Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Utility methods for building ResourceGenerators.
public final class ResourceGeneratorUtil {

    private static class ClassLoaderLocator implements Locator {
        private final ClassLoader classLoader;

        public ClassLoaderLocator(ClassLoader classLoader) {
            this.classLoader = classLoader;

        public URL locate(String resourceName) {
            return classLoader.getResource(resourceName);

     * A locator which will use files published via
     * {@link ResourceGeneratorUtil#addNamedFile(String, File)}.
    private static class NamedFileLocator implements Locator {
        public static final NamedFileLocator INSTANCE = new NamedFileLocator();

        private NamedFileLocator() {

        public URL locate(String resourceName) {
            File f = namedFiles.get(resourceName);
            if (f != null && f.isFile() && f.canRead()) {
                try {
                    return f.toURI().toURL();
                } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to make a URL for file " + f.getName());
            return null;

     * Wrapper interface around different strategies for loading resource data.
    private interface Locator {
        URL locate(String resourceName);

    private static class ResourceOracleLocator implements Locator {
        private final Map<String, Resource> resourceMap;

        public ResourceOracleLocator(ResourceOracle oracle) {
            resourceMap = oracle.getResourceMap();

        public URL locate(String resourceName) {
            Resource r = resourceMap.get(resourceName);
            return (r == null) ? null : r.getURL();

    private static Map<String, File> namedFiles = Maps.create();

     * These are type names from previous APIs or from APIs with similar
     * functionality that might be confusing.
     * @see #checkForDeprecatedAnnotations
    private static final String[] DEPRECATED_ANNOTATION_NAMES = {
            "$Resource" };

    private static final List<Class<? extends Annotation>> DEPRECATED_ANNOTATION_CLASSES;

    static {
        List<Class<? extends Annotation>> classes = new ArrayList<Class<? extends Annotation>>(

        for (String name : DEPRECATED_ANNOTATION_NAMES) {
            try {
                Class<?> maybeAnnotation = Class.forName(name, false, ResourceGeneratorUtil.class.getClassLoader());

                // Possibly throws ClassCastException
                Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = maybeAnnotation.asSubclass(Annotation.class);


            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                // If it's not an Annotation type, we don't care about it
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                // This is OK; the annotation doesn't exist.

        if (classes.isEmpty()) {
            DEPRECATED_ANNOTATION_CLASSES = Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            DEPRECATED_ANNOTATION_CLASSES = Collections.unmodifiableList(classes);

     * Publish or override resources named by {@link Source} annotations. This
     * method is intended to be called by Generators that create ClientBundle
     * instances and need to pass source data to the ClientBundle system that is
     * not accessible through the classpath.
     * @param resourceName the path at which the contents of <code>file</code>
     *          should be made available
     * @param file the File whose contents are to be provided to the ClientBundle
     *          system
    public static void addNamedFile(String resourceName, File file) {
        assert resourceName != null : "resourceName";
        assert file != null : "file";
        assert file.isFile() && file.canRead() : "file does not exist or cannot be read";

        namedFiles = Maps.put(namedFiles, resourceName, file);

     * Returns the base filename of a resource. The behavior is similar to the unix
     * command <code>basename</code>.
     * @param resource the URL of the resource
     * @return the final name segment of the resource
    public static String baseName(URL resource) {
        String path = resource.getPath();
        return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

     * Find all resources referenced by a method in a bundle. The method's
     * {@link Source} annotation will be examined and the specified locations will
     * be expanded into URLs by which they may be accessed on the local system.
     * <p>
     * This method is sensitive to the <code>locale</code> deferred-binding
     * property and will attempt to use a best-match lookup by removing locale
     * components.
     * <p>
     * Loading through a ClassLoader with this method is much slower than the
     * other <code>findResources</code> methods which make use of the compiler's
     * ResourceOracle.
     * @param logger a TreeLogger that will be used to report errors or warnings
     * @param context the ResourceContext in which the ResourceGenerator is
     *          operating
     * @param classLoader the ClassLoader to use when locating resources
     * @param method the method to examine for {@link Source} annotations
     * @param defaultSuffixes if the supplied method does not have any
     *          {@link Source} annotations, act as though a Source annotation was
     *          specified, using the name of the method and each of supplied
     *          extensions in the order in which they are specified
     * @return URLs for each {@link Source} annotation value defined on the
     *         method.
     * @throws UnableToCompleteException if ore or more of the sources could not
     *           be found. The error will be reported via the <code>logger</code>
     *           provided to this method
    public static URL[] findResources(TreeLogger logger, ClassLoader classLoader, ResourceContext context,
            JMethod method, String[] defaultSuffixes) throws UnableToCompleteException {
        return findResources(logger, new Locator[] { new ClassLoaderLocator(classLoader) }, context, method,

