Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import; import; import; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Pair; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Processes a {@link FindRemoteWavesTask}. * * @author (Christian Ohler) */ public class FindRemoteWavesProcessor { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FindRemoteWavesProcessor.class.getName()); private final RobotApi.Factory robotApiFactory; private final SourceInstance.Factory sourceInstanceFactory; private final StableUserId userId; private final PerUserTable perUserTable; private final CheckedDatastore datastore; private final Random random; @Inject public FindRemoteWavesProcessor(RobotApi.Factory robotApiFactory, SourceInstance.Factory sourceInstanceFactory, StableUserId userId, PerUserTable perUserTable, CheckedDatastore datastore, Random random) { this.robotApiFactory = robotApiFactory; this.sourceInstanceFactory = sourceInstanceFactory; this.userId = userId; this.perUserTable = perUserTable; this.datastore = datastore; this.random = random; } // This used to be 300 but has been raised. Some of the comments elsewhere in // the code probably still assume 300. private static final int MAX_RESULTS = 10000; private String getQueryDateRestriction(String facet, long dateDays) { LocalDate date = DaysSinceEpoch.toLocalDate(dateDays); return String.format("%s:%04d/%02d/%02d", facet, date.getYear(), date.getMonthOfYear(), date.getDayOfMonth()); } private List<RobotSearchDigest> searchBetween(SourceInstance instance, long onOrAfterDays, long beforeDays) throws IOException { RobotApi api = robotApiFactory.create(instance.getApiUrl()); String query = getQueryDateRestriction("after", onOrAfterDays) // The "before" search operator is inclusive (i.e., it means before the // end of the day); beforeDays is exclusive. + " " + getQueryDateRestriction("before", beforeDays - 1); return, 0, MAX_RESULTS); } private long randomBetween(long min, long limit) { return min + random.nextInt(Ints.checkedCast(limit - min)); } private List<Pair<Long, Long>> splitInterval(long onOrAfterDays, long beforeDays) { Preconditions.checkArgument(onOrAfterDays < beforeDays - 1, "Interval invalid or too small to split further: %s, %s", onOrAfterDays, beforeDays); // Split into roughly 5 intervals (if possible) because we want a high // branching factor (300*5^n reaches 1000, 10000 etc. quite a bit faster // than 300*2^n) and the maximum number of tasks GAE lets us add in one // transaction is 5. // // TreeSet for iteration order. Set<Long> splitPoints = Sets.newTreeSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // NOTE(ohler): Randomized strategy because it's simple to implement (the // cases where beforeDays - onOrAfterDays < 5 would require some thought // otherwise) and to make it unlikely that repeated runs send the same // queries to the servers, which seem to have a bug where // the result list is sometimes truncated for a query that has been issued // previously with a lower maxResults limit (perhaps some incorrect // caching). Randomization means that re-running the "find waves" step // several times might have a greater chance to discover all waves. But // I'm not positive whether this helps since I don't understand the bug. // // Other options include: // // * Instead of this interval splitting, start with "folder:3" or // "before:2013/01/01" (for all waves), then do "before:<date of oldest // wave returned by previous search>" until no more waves are returned. // However, this relies on the assumption that truncated result lists // are always truncated in such a way that only old waves are missing, // not new waves. We'd have to verify this. Also, it's completely // sequential rather than parallelizable. // // * Follow up every search for "after:A before:B" with another a search // for "after:A before:<date of oldest wave returned by previous // search>". This could be a good combination of the two but relies on // the same assumption and adds quite a bit more code. // // * When the user triggers the "find remote waves" task, enqueue N of // them rather than just one, to cover the search space N times with // different random interval splits to improve the likelihood that we // find everything. Could be good as well but adds code. // // * Add random negative search terms like -dgzimhmcoblhqfjciezc to the // query that are unlikely to restrict the result set but make the query // unique to avoid the poisoned caches. Could also do many different // such searches and merge the result sets. (Can't assert that they are // the same since waves may have been modified and fallen out of the // date range.) Probably worth implementing. // // * Fix the bug in or demonstrate that it's not // reproducible. Unlikely to happen since it's harder than any of these // workarounds. splitPoints.add(randomBetween(onOrAfterDays + 1, beforeDays)); } splitPoints.add(beforeDays); ImmutableList.Builder<Pair<Long, Long>> out = ImmutableList.builder(); long left = onOrAfterDays; for (long right : splitPoints) { Assert.check(left < right, "left=%s, right=%s", left, right); out.add(Pair.of(left, right)); left = right; } return; } private List<ImportTaskPayload> makeTasks(SourceInstance instance, List<Pair<Long, Long>> intervals, @Nullable ImportSettings autoImportSettings) {"intervals=" + intervals + ", settings=" + autoImportSettings); ImmutableList.Builder<ImportTaskPayload> accu = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Pair<Long, Long> interval : intervals) { FindRemoteWavesTask task = new FindRemoteWavesTaskGsonImpl(); task.setInstance(instance.serialize()); task.setOnOrAfterDays(interval.getFirst()); task.setBeforeDays(interval.getSecond()); if (autoImportSettings != null) { task.setAutoImportSettings(autoImportSettings); } ImportTaskPayload payload = new ImportTaskPayloadGsonImpl(); payload.setFindWavesTask(task); accu.add(payload); } return; } public