Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Helper class for InferSafePrintNodesVisitor to represent info about the safe data paths in some * corresponding Soy data. Can be used for internal or leaf data. * * Important: Mutable. Only for use by InferSafePrintNodesVisitor. * * Conceptually, each SafetyInfo object keeps track of a list of safe data paths, except that the * data is kept in tree form. Each SafetyInfo object is a node that contains info on: * + whether the data associated directly with this SafetyInfo is safe (i.e. data path ""), * + subdata that are safe (via references to other SafetyInfo objects). * In this way, SafetyInfo objects may form a tree that mirrors the Soy data tree, but only * including the portions that are safe. * * For example, if the data tree is * root * +--boo (safe) * +--foo * | +--xxx (unsafe) * | +--yyy (safe) * +--goo (unsafe) * then the safe data paths would be * boo * foo.yyy * and the corresponding SafetyInfo would be * root (isSafe=false) * +--boo (isSafe=true) * +--foo (isSafe=false) * +--yyy (isSafe=true) * * An additional feature is that if all subdata have the same safety info, then the key '*' can be * used to map to a common SafetyInfo object corresponding to subdata at any key (a feature usually * used for list data). * * @author Kai Huang */ class SafetyInfo { /** An instance that doesn't have any safe parts. */ public static final SafetyInfo EMPTY_INSTANCE = new SafetyInfo(); /** An instance appropriate for safe leaf data (this node is safe, but has no children). */ public static final SafetyInfo SAFE_LEAF_INSTANCE; static { SafetyInfo tempSafetyInfo = new SafetyInfo(); tempSafetyInfo.isSafe = true; SAFE_LEAF_INSTANCE = tempSafetyInfo; } /** Whether this node corresponds to safe data. */ private boolean isSafe; /** SafetyInfo corresponding to subdata at any key (usually used for list data), or null if not * applicable. Nonnull if and only if nonstarSubinfos is empty. */ private SafetyInfo starSubinfo; /** Map from keys to the SafetyInfo objects corresponding to the subdata at each key. May not * contain all data keys since some keys map to subdata without any safe parts. Nonempty if and * only if starSubinfo is null. */ private Map<String, SafetyInfo> nonstarSubinfos; private SafetyInfo() { this.isSafe = false; this.starSubinfo = null; this.nonstarSubinfos = Maps.newHashMap(); } /** * Creates a SafetyInfo object corresponding to the data for a template, given the list of safe * paths found in the template's SoyDoc. */ public static SafetyInfo createFromSoyDocSafePaths(List<SoyDocSafePath> soyDocSafePaths) { if (soyDocSafePaths == null || soyDocSafePaths.size() == 0) { return EMPTY_INSTANCE; } SafetyInfo dataSafetyInfo = new SafetyInfo(); for (SoyDocSafePath soyDocSafePath : soyDocSafePaths) { dataSafetyInfo.addSafePathHelper(soyDocSafePath.path); } return dataSafetyInfo; } /** * Private helper for createForPublicTemplate(). */ private void addSafePathHelper(List<String> safePath) { if (safePath.size() == 0) { this.isSafe = true; return; } String firstKey = safePath.get(0); SafetyInfo subinfo; if (firstKey.equals("*")) { subinfo = starSubinfo; if (subinfo == null) { subinfo = new SafetyInfo(); starSubinfo = subinfo; } } else { subinfo = nonstarSubinfos.get(firstKey); if (subinfo == null) { subinfo = new SafetyInfo(); nonstarSubinfos.put(firstKey, subinfo); } } if (starSubinfo != null && nonstarSubinfos.size() > 0) { throw new SoySyntaxException( "Safe data path collision: must not have both '*' and non-'*' keys at same point."); } subinfo.addSafePathHelper(safePath.subList(1, safePath.size())); } /** * Creates a deep clone of the given SafetyInfo object. */ public static SafetyInfo clone(SafetyInfo safetyInfo) { SafetyInfo clonedInfo = new SafetyInfo(); clonedInfo.isSafe = safetyInfo.isSafe; if (safetyInfo.starSubinfo != null) { clonedInfo.starSubinfo = clone(safetyInfo.starSubinfo); } else { for (String key : safetyInfo.nonstarSubinfos.keySet()) { clonedInfo.nonstarSubinfos.put(key, clone(safetyInfo.nonstarSubinfos.get(key))); } } return clonedInfo; } /** * Merges the given SafetyInfo objects into a new SafetyInfo object. A data path is only safe in * the merged SafetyInfo if it is safe in all the input SafetyInfos. */ public static SafetyInfo merge(Collection<SafetyInfo> safetyInfos) { // Special cases. if (safetyInfos.size() == 0) { return EMPTY_INSTANCE; } if (safetyInfos.size() == 1) { return clone(Iterators.getOnlyElement(safetyInfos.iterator())); } SafetyInfo mergedInfo = new SafetyInfo(); // Determine the isSafe value on the mergedInfo. boolean mergedIsSafe = true; for (SafetyInfo safetyInfo : safetyInfos) { if (!safetyInfo.isSafe) { mergedIsSafe = false; break; } } mergedInfo.isSafe = mergedIsSafe; // Determine the merged keys at the current level. boolean isStarMergedKey = true; Set<String> nonstarMergedKeys = null; for (SafetyInfo safetyInfo : safetyInfos) { if (safetyInfo.starSubinfo != null) { continue; // doesn't subtract from merged keys } if (isStarMergedKey) { isStarMergedKey = false; nonstarMergedKeys = Sets.newHashSet(safetyInfo.nonstarSubinfos.keySet()); } else { nonstarMergedKeys = Sets.intersection(nonstarMergedKeys, safetyInfo.nonstarSubinfos.keySet()); } } // For each merged key, merge