Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Parses airports from FAA Airport Master Record file and adds them to a SQLite database * * * */ public class AviationMasterRecordParser { // Command line options private final static Options OPTIONS = new Options(); private final static String HELP_OPTION = "help"; private final static String AIRPORT_MR_OPTION = "airports"; private final static String RUNWAY_MR_OPTION = "runways"; private final static String IATA_TO_ICAO_OPTION = "iata_to_icao"; private final static String AVIATION_DB_OPTION = "aviation_db"; // Airport data headers private final static String AIRPORT_USE_HEADER = "Use"; // PU, PR private final static String AIRPORT_OWNERSHIP_HEADER = "Ownership"; // PU, PR, MA, MN, MR private final static String AIRPORT_SITE_NUMBER_HEADER = "SiteNumber"; private final static String AIRPORT_LOCATION_ID_HEADER = "LocationID"; private final static String AIRPORT_TYPE_HEADER = "Type"; // AIRPORT, HELIPORT, ... private final static String AIRPORT_CITY_HEADER = "City"; private final static String AIRPORT_FACILITY_NAME_HEADER = "FacilityName"; private final static String AIRPORT_LONGITUDE_HEADER = "ARPLongitudeS"; private final static String AIRPORT_LATITUDE_HEADER = "ARPLatitudeS"; private final static String AIRPORT_STATUS_HEADER = "AirportStatusCode"; // O, CP, CI private final static String AIRPORT_CONTROL_TOWER_HEADER = "ATCT"; private final static String AIRPORT_CTAF_HEADER = "CTAFFrequency"; // Airport property headers private final static String AIRPORT_ELEVATION_HEADER = "ARPElevation"; private final static String AIRPORT_BEACON_COLOR_HEADER = "BeaconColor"; private final static String AIRPORT_FUEL_TYPES_HEADER = "FuelTypes"; private final static String AIRPORT_LANDING_FEE_HEADER = "NonCommercialLandingFee"; private final static String AIRPORT_SEGMENTED_CIRCLE_HEADER = "SegmentedCircle"; private final static String AIRPORT_WIND_INDICATOR_HEADER = "WindIndicator"; private final static String AIRPORT_EFFECTIVE_DATE_HEADER = "EffectiveDate"; /** * Maps airport property headers to user-friendly labels. */ private final static Map<String, String> AIRPORT_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP; // Runway private final static String RUNWAY_SITE_NUMBER_HEADER = "SiteNumber"; private final static String RUNWAY_LETTERS_HEADER = "RunwayID"; private final static String RUNWAY_SURFACE_HEADER = "RunwaySurfaceTypeCondition"; private final static String RUNWAY_LENGTH_HEADER = "RunwayLength"; private final static String RUNWAY_WIDTH_HEADER = "RunwayWidth"; // Runway end private final static String BASE_RUNWAY_END_HEADER_PREFIX = "BaseEnd"; private final static String RECIPROCAL_RUNWAY_END_HEADER_PREFIX = "ReciprocalEnd"; private final static String RUNWAY_END_LETTERS_HEADER_SUFFIX = "ID"; // Runway end properties private final static String RUNWAY_END_REIL_HEADER_SUFFIX = "REIL"; private final static String RUNWAY_END_RIGHT_TRAFFIC_HEADER_SUFFIX = "RightTrafficPattern"; private final static String RUNWAY_END_VASI_HEADER_SUFFIX = "VASI"; private final static String RUNWAY_END_TRUE_ALIGNMENT_HEADER_SUFFIX = "TrueAlignment"; private final static Map<String, String> RUNWAY_END_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP; static { // Command Line options definitions OPTIONS.addOption("h", "help", false, "Print this message."); OPTIONS.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(AIRPORT_MR_OPTION).withDescription("FAA Airport Master Record file.") .hasArg().isRequired().withArgName("airports.xls").create()); OPTIONS.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(RUNWAY_MR_OPTION).withDescription("FAA Runway Master Record file.") .hasArg().isRequired().withArgName("runways.xls").create()); OPTIONS.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(IATA_TO_ICAO_OPTION).withDescription("IATA to ICAO codes text file.") .hasArg().isRequired().withArgName("iata_to_icao.txt").create()); OPTIONS.