List<ImportTaskPayload> makeRandomTasksForInterval(SourceInstance instance, long onOrAfterDays, long beforeDays, @Nullable ImportSettings autoImportSettings) { if (onOrAfterDays == beforeDays - 1) { return makeTasks(instance, ImmutableList.of(Pair.of(onOrAfterDays, beforeDays)), autoImportSettings); } else { return makeTasks(instance, splitInterval(onOrAfterDays, beforeDays), autoImportSettings); } } // Transaction limit is 500 entities but let's stay well below that. private static final int MAX_WAVELETS_PER_TRANSACTION = 300; private void storeResults(List<RemoteConvWavelet> results) throws PermanentFailure { for (final List<RemoteConvWavelet> partition : Iterables.partition(results, MAX_WAVELETS_PER_TRANSACTION)) { new RetryHelper().run(new RetryHelper.VoidBody() { @Override public void run() throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure { CheckedTransaction tx = datastore.beginTransaction(); try { if (perUserTable.addRemoteWavelets(tx, userId, partition)) { tx.commit(); } } finally { tx.close(); } } }); }"Successfully added " + results.size() + " remote waves"); } private void scheduleFindWaveletTasks(final SourceInstance instance, List<RobotSearchDigest> results, @Nullable final ImportSettings autoImportSettings) throws PermanentFailure { for (final List<RobotSearchDigest> partition : Iterables.partition(results, // 5 tasks per transaction. 5)) { new RetryHelper().run(new RetryHelper.VoidBody() { @Override public void run() throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure { CheckedTransaction tx = datastore.beginTransaction(); try { for (RobotSearchDigest result : partition) { FindWaveletsForRemoteWaveTask task = new FindWaveletsForRemoteWaveTaskGsonImpl(); task.setInstance(instance.serialize()); task.setWaveDigest(result); if (autoImportSettings != null) { task.setAutoImportSettings(autoImportSettings); } ImportTaskPayload payload = new ImportTaskPayloadGsonImpl(); payload.setFindWaveletsTask(task); perUserTable.addTask(tx, userId, payload); } tx.commit(); } finally { tx.close(); } } }); }"Successfully scheduled import of " + results.size() + " waves"); } private void scheduleImportTasks(List<RemoteConvWavelet> results, final ImportSettings autoImportSettings) throws PermanentFailure { for (final List<RemoteConvWavelet> partition : Iterables.partition(results, // 5 tasks per transaction. 5)) { new RetryHelper().run(new RetryHelper.VoidBody() { @Override public void run() throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure { CheckedTransaction tx = datastore.beginTransaction(); try { for (RemoteConvWavelet wavelet : partition) { ImportWaveletTask task = new ImportWaveletTaskGsonImpl(); task.setInstance(wavelet.getSourceInstance().serialize()); task.setWaveId(wavelet.getDigest().getWaveId()); task.setWaveletId(wavelet.getWaveletId().serialise()); task.setSettings(autoImportSettings); ImportTaskPayload payload = new ImportTaskPayloadGsonImpl(); payload.setImportWaveletTask(task); perUserTable.addTask(tx, userId, payload); } tx.commit(); } finally { tx.close(); } } }); }"Successfully scheduled import of " + results.size() + " waves"); } private List<RemoteConvWavelet> expandPrivateReplies(SourceInstance instance, RobotSearchDigest digest) throws IOException { RobotApi api = robotApiFactory.create(instance.getApiUrl()); ImmutableList.Builder<RemoteConvWavelet> wavelets = ImmutableList.builder(); WaveId waveId = WaveId.deserialise(digest.getWaveId()); // The robot API only allows access to waves with ids that start with "w". if (!waveId.getId().startsWith(IdUtil.WAVE_PREFIX + "+")) {"Wave " + waveId + " not accessible through Robot API, skipping"); } else {"Getting wave view for " + waveId); List<WaveletId> waveletIds = api.getWaveView(waveId);"Wave view for " + waveId + ": " + waveletIds); for (WaveletId waveletId : waveletIds) { if (IdUtil.isConversationalId(waveletId)) { wavelets.add(new RemoteConvWavelet(instance, digest, waveletId, null, null)); } else {"Skipping non-conv wavelet " + waveletId); } } } return; } public List<ImportTaskPayload> findWavelets(FindWaveletsForRemoteWaveTask task) throws IOException, PermanentFailure { SourceInstance instance = sourceInstanceFactory.parseUnchecked(task.getInstance()); List<RemoteConvWavelet> wavelets = expandPrivateReplies(instance, task.getWaveDigest()); if (wavelets.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableList.of(); } storeResults(wavelets); if (task.hasAutoImportSettings()) { scheduleImportTasks(wavelets, task.getAutoImportSettings()); } return ImmutableList.of(); } public List<ImportTaskPayload> findWaves(FindRemoteWavesTask task) throws IOException, PermanentFailure { SourceInstance instance = sourceInstanceFactory.parseUnchecked(task.getInstance()); long onOrAfterDays = task.getOnOrAfterDays(); long beforeDays = task.getBeforeDays(); List<RobotSearchDigest> results = searchBetween(instance, onOrAfterDays, beforeDays);"Search found " + results.size() + " waves"); if (results.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableList.of(); } @Nullable ImportSettings autoImportSettings = task.hasAutoImportSettings() ? task.getAutoImportSettings() : null; // NOTE(ohler): Having many concurrent tasks like this that all need to write to // the PerUserTable leads to a lot of write contention. We'll just have to // keep max-concurrent-requests low. scheduleFindWaveletTasks(instance, results, autoImportSettings); if (results.size() >= MAX_RESULTS) { // Result list is most likely truncated, repeat with smaller intervals."Got " + results.size() + " results between " + onOrAfterDays + " and " + beforeDays + ", splitting"); if (beforeDays - onOrAfterDays <= 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't split further; too many results (" + results.size() + ") between " + onOrAfterDays + " and " + beforeDays); } return makeRandomTasksForInterval(instance, onOrAfterDays, beforeDays, autoImportSettings); } else { return ImmutableList.of(); } } }