     * Find all resources referenced by a method in a bundle. The method's
     * {@link Source} annotation will be examined and the specified locations will
     * be expanded into URLs by which they may be accessed on the local system.
     * <p>
     * This method is sensitive to the <code>locale</code> deferred-binding
     * property and will attempt to use a best-match lookup by removing locale
     * components.
     * <p>
     * The compiler's ResourceOracle will be used to resolve resource locations.
     * If the desired resource cannot be found in the ResourceOracle, this method
     * will fall back to using the current thread's context ClassLoader. If it is
     * necessary to alter the way in which resources are located, use the overload
     * that accepts a ClassLoader.
     * <p>
     * If the method's return type declares the {@link DefaultExtensions}
     * annotation, the value of this annotation will be used to find matching
     * resource names if the method lacks a {@link Source} annotation.
     * @param logger a TreeLogger that will be used to report errors or warnings
     * @param context the ResourceContext in which the ResourceGenerator is
     *          operating
     * @param method the method to examine for {@link Source} annotations
     * @return URLs for each {@link Source} annotation value defined on the
     *         method.
     * @throws UnableToCompleteException if ore or more of the sources could not
     *           be found. The error will be reported via the <code>logger</code>
     *           provided to this method
    public static URL[] findResources(TreeLogger logger, ResourceContext context, JMethod method)
            throws UnableToCompleteException {
        JClassType returnType = method.getReturnType().isClassOrInterface();
        assert returnType != null;
        DefaultExtensions annotation = returnType.findAnnotationInTypeHierarchy(DefaultExtensions.class);
        String[] extensions;
        if (annotation != null) {
            extensions = annotation.value();
        } else {
            extensions = new String[0];
        return findResources(logger, context, method, extensions);

     * Find all resources referenced by a method in a bundle. The method's
     * {@link Source} annotation will be examined and the specified locations will
     * be expanded into URLs by which they may be accessed on the local system.
     * <p>
     * This method is sensitive to the <code>locale</code> deferred-binding
     * property and will attempt to use a best-match lookup by removing locale
     * components.
     * <p>
     * The compiler's ResourceOracle will be used to resolve resource locations.
     * If the desired resource cannot be found in the ResourceOracle, this method
     * will fall back to using the current thread's context ClassLoader. If it is
     * necessary to alter the way in which resources are located, use the overload
     * that accepts a ClassLoader.
     * @param logger a TreeLogger that will be used to report errors or warnings
     * @param context the ResourceContext in which the ResourceGenerator is
     *          operating
     * @param method the method to examine for {@link Source} annotations
     * @param defaultSuffixes if the supplied method does not have any
     *          {@link Source} annotations, act as though a Source annotation was
     *          specified, using the name of the method and each of supplied
     *          extensions in the order in which they are specified
     * @return URLs for each {@link Source} annotation value defined on the
     *         method.
     * @throws UnableToCompleteException if ore or more of the sources could not
     *           be found. The error will be reported via the <code>logger</code>
     *           provided to this method
    public static URL[] findResources(TreeLogger logger, ResourceContext context, JMethod method,
            String[] defaultSuffixes) throws UnableToCompleteException {
        Locator[] locators = getDefaultLocators(context.getGeneratorContext());
        URL[] toReturn = findResources(logger, locators, context, method, defaultSuffixes);
        return toReturn;

     * Finds a method by following a dotted path interpreted as a series of no-arg
     * method invocations from an instance of a given root type.
     * @param rootType the type from which the search begins
     * @param pathElements a sequence of no-arg method names
     * @param expectedReturnType the expected return type of the method to locate,
     *          or <code>null</code> if no constraint on the return type is
     *          necessary
     * @return the requested JMethod
     * @throws NotFoundException if the requested method could not be found
    public static JMethod getMethodByPath(JClassType rootType, List<String> pathElements, JType expectedReturnType)
            throws NotFoundException {
        if (pathElements.isEmpty()) {
            throw new NotFoundException("No path specified");

