we don't consider the object diff there as a duplicate boolean duplicate = dbPlatform.isDuplicateCheckRequiredForReverseEngineering() && !objType.getName().equals(ChangeType.INDEX_STR) && contentObjectInfo.getObjectName() != null && !contentObjectInfo.getObjectName().equalsIgnoreCase(fileObjectName); String objectName = contentObjectInfo.getObjectName() != null && !duplicate ? contentObjectInfo.getObjectName() : fileObjectName; String originalObjectName = objectName; objectName = extractName(objectName, nameCombinePattern); RevEngDestination dest = new RevEngDestination(schema, contentObjectInfo.getChangeType(), objectName, duplicate); // tokenize default schema name in the objects - this is only done if -tokenizeDefaultSchema is specified // on the command line if (this.tokenizeDefaultSchema) { wholeFileString = this.tokenizeDefaultSchema(schema, wholeFileString, objType, objectName); } MutableList<ChangeEntry> changes = Lists.mutable.empty(); // handle any special overriding use cases if needed (currently not needed for view or sequence) if (objType.getName().equals(ChangeType.TABLE_STR)) { MutableList<String> statements = MultiLineStringSplitter.createSplitterOnSpaceAndLine("GO") .valueOf(wholeFileString); // append in tablespace if needed if (this.tablespaceToken) { statements.set(0, statements.get(0) + " IN ${" + schema.toUpperCase() + "_TABLESPACE" + "}"); } PartitionMutableList<String> splitStatements = statements .partition(StringPredicates.contains("FOREIGN KEY")); MutableList<String> fkStatements = splitStatements.getSelected(); final Pattern triggerPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i).*create.*trigger\\s+(\\w+)\r?\n.*", Pattern.DOTALL); splitStatements = splitStatements.getRejected().partition(new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean accept(String s) { return triggerPattern.matcher(s).matches(); } }); MutableList<String> triggerStatements = splitStatements.getSelected(); final Pattern indexPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i).*create.*index\\s+(\\w+)\r?\n.*", Pattern.DOTALL); splitStatements = splitStatements.getRejected().partition(new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean accept(String s) { Matcher m = indexPattern.matcher(s); return m.matches(); } }); MutableList<String> indexStatements = splitStatements.getSelected(); MutableList<String> nonFkStatements = splitStatements.getRejected(); int selfOrder = 0; String endingString; if (nonFkStatements.isEmpty() || nonFkStatements.getLast().endsWith("GO") || StringUtils.isBlank(nonFkStatements.getLast())) { endingString = "\n"; } else { endingString = "\nGO\n"; } changes.add(new ChangeEntry(dest, nonFkStatements.makeString("\n", "\nGO\n", endingString), "init", null, selfOrder++)); if (!fkStatements.isEmpty()) { changes.add(new ChangeEntry(dest, fkStatements.collect(StringFunctions.trim()).makeString("", "\nGO\n", "\nGO\n"), "initFk", "FK", selfOrder++)); } for (String index : indexStatements) { Matcher m = indexPattern.matcher(index); if (m.matches()) { String indexName =; changes.add(new ChangeEntry(dest, index.trim() + "\nGO", indexName, "INDEX", selfOrder++)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Invalid state - this should have already had the index in it: " + index); } } for (String trigger : triggerStatements) { Matcher m = triggerPattern.matcher(trigger); if (m.matches()) { String name =; changes.add(new ChangeEntry(dest, trigger.trim() + "\nGO", name, "TRIGGER", selfOrder++)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Invalid state - this should have already had the trigger name in it: " + trigger); } } RichIterable<RuleBinding> ruleBindings = this.ruleBindingMap.get(objectName); if (ruleBindings != null) { int i = 1; for (RuleBinding binding : ruleBindings) { changes.add(new ChangeEntry(dest, binding.getSql().trim(), "binding" + i++, "FK", selfOrder++)); } } } else if (objType.getName().equals(ChangeType.INDEX_STR)) { RevEngDestination newDest = new RevEngDestination(dest.getSchema(), dbPlatform.getChangeType(ChangeType.TABLE_STR), dest.getObjectName(), dest.isDuplicate()); // the fileObjectName.replace line is to replace the file name w/ the object name in case it differs (e.g // . coalescing the different table files into one) changes.add(new