subinfos and put the new merged subinfo. if (isStarMergedKey) { List<SafetyInfo> subinfosToMerge = Lists.newArrayList(); for (SafetyInfo safetyInfo : safetyInfos) { subinfosToMerge.add(safetyInfo.starSubinfo); } mergedInfo.starSubinfo = merge(subinfosToMerge); } else { for (String mergedKey : nonstarMergedKeys) { List<SafetyInfo> subinfosToMerge = Lists.newArrayList(); for (SafetyInfo safetyInfo : safetyInfos) { // Important: Must use getSubinfo() and not nonstarSubinfos.get() to retrieve subinfo // because some safetyInfos may have '*' key at this level while others have non-'*' key. subinfosToMerge.add(safetyInfo.getSubinfo(mergedKey)); } mergedInfo.putSubinfo(mergedKey, merge(subinfosToMerge)); } } return mergedInfo; } /** * Returns whether the data corresponding directly to this SafetyInfo object is safe. */ public boolean isSafe() { return this.isSafe; } /** * Sets the SafetyInfo corresponding to the data for the given key. May replace existing info. */ public void putSubinfo(String key, SafetyInfo subinfo) { // We don't expect this method to be used with '*' key. checkArgument(!key.equals("*")); nonstarSubinfos.put(key, subinfo); // If there is starSubinfo, we have to clear it. if (starSubinfo != null) { starSubinfo = null; } } /** * Gets the SafetyInfo corresponding to the data for the given key. */ public SafetyInfo getSubinfo(String key) { // We don't expect this method to be used with '*' key. checkArgument(!key.equals("*")); if (starSubinfo != null) { return starSubinfo; } else { return (nonstarSubinfos.containsKey(key)) ? nonstarSubinfos.get(key) : EMPTY_INSTANCE; } } /** * Gets the SafetyInfo corresponding to the data at the given reference path. */ public SafetyInfo getSubinfo(List<ExprNode> keyNodes) { if (keyNodes.size() == 0) { return this; } if (starSubinfo != null) { return starSubinfo.getSubinfo(keyNodes.subList(1, keyNodes.size())); } // ------ Regular case. ------ ExprNode firstKeyNode = keyNodes.get(0); String firstKey; if (firstKeyNode instanceof DataRefKeyNode) { firstKey = ((DataRefKeyNode) firstKeyNode).getKey(); } else if (firstKeyNode instanceof DataRefIndexNode) { firstKey = Integer.toString(((DataRefIndexNode) firstKeyNode).getIndex()); } else { // firstKeyNode is an ExprNode. if (firstKeyNode instanceof StringNode) { firstKey = ((StringNode) firstKeyNode).getValue(); } else if (firstKeyNode instanceof IntegerNode) { firstKey = Integer.toString(((IntegerNode) firstKeyNode).getValue()); } else { firstKey = null; } } if (firstKey != null && nonstarSubinfos.containsKey(firstKey)) { SafetyInfo subinfo = nonstarSubinfos.get(firstKey); return subinfo.getSubinfo(keyNodes.subList(1, keyNodes.size())); } else { // Assume unsafe. return EMPTY_INSTANCE; } } /** * Returns a string representation of the list of safe paths, e.g. * ["", "", "foo"] */ @Override public String toString() { List<List<String>> safePaths = getSafePathsHelper(); List<String> safePathStrs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(safePaths.size()); for (List<String> safePath : safePaths) { safePathStrs.add(Joiner.on('.').join(safePath)); } Collections.sort(safePathStrs); return safePathStrs.toString(); } /** * Private helper for toString(). * Note: Result is not sorted. */ private List<List<String>> getSafePathsHelper() { List<List<String>> safePaths = Lists.newArrayList(); if (this.isSafe) { safePaths.add(ImmutableList.of("")); } if (starSubinfo != null) { for (List<String> safeSubpath : starSubinfo.getSafePathsHelper()) { List<String> safePath = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(safeSubpath.size() + 1); safePath.add("*"); safePath.addAll(safeSubpath); safePaths.add(safePath); } } else { for (String key : nonstarSubinfos.keySet()) { SafetyInfo subinfo = nonstarSubinfos.get(key); for (List<String> safeSubpath : subinfo.getSafePathsHelper()) { List<String> safePath = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(safeSubpath.size() + 1); safePath.add(key); safePath.addAll(safeSubpath); safePaths.add(safePath); } } } return safePaths; } /** * Checks whether this SafetyInfo contains each of the given SoyDoc safe data paths, and returns * the list of SoyDoc safe paths that this SafetyInfo doesn't contain. If this SafetyInfo contains * all the given safe paths, then the returned list will be empty. */ public List<SoyDocSafePath> findUnmatchedSoyDocSafePaths(List<SoyDocSafePath> soyDocSafePaths) { List<SoyDocSafePath> unmatchedSoyDocSafePaths = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (SoyDocSafePath soyDocSafePath : soyDocSafePaths) { if (!containsSafePath(soyDocSafePath.path)) { unmatchedSoyDocSafePaths.add(soyDocSafePath); } } return unmatchedSoyDocSafePaths; } /** * Private helper for containsAllSoyDocSafePaths() to check whether this SafetyInfo contains a * given safe path. */ private boolean containsSafePath(List<String> safePath) { if (safePath.size() == 0) { return isSafe; } if (starSubinfo != null) { return starSubinfo.containsSafePath(safePath.subList(1, safePath.size())); } else { // Note: safePath's first key might be '*', but this code still works for that case. SafetyInfo subinfo = nonstarSubinfos.get(safePath.get(0)); return subinfo != null && subinfo.containsSafePath(safePath.subList(1, safePath.size())); } } }