        JMethod currentMethod = null;
        JType currentType = rootType;
        for (String pathElement : pathElements) {

            JClassType referenceType = currentType.isClassOrInterface();
            if (referenceType == null) {
                throw new NotFoundException("Cannot resolve member " + pathElement + " on type "
                        + currentType.getQualifiedSourceName());

            currentMethod = null;
            searchType: for (JClassType searchType : referenceType.getFlattenedSupertypeHierarchy()) {
                for (JMethod method : searchType.getOverloads(pathElement)) {
                    if (method.getParameters().length == 0) {
                        currentMethod = method;
                        break searchType;

            if (currentMethod == null) {
                throw new NotFoundException("Could not find no-arg method named " + pathElement + " in type "
                        + currentType.getQualifiedSourceName());
            currentType = currentMethod.getReturnType();

        if (expectedReturnType != null) {
            JPrimitiveType expectedIsPrimitive = expectedReturnType.isPrimitive();
            JClassType expectedIsClassType = expectedReturnType.isClassOrInterface();
            boolean error = false;

            if (expectedIsPrimitive != null) {
                if (!expectedIsPrimitive.equals(currentMethod.getReturnType())) {
                    error = true;
            } else {
                JClassType returnIsClassType = currentMethod.getReturnType().isClassOrInterface();
                if (returnIsClassType == null) {
                    error = true;
                } else if (!expectedIsClassType.isAssignableFrom(returnIsClassType)) {
                    error = true;

            if (error) {
                throw new NotFoundException("Expecting return type " + expectedReturnType.getQualifiedSourceName()
                        + " found " + currentMethod.getReturnType().getQualifiedSourceName());

        return currentMethod;

     * Try to find a resource with the given resourceName.  It will use the default
     * search order to locate the resource as is used by {@link #findResources}.
     * @param logger
     * @param genContext
     * @param resourceContext
     * @param resourceName
     * @return a URL for the resource, if found
    public static URL tryFindResource(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext genContext,
            ResourceContext resourceContext, String resourceName) {
        String locale = getLocale(logger, genContext);
        Locator[] locators = getDefaultLocators(genContext);
        for (Locator locator : locators) {
            URL toReturn = tryFindResource(locator, resourceContext, resourceName, locale);
            if (toReturn != null) {
                return toReturn;
        return null;

     * Add the type dependency requirements for a method, to the context.
     * @param context
     * @param method
    private static void addTypeRequirementsForMethod(ResourceContext context, JMethod method) {
        ClientBundleRequirements reqs = context.getRequirements();
        if (reqs != null) {
            reqs.addTypeHierarchy((JClassType) method.getReturnType());

     * We want to warn the user about any annotations from ImageBundle or the old
     * incubator code.
    private static void checkForDeprecatedAnnotations(TreeLogger logger, JMethod method) {

        for (Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass : DEPRECATED_ANNOTATION_CLASSES) {
            if (method.isAnnotationPresent(annotationClass)) {
                        "Deprecated annotation used; expecting " + Source.class.getCanonicalName() + " but found "
                                + annotationClass.getName() + " instead.  It is likely "
                                + "that undesired operation will occur.");

     * Main implementation of findResources.
    private static URL[] findResources(TreeLogger logger, Locator[] locators, ResourceContext context,
            JMethod method, String[] defaultSuffixes) throws UnableToCompleteException {
        logger = logger.branch(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "Finding resources");

        String locale = getLocale(logger, context.getGeneratorContext());

        checkForDeprecatedAnnotations(logger, method);

        boolean error = false;
        Source resourceAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Source.class);
        URL[] toReturn;

        if (resourceAnnotation == null) {
            if (defaultSuffixes != null) {
                for (String extension : defaultSuffixes) {
                    if (logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.SPAM)) {
                        logger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, "Trying default extension " + extension);
                    for (Locator locator : locators) {
                        URL resourceUrl = tryFindResource(locator, context, getPathRelativeToPackage(
                                method.getEnclosingType().getPackage(), method.getName() + extension), locale);

