Java tutorial
// Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import static; import static java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.codemirror.lib.CodeMirror; import net.codemirror.lib.CodeMirror.BeforeSelectionChangeHandler; import net.codemirror.lib.CodeMirror.GutterClickHandler; import net.codemirror.lib.CodeMirror.LineClassWhere; import net.codemirror.lib.CodeMirror.LineHandle; import net.codemirror.lib.Configuration; import net.codemirror.lib.KeyMap; import net.codemirror.lib.LineCharacter; import net.codemirror.lib.ModeInjector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; public class SideBySide2 extends Screen { private static final KeyMap RENDER_ENTIRE_FILE_KEYMAP = KeyMap.create().on("Ctrl-F", false); interface Binder extends UiBinder<FlowPanel, SideBySide2> { } private static final Binder uiBinder = GWT.create(Binder.class); enum FileSize { SMALL(0), LARGE(500), HUGE(4000); final int lines; FileSize(int n) { this.lines = n; } } @UiField(provided = true) Header header; @UiField(provided = true) DiffTable diffTable; private final Change.Id changeId; private final PatchSet.Id base; private final PatchSet.Id revision; private final String path; private DisplaySide startSide; private int startLine; private DiffPreferences prefs; private CodeMirror cmA; private CodeMirror cmB; private Element columnMarginA; private Element columnMarginB; private HandlerRegistration resizeHandler; private ScrollSynchronizer scrollSynchronizer; private DiffInfo diff; private FileSize fileSize; private ChunkManager chunkManager; private CommentManager commentManager; private SkipManager skipManager; private KeyCommandSet keysNavigation; private KeyCommandSet keysAction; private KeyCommandSet keysComment; private List<HandlerRegistration> handlers; private PreferencesAction prefsAction; private int reloadVersionId; public SideBySide2(PatchSet.Id base, PatchSet.Id revision, String path, DisplaySide startSide, int startLine) { this.base = base; this.revision = revision; this.changeId = revision.getParentKey(); this.path = path; this.startSide = startSide; this.startLine = startLine; prefs = DiffPreferences.create(Gerrit.getAccountDiffPreference()); handlers = new ArrayList<>(6); keysNavigation = new KeyCommandSet(Gerrit.C.sectionNavigation()); header = new Header(keysNavigation, base, revision, path); diffTable = new DiffTable(this, base, revision, path); add(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); addDomHandler(GlobalKey.STOP_PROPAGATION, KeyPressEvent.getType()); } @Override protected void onInitUI() { super.onInitUI(); setHeaderVisible(false); } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); CallbackGroup cmGroup = new CallbackGroup(); CodeMirror.initLibrary(cmGroup.add(CallbackGroup.<Void>emptyCallback())); final CallbackGroup group = new CallbackGroup(); final AsyncCallback<Void> modeInjectorCb = group.add(CallbackGroup.<Void>emptyCallback()); DiffApi.diff(revision, path).base(base).wholeFile().intraline(prefs.intralineDifference()) .ignoreWhitespace(prefs.ignoreWhitespace()).get(cmGroup.addFinal(new GerritCallback<DiffInfo>() { @Override public void onSuccess(DiffInfo diffInfo) { diff = diffInfo; fileSize = bucketFileSize(diffInfo); if (prefs.syntaxHighlighting()) { if (fileSize.compareTo(FileSize.SMALL) > 0) { modeInjectorCb.onSuccess(null); } else { injectMode(diffInfo, modeInjectorCb); } } else { modeInjectorCb.onSuccess(null); } } })); final CommentsCollections comments = new CommentsCollections(); comments.load(base, revision, path, group); RestApi call = ChangeApi.detail(changeId.get()); ChangeList.addOptions(call, EnumSet.of(ListChangesOption.ALL_REVISIONS)); call.get(group.add(new GerritCallback<ChangeInfo>() { @Override public void onSuccess(ChangeInfo info) { info.revisions().copyKeysIntoChildren("name"); JsArray<RevisionInfo> list = info.revisions().values(); RevisionInfo.sortRevisionInfoByNumber(list); diffTable.set(prefs, list, diff); header.setChangeInfo(info); } })); ConfigInfoCache.get(changeId, group.addFinal(new ScreenLoadCallback<ConfigInfoCache.Entry>(SideBySide2.this) { @Override protected void preDisplay(ConfigInfoCache.Entry result) { commentManager = new CommentManager(SideBySide2.this, base, revision, path, result.getCommentLinkProcessor()); setTheme(result.getTheme()); display(comments); } })); } @Override public void onShowView() { super.onShowView(); Window.enableScrolling(false); JumpKeys.enable(false); if (prefs.hideTopMenu()) { Gerrit.setHeaderVisible(false); } resizeHandler = Window.addResizeHandler(new ResizeHandler() { @Override public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) { resizeCodeMirror(); } }); final int height = getCodeMirrorHeight(); operation(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { cmA.setHeight(height); cmB.setHeight(height); cmA.refresh(); cmB.refresh(); } }); setLineLength(prefs.lineLength()); diffTable.refresh(); if (startLine == 0) { DiffChunkInfo d = chunkManager.getFirst(); if (d != null) { if (d.isEdit() && d.getSide() == DisplaySide.A) { startSide = DisplaySide.B; startLine = lineOnOther(d.getSide(), d.getStart()).getLine() + 1; } else { startSide = d.getSide(); startLine = d.getStart() + 1; } } } if (startSide != null && startLine > 0) { int line = startLine - 1; CodeMirror cm = getCmFromSide(startSide); if (cm.lineAtHeight(height - 20) < line) { cm.scrollToY(cm.heightAtLine(line, "local") - 0.5 * height); } cm.setCursor(LineCharacter.create(line)); cm.focus(); } else { cmA.setCursor(LineCharacter.create(0)); cmA.focus(); } if (Gerrit.isSignedIn() && prefs.autoReview()) { header.autoReview(); } prefetchNextFile(); } @Override protected void onUnload() { super.onUnload(); removeKeyHandlerRegistrations(); if (commentManager != null) { CallbackGroup group = new CallbackGroup(); commentManager.saveAllDrafts(group); group.done(); } if (resizeHandler != null) { resizeHandler.removeHandler(); resizeHandler = null; } if (cmA != null) { cmA.getWrapperElement().removeFromParent(); } if (cmB != null) { cmB.getWrapperElement().removeFromParent(); } if (prefsAction != null) { prefsAction.hide(); } Window.enableScrolling(true); Gerrit.setHeaderVisible(true); JumpKeys.enable(true); } private void removeKeyHandlerRegistrations() { for (HandlerRegistration h : handlers) { h.removeHandler(); } handlers.clear(); } private void registerCmEvents(final CodeMirror cm) { cm.on("beforeSelectionChange", onSelectionChange(cm)); cm.on("cursorActivity", updateActiveLine(cm)); cm.on("gutterClick", onGutterClick(cm)); cm.on("focus", updateActiveLine(cm)); cm.addKeyMap(KeyMap.create().on("A", upToChange(true)).on("U", upToChange(false)) .on("[", header.navigate(Direction.PREV)).on("]", header.navigate(Direction.NEXT)) .on("R", header.toggleReviewed()).on("O", commentManager.toggleOpenBox(cm)) .on("Enter", commentManager.toggleOpenBox(cm)).on("C", commentManager.insertNewDraft(cm)) .on("N", maybeNextVimSearch(cm)).on("P", chunkManager.diffChunkNav(cm, Direction.PREV)) .on("Shift-A", diffTable.toggleA()).on("Shift-M", header.reviewedAndNext()) .on("Shift-N", maybePrevVimSearch(cm)).on("Shift-P", commentManager.commentNav(cm, Direction.PREV)) .on("Shift-O", commentManager.openCloseAll(cm)) .on("Shift-Left", moveCursorToSide(cm, DisplaySide.A)) .on("Shift-Right", moveCursorToSide(cm, DisplaySide.B)).on("I", new Runnable() { public void run() { switch (getIntraLineStatus()) { case OFF: case OK: toggleShowIntraline(); break; default: break; } } }).on("','", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }).on("Shift-/", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { new ShowHelpCommand().onKeyPress(null); } }).on("Space", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { CodeMirror.handleVimKey(cm, "<C-d>"); } }).on("Shift-Space", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { CodeMirror.handleVimKey(cm, "<C-u>"); } }).on("Ctrl-F", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { CodeMirror.handleVimKey(cm, "/"); } }).on("Ctrl-A", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { cm.execCommand("selectAll"); } })); if (prefs.renderEntireFile()) { cm.addKeyMap(RENDER_ENTIRE_FILE_KEYMAP); } } private BeforeSelectionChangeHandler onSelectionChange(final CodeMirror cm) { return new BeforeSelectionChangeHandler() { private InsertCommentBubble bubble; @Override public void handle(CodeMirror cm, LineCharacter anchor, LineCharacter head) { if (anchor == head || (anchor.getLine() == head.getLine() && anchor.getCh() == head.getCh())) { if (bubble != null) { bubble.setVisible(false); } return; } else if (bubble == null) { init(anchor); } else { bubble.setVisible(true); } bubble.position(cm.charCoords(head, "local")); } private void init(LineCharacter anchor) { bubble = new InsertCommentBubble(commentManager, cm); add(bubble); cm.addWidget(anchor, bubble.getElement(), false); } }; } @Override public void registerKeys() { super.registerKeys(); keysNavigation.add(new UpToChangeCommand2(revision, 0, 'u')); keysNavigation.add(new NoOpKeyCommand(KeyCommand.M_SHIFT, KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT, PatchUtil.C.focusSideA()), new NoOpKeyCommand(KeyCommand.M_SHIFT, KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT, PatchUtil.C.focusSideB())); keysNavigation.add(new NoOpKeyCommand(0, 'j', PatchUtil.C.lineNext()), new NoOpKeyCommand(0, 'k', PatchUtil.C.linePrev())); keysNavigation.add(new NoOpKeyCommand(0, 'n', PatchUtil.C.chunkNext2()), new NoOpKeyCommand(0, 'p', PatchUtil.C.chunkPrev2())); keysNavigation.add(new NoOpKeyCommand(KeyCommand.M_SHIFT, 'n', PatchUtil.C.commentNext()), new NoOpKeyCommand(KeyCommand.M_SHIFT, 'p', PatchUtil.C.commentPrev())); keysNavigation.add(new NoOpKeyCommand(KeyCommand.M_CTRL, 'f', Gerrit.C.keySearch())); keysAction = new KeyCommandSet(Gerrit.C.sectionActions()); keysAction.add(new NoOpKeyCommand(0, KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER, PatchUtil.C.expandComment())); keysAction.add(new NoOpKeyCommand(0, 'o', PatchUtil.C.expandComment())); keysAction.add(new NoOpKeyCommand(KeyCommand.M_SHIFT, 'o', PatchUtil.C.expandAllCommentsOnCurrentLine())); if (Gerrit.isSignedIn()) { keysAction.add(new KeyCommand(0, 'r', PatchUtil.C.toggleReviewed()) { @Override public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { header.toggleReviewed().run(); } }); } keysAction.add(new KeyCommand(KeyCommand.M_SHIFT, 'm', PatchUtil.C.markAsReviewedAndGoToNext()) { @Override public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { header.reviewedAndNext().run(); } }); keysAction.add(new KeyCommand(0, 'a', PatchUtil.C.openReply()) { @Override public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { upToChange(true).run(); } }); keysAction.add(new KeyCommand(KeyCommand.M_SHIFT, 'a', PatchUtil.C.toggleSideA()) { @Override public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { diffTable.toggleA().run(); } }); keysAction.add(new KeyCommand(0, ',', PatchUtil.C.showPreferences()) { @Override public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) {; } }); if (getIntraLineStatus() == DiffInfo.IntraLineStatus.OFF || getIntraLineStatus() == DiffInfo.IntraLineStatus.OK) { keysAction.add(new KeyCommand(0, 'i', PatchUtil.C.toggleIntraline()) { @Override public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { toggleShowIntraline(); } }); } if (Gerrit.isSignedIn()) { keysAction.add(new NoOpKeyCommand(0, 'c', PatchUtil.C.commentInsert())); keysComment = new KeyCommandSet(PatchUtil.C.commentEditorSet()); keysComment.add(new NoOpKeyCommand(KeyCommand.M_CTRL, 's', PatchUtil.C.commentSaveDraft())); keysComment.add(new NoOpKeyCommand(0, KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE, PatchUtil.C.commentCancelEdit())); } else { keysComment = null; } removeKeyHandlerRegistrations(); handlers.add(GlobalKey.add(this, keysAction)); handlers.add(GlobalKey.add(this, keysNavigation)); if (keysComment != null) { handlers.add(GlobalKey.add(this, keysComment)); } handlers.add(ShowHelpCommand.