Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.



 * Context object for ResourceGenerators. An instance of this type will be
 * provided by the resource generation framework to implementations of
 * ResourceGenerator via {@link ResourceGenerator#init}. Because this interface
 * is not intended to be implemented by end-users, the API provided by this
 * interface may be extended in the future.
 * <p>
 * Depending on the optimizations made by the implementation of {@link #deploy},
 * the resulting URL may or may not be compatible with standard
 * {@link} / XMLHttpRequest security
 * semantics. If the resource is intended to be used with XHR, or if there are
 * other reasons why embedding the resource is undesirable such as known
 * incompatibilities, the <code>forceExternal</code> parameter should be set to
 * <code>true</code> when invoking {@link #deploy}.
 * </p>
public interface ResourceContext {

     * Cause a specific collection of bytes to be available in the program's
     * compiled output. The return value of this method is a Java expression which
     * will evaluate to the location of the resource at runtime. The exact format
     * should not be depended upon.
     * @param suggestedFileName an unobfuscated filename to possibly use for the
     *          resource
     * @param mimeType the MIME type of the data being provided
     * @param data the bytes to add to the output
     * @param forceExternal prevents embedding of the resource, e.g. in case of
     *          known incompatibilities or for example to enforce compatibility
     *          with security restrictions if the resource is intended to be
     *          accessed via an XMLHttpRequest
     * @return a Java expression which will evaluate to the location of the
     *         provided resource at runtime
    String deploy(String suggestedFileName, String mimeType, byte[] data, boolean forceExternal)
            throws UnableToCompleteException;

     * Cause a specific collection of bytes to be available in the program's
     * compiled output. The return value of this method is a Java expression which
     * will evaluate to the location of the resource at runtime. The exact format
     * should not be depended upon.
     * @param resource the resource to add to the compiled output
     * @param forceExternal prevents embedding of the resource, e.g. in case of
     *          known incompatibilities or for example to enforce compatibility
     *          with security restrictions if the resource is intended to be
     *          accessed via an XMLHttpRequest
     * @return a Java expression which will evaluate to the location of the
     *         provided resource at runtime
     * @deprecated use {@link #deploy(URL, String, boolean)} instead
    String deploy(URL resource, boolean forceExternal) throws UnableToCompleteException;

     * Cause a specific collection of bytes to be available in the program's
     * compiled output. The return value of this method is a Java expression which
     * will evaluate to the location of the resource at runtime. The exact format
     * should not be depended upon.
     * @param resource the resource to add to the compiled output
     * @param mimeType optional MIME Type to be used for an embedded resource
     * @param forceExternal prevents embedding of the resource, e.g. in case of
     *          known incompatibilities or for example to enforce compatibility
     *          with security restrictions if the resource is intended to be
     *          accessed via an XMLHttpRequest
     * @return a Java expression which will evaluate to the location of the
     *         provided resource at runtime
    String deploy(URL resource, String mimeType, boolean forceExternal) throws UnableToCompleteException;

     * Retrieve data from the ResourceContext.
     * @param <T> the type of data to retrieve
     * @param key the key value passed to {@link #getCachedData}
     * @param clazz the type to which the cached value must be assignable
     * @return the value previously passed to {@link #putCachedData} or
     *         <code>null</code> if the data was not found
     * @throws ClassCastException if the cached data is not assignable to the
     *           specified type
    <T> T getCachedData(String key, Class<T> clazz);

     * Return the interface type of the resource bundle being generated.
    JClassType getClientBundleType();

     * Return the GeneratorContext in which the overall resource generation
     * framework is being run. Implementations of ResourceGenerator should prefer
     * {@link #deploy} over {@link GeneratorContext#tryCreateResource} in order to
     * take advantage of serving optimizations that can be performed by the bundle
     * architecture.
    GeneratorContext getGeneratorContext();

     * Returns the simple source name of the implementation of the bundle being
     * generated. This can be used during code-generation to refer to the instance
     * of the bundle (e.g. via <code>SimpleSourceName.this</code>).
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this method is called during
     *           {@link ResourceGenerator#init} or
     *           {@link ResourceGenerator#prepare} methods.
    String getImplementationSimpleSourceName() throws IllegalStateException;

     * Returns a {@link ClientBundleRequirements} object, which can be used to
     * track deferred-binding and configuration properties that are relevant to a
     * resource context.
    ClientBundleRequirements getRequirements();

     * Store data in the ResourceContext. ResourceGenerators may reduce the amount
     * of recomputation performed by caching data the ResourceContext. This cache
     * will be invalidated when the compiler's TypeOracle is refreshed or
     * replaced. Each ResourceGenerator has an isolated view of the cache.
     * @param <T> the type of data being stored
     * @param key a string key to locate the data
     * @param value the value to store
     * @return <code>true</code> if the cache did not previously contain the
     *         key-value pair
    <T> boolean putCachedData(String key, T value);

     * Indicates if the runtime context supports data: urls. When data URLs are
     * supported by the context, aggregation of resource data into larger payloads
     * is discouraged, as it offers reduced benefit to the application at runtime.
    boolean supportsDataUrls();