ChangeEntry(newDest, wholeFileString.trim(), "index_" + fileObjectName.replace(originalObjectName, objectName), "INDEX", 100)); // } else if (objType == ChangeType.TRIGGER) { // // RevEngDestination newDest = new RevEngDestination(dest.getSchema(), ChangeType.TABLE, // dest.getObjectName(), dest.isDuplicate()); // // the fileObjectName.replace line is to replace the file name w/ the object name in case it differs (e.g // // . coalescing the different table files into one) // changes.add(new ChangeEntry(newDest, wholeFileString.trim() // , "trigger_" + fileObjectName.replace(originalObjectName, objectName) // , "TRIGGER", 200)); } else { RichIterable<RuleBinding> ruleBindings = this.ruleBindingMap.get(objectName); if (ruleBindings != null && !ruleBindings.isEmpty()) { for (RuleBinding binding : ruleBindings) { wholeFileString = wholeFileString + "\nGO\n" + binding.getSql().trim() + "\nGO"; } } changes.add(new ChangeEntry(dest, wholeFileString)); } dbPlatform.postProcessChangeForRevEng(changes.getFirst(), wholeFileString); return changes; } private String tokenizeDefaultSchema(String schema, String content, ChangeType objType, String objectName) { ImmutableSet<String> tokenizableChangeTypes = Sets.immutable.with(ChangeType.FUNCTION_STR, ChangeType.SP_STR, ChangeType.VIEW_STR, UnclassifiedChangeType.INSTANCE.getName()); // only tokenize the schema name for functions, sps, views, and other if (tokenizableChangeTypes.contains(objType.getName())) { File tempFile; try { // ensure the prefix is at least 3 chars long. Otherwise it will fail String padName = ""; if (objectName.length() < 3) { padName = "123"; } tempFile = File.createTempFile(objectName + padName, ".sql"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed creating a temp file for " + objectName, e); } System.out.println("using temp file " + tempFile); // tokenize the default schema String tokenName = "${" + schema.toLowerCase() + ".token}"; content = content.replace(schema.toLowerCase() + ".", tokenName + "."); content = content.replace(schema.toUpperCase() + ".", tokenName + "."); FileUtilsCobra.writeStringToFile(tempFile, content); return content; } return content; } private String getObjectNameFromFilename(String fname, ChangeType objType) { if (!objType.getName().equals(ChangeType.SP_STR) && !objType.getName().equals(ChangeType.FUNCTION_STR)) { return fname; } String result = fname; // only for db2 for specific-names bit int hyphenIndex = fname.lastIndexOf('-'); if (hyphenIndex != -1) { // use the name to the right of the hyphen - ensure it doesn't start with SQL // if it does, use what is on the right side result = fname.substring(hyphenIndex + 1); if (result.indexOf("SQL") == 0) { result = fname.substring(0, hyphenIndex); } } return result; } private ChangeTypeInfo determineChangeType(final String wholeFileString) { RichIterable<ChangeTypeInfo> changeTypeInfos = this.patternMap.keyValuesView() .collect(new Function<Pair<ChangeType, Pattern>, ChangeTypeInfo>() { @Override public ChangeTypeInfo valueOf(Pair<ChangeType, Pattern> object) { Pair<Integer, String> contentInfo = getStartIndex(wholeFileString, object.getTwo()); return new ChangeTypeInfo(object.getOne(), contentInfo.getOne(), contentInfo.getTwo()); } }); ChangeTypeInfo chosenChangeTypeInfo = changeTypeInfos.minBy(ChangeTypeInfo.TO_START_INDEX); if (chosenChangeTypeInfo.getStartIndex() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return new ChangeTypeInfo(UnclassifiedChangeType.INSTANCE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null); } else { return chosenChangeTypeInfo; } } private static class ChangeTypeInfo { private final ChangeType changeType; private final int startIndex; private final String objectName; public static final Function<ChangeTypeInfo, Integer> TO_START_INDEX = new Function<ChangeTypeInfo, Integer>() { @Override public Integer valueOf(ChangeTypeInfo object) { return object.getStartIndex(); } }; private ChangeTypeInfo(ChangeType changeType, int startIndex, String objectName) { this.changeType = changeType; this.startIndex = startIndex; this.objectName = objectName; } public ChangeType getChangeType() { return this.changeType; } public int getStartIndex() { return this.startIndex; } public String getObjectName() { return this.objectName; } } }