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() { @Override public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { cmB.focus(); } })); } private void display(final CommentsCollections comments) { setThemeStyles(prefs.theme().isDark()); setShowTabs(prefs.showTabs()); setShowIntraline(prefs.intralineDifference()); if (prefs.showLineNumbers()) { diffTable.addStyleName(; } cmA = newCM(diff.meta_a(), diff.text_a(), DisplaySide.A, diffTable.cmA); cmB = newCM(diff.meta_b(), diff.text_b(), DisplaySide.B, diffTable.cmB); diffTable.overview.init(cmB); chunkManager = new ChunkManager(this, cmA, cmB, diffTable.overview); skipManager = new SkipManager(this, commentManager); columnMarginA = DOM.createDiv(); columnMarginB = DOM.createDiv(); columnMarginA.setClassName(; columnMarginB.setClassName(; cmA.getMoverElement().appendChild(columnMarginA); cmB.getMoverElement().appendChild(columnMarginB); if (prefs.renderEntireFile() && !canEnableRenderEntireFile(prefs)) { // CodeMirror is too slow to layout an entire huge file. prefs.renderEntireFile(false); } operation(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Estimate initial CM3 height, fixed up in onShowView. int height = Window.getClientHeight() - (Gerrit.getHeaderFooterHeight() + 18); cmA.setHeight(height); cmB.setHeight(height); render(diff); commentManager.render(comments, prefs.expandAllComments()); skipManager.render(prefs.context(), diff); } }); registerCmEvents(cmA); registerCmEvents(cmB); scrollSynchronizer = new ScrollSynchronizer(diffTable, cmA, cmB, chunkManager.getLineMapper()); prefsAction = new PreferencesAction(this, prefs); header.init(prefsAction); if (prefs.syntaxHighlighting() && fileSize.compareTo(FileSize.SMALL) > 0) { Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() { @Override public boolean execute() { if (prefs.syntaxHighlighting() && isAttached()) { setSyntaxHighlighting(prefs.syntaxHighlighting()); } return false; } }, 250); } } private CodeMirror newCM(DiffInfo.FileMeta meta, String contents, DisplaySide side, Element parent) { String mode = fileSize == FileSize.SMALL ? getContentType(meta) : null; return CodeMirror.create(side, parent, Configuration.create().set("readOnly", true).set("cursorBlinkRate", 0).set("cursorHeight", 0.85) .set("lineNumbers", prefs.showLineNumbers()).set("tabSize", prefs.tabSize()) .set("mode", mode).set("lineWrapping", false).set("styleSelectedText", true) .set("showTrailingSpace", prefs.showWhitespaceErrors()).set("keyMap", "vim_ro") .set("theme", prefs.theme().name().toLowerCase()).set("value", meta != null ? contents : "") .set("viewportMargin", prefs.renderEntireFile() ? POSITIVE_INFINITY : 10)); } DiffInfo.IntraLineStatus getIntraLineStatus() { return diff.intraline_status(); } boolean canEnableRenderEntireFile(DiffPreferences prefs) { return fileSize.compareTo(FileSize.HUGE) < 0 || (prefs.context() != WHOLE_FILE_CONTEXT && prefs.context() < 100); } String getContentType() { return getContentType(diff.meta_b()); } void setThemeStyles(boolean d) { if (d) { diffTable.addStyleName(; } else { diffTable.removeStyleName(; } } void setShowTabs(boolean b) { if (b) { diffTable.addStyleName(; } else { diffTable.removeStyleName(; } } void setLineLength(int columns) { columnMarginA.getStyle().setMarginLeft(columns * cmA.defaultCharWidth(), Unit.PX); columnMarginB.getStyle().setMarginLeft(columns * cmB.defaultCharWidth(), Unit.PX); } void setShowLineNumbers(boolean b) { cmA.setOption("lineNumbers", b); cmB.setOption("lineNumbers", b); if (b) { diffTable.addStyleName(; } else { diffTable.removeStyleName(; } } void