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt(AVIATION_DB_OPTION).withDescription("FlightMap aviation database") .hasArg().isRequired().withArgName("aviation.db").create()); // Airport property labels AIRPORT_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>(); AIRPORT_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(AIRPORT_BEACON_COLOR_HEADER, "Beacon color"); AIRPORT_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(AIRPORT_CONTROL_TOWER_HEADER, "Control tower"); AIRPORT_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(AIRPORT_EFFECTIVE_DATE_HEADER, "Effective date"); AIRPORT_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(AIRPORT_ELEVATION_HEADER, "Elevation"); AIRPORT_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(AIRPORT_FUEL_TYPES_HEADER, "Fuel types"); AIRPORT_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(AIRPORT_LANDING_FEE_HEADER, "Landing fee"); AIRPORT_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(AIRPORT_SEGMENTED_CIRCLE_HEADER, "Segmented circle"); AIRPORT_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(AIRPORT_WIND_INDICATOR_HEADER, "Wind indicator"); // Runway end property labels RUNWAY_END_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>(); RUNWAY_END_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(RUNWAY_END_REIL_HEADER_SUFFIX, "REIL"); RUNWAY_END_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(RUNWAY_END_RIGHT_TRAFFIC_HEADER_SUFFIX, "Traffic Pattern"); RUNWAY_END_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(RUNWAY_END_VASI_HEADER_SUFFIX, "VASI"); RUNWAY_END_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.put(RUNWAY_END_TRUE_ALIGNMENT_HEADER_SUFFIX, "True Alignment"); } private final AviationDbWriter dbWriter; private final AviationDbReader dbReader; private final String airportSourceFile; private final String runwaySourceFile; private final Map<String, String> iataToIcao; private final Map<String, Integer> siteNumberToId = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); /** * @param airportSourceFile * FAA Form 5010, Airport Master Record file * @param dbFile * Target SQLite filename. Existing data is silently overwritten. */ public AviationMasterRecordParser(final String airportSourceFile, final String runwaySourceFile, final String iataToIcaoFile, final String dbFile) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException { this.airportSourceFile = airportSourceFile; this.runwaySourceFile = runwaySourceFile; dbWriter = new JdbcAviationDbWriter(new File(dbFile));; dbReader = new JdbcAviationDbAdapter(dbWriter.getConnection()); iataToIcao = IcaoUtils.parseIataToIcao(iataToIcaoFile); } /** * Runs FAA Aviation Master Record parser with given command line arguments. */ public static void main(String args[]) { CommandLine line = null; try { final CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); line = parser.parse(OPTIONS, args); } catch (ParseException pEx) { System.err.println(pEx.getMessage()); printHelp(line); System.exit(1); } if (line.hasOption(HELP_OPTION)) { printHelp(line); System.exit(0); } final String airportSourceFile = line.getOptionValue(AIRPORT_MR_OPTION); final String runwaySourceFile = line.getOptionValue(RUNWAY_MR_OPTION); final String iataToIcaoFile = line.getOptionValue(IATA_TO_ICAO_OPTION); final String dbFile = line.getOptionValue(AVIATION_DB_OPTION); try { (new AviationMasterRecordParser(airportSourceFile, runwaySourceFile, iataToIcaoFile, dbFile)).execute(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } /** * Executes (drives) parsing methods * * @throws Exception Something went wrong... */ private void execute() throws Exception { System.out.println("dbWriter.initAndroidMetadataTable();"); dbWriter.initAndroidMetadataTable(); System.out.println("dbWriter.initMetadataTable();"); dbWriter.initMetadataTable(); System.out.println("dbWriter.initConstantsTable();"); dbWriter.initConstantsTable(); System.out.println("addAirportDataToDb();"); addAirportDataToDb(); System.out.println("addRunwayDataToDb();"); addRunwayDataToDb(); System.out.println("rankAirportsInDb();"); rankAirportsInDb(); System.out.println("dbWriter.close();"); dbWriter.close(); } /** * Iterates