                        // Take the first match
                        if (resourceUrl != null) {
                            addTypeRequirementsForMethod(context, method);
                            return new URL[] { resourceUrl };

                    "No " + Source.class.getName() + " annotation and no resources found with default extensions");
            toReturn = null;
            error = true;

        } else {
            // The user has put an @Source annotation on the accessor method
            String[] resources = resourceAnnotation.value();

            toReturn = new URL[resources.length];

            int tagIndex = 0;
            for (String resource : resources) {
                // Try to find the resource relative to the package.
                URL resourceURL = null;

                for (Locator locator : locators) {
                    resourceURL = tryFindResource(locator, context,
                            getPathRelativeToPackage(method.getEnclosingType().getPackage(), resource), locale);

                     * If we didn't find the resource relative to the package, assume it
                     * is absolute.
                    if (resourceURL == null) {
                        resourceURL = tryFindResource(locator, context, resource, locale);

                    // If we have found a resource, take the first match
                    if (resourceURL != null) {

                if (resourceURL == null) {
                    error = true;
                    logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Resource " + resource
                            + " not found. Is the name specified as Class.getResource()" + " would expect?");

                toReturn[tagIndex++] = resourceURL;

        if (error) {
            throw new UnableToCompleteException();

        addTypeRequirementsForMethod(context, method);
        return toReturn;

     * Get default list of resource Locators, in the default order.
     * @param genContext
     * @return an ordered array of Locator[]
    private static Locator[] getDefaultLocators(GeneratorContext genContext) {
        Locator[] locators = { NamedFileLocator.INSTANCE,
                new ResourceOracleLocator(genContext.getResourcesOracle()),
                new ClassLoaderLocator(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()) };

        return locators;

     * Get the current locale string.
     * @param logger
     * @param genContext
     * @return the current locale
    private static String getLocale(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext genContext) {
        String locale;
        try {
            PropertyOracle oracle = genContext.getPropertyOracle();
            SelectionProperty prop = oracle.getSelectionProperty(logger, "locale");
            locale = prop.getCurrentValue();
        } catch (BadPropertyValueException e) {
            locale = null;
        return locale;

     * Converts a package relative path into an absolute path.
     * @param pkg the package
     * @param path a path relative to the package
     * @return an absolute path
    private static String getPathRelativeToPackage(JPackage pkg, String path) {
        return pkg.getName().replace('.', '/') + '/' + path;

     * This performs the locale lookup function for a given resource name.
     * @param locator the Locator to use to load the resources
     * @param resourceName the string name of the desired resource
     * @param locale the locale of the current rebind permutation
     * @return a URL by which the resource can be loaded, <code>null</code> if one
     *         cannot be found
    private static URL tryFindResource(Locator locator, String resourceName, String locale) {
        URL toReturn = null;

        // Look for locale-specific variants of individual resources
        if (locale != null) {
            // Convert language_country_variant to independent pieces
            String[] localeSegments = locale.split("_");
            int lastDot = resourceName.lastIndexOf(".");
            String prefix = lastDot == -1 ? resourceName : resourceName.substring(0, lastDot);
            String extension = lastDot == -1 ? "" : resourceName.substring(lastDot);

            for (int i = localeSegments.length - 1; i >= -1; i--) {
                String localeInsert = "";
                for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                    localeInsert += "_" + localeSegments[j];

                toReturn = locator.locate(prefix + localeInsert + extension);
                if (toReturn != null) {
        } else {
            toReturn = locator.locate(resourceName);

        return toReturn;

     * Performs the locale lookup function for a given resource name.  Will also
     * add the located resource to the requirements object for the context.
     * @param locator the Locator to use to load the resources
     * @param context the ResourceContext
     * @param resourceName the string name of the desired resource
     * @param locale the locale of the current rebind permutation
     * @return a URL by which the resource can be loaded, <code>null</code> if one
     *         cannot be found
    private static URL tryFindResource(Locator locator, ResourceContext context, String resourceName,
            String locale) {

        URL toReturn = tryFindResource(locator, resourceName, locale);
        if (context != null) {
            ClientBundleRequirements reqs = context.getRequirements();
            if (reqs != null) {
                reqs.addResolvedResource(resourceName, toReturn);

        return toReturn;

     * Utility class.
    private ResourceGeneratorUtil() {