setShowIntraline(boolean b) { if (b && getIntraLineStatus() == DiffInfo.IntraLineStatus.OFF) { reloadDiffInfo(); } else if (b) { diffTable.removeStyleName(; } else { diffTable.addStyleName(; } } private void toggleShowIntraline() { prefs.intralineDifference(!prefs.intralineDifference()); setShowIntraline(prefs.intralineDifference()); prefsAction.update(); } void setSyntaxHighlighting(boolean b) { if (b) { injectMode(diff, new AsyncCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { if (prefs.syntaxHighlighting()) { cmA.setOption("mode", getContentType(diff.meta_a())); cmB.setOption("mode", getContentType(diff.meta_b())); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { prefs.syntaxHighlighting(false); } }); } else { cmA.setOption("mode", (String) null); cmB.setOption("mode", (String) null); } } void setContext(final int context) { operation(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { skipManager.removeAll(); skipManager.render(context, diff); diffTable.overview.refresh(); } }); } private void render(DiffInfo diff) { header.setNoDiff(diff); chunkManager.render(diff); } CodeMirror otherCm(CodeMirror me) { return me == cmA ? cmB : cmA; } CodeMirror getCmFromSide(DisplaySide side) { return side == DisplaySide.A ? cmA : cmB; } LineOnOtherInfo lineOnOther(DisplaySide side, int line) { return chunkManager.getLineMapper().lineOnOther(side, line); } private void clearActiveLine(CodeMirror cm) { if (cm.hasActiveLine()) { LineHandle activeLine = cm.getActiveLine(); cm.removeLineClass(activeLine, LineClassWhere.WRAP,; cm.setActiveLine(null); } } private Runnable updateActiveLine(final CodeMirror cm) { final CodeMirror other = otherCm(cm); return new Runnable() { public void run() { // The rendering of active lines has to be deferred. Reflow // caused by adding and removing styles chokes Firefox when arrow // key (or j/k) is held down. Performance on Chrome is fine // without the deferral. // Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { operation(new Runnable() { public void run() { LineHandle handle = cm.getLineHandleVisualStart(cm.getCursor("end").getLine()); if (cm.hasActiveLine() && cm.getActiveLine().equals(handle)) { return; } clearActiveLine(cm); clearActiveLine(other); cm.setActiveLine(handle); cm.addLineClass(handle, LineClassWhere.WRAP,; LineOnOtherInfo info = lineOnOther(cm.side(), cm.getLineNumber(handle)); if (info.isAligned()) { LineHandle oLineHandle = other.getLineHandle(info.getLine()); other.setActiveLine(oLineHandle); other.addLineClass(oLineHandle, LineClassWhere.WRAP,; } } }); } }); } }; } private GutterClickHandler onGutterClick(final CodeMirror cm) { return new GutterClickHandler() { @Override public void handle(CodeMirror instance, int line, String gutter, NativeEvent clickEvent) { if (clickEvent.getButton() == NativeEvent.BUTTON_LEFT && !clickEvent.getMetaKey() && !clickEvent.getAltKey() && !clickEvent.getCtrlKey() && !clickEvent.getShiftKey()) { if (!(cm.hasActiveLine() && cm.getLineNumber(cm.getActiveLine()) == line)) { cm.setCursor(LineCharacter.create(line)); } Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { commentManager.insertNewDraft(cm).run(); } }); } } }; } private Runnable upToChange(final boolean openReplyBox) { return new Runnable() { public void run() { CallbackGroup group = new CallbackGroup(); commentManager.saveAllDrafts(group); group.done(); group.addListener(new GerritCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { String b = base != null ? String.valueOf(base.get()) : null; String rev = String.valueOf(revision.get()); Gerrit.display(PageLinks.toChange(changeId, b, rev), new ChangeScreen2(changeId, b, rev, openReplyBox)); } }); } }; } private Runnable moveCursorToSide(final CodeMirror cmSrc, DisplaySide sideDst) { final CodeMirror cmDst = getCmFromSide(sideDst); if (cmDst == cmSrc) { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { } }; } final