over all airports and updates their rank according to their properties. Typically, * this should be done after the initial addition of airports with bogus rank (e.g. -1). * * @see #computeAirportRank */ private void rankAirportsInDb() throws SQLException { dbWriter.beginTransaction(); final List<Integer> ids = dbReader.getAllAirportIds(); for (int id : ids) { final Airport airport = dbReader.getAirport(id); final int rank = computeAirportRank(airport); dbWriter.updateAirportRank(id, rank); } dbWriter.commit(); } /** * Returns the rank of an airport on a 0 (minor airport) - 5 (major airport) * scale. Major factors affecting rank include type, runway length, and * surface. * * @return Airport rank, 0 (minor airport) - 5 (major airport) */ private static int computeAirportRank(final Airport airport) { int rank = 0; if (airport.isPublic) { ++rank; } if (airport.isTowered) { ++rank; } if (airport.runways != null) { final int numRunways = airport.runways.size(); if (numRunways > 2) { ++rank; } final Runway longestRunway = airport.runways.first(); final int longestRunwayLength = longestRunway.length; if (longestRunwayLength > 5000) { ++rank; if (longestRunwayLength > 8000) { ++rank; } } } return Math.min(rank, 5); } /** * Parse file and add airport data to the database. */ private void addAirportDataToDb() throws SQLException, IOException { final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(airportSourceFile)); try { String line = in.readLine(); if (line == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Airport Master Record file is empty."); } // Parse first line to determine headers final String[] headers = line.split("\\t"); removeEnclosingQuotes(headers); final IndexedArray<String, String> fields = new IndexedArray<String, String>(headers); dbWriter.initAirportTables(); dbWriter.initAirportCommTable(); dbWriter.beginTransaction(); // Parse airport lines while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { fields.setFields(line.split("\\t")); // icao final String iata = fields.get(AIRPORT_LOCATION_ID_HEADER); final String icao = getIcao(iata); // name String name = fields.get(AIRPORT_FACILITY_NAME_HEADER); name = getAirportNameToDisplay(icao, name); // type String type = fields.get(AIRPORT_TYPE_HEADER); type = StringUtils.capitalize(type.toLowerCase()); // city final String city = fields.get(AIRPORT_CITY_HEADER); // lat, lng final String latitudeS = fields.get(AIRPORT_LATITUDE_HEADER); final String longitudeS = fields.get(AIRPORT_LONGITUDE_HEADER); final LatLng position = LatLngParsingUtils.parseLatLng(latitudeS, longitudeS); // is_open final String status = fields.get(AIRPORT_STATUS_HEADER); final boolean isOpen = "O".equals(status); // is_public final String use = fields.get(AIRPORT_USE_HEADER); final boolean isPublic = "PU".equals(use); // is_towered final String controlTower = fields.get(AIRPORT_CONTROL_TOWER_HEADER); final boolean isTowered = "Y".equals(controlTower); // is_military final String ownership = fields.get(AIRPORT_OWNERSHIP_HEADER); final boolean isMilitary = ownership.startsWith("M"); // cell_id int cellId = CustomGridUtil.getCellId(position); // rank: Insert bogus value, will be replaced in second run final int rank = -1; // Insert in airport db dbWriter.insertAirport(icao, name, type, city,, position.lng, isOpen, isPublic, isTowered, isMilitary, cellId, rank); // Retrieve db id of freshly added airport final int id = dbReader.getAirportIdByIcao(icao); if (id == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not determine db id of airport: " + icao); } // Map SiteNumber to icao code for future reference by runway parser final String siteNumber = fields.tryGet(AIRPORT_SITE_NUMBER_HEADER); siteNumberToId.put(siteNumber, id); // Common traffic advisory frequency. (CTAF) String ctaf = fields.tryGet(AIRPORT_CTAF_HEADER); if (ctaf != null && !ctaf.isEmpty()) { try { // Parse frequency and convert it back to String to eliminate leading/trailing 0s. Double freq = Double.valueOf(ctaf); ctaf = freq.toString(); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Safe to ignore exception here: frequency MAY be not parseable. } dbWriter.insertAirportComm(id, "CTAF", ctaf, null); } // Additional properties // Elevation final String elevation = fields.get(AIRPORT_ELEVATION_HEADER); addAirportProperty(id, AIRPORT_ELEVATION_HEADER, elevation); // Beacon Color final String beaconColor = AirportParsingUtils .parseAirportBeaconColor(fields.tryGet(AIRPORT_BEACON_COLOR_HEADER)); addAirportProperty(id, AIRPORT_BEACON_COLOR_HEADER, beaconColor); // Fuel Types final String fuelTypes = AirportParsingUtils .parseAirportFuelTypes(fields.tryGet(AIRPORT_FUEL_TYPES_HEADER)); addAirportProperty(id, AIRPORT_FUEL_TYPES_HEADER, fuelTypes); // Non-Commercial Landing Fee final String landingFee = AirportParsingUtils .parseBoolean(fields.tryGet(AIRPORT_LANDING_FEE_HEADER)); addAirportProperty(id, AIRPORT_LANDING_FEE_HEADER, landingFee); // Segmented circle final String segmentedCircle = AirportParsingUtils .parseBoolean(fields.tryGet(AIRPORT_SEGMENTED_CIRCLE_HEADER)); addAirportProperty(id, AIRPORT_SEGMENTED_CIRCLE_HEADER, segmentedCircle); // Effective date final String effectiveDate = fields.tryGet(AIRPORT_EFFECTIVE_DATE_HEADER); addAirportProperty(id, AIRPORT_EFFECTIVE_DATE_HEADER, effectiveDate); // Wind indicator final String windIndicator = AirportParsingUtils .parseAirportWindIndicator(fields.tryGet(AIRPORT_WIND_INDICATOR_HEADER)); addAirportProperty(id, AIRPORT_WIND_INDICATOR_HEADER, windIndicator); } dbWriter.commit(); } finally { in.close(); } } /** * Adds a property to an airport. * <p> * Key is an airport property header, and is mapped to a user friendly label. * Both key label and value strings are converted to constants. * If the value string can be parsed as an integer, it is not converted. * * @param id Airport id * @param key Property header * @param value Property value. */ private void addAirportProperty(final int id, final String key, final String value) throws SQLException { if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) { return; } final String label = AIRPORT_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.get(key); dbWriter.insertAirportProperty(id, label, value); } /** * Parse file and add runway data to the database. */ private void addRunwayDataToDb() throws SQLException, IOException { final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(runwaySourceFile)); try { String line = in.readLine(); if (line == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Runway Master Record file is empty."); } // Parse first line to determine headers final String[] headers = line.split("\\t"); removeEnclosingQuotes(headers); final IndexedArray<String, String> fields = new IndexedArray<String, String>(headers); // Initialize db and prepare statements dbWriter.initRunwayTables(); dbWriter.beginTransaction(); // Parse runway lines while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { fields.setFields(line.split("\\t")); // Get corresponding airport final String siteNumber = fields.get(RUNWAY_SITE_NUMBER_HEADER); final Integer airportId = siteNumberToId.get(siteNumber); if (airportId == null) { System.err.println("Could not find airport id for site number: " + siteNumber); continue; } // Insert new runway in db final String letters = fields.get(RUNWAY_LETTERS_HEADER).substring(1); // Remove first ' final int length = Integer.parseInt(fields.get(RUNWAY_LENGTH_HEADER)); final int width = Integer.parseInt(fields.get(RUNWAY_WIDTH_HEADER)); final String surface = AirportParsingUtils.parseRunwaySurface(fields.get(RUNWAY_SURFACE_HEADER)); dbWriter.insertRunway(airportId, letters, length, width, surface); // Retrieve db id of freshly added runway final int runwayId = dbReader.getRunwayId(airportId, letters); if (runwayId == -1) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Could not determine db id of runway %s (airport db id: %d)", letters, airportId)); } // Add runway ends addRunwayEndDataToDb(runwayId, fields); } dbWriter.commit(); } finally { in.close(); } } /** * Inserts both base and reciprocal runway end data in database. */ private void addRunwayEndDataToDb(final int runwayId, final IndexedArray<String, String> fields) throws SQLException { addRunwayEndDataToDb(runwayId, fields, BASE_RUNWAY_END_HEADER_PREFIX); addRunwayEndDataToDb(runwayId, fields, RECIPROCAL_RUNWAY_END_HEADER_PREFIX); } private void addRunwayEndDataToDb(final int runwayId, final IndexedArray<String, String> fields, final String prefix) throws SQLException { // Add runway end to database final String lettersHeader = prefix + RUNWAY_END_LETTERS_HEADER_SUFFIX; final String letters = fields.get(lettersHeader).substring(1); // Remove first char "'" if (letters.isEmpty()) { // Skip runway ends with no letters (heliports) return; } dbWriter.insertRunwayEnd(runwayId, letters); // Retrieve db id of freshly added runway end final int runwayEndId = dbReader.getRunwayEndId(runwayId, letters); if (runwayEndId == -1) { throw new RuntimeException(String .format("Could not determine db id of runway end %s (runway db id: %d)", letters, runwayId)); } // Add runway end properties // True Alignment final String trueAlignmentHeader = prefix + RUNWAY_END_TRUE_ALIGNMENT_HEADER_SUFFIX; final String trueAlignment = fields.tryGet(trueAlignmentHeader); addRunwayEndProperty(runwayEndId, RUNWAY_END_TRUE_ALIGNMENT_HEADER_SUFFIX, trueAlignment); // Runway end identifier lights final String reilHeader = prefix + RUNWAY_END_REIL_HEADER_SUFFIX; final String runwayEndReil = AirportParsingUtils.parseBoolean(fields.tryGet(reilHeader)); addRunwayEndProperty(runwayEndId, RUNWAY_END_REIL_HEADER_SUFFIX, runwayEndReil); // Traffic pattern final String rightTrafficHeader = prefix + RUNWAY_END_RIGHT_TRAFFIC_HEADER_SUFFIX; final String trafficPattern = AirportParsingUtils.parseTrafficPattern(fields.tryGet(rightTrafficHeader)); addRunwayEndProperty(runwayEndId, RUNWAY_END_RIGHT_TRAFFIC_HEADER_SUFFIX, trafficPattern); // Visual glide slope indicators final String vasiHeader = prefix + RUNWAY_END_VASI_HEADER_SUFFIX; final String vasi = AirportParsingUtils.parseVasi(fields.tryGet(vasiHeader)); addRunwayEndProperty(runwayEndId, RUNWAY_END_VASI_HEADER_SUFFIX, vasi); } /** * Adds runway end property. No-op if {@code value} is {@code null} or empty. */ private void addRunwayEndProperty(final int runwayEndId, final String key, final String value) throws SQLException { if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) { return; } final String label = RUNWAY_END_PROPERTIES_LABEL_MAP.get(key); dbWriter.insertRunwayEndProperty(runwayEndId, label, value); } /** * Returns ICAO code correspdonding to {@code iata} is known, else {@code iata} itself. */ private String getIcao(final String iata) { final String knownIcao = iataToIcao.get(iata); return knownIcao == null ? iata : knownIcao; } private static String getAirportNameToDisplay(String airportID, String airportName) { // TODO: Simplify name for display return StringUtils.capitalize(airportName); } private static void printHelp(final CommandLine line) { final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.setWidth(100); formatter.printHelp("AviationMasterRecordParser", OPTIONS, true); } /** * Removes enclosing double quotes from all entries in {@code headers}. * <p> * <pre>[ "\"foo\"", "\"bar\"" ] -> [ "foo", "bar" ]</pre> * * @throws RuntimeException Entry in {@code headers} is not enclosed in quotes. */ private static void removeEnclosingQuotes(final String[] headers) { for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; ++i) { String header = headers[i]; if (!header.matches("\"\\w+\"")) { throw new RuntimeException("No enclosing quotes: " + header); } header = header.substring(1, header.length() - 1); headers[i] = header; } } }