DisplaySide sideSrc = cmSrc.side(); return new Runnable() { public void run() { if (cmSrc.hasActiveLine()) { cmDst.setCursor(LineCharacter .create(lineOnOther(sideSrc, cmSrc.getLineNumber(cmSrc.getActiveLine())).getLine())); } cmDst.focus(); } }; } private Runnable maybePrevVimSearch(final CodeMirror cm) { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (cm.hasVimSearchHighlight()) { CodeMirror.handleVimKey(cm, "N"); } else { commentManager.commentNav(cm, Direction.NEXT).run(); } } }; } private Runnable maybeNextVimSearch(final CodeMirror cm) { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (cm.hasVimSearchHighlight()) { CodeMirror.handleVimKey(cm, "n"); } else { chunkManager.diffChunkNav(cm, Direction.NEXT).run(); } } }; } void updateRenderEntireFile() { cmA.removeKeyMap(RENDER_ENTIRE_FILE_KEYMAP); cmB.removeKeyMap(RENDER_ENTIRE_FILE_KEYMAP); if (prefs.renderEntireFile()) { cmA.addKeyMap(RENDER_ENTIRE_FILE_KEYMAP); cmB.addKeyMap(RENDER_ENTIRE_FILE_KEYMAP); } cmA.setOption("viewportMargin", prefs.renderEntireFile() ? POSITIVE_INFINITY : 10); cmB.setOption("viewportMargin", prefs.renderEntireFile() ? POSITIVE_INFINITY : 10); } void resizeCodeMirror() { int height = getCodeMirrorHeight(); cmA.setHeight(height); cmB.setHeight(height); diffTable.overview.refresh(); } private int getCodeMirrorHeight() { int rest = Gerrit.getHeaderFooterHeight() + header.getOffsetHeight() + diffTable.getHeaderHeight() + 5; // Estimate return Window.getClientHeight() - rest; } void syncScroll(DisplaySide masterSide) { if (scrollSynchronizer != null) { scrollSynchronizer.syncScroll(masterSide); } } private String getContentType(DiffInfo.FileMeta meta) { return prefs.syntaxHighlighting() && meta != null && meta.content_type() != null ? ModeInjector.getContentType(meta.content_type()) : null; } private void injectMode(DiffInfo diffInfo, AsyncCallback<Void> cb) { new ModeInjector().add(getContentType(diffInfo.meta_a())).add(getContentType(diffInfo.meta_b())).inject(cb); } DiffPreferences getPrefs() { return prefs; } ChunkManager getChunkManager() { return chunkManager; } CommentManager getCommentManager() { return commentManager; } SkipManager getSkipManager() { return skipManager; } void operation(final Runnable apply) { cmA.operation(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { cmB.operation(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); } }); } private void prefetchNextFile() { String nextPath = header.getNextPath(); if (nextPath != null) { DiffApi.diff(revision, nextPath).base(base).wholeFile().intraline(prefs.intralineDifference()) .ignoreWhitespace(prefs.ignoreWhitespace()).get(new AsyncCallback<DiffInfo>() { @Override public void onSuccess(DiffInfo info) { new ModeInjector().add(getContentType(info.meta_a())).add(getContentType(info.meta_b())) .inject(CallbackGroup.<Void>emptyCallback()); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } }); } } void reloadDiffInfo() { final int id = ++reloadVersionId; DiffApi.diff(revision, path).base(base).wholeFile().intraline(prefs.intralineDifference()) .ignoreWhitespace(prefs.ignoreWhitespace()).get(new GerritCallback<DiffInfo>() { @Override public void onSuccess(DiffInfo diffInfo) { if (id == reloadVersionId && isAttached()) { diff = diffInfo; operation(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { skipManager.removeAll(); chunkManager.reset(); diffTable.overview.clearDiffMarkers(); setShowIntraline(prefs.intralineDifference()); render(diff); skipManager.render(prefs.context(), diff); } }); } } }); } private static FileSize bucketFileSize(DiffInfo diff) { FileMeta a = diff.meta_a(); FileMeta b = diff.meta_b(); FileSize[] sizes = FileSize.values(); for (int i = sizes.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { FileSize s = sizes[i]; if ((a != null && s.lines <= a.lines()) || (b != null && s.lines <= b.lines())) { return s; } } return FileSize.SMALL; } }